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obdobje preiskave
951 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31995D0307
Potrebne preiskave iz odstavka 13.3.6 so bili opravljeni na vzorcih, odvzetih dne ………… fn in …………….. (4) najmanj 14 dni po začetku gornjega bivalnega obdobja in najmanj na začetku pripustne sezone;
The tests required in paragraph 13.3.6 have been carried out on samples taken on.......... (4) and on.......... (4) at least 14 days after the commencement of the above residence period and at least at the beginning of the breeding season;
952 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32001R0469
Ta količina je bila veliko manjša od količine, izvožene v obdobju preiskave, ki je vodila do obstoječih ukrepov, se pa ta količina sama po sebi ni štela kot nezadostna za ponoven izračun nove stopnje dampinga.
This was a much smaller quantity than the quantity exported during the investigation period which led to the existing measures but this level, as such, was not considered insufficient for a recalculation of a new dumping margin.
953 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R0960
Preiskava je pokazala, da je bila konkurenca drugih nosilcev za shranjevanje podatkov, kot je DVD in/ali CD-RW, še vedno zelo omejena med obdobjem preiskave in ni bistveno vplivala na prodajne cene zadevnega izdelka.
The investigation has shown that the competition of other data media storage such as DVD and/or CD-RW was still very limited during the IP and thus had no significant influence on the sales prices of the product concerned.
954 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1480
Ugotovljeno je bilo, da sta bila obseg subvencioniranega uvoza Hynixa in njihov tržni delež med obdobjem preiskave dovolj pomembna sama po sebi, da sta škodovala trgu Skupnosti in zlasti cenam industrije Skupnosti.
It was found that the volume of Hynix's subsidised imports and their market share during the IP were sufficiently important in themselves to adversely affect the Community market and in particular the prices of the Community industry.
955 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R2042
Prodaja industrije Skupnosti se je med letoma 1995 in 1996 zmanjšala za 10 % ter je nato naraščala do leta 1997 in obdobja preiskave, kar pomeni, da je med letom 1995 in obdobjem preiskave na splošno zrasla za 21 % ter dosegla 850 enot, ne da bi ujela povečanje potrošnje Skupnosti v istem obdobju, ki se je znatno zvišala, to je za 54 %.
The sales of the Community industry decreased between 1995 and 1996 by 10 % and they increased from then to 1997 and the investigation period, i.e. in overall terms they went up by 21 % between 1995 and the investigation period reaching around 850 units, without, however, matching the expansion of the Community consumption, which substantially increased, i.e. by 54 %, during the same period of time.
956 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R0977
Glede na to, da so bile cene uvoza iz Indonezije subvencionirane in nižje od povprečne cene na enoto vseh drugih uvoženih obročkastih mehanizmov za mape med letom 1998 in obdobjem preiskave, se torej ugotovi, da je uvoz iz Indonezije, ki je imel v obdobju preiskave na trgu Skupnosti delež med 8 % in 13 %, povzročil padec cen na tem trgu.
Therefore, given that prices of the Indonesian imports were found to be subsidised and lower than the average unit price of all other imports of RBMs between 1998 and the IP, it is to be concluded that imports from Indonesia, which held between 8 % and 13 % of the Community market during the IP, have had a price depressive impact on this market.
957 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31995D0307
Potrebne preiskave iz odstavka 13.3.6 so bili opravljeni v 30-dnevnem obveznem obdobju shranjevanja za zamrznjeno seme in najmanj 14 dni po odvzemu semena na vzorcih, odvzetih dne ………… (4) in …………. (4);
The tests required in paragraph 13.3.6 have been carried out during the 30 days mandatory storage period of frozen semen and not less than 14 days after the collection of the semen on samples taken on.......... (4) and on.......... (4);
958 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R1334
Najvišji delež uvoza je bil dosežen v letu 1996, ko je bilo povpraševanje največje. Poudariti pa je treba, da je v obdobju prejšnje preiskave delež uvoza iz Ljudske republike Kitajske zajemal le približno 54 %.
The highest import share was reached in the peak demand year of 1996. However, it should be noted that at the time of the previous investigation period, the import share of the People's Republic of China accounted only for around 54 %.
959 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R0312
(35) Ker je edino podjetje, ki je pokrivalo praktično ves izvoz zadevnega izdelka v Skupnost v obdobju preiskave, prenehalo s proizvodnjo 3,5-palčnih disket, ne obstaja verjetnost ponovitve dampinga iz tega podjetja.
As the only company which accounted for practically all the exports of the product concerned to the Community during the investigation has ceased manufacturing 3,5` microdisks, no likelihood of a recurrence of dumping from this company exists.
960 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R2093
Čeprav se je poraba Skupnosti v obdobju od leta 1999 do obdobja preiskave zmanjšala za okrog 14.000 ton, se je obseg uvoza TPP iz Indije zaradi agresivne cenovne politike v istem obdobju povečal za okrog 10.000 ton.
Even though the Community consumption decreased by around 14000 tonnes during the period 1999 to IP, the Indian import volume of PTY increased by around 10 000 tonnes during the same period, through an aggressive price behaviour.
961 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R0151
Zaradi mednarodne krize na področju jekla, se je njen izvoz zmanjšal za 7 %, od približno 78 000 ton leta 1997 na približno 73 000 ton leta 1999, nato pa se je v obdobju preiskave povečal na približno 76 000 ton.
Confronted to the international steel crisis, its exports decreased by 7 % from around 78 000 tonnes in 1997 to around 73 000 tonnes in 1999 and then increased to around 76 000 tonnes in the IP.
962 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R2852
Med letom 1998 in obdobjem preiskave se je denarni tok zmanjšal za 60 % na raven, ki je bila za 6 % nižja kot v letu 1996. Izboljšanje denarnega toka v letih 1997 in 1998 je manj izrazito kot izboljšanje donosnosti.
From 1998 to the IP, cash flow dropped by 60% to arrive at a level that was 6 % lower than in 1996. The improvement of cash flow in 1997 and 1998 is less pronounced than that of profitability.
963 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R2852
Ker se je poleg tega donosnost industrije Skupnosti med letom 1996 in obdobjem preiskave izboljšala z 2,30 % na 3,38 %, naj bi bilo po njegovem mnenju izključeno, da je dampinški uvoz v tem obdobju povzročil škodo.
It was also claimed that the improvement in the Community industry's profitability from 2,30 % to 3,38 % over the period 1996 to the IP excluded injury caused by dumped imports over this period.
964 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32001R0299
Podatki Statističnega urada Evropskih skupnosti in kitajskih organov kažejo, da so bile v obdobju preiskave cene kalijevega permanganata, ki je prišel v Skupnost s Kitajske, veliko nižje od cen industrije Skupnosti.
The information available from Eurostat and the Chinese authorities shows potassium permanganate coming from China to the Community significantly undercutting Community industry prices during the IP.
965 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R0408
Vendar pa so podjetja, ki so take podatke lahko predložila in katerih informacije je Komisija uporabila pri oblikovanju začasnih ugotovitev, pomenila več kot 80 % proizvodnje industrije Skupnosti v obdobju preiskave.
However, the entities which were able to do so, and whose verified information was used by the Commission to arrive at their provisional findings, accounted for over 80 % of the production of the Community industry in the IP.
966 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R2093
Indijski proizvajalci izvozniki so trdili, da je zmanjšanje obsega proizvodnje v obdobju preiskave treba pripisati načrtnemu zaprtju obrata enega od obeh proizvajalcev Skupnosti, ki predstavljata industrijo Skupnosti.
The Indian exporting producers argued that the decrease of the production volume during the IP is to be attributed to a deliberate shutdown of a plant of one of the two Community producers constituting the Community industry.
967 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R0408
Nihanje cen in stroškov v dejavnosti cinkovega oksida je bilo tako povezano z notacijami na LME in razvoj po obdobju preiskave je bil samo odraz normalnega delovanja trga, zaradi česar ni bilo mogoče govoriti o strukturni spremembi trga, ki bi nedvoumno dokazala, da je uporaba podatkov iz obdobja preiskave za oblikovanje ugotovitev neustrezna.
Fluctuations in prices and costs in the zinc oxide business were therefore linked to the LME quotation and developments which occurred after the IP were simply a manifestation of the normal functioning of the market and it could not be said that there had been any change of a structural nature in the market which made it manifestly unsuitable to base findings on data relating to the IP.
968 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R0408
Res je sicer, da so matične družbe nekaterih članov industrije Skupnosti v obdobju preiskave beležile dobičke, vendar pa je bila celotna stopnja dobičkonosnosti pri dejavnostih na področju cinkovega oksida v Skupnosti v tem obdobju skupno negativna, kot je pojasnjeno v uvodni izjavi 77 začasne uredbe.
Whilst it is true that the parent companies of certain members of the Community industry recorded profits during the IP, the overall level of profitability for their zinc oxide activities in the Community was negative in this period as set out in recital 77 of the provisional Regulation.
969 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1480
Če je se znesek subvencije dodeljeval od oktobra 2001 naprej, bi dajatev veljala za daljše obdobje, kakor če se izračuna z običajno metodo izračuna, ki je določena v smernicah, torej z začetkom obdobja preiskave.
If the amount of subsidy was allocated starting from October 2001 onwards, the duty would be in force for a longer period of time than when it is calculated under the normal calculation method laid down in the Guidelines, i.e. the beginning of the investigation period.
970 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R1522
Avstralska vlada je ugovarjala, da Komisija ni preučila učinkov nihanja deviznih tečajev na cene uvoza iz Avstralije, in pojasnila, da je na RVP, uvožene iz Avstralije v obdobju preiskave, ugodno vplival dvig tečaja.
The GOA argued that the Commission failed to look at the effect that exchange rate fluctuations have had on import prices from Australia, specifying that during the investigation period PSF imported from Australia had benefited from a favourable exchange rate appreciation.
971 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32001R0299
Medtem ko sta se v tem času povečala tako obseg prodaje kot tržni delež industrije Skupnosti, pa je v obdobju preiskave prišlo do zmanjšanja obeh kazalcev, potem ko sta v letih 1997 in 1998 dosegla najvišjo točko.
Over this period, whilst both the volume of sales and the Community industry's market share have increased, there has been a reduction in both indicators during the IP from highs in 1997 and 1998.
972 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R2313
Preiskava je pokazala, da so bile med obdobjem OP cene, ki jih je Skupnosti zaračunavala večina subjektov s sedežem v drugih tretjih državah, višje od tistih, ki so jih zaračunavali zadevni državi na trgu Skupnosti.
The investigation has shown that during the IP prices charged by most of the operators located in other third countries on the Community were higher than those charged by the countries concerned on the Community market.
973 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32001R0901
Ocenjuje se, da se bo brez ohranitve protidampinških ukrepov, uvedenih v predhodni preiskavi, škodljivi damping verjetno ponovno pojavil, položaj industrije, ki se je v pregledanem obdobju poslabšal, pa bo še slabši.
It is considered that without maintaining the antidumping measures imposed in the previous investigation, injurious dumping is likely to recur and that the situation of the Community industry, which worsened during the period under review, will further deteriorate.
974 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R0311
Ugotovljeno je bilo, da je v obdobju analize industrija Skupnosti ves čas beležila poslovne izide (izgube), ki so bili precej pod stopnjo dobička, ki se je v prvotni preiskavi štela za primerno za industrijo Skupnosti.
It was found that throughout the analysis period, the Community industry had recorded financial results (i.e. losses) which were well below the profit rate deemed appropriate for the Community industry in the original investigation.
975 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R0312
V zvezi z učinkom višine dejanske stopnje dampinga, ugotovljene v obdobju preiskave, na položaj industrije Skupnosti, je treba povedati, da ugotovljene marže za Japonsko in Ljudsko republiko Kitajsko niso zanemarljive.
As concerns the impact on the situation of the Community industry of the magnitude of the actual margin of dumping found during the investigation period, it should be noted that the margins found for Japan and the Peo` le's Republic of China are not negligible.
976 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R1799
Kakor je že navedeno v uvodni izjavi 69, je treba pri ocenjevanju gospodarskega položaja industrije Skupnosti upoštevati tekoče protidampinške preiskave v zadevnem obdobju in uvedbo protidampinških ukrepov leta 2000.
As already mentioned in recital 69, the economic situation of the Community industry should be seen in the light of ongoing anti-dumping investigations during the period considered and the imposition of anti-dumping measures in 2000.
977 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R0960
Donosnost naložbe, izražena kot povezanost neto dobičkov industrije Skupnosti in knjigovodske vrednosti njenih naložb, je sledila trendu donosnosti in se je z - 1 % v letu 1998 zmanjšala na - 18 % v obdobju preiskave.
The return on investment, expressed as the relation between the net profits of the Community industry and the net book value of its investments, followed the profitability trend and decreased from - 1 % in 1998 to - 18 % during the IP.
978 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R2042
Čeprav so se med obdobjem OPŠ njene izgube zmanjšale, so se med obdobjem preiskave v industriji Skupnosti izgube nadaljevale s stopnjo okoli -10 %, medtem ko za takšno industrijo velja, da mora imeti stopnjo dobička 15 %, da bi lahko financirala naložbe, potrebne za dohajanje sodobnega tehnološkega razvoja.
Furthermore, even though its losses diminished during the HP, the Community industry continued to suffer losses of around -10 % during the investigation period whereas in such an industry, a profit level of 15 % must be considered necessary to finance the investment needed to keep up to date with technological development.
979 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31993R2474
(61) Proizvodnja zadevne industrije Skupnosti se je povečala od 5 334 000 enot v letu 1988 na 5 876 000 enot v letu 1989 in na 6 620 000 enot v letu 1990. V obdobju preiskave se je proizvodnja zmanjšala na 6 190 000 enot.
(61) The production of the Community industry concerned increased from 5 334 000 units in 1988 to 5 876 000 units in 1989 and to 6 620 000 units in 1990. The production decreased to 6 190 000 units during the investigation period.
980 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31993R2861
Komisija je zato pri določitvi normalne vrednosti morala izključiti prodajo te vrste izdelka, katerega cene pri normalnem poteku trgovanja v obdobju preiskave niso omogočile pokritja vseh razumno porazdeljenih stroškov.
The Commission had, therefore, to exlude from the determination of normal value the sales of this product type, the prices of which did not permit recovery, in the normal course of trade in the investigation period, of all costs reasonably allocated.
981 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R1994
Vendar pa je preiskava pokazala, da so ti stroški v obdobju od leta 1995 do leta 1999 ostali na približno isti ravni, vrednost prodaje proizvajalcev Skupnosti pa se je zaradi znižanja cen (za 39 %) drastično zmanjšala.
However, the investigation revealed that, while these costs remained roughly at the same level over the period 1995 to 1999, the Community producers sales value decreased dramatically (by 39 %) due to the decrease in prices.
982 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32001R0468
Pri oblikovanju tega zaključka je Komisija upoštevala tudi dejstvo, da bi lahko japonski proizvajalci-izvozniki veliko bolj vplivali na trg Skupnosti, kot bi se domnevalo iz njihovega tržnega deleža v obdobju preiskave.
In reaching this conclusion, the Commission has also taken into account the fact that the Japanese exporting producers could influence the Community market to a far greater degree than their market share during the investigation period would suggest.
983 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32001R0469
Zaradi kompleksnosti preiskave in zlasti vpliva učinka evra (glej uvodno izjavo 39) na preiskavo je ta pregled presegel obdobje 12 mesecev, v katerem bi običajno moral biti končan v skladu s členom 11(5) osnovne uredbe.
The present review exceeded the period of 12 months within which it should normally have been concluded pursuant to Article 11(5) of the basic Regulation, due to the complexity of the investigation and in particular the impact of the euro-effect (see recital 39) on the investigation.
984 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R2093
Pri tržnem deležu 6,7 % v obdobju preiskave ima tako visoko nelojalno nižanje cen nedvomno zelo negativen vpliv na ta transparentni trg Skupnosti, kjer vladajo nizke cene, ter na izdelek, ki je izredno občutljiv na ceno.
Indeed, with a market share of 6,7 % during the IP, such a level of price undercutting certainly had a significant negative impact on this transparent and depressed Community market, and for a product which is extremely price sensitive.
985 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R2597
V skladu s členom 5 je višina subvencij, proti katerim se lahko uvede izravnalni ukrep, izračunana na osnovi koristi, podeljene prejemniku, za katero je bilo v obdobju preiskave ugotovljeno, da obstaja za subvencioniranje.
Article 5 states that the amount of countervailable subsidies shall be calculated in terms of the benefit conferred on the recipient which is found to exist during the investigation period for subsidisation.
986 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R1522
Zato so se proizvodni stroški ponovno izračunali na podlagi skupnih dejanskih stroškov, nastalih v obdobju preiskave, ki so se potem delili s skupno proizvedeno količino, da bi se ugotovili povprečni proizvodni stroški.
Therefore, the cost of production was recalculated on the basis of the total actual cost incurred during the investigation period which was then divided by the total volume produced in order to establish an average cost of production.
987 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R2852
Na podlagi podatkov Statističnega urada Evropskih skupnosti je bilo ugotovljeno, da so bile cene tega uvoza v Skupnosti bistveno višje kot cene uvoza iz držav v preiskavi (in sicer od 12,3 % do 30,5 % v obdobju preiskave).
On the basis of Eurostat information it was determined that the price levels at which these imports entered the Community were significantly higher than the import prices of the countries under investigation (from 12,3 % to 30,5 % during the IP).
988 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32001R0469
Povečanje potrošnje v letu 1997 in v obdobju preiskave je bilo predvsem posledica enkratnega povečanja povpraševanja s strani trgovcev na drobno, ki je bilo povezano z uvedbo evra (v nadaljnjem besedilu ''učinek evra'').
The increase in consumption in 1997 and the investigation period was mainly due to a one-off increase in demand from retailers arising from the introduction of the euro ('euro-effect').
989 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R2597
Eden proizvajalec izvoznik, Garware Polyester Ltd, je trdil, da ni dobil nobene koristi v okviru te sheme v obdobju preiskave, ker državne oblasti v državi Maharashtra še niso dejansko izpolnile svoje obveznosti povračila.
One exporting producer, Garware Polyester Ltd, submitted that it had obtained no benefit under this scheme during the investigation period (IP) since the State Authorities of Maharashtra had not yet actually fulfilled its repayment obligation.
990 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R1524
Leta 1995 in 1996 so bile nastale izgube industrije Skupnosti stabilne (2,2 % leta 1996). Leta 1997 so se zmanjšale za 1,9 odstotno točko (- 0,3 neto prodaje), v obdobju preiskave pa so se spet povečale (- 0,6 neto prodaje)
In 1995 and 1996, losses incurred by the Community industry were stable (2,2 % in 1996). They were reduced by 1,9 percentage points in 1997 (-0,3% of net sales) but increased again during the investigation period (- 0,6 % of net sales).
991 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32001R0299
Na tega proizvajalca (Industrial Quimica del Nalon SA-IQN) odpade 100 % kalijevega permanganata, proizvedenega v Skupnosti v obdobju preiskave, in zato predstavlja "industrijo Skupnosti" v skladu s členom 4(1) osnovne uredbe.
This producer (Industrial Quimica del Nalon SA-IQN) represents 100 % of potassium permanganate produced in the Community during the IP and constitutes, therefore, the 'Community industry' pursuant to Article 4(1) of the basic Regulation.
992 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R2239
(32) V zvezi z družbami v vzorcu, je bil s preiskavo ugotovljen damping le pri enem od teh družb (Bombay Dyeing), ki zajema manj kot 8 % celotnega izvoza zadevnega izdelka s poreklom iz Indije v Skupnost v obdobju preiskave.
(32) With regard to the companies in the sample, the investigation established the existence of dumping for only one of these companies (Bombay Dyeing), accounting for less than 8 % of total exports of the product concerned originating in India to the Community during the IP.
993 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R0978
Člen 5 osnovne uredbe določa, da se višina subvencij, proti katerim se lahko uvedejo izravnalni ukrepi, izračuna na podlagi ugodnosti, ki jih je imel prejemnik od subvencioniranja in so bile ugotovljene v obdobju preiskave.
Article 5 of the basic Regulation states that the amount of countervailable subsidies is calculated in terms of the benefit conferred on the recipient which is found to exist during the investigation period for subsidisation.
994 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R1799
Preverjanje v prostorih nepovezanega podjetja iz ES, ki je domnevno uvozilo večino proizvoda iz Belorusije, je potrdilo, da navedeno podjetje kupljenega izdelka v obdobju preiskave zaradi izteka ni dejansko uvozilo v Skupnost.
The verification at the premises of the unrelated company in the EC who allegedly imported the bulk of the Belarusian product has confirmed that none of the quantity purchased by that company was effectively imported into the Community during the expiry IP.
995 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1480
Zato se potrjuje, da dva sodelujoča proizvajalca Skupnosti, ki predstavljata 100 % celotne proizvodnje zadevnega proizvoda v Skupnosti, v obdobju preiskave predstavljata industrijo Skupnosti v smislu člena 9(1) osnovne uredbe.
It is therefore confirmed that the two cooperating Community producers representing 100 % of the total Community production of the product concerned during the IP constitute the Community industry within the meaning of Article 9(1) of the basic Regulation.
996 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R1531
Ker je OP pri preiskavi o uvozu zadevnega izdelka s poreklom iz Turčije šest mesecev sovpadalo s preglednim OP, se je normalna vrednost ugotovila samo za skupno obdobje obeh preiskav, tj. od 1. julija 1999 do 31. decembra 1999 (druga polovica OP v zvezi s pregledom), in za to obdobje so se opravili dampinški izračuni.
Since the IP of the investigation against imports of the product concerned originating in Turkey overlapped with the review IP for six months, normal value was established only for the common period of the two investigations, i.e. 1 July 1999 to 31 December 1999 (second half of the review IP), and dumping calculations were made for this period.
997 Pravna redakcija
Preiskave, zahtevani v odstavku 13.3.6., so bile narejene med 30-dnevnim obveznim obdobjem shranjevanja zamrznjenega semena in najmanj 14 dni po odvzemu semena na vzorcih, vzetih dne …….(2) in dne ……..(2).
The tests required in paragraph 13. 3. 6. have been carried out during the 30 days mandatory storage period of frozen semen and not less than 14 days after the collection of the semen on samples taken on....................(2) and on....................(2).
998 Pravna redakcija
Vendar lahko v primeru živali, pri katerih je preiskava za tuberkulozo imela neugoden izid in ki ne kažejo kliničnih simptomov bolezni, pristojni organi za največ tri mesece podaljšajo obdobje, ki ga navaja zgornji odstavek:
However, in the case of animals which have been examined for tuberculosis with unfavourable results without showing clinical symptoms of the disease, the competent authorities may extend to not more than three months the period provided for in the above paragraph,
999 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R0978
V zvezi z argumenti avstralske in tajvanske vlade glede njunih tržnih deležev je ustrezno navesti, da je bilo za uvoz s poreklom iz Avstralije in Tajvana ugotovljeno, da je bil v obdobju preiskave očitno nad de minimis ravnjo.
Regarding the arguments raised by the GOA and the GOT on their respective market share, it is recalled that imports from Australia and Taiwan were found to be clearly above the de minimis level during the IP.
1000 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002D0818
(14) Novembra 2001 je CESA od Komisije zahtevala, da preveri, ali je industrija Skupnosti tudi v obdobju 13 mesecev po koncu prvotnega obdobja preiskave (to je od 1. decembra 2000 do 31. decembra 2001) utrpela škodljive učinke.
(14) In November 2001, CESA requested the Commission to examine whether adverse effects had been suffered by the Community industry during the period covering the 13 months following the end of the original investigation period (i.e. 1 December 2000 to 31 December 2001).
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