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951 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0583
The new Member States shall use the national reserve for the purpose of allocating, according to objective criteria and in such a way as to ensure equal treatment between farmers and to avoid market and competition distortions, payment entitlements to farmers finding themselves in a special situation, to be defined by the Commission in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 144(2).
Nove države članice uporabljajo nacionalno rezervo za - glede na objektivna merila in tako, da zagotovijo enako obravnavo med kmeti ter preprečijo izkrivljanje trga in konkurence - namene dodelitve pravic do plačil kmetom, ki se znajdejo v posebnih razmerah, ki jih bo Komisija določila v skladu s postopkom iz člena 144(2).
952 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R2603
Since no other comments were received regarding this scheme subsequent to the disclosure of the provisional findings, the findings of recitals 50 to 57 of the provisional Regulation are hereby confirmed.
Ker Komisija po objavi začasnih ugotovitev glede te sheme ni prejela nobenih drugih pripomb, se potrdijo ugotovitve iz uvodnih izjav 50 do 57 začasne uredbe.
953 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R0215
In the absence of any new information affecting the findings for the abovementioned factors, the provisional findings as described in recitals 71 to 90 of the Provisional Regulation are hereby confirmed.
Ker ni bila predložena nobena nova informacija, ki bi vplivala na ugotovitve o zgoraj navedenih dejavnikih, se potrdijo začasne ugotovitve iz uvodnih izjav 71 do 90 začasne uredbe.
954 Pravna redakcija
In the interest of transparency and in order to safeguard the ability of the competent authorities in the Member States to ensure the protection of individuals as regards the processing of their personal data, it is necessary to specify in this Decision the exceptional circumstances in which the suspension of specific data flows may be justified, notwithstanding the finding of adequate protection.
V interesu preglednosti in za zagotovitev zmožnosti pristojnih organov v državah članicah, da zagotovijo varstvo posameznikov pri obdelavi njihovih osebnih podatkov, je treba v tej odločbi določiti izjemne okoliščine, v katerih je lahko začasna ustavitev prenosa posebnih podatkov upravičena, ne glede na ugotovitev ustreznega varstva.
955 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1623
In view of the above finding of circumvention within the meaning of Article 13(1), second sentence, of the basic Regulation and in accordance with Article 13(1), first sentence, of the basic Regulation, the existing anti- dumping measures on the product concerned originating in the LRK should be extended to the same product consigned from Vietnam, whether declared as originating in Vietnam or not.
Na podlagi zgoraj ugotovljenega izogibanja v smislu člena 13(1), drugi stavek osnovne uredbe in v skladu s členom 13(1), prvi stavek osnovne uredbe, bi se morali obstoječi protidampinški ukrepi za zadevni izdelek s poreklom iz LRK razširiti na enak izdelek, dobavljen iz Vietnama, ne glede na to, ali je prijavljen kot izdelek s poreklom iz Vietnama ali ne.
956 Pravna redakcija
provide the Regulatory Authority which requested a study audit with a detailed report of the findings.
regulativnemu organu, ki je zahteval presojo študije, zagotovi podrobno poročilo o ugotovitvah,
957 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R2239
Their comments were taken into account and, where appropriate, the findings were modified accordingly,
Njihove pripombe so upoštevane in kjer je bilo primerno, so bile ugotovitve ustrezno spremenjene -
958 Pravna redakcija
In the case where it is established and verified by the responsible authority charged with checking operations that the declaration as referred to in Article 3 (3) (a) is a false declaration made either deliberately or through serious negligence, the contracting party in question shall be excluded from the private storage aid regime until the end of the calendar year following that of this finding.
Ko organ, pristojen za preverjanje, ugotovi in potrdi, da je deklaracijaiz člena 3(3)(a) lažna, bodisi naklepno bodisi zaradi hude malomarnosti, se zadevna pogodbenica izvzame iz režima zasebnega skladiščenja do konca koledarskega leta, ki sledi letu odkritja.
959 Pravna redakcija
In the interests of transparency and in order to safeguard the ability of the competent authorities in the Member States to ensure the protection of individuals as regards the processing of their personal data, it is necessary to specify in this Decision the exceptional circumstances in which the suspension of specific data flows should be justified, notwithstanding the finding of adequate protection.
Zaradi preglednosti in zaščite zmožnosti pristojnih organov v državah članicah, da zagotovijo varstvo posameznika glede obdelave njegovih osebnih podatkov, je treba s to odločbo določiti izjemne okoliščine, ki lahko upravičijo prekinitev prenosa posebnih podatkov, ne glede na ugotovitve o ustrezni zaščiti.
960 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R2604
The same Indian exporting producer claimed finally that the provisional findings of the anti-dumping investigation were in contradiction with the provisional findings in the parallel anti-subsidy proceeding.
Isti indijski proizvajalec izvoznik je na koncu tudi trdil, da so začasne ugotovitve protidampinške preiskave v nasprotju z začasnimi ugotovitvami vzporednega protisubvencijskega postopka.
961 Pravna redakcija
The employer shall, upon request, submit the findings of his investigations to the relevant authorities.
Delodajalec pristojnim organom na njihovo zahtevo predloži ugotovitve iz preiskav.
962 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31988R1956
If so, please do so in the space I am indicating on the report form on which I have set out my findings.
Če želite, zapišite pripombe na mesto, ki vam ga pokažem na obrazcu za poročilo, kjer sem zapisal svoje ugotovitve.
963 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31997R2320
(16) No comments were received under this heading and the Commission's findings are therefore confirmed.
(16) V zvezi s to rubriko ni bilo nobenih pripomb, torej so ugotovitve Komisije potrjene.
964 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R1796
Following disclosure of the provisional findings, the Indian exporting producer contested this approach.
Po obvestilu o začasnih ugotovitvah je indijski proizvajalec izvoznik ugovarjal temu pristopu.
965 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R2537
17 December 1998. Interested parties, including the Community industry, were informed of these findings.
17. decembra 1998. Zainteresirane stranke, vključno z industrijo Skupnosti, so bile obveščene o teh ugotovitvah.
966 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32001R1601
In view of all the above, the findings in recitals 14 to 16 of the provisional Regulation are confirmed.
Zaradi vsega zgoraj navedenega se potrdijo začasne ugotovitve iz uvodnih izjav 14 do 16 začasne uredbe.
967 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0466
(a) the presence of post-mortem findings consistent with ISA, with or without clinical signs of disease.
(a) ugotovitve patoanatomske preiskave ustrezajo ISA, z ali brez kliničnih znakov bolezni.
968 Pravna redakcija
In an emergency, if a Contracting Party considers that wastes or other matter the dumping of which is prohibited under this Annex cannot be disposed of on land without unacceptable danger or damage, it shall forthwith consult other Contracting Parties with a view to finding the most satisfactory methods of storage or the most satisfactory means of destruction or disposal under the prevailing circumstances.
Če ob izrednem dogodku pogodbenica meni, da odpadkov ali drugih snovi, katerih odmetavanje je po tej Prilogi prepovedano, na kopnem ni mogoče odstraniti brez nesprejemljive nevarnosti ali škode, se takoj posvetuje z drugimi pogodbenicami z namenom najti najbolj zadovoljive metode za hranjenje ali najučinkovitejši način za uničenje ali odstranitev glede na okoliščine.
969 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R2852
The Commission continued to seek and verify all information deemed necessary for its definitive findings.
Komisija je nadaljevala z iskanjem in preverjanjem vseh informacij, ki so bile po njenem mnenju potrebne za sprejem njenih dokončnih ugotovitev.
970 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32001R1601
The minimum prices established have been changed to reflect the definitive findings of the investigation.
Določene minimalne cene so bile spremenjene tako, da odražajo dokončne ugotovitve preiskave.
971 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R1339
The Commission continued to seek and verify all information deemed necessary for the definitive findings.
Komisija je še naprej zbirala in preverjala informacije, ki so se zdele pomembne za dokončne ugotovitve.
972 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R2229
The findings and the conclusion set out in recitals 71 to 73 of the provisional Regulation are confirmed.
Potrdijo se ugotovitve in sklep iz uvodnih izjav 71 do 73 začasne uredbe.
973 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R1531
Where the information submitted by an interested party in the context of this Article is not ideal in all respects it should nevertheless not be disregarded, provided that any deficiencies are not such as to cause undue difficulty in arriving at a reasonably accurate finding and that the information is appropriately submitted in good time and is verifiable, and that the party has acted to the best of its ability.
Če podatki, ki jih je predložila zainteresirana stranka v smislu tega člena, niso povsem idealni, se te podatke kljub vsemu upošteva, če kakršne koli pomanjkljivosti niso takšne, da bi povzročile težave pri sprejemanju upravičeno točne ugotovitve, če so ti podatki primerno predloženi ob pravem času in preverljive ter če je stranka delovala po svojih najboljših zmožnostih.
974 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R1599
Consequently, the findings as set out in recitals 217 and 218 of the provisional Regulation are confirmed.
Zato se potrdijo ugotovitve iz uvodnih izjav 217 in 218 začasne uredbe.
975 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R1601
Consequently, the findings as set out in recitals 216 and 217 of the provisional Regulation are confirmed.
Zato se potrdijo ugotovitve iz uvodnih izjav 216 in 217 začasne uredbe.
976 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R1601
Therefore, the findings set out in recitals 246 to 249 of the provisional Regulation are hereby confirmed.
Zato se potrdijo ugotovitve iz uvodnih izjav 246 do 249 začasne uredbe.
977 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R1784
Given the above, the provisional findings as regards the product under consideration are hereby confirmed.
Glede na zgoraj povedano se začasne ugotovitve v zvezi z obravnavanim izdelkom potrdijo.
978 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32001R1676
In view of the above, the findings as described in recital 57 of the provisional Regulation are confirmed.
Glede na zgoraj navedeno se potrdijo ugotovitve iz uvodne izjave 57 začasne uredbe.
979 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1747
As shown by the laboratory analysis findings, expressed as a percentage rather than in grams or kilograms.
Kakor se ugotovi z laboratorijskimi analizami, izražena kot odstotek in ne v gramih ali kilogramih.
980 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R2229
(21) Therefore, the findings at recitals 9 and 10 of the provisional Regulation are definitively confirmed.
(21) Zato se nedvomno potrdijo ugotovitve iz uvodnih izjav 9 in 10 začasne uredbe.
981 Pravna redakcija
Where a difference of more than 50 % is found between the area declared and the area determined in accordance with Article 31(2), the farmer shall, in the framework of aid applications he lodges in the course of the three calendar years following the calendar year of the finding, be excluded once again in respect of a forage area equal to the area for which aid is refused under the second subparagraph of Article 32(1).
Če znaša razlika med prijavljeno površino in ugotovljeno površino skladno s členom 31(2) več kot 50 %, se nosilec kmetijskega gospodarstva v okviru zahtevkov, ki jih vloži v treh koledarskih letih, ki sledijo koledarskemu letu, ko je bilo dejstvo ugotovljeno, še enkrat izključi za krmno površino, ki je enaka površini, za katero je bila pomoč zavrnjena skladno z drugim pododstavkom člena 32(1).
982 Pravna redakcija
The findings and conclusions of the audit shall be formally communicated to the top organisation management.
Ugotovitve in zaključki presoje je treba uradno sporočiti najvišjemu vodstvu organizacije.
983 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R1600
The Commission continued to seek and verify all information it deemed necessary for its definitive findings.
Komisija je nadaljevala z iskanjem in preverjanjem informacij, za katere je menila, da so potrebne za njene dokončne ugotovitve.
984 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R2597
The Commission continued to seek and verify all information it deemed necessary for the definitive findings.
Komisija je nadaljevala z iskanjem in preverjanjem vseh informacij, za katere je menila, da so potrebne za njene dokončne ugotovitve.
985 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32001R1470
The provisional findings summarised in recitals 106 to 109 of the provisional Regulation are thus confirmed.
Začasne ugotovitve, ki so povzete v uvodnih izjavah 106 do 109 začasne uredbe, se tako potrdijo.
986 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0821
The Commission shall monitor the functioning of this Decision and report any pertinent findings to the Committee established under Article 31 of Directive 95/46/EC, including any evidence that could affect the finding in Article 1 of this Decision, that protection in Guernsey is adequate within the meaning of Article 25 of Directive 95/46/EC and any evidence that this Decision is being implemented in a discriminatory way.
Komisija spremlja učinkovanje te odločbe in odboru, ustanovljenemu v skladu s členom 31 Direktive 95/46/ES, poroča o morebitnih zadevnih ugotovitvah, vključno z morebitnimi dokazi, ki bi lahko vplivali na ugotovitev iz člena 1 te odločbe, da je varstvo na Guernseyju primerno v smislu člena 25 Direktive 95/46/ES, in morebitnimi dokazi, da se ta odločba izvaja na diskriminatoren način.
987 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31997R0552
Whereas, seeking to add to the information it had gathered during the investigation, the Commission requested the authorities of Myanmar to cooperate with that investigation by allowing a fact-finding team into the country; whereas this request was denied and since the conditions in Article 11 (5) of Regulation (EC) No 3281/94 are thus fulfilled the findings of the investigation could be based on the information available;
ker je Komisija, da bi dopolnila informacije, ki jih je zbrala med raziskavo, zaprosila oblasti Mjanmara, da v navedeni preiskavi sodelujejo in dovolijo vstop v državo skupini za ugotavljanje dejstev; ker je bila ta zahteva zavrnjena in ker so pogoji iz člena 11(5) Uredbe (ES) št. 3281/94 tako izpolnjeni, lahko ugotovitve preiskave temeljijo na razpoložljivih informacijah;
988 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R1697
In the absence of any new information affecting the findings of the situation of the Community industry, the provisional findings as described in recitals 107 to 139 of the Provisional Regulation are hereby confirmed.
Ker ni nobenih novih informacij, ki bi vplivale na ugotovitve o položaju industrije Skupnosti, se potrdijo začasne ugotovitve, kakor so opisane v uvodnih izjavah 107 do 139 začasne uredbe.
989 Pravna redakcija
The conclusive force of the findings from controls carried out pursuant to this Regulation must be specified.
Dokazno moč ugotovitev pri izvajanju nadzora, skladno s to uredbo, je treba natančneje določiti.
990 Pravna redakcija
epidemiological findings concerning diseases not covered by paragraph 1 and new diseases as soon as possible,
v čim krajšem času o epidemioloških ugotovitvah v zvezi z boleznimi, ki jih odstavek 1 ne obsega, in v zvezi z novimi boleznimi,
991 Pravna redakcija
The Member State shall take the necessary action to follow up the findings of the agency as soon as possible.
Država članica primerno ukrepa, da se čim prej sledi ugotovitvam agencije.
992 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31997R2320
The findings with regard to export prices as disclosed in the provisional Regulation are therefore confirmed.
Ugotovitve glede izvoznih cen, predstavljene v začasni uredbi, se torej potrdijo.
993 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31999D0234
Based on the findings of this investigation the Commission reached the conclusions which are indicated below.
Na podlagi ugotovitev te preiskave je Komisija prišla do zaključkov, ki so predstavljeni spodaj.
994 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000D0520
A survey conducted this year by the National Association of Attorneys General (NAAG) confirms these findings.
Anketa, ki jo je letos izvedel National Association of Attorneys General (NAAG), potrjuje te ugotovitve.
995 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32001R0469
In this respect, the findings as set out for the Article 11(3) review for the determination of dumping apply.
Ugotovitve, ki so bile sprejete med pregledom po členu 11(3), se uporabljajo tudi za to preiskavo dampinga.
996 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R1339
On the basis of the above, the findings set in recitals 19 to 21 of the provisional Regulation are confirmed.
Na podlagi zgoraj navedenega se potrdijo ugotovitve iz uvodnih izjav 19 do 21 začasne uredbe.
997 Pravna redakcija
The reductions and exclusions provided for in Articles 38 and 40 shall not apply in cases where, owing to the impact of natural circumstances on the herd or flock, the farmer cannot meet his commitment to keep the animals in respect of which aid is claimed throughout the retention period, provided that he has informed the competent authority in writing within ten working days of finding any reduction in the number of animals.
Znižanja in izključitve, predvidene v členih 38 in 40, se ne uporabljajo v primerih, ko nosilec kmetijskega gospodarstva zaradi vpliva naravnih okoliščin na čredo ne more izpolniti obveznosti, da morajo živali, za katere zahteva pomoč, ostati na kmetijskem gospodarstvu v celotnem obdobju obvezne reje, pod pogojem, da pisno obvesti pristojni organ v desetih delovnih dneh od ugotovitve zmanjšanja števila živali.
998 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32001R0132
On the basis of the above, the provisional findings in recital 53 of the provisional Regulation are confirmed.
Na podlagi zgoraj navedenega so potrdijo začasne ugotovitve iz uvodne izjave 53 začasne uredbe.
999 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31993R2474
(59) Several exporters questioned the Commission's provisional findings on the state of the Community industry.
(59) Več izvoznikov je dvomilo v začasne ugotovitve Komisije o stanju industrije Skupnosti.
1000 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R2597
Therefore, the findings set out in recitals 105 and 106 of the provisional duty Regulation are hereby confumed.
S tem so torej potrjene ugotovitve iz uvodnih izjav 105 in 106 uredbe o začasnih dajatvah.
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