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951 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0748
Chapter I of Title 2 of Regulation (EC) No 2535/2001 concerns quotas allocated on the basis of two six-month periods in January and July each year.
Poglavje I naslova 2 Uredbe (ES) št. 2535/2001 zadeva kvote, ki so na osnovi dveh šestmesečnih obdobij dodeljene v januarju in juliju vsakega leta.
952 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31978R1562
The Council, acting by a qualified majority on a proposal from the Commission, shall adopt: (a) the conditions on which intervention may take place during the last three months of the marketing year;
Svet s kvalificirano večino na predlog Komisije sprejme: (a) pogoje, pod katerimi lahko potekajo intervencije zadnje tri mesece tržnega leta;
953 Končna redakcija
(2) Contractors shall communicate to the Public Procurement Office, by April 30 at the latest, a report on contracts concluded in the previous year.
(2) Naročnik mora predložiti Uradu za javna naročila najkasneje do 30. aprila poročilo o pogodbah, sklenjenih v prejšnjem letu.
954 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R1255
It shall be granted per calendar year, per holding and per tonne of individual reference quantity eligible for premium and available on the holding.
Odobri se za koledarsko leto, za posestvo in za tono posamezne referenčne količine, upravičene do premije in za to na voljo na posestvo.
955 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
These are stocks of finished products or work in progress on the holdings of the industry (i.e. held by producers) at the end of the reference year.
To so zaloge dokončanih proizvodov ali nedokončane proizvodnje na gospodarstvih dejavnosti (npr. pri proizvajalcih) na koncu referenčnega leta.
956 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0796
Moreover, case-to-case derogations should be envisaged on that same legal basis should climatic conditions in a given year in the future so require.
Na enaki pravni podlagi bi bilo treba predvideti odstopanja za posamične primere v prihodnosti, če bi bilo to potrebno zaradi klimatskih razmer v danem letu.
957 Končna redakcija
From the first year, the Council shall each year, on the basis of a report from the Commission, examine how the Community financing of export refunds provided for in paragraph 1 (a) has affected guidance of production and development of outlets.
Od prvega leta naprej Svet vsako leto na podlagi poročila Komisije pregleda, kako financiranje izvoznih nadomestil Skupnosti iz odstavka 1(a) vpliva na usmerjanje proizvodnje in razvoj trgov.
958 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0723
The surplus contributions, if any, corresponding to the difference between the number of years of pensionable service calculated and the number of years of actual service, shall be reimbursed to the person concerned on the basis on the last basic salary received as a member of the contract staff.
Presežni prispevki, če so, ki ustrezajo razliki med izračunanim številom let pokojninske dobe in številom let dejanske zaposlitve, se zadevni osebi povrnejo na osnovi zadnje osnovne plače, ki jo prejme kot pogodbeni uslužbenec.
959 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0725
1 the expiry date shown on the Certificate shall be amended by endorsement to a date which shall not be more than three years later than the date on which the intermediate verification was completed;.
.1 se datum izteka, naveden na spričevalu, spremeni z zaznamkom datuma, do katerega lahko potečejo največ tri leta od dne, ko je bilo opravljeno vmesno preverjanje;
960 Končna redakcija
This Article shall be reviewed by the Council on the basis of a proposal from the Commission which shall be submitted within not more than two years.
Svet na predlog Komisije ponovno prouèi ta èlen v roku najveè dveh let.
961 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0869
On the basis of the declaration submitted under paragraphs 1 and 3 Member States shall electronically notify to the Commission by 1 August each year:
Na podlagi deklaracije, predložene v skladu z odstavkoma 1 in 3, države članice po elektronski pošti obvestijo Komisijo vsako leto do 1. avgusta o:
962 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0001
Losses caused by adverse climatic events which can be assimilated to natural disasters must be determined on the basis of the gross production of the relevant crop in the year in question compared with the gross annual production in a normal year.
Izgube, ki jih povzročijo slabe vremenske razmere, ki jih lahko izenačimo z naravnimi nesrečami, se določijo na podlagi bruto letne proizvodnje v običajnem letu.
963 Končna redakcija
But he found it almost as hard to do all this on four thousand a year as Mrs Eynsford Hill to live in Earlscourt on an income so pitiably smaller that I have not the heart to disclose its exact figure.
Vendar mu je povzročalo skoraj ravno toliko težav prebijati se s štirimi tisočaki na leto kakor gospe Eynsford Hillovi živeti v Earlscourtu ob tako klavrno manjših dohodkih, da mi srce ne da, da bi razkril njihove prave številke.
964 Končna redakcija
The Commission shall submit to the Council, within six years from the date of notification of this Directive, a report on the effects of the financial requirements imposed by this Directive on the situation on the insurance markets of the Member States.
Komisija v roku šestih let od datuma uradnega obvestila o tej direktivi Svetu poda poročilo o učinkih finančnih zahtev, ki jih nalaga ta direktiva, na stanje na zavarovalnih trgih držav članic.
965 Končna redakcija
By and large, women do not appear as political protagonists either on this year's posters distributed countrywide or in the top bodies of the parties.
Nasploh žensk kot političnih protagonistk na letošnjih vseslovenskih plakatih - kot tudi v najožjih vrhovih strank - ni.
966 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0103
This shall take effect immediately and continue for at least one marketing year, and may be extended depending on the seriousness of the irregularity.
Preklic zaène uèinkovati takoj in traja vsaj eno tržno leto ter se lahko podaljša glede na resnost nepravilnosti.
967 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0595
Controls shall be carried out partly during the 12-month period in question, partly after the 12-month period on the basis of the yearly declarations.
Kontrola se izvaja deloma v zadevnem 12-mesečnem obdobju deloma po preteku tega obdobja na podlagi letnih izjav.
968 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0723
Officials aged 50 or over or with 20 or more years' service on 1 May 2004 shall become entitled to a retirement pension when they reach the age of 60.
Uradniki, ki so na dan 1. maja 2004 stari petdeset ali več let ali imajo dvajset ali več let delovne dobe, postanejo upravičeni do starostne pokojnine, ko dopolnijo 60 let starosti.
969 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0796
3.Should on-the-spot checks reveal significant irregularities in the context of a given aid scheme or in a region or part of a region, the competent authority shall appropriately increase the number of on-the-spot checks during the current year and shall appropriately increase the percentage of farmers to be checked on-the-spot in the following year.
Če se s pregledi na kraju samem ugotovijo pomembne nepravilnosti v okviru zadevne sheme pomoči ali v regiji ali delu regije, pristojni organ ustrezno poveča število pregledov na kraju samem med tekočim letom in ustrezno poveča delež kmetov, pri katerih je treba opraviti pregled na kraju samem v naslednjem letu.
970 Končna redakcija
The dominant color on this year's posters is blue, the color that in our cultural context stands for composure, prudence, reason, dignity and the like.
Na letošnjih plakatih izrazito prevladuje modra, ki v našem kulturnem okolju pomeni mirnost, modrost, razum, dostojanstvo ipd.
971 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0658
The definitive measures should not last more than four years including the period of the provisional measures which came into force on 9 November 2003.
Dokončni ukrepi veljajo največ štiri leta, vključno z obdobjem začasnih ukrepov, ki so začeli veljati 9. novembra 2003.
972 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0444
However, since contracts between tomato producers and processors for the 2004/05 marketing year have already been signed, the application of certain provisions on contracts should be postponed until the 2005/06 marketing year in the case of tomatoes.
Vendar pa je treba uporabo nekaterih določb o pogodbah v primeru paradižnika odložiti do tržnega leta 2005/06, ker so bile pogodbe med proizvajalci in predelovalci paradižnika za tržno leto 2004/05 že podpisane.
973 Končna redakcija
The following year he published his fundamental work on the stratigraphy of the productive Liburnian beds of the Slovenian Littoral Kras (Hamrla, 1960).
Naslednje leto je objavil še temeljno delo o stratigrafiji produktivnih liburnijskih plasti Primorskega krasa (Hamrla, 1960).
974 Končna redakcija
Before she set off on her own journey, she generally spent several years in a public company, and in many cases she then ventured into private business.
Preden je odšla na svoje, je bila večinoma precej let v družbenem podjetju . pogosto se je nato lotila podobne dejavnosti v svoji firmi.
975 Končna redakcija
On 15 October of the same year Professor Pilatre de Rozier made a solo ascent in a balloon, and on 21 November, together with the Marquis D'Arlandes, he completed the first balloon flight, making 21 November 1783 the day when man's thousand-year-old dream came true and a human being flew across the sky.
Profesor Pilatre de Rozier je sam vzletel 15. oktobra, 21. novembra pa je skupaj z markizom D'Arlandesom nad Parizom izvedel prvo potovanje. 21. november 1783 zatorej pomeni datum, ko so se človeku uresničile tisočletne sanje in je poletel pod nebo.
976 Končna redakcija
The members of the Committee and an equal number of alternate members shall be appointed for four years, on proposals from the respective Member States.
Člani odbora in enako število nadomestnih članov so imenovani na predlog držav članic za dobo štirih let.
977 Končna redakcija
2 years as a shotfirer underground (for underground activity) or 1 year on surface (for surface activity); including 6 months as an assistant shotfirer;
2 leti dela kot podzemni miner (za podzemne dejavnosti) ali 1 leto na površini (za površinske dejavnosti), od tega 6 mesecev kot pomočnik minerja;
978 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32000D0115
Where during one harvest year several crops are grown in succession on an area, the main crop is the crop that has the highest values of the production.
Kjer se v enem pridelovalnem letu na zemljišču seje več posevkov zaporedoma, je glavni posevek tisti, ki ima največjo vrednost pridelave.
979 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0103
Procedures are needed for physical and documentary checks on withdrawal operations, both at the time of withdrawal and at the end of the marketing year.
Potrebni so postopki za fizièni pregled in pregled dokumentov o umikih s trga, med umikom in na koncu tržnega leta.
980 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0835
The Member State concerned shall inform the Commission on 31 December 2004 at the latest on the application of this paragraph and in particular on the actions taken pursuant to points (i), (ii) and (iii) and provide on a yearly basis estimates of the amounts of benomyl used in accordance with this point."
Zadevna država članica obvesti Komisijo najpozneje 31. decembra 2004 o uporabi tega odstavka in zlasti o ukrepih, sprejetih na podlagi točk (i), (ii) in (iii), ter vsako leto predloži oceno količin benomila, uporabljenega v skladu s to točko."
981 Končna redakcija
zunanje zadeve
41.4.2 A tentative programme of the championship must be sent to the Slalom Committee ONE year before the date on which the Championships are to be held.
41.4.2. Predlog programa tekmovanja mora biti poslan SLC eno leto pred datumom pričetka prvenstva.
982 Končna redakcija
annually from the second year after the basic surveys, intermediate surveys on the changes taking place in the areas under vines of wine grape varieties;
od drugega leta naprej po opravljenem osnovnem raziskovanju, izvedejo vsako leto vmesna raziskovanja o spremembah v vinogradih z vinskimi sortami;
983 Končna redakcija
five years after the notification of this Directive, the placing on the market of ceramic articles which do not comply with its provisions is prohibited.
v petih letih po notifikaciji te direktive dajanje na trg keramičnih izdelkov, ki ne ustrezajo tem določbam, prepovedano.
984 Končna redakcija
expenditure on modernisation shall not be eligible for aid for five years following the grant of public aid for the construction of the vessel concerned;
izdatki za posodobitev niso upravičeni do državne pomoči pet let po dodelitvi državne pomoči za gradnjo zadevnih plovil;
985 Končna redakcija
Each year, before 1 April, the Member States shall send the Commission a report on the evaluation of the execution and effectiveness of this regulation."
Vsako leto pred 1. aprilom morajo države članice Komisiji poslati poročilo o oceni izvajanja in učinkovitosti te uredbe."
986 Končna redakcija
The Council shall also, on the basis of a report from the Commission, examine every year the effect on the common agricultural policy of the Community financing provided for in paragraph 1 (b), (c) and (d).
Svet na podlagi poročila Komisije vsako leto tudi pregleda učinek financiranja Skupnosti iz odstavka 1(b), (c) in (d) na skupno kmetijsko politiko.
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