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organi mejne kontrole
51 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0136
Tu odtisnite uradni žig mejne kontrolne točke ali pristojnega organa.
Put here the official stamp of the border inspection post or competent authority.
52 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0136
Popolna identifikacija mejne kontrolne točke/pristojnega organa in uradni žig.
Full identification of border inspection post/competent authority and official stamp.
53 Pravna redakcija
Organom mejne kontrole je prepuščena odločitev, ali ima tujec dovolj denarnih sredstev.
In fact, it is at the discretion of border control officials to assess whether the alien has adequate financial means.
54 Pravna redakcija
Mejni kontrolni organi lahko poleg tega kadarkoli opravijo dodatne kontrole, če menijo, da je to potrebno.
Moreover, the border control authorities may at any time carry out additional controls considered necessary.
55 Pravna redakcija
Lahko se pošljejo tudi organom mejne kontrole in drugim organom, ki se ukvarjajo z vprašanji, povezanimi s pravom tujcev.
They can also be sent to the border authorities and to other bodies dealing with questions relating to the law on aliens.
56 Pravna redakcija
Čim bolj uskladijo vsa navodila za organe, ki so odgovorni za kontrolo, in spodbujajo standardno izobraževanje in usposabljanje uradnikov za mejno kontrolo.
They shall as far as possible harmonise the instructions given to the authorities responsible for checks and shall promote standard basic and further training of officers manning checkpoints.
57 Pravna redakcija
Kar zadeva Švico, švicarski organi izvajajo revizije in preverjanja iz odstavka 1 in mejne kontrole iz člena 15.
As regards Switzerland, the Swiss authorities shall carry out the audit and verification procedures provided for in paragraph 1 and the border checks provided for in Article 15.
58 Pravna redakcija
kot pomoč organom, pristojnim za izvajanje mejne kontrole ali kontrole nezakonitega priseljevanja na izstopnih letališčih in izstopnih pristaniščih v tretjih državah.
to assist border authorities or immigration authorities at airports and seaports of departure in third countries.
59 Pravna redakcija
Sklep o razveljavitvi sprejmejo nacionalni upravni kontrolni organi držav pogodbenic, pristojni za izvajanje mejne kontrole.
The decision to cancel the visa is taken by the national administrative authorities responsible for border checks.
60 Pravna redakcija
Trenutno znaša vsota, ki je organom mejne kontrole za osnovo pri preverjanju sredstev za preživljanje, 75 NLG na osebo na dan.
The amount which border control officials take as a basis when verifying means of subsistence is currently NLG 75 per person per day.
61 Pravna redakcija
Če se na mejni kontrolni točki pošiljke izdelkov priglasijo za naknadno pretovarjanje, mora oseba, ki je odgovorna za tovor, obvestiti pristojnega uradnega veterinarja na mejni kontrolni točki ob prispetju in s sredstvi, ki jih določijo pristojni organi, o ocenjenem času za razkladanje pošiljke, o namembni mejni kontrolni točki in, če je to potrebno, o točnem mestu, kjer je pošiljka.
When consignments of products are presented at a border inspection post for subsequent transhipment, the person responsible for the load must notify the official veterinarian responsible at the border inspection post, at the time of arrival and by a means fixed by the competent authority, of the estimated time of unloading of the consignment, the border inspection post of destination, and if necessary the exact location of the consignment.
62 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004D0372
(a) veterinarske službe pristojnega organa odpremo zapečatijo z žigom s serijskimi številkami na mejni kontrolni točki (MKT) vstopa v Skupnost;
(a) the consignment shall be sealed with a serially numbered seal at the border inspection post (BIP) of entry to the Community by the veterinary services of the competent authority;
63 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1295
O tem nemudoma obvestijo organe, odgovorne za mejne kontrole, slednji pa brez odlašanja te podatke posredujejo pristojnim organom drugih držav članic.
They shall immediately inform the authorities responsible for border checks thereof, and the latter shall without any delay forward this information to the competent authorities of the other Member States.
64 Pravna redakcija
Prav tako je nujno, da organi, pristojni za izvajanje mejne kontrole na zunanjih mejah, sistematično preverjajo osebne dokumente in potne listine mladoletnih oseb.
That it is equally imperative that the authorities responsible for border control at the external borders systematically check the identity papers and the travel documents of minors.
65 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0804
Pristojni organ na mejni kontrolni točki v državi članici prihoda izpolni dokument iz Priloge k Odločbi 92/527/EGS z eno od naslednjih izjav, če je to primerno:
The competent authority at the border inspection post in the Member State of arrival shall complete the document referred to in the Annex to Decision 92/527/EEC with one of the following statements as appropriate:
66 Pravna redakcija
Izjemoma se lahko uporabljajo enotni vstopni in izstopni enobarvni žigi, ki so že bili izdelani in razdeljeni organom mejne kontrole, dokler ne bodo zamenjani z novimi.
By way of exception, common entry and exit stamps employing a single colour which have already been manufactured and distributed to the border authorities may be used until they are due to be replaced.
67 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0282
Kadar pošiljka ne prispe, ali pa količinsko ali kakovostno ni povsem ustrezna, pristojni organ, odgovoren za mejno kontrolno točko namembnega kraja, izpolni del 3 CVED.
Where consignments fail to arrive or there is a quantitative or qualitative mismatch, the competent authority responsible for the border inspection post of destination shall complete part 3 of the CVED.
68 Pravna redakcija
zavedajoč se, da mora obstoj skupnega prostora za prost pretok oseb spodbujati sodelovanje med organi, pristojnimi za izvajanje mejne kontrole in za izvajanje predpisov prava tujcev,
Conscious that the existence of a common area for the free movement of persons must serve as an incentive for cooperation between the bodies responsible for border checks and for applying the legislation on foreign nationals, whenever this proves necessary,
69 Pravna redakcija
Vizum se razveljavi na meji {1>*<), postopek razveljavitve vizuma izvedejo kontrolni organi, pristojni za izvajanje mejne kontrole (glej Skupni priročnik, II del, točka 1.4.4) {2>**<2.
The visa shall be cancelled at the border(*) and the procedure carried out by the officers responsible for border controls (see Common Manual II point 1.4.4)(**).
70 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0136
Medtem pošiljka ostane pod nadzorom organov in pod odgovornostjo uradnega veterinarja ali imenovanega uradnega zastopnika na mejni kontrolni točki, ki je opravil veterinarske preglede.
In the meantime the consignment shall remain under the control of the authorities and under the responsibility of the official veterinarian or designated official agent in the border inspection post that has carried out the veterinary controls.
71 Pravna redakcija
ker je v zvezi z iztovarjanjem rib v pristaniščih treba upoštevati odstopanja od nekaterih določb v zvezi z mejnimi kontrolnimi točkami in osebjem, pristojnim za organizacijo nadzora;
Whereas, in relation to the landing of fish in ports, it is necessary to take account of the derogation from certain provisions relating to the border inspection posts and the staff responsible for the organization of the controls;
72 Pravna redakcija
V takem primeru velja glede vstopa prek schengenskega letališča isti postopek, razen tega, da se obvestijo mejni kontrolni organi na mejnem prehodu, kjer mornar vstopi na schengensko ozemlje.
In this case the same procedure applies with respect to entry via a Schengen airport except that the border control authorities of the border crossing point through which the seamen concerned enter Schengen territory, are informed.
73 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0136
To je oseba, opredeljena v členu 2(2)(e) Direktive 97/78/ES, ki je odgovorna za pošiljko, ko se ta predloži mejni kontrolni točki, in daje potrebne izjave pristojnim organom v imenu uvoznika:
This is the person defined in Article 2(2)(e) of Directive 97/78/EC, who is in charge of the consignment when presented to the border inspection post and makes the necessary declarations to the competent authorities on behalf of the importer:
74 Pravna redakcija
Pristojni organ države članice imenuje posebej usposobljenega uradnega zastopnika, ki je pristojen za izvajanje pregledov rib na mejnih kontrolnih točkahv pristaniščih, kjer se ribe iztovarjajo.
The competent authority of a Member State shall designate an official agent, who is specifically trained, to be responsible for the carrying out of checks on fish in border inspection posts located in ports where fish is unloaded.
75 Pravna redakcija
Država članica, ki odpošilja meso navedeno v členu 8(a), iz obrata ali mejne kontrolne točke, ki jo je odobrila Skupnost, s svojega ozemlja čez ozemlje Združenega kraljestva ali v obrat, odobren v skladu s členom 9, zagotovi, da meso spremlja veterinarsko spričevalo, ki ga izda uradni veterinar, ali spričevalo, ki ga izda pristojni organ mejne kontrolne točke.
A Member State which dispatches meat as referred to in Article 8(a) from an establishment or Community approved border inspection post in its territory through the territory of the United Kingdom or to an establishment approved in accordance with Article 9 shall ensure that the meat is accompanied by a veterinary certificate issued by an official veterinarian or the certificate issued by the competent authority of the border inspection post.
76 Pravna redakcija
V izjemnih primerih lahko vizum za kratkoročno prebivanje in tranzitni vizum izda organ mejne kontrole v skladu s pogoji, opredeljenimi v peti točki drugega dela Skupnega priročnika o zunanjih mejah.
In exceptional cases, short-stay or transit visas may be issued at the border, pursuant to the conditions defined in part II, point 5 of the Common Manual on External Borders.
77 Pravna redakcija
Kontrolni organ, pristojen za izvajanje mejne kontrole, lahko omeji veljavnost enotnega vizuma, če ugotovi, da tujec nima dovolj sredstev za preživljanje za čas, ki ga je prvotno nameraval prebiti v državi.
The border control officer may also decide to shorten the length of validity of a uniform visa if it is established that the alien does not have adequate means of support for the initially intended duration of the stay.
78 Pravna redakcija
To izjavo je treba predložiti pristojnim organom na mejni kontrolni točki v kraju prvega vstopa blaga v Skupnost, ki jo opremijo z uradnim zaznamkom, in mora nato spremljati pošiljko do oleokemijskega obrata.
This declaration must be presented to, and annotated by, the competent authority at the border inspection post at the first point of entry of the goods into the Community, and thereafter accompany the consignment up to the oleochemical plant.
79 Pravna redakcija
Na podlagi prikritega evidentiranja se lahko pri mejni kontroli in raznih policijskih ter carinskih preverjanjih v notranjosti države v celoti ali delno zbirajo in posredujejo razpisnemu organu naslednje informacije:
For the purposes of discreet surveillance, all or some of the following information may be collected and communicated to the authority issuing the alert when border checks or other police and customs checks are carried out within the country:
80 Pravna redakcija
Pred sprostitvijo pošiljk v prosti pretok znotraj Skupnosti morajo pristojni organi vzorčiti uvozne pošiljke predelanih živalskih beljakovin na mejni kontrolni točki, za zagotovitev skladnosti z zahtevami iz odstavka 10 poglavja I. Pristojni organi morajo:
Before consignments are released for free circulation within the Community, the competent authority must sample imports of processed animal protein at the border inspection post to ensure compliance with the requirements of Chapter I, paragraph 10. The competent authority must:
81 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0136
Uradni veterinar ali oseba, odgovorna za tovor, obvesti carinske organe mejne kontrolne točke o veterinarskem dovoljenju za pošiljko, kakor je predvideno v odstavku 1, tako da predloži izvirnik SVVD ali z elektronskimi sredstvi.
The official veterinarian or the person responsible for the load shall notify the customs authorities for the border inspection post of the veterinary clearance of the consignment as provided for in paragraph 1 by submitting the original of the CVED, or by electronic means.
82 Pravna redakcija
Ladjar ali ladijski zastopnik obvesti organe mejne kontrole v omenjenem schengenskem vstopnem pristanišču o vstopu mornarjev, ki potrebujejo vizum in so se izkrcali in bodo zapustili schengensko ozemlje prek schengenskega letališča.
The shipping company or agency informs the border control authorities in the said Schengen port of the entry of seamen subject to visa requirements who are signing off and will leave
83 Pravna redakcija
Ladjar ali ladijski zastopnik obvesti organe mejne kontrole v schengenskem pristanišču, kjer je ladja zasidrana ali kamor bo priplula, da bodo mornarji, ki potrebujejo vizum, vstopili na schengensko ozemlje prek schengenskega letališča.
The shipping company or agency informs the border control authorities in the Schengen port where the ship is berthed or expected, that seamen subject to visa requirements are due to enter via a Schengen airport.
84 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0804
Za žive mehkužce, njihove ikre in gamete mora pristojni organ na mejni kontrolni točki v državi članici prihoda izpolniti dokument iz Priloge k Odločbi 92/527/EGS z eno od izjav, določenih v Prilogi IV te odločbe, če je to primerno.
In the case of live molluscs, their eggs and gametes, the competent authority at the border inspection post in the Member State of arrival shall complete the document referred to in the Annex to Decision 92/527/EEC with one of the statements laid down in Annex IV in this Decision as appropriate.
85 Pravna redakcija
Ladjar ali ladijski zastopnik obvesti organe mejne kontrole v zgoraj navedenih schengenskih pristaniščih o vstopu mornarjev, ki potrebujejo vizum in ki se bodo izkrcali ter zapustili schengensko ozemlje prek drugega schengenskega pristanišča.
The shipping company or agency informs the border control authorities in the abovementioned Schengen port, of the entry of seamen subject to visa requirements who are due to sign off and who will leave Schengen territory via another Schengen port.
86 Pravna redakcija
vse države pogodbenice, ki bodo dobile takšen zahtevek, se zavezujejo, da bodo informacije, ki se nanašajo na odobritev tranzita, za njegovo učinkovito olajšanje poslale organom mejne kontrole na mejni prehod, prek katerega bo tranzit potekal;
under these conditions, all the requested Parties undertake to forward the information relating to the approved transit to the border control officials where the transit is to take place, so that it may be facilitated effectively,
87 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0282
Uradni veterinar, uvoznik ali oseba, odgovorna za tovor, uradno obvesti carinske organe, pristojne za mejno kontrolno točko, o veterinarski odločbi, sprejeti v zvezi s pošiljko, s predložitvijo izvirnika CVED, ali s pošiljanjem tega z elektronsko pošto.
The official veterinarian, the importer or the person responsible for the load shall then notify the customs authorities for the border inspection post of the veterinary decision taken on the consignment, by presenting the original of the CVED, or by sending it electronically.
88 Pravna redakcija
Mejni kontrolni organi čim prej preverijo, ali so podatki, ki sta jih sporočila ladjar ali njegov ladijski zastopnik, točni in se prepričajo, ali so izpolnjeni drugi pogoji iz Skupnega priročnika za vstop na schengensko ozemlje, ki jih je mogoče preveriti.
the said border control authorities verify as soon as possible the accuracy of the elements communicated by the shipping company or its agent and ascertain whether the other conditions, referred to in the Common Manual and which they are able to check, for entering Schengen territory have been satisfied.
89 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0804
Izjave glede živih mehkužcev, njihovih iker in gamet, namenjenih za nadaljnje gojenje, vzrejo, ponovno nasaditev ali prehrano ljudi v Evropski skupnosti, ki jih izda pristojni organ na mejni kontrolni točki za dopolnitev dokumenta iz Priloge k Odločbi 92/527/EGS
Statements as regard live molluscs, their eggs and gametes intended for further growth, fattening, relaying or human consumption in the European Community to be issued by the competent authority at the border inspection post to complete the document referred to in the Annex to Decision 92/527/EEC
90 Pravna redakcija
Navedeni mejni kontrolni organi čim prej preverijo, ali so podatki, ki sta jih sporočila ladjar ali njegov ladijski zastopnik točni in se prepričajo, ali so izpolnjeni drugi pogoji, ki jih je mogoče preeveriti vSkupnem priročniku za vstop na schengensko ozemlje.
the said border control authorities verify as soon as possible whether the information provided by the shipping company or agency is correct and examine whether the other conditions, referred to in the Common Manual and which they are able to check, for entry into Schengen territory have been satisfied.
91 Pravna redakcija
ker bo računalniško omrežje ob upoštevanju člena 4(2) Direktive 90/425/EGS, člena 4(5) Direktive Sveta 90/675/EGS z dne 10. decembra 1990 o določitvi načel, ki urejajo organizacijo veterinarskih pregledov proizvodov, ki vstopajo v Skupnost iz tretjih držav (3), in obveznosti, ki jih bodo morale izpolnjevati mejne kontrolne točke, pristojne za preglede živih živali, ki prihajajo iz tretjih držav, morala povezati centralne organe držav članic, določene lokalne oblasti in mejne kontrolne točke;
Whereas, having regard to Article 4 (2) of Directive 90/425/EEC, Article 4 (5) of Council Directive 90/675/EEC of 10 December 1990 laying down the principles governing the organization of veterinary checks on products entering the Community from third countries (3) and the obligations which will be imposed on the border inspection posts responsible for inspecting live animals arriving from third countries, the computerized network will have to link the central authorities of Member States, the designated local authorities and the border inspection posts;
92 Pravna redakcija
Za izvajanje druge alinee odstavka 1 je osnova za opravljanje naključnih pregledov celotno število pošiljk, ki gre preko mejnega prehoda in je predloženo carinski službi ali drugim kontrolnim organom v določenem obdobju, ne pa celotno število blaga, ki predstavlja posamezno pošiljko.
For the purposes of implementing the second indent of paragraph 1, the basis for carrying out random checks shall be the total number of consignments passing through a frontier post and presented to a customs office or other inspection authority during a given period, and not the total number of goods making up each consignment.
93 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0396
Poostriti ukrepe za boj proti piratstvu in ponarejanju, zlasti s krepitvijo mejnih kontrol, večjo usklajenost carinske uprave, policije in sodstva glede izvrševanja pravic intelektualne in industrijske lastnine ter zagotavljanje ustreznega usposabljanja izvršnih organov, vključno s sodniki in tožilci.
Intensify measures to combat piracy and counterfeiting in particular through strengthening border controls, improving coordination between the customs, police and judiciary on enforcement of intellectual and industrial property rights and ensuring proper training of enforcement bodies, including judges and prosecutors.
94 Pravna redakcija
Ker Sklep Sveta 1999/438/ES z dne 20. maja 1999 o skupnem nadzornem organu, ustanovljenem na podlagi člena 115 Konvencije o izvajanju schengenskega sporazuma z dne 14. junija 1985 o postopni odpravi mejnih kontrol na skupnih mejah, podpisane 19. junija 1990 6, nadomešča ta sklep, naj bi se razveljavil z dnem začetka uporabe tega sklepa.
Since Council Decision 1999/438/EC of 20 May 1999 concerning the joint supervisory authority set up under Article 115 of the Convention applying the Schengen Agreement of 14 June 1985, on the gradual abolition of checks at common borders, signed on 19 June 1990 (6), is superseded by this Decision, it should be repealed as from the date on which this Decision becomes applicable.
95 Pravna redakcija
o ustanovitvi sekretariata za skupne nadzorne organe za varstvo podatkov, ustanovljene s Konvencijo o ustanovitvi Evropskega policijskega urada (Konvencijo o Europolu), Konvencijo o uporabi informacijske tehnologije za carinske namene in Konvencijo o izvajanju schengenskega sporazuma o postopni odpravi mejnih kontrol na skupnih mejah (Schengensko konvencijo)
establishing a secretariat for the joint supervisory data-protection bodies set up by the Convention on the Establishment of a European Police Office (Europol Convention), the Convention on the Use of Information Technology for Customs Purposes and the Convention implementing the Schengen Agreement on the gradual abolition of checks at the common borders (Schengen Convention)
96 Pravna redakcija
Pri mejnih prehodih in carinskih službah iz odstavka 1 in pod pogoji, ki jih določijo države članice, pristojni organi držav članic na podlagi posebne, utemeljene prošnje, ki se jim predloži v času uradnih ur, poskrbijo, da se kontrole in formalnosti izjemoma izvajajo zunaj uradnih ur, pod pogojem, da se, kjer je to ustrezno, takšne storitve plačajo."
For the frontier posts and customs services referred to in paragraph 1, and under the conditions laid down by Member States, the competent authorities of the Member States shall provide, if specifically requested during business hours and for sound reasons, for inspections and formalities to be carried out, as an exception, outside business hours, on condition that, where relevant, payment be made for services so rendered.
97 Pravna redakcija
Schengenski informacijski sistem omogoča organom, ki jih imenujejo pogodbenice, dostop do razpisov ukrepov za osebe in premoženje s postopkom avtomatskega preiskovanja za namene mejnih kontrol in drugih policijskih in carinskih kontrol, ki se izvajajo v notranjosti države v skladu z nacionalno zakonodajo in, pri posebnih vrstah razpisov ukrepa iz člena 96, za namene izdaje vizumov, dovoljenj za prebivanje in izvajanja zakonodaje o tujcih v smislu uporabe določb te konvencije v zvezi s pretokom oseb.
The Schengen Information System shall enable the authorities designated by the Contracting Parties, by means of an automated search procedure, to have access to alerts on persons and property for the purposes of border checks and other police and customs checks carried out within the country in accordance with national law and, in the case of the specific category of alerts referred to in Article 96, for the purposes of issuing visas, residence permits and the administration of legislation on aliens in the context of the application of the provisions of this Convention relating to the movement of persons.
98 Pravna redakcija
Ne glede na določbe člena 1 mora biti raven in organizacija fizičnih pregledov, ki jih mora izvajati vsaka od držav članic, pri vstopu na njeno ozemlje na kateri koli mejni kontrolni točki ali mejnem prehodu pošiljk svežega govejega mesa, tudi drobovine, razen mesa bizonov z drobovino vred, ki prihajajo ali s poreklom iz Združenih držav Amerike, naslednja:
Notwithstanding the provisions of Article 1, the level and organisation of physical checks to be carried out by each Member State, on entry into its territory at any border inspection or crossing point, on consignments of fresh bovine meat including offal, other than bison meat including offal, coming from or originating in the United States of America shall be as follows:
99 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004D0201
Razlog za to je, da mora SIS, kakor je določeno v členu 92 Schengenske konvencije, omogočiti organom, ki jih določijo države članice, dostop do razpisov ukrepov za osebe in premoženje s postopkom avtomatskega preiskovanja za namene mejnih kontrol in drugih policijskih in carinskih kontrol, ki se izvajajo v notranjosti države v skladu z nacionalno zakonodajo in za namene izdaje vizumov, dovoljenj za prebivanje in izvajanja zakonodaje o tujcih v smislu uporabe določb Schengenskega pravnega reda o pretoku oseb.
The reason for this is that, as set out in Article 92 of the Schengen Convention, the SIS is to enable the authorities designated by the Member States, by means of an automated search procedure, to have access to alerts on persons and property for the purposes of border checks and other police and customs checks carried out within the country in accordance with national law, as well as for the purposes of issuing visas, residence permits and the administration of legislation on aliens in the context of the application of the provisions of the Schengen acquis relating to the movement of persons.
100 Pravna redakcija
Razlikovati je treba med razveljavitvijo vizuma in zavrnitvijo vstopa v državo, pri zavrnitvi vstopa v državo kontrolni organi, odgovorni za izvajanje mejne kontrole, vizuma ne razveljavijo, ampak imetniku vizuma zavrnejo vstop na državno ozemlje držav pogodbenic zato, ker nima veljavnih dokumentov, na podlagi katerih bi bilo mogoče utemeljiti namen njegovega prebivanja v državi.
Cancellation is not the same as refusal of admission, a procedure whereby the border control officers do not cancel the visa but refuse the holder entry to their territory, for example because the latter lacks the documents to justify the purpose of the stay.
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organi mejne kontrole