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uredba o združitvi
51 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0802
Posebne določbe za kreditne, zavarovalne ter druge finančne institucije in skupna podjetja so zajete v členih 5(3), (4) in 5(5) Uredbe o združitvi ES.
Special provisions are contained in Articles 5(3), (4) and 5(5) of the EC Merger Regulation for credit, insurance, other financial institutions and joint undertakings.
52 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0802
ali je predlagana koncentracija popolna pravno-formalna združitev, pridobitev izključnega ali skupnega nadzora, polno delujoče skupno podjetje v smislu člena 3(4) Uredbe o združitvi ES ali pogodba ali drugo sredstvo, ki podeljuje neposredni ali posredni nadzor v smislu člena 3(2) Uredbe o združitvi ES;
whether the proposed concentration is a full legal merger, an acquisition of sole or joint control, a full-function joint venture within the meaning of Article 3(4) of the EC Merger Regulation or a contract or other means of conferring direct or indirect control within the meaning of Article 3(2) of the EC Merger Regulation;
53 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0802
Promet stranke prevzemnice ali strank prevzemnic koncentracije bi moral vključevati skupni promet vseh podjetij v smislu člena 5(4) Uredbe o združitvi ES.
Turnover of the acquiring party or parties to the concentration should include the aggregated turnover of all undertakings within the meaning of Article 5(4) of the EC Merger Regulation.
54 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0802
V primeru prošnje za oprostitve, lahko Komisija določi potrebne dokumente za poseben primer z zahtevo za informacije v skladu s členom 11 Uredbe ES o združitvi.
Where waivers are sought, the Commission may specify the documents to be provided in a particular case in a request for information under Article 11 of the EC Merger Regulation.
55 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0802
Nadalje je Komisija pooblaščena, da naloži globo, če se predložijo vloge z nepravilnimi ali zavajajočimi podatki skladno s členom 14(1) Uredbe o združitvi ES.
In addition, the Commission will have the power to impose fines for submission of incorrect or misleading information pursuant to Article 14(1)(a) of the EC Merger Regulation.
56 Končna redakcija
Na podlagi Uredbe o združitvi Komisija ocenjuje skladnost priglašene koncentracije s skupnim trgom na podlagi njenega vpliva na strukturo konkurence v Skupnosti [6].
Under the Merger Regulation, the Commission assesses the compatibility of a notified concentration with the common market on the basis of its effect on the structure of competition in the Community(6).
57 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0802
V takšnih primerih se sklicevanje na te oddelke v "uredbi o združitvi ES" in "izvedbene uredbe" razumejo kot da se nanašajo na ustrezne določbe Uredbe (EGS) št. 4064/89 in Uredbe (ES) št. 447/98.
In such cases references in those sections to the "EC Merger Regulation" and to the "Implementing Regulation" shall be read as referring to the corresponding provisions of Regulation (EEC) No 4064/89 and Regulation (EC) N° 447/98, respectively.
58 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0802
Preskrbite zadostne finančne ali druge podatke, da prikažete, ali koncentracija izpolnjuje ALI ne izpolnjuje pravnih kriterijev v skladu s členom 1 Uredbe o združitvi ES.
Provide sufficient financial or other data to show that the concentration meets OR does not meet the jurisdictional thresholds under Article 1 of the EC Merger Regulation.
59 Končna redakcija
Kadar zadevno podjetje krši obveznost, lahko Komisija na podlagi člena 6(3) ali člena 8(5)(b) prekliče odločbo o odobritvi, izdano na podlagi člena 6(2) ali člena 8(2) Uredbe o združitvi.
Where the undertakings concerned commit a breach of an obligation, the Commission may revoke clearance decisions issued either under Article 6(2) or Article 8(2) of the Merger Regulation, acting pursuant to Article 6(3) or Article 8(5)(b), respectively.
60 Končna redakcija
Kadar ima nakup za posledico koncentracijo, ki ima pomen za vso Skupnost, je treba ta novi načrt priglasiti na podlagi Uredbe o združitvi in odobriti po običajnih postopkih [52].
Where the purchase results in a concentration that has a Community dimension, this new operation will have to be notified under the Merger Regulation and cleared under normal procedures(52).
61 Končna redakcija
V takšnih okoliščinah lahko Komisija na podlagi člena 8(4) Uredbe o združitvi odredi vse potrebne ustrezne ukrepe, da se ponovno vzpostavijo pogoji učinkovite konkurence [15].
In such circumstances, the Commission may, pursuant to Article 8(4) of the Merger Regulation, order any appropriate action necessary to restore conditions of effective competition(15).
62 Končna redakcija
V primerih združitev je dostop neposredno zadevnih strank do spisa izrecno določen v členu 18(3) Uredbe o združitvi in v členu 13(a) Uredbe (ES) št. 3384/94 [6] ("Izvedbena uredba").
In merger cases, access to the file by parties directly concerned is expressly provided for in Article 18 (3) of the Merger Regulation and in Article 13 (3) (a) of Regulation (EC) No 3384/94 (6) ('the Implementing Regulation`).
63 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0802
Pri združitvi v smislu člena 3(1)(a) Uredbe ES o združitvi ali pridobitvi skupnega nadzora nad podjetjem v smislu člena 3(1)(b) Uredbe ES o združitvi priglasitev opravijo skupaj udeleženke združitve oziroma tiste, ki pridobivajo skupen nadzor [3].
In the case of a merger within the meaning of Article 3(1)(a) of the EC Merger Regulation or the acquisition of joint control of an undertaking within the meaning of Article 3(1)(b) of the EC Merger Regulation, the notification shall be completed jointly by the parties to the merger or by those acquiring joint control, as the case may be(3).
64 Končna redakcija
Člen 9(1) Uredbe o združitvi določa, da "Komisija lahko z odločbo, ki jo nemudoma sporoči zadevnemu podjetju… posreduje priglašeno koncentracijo pristojnim organom zadevne države članice".
Article 9 (1) of the Merger Regulation provides that 'the Commission may, by means of a decision notified without delay to the undertakings concerned... refer a notified concentration to the competent authorities of the Member State concerned`.
65 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0802
Če stranke predložijo nepravilne podatke, lahko Komisija razveljavi odločbo, sprejeto na podlagi člena 6 ali 8, ki sledi napotilu na podlagi 4(5) skladno s členoma 6(3)(a) ali 8(6)(a) Uredbe o združitvi ES.
If parties submit incorrect information, the Commission will have the power to revoke any Article 6 or 8 decision it adopts following an Article 4(5) referral, pursuant to Article 6(3)(a) or 8(6)(a) of the EC Merger Regulation.
66 Končna redakcija
V tem sporočilu določena navodila so odraz razvoja izkušenj Komisije pri ocenjevanju, sprejemanju in izvajanju ukrepov pomoči na podlagi Uredbe o združitvi od njenega začetka veljavnosti dne 21. septembra 1990.
The guidance set out in this notice reflects the Commission's evolving experience with the assessment, acceptance and implementation of remedies under the Merger Regulation since its entry into force on 21 September 1990.
67 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0802
Poleg tega lahko Komisija skladno s členom 6(3)(a) in členom 8(6)(a) Uredbe ES o združitvi prekliče svoj sklep o združljivosti priglašene koncentracije, če temelji na napačnih informacijah, za katere je odgovorno eno od podjetij.
In addition, pursuant to Article 6(3)(a) and Article 8(6)(a) of the EC Merger Regulation the Commission may revoke its decision on the compatibility of a notified concentration where it is based on incorrect information for which one of the undertakings is responsible.
68 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0802
Pri izpolnjevanju tega obrazca se opozarja na Uredbo Sveta (ES) št. 139/2004 (v nadaljevanju "Uredba ES o združitvi") in Uredbo Komisije (ES) št. xx/2004 (v nadaljevanju "izvedbena uredba"), ki ji je priložen ta obrazec [1].
In completing this Form, your attention is drawn to Council Regulation (EC) No 139/2004 (hereinafter referred to as "the EC Merger Regulation"), and Commission Regulation (EC) No xx/2004 (hereinafter referred to as "the Implementing Regulation"), to which this Form is annexed(1).
69 Končna redakcija
Ker pa se poglobljena preiskava trga izvaja samo v fazi II, morajo obveznosti, predložene Komisiji v fazi I, zadoščati, da povsem izključijo "resne sume" v smislu člena 6(1)(c) Uredbe o združitvi [11].
However, given the fact that an in-depth market investigation is only carried out in phase II, commitments submitted to the Commission in phase I must be sufficient to clearly rule out "serious doubts" within the meaning of Article 6(1)(c) of the Merger Regulation(11).
70 Končna redakcija
Po členu 6(2) Uredbe o združitvi lahko Komisija izda odločbo, da je koncentracija skladna s skupnim trgom, kadar je prepričana, da priglašena koncentracija po spremembi ne zbuja več resnih sumov v smislu odstavka 1(c).
Pursuant to Article 6(2) of the Merger Regulation the Commission may declare a concentration compatible with the common market, where it is confident that following modification a notified concentration no longer raises serious doubts within the meaning of paragraph 1(c).
71 Končna redakcija
V ta namen morajo stranke v zadovoljstvo Komisije, v skladu s svojimi obveznostmi na podlagi Uredbe o združitvi, jasno dokazati, da korektivni ukrep ponovno vzpostavlja pogoje za učinkovito konkurenco na skupnem trgu na trajni osnovi.
To this end, the parties are required to show clearly, to the Commission's satisfaction in accordance with its obligations under the Merger Regulation, that the remedy restores conditions of effective competition in the common market on a permanent basis.
72 Končna redakcija
Kadar stranke predložijo predloge za obveznosti skupaj s priglasitvijo ali v treh tednih od datuma prejetja priglasitve [39], se rok za odločitev Komisije na podlagi člena 6(1) Uredbe o združitvi podaljša z enega meseca na šest tednov.
Where the parties submit proposals for commitments together with the notification or within three weeks from the date of receipt of the notification(39), the deadline for the Commission's decision pursuant to Article 6(1) of the Merger Regulation is extended from one month to six weeks.
73 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0802
Po členu 14(1)(a) Uredbe ES o združitvi se stranke, ki priglašajo in ki namenoma ali zaradi malomarnosti zagotovijo napačne ali zavajajoče informacije, lahko kaznuje z denarno kaznijo v višini do 1 % skupnega prometa zadevnega podjetja.
Under Article 14(1)(a) of the EC Merger Regulation, notifying parties who, either intentionally or negligently, supply incorrect or misleading information, may be liable to fines of up to 1 % of the aggregate turnover of the undertaking concerned.
74 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0802
Skladno s členom 14(1)(a) Uredbe o združitvi ES lahko Komisija pri namernem ali malomarnem pošiljanju nepravilnih ali zavajajočih podatkov naloži predlagatelju utemeljene vloge globo v višini do 1 % skupnega prometa udeleženega podjetja.
Under Article 14(1)(a) of the EC Merger Regulation, parties making a reasoned submission who, either intentionally or negligently, provide incorrect or misleading information, may be liable to fines of up to 1 % of the aggregate turnover of the undertaking concerned.
75 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0802
Sistem nadzora Evropske unije nad združitvami je določen z Uredbo Sveta (ES) Št. 139/2004 (v nadaljnjem besedilu "Uredba ES o združitvi") in z Uredbo Komisije (ES) Št. xx/2004 (v nadaljnjem besedilu "Izvedbena uredba"), katerima je priložen ta obrazec CO.
The merger control system of the European Union is laid down in Council Regulation (EC) No 139/2004 (hereinafter referred to as "the EC Merger Regulation"), and in Commission Regulation (EC) No xx/2004 (hereinafter referred to as "the Implementing Regulation"), to which this Form CO is annexed.
76 Končna redakcija
ker se je treba sklicevati na člen 235 Pogodbe, saj so v besedilo sporazuma vključene združitve in prevzemi, zajeti v Uredbi Sveta (EGS) št. 4064/89 z dne 21. decembra 1989 o nadzoru nad koncentracijami podjetij, ki dejansko temelji na členu 235;
Whereas Article 235 of the Treaty must be invoked owing to the inclusion in the text of the Agreement of mergers and acquisitions which are covered by Council Regulation (EEC) No 4064/89 of 21 December 1989 on the control of concentrations between undertakings(2), which is essentially based on Article 235;
77 Končna redakcija
Pri presoji skladnosti na podlagi člena 2(2) in (3) Uredbe o združitvi se določi, ali bi koncentracija ustvarila ali okrepila prevladujoč položaj, ki bi v znatni meri preprečeval učinkovito konkurenco na skupnem trgu ali na znatnem delu tega trga [7].
The test for compatibility under Article 2(2) and (3) of the Merger Regulation is whether or not a concentration would create or strengthen a dominant position as a result of which effective competition would be significantly impeded in the common market or a substantial part of it (7).
78 Končna redakcija
Če je Komisija po poglobljeni preiskavi v svoji Ugotovitvi o možnih kršitvah predhodno ugotovila, da koncentracija vodi v vzpostavitev ali okrepitev prevladujočega položaja v smislu člena 2(3) Uredbe o združitvi, morajo obveznosti onemogočiti vzpostavitev ali okrepitev tega prevladujočega položaja.
After an in-depth investigation and where the Commission in a Statement of Objections has reached the preliminary view that the merger leads to the creation or strengthening of a dominant position within the meaning of Article 2(3) of the Merger Regulation, the commitments have to eliminate the creation or strengthening of such a dominant position.
79 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0802
Člen 287 Pogodbe in člen 17(2) Uredbe ES o združitvi ter ustrezne določbe Sporazuma EGP [4] od Komisije, držav članic, Nadzornega organa EFTA in držav EFTA, njihovih uradnikov in drugih zaposlenih zahteva, da ne razkrijejo informacije, ki so jih dobili z uporabo Uredbe, za katere velja obveznost varovanja poklicne skrivnosti.
Article 287 of the Treaty and Article 17(2) of the EC Merger Regulation as well as the corresponding provisions of the EEA Agreement(4) require the Commission, the Member States, the EFTA Surveillance Authority and the EFTA States, their officials and other servants not to disclose information they have acquired through the application of the Regulation of the kind covered by the obligation of professional secrecy.
80 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0802
kaže, da je kljub izpolnitvi pogojev za uporabo poenostavljenega obrazca potrebna podrobna ali delna priglasitev na obrazcu CO, da se ustrezno preučijo morebitne spornosti z vidika konkurence ali da se ugotovi, ali transakcija predstavlja koncentracijo v smislu člena 3 Uredbe ES o združitvi;
although the conditions for using the Short Form are met, a full or partial notification under Form CO appears to be necessary for an adequate investigation of possible competition concerns or to establish that the transaction is a concentration within the meaning of Article 3 of the EC Merger Regulation;
81 Končna redakcija
Člen 22(3) Uredbe o združitvi določa, da "če Komisija na zahtevo države članice ugotovi, da koncentracija (…), ki ni na ravni Skupnosti (…), ustvarja ali krepi prevladujoči položaj (…) lahko (…) sprejme odločitve, ki so določene v drugem pododstavku členov 8(2), (3) in (4)".
Article 22 (3) of the Merger Regulation provides that 'If the Commission finds, at the request of a Member State, that a concentration (...) that has no Community dimension (...) creates or strengthens a dominant position (...) it may (...) adopt the decisions provided for in the second subparagraph of Article 8 (2), (3) and (4)`.
82 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0802
Člen 287 Pogodbe in člen 17(2) Uredbe ES o združitvi ter ustrezne določbe Sporazuma EGP [6] od Komisije, držav članic, Nadzornega organa EFTA in držav EFTA, njihovih uradnikov in drugih uslužbencev zahtevajo, da ne razkrijejo podatkov, ki so jih pridobili v času uporabe omenjene uredbe in za katere velja obveznost varovanja poklicne skrivnosti.
Article 287 of the Treaty and Article 17(2) of the EC Merger Regulation as well as the corresponding provisions of the EEA Agreement(6) require the Commission, the Member States, the EFTA Surveillance Authority and the EFTA States, their officials and other servants not to disclose information they have acquired through the application of the Regulation of the kind covered by the obligation of professional secrecy.
83 Končna redakcija
To sporočilo določa splošna načela, ki se uporabljajo za korektivne ukrepe, sprejemljive za Komisijo, glavne tipe obveznosti, ki jih je sprejela Komisija v primerih na podlagi Uredbe o združitvi, posebne zahteve, ki jih morajo izpolnjevati predlogi obveznosti v obeh fazah postopka, in glavne zahteve za izvajanje obveznosti.
This notice sets out the general principles applicable to remedies acceptable to the Commission, the main types of commitments that have been accepted by the Commission in cases under the Merger Regulation, the specific requirements which proposals of commitments need to fulfil in both phases of the procedure, and the main requirements for the implementation of commitments.
84 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0802
Člen 287 pogodbe in člen 17(2) Uredbe o združitvi ES zahtevata od Komisije in pristojnih organov držav članic, njihovih uradnikov in drugih uslužbencev in oseb, ki delajo pod nadzorom teh organov, pa tudi uradnikov in javnih uslužbencev in drugih organov oblasti držav članic, da ne razkrivajo podatkov, za katere velja obveznost varovanja poklicne skrivnosti in so jih pridobili pri uporabi te uredbe.
Article 287 of the Treaty and Article 17(2) of the EC Merger Regulation require the Commission and the competent authorities of the Member States, their officials and other servants and other persons working under the supervision of these authorities as well as officials and civil servants of other authorities of the Member States, not to disclose information of the kind covered by the obligation of professional secrecy and which they have acquired through the application of the Regulation.
85 Pravna redakcija
"Uredba o združitvi") določa, da mora Komisija presojati koncentracije s področja uporabe Uredbe o združitvi, da se ugotovi, če so ali niso skladne s skupnim trgom.
the "Merger Regulation") provides that the Commission has to appraise concentrations within the scope of the Merger Regulation with a view to establishing whether or not they are compatible with the common market.
86 Pravna redakcija
Členi 85 in 86 Pogodbe ES, Uredba (EGS) št. 4064/89 fn (v nadaljnjem besedilu »Uredba o združitvi«) ter členi 65 in 66 Pogodbe ESPJ.
Articles 85 and 86 of the EC Treaty, Regulation (EEC) No 4064/89 (2) (hereinafter 'the Merger Regulation`), and Articles 65 and 66 of the ECSC Treaty.
87 Pravna redakcija
Kar zadeva odbitje davkov, se Uredba o združitvi sklicuje na DDV in 'druge davke, neposredno povezane s prometom`.
As regards the deduction of taxes, the Merger Regulation refers to VAT and 'other taxes directly related to turnover`.
88 Pravna redakcija
Glej člen 5(3) Uredbe o združitvi.
See Article 5(3) of the Merger Regulation.
89 Pravna redakcija
Uvodna izjava 32 Uredbe o združitvi.
Recital 32 of the Merger Regulation.
90 Pravna redakcija
Tako 'zneski`, ki jih upošteva Uredba o združitvi odsevajo le transakcije med skupino podjetij na eni strani in tretjimi osebami na drugi.
Thus, the 'amounts` taken into account by the Merger Regulation reflect only the transactions which take place between the group of undertakings on the one hand and third parties on the other.
91 Pravna redakcija
Člen 5(4) Uredbe o združitvi določa:
Article 5(4) of the Merger Regulation provides the following:
92 Pravna redakcija
Namen te zahteve je zagotoviti, da lahko Komisija presodi priglašeno koncentracijo v okviru strogih rokov, ki jih predpisuje Uredba o združitvi.
This requirement is to ensure that the Commission is able to assess the notified concentration within the strict time-limits provided by the Merger Regulation.
93 Pravna redakcija
Poleg tega Uredba o združitvi jasno opredeljuje nadzor kot "možnost izvajanja odločilnega vpliva" in ne kot dejansko izvajanje takšnega vpliva.
Moreover, the Merger Regulation clearly defines control as having 'the possibility of exercising decisive influence` rather than the actual exercise of such influence.
94 Pravna redakcija
Člen 4, odstavek 3 Uredbe o združitvi.
Article 4, paragraph 3, of the Merger Regulation.
95 Pravna redakcija
Glej uvodno izjavo 4 Uredbe o združitvi.
See Recital 4 of the Merger Regulation.
96 Pravna redakcija
Primerjaj člen 2(1)(b) Uredbe o združitvi.
Cf. Article 2(1)(b) of the Merger Regulation.
97 Pravna redakcija
"Koncentracija" je opredeljena v členu 3 Uredbe (EGS) št. 4064/89 (v nadaljnjem besedilu: "Uredba o združitvi"), "na ravni Skupnosti" pa v členu 1 navedene uredbe.
A 'concentration' is defined in Article 3 of Regulation (EEC) No 4064/89 (hereinafter referred to as 'the Merger Regulation') and 'Community dimension' in Article 1 thereof.
98 Pravna redakcija
99 Pravna redakcija
Glej uvodni izjavi 25 in 26 Uredbe o združitvi.
See Recitals 25 and 26 of the Merger Regulation.
100 Pravna redakcija
Ker revidirani računovodski izkazi pogosto ne določajo geografske razdelitve prometa, kot jo zahteva Uredba o združitvi, se Komisija v zvezi z geografsko razporeditvijo prometa zanaša na najboljše razpoložljive podatke, ki jih zagotavljajo družbe v skladu s pravilom iz člena 5(1) Uredbe o združitvi (glej Oddelek II.1).
Regarding the geographical allocation of turnover, since audited accounts often do not provide a geographical breakdown of the sort required by the Merger Regulation, the Commission will rely on the best figures available provided by the companies in accordance with the rule laid down in Article 5(1) of the Merger Regulation (see Section II.1).
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uredba o združitvi