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obseg kvote
51 Pravna redakcija
Če država članica ne uporabi črpanih količin, jih čimprej vrne v ustrezen obseg kvote.
If a Member State does not use the quantities drawn, it shall return them as soon as possible to the corresponding quota volume.
52 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0053
( 1 ) Od 1. januarja 2005, se ta obseg kvote letno poveča za 3 % obsega iz prejšnjega leta.
( 1 ) From 1 January 2005, this quota volume shall be annually increased by 3 % of the volume of the previous year.
53 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0053
( 3 ) Od 1. novembra 2004 se ta obseg kvote letno poveča za 3 % obsega iz prejšnjega kvotnega obdobja.
( 3 ) From 1 November 2004, this quota volume shall be increased annually by 3 % of the volume of the previous quota period.
54 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0053
( 7 ) Od 15. oktobra 2004 se ta obseg kvote letno poveča za 3 % obsega iz prejšnjega kvotnega obdobja.
( 7 ) From 15 October 2004, this quota volume shall be increased annually by 3 % of the volume of the previous quota period.
55 Pravna redakcija
Če Skupnost ne sprejme ukrepov iz odstavka 2 v treh letih, lahko Pridružitveni svet pregleda obseg kvote, določene v odstavku 1.
Where the Community does not adopt measures under paragraph 2 within three years, the Council of Association may review the size of the quota laid down in paragraph 1.
56 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0226
(2) Pri določenih avtonomnih tarifnih kvotah Skupnosti obseg kvote ne zadostuje za pokrivanje potreb industrije Skupnosti v tekočem kvotnem obdobju.
(2) The quota amount for certain autonomous Community tariff quotas is insufficient to meet the needs of the Community industry for the current quota period.
57 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0037
(3) Ta obseg kvote se zmanjša na 5 000 ton neto teže, če celotna količina paradižnikov s poreklom iz Maroka, sproščenih v prosti promet v Skupnosti v obdobju med 1. oktobrom 2003 do 31. maja 2004, presega obseg 191 900 ton neto teže.
(3 )This quota volume shall be reduced to 5 000 tonnes net weight if the total volume of tomatoes originating in Morocco put into free circulation in the Community during the period of 1 October 2003 to 31 May 2004 exceeds the volume of 191 900 tonnes net weight.
58 Pravna redakcija
julija 1993 se odpre carinska kvota v obsegu:
The tariff quota shall be opened form 1 July 1993 for:
59 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R2793
Začetni letni obseg te tarifne kvote je 5.000 ton.
The initial annual volume of this tariff quota shall be 5 000 tonnes.
60 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R2793
letni obseg tarifne kvote in faktor letne rasti (1) (2)
Annual tariff quota volume, and annual growth factor (1) (2)
61 Pravna redakcija
Dovoljenja se izdajo v obsegu kvot, navedenih v členu 1(1) in (2).
Licences shall be issued within the limit of the quotas indicated at Article 1 (1) and (2).
62 Pravna redakcija
" Skupni obseg tarifnih kvot je 69 100 ton v uvoznem letu 2002/03";
`However, the total volume of tariff quotas shall be 69 100 tonnes in the 2002/03 import year.` ;
63 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0037
(4) Ta obseg kvote se zmanjša na 15 000 ton neto teže, če celotna količina paradižnikov s poreklom iz Maroka, sproščenih v prosti promet v Skupnosti v obdobju od 1. oktobra 2004 do 31. maja 2005, presega vsoto obsegov mesečnih tarifnih kvot z zaporedno številko 09.1104, ki velja med obdobjem od 1. oktobra 2004 do 31. maja 2005, in obseg dodatne tarifne kvote z zaporedno številko 09.1112, ki velja med obdobjem od 1. novembra 2004 do 31. maja 2005. Za določitev celotnega uvoženega obsega je dovoljeno največ 1 % odstopanje.
(4 )This quota volume shall be reduced to 15 000 tonnes net weight if the total volume of tomatoes originating in Morocco put into free circulation in the Community during the period of 1 October 2004 to 31 May 2005 exceeds the sum of the volumes of the monthly tariff quotas with order number 09.1104 applicable during the period of 1 October 2004 to 31 May 2005 and the volume of the additional tariff quota with order number 09.1112 applicable during the period of 1 November2004 to 31 May 2005. For the determination of the total imported volume a maximum tolerance of 1 %shall be allowed.
64 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0037
(5) Ta obseg kvote se zmanjša na 25.000 ton neto teže, če celotna količina paradižnikov s poreklom iz Maroka, sproščenih v prosti promet v Skupnosti v obdobju od 1. oktobra 2005 do 31. maja 2006, presega vsoto obsegov mesečnih tarifnih kvot z zaporedno številko 09.1104, ki velja med obdobjem od 1. oktobra 2005 do 31. maja 2006, in obseg dodatne tarifne kvote z zaporedno številko 09.1112, ki velja med obdobjem od 1. novembra 2005 do 31. maja 2006. Za določitev celotnega uvoženega obsega je dovoljeno največ 1 % odstopanje.
(5 )This quota volume shall be reduced to 25 000 tonnes net weight if the total volume of tomatoes originating in Morocco put into free circulation in the Community during the period of 1 October 2005 to 31 May 2006 exceeds the sum of the volumes of the monthly tariff quotas with order number 09.1104 applicable during the period of 1 October 2005 to 31 May 2006 and the volume of the additional tariff quota with order number 09.1112 applicable during the period of 1 November 2005 to 31 May 2006. For the determination of the total imported volume a maximum tolerance of 1 %shall be allowed.
65 Pravna redakcija
- enakovredno znižane kvote dovoljenj, izdanih izven obsega sporazumov,
- equivalent reduction in the quota of licences issued outside the scope of agreements,
66 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0226
Zaporedna številka 09.2935: obseg tarifne kvote je določen na 900.000 ton.
Order number 09.2935: the amount of the tariff quota shall be fixed at 90000 tonnes.
67 Pravna redakcija
Preostali obseg kvotnega obdobja 1999/2000 v skladu z Uredbo (ES) št. 1808/95.
Remaining volume of quota period 1999/2000 in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1808/95.
68 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0226
(a) zaporedna številka 09.2979: obseg tarifne kvote je določen na 800.000 enot;
(a) order number 09.2979: the amount of the tariff quota is fixed at 800000 units;
69 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0226
(b) zaporedna številka 09.2985: obseg tarifne kvote je določen na 600.000 enot.
(b) order number 09.2985: the amount of the tariff quota is fixed at 600000 units.
70 Pravna redakcija
Vsaka država članica zagotovi uvoznikom zadevnih izdelkov enak in trajen dostop do kvot, dokler bilanca obsega kvot to dovoljuje.
Each Member State shall guarantee importers of the products in question equal and continuous access to the quotas in so far as the balance of the quota volumes permits.
71 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R0120
Faktor letne rasti se uporablja od leta 2003 le za obseg osnovne kvote 35.300.000 litrov
The annual growth factor will apply from 2003 to the basic quota volume of 35300000 litres only
72 Pravna redakcija
Letni obseg se zmanjša sorazmerno s številom mesecev, za katere so tarifne kvote odprte.
The annual volumes shall be reduced to a level in proportion to the number of months the tariff quotas are open.
73 Pravna redakcija
Ko obseg uvoza takega proizvoda kvoto preseže, Skupnost uvede carino, ki izhaja iz Sporazuma.
Once the volume of imports of such products exceeds the quota, the Community shall apply the customs duties resulting from the Agreement.
74 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R0975
(a) kvota 52 % letnega obsega z zaporedno številko 09.2005 za uvoz, ki je po poreklu iz Tajske,
(a) a quota of 52 % of the annual volume, with the order number 09.2005, for imports originating in Thailand; and
75 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R0975
(b) kvota 36 % letnega obsega z zaporedno številko 09.2006 za uvoz, ki je po poreklu iz Filipinov,
(b) a quota of 36 % of the annual volume, with the order number 09.2006, for imports originating in the Philippines; and
76 Pravna redakcija
potrebne prilagoditve obsega, obdobij in dajatev kvote, ki izhajajo iz sklepov, ki jih sprejme Svet;
the necessary adaptations of volume, periods and quota duties arising from decisions adopted by the Council;
77 Pravna redakcija
začetni obseg nove tarifne kvote ni manjši od obsega vsake od tarifnih kvot v preteklih dveh letih.
the initial volume of the new tariff quota is not less than each of those of the last two years.
78 Pravna redakcija
Če država članica dobljenih količin ne uporabi, jih mora čim prej vrniti ustreznemu obsegu kvote.
Where a Member State does not use the quantities drawn, it shall return them as soon as possible to the relevant quota volume.
79 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R0975
(c) kvota 11 % letnega obsega z zaporedno številko 09.2007 za uvoz, ki je po poreklu iz Indonezije, in
(c) a quota of 11 % of the annual volume, with the order number 09.2007, for imports originating in Indonesia; and
80 Pravna redakcija
oceno obsega, v katerem na ta uvoz vplivajo kakršne koli kvote, carine ali netarifne trgovinske ovire in
an estimate of the extent to which any quotas, tariffs or non-tariff barriers to trade, affect these imports, and
81 Pravna redakcija
Kadar obseg uvoza teh proizvodov preseže kvote, Skupnost uvede stopnjo carine, ki prevladuje v Sporazumu.
Once the volume of imports of these products exceeds the quotas, the Community shall apply the customs duties prevailing under the Agreement.
82 Pravna redakcija
Za vsako leto od 2002 do 2011 se osnovnemu letnemu obsegu kvote doda določena količina 6.720.000 litrov.
For each year from 2002 to 2011 a set volume of 6720000 litres will be added to the basic annual quota volume.
83 Pravna redakcija
potrebne prilagoditve obsegov, obdobij in carin znotraj kvote, ki izhajajo iz sklepov, ki jih sprejme Svet;
the necessary adaptations of volumes, periods and quota duty arising from decisions adopted by the Council;
84 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R0975
(d) kvota 1 % letnega obsega z zaporedno številko 09.2008 za uvoz, ki je po poreklu iz drugih tretjih držav.
(d) a quota of 1 % of the annual volume, with the order number 09.2008, for imports originating in other third countries.
85 Pravna redakcija
Če zahtevane količine presegajo razpoložljivo bilanco obsega kvote, jih je treba sorazmerno dodeliti zahtevkom.
If the quantities requested exceed the available balance of the quota volume, they shall be allocated in proportion to applications.
86 Pravna redakcija
Takoj ko obseg uvoza takšnih proizvodov preseže kvote, Skupnost uporabi carine, ki veljajo v skladu s Sporazumom.
Once the volume of imports of such products exceeds the quotas, the Community shall apply the customs duties prevailing under the Agreement.
87 Pravna redakcija
Če obseg uvoza enega od izdelkov preseže referenčno količino, Skupnost za zadevni izdelek lahko določi tarifno kvoto, katere obseg je enaka referenčni količini.
Should the volume of imports of one of the products exceed the reference quantity, the Community may make the product in question subject to a tariff quota, the volume of which shall be equal to the reference quantity.
88 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0037
Te določbe bodo veljale za obseg vsake naslednje določene dodatne tarifne kvote, ki se bo uporabljala od 1.11. do 31.5.
These provisions will apply to the volume of each thereafter provided additional tariff quota that will apply from 1.11 to 31.5.
89 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0226
Zato bi bilo treba povečati obseg kvot z veljavnostjo od 1. januarja 2003 ali 1. julija 2003, odvisno od datuma začetka teh kvot, s tem pa tudi predvideti takojšen začetek veljavnosti te uredbe.
Consequently, these quota amounts should be increased with effect from 1 January 2003 or 1 July 2003, depending on the starting date of these quotas, and therefore the immediate entry into force of this Regulation should be envisaged.
90 Pravna redakcija
ker za zagotovitev učinkovitosti skupnega upravljanja teh kvot ni upravičenih ovir za to, da se državam članicam dovoli črpati potrebne količine, ki ustrezajo dejanskemu uvozu, iz obsegov kvot;
whereas, to ensure the efficiency of a common administration of these quotas, there is no reasonable obstacle to authorizing the Member States to draw from the quota-volumes the necessary quantities corresponding to actual imports;
91 Pravna redakcija
Za zagotavljanje učinkovitosti skupnega upravljanja teh kvot ni nobene oviere za to, da se države članice pooblasti, da iz obsegov kvot izvzamejo potrebne količine, ki ustrezajo dejanskim uvozom.
In order to ensure the efficiency of a common administration of these quotas, there is no obstacle to authorising the Member States to draw from the quota volumes the necessary quantities corresponding to actual imports.
92 Pravna redakcija
ker bi morala sklep o odprtju tarifnih kvot pri izvajanju svojih mednarodnih obveznosti sprejeti Skupnost; ker za zagotovitev učinkovitosti skupnega upravljanja teh kvot ni razloga, da se državam članicam ne bi dovolilo črpati iz obsega kvot potrebnih količin, ki ustrezajo dejanskemu uvozu;
Whereas the decision for the opening, in execution of its international obligations, of tariff quotas should be taken by the Community, whereas, to ensure the efficiency of a common administration of these quotas, there is no reason why the Member States should not be authorized to draw from the quota volumes the necessary quantities corresponding to actual imports;
93 Pravna redakcija
ker za zagotavljanje učinkovitega skupnega upravljanja teh kvot ni nobenega razloga preprečiti državam članicam, da bi jih pooblastili za črpanje potrebnih količin iz obsegov kvot, ki ustrezajo dejanskemu uvozu;
whereas, in order to ensure effective common administration of such quotas, there is no reason to prevent Member States from being authorized to draw the necessary quantities which correspond to actual imports from the quota volumes;
94 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0308
Količine, ki niso bile porabljene v kvotnem letu 2003, se prerazporedijo do obsega ali vrednosti, določenih v Prilogi I k tej uredbi.
The quantities not used in the 2003 quota year shall be redistributed up to the limit of the volumes or values set out in Annex I to this Regulation.
95 Pravna redakcija
svojega pregleda letnega gibanja blagovnih tokov za tak proizvod uvede tarifno kvoto Skupnosti, katere obseg je enak priporočljivi količini.
annual review of trade flows which it shall carry out, may make the product in question subject to a Community tariff quota, the volume of which shall be equal to the reference quantity.
96 Pravna redakcija
Za obseg uvoza, ki presega tarifne kvote Skupnosti iz pododstavka 2 odstavka 1 in odstavka 2, Skupnost uvede carine iz skupne carinske tarife.
For the volume of imports in excess of the Community tariff quotas referred to in the second subparagraph of paragraph 1 and in paragraph 2, the Community shall apply the customs duties of the Common Customs Tariff.
97 Pravna redakcija
Države članice uvoznikom zadevnih proizvodov zagotovijo enak in neprekinjen dostop do kvot, dokler stanje obsega ustrezne kvote to omogoča.
Each Member State shall guarantee importers of the products in question equal and continuous access to the quotas as long as the balance of the corresponding quota volume allows.
98 Pravna redakcija
V petem stolpcu pod naslovom "Obseg letnih tarifnih kvot in faktor letne rasti " se vnos pod zaporedno številko 09.1825 zamenja z naslednjim:
In the fifth column, under the title "Annual tariff quota volume, and annual growth factor", the entry corresponding to order number 09.1825 shall be replaced by the following:
99 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R0975
Če pa se ta sprememba ne sprejme tri mesece pred 30. junijem 2005, se veljavnost kvote samodejno podaljša za naslednje leto v obsegu 25 750 ton.
If, however, this revision is not completed three months before the 30 June 2005, the quota shall be automatically extended for a further year for a volume of 25750 tons.
100 Pravna redakcija
Vendar pa ko obseg uvoza takšnih proizvodov preseže tarifne kvote Skupnosti v smislu člena 1(4), Skupnost uporabi carine skupne carinske tarife.
However, once the volume of imports of such products exceeds the Community tariff quotas, within the meaning of Article 1 (4), the Community shall apply the customs duties of the Common Customs Tariff.
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obseg kvote