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"A" account
101 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-89
(c) A summary of the risk assessment of the effects on the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity, taking also into account risks to human health; and
(c) povzetek izdelane ocene tveganja na ohranjanje in trajnostno uporabo biološke raznovrstnosti, pri čemer je treba upoštevati tveganje za zdravje ljudi;
102 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-48
4) indebtedness under export deliveries to the former USSR payable from the special interest bearing "A" account of Vnesheconombank with the National Bank of Yugoslavia
dolg na podlagi izvoznih dobav v bivšo ZSSR, ki se plačuje s posebnega obrestnega računa A Vnešekonombanke pri Narodni banki Jugoslavije
103 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 1999-110
(a) “Disbursed Amount” means, in respect of each Interest Period, the aggregate principal amount of the Loan withdrawn from the Loan Account in such Interest Period.
(a) “črpani znesek“ v zvezi z obrestnim obdobjem pomeni skupni znesek glavnice posojila, ki je bil črpan z računa posojila v tem obrestnem obdobju;
104 Objavljeno
WTO: Sporazum o kmetijstvu
For perishable and seasonal products, the conditions set out above shall be applied in such a manner as to take account of the specific characteristics of such products.
Za pokvarljive in sezonske proizvode se zgornji pogoji uporabljajo tako, da se upoštevajo njihove posebne značilnosti.
105 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-57
D. Disbursement of any Tranche shall be made to such Bank account in the name of the Borrower as the Borrower shall specify in a notification to the Bank, signed by a duly authorised officer of the Borrower, not less than eight days before the date of disbursement, provided that no more than one account may be specified for each Tranche.
D. Izplačilo katere koli tranše se izvede na tisti bančni račun na ime posojilojemalke, ki ga posojilojemalka navede v obvestilu banki, ki ga je podpisal pravilno pooblaščen uslužbenec posojilojemalke, najpozneje osem dni pred datumom izplačila pod pogojem, da se sme za vsako tranšo navesti največ en račun.
106 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-66
(6) The bunker delivery note shall be accompanied by a representative sample of the fuel oil delivered taking into account guidelines to be developed by the Organization.
(6) Dobavnici za gorivo je priložen reprezentativni vzorec dobavljenega goriva ob upoštevanju navodil, ki jih pripravi Organizacija.
107 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2008-22
(a) A requested State Party, in responding to a request for assistance pursuant to this article in the absence of dual criminality, shall take into account the purposes of this Convention, as set forth in article 1;
(a) Če ni dvojne kaznivosti, zaprošena država pogodbenica v odgovor na zaprosilo za pomoč skladno s tem členom upošteva namene te konvencije iz 1. člena.
108 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-32
Conscious of the need for a cost-effective regional approach to combating air pollution that takes account of the variations in effects and abatement costs between countries,
se zavedajo potrebe po stroškovno učinkovitem regionalnem pristopu k preprečevanju onesnaženosti zraka, ki upošteva razlike med državami med učinki in stroški zmanjševanja onesnaževanja,
109 Objavljeno
DRUGO: KOM(2005) 637 končno
In which way could social and cultural variations and different regional and national dietary habits be taken into account in food-based dietary guidelines at a European level?
Na kakšen način bi lahko bile upoštevane družbene in kulturne razlike ter različne regionalne in nacionalne prehranjevalne navade pri smernicah na osnovi živil za prehranjevanje na evropski ravni?
110 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-2
It shall be a matter for the competent national authorities to decide whether a modification is substantial or not, taking into account such factors as the environmental benefits of the modification;
O tem, ali je sprememba bistvena, odločijo pristojni državni organi ob upoštevanju dejavnikov, kot so okoljske koristi spremembe;
111 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-32
It shall be a matter for the competent national authorities to decide whether a modification is substantial or not, taking into account such factors as the environmental benefits of the modification.
O tem, ali je sprememba bistvena, odločijo pristojni državni organi ob upoštevanju dejavnikov, kot so okoljske koristi spremembe.
112 Objavljeno
A comparison of geometrical parameters of female and male hips and pelvises showed that women had a smaller femoral head and a wider pelvis than men, which seems to account for increased articular stress in the female hip.
Primerjali smo žensko in moško okolčje. Med drugim smo ugotovili, da je pri ženskah kolčna glavica manjša kot pri moških, medenica pa širša. Majhna kolčna glavica in široka medenica pogojujeta visok kolčni sklepni tlak in sta zato ugodni za razvoj artroze v kolčnem sklepu.
113 Objavljeno
With new findings in the field it is imperative to revise the indications for liver transplantation on a regular basis. All known contraindications should be taken into account.
Ob novih spoznanjih je treba vedno znova opredeliti, pri katerih boleznih jeter je presaditev jasno indicirana in pri katerih obstajajo kontroverznosti glede na indikacije.
114 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2009-62
Considering that all actions or initiatives against trafficking in human beings must be non-discriminatory, take gender equality into account as well as a child-rights approach;
ob upoštevanju, da morajo biti vsi ukrepi ali pobude proti trgovini z ljudmi nediskriminacijski ter upoštevati enakost spolov in pravice otrok;
115 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-73
The reward shall be fixed with a view to encouraging salvage operations, taking into account the following criteria without regard to the order in which they are presented below:
Nagrada je določena zaradi spodbujanja reševanja, pri čemer se upoštevajo navedena merila ne glede na njihov vrstni red:
116 Objavljeno
WTO: Predodpremna kontr-Uvozna dovoljenja
- shall divide the above work on a product basis taking into account the chapters or sections of the HS nomenclature, so as to submit results of its work to the Committee at least on a quarterly basis.
? razdeli omenjeno delo na podlagi proizvoda ob upoštevanju poglavij ali oddelkov HS-nomenklature, da lahko rezultate svojega dela predloži Odboru vsaj trimesečno.
117 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-48
The roster shall be based on nominations received in writing from the Parties, taking into account the need for a multidisciplinary approach and broad geographical representation.
Seznam temelji na predlogih za imenovanje, ki jih pošljejo pogodbenice v pisni obliki, in upošteva potrebo po multidisciplinarnem pristopu in široki geografski zastopanosti.
118 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 18-1062
management account means a detailed statement of income and costs for a period in question, including a division into activities connected with air transport and other activities as well as pecuniary and non-pecuniary elements;
povzetek finančnega poročila pomeni podrobno navedbo dohodkov in stroškov za zadevno obdobje, vključno z razčlenitvijo na dejavnosti, povezane z zračnimi prevozi, in druge dejavnosti, kot tudi na denarne in nedenarne elemente;
119 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2009-62
4 If a victim submits an application for another kind of residence permit, the Party concerned shall take into account that he or she holds, or has held, a residence permit in conformity with paragraph 1.
Če žrtev vloži prošnjo za drugačno vrsto dovoljenja za prebivanje, pogodbenica upošteva, da je žrtev imela ali ima dovoljenje za prebivanje v skladu s prvim odstavkom.
120 Objavljeno
The article describes basic characteristics of a child with hemophilia. Nursing care based on the theory of Virginia Henderson taking into account different activities is described.
članek opisuje osnovne značilnosti otroka s hemofilijo. opisuje zdravstveno nego po teoriji Virginije Henderson glede na aktivnosti.
121 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-48
These panels shall be composed of experts whose names are taken from the roster, taking into account the need for a multidisciplinary approach and broad geographical representation.
Ti odbori so sestavljeni iz strokovnjakov, katerih imena so vzeta s seznama, ob upoštevanju potrebe po multidisciplinarnem pristopu in široki geografski zastopanosti.
122 Objavljeno
WTO: Tehnične ovire v trgovini
For this purpose, technical regulations shall not be more trade-restrictive than necessary to fulfil a legitimate objective, taking account of the risks non-fulfilment would create.
Zato smejo biti tehnični predpisi glede trgovine le toliko omejevalni, kot je to potrebno za izpolnitev legitimnih ciljev, pri čemer je treba upoštevati tveganja, ki bi nastala zaradi neizpolnitve le-teh.
123 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 100/05
The facts causing concern are above all a mortality rate three times higher in (young) men than women on the account of various types of injuries and poisoning and a four times higher suicidal rate in men.
Zaskrbljujoči sta predvsem trikrat višja umrljivost (mladih) moških kot žensk zaradi različnih vrst poškodb in zastrupitev ter štirikrat višja stopnja samomorilnosti moških.
124 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-48
Aware that arid, semi-arid and dry sub-humid areas together account for a significant proportion of the Earth's land area and are the habitat and source of livelihood for a large segment of its population,
se zavedajo, da so vsa aridna, semiaridna in suha subhumidna območja pomemben del kopnega na Zemlji ter da so bivališče in vir preživljanja za obsežen del njenega prebivalstva,
125 Objavljeno
DRUGO: 025-19-57-2009-1
E. At the beginning of each regular session the Assembly shall elect a President and such other officials as may be required, taking into account equitable geographic representation.
E. Na začetku vsakega rednega zasedanja skupščina ob upoštevanju načela pravične geografske zastopanosti izvoli predsednika in po potrebi druge funkcionarje.
126 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-48
Sectoral measures in the action programmes shall be grouped in priority fields which take account of the broad diversity of affected areas in the region referred to in article 2 (a).
Sektorski ukrepi v programih ukrepov se razporedijo v prednostna področja ob upoštevanju velike raznolikosti prizadetih območij regije, omenjenih v pododstavku a) 2. člena.
127 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2010-11
E. At the beginning of each regular session, the Assembly shall elect a President and such other officials as may be required, taking into account equitable geographic representation.
E. Na začetku vsakega rednega zasedanja skupščina ob upoštevanju načela pravične geografske zastopanosti izvoli predsednika in po potrebi druge funkcionarje.
128 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 18-1062
projected balance sheet, with a profit and loss account, for the current financial year including all proposed changes in the structure or activities explicitly in relation to finance;
projekcija bilance stanja in izkaza uspeha za tekoče poslovno leto, vključno z vsemi predlaganimi spremembami v strukturi ali dejavnostih v izraziti povezavi s financami;
129 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2006-48
(a) the stocks to which conservation and management measures apply, taking into account the biological characteristics of the stocks concerned and the nature of the fisheries involved;
(a) staležev, za katere se uporabljajo ukrepi ohranjanja in upravljanja, upoštevajoč biološke značilnosti zadevnih staležev in naravo vpletenih ribištev;
130 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2010-11
Taking into account the different approaches in existing emission registers and the need to avoid duplication, and recognizing therefore that a certain degree of flexibility is needed,
ob upoštevanju različnih načinov vodenja obstoječih registrov izpustov in potrebe po preprečevanju podvajanja ter ob priznavanju, da je zaradi tega potrebna neka stopnja prožnosti,
131 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2008-22
(c) A system of accounting and auditing standards and related oversight;
(c) sistem računovodskih in revizijskih standardov in povezanega pregleda nad delovanjem;
132 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-5
any sum which has been the subject of a regular or conditional expenditure commitment and which has not been posted or which has not been taken into account in the financial statements;
vsemi zneski, povezanimi z rednimi ali pogojnimi odhodkovnimi obveznostmi in niso bili knjiženi ali upoštevani v računovodskih izkazih;
133 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 7
(4) After receipt of a request, the misdemeanour authority shall, if necessary, supplement the procedure for taking evidence, taking into account the statements included in the request.
(4) Prekrškovni organ po prejemu zahteve po potrebi glede na navedbe v zahtevi dopolni dokazni postopek.
134 Objavljeno
WTO: Trg vidiki pravic intelektualne lastnine
Where more than one Member requests the establishment of a panel related to the same matter, a single panel may be established to examine these complaints taking into account the rights of all Members concerned.
Če več kot ena članica zahteva ustanovitev ugotovitvenega sveta v isti zadevi, se lahko ob upoštevanju pravic vseh zainteresiranih članic ustanovi en sam ugotovitveni svet za obravnavo teh tožb.
135 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-68
For the purpose of determining the extent of protection conferred by a European patent, due account shall be taken of any element which is equivalent to an element specified in the claims.
Pri določanju obsega varstva, ki ga zagotavlja evropski patent, je treba upoštevati vsak element, ki je enakovreden elementu, določenem v patentnih zahtevkih.
136 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
CELEX: 32002L0087
Whichever method is used, when the entity is a subsidiary undertaking and has a solvency deficit, or, in the case of a non-regulated financial sector entity, a notional solvency deficit, the total solvency deficit of the subsidiary has to be taken into account.
Če je oseba hčerinsko podjetje in ima solventni primanjkljaj ali teoretični solventni primanjkljaj, če gre za neregulirano osebo v finančnem sektorju, je ne glede na uporabo metode treba upoštevati celoten solventni primanjkljaj.
137 Objavljeno
WTO: Predodpremna kontr-Uvozna dovoljenja
(i) only prices providing a valid basis of comparison shall be used, taking into account the relevant economic factors pertaining to the country of importation and a country or countries used for price comparison;
(i) uporabljajo se zgolj cene, ki zagotavljajo veljavno osnovo primerjave ob upoštevanju ustreznih gospodarskih dejavnikov, ki se nanašajo na državo uvoza in državo ali držav, ki se uporabljajo za cenovne primerjave;
138 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-100
(f) establish, as needed, an appropriate mechanism, such as a Trust Account, for receiving and utilizing financial resources that will accrue to it for purposes of implementing this Treaty;
(f) po potrebi vzpostaviti ustrezen mehanizem, na primer fiduciarni račun, za sprejem in uporabo finančnih sredstev, ki se bodo zbirala za izvajanje te pogodbe;
139 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-61
The payment shall be executed by the Agency's banker, or, as appropriate, a governmental payments office, or the cheque mailed, as a general rule, within 5 days of the date of debit against the SAPARD euro account.
Plačilo izvrši banka agencije, lahko pa tudi vladni urad za plačila, ali pa se plačilo izvrši po pošti s čekom, praviloma v 5 dneh od datuma obremenitve evro računa SAPARD.
140 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 80
Financing of municipalities under the previous paragraph shall temporarily continue through a separate account of the budget of a municipality which has been established on the territory of the former municipality.
Financiranje občin iz prejšnjega odstavka se začasno nadaljuje preko ločenega računa proračuna občine, ki je ustanovljena na območju sedeža prejšnje občine.
141 Objavljeno
zunanje zadeve
DRUGO: Z1-07-2401
Repetition is expensive - the full economic cost is up to USD 20 000 equivalent for each student who repeats a year - but schools have few incentives to take into account the costs involved.
Ponavljanje letnika je drago, celoten ekonomski strošek znaša do 20.000 ameriških dolarjev na vsakega učenca, ki ponavlja letnik, pri čemer pa imajo šole le malo spodbud, da bi upoštevale stroške, ki nastanejo.
142 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-41
To that end, States Parties shall endeavour to make adequate and regular voluntary contributions to an account specifically designated for that purpose in a United Nations funding mechanism.
Zato si države pogodbenice prizadevajo, da primerno in redno nakazujejo prostovoljne prispevke na posebej za to določen račun pri Združenih narodih.
143 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-59
Charges or dues in respect of the crossing of frontiers which are charged by a carrier in addition to transport rates shall not exceed a reasonable level after taking the costs actually incurred thereby into account.
Dajatve ali pristojbine, ki jih prevozniki zaračunajo poleg prevoznin pri prehodu meje, ne smejo presegati razumne meje, potem ko so bili upoštevani dejanski stroški, nastali ob prehodu meje.
144 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2008-35
Upon entry into force of this Agreement, Slovenia shall open a separate bank account at the National Bank of Slovenia in which the funds received from the Swiss Contribution shall be deposited.
Ob začetku veljavnosti tega sporazuma Slovenija odpre poseben račun pri Banki Slovenije, na katerem se deponirajo sredstva, prejeta iz prispevka.
145 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 25
(3) If the percentage reduction is declared as a percentage range, the highest percentage reduction must account for at least one-quarter of the value of all goods offered in the clearance sale.
(3) Če je odstotek znižanja objavljen v razponu, mora najvišji odstotek znižanja zajemati najmanj eno četrtino vrednosti vsega blaga, ki je na razprodaji.
146 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-68
The auditors shall draw up a report after the end of each accounting period.
Revizorji sestavijo poročilo po koncu vsakega obračunskega obdobja.
147 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
Charges or dues in respect of the crossing of frontiers which are charged by a carrier in addition to the transport rates shall not exceed a reasonable level after taking the costs actually incurred thereby into account.
Dajatve ali pristojbine, ki jih prevozniki zaračunajo poleg prevoznin pri prehodu meje, ne smejo presegati razumne meje, potem ko so bili upoštevani dejanski stroški, nastali ob prehodu meje.
148 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 13-2005
(3) The ministries and organisations under the preceding paragraph shall verify the level to which their opinions and views are taken into account in the plan and issue a written opinion on this.
(3) Ministrstva in organizacije iz prejšnjega odstavka preverijo stopnjo upoštevanja svojih mnenj in stališč v planu in podajo o tem pisno mnenje.
149 Objavljeno
WTO: Predodpremna kontr-Uvozna dovoljenja
Consideration shall also be given to ensuring a reasonable distribution of licences to new importers, taking into account the desirability of issuing licences for products in economic quantities.
Posebej je treba upoštevati tudi potrebo po razumni razporeditvi dovoljenj v korist novih uvoznikov ter hkrati upoštevati zaželenost, da se uvozna dovoljenja izdajajo za proizvode v ekonomičnih količinah.
150 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 4
A State Secretary shall be accountable to the Minister of State for his work.
Državni sekretar je za svoje delo odgovoren ministru.
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