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951 Končna redakcija
DRUGO: Z1-06-2827
Takes note of the second edition of the Report on the Conservation Status of Migratory Waterbirds in the Agreement Area (AEWA/Inf.2.14) as the current best available knowledge of the status of populations of waterbirds included in the Agreement;
upošteva drugo izdajo Poročila o stanju ohranjenosti selitvenih vodnih ptic na območju, določenem v sporazumu (AEWA/Inf.2.14), kot trenutno najboljše razpoložljivo poznavanje stanja populacij vodnih ptic, vključenih v sporazum;
952 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0021
Measures that could affect trade between Member States are measures that may have an influence, direct or indirect, actual or potential, on the pattern of trade between Member States in a manner which might create a barrier to the single market.
Ukrepi, ki bi lahko negativno vplivali na trgovino med državami èlanicami, so ukrepi, ki lahko neposredno ali posredno, dejansko ali potencialno vplivajo na strukturo trgovanja med državami èlanicami na naèin, ki utegne ustvariti oviro za enotni trg.
953 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0414
This Regulation will apply without prejudice to any rules which the Commission might subsequently adopt with a view to full application of the arrangements introduced by Regulations (EEC) No 404/93 and (EC) No 896/2001 in the enlarged Community.
Ta Uredba se uporablja brez poseganja v kakršne koli določbe, ki jih lahko Komisija sprejme kasneje zaradi popolne uporabe režima, ki ga uvajata uredbi (EGS) št. 404/93 in (ES) št. 896/2001, v razširjeni Skupnosti.
954 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0414
This Regulation will apply without prejudice to any rules which the Commission might subsequently adopt with a view to full application of the arrangements introduced by Regulations (EEC) No 404/93 and (EC) No 896/2001 in the enlarged Community.
Ta Uredba se uporablja brez poseganja v kakršne koli določbe, ki jih lahko Komisija sprejme kasneje zaradi popolne uporabe režima, ki ga uvajata uredbi (EGS) št. 404/93 in (ES) št. 896/2001, v razširjeni Skupnosti.
955 Končna redakcija
If setting up costs have been necessarily incurred by participating banks acting in their capacity as beneficiaries' banks, it might be justifiable to pay for those costs by means of a collectively agreed interchange fee (as to which, see below).
Če so zagonske stroške povzročile sodelujoče stranke kot banke upravičencev, je mogoče upravičeno te stroške plačati s skupno dogovorjenimi pristojbinami za izmenjavo (glede katerih glej spodaj).
956 Končna redakcija
Even after the discharge has been given, the Commission has the discretion to require the reappointment of the trustee, if subsequently it appears to the Commission that the relevant commitments might not have been fully and properly implemented.
Šele potem, ko Komisija odveže fiduciarja njegovih obveznosti, ima pravico, da fiduciarja ponovno imenuje, če naknadno ugotovi, da zadevne obveznosti morda niso bile v celoti in ustrezno izvedene.
957 Končna redakcija
(1) Contractors may not apply or refer to technical specifications stating the goods, services or construction of a specific make, source or manufacture procedure if such statement might favour certain tenderers, or unjustifiably eliminate others.
(1) Naročnik ne sme uporabiti ali navajati takšnih tehničnih specifikacij, ki omenjajo blago, storitev ali gradnjo določene izdelave, izvora ali določenega postopka izvedbe če bi s takim navajanjem dajal naročnik prednost določenim ponudnikom ali jih s takim navajanjem neupravičeno izločil.
958 Končna redakcija
Whereas, in order to take account of the interests of all Member States, a Community procedure should be introduced for cases where the termination of an obligation to operate or to carry might interfere with the interests of another Member State;
ker se naj za upoštevanje interesov vseh držav èlanic uvede postopek Skupnosti, za primere ko bi bilo prenehanje obveznosti upravljanja ali izvajanja prevoza v nasprotju z interesi druge države èlanice;
959 Končna redakcija
It might be obvious by now how strict and fixed is the iconography of the news, and how even the newspresenters' wardrobes contribute to the impression of their professionalism and authority, and to the status of the institution which they represent.
Do sedaj je morda že postalo očitno, kako stroga in fiksna je ikonografija novic in kako celo garderoba voditeljev prispeva k vtisu profesionalnosti in avtoritete voditeljev in statusu institucije, ki jo zastopajo.
960 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R0659
'interested party` shall mean any Member State and any person, undertaking or association of undertakings whose interests might be affected by the granting of aid, in particular the beneficiary of the aid, competing undertakings and trade associations.
"zainteresirana stranka" pomeni katero koli državo članico ali osebo, podjetje ali združenje podjetij, na katerih interese bi lahko dodelitev pomoči vplivala, predvsem upravičenca pomoči, konkurenčna podjetja in poklicna združenja.
961 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0028
In addition, in order to facilitate the testing of new medicinal products while guaranteeing a high level of protection for consumers, sufficiently long withdrawal periods should be laid down for foodstuffs that animals involved in tests might produce.
Poleg tega je treba zaradi olajšanja preskušanj novih zdravil, medtem ko bi bila zajamčena visoka raven zaščite potrošnikov, določiti dovolj dolgo roke za umik živil, pridobljenih iz ali od živali, na katerih se delajo preskusi.
962 Končna redakcija
Self-regulation is not self-censorship. Self-censorship is prompted by a fear of influential people and of the ruling power which leads journalists to remove unpleasant parts of their texts beforehand in order to avoid informal pressure that might ensue.
Samoomejevanje ni samocenzura - izvor druge je strah pred zunanjimi vplivnimi osebnostmi in oblastjo: novinarji že vnaprej odstranijo neprijetne dele lastnega besedila ali prispevka da bi se izognili posledicam neformalnih pristiskov.
963 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0491
Since the objectives of the proposed action, namely to promote, within the framework of a comprehensive approach to migration, a more efficient management of migration flows in close cooperation with the third countries concerned, cannot be sufficiently achieved by the Member States and can therefore, by reason of the scale or impact of the action, be better achieved at Community level, the Community may adopt measures, in accordance with the principle of subsidiarity as set out in Article 5 of the Treaty.
Ker ciljev predlaganega ukrepanja, namreč pospeševati učinkovitejše upravljanje migracijskih tokov v okviru celovitega pristopa k migraciji v tesnem sodelovanju s tretjimi državami, države članice ne morejo doseči zadovoljivo in se zato zaradi obsega ali učinkov ukrepov lahko bolje dosežejo na ravni Skupnosti, lahko ta sprejme ukrepe v skladu z načelom subsidiarnosti, kakor je določeno v členu 5 Pogodbe.
964 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0491
the establishment in the third countries concerned of an effective and preventive policy in the fight against illegal migration, including the fight against trafficking in human beings and smuggling of migrants, and the development of relevant legislation;
vzpostavljanju učinkovite in preventivne politike v tretjih državah za boj proti nezakonitim migracijam, vključno z bojem proti trgovanju z ljudmi in tihotapljenju migrantov, in razvoju ustrezne zakonodaje;
965 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0103
It should be specified that the provisions relating to packaging requirements are to apply to products withdrawn from the market only in the case of miniature products which might otherwise be confused with products not meeting the minimum size requirements.
Natanèno je treba doloèiti, da je predpise v zvezi z zahtevami za pakiranje treba uporabljati za proizvode, umaknjene s trga, samo pri miniaturnih proizvodih, ki bi se sicer lahko zamenjali s proizvodi, ki ne izpolnjujejo zahtev najmanjše velikosti.
966 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0851
3.The director, the members of the Advisory Forum, as well as external experts participating in scientific panels, shall declare at each meeting any interests which might be considered prejudicial to their independence in relation to the items on the agenda.
Direktor, člani svetovalnega foruma, pa tudi zunanji strokovnjaki, ki sodelujejo v znanstvenih odborih, na vsakem sestanku dajo izjavo o vseh interesih, ki bi lahko ogrožali njihovo neodvisnost glede točk na dnevnem redu.
967 Končna redakcija
In the absence of methods of analysis determined in accordance with Article 9 of Directive 76/893/EEC which make it possible to determine the level of migration into foodstuffs, that level shall be determined in the simulants listed in Chapter I of the Annex.
Kjer ni analiznih metod, določenih v skladu s členom 9 Direktive 76/893/EGS, ki omogočajo določitev ravni migracije v živila, se ta raven določa v modelnih raztopinah, navedenih v seznamu v poglavju I Priloge.
968 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31977L0313
If there is a risk that this requirement might not be met, measuring systems shall incorporate gas-eliminating equipment permitting the proper elimination of any air or undissolved gases which may be contained in the liquid before it passes through the meter.
Če obstaja nevarnost, da ta zahteva ne bo izpolnjena, mora biti v merilni sistem vgrajena naprava za odstranjevanje plinov, ki bo omogočala pravilno odvajanje zraka oz. neraztopljenih plinov, ki jih morda vsebuje tekočina, preden gre ta skozi pretočno merilo.
969 Končna redakcija
However, the restrictive effect of the multilateral interchange fee might not be appreciable (and so fall outside the scope of Article 85 (1)), provided that there were competing systems which did not themselves also contain similar multilateral interchange fees.
Vendar omejevalni učinek večstranske pristojbine za izmenjavo lahko ne bi bil občuten (in tako ne sodi na področje uporabe člena 85(1)) pod pogojem, da konkurenčni sistemi sami ne vsebujejo podobnih večstranskih pristojbin za izmenjave.
970 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0491
Improved management of migratory flows, especially certain aspects of migration such as the emigration of highly skilled nationals and the movement of refugees between neighbouring countries, is also a matter of major concern for the development of some countries.
Izboljšano upravljanje migracijskih tokov, predvsem nekaterih vidikov migracij, kakršna sta izseljevanje visoko usposobljenih državljanov in pretok beguncev med sosednjimi državami, je tudi zadeva velikega pomena za razvoj nekaterih držav.
971 Končna redakcija
The public good nature of a public service broadcaster is in that "the social value (not the market value, s.b) of a TV programme is therefore the aggregated valuation of all those people who might watch the programme, not just those that do" (Annex, 1999: 202-203).
Javna blaginja kot narava javnega servisa je, da je družbena (in ne tržna oz. komercialna) vrednost programa »seštevek« interesov vseh ljudi, ki imajo možnost poslušati/gledati program, ni pa nujno, da ga dejansko poslušajo/gledajo.
972 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0081
At its special meeting in Tampere on 15 and 16 October 1999 , the European Council expressed its determination to tackle illegal immigration at source, for example by targeting those who engage in trafficking of human beings and the economic exploitation of migrants.
Na posebnem zasedanju v Tampereju 15. in 16. oktobra 1999 je Evropski svet izrazil odločenost za boj proti nezakonitemu priseljevanju pri izvoru, na primer z osredotočenjem na osebe, udeležene v nedovoljeni trgovini z ljudmi, in ekonomskem izkoriščanju priseljencev.
973 Končna redakcija
Some stressed that these arrogant and aggressive perpetrators should be handled in a way that would bring to light the reasons behind their acts, particularly since none had the kind of difficult past that might elucidate their behavior. However, such voices were rare.
Le redki so poudarjali, da se je treba ukvarjati z objestnimi nasilneži tako, da bi postalo razumljivo, zakaj so se odločili za tako krvavo početje, zlasti ker med njimi ni bilo nikogar s posebno temno preteklostjo, ki bi pojasnjevala mučenje živali.
974 Končna redakcija
As for the assessment under the State aid rules of the EC Treaty, it is true that the relatively small amount of aid or the relatively small size of the undertaking which receives it does not as such exclude the possibility that intra-Community trade might be affected.
Glede ocenjevanja v skladu s pravili Pogodbe ES o državni pomoči je res, da sorazmerno majhna količina pomoči ali sorazmerno majhno število podjetij, ki jo prejemajo, ne izključujeta sama po sebi možnosti vpliva na trgovino znotraj Skupnosti.
975 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0601
Member States may at any time submit to the Commission for immediate transmission to CCAMLR any additional information, which may be relevant for the identification of non-Contracting Party vessels that might be carrying out IUU fishing activities in the Convention Area.
Države članice lahko kadarkoli predložijo Komisiji v takojšnji prenos CCAMLR vse dodatne informacije, ki so lahko pomembne za identifikacijo plovil nepogodbenic, ki na območju Konvencije morebiti izvajajo ribolovne aktivnosti IUU.
976 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0725
For example, an analysis might reveal vulnerabilities in a port facility's security systems or unprotected infrastructure such as water supplies, bridges, etc. that could be resolved through physical measures, e.g, permanent barriers, alarms, surveillance equipment, etc.
Na primer, analiza lahko razkrije šibke točke v sistemih za zaščito pristanišča ali nezaščiteno infrastrukturo, kot so preskrba z vodo, mostovi, itd, kar se da razrešiti s pomočjo fizičnih ukrepov, npr. stalnih ovir, alarmov, opreme za opazovanje, itd.
977 Končna redakcija
The article starts off, as in (11), with an appeal to the higher duties of the newly independent state (see 2.2.), fending off possible criticism that might be based on the need to respect human rights (see 2.1.) and stressing its equality with the other states of Europe.
Članek začne (11) s pozivom k višjim nalogam, ki jih ima nova neodvisna država (cf. 2.2.) in zavrne možno kritiko, ki bi utegnila izhajati iz potrebe po spoštovanju človekovih pravic (cf. 2.1.), in poudarja, da je ta država enaka drugim evropskim državam.
978 Končna redakcija
The Conference agrees that the Intergovernmental Conference to be convened in 1996 will examine to what extent it might be possible to review the classification of Community acts with a view to establishing an appropriate hierarchy between the different categories of act.
Konferenca se strinja, da bo medvladna konferenca, ki bo sklicana v letu 1996, preučila, v kolikšnem obsegu bi bilo mogoče revidirati klasifikacijo aktov Skupnosti, da bi se vzpostavila ustrezna hierarhija med različnimi vrstami aktov.
979 Končna redakcija
Modifications or additions to an approved pattern must receive additional pattern approval from the Member State which granted EEC pattern approval, where such changes influence or might influence measurement results or the prescribed conditions for use of the instrument.
Spremembe ali dopolnila odobrenega tipa morajo dobiti dodatno odobritev tipa od države članice, ki je podelila odobritev tipa EGS, če take spremembe vplivajo ali bi lahko vplivale na merilne rezultate ali na predpisane pogoje za uporabo merila.
980 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0039
When establishing the business relationship with the client the investment firm might ask the client or potential client to consent at the same time to the execution policy as well as to the possibility that his orders may be executed outside a regulated market or an MTF.
Ob vzpostavljanju poslovnega odnosa s stranko bi lahko investicijska podjetja od stranke ali potencialne stranke zahtevala, da hkrati privoli v izvedbeno politiko ter v možnost, da se njena naročila izvajajo izven reguliranih trgov ali MTF.
981 Končna redakcija
Appropriate measures shall be adopted to avoid distortions of competition which might result from the application of paragraph 1, either in respect of the products in question or in respect of other milk products, and to take account of possible changes in the common price.
Sprejmejo se ustrezni ukrepi za preprečevanje izkrivljanja konkurence, ki bi lahko sledile uporabi odstavka 1, tako pri zadevnih izdelkih kot pri drugih mlečnih izdelkih, ter za upoštevanje morebitnih sprememb skupne cene.
982 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0017
as soon as the first project is put up for tender, notice shall be given that this procedure might be adopted and the total estimated cost of subsequent works shall be taken into consideration by the contracting entities when they apply the provisions of Articles 16 and 17;
že ob razpisu natečaja za izvedbo prvega projekta je treba navesti, da se utegne uporabiti ta postopek in da bodo naročniki, ko bodo uporabljali določbe členov 16 in 17, upoštevali skupne ocenjene stroške poznejših gradenj;
983 Končna redakcija
The Council shall, acting unanimously on a proposal from the Commission, adopt such measures in the field of social security as are necessary to provide freedom of movement for workers; to this end, it shall make arrangements to secure for migrant workers and their dependants:
Svet na predlog Komisije soglasno sprejme takšne ukrepe na področju socialne varnosti, kakršni so potrebni za zagotovitev prostega gibanja delavcev; v ta namen vzpostavi ureditev, ki delavcem migrantom in njihovim vzdrževancem zagotavlja:
984 Končna redakcija
the state of health of the livestock, other domestic animals and wildlife in the third country, particular attention being paid to exotic animal diseases, and the environmental health situation of the country, which might endanger public and animal health in the Member States;
zdravstveno stanje živine, drugih domačih in prosto živečih živali v tretji državi, pri čemer se posebna pozornost posveti eksotičnim živalskim boleznim in zdravstvenim razmeram v okolju te države, ki bi lahko ogrozile zdravje ljudi in živali v državah članicah;
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