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951 Pravna redakcija
Vsak sistem, ki je dan v promet z OZO, s katerim je ta priključena na drugo zunanjo napravo, se šteje za bistveni del te OZO, tudi če sistem ni namenjen temu, da bi ga uporabnik stalno nosil ali držal v celotnem obdobju izpostavljenosti nevarnosti.
Any system placed on the market in conjunction with PPE for its connection to another external, additional device shall be regarded as an integral part of that equipment even if the system is not intended to be worn or held permanently by the user for the entire period of risk exposure.
952 Pravna redakcija
Vsak mehanizem financiranja mora zagotavljati, da udeleženci na trgu prispevajo samo k financiranju obveznosti zagotavljanja univerzalne storitve in ne k drugim dejavnostim, ki niso neposredno povezane z zagotavljanjem obveznosti univerzalne storitve.
Any funding mechanism should ensure that market participants only contribute to the financing of universal service obligations and not to other activities which are not directly linked to the provision of the universal service obligations.
953 Pravna redakcija
Vsak uničeni dokument se vpiše na potrdilo o uničenju, ki ga podpiše uradnik, zadolžen za nadzor na ravni TRES SECRET UE/EU TOP SECRET, in uradnik, ki je priča ob uničenju in ki mora imeti varnostno potrdilo na ravni TRES SECRET UE/EU TOP SECRET.
Each document destroyed shall be listed in a destruction certificate, signed by the TRES SECRET UE/EU TOP SECRET control officer and by the officer witnessing the destruction, who shall be TRES SECRET UE/EU TOP SECRET cleared.
954 Pravna redakcija
Vsak državljan Evropske unije ima pravico do konzularnega varstva kateregakoli diplomatskega ali konzularnega predstavništva države članice, če na kraju, kjer je, njegova država članica ali neka druga država, ki jo zastopa na trajni osnovi, nima:
Every citizen of the European Union is entitled to the consular protection of any Member State's diplomatic or consular representation if, in the place in which he is located, his own Member State or another State representing it on a permanent basis has no:
955 Pravna redakcija
Vsak spor, ki ga države pogodbenice ne poravnajo s pogajanji, se na željo katere koli države pogodbenice, udeležene v sporu, preda v arbitražo in predloži enemu ali več razsodnikom, ki ga države pogodbenice, udeležene v sporu, sporazumno izberejo.
Any dispute which is not settled by negotiation shall be submitted to arbitration if any one of the Contracting Parties in dispute so requests and shall be referred accordingly to one or more arbitrators selected by agreement between the Contracting Parties in dispute.
956 Pravna redakcija
Vsak sporazum o financiranju, pogodba ali sporazum o subvenciji izrecno določa za Komisijo, OLAF in računsko sodišče, naj izvajajo nadzor, dokumentov in na kraju samem, za vse izvajalce in podizvajalce, ki so prejeli finančna sredstva iz sredstev ERS.
Each financing agreement, contract or grant agreement shall provide expressly for the Commission, OLAF and the Court of Auditors, to exercise their powers of control, on documents and on the spot, over all contractors and subcontractors who have received financing from EDF resources.
957 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31992D0097
Vsak znesek, ki ga je naročnik plačal ali ga je dal izplačati v skladu s členom 35 in ki je večji kakor znesek, do katerega je strokovnjak upravičen po pogodbi, strokovnjak povrne naročniku v 30 dneh potem, ko slednji prejme obvestilo v zvezi s tem.
Any amount which the contracting authority has paid, or caused to be paid, in accordance with Article 35 in excess of the consultant's entitlement under the contract, shall be reimbursed by the consultant to the contracting authority within 30 days after receipt by the consultant of notice thereof.
958 Pravna redakcija
Vsak uničeni dokument se vpiše na potrdilo o uničenju, ki ga podpiše uradnik, zadolžen za nadzor na stopnji TRES SECRET UE/EU TOP SECRET, in uradnik, ki je priča ob uničenju in ki mora imeti varnostno potrdilo na stopnji TRES SECRET UE/EU TOP SECRET.
Each document destroyed shall be listed in a destruction certificate, signed by the TRČS SECRET UE/EU TOP SECRET control officer and by the officer witnessing the destruction, who shall be TRČS SECRET UE/EU TOP SECRET cleared.
959 Pravna redakcija
Vsak takšen pristop se nanaša na Konvencijo, vključno z vsako prilogo in vsakim dodatkom, ki sta bila sprejeta na dan takšnega pristopa, razen kadar listina o pristopu vsebuje jasno izjavo o nesprejetju ene ali več prilog, razen prilog I, II, III in IV.
Any such accession shall relate to the Convention including any Annex and any Appendix that have been adopted at the date of such accession, except when the instrument of accession contains an express declaration of non-acceptance of one or several Annexes other than Annexes I, II, III and IV.
960 Pravna redakcija
Vsak vrednostni papir, ki ga izda ali zanj jamči Banka, ima na svoji prednji strani jasno oznako, da ne gre za obveznico katere koli vlade ali članice, razen če je to dejansko obveznica določene vlade ali članice; v tem primeru se tako glasi tudi oznaka.
Every security issued or guaranteed by the Bank shall bear on its face a conspicuous statement to the effect that it is not an obligation of any Government or member, unless it is in fact the obligation of a particular Government or member, in which case it shall so state.
961 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0603
Vsak dokument, ki ga Odbor prejme od tretje stranke v smislu člena 3 Uredbe (ES) št. 1049/2001, se lahko vnese v register, če ne gre za občutljivi dokument v smislu člena 9 navedene uredbe, za katerega se v tem členu zahteva izvrševanje predpisanih rokov.
Any document received by the Committee from a third party within the meaning of Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001 may be entered in the register unless it is a sensitive document within the meaning of Article 9 of the above Regulation, for which compliance with the time limits prescribed in that Article is required.
962 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R2286
Vsak podset mora biti oblikovan tako, da v polja, ki morajo vsebovati enake podatke v dveh vključenih državah članicah, te podatke izvoznik ali glavni zavezanec lahko neposredno vpiše na izvod 1 in bodo zaradi kemične obdelave papirja vidni na vseh izvodih.
Each subset must be designed in such a way that where boxes must contain identical information in the two Member States involved, such information can be entered directly by the exporter or the principal on copy 1 and will then appear, by means of chemical treatment of the paper, on all the copies.
963 Pravna redakcija
Vsak protokol k tej konvenciji začne veljati, razen če ni v takem protokolu drugače določeno, trideseti dan po dnevu deponiranja najmanj šestih listin o ratifikaciji, sprejetju ali odobritvi takega protokola ali o pristopu k temu s strani strank iz člena 24.
Any Protocol to this Convention, except as otherwise provided in such Protocol, shall enter into force on the 30th day following the date of deposit of at least six instruments of ratification, acceptance, or approval of, or accession to such Protocol by the Parties referred to in Article 24.
964 Pravna redakcija
Vsak aktivni medicinski pripomoček, ki se uporablja sam ali v kombinaciji z drugimi medicinskimi pripomočki za pridobivanje informacij za odkrivanje, diagnosticiranje, nadziranje ali zdravljenje fizioloških stanj, zdravstvenih stanj, bolezni ali prirojenih okvar.
Any active medical device, whether used alone or in combination with other medical devices, to supply information for detecting, diagnosing, monitoring or treating physiological conditions, states of health, illnesses or congenital deformities.
965 Pravna redakcija
Vsak ukrep ali sklep vlade države zavarovatelja ali zavarovanca, vključno z ukrepi in sklepi Evropske skupnosti, ki se nanašajo na trgovino med državo članico in tretjimi državami, na primer prepoved izvoza, kolikor njihove učinke ta vlada ne pokriva drugače.
Any measure or decision of the government of the country of the insurer or of the policyholder, in-cluding measures and decisions of the European Community, relating to trade between a Member State and third countries, such as a ban on exports, in so far as its effects are not covered otherwise by the government concerned.
966 Pravna redakcija
Vsak spor med pogodbenicami v zvezi z razlago ali uporabo te konvencije, ki ni bil rešen v skladu z določbami prejšnjega odstavka ali s pogajanji med prizadetimi strankami, se na zahtevo ene od njih predloži arbitraži, če se navedene stranke ne dogovorijo drugače.
Any dispute between Contracting Parties concerning the interpretation or application of this Convention which has not been settled on the basis of the provisions of the preceding paragraph or by negotiation between the parties concerned shall, unless the said parties agree otherwise, be submitted, at the request of one of them, to arbitration.
967 Pravna redakcija
Vsak aktivni medicinski pripomoček, ki se uporablja sam ali v kombinaciji z drugimi medicinskimi pripomočki za podpiranje, spreminjanje, nadomeščanje ali obnavljanje bioloških funkcij ali struktur z namenom zdravljenja ali lajšanja bolezni, poškodbe ali telesne okvare.
Any active medical device, whether used alone or in combination with other medical devices, to support, modify, replace or restore biological functions or structures with a view to treatment or alleviation of an illness, injury or handicap.
968 Pravna redakcija
regionalni razvoj
CELEX: 32004D0213
Vsak prenos znanja, ustvarjenega v okviru pogodbe o nepovratnih sredstvih, ali odobritev pravice dostopa do tega znanja drugi organizaciji izven konzorcija morata biti odobrena s strani Komisije, držav članic, v katerih imajo sedež udeleženci in drugih pogodbenih izvajalcev.
Any transfer of knowledge created under a grant contract, or any granting of access rights to such knowledge to another organization outside the consortium need the approval of the Commission, the Member States in which the participants reside and the other contractors.
969 Pravna redakcija
Vsak urad za preskušanje sort začne preskušati, razen če urad predpiše drugače, najpozneje na dan, ko bi se začelo preskušanje na osnovi prijave za nacionalno lastninsko pravico, ki je bila vložena na dan, ko je prijavo, poslano z urada, sprejel urad za preskušanje sort.
Each Examination Office shall begin the technical examination, unless the Office has otherwise provided, no later than on the date on which a technical examination would have begun on the basis of an application for a national property right filed on the date on which the application sent by the Office was received by the Examination Office.
970 Pravna redakcija
Vsak spor, ki bi nastal med strankami v zvezi z razlago ali izvajanjem odločbe, lahko najbolj prizadevna stranka predloži arbitražnemu sodišču, ki je sprejelo odločbo, ali, če to ni mogoče, drugemu arbitražnemu sodišču, ustanovljenemu v ta namen na enak način kot prvo.
Any dispute which may arise between the Parties concerning the interpretation or execution of the award may be submitted by the most diligent Party to the arbitral tribunal which made the award or, if the latter cannot be seized thereof, to another arbitral tribunal constituted for this purpose in the same manner as the first.
971 Pravna redakcija
Vsak cestni pregled tehnične brezhibnosti vozila se opravi ne glede na državljanstvo voznika ali državo, v kateri je bilo vozilo registrirano ali v kateri se je začelo uporabljati, ob upoštevanju potrebe po čim manjših stroških in zamudah, ki bi jih utrpeli vozniki in operaterji.
Every technical roadside inspection shall be carried out without discrimination on grounds of the nationality of the driver or of the country of registration or entry into service of the commercial vehicle, bearing in mind the need to minimise the costs and delays entailed for drivers and operators.
972 Pravna redakcija
Vsak spor med pogodbenicami v zvezi z razlago ali uporabo Konvencije, ki ni bil rešen drugače med zadevnimi pogodbenicami, na primer s poizvedovanjem ali s spravo znotraj Komisije, se na zahtevo ene od navedenih pogodbenic predloži arbitraži v skladu s pogoji, določenimi v tem členu.
Any disputes between Contracting Parties relating to the interpretation or application of the Convention, which cannot be settled otherwise by the Contracting Parties concerned, for instance by means of inquiry or conciliation within the Commission, shall at the request of any of those Contracting Parties, be submitted to arbitration under the conditions laid down in this Article.
973 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1290
Vsak uspešni ponudnik je obvezan, da predloži skladno z ustreznimi določbami Uredbe (ES) št. 1291/2000, zahtevek za izdajo izvoznega dovoljenja glede na količino, ki mu je bila dodeljena, pri čemer se pa zahtevek z odstopanjem od člena 12 Uredbe (EGS) št. 120/89 ne more preklicati.
Every successful tenderer shall be obliged to lodge, in accordance with the relevant provisions of Regulation (EC) No 1291/2000, an application for an export licence in respect of the quantity that has been awarded to him, the application not being revocable in derogation from Article 12 of Regulation (EEC) No 120/89.
974 Pravna redakcija
Vsak opazovalec in inšpektor ima službeni dokument, izdan v državi, ki ga je imenovala, v obliki obrazca, ki ga odobri ali zagotovi CCAMLR in v katerem je navedeno, da je bil ta opazovalec ali inšpektor imenovan za izvajalca opazovanja in inšpekcijskih pregledov v skladu s tem sistemom.
Each observer and inspector shall carry an identity document issued by the designating State in a form approved or provided by CCAMLR stating that the observer or inspector has been designated to carry out observation and inspection in accordance with this system.
975 Pravna redakcija
Vsak imetnik potrdila lahko zahteva izpisek iz potrdila za znesek, ne višji od zneska, ki na dan izdaje izpiska še ni zabeležen na originalnem potrdilu, še zlasti, če zahtevki za izdajo potrdila za načrtovane izvoze ne bodo oddani v državi članici, ki je izdala potrdilo o nadomestilu.
Any holder of a refund certificate may request an extract from the certificate for an amount not exceeding the amount not yet recorded on the original certificate on the date on which the extract is issued, particularly if the refund applications for the planned exports will not be submitted in the Member State which issued the refund certificate.
976 Pravna redakcija
delo in sociala
CELEX: 32003L0092
Vsak davčni zavezanec, razen davčnih zavezancev iz člena 28a(4), ki na ozemlju države opravlja dobave blaga ali storitev, ki mu dajejo pravico do odbitka, razen dobav blaga ali storitev, za katere davek plača izključno naročnik ali prejemnik v skladu s členom 21(1)(a), (b), (c) ali (f).
Every taxable person, with the exception of those referred to in Article 28a(4), who, within the territory of the country, effects supplies of goods or of services giving him the right of deduction, other than supplies of goods or of services for which tax is payable solely by the customer or the recipient in accordance with Article 21(1)(a), (b), (c) or (f).
977 Pravna redakcija
Vsak obrazec mora biti na voljo v uradnih jezikih Skupnosti in mora biti oblikovan tako, da so njegove različice popolnoma skladne, kar omogoča, da vsaka oseba ali organ, ki ji/mu je obrazec namenjen (upravičenec, nosilec, delodajalec itd.), prejme obrazec, natisnjen v njenem/njegovem jeziku.
Each form shall be available in the official languages of the Community and laid out in such a manner that the different versions are perfectly superposable, thereby making it possible for each person or body to which a form is addressed (rightful claimant, institution, employer, etc.) to receive the form printed in their own language.
978 Pravna redakcija
Vsak spor, do katerega lahko pride med strankama zaradi razlage ali izvršbe razsodbe, lahko ena od strank predloži arbitražnemu sodišču, ki je razsodbo izreklo, ali, če se na to razsodišče ni možno obrniti, drugemu razsodišču, ki je bilo za ta namen ustanovljeno na enak način kot prvo.
Any dispute which may arise between the Parties concerning the interpretation or execution of the award may be submitted by either party to the arbitral tribunal which made the award or, if the latter cannot be seized thereof, to another tribunal constituted for this purpose in the same manner as the first.
979 Pravna redakcija
Vsak eksploziv mora biti načrtovan, izdelan in dobavljen tako, da čim manj ogroža varnost človeškega življenja in zdravja ter preprečuje škodo za lastnino in okolje v normalnih, predvidljivih okoliščinah, zlasti v zvezi z varnostnimi predpisi, standardi in prakso v času njegove uporabe.
Each explosive must be designed, manufactured and supplied in such a way as to present a minimal risk to the safety of human life and health, and to prevent damage to property and the environment under normal, foreseeable conditions, in particular as regards the safety rules and standard practices including until such time as it is used.
980 Pravna redakcija
Vsak kandidat in član se izogiba neprimernemu ravnanju in dajanju vtisa neprimernega ravnanja, je neodvisen in nepristranski, izogiba se neposrednim in posrednim navzkrižjem interesov in upošteva visoke standarde vedenja, da se ohrani neoporečnost in nepristranskost postopka za rešitev spora.
Every candidate and member shall avoid impropriety and the appearance of impropriety, shall be independent and impartial, shall avoid direct and indirect conflicts of interests and shall observe high standards of conduct so that the integrity and impartiality of the dispute settlement process are preserved.
981 Pravna redakcija
Vsak organ ali center, ki ima uporabnike CMS, te obvesti o zaupni naravi podatkov CMS in o kakršnih koli omejitvah dostopa, ki veljajo za vsakega uporabnika navedenega organa ali centra in drugih organov ali centrov, kadar varnostni administrator NCC slednje občasno obvesti o navedenih omejitvah.
Each authority or centre in which there are users of the CMS informs them of the confidential nature of the data of the CMS and of any limitations on access applicable to each of the users of that authority or centre and of the other authorities or centres, as these limitations are communicated to the latter by the security administrator of the relevant NCC from time to time.
982 Pravna redakcija
vsak mesec, če se je obdobje skladiščenja skrajšalo ali podaljšalo v skladu s členom 4(5)(g) ali skrajšalo v skladu s členoma 17 ali 19, o proizvodih in količinah, za katere so obdobje skladiščenja ponovno revidirali, ter o prvotno predvidenih in revidiranih mesecih za odpremo iz skladišč.
every month, if the storage period has been shortened or extended in accordance with Article 4(5)(g) or reduced in accordance with Articles 17 or 19, the products and quantities in respect of which the storage period has been revised and the original and revised months for removal from storage.
983 Pravna redakcija
Vsak poslanec lahko glede odhodkov, ki ne izhajajo neizogibno iz Pogodbe ali iz aktov, sprejetih na podlagi omenjene pogodbe, ob upoštevanju spodaj navedenih pogojev poda predlog sklepa, ki se razlikuje od tistega, ki ga je sprejel Svet in s katerim se dovoljeni odhodki, višji od začasne dvanajstine.
Subject to the conditions set out below, any Member may submit a proposal for a decision different from that taken by the Council authorising expenditure in excess of the provisional one twelfth for expenditure other than that necessarily resulting from the Treaty or from acts adopted in accordance therewith.
984 Pravna redakcija
vsak mesec, če se je obdobje skladiščenja skrajšalo oziroma podaljšalo skladno s členom 3(3)(g) ali zmanjšalo skladno s členom 9(4) ali (6), o proizvodih oziroma količinah, pri katerih je bilo revidirano obdobje skladiščenja, ter o izvirnih in revidiranih mesecih za odstranitev iz skladišča.`
every month, if the storage period has been shortened or extended in accordance with Article 3 (3) (g) or reduced in accordance with Article 9 (4) or (6), of the products and quantities in respect of which the storage period has been revised and of the original and revised months for removal from storage.
985 Pravna redakcija
Vsak državni ali mednarodni, vladni ali nevladni organ ali agencija, je lahko opazovalec na sestanku pogodbenic, če je usposobljen za področja, ki se nanašajo na varstvo ozonskega plašča, in če je o tej želji obvestil sekretariat, razen če temu nasprotuje najmanj ena tretjina navzočih pogodbenic.
Any body or agency, whether national or international, governmental or non-governmental, qualified in fields relating to the protection of the ozone layer which has informed the secretariat of its wish to be represented at a meeting of the Parties as an observer may be admitted unless at least one-third of the Parties present object.
986 Pravna redakcija
Vsak član skupnega podjetja, ki ne izpolni svojih obveznosti s prispevanjem stvarnih vložkov ali v predpisanem časovnem obdobju ne sprosti dolgovanega zneska, je najprej izključen iz glasovanja v upravnem odboru, po šestih mesecih pa se prekliče članstvo za toliko časa, da izpolni svoje obveznosti.
Any member of the Joint Undertaking which fails to meet its commitments concerning the bringing-in of assets in kind or which does not release the amount due within the prescribed time-limits shall be, as a first step, disqualified from voting in the Administrative Board and, after six months, membership shall be repealed until such time as its obligations have been met.
987 Pravna redakcija
Vsak dokument, ki ga Odbor prejme od tretje stranke v smislu člena 3 Uredbe (ES) št. 1049/2001, se po uradni pošti pošlje v register, v katerega se le-ta evidentira, če ne gre za občutljivi dokument v smislu člena 9 navedene uredbe, za katerega se v tem členu zahteva izvrševanje predpisanih rokov.
Any document received by the Committee from a third party within the meaning of Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001 shall be forwarded by the official mail service to the register, which shall enter it, unless it is a sensitive document, within the meaning of Article 9 of the above Regulation, for which compliance with the time limits prescribed in that article is required.
988 Pravna redakcija
Vsak upravni ukrep, sprožen proti posamezniku brez vsakršnega upoštevanja zgoraj navedenega splošnega interesa in iz enega od razlogov iz člena 1A, ki je dovolj resen glede na merila iz oddelka 4 tega skupnega stališča, se lahko obravnava kot preganjanje, zlasti če je nameren, sistematičen in trajen.
Any administrative measure taken against an individual, leaving aside any consideration of general interest referred to above, on one of the grounds mentioned in Article 1A, which is sufficiently severe in the light of the criteria referred to in section 4 of this Joint Position, may be regarded as persecution, in particular where it is intentional, systematic and lasting.
989 Pravna redakcija
Vsak vpis glede začetnega odobrenega delniškega kapitala je v razmerju vplačanih delnic in delnic na poziv tri (3) proti sedem (7). Začetno število razpoložljivih delnic za vpis s strani podpisnic tega sporazuma, ki postanejo članice v skladu s členom 61 tega sporazuma, je tako, kot je določeno v Prilogi A.
Each subscription to the original authorized capital stock shall be for paid-in shares and callable shares in the proportion of three (3) to seven (7). The initial number of shares available to be subscribed to by signatories to this Agreement which become members in accordance with Article 61 of this Agreement shall be that set forth in Annex A.
990 Pravna redakcija
Vsak organ, pristojen za konkurenco, ohranja zaupnost vsake informacije, ki jo zaupno prejme od drugega organa, pristojnega za konkurenco, in zavrne vsako prošnjo po razkritju takšnih informacij, ki jo nanj naslovi tretja stran, katere organ, pristojen za konkurenco, ki je informacije zagotovil, za to ni pooblastil.
Each competition authority shall maintain the confidentiality of any information provided to it in confidence by the other competition authority, and oppose any application for disclosure of such information by a third party that is not authorised by the competition authority that supplied the information.
991 Pravna redakcija
Vsak upravljalni organ zagotavlja sprejetje takojšnjih in ustreznih ukrepov proti udeležencem programa, ko izve, da je kak udeleženec programa uporabil nepravilno oznako ali označil z oznako Energy Star izdelek, ki ne izpolnjuje specifikacij iz Priloge C. Ti ukrepi lahko med drugim vključujejo tudi naslednje ukrepe:
Each Management Entity shall ensure that prompt and appropriate action is taken against Program Participants, whenever it has knowledge that a Program Participant has used an infringing mark or has affixed the Energy Star marks to a product that does not comply with the Specifications set forth in Annex C. Such actions shall include, but not be limited to:
992 Pravna redakcija
Vsak spor med Islandijo ali Norveško in državo članico Evropske unije glede razlage ali uporabe tega sporazuma ali katerih koli določb iz njegovega člena 1 lahko stranka v sporu posreduje na srečanju predstavnikov vlad držav članic Evropske unije ter Islandije in Norveške, z namenom ta spor rešiti v šestih mesecih.
Any dispute between either Iceland or Norway and a Member State of the European Union regarding the interpretation or the application of this Agreement or of any of the provisions referred to in Article 1 thereof may be referred by a Party to the dispute to a meeting of representatives of the governments of the Member States of the European Union and of Iceland and Norway, with a view to its settlement within six months.
993 Pravna redakcija
Vsak projekt IDA se tehnično natančno določi s sklicevanjem na evropske standarde ali javno dostopne specifikacije, kot so lahko, po potrebi, odprti medomrežni standardi, da se zagotovi visoka stopnja medobratovalnosti med nacionalnimi sistemi in sistemi Skupnosti znotraj in med upravnimi sektorji ter z zasebnim sektorjem.
Each IDA project shall be technically specified with reference to European standards or publicly available specifications, such as open Internet standards, as appropriate, in order to ensure a high degree of interoperability between national and Community systems within and across administrative sectors and with the private sector.
994 Pravna redakcija
Vsak dokument, ki ga Evropski parlament prejme od tretje stranke v smislu člena 3 Uredbe (ES) št. 1049/2001, pošlje uradna poštna služba referenčnemu registru, ki ga vnese, razen če ne gre za občutljivi dokument v smislu člena 9 zgoraj navedene uredbe, za katerega je treba upoštevati časovne omejitve, predpisane v tem členu.
Any document received by the European Parliament from a third party within the meaning of Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001 shall be forwarded by the official mail service to the register of references, which shall enter it, unless it is a sensitive document, within the meaning of Article 9 of the above Regulation, for which compliance with the time limits prescribed in that article is required.
995 Pravna redakcija
Vsak državljan Evropske unije ter vsaka fizična ali pravna oseba s prebivališčem ali statutarnim sedežem v eni od držav članic, ima pravico, da posamezno ali skupaj z drugimi državljani ali osebami Parlamentu predloži peticijo v zvezi z vprašanjem, ki spada v področje delovanja Evropske unije in ki ga ali jo neposredno zadeva.
Any citizen of the European Union and any natural or legal person residing or having its registered office in a Member State shall have the right to address, individually or in association with other citizens or persons, a petition to Parliament on a matter which comes within the European Union's fields of activity and which affects him, her or it directly.
996 Pravna redakcija
Vsak davčni zavezanec prav tako zagotovi, da sam ali njegov kupec izda račun ali tretja oseba zanj in v njegovem imenu za vsako opravljeno predplačilo pred dobavo blaga iz prvega pododstavka in za vsako opravljeno predplačilo drugega davčnega zavezanca ali pravne osebe, ki ni davčni zavezanec preden so storitve v celoti opravljene.
Every taxable person shall likewise ensure that an invoice is issued, either by himself or by his customer or, in his name and on his behalf, by a third party, in respect of any payment on account made to him before any supplies of goods referred to in the first subparagraph and in respect of any payment on account made to him by another taxable person or non-taxable legal person before the provision of services is completed.
997 Pravna redakcija
vsak znesek, ki dospe nekdanji članici za njene delnice, se zadrži vse dotlej, dokler ima nekdanja članica, njena centralna banka ali katera koli izmed njenih agencij ali subjektov še naprej obveznost nasproti Banki kot posojilojemalec ali garant, ta znesek pa se lahko po izbiri Banke uporabi za vsako tako obveznost, ko dospe v plačilo.
any amount due to the former member for its shares shall be withheld so long as the former member, its central bank or any of its agencies or instrumentalities remains liable, as borrower or guarantor, to the Bank and such amount may, at the option of the Bank, be applied on any such liability as it matures.
998 Pravna redakcija
Vsak svetovalec ali odvetnik, katerega ravnanje nasproti Sodišču prve stopnje, predsedniku, sodniku ali sodnemu tajniku ni združljivo z dostojanstvom Sodišča prve stopnje, ali ki uporablja svoje pravice v druge namene kot pa so tisti, za katere so mu bile podeljene, je lahko kadarkoli izključen iz postopka z ukazom Sodišča prve stopnje;
Any adviser or lawyer whose conduct towards the Court of First Instance, the President, a Judge or the Registrar is incompatible with the dignity of the Court of First Instance, or who uses his rights for purposes other than those for which they were granted, may at any time be excluded from the proceedings by an order of the Court of First Instance;
999 Pravna redakcija
Vsak državljan Evropske unije ter vsaka fizična ali pravna oseba, ki prebiva oziroma ima svoj sedež registriran v eni od držav članic, ima pravico, da posamezno ali skupaj z drugimi državljani ali osebami Parlamentu predloži peticijo v zvezi z vprašanjem, ki spada v področje delovanja Evropske unije in ki ga oziroma jo neposredno zadeva.
Any citizen of the European Union, and any natural or legal person residing or having its registered office in a Member State, shall have the right to address, individually or in association with other citizens or persons, a petition to Parliament on a matter which comes within the European Union's fields of activity and which affects him, her or it directly.
1000 Pravna redakcija
Vsak poslovodni delavec zavezuje združenje proti tretjim strankam, ko deluje v imenu združenja, celo tedaj, ko njegova dejanja na sodijo med namene poslovanja združenja, razen če združenje dokaže, da tretja stranka ni vedela ali ni mogla biti v danih okoliščina seznanjena s tem, da navedeno dejanje ne sodi med namene poslovanja združenja;
Each of the managers shall bind the grouping as regards third parties when he acts on behalf of the grouping, even where his acts do not fall within the objects of the grouping, unless the grouping proves that the third party knew or could not, under the circumstances, have been unaware that the act fell outside the objects of the grouping;
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