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ocena upoštevanja
51 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0725
Varnostni uradnik družbe zagotovi, da ocenjevanje varnosti ladje opravijo osebe, ki imajo ustrezno znanje, da ocenijo varnost ladje, v skladu s tem oddelkom in ob upoštevanju smernic iz dela B Kodeksa ISPS.
The company security officer shall ensure that the ship security assessment is carried out by persons with appropriate skills to evaluate the security of a ship, in accordance with this section, taking into account the guidance given in part B of this Code.
52 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
Glede vknjižb nedokončane proizvodnje bi se morala uporabljena cena oceniti z upoštevanjem deleža celotnih proizvodnih stroškov, nastalih do konca obdobja, in osnovne cene podobnega dokončanega proizvoda.
As regards entries of work in progress, the price used should be estimated by applying the fraction of the total production cost incurred by the end of the period to the basic price of a similar finished product.
53 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0030
Ocenjevanje razmerij stroški/učinkovitost ali stroški/koristi pri uvedbi posebnih ukrepov, ob upoštevanju socialno-ekonomskega vpliva ukrepov na uporabnike letališč: letalske operatorje (potnikov in tovora),
3.2. Assessment of the cost/effectiveness or cost/benefit of the introduction of specific measures, taking account of the socio-economic effects of the measures on the users of the airport: operators (passenger and freight);
54 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0725
Ti sporazumi se redno pregledujejo ob upoštevanju pridobljenih izkušenj in kakršnih koli sprememb glede posameznih okoliščin ali ocenjenih groženj za varnost ladij, pristanišč ali poti, ki jih zajema sporazum.
4 Such agreements shall be reviewed periodically, taking into account the experience gained as well as any changes in the particular circumstances or the assessed threats to the security of the ships, the port facilities or the routes covered by the agreement.
55 Končna redakcija
Ob upoštevanju določb Pogodbe, ki se nanašajo na kmetijstvo, in zlasti na tiste iz člena 39, Komisija oceni vse vzroke spornega ravnanja, zlasti višino cen, po katerih se proizvodi iz drugih virov uvažajo na zadevni trg.
With due regard for the provisions of the Treaty relating to agriculture, and in particular those of Article 39, the Commission shall assess all the causes of the practices complained of, in particular the price level at which products from other sources are imported into the market in question.
56 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0725
Ocene varnosti pristanišč se redno pregledujejo in posodabljajo ob upoštevanju spreminjajočih se groženj in/ali manjših sprememb v pristanišču; vedno se pregledajo in posodobijo, kadar pride do večjih sprememb v pristanišču.
The port facility security assessments shall periodically be reviewed and updated, taking account of changing threats and/or minor changes in the port facility, and shall always be reviewed and updated when major changes to the port facility take place.
57 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0035
Obstoj takega tveganja se oceni s postopki ocene tveganja ob upoštevanju značilnosti in funkcije prsti, vrste in koncentracije škodljivih snovi, pripravkov, organizmov ali mikroorganizmov, njihove tveganosti in možnosti razširjanja.
The presence of such risks shall be assessed through risk-assessment procedures taking into account the characteristic and function of the soil, the type and concentration of the harmful substances, preparations, organisms or micro-organisms, their risk and the possibility of their dispersion.
58 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0549
Zmogljivosti celovitega sistema navigacijskih služb zračnega prometa na evropski ravni je treba redno ocenjevati zaradi kontrole učinkovitosti sprejetih ukrepov in sprejetja dodatnih ukrepov z obveznim upoštevanjem visoke ravni varnosti.
The performance of the air navigation services system as a whole at European level should be assessed on a regular basis, with due regard to the maintenance of a high level of safety, to check the effectiveness of the measures adopted and to propose further measures.
59 Končna redakcija
Obstoj takšnega prevladujočega položaja, ki njegovemu imetniku omogoča, da v občutnem obsegu ravna neodvisno od svojih tekmecev in uporabnikov ter končno od porabnikov, se oceni ob upoštevanju vseh elementov na območju EGS in zunaj njega.
The existence of this dominant position, which allows the holder to behave to an appreciable extent independently of its competitors and customers and ultimately of consumers, will be assessed in the light of all elements in the EEC and outside.
60 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0725
Priprava učinkovitega varnostnega načrta ladje mora temeljiti na podrobni oceni vseh vprašanj, povezanih z zaščito ladje, vključno predvsem s podrobnim upoštevanjem fizičnih in obratovalnih značilnosti posamezne ladje, tudi vzorca potovanj.
Preparation of an effective SSP should rest on a thorough assessment of all issues that relate to the security of the ship, including, in particular, a thorough appreciation of the physical and operational characteristics, including the voyage pattern, of the individual ship.
61 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0017
pri naročilu gradenj o bistvenih značilnostih javnih naročil gradenj ali okvirnih sporazumov, ki jih nameravajo skleniti v naslednjih 12 mesecih, katerih ocenjena vrednost je ob upoštevanju določb člena 17 enaka ali večja od praga iz člena 16.
where works are concerned, the essential characteristics of the works contracts or the framework agreements which they intend to award over the following 12 months, whose estimated value is equal to or greater than the threshold specified in Article 16, taking into account the provisions of Article 17.
62 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0723
Predvidena osnovna plača (PS) ob upokojitvi se izračuna iz osnovne plače na dan 31. decembra predhodnega leta in ob upoštevanju stopnje letne rasti plačnih lestvic ter ocenjene letne stopnje rasti zaradi delovne dobe in napredovanja, kakor sledi:
The projected basic salary (PS) at retirement shall be calculated starting from the basic salary at 31 December of the previous year and taking into account the rate of annual increase in the salary scales and the estimated annual rate of increase due to seniority and promotions as follows:
63 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0725
Priprava učinkovitega varnostnega načrta pristanišča bo temeljila na podrobni oceni vseh vprašanj, povezanih z zaščito pristanišča, vključno predvsem s podrobnim upoštevanjem fizičnih in obratovalnih značilnosti posameznega pristanišča.
Preparation of an effective PFSP will rest on a thorough assessment of all issues that relate to the security of the port facility, including, in particular, a thorough appreciation of the physical and operational characteristics of the individual port facility.
64 Končna redakcija
Pred 1. januarjem 2005 Komisija oceni izvajanje tega oddelka in pregleda razdelitev sredstev Skupnosti med države članice, kakor je opredeljeno v Prilogi IV, ob upoštevanju zlasti rasti deleža držav članic pri proizvodnji govejega mesa v Skupnosti.
Before 1 January 2005, the Commission shall evaluate the implementation of this section and examine the distribution of Community funds between Member States as provided for in Annex IV, taking account of, in particular, the development of the Member States shares in Community beef production.
65 Končna redakcija
Dosmrtna izpostavljenost potrošnikov pesticidom iz te direktive prek živilskih proizvodov je bila ponovno ocenjena in ovrednotena v skladu s postopki in praksami Skupnosti, ob upoštevanju smernic, ki jih je objavila Svetovna zdravstvena organizacija8.
The lifetime exposure of consumers to these pesticides in this Directive via food products has been reassessed and evaluated in accordance with Community procedures and practices, taking account of guidelines published by the World Health Organisation(8).
66 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0017
pri javnem naročilu blaga o skupnem obsegu javnih naročil ali okvirnih sporazumov za vsako skupino proizvodov, ki jih nameravajo oddati v naslednjih 12 mesecih, če je skupna ocenjena vrednost ob upoštevanju določb členov 16 in 17 enaka ali večja od 750000 EUR.
where supplies are concerned, the estimated total value of the contracts or the framework agreements by product area which they intend to award over the following 12 months, where the total estimated value, taking into account the provisions of Articles 16 and 17, is equal to or greater than EUR 750000.
67 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 41998A0363
Komisija, po srednjeročnem pregledu indikativnega programa države AKP in ob upoštevanju dejavnikov iz člena 282(4) Konvencije, oceni dejanske potrebe države AKP v smislu finančnih obveznosti do konca obdobja veljavnosti Drugega finančnega protokola h Konvenciji.
Following the mid-term review of an ACP State's indicative programme, and taking into account the factors referred to in Article 282(4) of the Convention, the Commission shall assess the actual needs of the ACP State in terms of financial commitments up to the end of the period of the Second Financial Protocol to the Convention.
68 Končna redakcija
V zvezi s storitvami na splošno ter terminalsko in omrežno opremo Komisija oceni tržno moč zadevnih podjetij in posledice ravnanja podjetij za konkurenco v EGS, ob upoštevanju njihovih medsebojno povezanih dejavnosti in medsebojnega vplivanja med EGS in svetovnimi trgi.
As to services in general as well as terminal and network equipment, the Commission assesses the market power of the undertakings concerned and the result for EEC competition of the undertakings' conduct, taking into account their interrelated activities and interaction between the EEC and world markets.
69 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0018
pri naročanju blaga, o ocenjeni celotni vrednosti naročil ali okvirnih sporazumov glede na področje proizvoda, ki jih nameravajo oddati oziroma skleniti v naslednjih 12 mesecih, če je celotna ocenjena vrednost, ob upoštevanju členov 7 in 9, enaka ali večja od 750000 eurov.
where supplies are concerned, the estimated total value of the contracts or the framework agreements by product area which they intend to award over the following 12 months, where the total estimated value, taking into account Articles 7 and 9, is equal to or greater than EUR 750000.
70 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0437
Vendar je sprejeti pristop, po katerem se reprezentativnost domače prodaje ocenjuje za vsakega izvoznika posebej, skladen z ustaljeno prakso upoštevanja okoliščin in ločenega ugotavljanja rezultatov za vsakega izvoznika, ki tvori del vzorca posebej pred ugotavljanjem končnega izida vzorca.
However, the approach adopted of assessing the representativity of domestic sales for each exporter separately, is consistent with the established practice of considering the circumstances and determining the results of each exporter forming part of a sample separately before determining the overall result for the sample.
71 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0018
pri naročilu storitev, o ocenjeni celotni vrednosti naročil ali okvirnih sporazumov iz vsake kategorije storitev s seznama v Prilogi II A, ki jih nameravajo skleniti v naslednjih 12 mesecih, če je ocenjena celotna vrednost, ob upoštevanju določb iz členov 7 in 9, enaka ali večja od 750000 eurov;
where services are concerned, the estimated total value of the contracts or the framework agreements in each of the categories of services listed in Annex II A which they intend to award over the following 12 months, where such estimated total value, taking into account the provisions of Articles 7 and 9, is equal to or greater than EUR 750000;
72 Končna redakcija
Kjer je to ustrezno, je bila ocenjena in ovrednotena akutna izpostavljenost potrošnikov tem pesticidom prek posameznih živilskih proizvodov, ki utegnejo vsebovati ostanke teh pesticidov v skladu s postopki in prakso Skupnosti, ob upoštevanju smernic, ki jih je objavila Svetovna zdravstvena organizacija.
Where relevant, the acute exposure of consumers to these pesticides via each of the food products that may contain residues of these pesticides has been assessed and evaluated in accordance with Community procedures and practices, taking account of guidelines published by the World Health Organisation.
73 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0017
pri naročilu storitev o ocenjeni skupni vrednosti javnih naročil ali okvirnih sporazumov za vsako kategorijo storitev s seznama v Prilogi XVII A, ki jih nameravajo skleniti v naslednjih 12 mesecih, če je skupna ocenjena vrednost ob upoštevanju določb iz členov 16 in 17 enaka ali večja od 750000 EUR;
where services are concerned, the estimated total value of the contracts or the framework agreements in each of the categories of services listed in Annex XVII A which they intend to award over the following 12 months, where such estimated total value, taking into account the provisions of Articles 16 and 17, is equal to or greater than EUR 750000;
74 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0552
Pri pripravi, sprejemanju in revidiranju izvedbenih pravil glede interoperabilnosti je treba upoštevati ocenjene stroške in koristi tehničnih rešitev, s katerimi jih je mogoče izpolnjevati, zato da se opredeli najbolj funkcionalna rešitev ob upoštevanju vzdrževanja dogovorjene visoke stopnje varnosti.
The preparation, adoption and review of implementing rules for interoperability shall take into account the estimated costs and benefits of technical solutions by means of which they may be complied with, with a view to defining the most viable solution, having due regard to the maintenance of an agreed high level of safety.
75 Končna redakcija
Na podlagi te ocene in z upoštevanjem edinstvene narave naftnega skrilavca ter socialnih in ekonomskih razlogov, ki so vezani na izkop, proizvodnjo in porabo naftnega skrilavca v Estoniji in ob upoštevanju ciljev Skupnosti glede trga električne energije, Komisija Svetu poroča in predloži ustrezna priporočila.
Based on this assessment, with full consideration to the unique character of oil shale and social and economic considerations related to the extraction, production and consumption of oil shale in Estonia, and taking into account the objectives of the Community regarding the electricity market, the Commission shall report to the Council with appropriate recommendations.
76 Končna redakcija
DRUGO: Z1-06-2827
ob upoštevanju vzpostavljenega mednarodnega postopka za dopolnjevanje in pregled ocen populacij ter enoodstotnih mejnih vrednosti za vodne ptice, ki jih je uvedla ramsarska Konvencija o močvirjih, ki so mednarodnega pomena, zlasti kot prebivališča močvirskih ptic, in predvideva, da bo Wetlands International po mednarodnem znanstvenem pregledu in posvetovanju pripravil dopolnitev Ocen populacij vodnih ptic za konferenco pogodbenic Ramsarske konvencije, ki poteka vsaka tri leta;
Noting the established international process for updating and revision of population estimates and ) per cent thresholds for waterbirds established by the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands of International Importance especially as Wildfowl Habitat, which envisages an update of Wetland International` s Waterbird Population Estimates being prepared, following international scientific review and consultation, for each triennial Ramsar Conference of the Parties,
77 Končna redakcija
Za uresničevanje ciljev te pogodbe in z upoštevanjem leta 1998 v smislu člena XII Bruseljske pogodbe se lahko določbe tega člena spremenijo v skladu s členom N(2) na podlagi poročila, ki ga mora Svet leta 1996 predložiti Evropskemu svetu in ki vsebuje oceno doseženega napredka in do takrat pridobljenih izkušenj.
With a view to furthering the objective of this Treaty, and having in view the date of 1998 in the context of Article XII of the Brussels Treaty, the provisions of this Article may be revised as provided for in Article N(2) on the basis of a report to be presented in 1996 by the Council to the European Council, which shall include an evaluation of the progress made and the experience gained until then.
78 Končna redakcija
Za uresničevanje ciljev te pogodbe in z upoštevanjem leta 1998 v smislu člena XII Bruseljske pogodbe se lahko določbe tega člena spremenijo v skladu s členom N(2) na podlagi poročila, ki ga mora Svet leta 1996 predložiti Evropskemu svetu in ki vsebuje oceno doseženega napredka in do takrat pridobljenih izkušenj."
With a view to furthering the objective of this Treaty, and having in view the date of 1998 in the context of Article XII of the Brussels Treaty, the provisions of this Article may be revised as provided for in Article N(2) on the basis of a report to be presented in 1996 by the Council to the European Council, which shall include an evaluation of the progress made and the experience gained until then."
79 Končna redakcija
Medtem ko so sredstva distribucije (in predvsem bodisi od točke do več točk ali od točke do točke) nedvomno še naprej bistvenega pomena, lahko tudi nekatere nove vrste storitev zahtevajo upoštevanje drugih dejavnikov pri ocenjevanju potrebe in sorazmernosti katerega koli ureditvenega pristopa (npr. "šifrirani ali nešifrirani prenos").
Whilst the means of distribution (and notably whether point to multipoint or point to point) clearly remains crucial, some new types of service may also require other factors to be taken into consideration when assessing the necessity and proportionality of any regulatory approach (e.g. "encryption or in the clear").
80 Končna redakcija
Po postopku iz člena 30 Uredbe (EGS) št. 804/68 o skupni ureditvi trga z mlekom in mlečnimi proizvodi oziroma iz ustreznih členov o drugih zadevnih skupnih ureditvah trga se lahko sprejme odločitev, da se zgoraj navedene "orientacijske" količine izrazijo v skladu z zahtevami vsake skupne ureditve trga z upoštevanjem podrobnih pravil za pripravo predhodne ocene iz člena 83.
A decision may be made, in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 30 of Regulation (EEC) No 804/68 on the common organization of the market in milk and milk products or, as the case may, in the corresponding Articles of other common organizations of the market concerned, that the "guide" quantities referred to above shall be expressed in compliance with the requirements of each common organization of the market taking into account the detailed rules for drawing up the forward estimate referred to in Article 83.
81 Končna redakcija
Taka potrditev je potrebna zato, da se omogoči podroben pregled dokumentacije ter da imajo države članice možnost odobriti začasne registracije za fitofarmacevtska sredstva, ki vsebujejo zadevno aktivno snov, ob ustreznem upoštevanju pogojev iz člena 8(1) Direktive in zlasti pogoja, da se naredi podrobna ocena aktivnih snovi in fitofarmacevtskih sredstev glede na zahteve Direktive.
Such confirmation is necessary in order to pursue the detailed examination of the dossier as well as in order to open to Member States the possibility of granting provisional authorisation for plant-protection products containing this active substance in due respect of the conditions laid down in Article 8(1) of the Directive, and in particular the condition to make a detailed assessment of the active substances and the plant-protection products with regard to the requirements of the Directive.
82 Končna redakcija
Taka potrditev je potrebna, da se omogoči podroben pregled dokumentacije in da se državam članicam omogoči odobritev začasnih registracij za fitofarmacevtska sredstva, ki vsebujejo zadevno aktivno snov, ob upoštevanju pogojev iz člena 8(1) Direktive in zlasti pogoja v zvezi s podrobno oceno aktivne snovi in fitofarmacevtskega sredstva glede na zahteve, ki jih je določila Direktiva.
Such confirmation is necessary to permit a detailed examination of the dossier and to allow Member States to grant provisional authorisation for plant protection products containing the active substance concerned while complying with the conditions laid down in Article 8(1) of the Directive and, in particular, the condition relating to the detailed assessment of the active substance and the plant protection product in the light of the requirements laid down by the Directive.
83 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0364
Z Uredbo (ES) št. 70/2001 naj se ne izvzame pomoč, ki se sprosti v obliki predplačila, če ta, izražena v odstotkih upravičenih stroškov, presega najvišjo intenzivnost pomoči, določeno v tej uredbi, in je vračljiva le v primeru uspešnega izida raziskovalnih dejavnosti, kot določa Okvir za državno pomoč za raziskave in razvoj, saj Komisija oceni vračljivo pomoč za vsak posamezni primer, ob upoštevanju predlaganih pogojev za vračilo.
Regulation (EC) No 70/2001 should not exempt aid granted in the form of an advance that, expressed as a percentage of eligible costs, exceeds the aid intensity set in that Regulation and is repayable only in the event of a successful outcome of the research activities as provided for in the Framework for State aid for Research and Development, since the Commission assesses reimbursable aid on a case by case basis, taking into account the proposed conditions of reimbursement.
84 Končna redakcija
Ob upoštevanju posebnih računovodskih pravil, ki jih uporablja Komisija, vsako upravičeno podjetje najkasneje 31. decembra 2006 doseže minimalni letni bruto rezultat poslovanja, ki predstavlja določen odstotek od prometa (10 odstotkov za neintegrirana jeklarska podjetja, 13,5 odstotkov za integrirane jeklarne) in minimalni donos lastnega kapitala 1,5 odstotka od prometa. To se preverja z neodvisnim ocenjevanjem, ki se opravi letno med leti 2003 in 2006, kakor to določa odstavek 14 protokola.
Taking into account the special accounting rules applied by the Commission, each benefiting company shall achieve a minimum annual gross operating result of turnover (10% for non integrated steel undertakings, 13,5% for integrated steel mills) and a minimum return of 1,5% of turnover on own capital no later than 31 December 2006. This shall be verified in the independent evaluation carried out annually between 2003 and 2006, as provided for in paragraph 14 of the Protocol.
85 Končna redakcija
Za primere pod točko (b) je znesek nadomestila enak deležu stroškov, ki jih ima železniško podjetje, ki ni zahtevalo posodobitve zadevne konstrukcije, z odbitkom vseh dodatnih stroškov za spremembe, izvedene na željo železniškega podjetja, in vrednosti vsake ugodnosti, ki jo ima podjetje zaradi izvedenih del, pri čemer se taka ugodnost pri zamenjavi nivojskega križanja z nadvozom ali podvozom oceni ob upoštevanju vsakega nadomestila, ki ga je železniško podjetje že prejelo za to nivojsko križanje;
For cases coming under (b): the amount of the compensation shall be equal to the proportion of the cost borne by the railway undertaking not having requested the modernisation of the structure in question, less any additional costs for modifications made at the request of the railway undertaking and the value of any benefit which the railway undertaking derives from the works carried out; such benefit shall be assessed having regard, where a level crossing is replaced by an overpass or underpass, to any compensation which the railway undertaking has already received in respect of the level crossing;
86 Končna redakcija
s katerim koli novim proizvodom živalskega izvora, namenjenim prehrani ljudi, katerega trženje je država članica dovolila po datumu iz člena 20, se ne sme trgovati ali ga uvažati, dokler ni skladno s členom 15 sprejeta odločitev, če je to potrebno po oceni in ob upoštevanju mnenja Znanstvenega veterinarskega odbora, ustanovljenega po Sklepu 81/651/EGS, o resnični nevarnosti za širjenje nevarnih prenosljivih bolezni, ki bi ga lahko povzročili premiki proizvodov, ne le za vrste, iz katerih je proizvod pridobljen, ampak tudi za druge vrste, ki bi lahko prenašale bolezen, postale središče bolezni ali predstavljale nevarnost za zdravje ljudi,";
"- any new product of animal origin intended for human consumption whose placing on the market in a Member State is authorised after the date provided for in Article 20 may not be the subject of trade or importation until a decision has been taken in accordance with the first paragraph of Article 15 after evaluation, if appropriate in the light of the opinion of the Scientific Veterinary Committee set up by Decision 81/651/EEC, of the real risk of the spread of serious transmissible diseases which could result from movement of the product, not only for the species from which the product originates but also for other species which could carry the disease, become a focus of disease or a risk to human health,";
87 Pravna redakcija
Ta odločitev se prouči in sprejme ob upoštevanju ocen iz člena 6.
This decision shall be considered and made in the light of the assessments referred to in Article 6.
88 Pravna redakcija
Tako ocenitev se mora izvesti v duhu odprtosti in ob upoštevanju vseh zadevnih udeležencev.
Such an assessment should be carried out in a spirit of openness, with respect to all the relevant actors.
89 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1145
Koristi se ocenijo ob upoštevanju posebnih ciljev pomoči in njihovega pričakovanega vpliva.
The benefits shall be assessed taking account of the specific targets of the assistance and its expected impact.
90 Pravna redakcija
informacije, potrebne za oceno upoštevanja pravil o konkurenci, med drugim pravil o državni pomoči;
information needed to assess compliance with competition rules, inter alia rules on State aids;
91 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R2698
Poročila z oceno se ob dolžnem upoštevanju zaupnosti posredujejo odboru MED in Evropskemu parlamentu.
The evaluation reports, with regard for due confidentiality, shall be made available to the MED Committee as well as to the European Parliament.
92 Pravna redakcija
Ustrezni državni organ izda dovoljenje po celoviti oceni ob posebnem upoštevanju zgoraj navedenih vidikov.
The appropriate national authority issues the permit after comprehensive assessment with special consideration of the abovementioned aspects.
93 Pravna redakcija
OB UPOŠTEVANJU Sklepa Sveta OECD z 12. maja 1981 o vzajemnem sprejemanju podatkov za ocenjevanje kemikalij,
HAVING REGARD TO the OECD Council Decision of 12 May 1981 on mutual acceptance of data for the evalutation of chemicals,
94 Pravna redakcija
slednje je treba oceniti z dolžnim upoštevanjem dejstva, da imajo morda uporabljene živali visoko vrednost.
the latter shall be assessed with due regard to the fact that the animals used may be of very high value.
95 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0019
Treba je določiti datum ob upoštevanju časa, ki ga Agencija potrebuje, da oceni vse pravočasno dostavljene vloge.
That date should be fixed taking into account the time needed for the Authority to evaluate all the applications supplied on time.
96 Pravna redakcija
Države članice ob upoštevanju trenutnega znanstvenega in tehničnega znanja ocenijo informacije iz točke 2 dela A in zlasti:
Having regard to current scientific and technical knowledge, Member States shall evaluate the information referred to in Part A, point 2, and in particular:
97 Pravna redakcija
Ta ocena se opravi skladno s Prilogo II ob upoštevanju vpliva na okolje glede na naravo vnešenega organizma in prejemnega okolja.
This assessment shall be conducted in accordance with Annex II taking into account the environmental impact according to the nature of the organism introduced and the receiving environment.
98 Pravna redakcija
Ob upoštevanju pristojnosti bolj specializiranih svetovalnih struktur Skupnosti, posebej tistih, ki so odgovorne za oceno tveganja, je
It is appropriate to adjust the consultative system to the policy requirements in the field of science and technology, in particular the development of a European research area, in full respect of the competencies of more specific Community advisory structures, in particular those responsible for risk assessment.
99 Pravna redakcija
zmanjšanje minimalnih kapitalskih zahtev, navedenih v pododstavku (b) odstavka 1, ob upoštevanju vseh ustreznih monetarnih, davčnih in finančnih ocen, ocen plačilne bilance ter stanja bančnega sistema Rusije.
reducing the minimum capital requirement, mentioned in subparagraph (b) of paragraph 1, taking into consideration all the relevant monetary, fiscal, financial and balance of payments considerations and the state of the banking system of Russia.
100 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R2186
(2) Člen 19(2) Uredbe (ES) št. 1051/2001 predpisuje, da je treba revidirano oceno proizvodnje določiti z upoštevanjem napredovanja pridelka.
(2) Article 19(2) of Regulation (EC) No 1051/2001 provides that the revised production estimate is to be established taking account of the progress of the harvest.
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