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pregled vrste
51 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0601
Plovilom, pregledanim v skladu z odstavkom 1, se v skladu z ohranjevalnimi ukrepi CCAMLR ne dovoli raztovarjanje ali pretovarjanje nobenih vrst rib, ki jih hranijo na krovu, razen če ne dokažejo, da so bile ribe ujete v skladu s temi ukrepi in zahtevami Konvencije.
Vessels inspected pursuant to paragraph 1 shall not be allowed to land or tranship any fish species subject to CCAMLR conservation measures which it may be holding on board except where the vessel establishes that the fish were caught in compliance with such measures and the requirements under the Convention.
52 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31982L0714
Naslednji podatki morajo biti na kontejnerjih jasno čitljivi in neodstranljivo označeni: nazivni delovni pritisk, pritisk, pod katerim je shranjeno gasilno sredstvo, leto izdelave in leto zadnjega inšpekcijskega pregleda, in tudi vrsta in količina gasilnega sredstva;
The following information must be marked in a clearly legible and indelible manner on the containers: nominal operating pressure, pressure under which the extinguishing agent is kept, year of manufacture and year of the last inspection as well as the type and quantity of extinguishing agent;
53 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0552
Organ in osebje, odgovorno za preglede, morata opravljati preglede z največjo možno profesionalno integriteto in največjo možno tehnično usposobljenostjo ter ne smeta biti pod pritiskom ali deležna spodbud, zlasti finančne vrste, ki bi lahko vplivali na njuno presojo ali rezultate njunega inšpekcijskega dela, zlasti s strani oseb ali skupin oseb, na katere vplivajo rezultati njunih pregledov.
The body and the staff responsible for the checks must carry out the checks with the greatest possible professional integrity and the greatest possible technical competence and must be free of any pressure and incentive, in particular of a financial type, which could affect their judgment or the results of their inspection, in particular from persons or groups of persons affected by the results of the checks.
54 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999L0096
Pogoji za preverjanje sprejemljivosti preskusov ETC (glej Prilogo III, Dodatek 2, točko 3.9) pri merjenju emisij motorjev, ki za gorivo uporabljajo plin, glede na mejne vrednosti iz vrstice A, se ponovno pregledajo in po potrebi spremenijo v skladu s postopkom iz člena 13 Direktive 70/156/EGS.
((The conditions for verifying the acceptability of the ETC tests (see Annex III, Appendix 2, section 3.9) when measuring the emissions of gas fuelled engines against the limit values applicable in row A shall be re-examined and, where necessary, modified in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 13 of Directive 70/156/EEC.))
55 Končna redakcija
DRUGO: Z1-06-2827
zahteva, da strokovni odbor sporazuma v tesnem sodelovanju s sekretariatom sporazuma in po posvetovanjih z ustreznimi organi Konvencije o varstvu selitvenih vrst prosto živečih živali pregleda razvoj sporazuma ob vključitvi dodatnih vrst vodnih ptic in vrst, ki se tradicionalno štejejo za morske ptice, ter da prednost vrstam iz razpredelnic 2 in 3 dokumenta AEWA/MOP 2.9, razširi razpredelnico 3 na vrste iz vse Afrike in zlasti preuči, v kolikšni meri področje uporabe obstoječega akcijskega načrta obravnava različne probleme ohranjanja pri ujedah, pticah pevkah in drugih taksonomskih skupinah, ki so vezane na mokrišča;
Requests the Technical Committee of the Agreement, in close cooperation with the Agreement Secretariat and in close consultation with the relevant bodies of the Convention on Migratory Species, to review further development of the Agreement by including additional species of wetland birds and species traditionally considered to be seabirds, looking in the first instance at the species listed in Table 2 and Table 3 of AEWA/MOP2.9, expanding Table 3 to species from the whole of Africa, and considering, in particular, the extent to which the existing Action Plan is adequate in its scope to address differing conservation problems faced by birds of prey, passerines and other taxonomic groups using wetlands;
56 Končna redakcija
Države članice zagotovijo, da se za osnovno seme in certificirano seme vseh vrst, ki je bilo uradno potrjeno in zapečateno, kot je predpisano v tej direktivi, ne uporabljajo nobene tržne omejitve glede lastnosti semena, ureditve pregledov, označevanja in pečatenja, razen omejitev, določenih v tej direktivi.
The Member States shall ensure that basic seed and certified seed of all kinds which have been officially certified and whose containers have been officially marked and sealed as prescribed in this Directive are subject to no marketing restrictions as regards their characters, examination arrangements, marking and sealing other than those laid down in this Directive.
57 Končna redakcija
Poleg klasifikacij, predpisanih z uredbami vlade, uporablja državna statistika vrsto drugih klasifikacij, ki so predpisane kot statistični standard z metodološkimi navodili Za boljšo preglednost in uporabo klasifikacij je Statistični urad RS razvil tehnično rešitev v strežniku klasifikacij , imenovanem KLASJE .
In addition to classifications prescribed by Government decrees, national statistics uses other classifications prescribed as statistical standards with methodological guidelines. For better transparency and usage of classifications, SORS has developed the technical solution in the classification server named KLASJE .
58 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002D0731
postopek pregleda vrste (modul SB), naveden v Prilogi E k tej TSI, za fazo projektiranja in razvoja v kombinaciji bodisi s postopkom zagotovljanja kakovosti proizvodnje (modul SD), navedenem v Prilogi E k tej TSI, za proizvodno fazo bodisi s postopkom preverjanja proizvodov (modul SF), navedenim v Prilogi E k tej TSI, bodisi
the type-examination procedure (module SB) indicated in Annex E to this TSI for the design and development phase in combination with either the production quality assurance procedure (module SD) indicated in Annex E to this TSI for the production phase or the product verification procedure (module SF) indicated in Annex E to this TSI, or
59 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0668
V korist preglednosti zakonodaje Skupnosti je treba v bližnji prihodnosti te sezname prečistiti in združiti s seznami držav, iz katerih je državam članicam dovoljeno uvažati proizvode različnih živalskih vrst, ki so že uveljavljene v zakonodaji Skupnosti za namene javnozdravstvenega varstva in zdravstvenega varstva živali.
In the interests of clarity of Community legislation, those lists should in the near future be consolidated and combined with the lists of countries from which Member States are authorised to import products of various animal species which are already established under Community legislation for public health and animal health purposes.
60 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31976R1416
V ta namen uradniki, katerih delo pregleduje Revizijski odbor, zlasti: (a) omogočijo dostop do svoje gotovine v blagajni ter predložijo vsakršno drugo gotovino, vrednostne papirje ter vse vrste sredstev in dokazil, s katerimi upravljajo in za katere so zadolženi, ter tudi vse knjige, popise in druge dokumente, ki se na to nanašajo,
To this end, the officials whose operations are inspected by the Audit Board shall in particular: (a) make available their cash in hand, and present any other cash, securities and all types of assets, and the supporting documents in respect of their stewardship, with which they are entrusted, and also any books, registers and other documents relating thereto;
61 Končna redakcija
Stroške administrativnih preverjanj in zdravniških pregledov, opazovanj, zdravniških obiskov in vseh vrst preverjanj, potrebnih za dodelitev, prejemanje ali ponovno ugotavljanje dajatev, povrne nosilec, v imenu katere so bila preverjanja opravljena, drugemu nosilcu, ki je bil zato odgovorna, na podlagi tarif, ki jih uporablja ta zadnji nosilec.
The costs entailed in administrative checks and in medical examinations, observations, doctors' visits and checks of all kinds necessary for the award, provision or review of benefits, shall be refunded by the institution on whose behalf they were made to the institution which has been responsible therefore, on the basis of the charges applied by the latter institution.
62 Končna redakcija
Pregledovanje in štetje raznih vrst oglasov pokaže, da je v eni najbolj obsežnih slovenskih (ženskih) revij - vsaka številka v letniku 2001 je imela povprečno 250 strani - kar, spet govorimo v povprečju, ena tretjina revije napolnjena s tiskanimi oglasi, ki oglašujejo izdelke za nego obraza, kože, las, stopal, nog, rok, nohtov oziroma ženskega telesa v celoti.
Our count and analysis of various types of advertisements in Glamur showed that on average one third of this the most lengthy women's magazine in Slovenia - the average length of an individual issue in 2001 was 250 pages - is filled with advertisements for cosmetic products for skin, face, feet, hair, legs, arms, nails, in other words, the entire female body.
63 Končna redakcija
delo in sociala
CELEX: 31984L0641
` Državam članicam pa prav tako ne preprečijo, da bi za podjetja, ki prosijo za dovoljenje za zavarovalno vrsto 18 iz točke A Priloge ali so takšno dovoljenje pridobila, uvedle preglede njihovih posrednih ali neposrednih virov glede osebja in opreme, vključno z usposobljenostjo njihovih medicinskih ekip in kakovosti opreme, ki jo imajo podjetja na voljo za izpolnjevanje svojih obveznosti iz te zavarovalne vrste.`
"Nor do they prevent Member States from subjecting undertakings requesting or having obtained authorization for class 18 in point A of the Annex to checks on their direct or indirect resources in staff and equipment, including the qualification of their medical teams and the quality of the equipment, available to the undertakings to meet their commitments arising from this class of insurance."
64 Končna redakcija
Če se ločijo, se morajo označiti s številko ali kako drugače, tako da je razvidno, da pripadajo določenemu trupu; to velja tudi za glavo, jezik, prebavni trakt in kateri koli drugi del živali, ki je potreben za inšpekcijski pregled. Zgoraj navedeni deli se morajo hraniti v bližini trupa do konca inšpekcijskega pregleda. Ledvice morajo pri vseh vrstah ostati naravno povezane s trupom, vendar odstranjene iz maščobnih oblog.
If detached, they must be numbered or identified in some way to enable them to be recognised as belonging to a given carcase; this shall also apply to the head, tongue, digestive tract and any other part of the animal required for inspection. The abovementioned parts must remain near the carcase until the inspection is complete. For all species the kidneys must remain attached to the carcase by their natural connections but be removed from their fatty covering.
65 Končna redakcija
Brez poseganja v določbe iz člena 6, če v državi nečlanici izbruhne ali se razširi kužna živalska bolezen, ki bi lahko ogrozila zdravje živine v eni od držav članic, ali če to upravičuje kateri koli drug razlog v zvezi z veterinarskimi pregledi, zadevna država članica prepove uvoz tistih živalskih vrst, ki so predmet te direktive, ne glede na to, ali se uvažajo neposredno ali posredno preko druge države članice, iz celotnega ozemlja države nečlanice ali iz dela njenega ozemlja.
Without prejudice to the provisions of Article 6, if a contagious animal disease which might endanger the health of the livestock of one of the Member States breaks out or spreads in a non-member country or if any other reason connected with veterinary inspection justifies it, the Member State concerned shall prohibit the importation of animals of the species which are the object of this Directive whether imported directly or indirectly through another Member State, either from the whole of the non-member country or from part of the territory of the latter.
66 Končna redakcija
Vendar pa smejo države članice po postopku iz člena 26 med čakanjem na rezultate ponovnega pregleda, predvidenega v členu 28, zahtevati omejitev veljavnosti zgornjega odstavka, zlasti za preprečitev tega, da bi se v odobreno cono vnašale ribe, mehkužci ali raki iz zgornjega odstavka, ki prihajajo iz odobrene gojilnice v coni brez statusa, pod pogojem, da v gojilnici ni nobenih rib, mehkužcev ali rakov, ki spadajo med dovzetne vrste, navedene v Prilogi A, stolpcu 2, seznamu I in II in da gojilnica nima stika z vodotokom ali z obalnimi vodami ali z vodami rečnega ustja.
However, pending the outcome of the review provided for in Article 28, Member States may, under the procedure laid down in Article 26, request a derogation from the preceding subparagraph, in particular so as to prohibit the introduction into an approved zone of fish, molluscs or crustaceans referred to in this paragraph, originating from an approved farm in a non-approved zone or from a farm which may be situated in a non-approved zone on condition that such a farm contains no fish, molluscs or crustaceans belonging to the susceptible species referred to in Annex A, column 2 of lists I and II and is not connected with a watercourse or with coastal or estuarial waters.
67 Končna redakcija
V intervjuju za osrednji dnevnik je novi generalni direktor izjavil, da je »sistem bil v hiši tak, da bi lahko zdajle potegnil ven katerokoli pogodbo, tudi vrsto drugih, ki jih računsko sodišče ni uspelo pregledati, in bi pri vseh po vrsti ugotovil, da niso ustrezale nekemu zakonitemu poslovanju«. Na ugotovitev novinarja, da je torej šlo za nezakonito poslovanje, je generalni direktor odgovoril, da bi »lahko sprožil vsaj sto ali dvesto disciplinskih postopkov, zamenjal vse odgovorne urednike, direktorja radijskih programov, vodji obeh regionalnih centrov in vrsto drugih«.
In his interview given to a central daily newspaper, the new director- general stated that "the management system was such that he could launch one to two hundred disciplinary actions at least, replace all editors in chief, all directors of radio programs, leaders of both regional centers and a number of other employees".
68 Pravna redakcija
Vrsta pregleda, ki je vodila do razkritja:
Type of check that led to discovery:
69 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003L0063
a) Opis postopka proizvodnje, ki spremlja vlogo za pridobitev dovoljenja za promet z zdravilom na podlagi člena 8(3)(d), je zasnovan tako, da daje ustrezen strnjen pregled vrste uporabljenih delovnih postopkov.
a) The description of the manufacturing method accompanying the application for Marketing Authorisation pursuant to Article 8 (3) (d), shall be drafted in such a way as to give an adequate synopsis of the nature of the operations employed.
70 Pravna redakcija
število in vrsto izvedenih inšpekcijskih pregledov,
the number and type of inspections carried out,
71 Pravna redakcija
določanje živalskih vrst s pregledom tipičnih delov živali;
determination of animal species through examination of typical parts of an, animal;
72 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1082
(g) vrsta opravljenih pregledov, na primer so fizični pregled, pregled dokumentacije, pregled zamud pri javljanju premikov.
(g) type of checks made, i.e. physical check, documentary check, check on delays in notification of movements.
73 Pravna redakcija
vrstah študij, s katerimi se bodo predvidoma srečali med pregledom,
the range of studies likely to be encountered during the inspection,
74 Pravna redakcija
delo in sociala
CELEX: 32000R1500
(a) V tabeli z naslovom "Pregled tabel" se vstavi nova vrstica 3 (a):
(a) In the table entitled Overview of the tables, a new line 3 (a) shall be inserted as follows:
75 Pravna redakcija
Fizični pregled 100% morski toksini za lupinarje in druge dovzetne vrste.
Physical check 100% marine toxins for shellfish and other susceptible species.
76 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R1898
(g) vrsta opravljenih pregledov, tj. fizični pregled, pregled listin, kontrola zakasnitev pri obveščanju o premikih.
(g) type of checks made, i.e. physical check, documentary check, check on delays of notification of movements.
77 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0026
78 Pravna redakcija
pregledajo napredek pri obnovi in ohranitvi vrst, navedenih v dodatkih I, II in III;
review the progress made towards the restoration and conservation of the species included in Appendices I, II and III;
79 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R2032
80 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0461
(11) Različne vrste preiskav v zvezi s pregledi imajo različne obsege in stopnje zahtevnosti.
(11) The various types of review investigations have different potential scopes and degrees of complexity.
81 Pravna redakcija
strategija pregleda (vrsta, obseg, časovno načrtovanje, usmeritev pregleda, obveščanje inšpektorjev, pregledi na podlagi ocene tveganj),
inspection strategy (type, scope, scheduling, focus of inspection, notification of inspections, risk-based inspections),
82 Pravna redakcija
Vrste pregledov, njihovo pogostost in metode odvzemanja vzorcev ter opravljanja mikrobioloških pregledov se določi po postopku iz člena 20.
The nature of these checks, their frequency and the methods of sampling and of carrying out microbiological examinations shall be established under the procedure laid down in Article 20.
83 Pravna redakcija
obveznega prijavljanja in pregledov vseh živali iz vrst govedi, ki kažejo klinične znake BSE;
the compulsory reporting and examination of all bovine animals showing clinical signs of BSE;
84 Pravna redakcija
Pristojni organi smejo prav tako opraviti nenapovedane preglede iste vrste, kot so navedeni zgoraj.
The competent authorities may also make unannounced checks of the same type as those referred to above.
85 Pravna redakcija
Ta dodatna preglednica naj upošteva strukturo zgornje preglednice in vrstni red v spodnjem seznamu.
This additional table should follow the structure of the table above and the order of the list below.
86 Pravna redakcija
preglednica, drugi stolpec, vrstica 17 ("Nevtralizacijsko število (močna kislina)") se nadomesti z:
the table, second column, line 17 (row `Neutralisation (strong acid) number` ) is replaced by the following:
87 Pravna redakcija
število živali iz vrst govedi, pregledanih s testom, kakor je navedeno v točki 1 dela I poglavja A;
the number of bovine animals tested as referred to in Chapter A, Part I, point 1;
88 Pravna redakcija
"na vrstni red pregledov pa ne vpliva dokumentacija, ki jo predložijo prijavitelji iz člena 4(1)(a)".
"the order of examination is, however, not affected by dossiers presented by notifiers referred to in Article 4 (1) (a)".
89 Pravna redakcija
Navedena dodatna preglednica naj upošteva strukturo zgornje preglednice in vrstni red v spodnjem seznamu:
That additional table shall follow the structure of the table above and the order of the list below.
90 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1747
V primeru prodaje se navedejo podrobni podatki o skupnih količinah in vrednostih v vrstici 1 preglednice 53.
In the case of sales, give details of total quantities and values in line 1 of Table 53.
91 Pravna redakcija
V tem seznamu se za vsak posamezni obrat navede vrsta in trajanje predvidenega odstopanja, vrsta veterinarskih pregledov mesa ki izvira iz zadevnega obrata, in osebje, odgovorno za izvajanje teh veterinarskih pregledov.
This list shall, for each individual establishment, specify the type and duration of the derogations envisaged, the nature of checks made on meat from the establishment in question and the staff responsible for carrying out those checks.
92 Pravna redakcija
pregled opreme na kraju samem, količine in vrste proizvodov na zalogi, računov in drugih ustreznih dokumentov;
an on-the-spot inspection of equipment, quantities and types of product in stock, accounts and other relevant documents;
93 Pravna redakcija
Različne najnižje stopnje pregleda se določijo glede na vrsto tveganja v skladu s postopkom iz člena 6.”
The various minimum checking rate(s) shall be determined in the light of the type of risk, in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 6.'
94 Pravna redakcija
na vseh gospodarstvih z živalmi dovzetnih vrst na tem območju so bili opravljeni pregledi z negativnimi rezultati.
a survey has been concluded with negative results in all holdings with animals of susceptible species situated within the zone.
95 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R1898
(a) število odkritih kršitev, in zlasti vrsta razhajanj glede na tip opravljenega pregleda v skladu s točko 1(g);
(a) number of breaches found and, in particular, the types of discrepancies observed per type of checks made in accordance with point 1(g);
96 Pravna redakcija
Obstajajo lahko tri vrste pregledov, ki so opisani v standardnih operativnih postopkih programa zagotavljanja kakovosti:
Inspections can be of three types as specified by quality assurance programme standard operating procedures:
97 Pravna redakcija
redne preglede ohranitvenega stanja zadevne selitvene vrste in prepoznavanje dejavnikov, ki bi lahko škodili temu stanju;
periodic review of the conservation status of the migratory species concerned and the identification of the factors which may be harmful to that status;
98 Pravna redakcija
Vrsta in količina izbranih embalažnih enot morata biti taki, da zastopata najtoplejše točke pošiljke, ki se pregleduje.
The type and quantity of packages selected shall be such that their temperature is representative of the warmest points of the consignment inspected.
99 Pravna redakcija
Ne glede na vrsto izvedenega pregleda na kraju samem pridelovalec prejme izvod poročila, če so bile najdene nepravilnosti.
Moreover, irrespective of the kind of on-the-spot check carried out, the grower should receive a copy of the report if irregularities are found.
100 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32001R0449
Za predelovalce paradižnikov, breskev in hrušk se za vsako tovarno, proizvod in tržno leto opravi naslednja vrsta pregledov:
For processors of tomatoes, peaches and pears, the following checks shall be conducted for each factory, product and marketing year:
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pregled vrste