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951 Končna redakcija
Ankete na strani SDS kažejo pričakovani odklonilni odnos do LDS in nepričakovano precejšnjo naklonjenost ZLSD, vprašanja v anketah pa odkrito napeljujejo na zaželene odgovore.
The polls featured on the SDS site revealed an expected negative attitude towards the LDS, and a surprisingly positive attitude towards the ZLSD, while the questions were formulated in such a way that they obviously suggested the desired answer.
952 Končna redakcija
Tudi zveze s sosednjimi kapitalističnimi državami so pripomogle k sorazmerno ugodnemu položaju v evropski in svetovni ekonomiji, zlasti v odnosih z Nemčijo, Avstrijo in Italijo.
Links with neighboring capitalist countries have also contributed to the relatively developed position in the European and global economy, particularly the relationships with Germany, Austria and Italy.
953 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
Za analizo proizvodnega procesa je ključnega pomena izbira enot, ki kaže tehnično-gospodarske odnose (to je vrsta enot dejavnosti na lokalni ravni in enote homogene proizvodnje).
In order to analyse the production process, it is crucial to select units which illustrate technico-economic relationships (i.e. kind-of-activity units at local level and units of homogeneous production).
954 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0039
obvladovanja, kar pomeni odnos med matičnim podjetjem in hčerinskim podjetjem v vseh primerih iz člena 1(1) in (2) Direktive 83/349/EGS ali podoben odnos med katero koli fizično ali pravno osebo in podjetjem, pri čemer se tudi morebitno hčerinsko podjetje hčerinskega podjetja šteje za hčerinsko podjetje matičnega podjetja, ki je na čelu teh podjetij.
control which means the relationship between a parent undertaking and a subsidiary, in all the cases referred to in Article 1(1) and (2) of Directive 83/349/EEC, or a similar relationship between any natural or legal person and an undertaking, any subsidiary undertaking of a subsidiary undertaking also being considered a subsidiary of the parent undertaking which is at the head of those undertakings.
955 Končna redakcija
Carine iz prejšnjega pododstavka ne smejo prekoračiti ravni carin, ki veljajo za uvoz izdelkov iz tiste države članice, s katero ima posamezna država ali ozemlje posebne odnose.
The duties referred to in the preceding subparagraph may not exceed the level of those imposed on imports of products from the Member State with which each country or territory has special relations.
956 Končna redakcija
Pri tem lahko vzpostavimo jasno korelacijo s Foucaultovo razlago o konstrukciji kriminalca, ki ga družba postavi na margino in se tako v odnosu do njega identifi cira kot zdravo jedro.
A correlation with Foucault's explanation of how a criminal offender becomes constructed is clear: such a person is shoved to the social margin by society, which then identifies itself as a healthy core with respect to a criminal offender.
957 Končna redakcija
V letniku 2000 je mogoče v raznih člankih opazovati razvoj fetusa skozi mesece nosečnosti, objavljene so fotografije lebdečih fetusov, pogosti pa so tudi nasveti o odnosu do fetusa.
The issues published in 2000 carried a series that followed the development of the fetus through the entire pregnancy.
958 Končna redakcija
Države članice usklajujejo svoje trgovinske odnose s tretjimi državami tako, da bodo do konca prehodnega obdobja izpolnjeni vsi pogoji za izvajanje skupne zunanjetrgovinske politike.
Member States shall coordinate their trade relations with third countries so as to bring about, by the end of the transitional period, the conditions needed for implementing a common policy in the field of external trade.
959 Končna redakcija
To je bila izključevalna politika, v kateri obe spolni praksi ne moreta obstajati vzporedno, pač pa mora biti druga v odnosu do prve diskvalificirana, da prvi podeli primat naravnosti.
What we actually have here is an exclusion policy that rules out the co-existence of both sexual practices and because of that disqualifies one in order to be able to accord to the other the supremacy of naturalness.
960 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R0530
obliki gospodarskega in finančnega nadzora v skladu s direktivo Komisije 80/723/EGS z dne 25. junija 1980 o preglednosti finančnih odnosov med državami članicami in javnimi podjetji,
the form of economic and financial control within the meaning of Commission Directive 80/723/EEC of 25 June 1980 on the transparency of financial relations between Member States and public undertakings (9),
961 Končna redakcija
Višek seksualne energije je projiciran na subjekt, v odnosu do katerega se vzpostavljala tvoja lastna, heteroseksualna identiteta in do katerega se prav zato vzpostavlja sovražen odnos.
This excessive sexual energy is projected onto the subject with respect to which one establishes his/her own heterosexual identity, and precisely this is the cause of the hostile attitude towards that subject.
962 Končna redakcija
Petek je pred tem objavil serijo kritičnih člankov, v katerih je pisal o lokalnih (prebivalcih regije, v kateri je Petek deloval) poslovnežih in njihovih koruptivnih odnosih z bankami.
Petek was the author of a series of critical articles dealing with corruption in the region from where he reported.
963 Končna redakcija
Carine iz prejšnjega pododstavka pa se postopno znižajo na raven carin, ki veljajo za uvoz izdelkov iz tiste države članice, s katero ima posamezna država ali ozemlje posebne odnose.
The duties referred to in the preceding subparagraph shall nevertheless be progressively reduced to the level of those imposed on imports of products from the Member State with which each country or territory has special relations.
964 Končna redakcija
Zaradi zemljepisnih razmer se pogodbenice zavedajo, da določbe člena 41(5)(b) Helenski republiki preprečujejo uporabo člena 41 v odnosih med Helensko republiko in drugimi pogodbenicami.
The Contracting Parties note that, in view of the geographical situation of the Hellenic Republic, the provisions of Article 41(5)(b) preclude the application of Article 41 in relations between the Hellenic Republic and the other Contracting Parties.
965 Končna redakcija
V ospredju naše analize je javni zavod rtv Slovenija: njegovo prakso in ključne probleme (financiranje, nadzor in odnos do javnosti) smo primerjali s prakso javnih medijev drugod po svetu.
In this study Sandra Bašić Hrvatin analyzes the public institution rtv Slovenia and the main problems related to it - funding, public control and fulfilment of the public role - and draws comparisons with other public broadcasters across the world.
966 Končna redakcija
spremlja gospodarsko in finančno stanje držav članic in Skupnosti ter o tem redno poroča Svetu in Komisiji, zlasti o finančnih odnosih s tretjimi državami in mednarodnimi institucijami;
to keep under review the economic and financial situation of the Member States and of the Community and to report regularly thereon to the Council and to the Commission, in particular on financial relations with third countries and international institutions;
967 Končna redakcija
Prvič, med političnim dogajanjem, strankarskimi usmeritvami in prevladujočo politično kulturo na eni strani in politično propagando - v tem primeru predvolilno - je premosorazmeren odnos.
The first is that political propaganda - election propaganda in our example - is directly related to political developments, orientations of political parties and the prevailing political culture.
968 Končna redakcija
V navezavi na tematiko, ki nas tule najbolj zanima, bi lahko dejali, da so pomembne za oblikovanje spolne identitete, konstrukcijo zavedanja o spolni razliki, za razumevanje odnosov v družbi.
As regards the context of this study, they can be described as being important for the shaping of gender identities, for constructing awareness of gender differences and understanding relations in society.
969 Končna redakcija
Večina javnih medijev je tudi nadaljevala prakso neučinkovitega poslovnega vodenja, koruptivnih poslovnih praks in posebnega klientelističnega odnosa tako znotraj hiše kakor do naročnikov.
In addition, the management of the majority of newly formed public service broadcasters remained ineffective and susceptible to corruption, with clientelism both within the company itself and in customer relations continuing.
970 Končna redakcija
Kazenski zakonik tovrstnega nenaravnega nečistovanja med ženskami ni poznal, tega pa seveda ne smemo interpretirati v luči kakšnega posebnega liberalnega odnosa do ženske homoseksualnosti.
Although the Penal Code did not mention any such type of unchastity among women, this should not be interpreted as a sign of a liberal approach to homosexuality among women.
971 Končna redakcija
Čeprav sta uradna medicina in psihiatrija pri homoseksualnosti zbrisali predznak bolezni, jo iskanje vzrokov zanjo vedno znova v odnosu do heteroseksualnosti konstituira kot bolezensko stanje.
Although medicine and psychiatry have abolished the prefix pointing to a disease, the search for the causes of homosexuality repeatedly constructs it as a pathological state.
972 Končna redakcija
Pri odnosu pivcev do politike nas bo posebej zanimala neka simptomatična podrobnost, in sicer polivalentne zmožnosti antipolitike, ki pogostokrat omogočajo številne in nepričakovane obrate.
Our interest in the bar flies' viewpoint on politics will be focused on some symptomatic details, namely the polyvalent capacity of anti-politics that often enables numerous and unexpected reversals.
973 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0017
Za namene oddaje javnega naročila s strani naročnikov uporabljajo države članice v svojih odnosih enako ugodne pogoje, kot so tisti, ki jih odobrijo tretjim državam pri izvajanju Sporazuma.
For the purposes of the award of contracts by contracting entities, Member States shall apply in their relations conditions as favourable as those which they grant to economic operators of third countries in implementation of the Agreement.
974 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0074
Čeprav je bilo rečeno, da bi bilo treba ugodnost subvencije šteti za nič, so bili predlagani alternativni načini za izračun stopnje subvencije, zlasti v odnosu na veljavne davčne stopnje.
Although it was submitted that the subsidy benefit should be treated as nil, alternative methods were suggested for the purpose of the calculation of the subsidy margin, notably in relation to the applicable tax rates.
975 Končna redakcija
() Ena pomembnih nalog je povrnitev ugleda blagovne znamke rtv, kar vključuje tako drugačen odnos do našega ustanovitelja, državnega zbora, kot tudi do naših gledalcev in poslušalcev. (...)
Among the important tasks he stressed was the rehabilitation of the rtv Slovenia brand, which implies changes in relations with the founder (i.e. the National Assembly) and in attitude towards viewers and listeners.
976 Končna redakcija
Prav ta druga podoba ženske, ki izgublja svoj materinski instinkt in namesto da bi razvijala ljubeč odnos do otroka, odhaja od doma, pa dobi neposredno podobo v strokovnem diskurzu Naše žene.
A woman who has lost her motherly instinct and spends time outside the home instead, is given a distinct image within the professional discourse in Naša žena.
977 Končna redakcija
Visoke pogodbenice si prizadevajo izogniti vsaki dejavnosti ali stališču, ki bi slabilo njihovo učinkovitost v vlogi povezovalne sile v mednarodnih odnosih ali znotraj mednarodnih organizacij.
The High Contracting Parties shall endeavour to avoid any action or position which impairs their effectiveness as a cohesive force in international relations or within international organizations.
978 Končna redakcija
"Ta pogodba se ne uporablja za tiste čezmorske države in ozemlja, ki imajo posebne odnose z Združenim kraljestvom Velika Britanija in Severna Irska, ki niso vključeni v prej omenjeni seznam."
'This Treaty shall not apply to those overseas countries and territories having special relations with the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland which are not included in the aforementioned list.'
979 Končna redakcija
Ta pogodba se ne uporablja za tiste čezmorske države in ozemlja, ki imajo posebne odnose z Združenim kraljestvom Velika Britanija in Severna Irska in ki niso vključeni v prej omenjeni seznam.
This Treaty shall not apply to those overseas countries and territories having special relations with the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland which are not included in the aforementioned list.
980 Končna redakcija
Celotna ikonografska podoba novic, vizualna stilizacija, parasocialni odnos voditeljev z namišljenimi gledalci in zdravorazumske retorične figure definirajo priložnost kot družabno priložnost.
The whole iconographical image of the news, the visual style, the para-social relationship of the newspresenter with the imaginary audience, and commonsense rhetorical figures define the occasion as a social occasion.
981 Končna redakcija
Uredba Sveta (ES) št. 2465/96 z dne 17. decembra 1996 o prekinitvi ekonomskih in finančnih odnosov med Evropsko skupnostjo in Irakom (UL L 337, 27. 12. 1996, str. 1), kakor je bila spremenjena z:
Council Regulation (EC) No 2465/96 of 17 December 1996 concerning the interruption of economic and financial relations between the European Community and Iraq (OJ L 337, 27.12.1996, p. 1), as amended by:
982 Končna redakcija
ker naj bi uporaba teh standardov s trga odstranila proizvode nezadostne kakovosti in spodbudila trgovinske odnose na podlagi resniene konkurence in s tem prispevala k veeji donosnosti proizvodnje;
whereas the application of these standards should have the effect of eliminating from the market products of unsatisfactory quality and of promoting commercial relations on the basis of genuine competition, thus contributing to an improvement in the profitability of production;
983 Končna redakcija
Dovoljena (nekaznovana) je le reprodukcija, kot jo je že stoletja prej definiralo krščanstvo: dovoljena forma spolnih odnosov je odnos med moškim in žensko, katerega namen je nadaljevanje rodu.
The only permissible (non-punishable) form was sex aimed at reproduction, that is to say, the form of sex prescribed by Christianity.
984 Končna redakcija
Predsedstvo je pri dejavnostih v okviru evropskega političnega sodelovanja odgovorno za spodbujanje delovanja ter usklajevanje in predstavljanje stališč držav članic v odnosih do tretjih držav.
The Presidency shall be responsible for initiating action and coordinating and representing the positions of the Member States in relations with third countries in respect of European Political Co-operation activities.
985 Končna redakcija
Konferenca ponovno slovesno izjavlja, da je namen pridruževanja spodbuditi gospodarski in socialni razvoj držav in ozemelj ter vzpostaviti tesne ekonomske odnose med njimi in Skupnostjo kot celoto.
The Conference solemnly restates that the purpose of association is to promote the economic and social development of the countries and territories and to establish close economic relations between them and the Community as a whole.
986 Končna redakcija
Čeprav je bil predmet naše analize medijske konstrukcije homoseksualnosti deloma zamejen, ker smo analizirali zgolj tiskane medije, naše ugotovitve nakazujejo smer odnosa do obravnavanega fenomena.
Even though the subject of our analysis, the media construction of homosexuality, was partly limited because it included only the print media, our conclusions point to the direction in which attitudes towards this phenomenon are moving.
987 Končna redakcija
Oglaševalci ne kupujejo oglaševalskega prostora v medijih na podlagi podatkov o branosti ali pa dosega, temveč na podlagi odnosa med medijem in vplivnimi političnimi oz. poslovnimi krogi v državi.
Advertisers do not buy advertising space on the basis of circulation figures or reach, but on the basis of media relations with influential political and business circles in the country.
988 Končna redakcija
Slovaška republika izraža voljo sodelovati s Kneževino Lihtenštajn v okviru Evropskega gospodarskega prostora, pa tudi na vseh drugih področjih medsebojnih odnosov na podlagi enakosti in partnerstva.
The Slovak Republic is willing to cooperate with the Principality of Liechtenstein in the framework of the European Economic Area as well as in all other areas of mutual relations on the basis of equality and partnership.
989 Končna redakcija
Z vključitvijo določbe o pravici do odgovora in popravka v novo slovensko ustavo je tudi postalo nejasno, kakšen je pravzaprav odnos med pravico do odgovora in popravka in pravico do svobode izražanja.
The inclusion of right of reply and right of correction in the new Slovene Constitution obscured the relationship between right of reply and right of correction on the one hand, and freedom of expression on the other.
990 Končna redakcija
Gre pravzaprav za posledico sistema prepričanj oziroma verovanj, ki ga strukturirajo diskurzivni okviri, kredibilnost in moč pa črpajo iz zgodovinskega odnosa med homosekualnostjo in heteroseksualnostjo.
In fact it is a consequence of the system of beliefs delineated by the discursive frame of reference which obtains credibility and power from the historical relation between homosexuality and heterosexuality.
991 Končna redakcija
Slika izpričuje veliko več kot le ljubezensko razmerje med dvema moškima, saj odnos prikaže kot predvsem seksualen. Golo telo, odpete hlače in spodnjice so namreč povsem očitna aluzija na seksualnost.
Thanks to the unmistakable allusions to sex, the naked body, unzipped trousers and underpants, the picture tells a great deal more than merely describing a love relationship between two men.
992 Končna redakcija
Ko govorimo o političnih kampanjah, moramo najprej ugotoviti, kakšne 'odnose' (oblike komuniciranja) imajo politiki/stranke s svojimi volivci oz. katere informacije politiki/ stranke ponujajo državljanom.
When considering political campaigns we must first establish what kind of relationship (or forms of communication) politicians/political parties use to communicate with voters, and what information they offer to the citizens.
993 Končna redakcija
Če pa 'izrodki' že imajo potomce iz svojih normalnih odnosov in svoje otroke navajajo na spolne perverznosti, pa so krivi zlorabe svojih lastnih otrok na najobčutljivejšem področju.« (55, Mladina, 1993)
If, however, these 'degenerates' already have children from their normal relationships and they accustom them to sexual perversities, then they are guilty of abusing their own children in the most sensitive area' (55, Mladina, 1993).
994 Končna redakcija
Uredniška politika je zato največkrat usmerjena v zadovoljevanje zahtev in želja oglaševalcev, saj večina ženskih revij brez plodnega sodelovanja in dobrih odnosov s finančnimi viri ne more preživeti.
Moreover, editorial policy is frequently dedicated to satisfying the demands and wishes of advertisers, since most women's magazines would not be able to survive without close cooperation and good relations with this source of finances.
995 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31976R0101
študijo narave, geografske razporeditve, obsega in financiranja teh ukrepov, skupaj z njihovo učinkovitostjo v odnosu do ciljev skupne ribiške politike in dolgoročno verjetnimi trgi za ribiške proizvode;
a study on the nature, geographical distribution, scope and financing of these measures, together with their effectiveness in relation to the objectives of the common fisheries policy and the probable outlets for fishery products in the long term;
996 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0658
Denarni tok in donos naložbenega kapitala je bilo mogoče preveriti le na ravni sodelujočih družb, ki so proizvedle zadevni proizvod (in ne v odnosu na zadevni proizvod), prikazana pa sta v koledarskih letih.
Cash flow and ROCE could only be examined at the level of the cooperating companies which produced the product concerned (rather than in relation to the product concerned) and are shown in calendar years.
997 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0817
Take dejavnosti vključujejo zlasti organizacijo in/ali sodelovanje na sejmih in razstavah ter podobnih prireditvah za odnose z javnostmi in oglaševanje prek različnih komunikacijskih poti ali prodajnih točk.
Such activities shall include, in particular, the organisation of, and/or participation in, fairs and exhibitions, similar public relations exercises and advertising via the different channels of communication or at the points of sale.
998 Končna redakcija
Naloga Skupnosti je z ustvarjanjem razmer, potrebnih za pospešeno vzpostavljanje in razvoj jedrske industrije, prispevati k dvigu življenjske ravni v državah članicah in k razvoju odnosov z drugimi državami.
It shall be the task of the Community to contribute to the raising of the standard of living in the Member States and to the development of relations with the other countries by creating the conditions necessary for the speedy establishment and growth of nuclear industries.
999 Končna redakcija
To so hkrati tudi nastavki, ki v sicer naklonjenem ali vsaj nevtralnem odnosu medijev do homoseksualnosti omogočajo in vzdržujejo negativno naravnanost javnega mnenja, predsodke in stereotipe, do gejev in lezbijk.
They also form the platform which enables and perpetuates the negative disposition of public opinion, prejudices and stereotypes about gays and lesbians in the otherwise well-disposed or at least neutral attitude of the media to homosexual issues.
1000 Končna redakcija
o odnosih med Evropsko gospodarsko skupnostjo in Združenimi afriškimi državami in Madagaskarjem ter neodvisnimi državami Commonwealtha v razvoju, ki ležijo v Afriki, Indijskem oceanu, Tihem oceanu in na Karibih
on relations between the European Economic Community and the Associated African and Malagasy States and also the independent developing Commonwealth countries situated in Africa, the Indian Ocean. the Pacific Ocean and the Caribbean
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