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51 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31992L0022
ker mora usklajen postopek homologacije sestavnega dela za varnostna stekla omogočati vsaki državi potrjevanje skladnosti z zahtevami glede izdelave in preskušanja ter obveščanje drugih držav članic o takih potrditvah s pošiljanjem kopije certifikata o homologaciji sestavnega dela za vsak tip varnostnega stekla;
Whereas by means of a harmonized procedure for the component type-approval of safety glazing, each Member State shall be able to confirm compliance with common requirements relating to manufacture and testing and to inform the other Member States of any such confirmation by forwarding a copy of the component type-approval certificate drawn up for each type of safety glazing;
52 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R2042
Potrditveno osebje kategorije C zagotavlja skladnost z odstavkom (i) in da je vse delo, ki ga zahteva stranka, zaključeno med kontrolo določenega vzdrževanja v bazi ali nabora del in tudi ovrednoti vpliv vsakega dela, ki ni bilo opravljeno, z namenom zahtevati njegovo zaključitev ali se dogovoriti z operatorjem, da se to delo odloži do druge določene kontrole ali časovnega roka.
The category C certifying staff shall ensure that compliance with paragraph (i) has been met and that all work required by the customer has been accomplished during the particular base maintenance check or work package, and shall also assess the impact of any work not carried out with a view to either requiring its accomplishment or agreeing with the operator to defer such work to another specified check or time limit.
53 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000D0447
Komisija mora med dvema postopkoma potrjevanja skladnosti proizvoda po členu 13(3) Direktive 89/106/EGS izbrati "najmanj zahteven postopek, ki je skladen z varnostnimi zahtevami". To pomeni, da je treba odločiti, ali je za neki proizvod ali družino proizvodov obstoj sistema kontrole proizvodnje, za katerega je odgovoren proizvajalec, potreben in zadosten pogoj za potrditev skladnosti ali pa je zaradi izpolnjevanja meril iz člena 13(4) potrebno vključiti priglašen certifikacijski organ.
The Commission is required to select, between the two procedures under Article 13(3) of Directive 89/106/EEC for attesting the conformity of a product, the "least onerous possible procedure consistent with safety", This means that it is necessary to decide whether, for a given product or family of products, the existence of a factory production control system under the responsability of the manufacturer is a necessary and sufficient condition for an attestation of conformity, or whether, for reasons related to compliance with the criteria mentioned in Article 13(4), the intervention of an approved certification body is required.
54 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002R1592
Certifikat tipa in potrditev sprememb takšnega certifikata tipa in dodatni certifikati tipa se izdajo, ko vlagatelj zahteve dokaže, da proizvod ustreza osnovam za certifikacijo tipa iz člena 15, določenim za zagotovitev skladnosti z bistvenimi zahtevami iz odstavka 1, in kadar proizvod nima nobenih značilnosti ali lastnosti, ki bi vplivale na varnost njegove uporabe.
The type-certificate, and certification of changes to that type-certificate, including supplemental type-certificates, shall be issued when the applicant has shown that the product complies with a type-certification basis as specified in Article 15, established to ensure compliance with the essential requirements referred to in paragraph 1, and when it has no feature or characteristic making it unsafe for operation.
55 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31988L0076
"8.1 Za homolgacijo in potrditev skladnosti - vozil razen vozil kategorije M1, - osebnih vozil kategorije M1 za prevoz več kot šestih potnikov vključno z voznikom ali katerih največja tehnično dovoljena masa ne presega 2500 kg, - terenskih vozil, kakor so opredeljena v Prilogi I k Direktivi 70/156/EGS, spremenjeni z Direktivo 87/403/EGS1, veljajo od 1. oktobra 1989 za nove tipe vozil in od 1. oktobra 1990 za prvič registrirana vozila mejne vrednosti, navedene v tabelah v točki (homologacija) in (preverjanje skladnosti) Direktive 70/220/EGS, nazadnje spremenjene z Direktivo 83/351/EGS.
For the type-approval and verification of conformity of - vehicles other than those of category M1, - passenger vehicles of category M1 designed to carry more than six occupants including the driver or whose maximum mass exceeds 2 500 kg, - off-road vehicles as defined in Annex I to Directive 70/156/EEC as last amended by Directive 87/403/EEC , the limit values shown in the tables in sections (type-approval) and (conformity check) of Directive 70/220/EEC, as last amended by Directive 83/351/EEC, are applicable as from 1 October 1989 in the case of new vehicle types and from 1 October 1990 in the case of vehicles entering into service for the first time.
56 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000L0070
Države članice ukrenejo vse potrebno za zagotovitev, da bodo priglašeni organi, ki so po členu 16 Direktive 93/42/EGS odgovorni za oceno skladnosti, upoštevali vse relevantne podatke v zvezi z lastnostmi in zmogljivostjo takih pripomočkov, vključno z in zlasti rezultate kakršnih koli preskusov in potrditev, ki bi bili v zvezi s takimi pripomočki že opravljeni po predhodno obstoječih nacionalnih zakonih in drugih predpisih.
Member States shall take the necessary action to ensure that the notified bodies which are responsible pursuant to Article 16 of Directive 93/42/EEC for conformity assessment take account of all relevant information regarding the characteristics and performance of such devices, including in particular the results of any tests and verification already carried out under pre-existing national law, regulations or administrative provisions in respect of such devices.
57 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R0358
tehničnih specifikacij, pravil ali kodeksov ravnanja glede tistih vrst varnostnih naprav, za katere na ravni Skupnosti ne obstajajo tehnične specifikacije, klasifikacijski sistemi, pravila, postopki ali kodeksi ravnanja, usklajeni v skladu z zakonodajo Skupnosti o prostem pretoku blaga, ter postopki za oceno varnostnih naprav in potrditev njihove skladnosti s takimi specifikacijami, pravili ali kodeksi ravnanja,
technical specifications, rules or codes of practice concerning those types of security devices for which there do not exist at Community level technical specifications, classification systems, rules, procedures or codes of practice harmonised in line with Community legislation covering the free movement of goods, and procedures for assessing and approving the compliance of security devices with such specifications, rules or codes of practice,
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