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parlamentarni odbori
51 Pravna redakcija
Parlamentarni odbor za sodelovanje sestavljajo člani Evropskega parlamenta na eni strani in člani uzbeškega parlamenta na drugi strani.
The Parliamentary Cooperation Committee shall consist of Members of the European Parliament, on the one hand, and of Members of the Uzbek Parliament, on the other.
52 Pravna redakcija
Skupni parlamentarni odbor EGP, ustanovljen s členom 95 Sporazuma, se oblikuje in deluje v skladu z določbami Sporazuma in tega statuta.
The EEA Joint Parliamentary Committee established by Article 95 of the Agreement shall be constituted and function in accordance with the provisions of the Agreement and this Statute.
53 Pravna redakcija
Pridružitveni parlamentarni odbor sestavljajo člani Evropskega parlamenta na eni strani in člani romunskega parlamenta na drugi strani.
The Association Parliamentary Committee shall consist of members of the European Parliament, on the one hand, and of members of the Romanian Parliament, on the other.
54 Pravna redakcija
Konferenca predsednikov je organ, pristojen za sestavo in pristojnosti odborov in začasnih preiskovalnih odborov ter skupnih parlamentarnih odborov, stalnih delegacij in »ad hoc« delegacij.
The Conference of Presidents shall be the authority responsible for the composition and competence of committees and temporary committees of inquiry and of joint parliamentary committees, standing delegations and ad hoc delegations.
55 Pravna redakcija
Parlamentarni odbor za sodelovanje sestavljajo člani Evropskega parlamenta na eni strani in člani kirgiškega parlamenta na drugi strani.
The Parliamentary Cooperation Committee shall consist of members of the European Parliament, on the one hand, and of members of the Kyrgyz Parliament, on the other.
56 Pravna redakcija
Parlamentarni odbor za sodelovanje sestavljajo člani Evropskega parlamenta na eni strani in člani ukrajinskega parlamenta na drugi strani.
The Parliamentary Cooperation Committee shall consist of members of the European Parliament, on the one hand, and of members of the Ukrainian Parliament, on the other.
57 Pravna redakcija
Parlamentarni odbor za sodelovanje sestavljajo člani Evropskega parlamenta na eni strani in člani kazahstanskega parlamenta na drugi strani.
The Parliamentary Cooperation Committee shall consist of members of the European Parliament, on the one hand, and of members-of the Kazakh Parliament, on the other.
58 Pravna redakcija
Komisar, pristojen za točko, ki se obravnava v parlamentarnem odboru, je praviloma navzoč na zasedanju ustreznega odbora, če je tja povabljen.
As a general rule, the Commissioner responsible for an item under consideration in a parliamentary committee shall be present at the relevant committee meeting, when invited.
59 Pravna redakcija
Parlamentarni odbor za sodelovanje sestavljajo člani Evropskega parlamenta na eni strani in člani Zvezne skupščine Ruske federacije na drugi.
The Parliamentary Cooperation Committee shall consist of members of the European Parliament, on the one hand, and of members of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, on the other.
60 Pravna redakcija
Parlamentarni odbor za sodelovanje sestavljajo člani Evropskega parlamenta na eni strani in člani azerbajdžanskega parlamenta na drugi strani.
The Parliamentary Cooperation Committee shall consist of members of the European Parliament, on the one hand, and of members of the Azerbaijani Parliament, on the other.
61 Pravna redakcija
Parlamentarnemu odboru za sodelovanje izmenično predsedujeta Evropski parlament in uzbeški parlament v skladu z določbami njegovega poslovnika.
The Parliamentary Cooperation Committee shall be presided in turn by the European Parliament and the Uzbek Parliament respectively, in accordance with the provisions to be laid down in its rules of procedure.
62 Pravna redakcija
Parlamentarnemu odboru za sodelovanje izmenično predsedujeta Evropski parlament in kirgiški parlament v skladu z določbami njegovega poslovnika.
The Parliamentary Cooperation Committee shall be presided in turn by the European Parliament and the Kyrgyz Parliament respectively, in accordance with the provisions to be laid down in its rules of procedure.
63 Pravna redakcija
Sestava delegacije Evropskega parlamenta v skupnem parlamentarnem odboru se določi istočasno in pod enakimi pogoji, kot veljajo za stalne odbore.
The composition of European Parliament delegations to joint parliamentary committees shall be established at the same time and under the same conditions as for standing committees.
64 Pravna redakcija
Parlamentarnemu odboru za sodelovanje izmenično predsedujeta Evropski parlament in ukrajinski parlament v skladu z določbami njegovega poslovnika.
The Parliamentary Cooperation Committee shall be presided in turn by the European Parliament and the Ukrainian Parliament respectively, in accordance with the provisions to be laid down in its rules of procedure.
65 Pravna redakcija
Pridružitvenemu parlamentarnemu odboru v skladu z določbami njegovega poslovnika izmenično predsedujeta Evropski parlament in romunski parlament.
The Association Parliamentary Committee shall be presided in turn by each the European Parliament and the Romanian Parliament, in accordance with the provisions to be laid down in its rules of procedure.
66 Pravna redakcija
Pridružitvenemu parlamentarnemu odboru v skladu z določbami njegovega poslovnika izmenično predsedujeta Evropski parlament in bolgarski parlament.
The Parliamentary Cooperation Committee shall be presided in turn by the European Parliament and the Georgian Parliament respectively, in accordance with the provisions to be laid down in its rules of procedure.
67 Pravna redakcija
Parlamentarnemu odboru za sodelovanje izmenično predsedujeta Evropski parlament in kazahstanski parlament v skladu z določbami njegovega poslovnika.
The Parliamentary Cooperation Committee shall be presided in turn by the European Parliament and the Kazakh Parliament respectively, in accordance with the provisions to be laid down in its rules of procedure.
68 Pravna redakcija
Politični dialog na parlamentarni ravni poteka v okviru Stabilizacijsko-pridružitvenega parlamentarnega odbora, ustanovljenega na podlagi člena 114.
Political dialogue at parliamentary level shall take place within the framework of the Stabilisation and Association Parliamentary Committee established under Article 114.
69 Pravna redakcija
Parlamentarni odbor za sodelovanje sestavljajo člani Evropskega parlamenta na eni strani in člani državnega zbora Republike Armenije na drugi strani.
The Parliamentary Cooperation Committee shall consist of Members of the European Parliament, on the one hand, and of Members of the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia, on the other.
70 Pravna redakcija
Parlamentarnemu odboru za sodelovanje izmenično predsedujeta Evropski parlament in azerbajdžanski parlament v skladu z določbami njegovega poslovnika.
The Parliamentary Cooperation Committee shall be presided in turn by the European Parliament and the Azerbaijani Parliament respectively, in accordance with the provisions to be laid down in its rules of procedure.
71 Pravna redakcija
Evropski parlament lahko ustanovi skupne parlamentarne odbore s parlamenti pridruženih držav ali držav, s katerimi so bila začeta pogajanja o pristopu.
The European Parliament may set up joint parliamentary committees with the parliaments of States associated with the Community or States with which accession negotiations have been initiated.
72 Pravna redakcija
Priporočila parlamentarnih odborov za drugo obravnavo so enakovredna obrazložitvi, s katero odbor utemeljuje svoje stališče do skupnega stališča Sveta.
The recommendations for second readings submitted by parliamentary committees are equivalent to an explanatory statement in which the committee justifies its position in relation to the Council's common position.
73 Pravna redakcija
Parlamentarnemu odboru za sodelovanje izmenično predsedujeta Evropski parlament in državni zbor Republike Armenije v skladu z določbami njegovega poslovnika.
The Parliamentary Cooperation Committee shall be presided in turn by the European Parliament and the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia respectively, in accordance with the provisions to be laid down in its rules of procedure.
74 Pravna redakcija
Evropski parlament lahko nato uporabi postopek, po katerem se lahko uporaba člena 8 Sklepa 1999/468/ES v ustreznem roku prenese na pristojni parlamentarni odbor.
The European Parliament may then use a procedure whereby application of Article 8 of Decision 1999/468/EC, within the relevant time-limit, may be delegated to the parliamentary committee responsible.
75 Pravna redakcija
Kadar navzočnost člana Komisije na zasedanju parlamentarnega odbora ni izrecno zahtevana, Komisija zagotovi, da jo zastopa pristojni uradnik visokega položaja.
Where the presence of a Member of the Commission is not explicitly required at a parliamentary committee meeting, the Commission shall ensure that it is represented by a competent official at a senior level.
76 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1480
Poročilo o zgrešenem upravljanju javnih sredstev, Posebni odbor za parlamentarno inšpekcijo upravljanja z javnimi sredstvi, Velika nacionalna stranka, november 2002.
Public Fund Mismanagement Report, Special Committee on Parliamentary Inspection of Public Fund Administration, Grand National Party, November 2002.
77 Pravna redakcija
Pridružitveni parlamentarni odbor sestavljajo člani Evropskega parlamenta na eni strani in člani Čilskega nacionalnega kongresa (Congreso Nacional de Chile) na drugi.
The Association Parliamentary Committee shall consist of members of the European Parliament, on the one hand, and of members of the Chilean National Congress (Congreso Nacional de Chile), on the other.
78 Pravna redakcija
Parlamentarnemu odboru za sodelovanje izmenično predsedujeta član Evropskega parlamenta in član Zvezne skupščine Ruske federacije v skladu z določbami poslovnika Odbora.
The Parliamentary Cooperation Committee shall be presided over in turn by a member of the European Parliament and a member of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation respectively, in accordance with the provisions to be laid down in its rules of procedure.
79 Pravna redakcija
Evropski parlament lahko nato ravna v skladu s postopkom, po katerem lahko izvajanje člena 8 Odločbe št. 1999/468/ES v določenem roku prenese na pristojni parlamentarni odbor.
The European Parliament may then use a procedure whereby application of Article 8 of Decision 1999/468/EC, within the relevant time limit, may be delegated to the parliamentary committee responsible.
80 Pravna redakcija
Stabilizacijsko-pridružitveni parlamentarni odbor sestavljajo člani Evropskega parlamenta na eni strani in člani parlamenta Nekdanje jugoslovanske republike Makedonije na drugi.
The Stabilisation and Association Parliamentary Committee shall consist of members of the European Parliament, on the one hand, and of Members of the Parliament of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, on the other.
81 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32001R0257
Komisija bo posredovala informacijo o svojem okvirnem programu odboru člena 7 ('Odbor MED') in skupnemu parlamentarnemu odboru ter skupnemu ekonomsko-socialnemu odboru EU in Turčije.
The Commission shall pass information on its indicative programme to the committee referred to in Article 7 (`MED Committee` ) and to the joint parliamentary committee and the EU-Turkey joint economic and social committee.
82 Pravna redakcija
Komisija prek ustreznega parlamentarnega odbora in po potrebi na plenarnem zasedanju redno in izčrpno obvešča Evropski parlament o nadaljnjem poteku in zaključku mednarodnih pogajanj.
The Commission shall keep the European Parliament, through the relevant parliamentary committee and, where appropriate, at a plenary sitting, regularly and fully informed of the subsequent conduct and conclusion of international negotiations.
83 Pravna redakcija
Zaupni podatki, poslani v skladu s postopki iz točke 2.2 in po potrebi točke 2.3, se na odgovornost predsednika ali člana Komisije pošljejo parlamentarnemu odboru, ki je podal zahtevo.
Confidential information forwarded in accordance with the procedures set out in point 2.2. and, where appropriate, point 2.3. above shall be forwarded, on the responsibility of the President or of a Member of the Commission, to the parliamentary body which submitted the request.
84 Pravna redakcija
o postopkih glede kršitev in postopkih v zvezi s konkurenco so izvzete iz te priloge, če na dan prejema zahteve enega izmed parlamentarnih odborov še ni bil izdan dokončni sklep Komisije.
Information on infringement procedures and procedures relating to competition, in so far as they are not covered by a final Commission decision on the date when the request from one of the parliamentary bodies is received, shall be excluded from this Annex.
85 Pravna redakcija
Pridružitveni parlamentarni odbor lahko od Pridružitvenega sveta zahteva ustrezne informacije v zvezi z izvajanjem tega sporazuma in Pridružitveni Svet odboru zagotovi zahtevane informacije.
The Association Parliamentary Committee may request of the Association Council relevant information regarding the implementation of this Agreement, and the Association Council shall supply the Committee with the requested information.
86 Pravna redakcija
Pridružitveni parlamentarni odbor lahko od Pridružitvenega sveta zahteva ustrezne informacije v zvezi z izvajanjem tega sporazuma, Pridružitveni svet pa zahtevane informacije nato predloži odboru.
The Association Parliamentary Committee may request relevant information regarding the implementation of this Agreement from the Association Council, which shall then supply the Committee with the requested information.
87 Pravna redakcija
Stabilizacijsko-pridružitvenemu parlamentarnemu odboru izmenično predsedujeta Evropski parlament in Parlament Nekdanje jugoslovanske republike Makedonije v skladu z določbami v njegovem poslovniku.
The Stabilisation and Association Parliamentary Committee shall be chaired in turn by the European Parliament and the Parliament of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, in accordance with the provisions to be laid down in its rules of procedure.
88 Pravna redakcija
Izvolitev članov delegacij Evropskega parlamenta v skupne parlamentarne odbore in določitev sestave predsedstev teh delegacij potekata v skladu s postopkom, določenim za medparlamentarne delegacije.
The election of the members of European Parliament delegations to joint parliamentary committees and the constitution of the bureaux of these delegations shall take place in accordance with the procedure laid down for interparliamentary delegations.
89 Pravna redakcija
Na začetku vsakega parlamentarnega obdobja konferenca predsednikov odloča o utemeljenih zahtevah parlamentarnih odborov in drugih institucij za ponovni začetek ali nadaljevanje obravnave navedenih zadev.
At the beginning of each parliamentary term the Conference of Presidents shall take a decision on reasoned requests from parliamentary committees and other institutions to resume or continue the consideration of such matters.
90 Pravna redakcija
omejeni dostop do podatkov za vse člane pristojnega parlamentarnega odbora v skladu z ustreznimi možnimi načini, po možnosti tako, da se dokumenti po preučitvi poberejo in da fotokopiranje ni dovoljeno;
restricted access to information for all members of the relevant parliamentary committee in accordance with the appropriate arrangements, possibly with the documents being collected after they have been studied and a ban on the making of copies;
91 Pravna redakcija
Na začetku vsakega parlamentarnega mandata konferenca predsednikov odloča o obrazloženih zahtevah parlamentarnih odborov in drugih institucij za ponovni začetek ali nadaljevanje obravnave navedenih zadev.
At the beginning of each parliamentary term, the Conference of Presidents shall take a decision on reasoned requests from parliamentary committees and other institutions to resume or continue the consideration of such matters.
92 Pravna redakcija
Pridružitvenemu parlamentarnemu odboru izmenično predsedujeta predstavnik Evropskega parlamenta in predstavnik Čilskega nacionalnega kongresa (Congreso Nacional de Chile) v skladu z določbami njegovega poslovnika.
The Association Parliamentary Committee shall be chaired in turn by a representative of the European Parliament and a representative of the Chilean National Congress (Congreso Nacional de Chile), in accordance with the provisions to be laid down in its rules of procedure.
93 Pravna redakcija
Kadar bistvene spremembe vplivajo na posameznega komisarja (denimo dodelitev povsem novega resorja ali pomembnega sklopa novih pristojnosti), zadevni član na zahtevo ustreznega parlamentarnega odbora nastopi pred njim.
In the case of substantial changes affecting an individual Commissioner (such as the assignment of an entirely new portfolio or an important set of new responsibilities), he or she shall appear before the relevant parliamentary committee at its request.
94 Pravna redakcija
razprava v pristojnem parlamentarnem odboru, zaprta za javnost, v skladu z možnimi načini, ki se lahko razlikujejo glede na stopnjo zaupnosti in v skladu z načeli, navedenimi v Prilogi VII poslovnika Evropskega parlamenta;
discussion in the relevant parliamentary committee, meeting in camera, in accordance with arrangements which may vary by virtue of the degree of confidentiality involved and in accordance with the principles set out in Annex VII to the European Parliament's Rules of Procedure;
95 Pravna redakcija
Po sprejetju obrazložene resolucije Evropskega parlamenta pristojni član Komisije obvesti Evropski parlament ali po potrebi pristojni parlamentarni odbor o ukrepu, ki ga Komisija namerava sprejeti na podlagi omenjene resolucije.
Following adoption by the European Parliament of a resolution setting out the grounds on which it is based, the Member of the Commission responsible is to inform the European Parliament or, where appropriate, the parliamentary committee responsible, of the action the Commission intends to take thereon.
96 Pravna redakcija
če se zaradi pomembnih razlogov in po posvetovanju s kolegijem odloči, da ne bo sprejela ali podprla takih predlogov, obrazloži svojo odločitev pred Evropskim parlamentom ali na naslednji seji pristojnega parlamentarnega odbora.
should it decide, on important grounds and following examination by the College, not to adopt or support such amendments, it shall explain its decision before the European Parliament, or in the next meeting of the relevant parliamentary committee.
97 Pravna redakcija
Telesa Evropskega parlamenta, predvsem odbori, sodelujejo z enakovrednimi telesi parlamentarne skupščine Sveta Evrope na področjih, ki so v njihovem skupnem interesu, zlasti da bi povečali učinkovitost in preprečili podvajanje dela.
Parliament's bodies, particularly the committees, shall cooperate with their counterparts at the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe in fields of mutual interest, with the aim in particular of improving the efficiency of their work and avoiding duplication of effort.
98 Pravna redakcija
Pridružitveni svet sprejme vse potrebne ukrepe za olajšanje sodelovanja in stikov med Evropskim parlamentom in parlamentarnimi institucijami Kraljevine Maroko ter med Ekonomsko-socialnim odborom Skupnosti in ustreznim organom v Kraljevini Maroko.
The Association Council shall take all appropriate measures to facilitate cooperation and contacts between the European Parliament and the parliamentary institutions of the Kingdom of Morocco, and between the Economic and Social Committee of the Community and its counterpart in the Kingdom of Morocco.
99 Pravna redakcija
Vsako leto pred prvim branjem osnutka proračuna za naslednje finančno leto Parlament obravnava težave, ki nastajajo pri izvrševanju tekočega proračuna, kjer je to primerno na podlagi predloga resolucije, ki ga vloži pristojni parlamentarni odbor.
Each year it shall, however, consider, before the first reading of the draft budget for the following financial year, the problems involved in the implementation of the current budget, where appropriate on the basis of a motion for a resolution tabled by its committee responsible.
100 Pravna redakcija
Začasni preiskovalni odbor preneha obstajati s predložitvijo svojega poročila v roku, določenem ob njegovi ustanovitvi, ali najkasneje po izteku obdobja, ki ne sme biti daljše od dvanajstih mesecev od dneva ustanovitve, vsekakor pa ob koncu parlamentarnega mandata.
The temporary committee of inquiry shall cease to exist on the submission of its report within the time limit laid down when it was set up, or at the latest upon expiry of a period not exceeding twelve months from the date when it was set up, and in any event at the close of the parliamentary term.
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parlamentarni odbori