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prikaz stanja
51 Pravna redakcija
Živila za primere izrednega stanja, pod pogojem, da embalaža jasno prikazuje posebno uporabo
Emergency foods, provided the containers make plain their special use
52 Pravna redakcija
Tokovi, ki so prikazani v računu revalorizacije, spreminjajo neto vrednost bilanc stanja enot.
The flows recorded in the revaluation account change the net worth of the balance sheets of the units concerned.
53 Pravna redakcija
Vrednost sredstva ali obveznosti v končni bilanci stanja je enaka vsoti njene vrednosti v začetni bilanci stanja in zneska, prikazanega za omenjeno postavko v računu sprememb bilance stanja.
The value of an asset or liability in the closing balance sheets is equal to the sum of its value in the opening balance sheets and the amount recorded for the said item in the changes in balance sheet account.
54 Pravna redakcija
Stanja se torej ne prikazujejo za sredstva, kot so človeški kapital in naravni viri, ki niso v lasti.
Thus, stocks are not recorded for assets such as human capital and natural resources that are not owned.
55 Pravna redakcija
Bilanca stanja prikazuje proračunsko aktivo in pasivo na dan 31. decembra predhodnega proračunskega leta.
The balance sheet shall show the budget assets and liabilities as at 31 December of the preceding financial year.
56 Pravna redakcija
V teh primerih se prikaže kot investicija v osnovno sredstvo in kot stanje osnovnih sredstev v dejavnosti lastnika;
In such instances, they are recorded as fixed capital formation and fixed capital stock in their owner's industry;
57 Pravna redakcija
Začetna bilanca stanja prikazuje vrednost sredstev in obveznosti, ki so v posesti na začetku obračunskega obdobja.
The opening balance sheet records the value of assets and liabilities held by units at the start of the accounting period.
58 Pravna redakcija
Končna bilanca stanja prikazuje vrednosti sredstev in obveznosti, ki so v posesti enot na koncu obračunskega obdobja.
The closing balance sheet records the value of assets and liabilities held by units at the end of the accounting period.
59 Pravna redakcija
Ker blago, dano v leasing, ostane v bilanci stanja rezidentne enote (leasingodajalca), se blago ne prikaže v računih tujine.
As the leased good remains on the balance sheet of a resident unit (the lessor), the good does not appear in any of the rest of the world accounts.
60 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
Tokovi za vsako sredstvo in obveznost, prikazano v računih akumulacije, so ponovno vidni v računu "spremembe bilance stanja".
The flows for each asset and liability item recorded in the accumulation accounts are seen again in the 'changes in balance sheets' account (ESA 95, 8.04).
61 Pravna redakcija
Gibanja, ki so prikazana v računu drugih sprememb obsega sredstev, vplivajo na neto vrednost bilanc stanja enot, sektorjev in podsektorjev.
The movements recorded in the other changes in volume of assets account affect the net worth of the balance sheets of the units, sectors and subsectors concerned.
62 Pravna redakcija
Preostanek pripisanega posojila (AF.4) je prikazan v bilanci stanja leasingodajalca in leasingojemalca kot finančno sredstvo ali obveznost.
The outstanding imputed loan (AF.4) is shown in the lessor's and lessee's balance sheets as a financial asset and liability, respectively.
63 Pravna redakcija
Zato se, v primeru, da poročevalska enota odobri premijo za zvestobo ali povečanje, ta premija prikaže v statistiki stanja zadolženosti.
Hence, in case such a fidelity or growth premium is granted by the reporting agent, this shall be reflected in the statistics on outstanding amounts.
64 Pravna redakcija
Vendar pa se, takoj po črpanju posojila, dogovorjenega na podlagi krovne pogodbe, obravnava kot nov posel in prikaže v stanju zadolženost.
However, as soon as a loan agreed under an umbrella contract is withdrawn, it shall be covered as new business and reflected in the outstanding amounts.
65 Pravna redakcija
Bilance stanja so prikazane z "obveznostmi in neto vrednostjo" (razlika med sredstvi in obveznostmi) na desni strani ter s "sredstvi" na levi.
Balance sheets are presented with 'liabilities and net worth' (the difference between assets and liabilities) on the right side and 'assets' on the left.
66 Pravna redakcija
sredstev in obveznosti, bremenitev in dohodka, pravic in obveznosti, ki niso prikazane v sredstvih ali obveznosti ter denarnih tokov v izkazu stanja;
as regards the financial statements, of the assets and liabilities, charges and income, entitlements and obligations not shown as assets or liabilities, and cash flow;
67 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
Bilance stanja prikazujejo celotna sredstva in obveznosti različnih enot na začetku in koncu obračunskega obdobja, skupaj z njihovimi neto vrednostmi.
The balance sheets show the total assets and liabilities of the various units at the beginning and end of the accounting period, together with their net worth.
68 Pravna redakcija
Zaradi te vknjižbe v finančni račun se F.611 prikaže tudi v bilancah stanja sektorja gospodinjstev (kot sredstva) in v sektorju zavarovalnice (kot obveznost).
Because of this entry in the financial account, F. 611 is also shown in the balance sheets of the household sector (as an asset) and the insurer's sector (as a liability).
69 Pravna redakcija
izkaz finančnega izida, ki prikazuje izterjane in izplačane zneske med letom, končno stanje zakladnice in poročilo o virih in porabi sredstev za preteklo proračunsko leto;
the cash-flow table showing amounts collected and disbursed during the year, the final treasury position and a statement of sources and uses of funds covering the preceding financial year;
70 Pravna redakcija
Pri izdelavi imunoloških zdravil za uporabo v veterinarski medicini, izdelanih iz serumov, je treba prikazati izvor, splošno zdravstveno in imunološko stanje proizvodne živali;
For the production of immunological veterinary medicinal products consisting of serums, the origin, general health and immunological status of the producing animals shall be indicated;
71 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31999L0102
Če se naprava za prikaz napake preklopi v prejšnje stanje aktiviranja, se lahko brišejo ustrezne kode napake in shranjeni podatki o pogojih delovanja motorja ob prvem pojavu napake.`
If the MI is switched back to the previous state of activation, the corresponding fault codes and stored freeze-frame conditions may be erased.'
72 Pravna redakcija
V celotnem obdobju leasinga (razen če leasingojemalec ne izvrši plačil obrokov leasinga) se blago prikazuje kot opredmeteno osnovno sredstvo (AN.III) v bilanci stanja leasingojemalca.
Throughout the leasing period (unless the lessee defaults on the rental payments) the good is shown as a tangible fixed asset (AN. III) in the balance sheet of the lessee.
73 Pravna redakcija
Odbor potrdi, da se letna bilanca stanja, izkaz uspeha in posli SKLADA ujemajo s poslovnimi knjigami SKLADA ter glede aktive in pasive natančno prikazujejo njegovo premoženjsko stanje.
Leur rôle sera de confirmer que le bilan et le compte des profits et pertes ainsi que les opérations du FONDS sont conformes aux écritures comptables du FONDS et qu'ils reflčtent exactement ŕ l'actif comme au passif la situation du FONDS.
74 Pravna redakcija
Nato račun sprememb bilance stanja prikazuje oba elementa teh sprememb v vrstici (glej celici (11,6) in (11,9)) in celotno spremembo neto vrednosti (535) v stolpcu (glej celico (13,11)).
Next, the account for changes in balance sheet records both components of these changes in the row, see cells (11, 6) and (11, 9), and the total changes in net worth (535) in the column, see cell (13, 11).
75 Pravna redakcija
V skladu z načelom računovodstva na podlagi nastanka poslovnega dogodka izkazi stanja iz člena 100 prikazujejo bremenitve in dohodek iz proračunskega leta, ne glede na datum plačila ali izterjave.
In accordance with the principle of accrual-based accounting, the financial statements referred to in Article 100 shall show the charges and income for the financial year, regardless of the date of payment or collection.
76 Pravna redakcija
Račun za določen vidik ekonomskega življenja prikazuje porabe in vire ali spremembe sredstev in obveznostih v obračunskem obdobju ali stanje sredstev in obveznosti na začetku ali koncu tega obdobja.
An account is a means of recording, for a given aspect of economic life, the uses and resources or the changes in assets and the changes in liabilities during the accounting period, or the stock of assets and liabilities existing at the beginning or at the end of this period.
77 Pravna redakcija
Nato končna bilanca stanja v vrstici prikazuje začetno stanje obveznosti v celici (12,10), oba elementa sprememb obveznosti v celicah (12,7) in (12,9) ter končno neto vrednost (10951) v celici (12,13).
Then, the closing balance sheet presents in the row the opening stock of liabilities (cell 12, 10), both components of changes in liabilities (cells 12, 7 and 12, 9), and the closing net worth (10951), see cell (12, 13).
78 Pravna redakcija
Najprej začetna bilanca stanja prikazuje v vrstici začetno stanje sredstev (16714) v celici (10,12), v stolpcu pa začetno stanje obveznosti (6298) v celici (12,10) in začetno neto vrednost (10416) v celici (13,10).
First, the opening balance sheet gives in the row the opening stock of assets (16714), see cell (10, 12), and in the column the opening stock of liabilities (6298), see cell (12, 10), and the opening net worth (10416), see cell (13, 10).
79 Pravna redakcija
Ob izteku obdobja leasinga lahko (i) leasingojemalec odkupi blago po preostali vrednosti in blago ostane v njegovi bilanci stanja, ali pa (ii) se blago vrne leasingodajalcu, tako da se pri leasingojemalcu prikaže kot negativna bruto investicija v osnovna sredstva in tako zapusti njegovo bilanco stanja ter lahko vstopi v bilanco stanja leasingodajalca ali tretje stranke, kateri leasingodajalec proda blago naprej.
At the end of the leasing period, either (i) the lessee buys the good at its residual value when it remains on his balance sheet, or (ii) the good reverts to the lessor, when it is shown as negative gross fixed capital formation for the lessee and thus leaves the lessee's balance sheet, and may enter the balance sheet of the lessor or that of a third party, to whom the lessor has sold on.
80 Pravna redakcija
To pomeni, da je kupčeva cena blaga v leasingu del leasingojemalčevih izdatkov za končno potrošnjo (P.3) na začetku obdobja leasinga in da se blago prikaže samo kot trajno potrošno blago v opombah k njegovi bilanci stanja.
This means that the purchaser's price of the leased good is part of the lessee's final consumption expenditure (P. 3) at the beginning of the leasing period and that the good appears only as a consumer durable in the memorandum item to his balance sheet.
81 Pravna redakcija
Naslednji seznami v skladu s sklepi Izvršnega odbora prikazujejo stanje 1. maja 1999. Informacije o morebitnih spremembah, ki so nastale po 1. maju 1999, so na voljo pri pristojnih oddelkih Komisije ali Generalnega sekretariata Sveta.
The lists below show the decisions adopted by the Executive Committee of Schengen up to 1 May 1999. Information on any amendments made after 1 May 1999 may be obtained from the relevant departments of the Commission or of the General Secretariat of the Council.
82 Pravna redakcija
Vsi stroški, ki jih ima podjetje pri sanaciji svojega območja, ne glede na to, ali je takšen izdatek mogoče prikazati kot osnovno sredstvo v bilanci stanja, se štejejo kot upravičene naložbe v primeru sanacije onesnaženih območij.
All expenditure incurred by a firm in rehabilitating its site, whether or not such expenditure can be shown as a fixed asset on its balance sheet, ranks as eligible investment in the case of the rehabilitation of polluted sites.
83 Pravna redakcija
Najmanj vsakih pet let, prvič pa najpozneje v petih letih po uvedbi ustrezne datoteke države članice preverijo, da strukturno stanje, prikazano v datoteki o kmetijskem gospodarstvu iz člena 2(1)(a), ustreza dejanskemu stanju na tem gospodarstvu.
At least every five years, and on the first occasion not later than five years after the establishment of the relevant file, Member States shall check that the structural situation shown by the file for the holding referred to in Article 2 (1) (a) corresponds to the true situation on that holding.
84 Pravna redakcija
Poleg tega je namen lokalne vlade Grenlandije, da se izdela ekonomski model in istočasno pripravi tako, da se lahko uporabi kot instrument za merjenje, katere pobude najbolje služijo družbi in za prikazovanje dejanskega stanja v ribiškem sektorju.
Furthermore it is the intention of the Home Rule Government that an economic model should be elaborated and drawn up at the same time so that it can be used as an instrument to measure what initiatives serve the society best and to show the actual situation in the fisheries sector.
85 Pravna redakcija
Trajno blago, ki ga kupi leasingodajalec za dajanje v leasing, je del leasingodajalčevih bruto naložb v osnovna sredstva (P.51) in je prikazano kot opredmeteno osnovno sredstvo (AN.III) v bilanci stanja leasingodajalca med celotnim življenjsko dobo.
A durable good purchased by a lessor for the purpose of leasing is part of the lessor's gross fixed capital formation (P. 51) and is shown as a tangible fixed asset (AN. III) in the lessor's balance sheet during its entire economic life.
86 Pravna redakcija
Banka objavlja letno poročilo, v katerem je revidirano stanje njenih izkazov, članicam pa vsake tri (3) mesece ali v krajših presledkih pošilja skrajšano poročilo svojega finančnega stanja in izkaz uspeha, v katerem so prikazani rezultati poslovanja.
The Bank shall publish an annual report containing an audited statement of its accounts and shall circulate to members at intervals of three (3) months or less a summary statement of its financial position and a profit and loss statement showing the results of its operations.
87 Pravna redakcija
prerazvrstitev investicij v osnovna sredstva in stanja osnovnih sredstev pri tistih osnovnih sredstvih, ki jih lastnik daje v najem, npr. pri poslovnem najemu so osnovna sredstva lahko prikazana, kot da so v lasti uporabnika (v nasprotju s standardno obravnavo v ESR).
reclassification of fixed capital formation and fixed capital stock for fixed assets that are rented out by the owner, e.g. in the case of operating leasing:the fixed assets can be recorded as if owned by the user (unlike the standard treatment in the ESA).
88 Pravna redakcija
Komisija ES konec vsakega četrtletja Stalnemu odboru držav Efte zagotovi izvleček iz knjigovodske evidence v katerem je glede na prejemke in izdatke prikazano stanje glede izvajanja programov in drugih dejavnosti, v katerih države Efte sodelujejo s finančnimi sredstvi.
The EC Commission shall provide the Standing Committee of the EFTA States, at the end of each quarter, with an extract from its accounts showing, with regard both to receipts and expenditure, the situation as regards the implementation of the programmes and other actions in which the EFTA States participate financially.
89 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
Potrošnjo stalnega kapitala, ki jo je treba razlikovati od amortizacije, izračunane za davčne namene, in amortizacije, prikazane v poslovnih izkazih, je treba oceniti na osnovi stanja osnovnih sredstev in verjetne (povprečne) ekonomske življenjske dobe različnih kategorij zadevnih sredstev.
The consumption of fixed capital, which has to be distinguished from depreciation calculated for fiscal purposes and that appearing in the company accounts, should be evaluated on the basis of stocks of fixed capital goods and the (average) probable economic life of the various categories of goods in question.
90 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
Kadar se proizvodnja izračuna na podlagi podatkov o začetnem in končnem stanju, prodaji in po možnosti vseh drugih rab (kot so osnovna sredstva, proizvedena za lastne potrebe), se ponavljajoče se izgube že odštejejo od sprememb zalog, in če bi jih še enkrat prikazali pod postavko "izgube", bi prišlo do dvojnega knjiženja.
When output is calculated from data on initial and final stocks, sales and possibly other uses (such as own- account produced fixed capital goods), recurrent losses are already deducted from the changes in stocks, and recording of them a further time under the item 'losses' would lead to double- counting.
91 Pravna redakcija
Najpozneje v 30 dneh po koncu vsakega četrtletja agencija predloži državi članici in Komisiji zbirno poročilo o delu, ki ga je opravila, skupaj z izkazom stanja, ki prikazuje stanje denarnega toka in odhodke, nastale v zvezi z vsakim poglavjem proračuna, ter poročilo o upravnih in zakonskih sankcijah, predlaganih na podlagi pregledov, ki so bili izvedeni v tem četrtletju.
The agency shall, not later than 30 days after the end of each quarter, submit to the Member State and Commission a summary report on the work carried out by the agency, together with a financial statement snowing the cash-flow situation and the expenditure incurred in respect of each budget chapter, and a statement of administrative or legal penalties proposed as a result of inspections carried out during that quarter.
92 Pravna redakcija
Da je mednarodni računovodski standard sprejet za uporabo v Skupnosti, mora prvič izpolnjevati osnovno zahtevo navedenih Direktiv Sveta, to je, da njegova uporaba zagotovi resničen in pošten prikaz finančnega stanja in uspešnosti podjetja - pri čemer se to načelo preuči na podlagi navedenih Direktiv Sveta, kar ne pomeni dosledne skladnosti prav z vsako določbo teh direktiv;
To adopt an international accounting standard for application in the Community, it is necessary firstly that it meets the basic requirement of the aforementioned Council Directives, that is to say that its application results in a true and fair view of the financial position and performance of an enterprise - this principle being considered in the light of the said Council Directives without implying a strict conformity with each and every provision of those Directives;
93 Pravna redakcija
Račun sprememb bilance stanja prikazuje spremembe vrednosti sredstev in obveznosti v obračunskem obdobju ter agregira zneske, prikazane v posameznih računih akumulacije, tj. spremembe neto vrednosti zaradi varčevanja in kapitalskih transferjev, spremembe neto vrednosti zaradi drugih sprememb obsega sredstev in spremembe neto vrednosti zaradi nominalnih dobičkov in izgub iz lastnine.
The changes in balance sheet account records changes in the value of assets and liabilities in the course of the accounting period and aggregates the amounts recorded in the various accumulation accounts, i. e. change in net worth due to saving and capital transfers, change in net worth due to other volume changes in assets and change in net worth due to nominal holding gains and losses.
94 Pravna redakcija
Če ni več izpadlih vžigov v obsegu, ki lahko poškoduje katalizator (po navedbi proizvajalca), ali če motor deluje po spremembi vrtljajev in pogojev obremenitve, pri katerih obseg izpadlih vžigov ne bo povzročil okvare katalizatorja, se lahko naprava za prikaz napake (MI) preklopi v prejšnje stanje aktiviranja med prvim ciklom vožnje, ko je bil ugotovljen obseg izpadlih vžigov, in se pri naslednjih ciklih lahko preklopi v običajni način delovanja.
If misfire at levels likely to cause catalyst damage (as specified by the manufacturer) is not present any more, or if the engine is operated after changes to speed and load conditions where the level of misfire will not cause catalyst damage, the MI may be switched back to the previous state of activation during the first driving cycle on which the misfire level was detected and may be switched to the normal activated mode on subsequent driving cycles.
95 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31995L0056
Prikaz stanja, v katerem se naprava nahaja
Status display
96 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31995L0056
Izraz "sklop za prikaz stanja" pomeni vsako napravo, ki je namenjena prikazu stanja, v katerem se naprava za imobilizacijo nahaja (vključena/izključena, prehod iz vključenega stanja v izključeno in obratno).
'Status display' means any device intended to indicate the status of the immobilizer (set/unset, change of set to unset and vice versa).
97 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31999D0280
Informacije se pridobijo na podlagi združevanja prejetih podatkov in se predstavijo tako, da dajo čim nazornejši prikaz stanja naftnega trga v vsaki državi članici.
The information shall be obtained by aggregating the data received and shall be presented in such a way as to give as representative a picture as possible of each Member State's oil market.
98 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31999D0566
ker je zaželeno, da bi države članice predložile podatke, navedene v Odločbi 1999/280/ES tako, da dajo čim nazornejši prikaz stanja naftnega trga v vsaki državi članici;
Whereas it is desirable that Member States should present the information referred to in Decision 1999/280/EC in such a way as to give the most representative picture possible of each Member State's oil market;
99 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000L0060
Razvrščanje in prikaz ekološkega stanja
Classification and presentation of ecological status
100 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31998R2700
Investicije niso prikazane v bilanci stanja.
Investment is not recorded in the balance sheet.
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prikaz stanja