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51 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0074
Postavljena je bila trditev, da povečanje plač ne kaže na škodo.
It was submitted that wage increases do not point to injury.
52 Končna redakcija
Novinar zanika trditev Roma, da je njegova družina neproblematična.
The journalist refuses the statement of a Rom that his family is unproblematic.
53 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0074
Postavljena je bila trditev, da Priloga I(h) k osnovi uredbi določa naslednje:
It was argued that Annex I(h) to the basic Regulation provides for the following:
54 Končna redakcija
To trditev lahko potrdimo s tehnološkega, metalurškega in tudi ekonomskega vidika.
This statement is true from the viewpoint of technology, metallurgy as well as economy.
55 Končna redakcija
Z njo dokazujem svojo trditev, da velika umetnost nikoli ne more biti nič drugačna.
It goes to prove my contention that great art can never be anything else.
56 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0074
Postavljena je bila trditev, da brez dohodka DEPB ni obdavčljivega dobička iz izvoza.
It was argued that, in the absence of DEPB income, there would have been no taxable profit derived from export sales.
57 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0074
Postavljena je bila trditev, da razvoj cen ne more veljati kot dokaz za ugotavljanje škode.
It was submitted that the development of prices cannot be regarded as supporting a finding of injury.
58 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0074
Postavljena je bila trditev, da je zmanjšanje donosa naložbe le odraz zmanjšanja naložb.
It was submitted that the decrease in the return on investment is a mere reflection of the decrease in investment.
59 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0074
Postavljena je bila trditev, da je Komisija obravnavala denarni tok kot nepomemben pokazatelj.
It was submitted that the Commission considered cash flow as a non-significant indicator.
60 Končna redakcija
Prevladujoča kategorizacija novinarskega poročanja je trditev, da Romi (po svoji naravi) kradejo.
The prevalent assertion in the media coverage is that the Roma are (by nature) thieves.
61 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0074
Postavljena je bila trditev, da v določbi ni razlike, če izdelek izvaža INE ali enota, ki ni izvozno naravnana.
It was argued that the provision does not distinguish whether the product is exported by an EOU or a non-EOU.
62 Končna redakcija
V tej izjavi bolj moti trditev, da "začasni begunci po določilih mednarodnih konvencij ne morejo biti zaposleni", trditev, ki je ljubko zavita v nosilca predpostavke znano je, v izraz, ki najbolj zanesljivo odvrača od ugovarjanja.
What is more disturbing in this declaration is the claim that 'according to international conventions temporary refugees are not allowed to work', a claim which is nicely embedded under the presupposition-carrying znano je (it is well known), one of the most dependable deterrents of disagreement.
63 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0074
Postavljena je bila trditev, da industrija Skupnosti ni utrpela znatne škode, ker je bila zaščitene s sistemom kvot.
It was submitted that the Community industry did not suffer material injury as it was protected by the presence of quotas.
64 Končna redakcija
Ta trditev o nevtralnosti in nepristranski obdelavi izsledkov je bistvenega pomena za prikaz države kot zagovornice resnice.
This claim of neutrality and impartial treatment of the findings is vital to the portrayal of the state as supporting the truth.
65 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0236
Ta trditev se nanaša na proizvodne stroške in jo je mogoče upoštevati samo v smislu ponovne preiskave normalne vrednosti.
This type of claim refers to costs of production, and can only be taken into account in the context of a re-examination of normal value.
66 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0074
Postavljena je bila trditev, da industrija Skupnosti ni sposobna zadovoljiti vsega povpraševanja po posteljnem perilu v Skupnosti.
It was submitted that the Community industry is not in a position to satisfy the whole demand for bedlinen in the Community.
67 Končna redakcija
Pokazalo se je, da je ta trditev točna. V glasovanju je kar 28 odstotkov gledalcev izrazilo željo, da bi bili navzoči pri usmrtitvi
This statement was later confirmed when 28% of viewers that participated in the voting expressed a wish to attend an execution.
68 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0074
Postavljena je bila trditev, da povprečna donosnost preko 5 % v obravnavanem obdobju ne more veljati kot dokaz za ugotavljanje škode.
It was submitted that an average profitability of over 5 % in the period considered cannot be considered to support a finding of injury.
69 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0074
Postavljena je bila trditev, da je industrija Skupnosti uvažala bombažno posteljno perilo iz Indije in tako prispevala k utrpeli škodi.
It was submitted that the Community industry imported cotton-type bedlinen from India and thereby contributed to the injury suffered.
70 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0074
Postavljena je bila trditev, da razvoj proizvodne zmogljivosti in izkoriščanje zmogljivosti ne more veljati kot dokaz za ugotavljanje škode.
It was submitted that the evolution of production capacity and capacity utilisation cannot be regarded as supporting a finding of injury.
71 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0074
Ta trditev je temeljila samo na dejstvu, da so se prodajne cene vzorčenih družb nekoliko zvišale, za kar pa je dana razlaga v uvodni izjavi 157.
This allegation was only based on the fact that sales prices of the sampled companies slightly increased, for which an explanation was, however, provided in recital 157.
72 Končna redakcija
V tem odzvanja trditev iz brošure Urada za informiranje, da Slovenija ni dovolj znana in da trpi zaradi pomanjkljivega razlikovanja od sosednjih držav.
This echoes the statement of the Media Relations brochure, in that Slovenia is not well known, and suffers from a lack of differentiation from the neighboring countries.
73 Končna redakcija
Tako je novinar lahko ironičen, da mu ni treba zagovarjati svojih trditev, obenem pa ga ironične (implicitne) izjave odrešijo odgovornosti za te trditve.
Thus a journalist can be ironic to escape from the substantiation of his/her statements, and ironic (implicit) statements also free him/her of the responsibility for these statements.
74 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0760
Postavljena je bila trditev, da so znatne količine uvozov jeklenih vrvi in kablov iz Moldavije nadomestile uvoze jeklenih vrvi in kablov s poreklom iz Ukrajine.
It was claimed that significant volumes of imports of steels ropes and cables from Moldova have replaced imports of steel ropes and cables originating in Ukraine.
75 Končna redakcija
Noam Chomsky v knjigah, člankih in javnih nastopih nenehno ponavlja preprosto trditev: za analizo deviacije medijev v zahodnih državah ni potrebna teorija zarote.
Noam Chomsky repeatedly points out a simple conclusion that no conspiracy theory is needed for the analysis of media deviations in western countries.
76 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0074
Postavljena je bila trditev, da je bila povprečna subvencija 8 % in povprečno nelojalno znižanje veliko večje, ker so se cene vzorčenih proizvajalcev povečale.
It was submitted that average subsidisation was 8 % and average undercutting was much higher, while prices charged by the sampled producers increased.
77 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0074
Postavljena je bila trditev, da so proizvodnja, produktivnost in obseg prodaje naraščali in da je zaposlovanje ostalo nespremenjeno, kar ne potrjuje nastanka škode.
It was submitted that output, productivity and sales volume were increasing and employment was stable, which does not confirm injury.
78 Končna redakcija
Mogoče je trditi, da gre prej za nedoslednost, oziroma pomanjkljivo uredniško politiko - spodbijana ni ne ena ne druga trditev in ni opravljena primerjava med pogledoma.
The answer is 'no'. The differences rather arise from inconsistency, or deficient editorial policy - neither of the mentioned assertions is called in question, nor are conflicting views opposed for discussion.
79 Končna redakcija
Naslednje področje posploševanja in prilagajanja medijskega pogleda zdravorazumskemu prepričanju je trditev (ugotovitev), da so Romi (po svoji naravi) nedelavni in leni.
Another area of generalization and adaptation of the media perspective to the common sense conviction is the assertion (conclusion)that the Roma are (by nature) idle and lazy.
80 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0236
Torej bi trditev štela za neutemeljeno tudi, če bi bila v smislu zahteve po ponovni preučitvi normalne vrednosti na podlagi člena 12(5) osnovne uredbe pravilno predstavljena.
Therefore, even if the claim had been correctly presented in the context of a request for a revision of normal value pursuant to Article 12(5) of the basic Regulation, it would have been considered to be unfounded.
81 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0074
Postavljena je bila trditev, da zmanjšanja donosnosti pri vzorčenih družbah ni mogoče pripisati subvencioniranemu uvozu, ampak povečanju stroškov dela in zmanjšanju naložb.
It was submitted that the decrease in profitability of the sampled companies cannot be attributed to subsidised imports, but to an increase in labour costs and decreased investments.
82 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0074
Vendar so bile ustrezno sprejete v vednost pripombe, ki jih je izrekla indijska vlada glede trditev iz pritožbe o subvencioniranem uvozu in znatni škodi, povzročeni industriji Skupnosti.
However, due note was taken of comments made by the GOI with regard to the allegations contained in the complaint regarding subsidised imports and material injury being suffered by the Community industry.
83 Končna redakcija
V intervjuju za Fokus (9/10, julij/avgust 1993) je tedanji namestnik glavnega in odgovornega urednika Dela Danilo Slivnik na novinarjevo trditev, da so Novice klasična by-pass firma odgovoril:
In an interview given to Fokus (9/10, July/August 1993), Danilo Slivnik, the deputy editor-in-chief of Delo at the time, commented thus on the journalist's statement that Novice was a classic example of a by-pass company:
84 Končna redakcija
1 Točka 4: Informacijo ali trditev, za katero se pokaže, da je napačna, mora novinar, ki jo je objavil - ali njegovo uredništvo - nemudoma in samoiniciativno ter v primerni obliki popraviti.
1 Article 4: Any information or assertion that proves to be wrong must be corrected immediately by the journalist who published it - or by the editorial office - on their own initiative and in the appropriate form.
85 Končna redakcija
Psihiater Lokar trditev zavrne in pravi, da »najmanj 80 odstotkov homoseksualnih moških ne kaže navzven nikakršnih znakov, po katerih bi jih lahko prepoznali že na prvi pogled«. (5, ibid.)
Dr. Jože Lokar rejected this assertion stating that '80% of homosexual men at the least do not show any apparent signs by which one can distinguish them at first glance' (5, ibid.).
86 Končna redakcija
resničnost trditev v odgovoru ni pogoj za objavo in se ne ugotavlja, odgovor je možen in dopusten tudi zoper resnične trditve (enako pri nas - čeprav večina novinarjev in urednikov tega sploh ne ve;
The truthfulness of the assertions contained in the reply is not a prerequisite for the publication of the reply and is not verified; it is permissible and possible to reply to truthful assertions (it is the same in Slovenia, even though the majority of journalists and editors do not know this;
87 Končna redakcija
Trditev, da gre za izrodek družbe drugače spolno usmerjenih (ne samo homoseksualcev), ki svojo spolnost po svoji usmerjenosti tudi živijo, je nesporno pravilna v svojem prvotnem in neprenesenem pomenu;
'The assertion that people with different sexual orientations (not only homosexuals), who also live their sexual inclinations, are social degenerates is undoubtedly correct if the term is understood in its original and non-figurative meaning.'
88 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0074
Postavljena je bila trditev, da se je uvoz iz Indije absolutno in relativno zmanjšal v situaciji brez dajatev, in da je predstavljal relativno majhen tržni delež in da zaradi tega ni povzročil škode.
It was submitted that imports originating in India decreased in absolute and relative terms in a situation without duties, and that they represented a relatively small market share and did therefore not cause injury.
89 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0074
Postavljena je bila trditev, da se je zmanjšal obseg povpraševanja po posteljnem perilu, ki ga proizvaja industrija Skupnosti, ker se to prodaja na zgornjem segmentu trga, kjer je obseg prodaje manjši.
It was claimed that the demand for bedlinen produced by the Community industry has diminished in volume terms as it focused on the upper end of the market, where less sales volume is made.
90 Končna redakcija
Kot dokaz za to trditev lahko navedem empirično dejstvo, da taka par excellence ekstremistična avtorska in časopisna dejavnost, o kateri lahko berete v knjižici, poteka še vedno v trenutku, ko ta spis pošiljam v tiskarno.
As proof I can offer the empirical fact that this extreme practice par excellence pursued by the author and the newspaper board, which you are going to learn about through this paper, is still underway at the time this text is going to print.
91 Končna redakcija
V članku s naslovom Na krstu obljubijo vse, a.... (Dnevnik, 23. 10. 1997.) na novinarsko vprašanje (trditev) Mar ni delo duhovnika, ki deluje v okolju, v katerem živijo tudi Romi, podobno delu misionarjev?, župnik odgovarja:
In the article entitled "At baptism they promise anything, but..." (Dnevnik, 23.10.1997) a priest answers the journalist's question (statement), "Is not the job of a priest, who works in an area inhabited by the Roma, similar to the work of a missionary?" His answer:
92 Končna redakcija
Da testiramo ali drži trditev bk=0 lahko uporabimo statistični test ([6] in [8]):in pravilo odločitve:kjer člen (1-a/2) predstavlja koeficient zaupanja- Koeficient večkratne določenosti in koeficient večkratne korelacije:
To test whether or not bk = 0 we may use the test statistic ([6] and [8]):(6)and the decision rule:(7),where the term (1 - a/2) represents the confidence coefficient.- Coefficient of multiple determination and coefficient of multiple correlation:
93 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0074
Postavljena je bila trditev, da pomen izraza "vložek" iz Priloge I(i) osnovne uredbe zajema tudi investicijsko blago, saj je investicijsko blago bistven vložek pri proizvodnji, brez katerega ne bi bilo nobenega končnega izdelka.
It was argued that the scope of the term "input" in Annex I(i) to the basic Regulation also covers capital goods, since capital goods are essential inputs for production, without the use of which no final product could ever come into existence.
94 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0435
Glede trditev, da so nekateri kitajski proizvajalci imeli primerjalne prednosti, ki so jim omogočale, da so bili bolj konkurenčni od industrije Skupnosti, se ugotavlja, da ni bilo posredovanih nobenih podrobnosti o teh domnevnih prednostih.
As far as the allegation that certain Chinese producers enjoyed comparative advantages which allow them to be more competitive than the Community industry, it is noted that no details of these alleged advantages were provided.
95 Končna redakcija
poleg zagotavljanja »ni treba, da ste videti kot dekle na naslovnici« je tu denimo tudi trditev, da ženske, ki ne »padajo« na znamke, dojemamo kot močne osebnosti, ta pa se nadaljuje s fotografijami vitkih (in v znamke oblečenih) deklet.
The assurance that 'it is not necessary to look like the cover page model' appears side by side with the assurance that women who do not 'fall for' designer's labels are perceived as strong personalities, with all of this being accompanied by photographs of slim women (wearing designer clothes).
96 Končna redakcija
Zadnja leta pred demokratičnim prevratom je bilo v Sloveniji mogoče nekaznovano napisati tako rekoč vse - upravičeno ali neupravičeno kritiko, laž ali resnico, z dejstvi podkrepljeno trditev ali izmišljotino -, prizadeti se niso odzivali.
During the few years just prior to the democratic changes, almost anything could appear in the press unsanctioned - substantive criticism alongside groundless criticism, a lie alongside the truth, an assertion based on facts and a fabrication.
97 Končna redakcija
Na tej isti, 'državljanski' ravni, je tudi natalitetno-ogrožajoča trditev, ki značilno hudomušno ugotavlja, da (nas) 'skrbi idenititeta Kosovcev in nasilje Srbov, sami pa si vlačimo 'na dom' vsemogočo robo, pa je v Tivoliju že več psov kot ljudi'.
The statement about threatened birth rate comes from the same, 'civil' platform. In the characteristically mischievous way they establish that (we are) 'worried about the identity of the Kosovars and the aggression of the Serbs, while at the same time we ourselves 'drag' to our own house every kind of stock, so in Tivoli there are more dogs than people'.
98 Končna redakcija
To hkrati nakazujejo tudi rezultati Slovenskega javnega mnenja 2001, v katerem je na trditev, da bi »homoseksualnim osebam morali prepovedati javno izražanje svoje spolne usmerjenosti« pritrdilno odgovorilo 29 odstotkov vprašanih, 47 odstotkov anketirancev pa se s tem ne strinja.
This coincides with the results of the 2001 survey, in which 29% of respondents agreed and 47% disagreed with the proposition that 'homosexual persons should be prohibited from publicly expressing their sexual orientations.'
99 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0074
V zvezi z izračunom zneska subvencije je bila postavljena trditev, da izračun subvencije z vidika "ugodnosti za proizvajalca" zahteva razdelitev zneska subvencije (neplačane carinske dajatve), ki se pripisuje OP, na celotno proizvodnjo (domačo in izvozno) zadevnega izdelka.
In respect of the calculation of the subsidy amount, it was argued that a subsidy calculation, based on the "benefit to the producer" perspective, requires the allocation of the subsidy amount (unpaid customs duties) attributable to the IP over the whole production (domestic plus exports) of the product concerned.
100 Končna redakcija
Če televizija prikazuje nesreče in vojne, se tega ne da olepšati ali očistiti nasilja. To trditev slišimo od odgovornih za stike z javnostjo (Ona, 2001:19). Vendar se zdi izgovarjanje na prvi člen ali še bolj očitno prikrivanje želje po prikazovanju nasilja sporno tudi z vidika nekaterih določb kodeksa
The explanations by tv companies' spokesmen such as 'the scenes of tragedies and wars cannot be embellished or purged of violence' (Ona 2001), obviously invoking the first article of the code, are also moot when viewed in the light of some other articles of the same code.
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