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tekoči račun
51 Pravna redakcija
Zaporedje vseh računov za institucionalne enote in sektorje sestavljajo tekoči računi, računi akumulacije in bilance stanja.
The full sequence of accounts for the institutional units and sectors is composed of current accounts, accumulation accounts and balance sheets.
52 Pravna redakcija
Če račun izkaže kreditni saldo, se ta odšteje od odhodkov za tekoče proračunsko leto.
Where an account shows a credit balance, this shall be deducted from the expenditure for the current financial year.
53 Pravna redakcija
med viri v računu alokacije primarnega dohodka sektorja država ter v zunanjem računu primarnih dohodkov in tekočih transferjev.
among resources in the allocation of primary income account of the general government sector and in the external account of primary incomes and current transfers.
54 Pravna redakcija
med negativnimi viri v računu alokacije primarnega dohodka sektorja država in v zunanjem računu primarnih dohodkov in tekočih transferjev.
among negative resources in the allocation of primary income account of the general government sector and in the external account of primary incomes and current transfers.
55 Pravna redakcija
združitev obeh podračunov računa kapitala (razen investicij v osnovna sredstva) ter združitev zunanjega računa blaga in storitev ter zunanjega računa primarnih dohodkov in tekočih transferjev.
combining both capital sub-accounts (excluding fixed capital formation) and combining the external account of goods and services and the external account of primary incomes and current transfers.
56 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
Ti davki se vključijo kot tekoči davki na dohodek, sredstva itd. v računu sekundarne razdelitve dohodka;
These should be included as current taxes on income, assets, etc. in the secondary distribution of income account;
57 Pravna redakcija
regionalni razvoj
Na tekoče račune uslužbencev se nakažejo zneski, ki se izplačajo v zadnjem delovnem tednu vsakega meseca.
Staff members' current accounts shall be credited with the amount due during the last working week of the month.
58 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
To je podobno konceptu korporativno-računovodskega tekočega dobička pred razdelitvijo in davki na dobiček.
It is similar to the corporate- accounting concept of current profit before distribution and taxes on income.
59 Pravna redakcija
saldo računa blaga in storitev mora biti za kateri koli zaporedni leti izračunan v tekočih in stalnih cenah,
the balance of the goods and services account must for any sequence of two years be obtained at both constant and current prices;
60 Pravna redakcija
Zaporedje računov za lokalne enote enovrstne dejavnosti in dejavnosti je skrajšano na prva dva tekoča računa:
The sequence of accounts for local kind-of-activity units and industries is shortened to the first current accounts:
61 Pravna redakcija
44. Za namene statistike obrestnih mer MFI se prekoračitve stanj na računih, t.j. kazalnika 12 in 23 iz Dodatka 2, opredelijo kot stanja v breme na tekočih računih.
For the purposes of MFI interest rate statistics, bank overdrafts, i.e. indicators 12 and 23 in Appendix 2, shall be defined as debit balances on current accounts.
62 Pravna redakcija
Namen zunanjega računa primarnih dohodkov in tekočih transferjev je določiti saldo tekočih transakcij s tujino, ki v strukturi sistema ustreza varčevanju institucionalnih sektorjev.
The purpose of the external account of primary incomes and current transfers is to determine the current external balance, which, in the structure of the system, corresponds to saving by the institutional sectors.
63 Pravna redakcija
regionalni razvoj
Švica svoje prispevke za tekoče stroške EUPM vsako leto do 31. marca deponira na bančnem računu, ki ji je naveden.
The contributions of Switzerland to the running costs of the EUPM shall be deposited by 31 March of each year in the bank account which shall be indicated to that State.
64 Pravna redakcija
spodbujala liberalizacijo plačil na tekočih računih, za čim hitrejšo dosego popolne liberalizacije gibanj kapitala.
encourage the liberalisation of current account payments with a view to full liberalisation of capital movements as soon as possible.
65 Pravna redakcija
Zunanji račun primarnih dohodkov in tekočih transferjev na strani virov prikazuje saldo menjave blaga in storitev s tujino.
On the resources side, the external account of primary incomes and current transfers shows the external balance of goods and services.
66 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
Podatki za račun proizvodnje in za bruto investicije v osnovna sredstva morajo biti posredovani v tekočih in stalnih cenah.
The data for production account and for GFCF have to be transmitted at both current and constant prices.
67 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
Ker ERK temelji na konceptu dejavnosti, mora biti v skladu z ESR 95 zaporedje računov omejeno na prva računa tekočih računov:
As the EAA are based on the industry concept, the sequence of accounts in accordance with the ESA 95 has to be limited to the first accounts of the current accounts:
68 Pravna redakcija
regionalni razvoj
Republika Islandija svoje prispevke za tekoče stroške EUPM vsako leto do 31. marca deponira na bančnem računu, ki ji je naveden.
The contributions of the Republic of Iceland to the running costs of the EUPM shall be deposited by 31 March of each year in the bank account which shall be indicated to that State.
69 Pravna redakcija
zmanjšanje primanjkljaja na tekočem računu, tako da je že v letu 1988 mogoče zunanji javni dolg stabilizirati v absolutni vrednosti;
a reduction in the current account deficit so that as early as 1988 the external public debt can be stabilized in terms of absolute value;
70 Pravna redakcija
Neto plačljive premije in zahtevki, ki bi morali biti prejeti, so prikazani v zunanjem računu primarnih dohodkov in tekočih transferjev.
Both net premiums payable and claims receivable are shown in the external account of primary incomes and current transfers.
71 Pravna redakcija
Poenostavljeno lahko na račune v tekočih cenah gledamo kot na skupek izvršenih in evidentiranih transakcij znotraj računovodskega okvira.
Simplifying, current price accounts can be seen as the aggregation within an accounting framework of transactions which took place and can be evidenced.
72 Pravna redakcija
Tekoči računi obravnavajo proizvodnjo, ustvarjanje, razdelitev in prerazdelitev dohodka ter porabo tega dohodka v obliki končne potrošnje.
Current accounts deal with the production, generation, distribution and redistribution of income and the use of this income in the form of final consumption.
73 Pravna redakcija
drugih bank, centralnih bank, mednarodnih/nadnacionalnih institucij (vključno s Komisijo Evropskih skupnosti); tekoči računi drugih vlagateljev.
of other banks, central banks, international/supranational institutions (including the Commission of the European Communities); current accounts of other depositors.
74 Pravna redakcija
Ostanki pri proizvodnji škroba iz koruze (razen zgoščenih tekočin za namakanje), z vsebnostjo proteinov, računano na suh izdelek, več kot 40 mas. %
Residues from the manufacture of maize starch (excluding concentrated steeping liquors), of a protein content, calculated on the dry product, exceeding 40 % dry weight,
75 Pravna redakcija
Ostanki pri proizvodnji škroba iz koruze (razen zgoščenih tekočin za namakanje), z vsebnostjo proteinov, računano na suh izdelek, več kot 40 mas. %
Residues from the manufacture of starch from maize (excluding concentrated steeping liquors), of a protein content, calculated on the dry product, exceeding 40% by weight
76 Pravna redakcija
Tekoči računi, vezane vloge, sredstva na vpogled, transakcije začasnih prodaj v povezavi z upravljanjem z vrednostnimi papirji, denominiranimi v evrih
(a) Balances with banks outside the euro area Current accounts, fixed-term deposits, day-to-day money, reverse repo transactions in connection with the management of securities denominated in euro
77 Pravna redakcija
Ostanki pri proizvodnji škroba iz koruze (razen zgoščenih tekočin za namakanje), z vsebnostjo beljakovin, računano na suh proizvod več kot 40 mas. %
Residues from the manufacture of starch from maize (excluding concentrated steeping liquors), of a protein content, calculated on the dry product, exceeding 40 % by weight
78 Pravna redakcija
Ostanki pri proizvodnji škroba iz koruze (razen zgoščenih tekočin za namakanje), z vsebnostjo beljakovin, računano na suh proizvod, več kot 40 mas. %
Residues from the manufacture of maize starch (excluding concentrated steeping liquors), of a protein content, calculated on the dry product, exceeding 40% by weight
79 Pravna redakcija
Sprememba neto lastniškega kapitala v zavarovalno tehničnih rezervacijah (F.6) se prikaže v finančnem računu tujine, medtem ko se preostali tokovi prikažejo v zunanjem računu primarnih dohodkov in tekočih transferjev.
The change in net equity of insurance technical reserves (F. 6) is shown in the financial account of the rest of the world, while the remaining flows are shown in the external account of primary incomes and current transfers.
80 Pravna redakcija
Sistem uporablja izraz "viri" za desno stran tekočih računov, kjer se pojavljajo transakcije, ki povečujejo znesek ekonomske vrednosti enote ali sektorja.
The system employs the term 'resources' for the right side of the current accounts where transactions appear which add to the amount of economic value of a unit or a sector.
81 Pravna redakcija
Sistematična delitev sprememb tekočih vrednosti v komponenti "spremembe cene" in "spremembe obsega" je omejena na tokove, ki predstavljajo transakcije, prikazane v računih blaga in storitev (0) ter v računih proizvodnje (I);
The systematic division of changes in current values into the components 'changes in price' and 'changes in volume' is restricted to flows representing transactions, recorded in the goods and services accounts (0) and in the production accounts (I);
82 Pravna redakcija
regionalni razvoj
Ruska federacija deponira svoje prispevke za tekoče stroške EUPM do 15. septembra 2003 in nato vsako leto do 31. marca na bančnem računu, ki ji je naveden.
The contributions of the Russian Federation to the running costs of the EUPM shall be deposited by 15 September 2003 and thereafter by the 31 March of each year in the bank account which shall be indicated to that State.
83 Pravna redakcija
Pogodbenici v prosti konvertibilni valuti in v skladu s Statutom Mednarodnega denarnega sklada dovolita vsa plačila in prenose s tekočega računa med pogodbenicama.
The Parties shall allow, in freely convertible currency and in accordance with the Articles of Agreement of the International Monetary Fund, any payments and transfers of the Current Account between the Parties.
84 Pravna redakcija
postavka (c), sredstva za nerezidenčne zaposlene s strani rezidenčnih delodajalcev, se pojavlja med viri v zunanjem računu primarnih dohodkov in tekočih transferjev.
item (c), compensation of non-resident employees by resident employers appears, among resources in the external account of primary incomes and current transfers.
85 Pravna redakcija
Če rezident dela za nerezidenčnega delodajalca, so prispevki delodajalca prikazani kot obveznosti tujine v zunanjem računu primarnih dohodkov in tekočih transferjev.
When a resident works for a non-resident employer, the employer's contributions are shown as payable by the rest of the world in the external account of primary incomes and current transfers.
86 Pravna redakcija
Če nerezident dela za rezidenčnega delodajalca, so prispevki delodajalca evidentirani kot terjatve tujine v zunanjem računu primarnih dohodkov in tekočih transferjev.
When a non-resident works for a resident employer, the employer's contributions are recorded as receivable by the rest of the world in the external account of primary incomes and current transfers.
87 Pravna redakcija
postavka (b), sredstva za rezidenčne zaposlene s strani nerezidenčnih delodajalcev, se pojavlja med porabami v zunanjem računu primarnih dohodkov in tekočih transferjev;
item (b), compensation of resident employees by non-resident employers, appears among uses in the external account of primary incomes and current transfers;
88 Pravna redakcija
Za obnovitev svoje registracije, dobavitelji pristojnim organom predložijo dokazilo, da so dejansko za svoj račun uvozili najmanj 50 % količine, dodeljene za tekoče leto.
In order to have their registration renewed, operators shall provide the competent authorities with proof that they have actually imported on their own account at least 50 % of the quantity allocated to them for the current year.
89 Pravna redakcija
(b) provizije za skrbništvo in upravljanje, provizije za tekoče račune ter drugi posredni stroški se ne smatrajo za transakcijske stroške in se vključijo v izkaz uspeha.
(b) custody and management fees, current account fees and other indirect costs are not considered as transaction costs and shall be included in the profit and loss account.
90 Pravna redakcija
ker bi bil primanjkljaj na zunanjem tekočem računu v višini 3 % bruto domačega proizvoda (BDP) in 7 % ali manjša stopnja inflacije do konca leta 1993 v skladu s temi cilji;
whereas an external current account deficit of 3 % of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and an inflation rate of 7 % or less by the end of 1993 would be consistent with these objectives;
91 Pravna redakcija
Porabe so prikazane na desni strani, viri pa na levi, tj. na nasprotni strani kot pri tekočih računih za institucionalne sektorje, saj so tokovi proizvodov protipostavke denarnih tokov.
Uses are recorded on the right-hand side of the goods and services account and resources on the left, i. e. on the opposite side from that used in the current accounts for the institutional sectors, since the product flows are the counterparts of the monetary flows.
92 Pravna redakcija
Četrtletni ekonomski računi so sestavni del sistema nacionalnih računov. Poleg drugih uporab so zelo pomembni za analizo tekočega leta in za izračun začasnih ocen za predhodno leto.
The quarterly economic accounts form an integral part of the system of national accounts and, among other uses, are very important for the analysis of the current year and calculation of provisional estimates for the last year.
93 Pravna redakcija
ker je glede na osnovne razlike med trgom suhega tovora in trgom tovora v tekočem stanju priporočljivo, da se vodijo ločeni računi za vsa sredstva za prevoznike suhega tovora in za tankerje;
Whereas, in view of the fundamental differences between the dry cargo and liquid cargo markets, it is advisable to keep separate accounts in each fund for dry cargo carriers and tanker vessels;
94 Pravna redakcija
(Vključuje samo tekoče bančne račune (cuentas corrientes bancarias), vloge na vpogled, vezane vloge, finančne instrumente z dogovori o ponovnem odkupu, ter poroštvene vloge ali poroštva.)
(Includes only current bank accounts (cuentas corrientes bancarias), sight deposits, time deposits savings accounts, financial instruments with repurchase agreements, and warranty deposits or surety bonds.)
95 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
Tekoči računi obravnavajo ustvarjanje, razdelitev in prerazdelitev dohodka in njegovo porabo v obliki končne potrošnje; omogočajo izračun "varčevanja", ki je bistven dejavnik akumulacije.
The current accounts deal with the production, distribution and redistribution of income and its use in the form of final consumption; they make it possible to calculate 'savings', which is the essential component of accumulation.
96 Pravna redakcija
Dohodek od lastnine, pripisan imetnikom zavarovalnih polic se prikaže kot obveznost pri sektorju zavarovalnice in kot terjatev pri tujini v zunanjem računu primarnih dohodkov in tekočih transferjev.
Property income attributed to policyholders is shown as payable by the insurance sector and receivable by the rest of the world in the external account of primary incomes and current transfers.
97 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
Namen računa podjetniškega dohodka je določiti izravnalno postavko, ki ustreza konceptu tekočega dobička pred razdelitvijo in davkom na dohodek, kakor se normalno uporablja v poslovnem računovodstvu.
The entrepreneurial income account makes it possible to measure income which is similar to the concept of current profit before distribution and taxes on income, as customarily used in business accounting.
98 Pravna redakcija
Če nerezidenčnega zaposlenega pokriva rezidenčna shema socialnega zavarovanja, so transakcije med zaposlenim in sektorjem države evidentirane v zunanjem računu primarnih dohodkov in tekočih transferjev.
the non-resident employee is covered by a resident social security scheme, the transactions between the employee and the government sector are recorded in the external account of primary incomes and current transfers.
99 Pravna redakcija
Tekoči računi zaposlenih, podjetij in strank (vključno s finančnimi institucijami, ki niso obvezniki za izpolnjevanje obveznih rezerv - glej postavko obveznosti 2.1), itd.; vezane vloge, vloge na odpoklic
Current accounts of staff, companies and clients (including financial institutions listed as exempt from the obligation to hold minimum reserves - see liability item 2.1), etc.; fixed-term deposits, deposits repayable on demand
100 Pravna redakcija
Če nerezident dela za rezidenčnega delodajalca, ki upravlja takšno shemo, vse transakcije potekajo med tujino in sektorjem delodajalca, prikazane v zunanjem računu primarnih dohodkov in tekočih transferjev.
If a non-resident works for a resident employer operating such a scheme, all transactions are between the rest of the world and the employer's sector, shown in the external account of primary incomes and current transfers.
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tekoči račun