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Association Committee
101 Pravna redakcija
Where appropriate, the Association Committee shall by decision modify the relevant Annex to reflect the modification notified by the Party concerned.
Če je ustrezno, Pridružitveni odbor s svojim sklepom spremeni ustrezno prilogo, da odrazi spremembo, ki jo je uradno sporočila zadevna pogodbenica.
102 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004D0239
A representative of the Commission shall preside over the Stabilisation and Association Committee, in accordance with the Rules of Procedure thereof.
Stabilizacijsko-pridružitvenemu odboru predseduje predstavnik Komisije v skladu s poslovnikom Odbora.
103 Pravna redakcija
it may take appropriate measures after consultation within the Association Committee or after 30 working days following referral for such consultation.
lahko po posvetovanju v okviru Pridružitvenega odbora ali po preteku 30 delovnih dni od predložitve zadeve v posvetovanje sprejme ustrezne ukrepe.
104 Pravna redakcija
Subject to the powers of the Council, an Association Committee is hereby established which shall be responsible for the implementation of the Agreement.
Na podlagi pooblastil Sveta se ustanovi Pridružitveni odbor, ki je pristojen za izvrševanje tega sporazuma.
105 Pravna redakcija
Within 30 days after the ruling has been transmitted to the Parties and the Association Committee, the Party complained against shall notify the other Party:
V 30 dneh od dne, ko je odločitev posredovana pogodbenicama in Pridružitvenemu odboru, pogodbenica, toženka, drugo pogodbenico uradno obvesti o:
106 Pravna redakcija
They shall be subject to periodic consultations within the Association Committee, particularly with a view to their abolition as soon as circumstances permit.
O njih se pogodbenici redno posvetujeta v okviru Pridružitvenega odbora, zlasti z namenom, da se odpravijo, takoj ko okoliščine to dovoljujejo.
107 Pravna redakcija
During the provisional application of the abovementioned Articles, and where appropriate, reference to the "Association Council" and to the "Association Committee" shall be construed as reference to the Cooperation Council and the committees established by it.
Med začasno uporabo navedenih členov, in kadar je to primerno, bo sklicevanje na "Pridružitveni svet" in "Pridružitveni odbor" pomenilo sklicevanje na Svet za sodelovanje in odbore, ki jih je ustanovil.
108 Pravna redakcija
During the provisional application of the abovementioned Articles, and where appropriate, reference to the 'Association Council' and to the 'Association Committee' shall be construed as reference to the Cooperation Council and the committees established by it.
Med začasno uporabo navedenih členov, in kadar je to primerno, bo sklicevanje na "Pridružitveni svet" in "Pridružitveni odbor" pomenilo sklicevanje na Svet za sodelovanje in odbore, ki jih je ustanovil.
109 Pravna redakcija
as regards Article 24, the difficulties arising from the situations referred to in that Article shall be referred for examination to the Association Committee.
v zvezi s členom 24 se težave, ki izhajajo iz razmer, navedenih v tem členu, posredujejo Pridružitvenemu odboru, da jih preuči.
110 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004D0239
The decision to publish the decisions of the Stabilisation and Association Council and the Stabilisation and Association Committee in the Official Journal of the European Union shall be taken on a case-by-case basis by the Council and the Commission respectively.
Odločitev o objavi sklepov Stabilizacijsko-pridružitvenega sveta in Stabilizacijsko-pridružitvenega odbora v Uradnem listu Evropske unije sprejme Svet oziroma Komisija, odvisno od posameznega primera.
111 Pravna redakcija
Within 10 days after the day of notification of the information referred to in paragraph 4, the Parties shall hold consultations within the Association Committee.
V 10 dneh po datumu uradnega obvestila o informacijah iz odstavka 4 se pogodbenici posvetujeta v okviru Pridružitvenega odbora.
112 Pravna redakcija
(c) as regards Article 26, the difficulties arising from the situations referred to in that Article shall be referred for examination to the Association Committee.
(c) v zvezi s členom 26 se težave, ki izhajajo iz situacij iz tega člena posredujejo v preučitev Pridružitvenemu odboru.
113 Pravna redakcija
The member shall disclose such interests, relationships and matters by communicating them in writing to the Association Committee for consideration by the Parties.
Član razkrije te interese, odnose in zadeve tako, da o njih pisno obvesti Pridružitveni odbor, pogodbenici pa jih nato preučita.
114 Pravna redakcija
Within three days of the request for the establishment of the arbitration panel, the three arbitrators shall be selected by lot by the chairperson of the Association Committee from the list referred to in paragraph 2, one among the individuals proposed to the Association Committee by the complaining Party, one among the individuals proposed to the Association Committee by the Party complained against and the chairperson among the individuals identified for that purpose under paragraph 2.
V treh dneh od zahteve za ustanovitev arbitražnega senata tri razsodnike z žrebom izbere predsedujoči Pridružitvenega odbora s seznama, omenjenega v odstavku 2, prvega izmed tistih posameznikov, ki jih je Pridružitvenemu odboru priporočila pogodbenica, pritožnica, drugega izmed tistih, ki jih je Pridružitvenemu odboru priporočila pogodbenica, toženka, in predsedujočega izmed posameznikov, ki so v ta namen navedeni v odstavku 2.
115 Pravna redakcija
Within three days of the request for an oenological arbitration procedure under Article 20(1), the three arbitrators shall be selected by lot by the chairperson of the Association Committee from the list referred to in paragraph 2, one among the individuals proposed to the Association Committee by the requesting Party, one among the individuals proposed to the Association Committee by the other Party and the chairperson among the individuals identified for that purpose under paragraph 2.
V treh dneh od zahtevka za enološki arbitražni postopek po členu 20(1) tri razsodnike z žrebom izbere predsedujoči Pridružitvenega odbora s seznama, omenjenega v odstavku 2, prvega izmed tistih posameznikov, ki jih je Pridružitvenemu odboru priporočila pogodbenica priglasiteljica, drugega izmed tistih, ki jih je Pridružitvenemu odboru priporočila druga pogodbenica, in predsedujočega izmed posameznikov, ki so v ta namen navedeni v odstavku 2.
116 Pravna redakcija
The Association Committee may, whenever it considers necessary, amend the Model Rules of Procedure and the Code of Conduct set out in Annex XVI, by means of a decision.
Pridružitveni odbor lahko, ko se mu to zdi potrebno, s sklepom spremeni vzorčni poslovnik in etični kodeks, določen v Prilogi XVI.
117 Pravna redakcija
as regards Article 22, the Association Committee shall be informed of the dumping case as soon as the authorities of the importing Party have initiated an investigation.
v zvezi s členom 22 se o primeru dampinga obvesti Pridružitveni odbor takoj, ko organi pogodbenice uvoznice začnejo preiskavo.
118 Pravna redakcija
In respect of questions relating to the applicability of this Protocol, the Contracting Parties shall consult each other to resolve the matter in the framework of the Stabilisation and Association Committee set up under Article 114 of the Stabilisation and Association Agreement.
V zvezi z vprašanji, ki se nanašajo na uporabo tega protokola, se pogodbenici medsebojno posvetujeta z namenom rešiti zadevo v okviru Stabilizacijsko-pridružitvenega odbora, ustanovljenega na podlagi člena 114 Stabilizacijsko-pridružitvenega sporazuma.
119 Pravna redakcija
The safeguard measures shall be notified immediately to the Association Committee and shall be the subject of periodic consultations within the Committee, particularly with a view to their abolition as soon as circumstances permit.
O zaščitnih ukrepih se takoj obvesti Pridružitveni odbor, o njih se občasno posvetuje z odborom, zlasti z namenom, da se odpravijo takoj, ko okoliščine to dopuščajo.
120 Pravna redakcija
That Decision shall be notified forthwith to the Council; it shall also be notified to the Cooperation Council, and thereafter the Stabilisation and Association Committee.
O tem sklepu se takoj uradno obvesti Svet; uradno se obvesti tudi Svet za sodelovanje in nadalje Stabilizacijsko-pridružitveni odbor.
121 Pravna redakcija
When carrying out this review, the Stabilisation and Association Committee shall consider the desirability of preserving the effects of the limits concerned in real terms.
Pri izvajanju pregleda Stabilizacijsko-pridružitveni odbor upošteva zaželeno ohranjanje realnih učinkov teh vrednostnih omejitev.
122 Pravna redakcija
The safeguard measures shall be notified immediately to the Association Committee and shall be the subject of periodical consultations within the Committee, particularly with a view to their abolition as soon as circumstances permit.
O zaščitnih ukrepih se takoj uradno obvesti Pridružitveni odbor, v okviru katerega potekajo redna posvetovanja, zlasti z namenom, da se ti ukrepi odpravijo takoj, ko okoliščine to dovoljujejo.
123 Pravna redakcija
Safeguard measures shall upon application be notified immediately to the Association Committee and shall be the subject of consultations once a year within the Committee, particularly with a view to their liberalisation or abolition.
O zaščitnih ukrepih se ob njihovi uporabi takoj obvesti Pridružitveni odbor in o njih se enkrat letno organizirajo posvetovanja v okviru Odbora, zlasti z namenom, da se ti ukrepi liberalizirajo ali odpravijo.
124 Pravna redakcija
The amounts expressed in euro shall be reviewed by the Stabilisation and Association Committee at the request of the Community or the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia.
Zneske, izražene v evrih, na zahtevo Skupnosti ali Nekdanje jugoslovanske republike Makedonije pregleda Stabilizacijsko-pridružitveni odbor.
125 Pravna redakcija
The Association Committee shall have the power to take decisions for the management of the Agreement as well as in the areas in which the Council has delegated its powers to it.
Pridružitveni odbor je pooblaščen za sprejemanje odločitev glede upravljanja Sporazuma ter glede vseh tistih področjih, za katera ga Svet pooblasti.
126 Pravna redakcija
At the request of either the Communiy or Romania, the Association Committee shall examine the functioning of the system or the revision of the level of the minimum import prices.
Na zahtevo Skupnosti ali Romunije Pridružitveni svet pregleda delovanje sistema ali opravi revizijo ravni minimalnih uvoznih cen.
127 Pravna redakcija
For the purposes of the decisions of the Stabilisation and Association Committee concerning the establishment of lists of protected names provided for in Article 4(7) and Article
Za sklepe, s katerimi določi Stabilizacijsko-pridružitveni odbor po členu 4(7) in členu
128 Pravna redakcija
The Association Committee shall be chaired in turn by a representative of the Presidency of the Council of the European Union and by a representative of the Government of Jordan.
Pridružitvenemu odboru predseduje izmenoma predstavnik predsedstva Sveta Evropske unije in predstavnik Vlade Jordanije.
129 Pravna redakcija
The Association Parliamentary Committee may make recommendations to the Association Council.
Pridružitveni parlamentarni odbor lahko pripravi priporočila za Pridružitveni svet.
130 Pravna redakcija
The Association Committee shall have the power to take decisions for the management of the Agreement as well as in those areas in which the Council has delegated its powers to it.
Pridružitveni odbor je pooblaščen za sprejemanje odločitev za upravljanje tega sporazuma kot tudi na področjih, kjer mu takšno pooblastilo podeli Pridružitveni svet.
131 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004D0239
The position to be taken by the Community within the Stabilisation and Association Council and within the Stabilisation and Association Committee, when the latter is empowered to act by the Stabilisation and Association Council, shall be determined by the Council, on a proposal by the Commission, or, where appropriate, by the Commission, each in accordance with the corresponding provisions of the Treaties.
Stališče Skupnosti v okviru Stabilizacijsko-pridružitvenega sveta in v okviru Stabilizacijsko-pridružitvenega odbora, kadar je pooblaščen, da odloča v imenu Stabilizacijsko-pridružitvenega sveta, določi Svet na predlog Komisije, ali po potrebi Komisija, vsak v skladu z ustreznimi določbami Pogodb.
132 Pravna redakcija
At the request of either the Community or Bulgaria, the Association Committee shall examine the functioning of the system or the revision of the level of the minimum import prices.
Na zahtevo Skupnosti ali Bolgarije Pridružitveni odbor preuči delovanje sistema ali opravi revizijo ravni minimalnih uvoznih cen.
133 Pravna redakcija
Furthermore, each Party shall provide advance written notification to the Association Committee of all pertinent information on the decision to apply provisional safeguard measures.
Poleg tega vsaka pogodbenica zagotovi vnaprejšnje pisno uradno obvestilo Pridružitvenemu odboru z vsemi ustreznimi informacijami o odločitvi, da bo uporabila začasne zaščitne ukrepe.
134 Pravna redakcija
The conclusions and recommendations of the EC-Tunisia Scientific and Technical Cooperation Committee shall be sent, for information, to the Association Committee of the Euro-Mediterranean Agreement between the European Union and the Tunisian Republic.
Sklepi in priporočila Odbora za znanstveno in tehnično sodelovanje ES - Tunizija se kot informacija pošljejo Pridružitvenemu odboru evro-mediteranskega sporazuma med Evropsko unijo in Republiko Tunizijo.
135 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31998D0238
A representative of the President of the Council shall preside over the Association Committee, in accordance with Article 93 of the Agreement, and present the position of the Community.
V skladu s členom 93 Sporazuma predstavnik predsednika Sveta predseduje Pridružitvenemu odboru in predstavlja stališče Skupnosti.
136 Pravna redakcija
The conclusions and recommendations of the EC-Morocco Scientific and Technical Cooperation Committee shall be sent, for information, to the Association Committee of the Euro-Mediterranean Agreement between the European Union and the Kingdom of Morocco.
Sklepi in priporočila Odbora za znanstveno in tehnično sodelovanje ES - Maroko se kot informacija pošljejo Pridružitvenemu odboru Evro-mediteranskega sporazuma med Evropsko unijo in Kraljevino Maroko.
137 Pravna redakcija
The Association Committee shall be chaired in turn by a representative of the Presidency of the Council of the European Union and by a representative of the Government of the State of Israel.
Pridružitvenemu odboru izmenično predsedujeta predstavnik Predsedstva Sveta Evropske unije in predstavnik Vlade Države Izrael.
138 Pravna redakcija
If the Stabilisation and Association Committee or the exporting Party has not taken a decision putting an end to the difficulties or no other satisfactory solution has been reached within 30 days of the matter being referred to the Stabilisation and Association Committee, the importing Party may adopt the appropriate measures to remedy the problem in accordance with this Article.
Če Stabilizacijsko-pridružitveni odbor ali pogodbenica izvoznica v 30 dneh od predložitve zadeve Stabilizacijsko-pridružitvenemu odboru ne sprejmeta sklepa za odpravo težav ali ni bila dosežena druga zadovoljiva rešitev, lahko pogodbenica uvoznica sprejme ustrezne ukrepe za rešitev problema v skladu s tem členom.
139 Pravna redakcija
The complaining Party may, with the agreement of the Party complained against, withdraw its complaint at any time before the ruling is transmitted to the Parties and the Association Committee.
Pogodbenica, pritožnica, lahko ob soglasju pogodbenice toženke, umakne svojo pritožbo kadar koli, preden je odločitev posredovana pogodbenicama in Pridružitvenemu odboru.
140 Pravna redakcija
An Association Parliamentary Committee is hereby established.
Ustanovi se Pridružitveni parlamentarni odbor.
141 Pravna redakcija
The Association Committee shall be chaired in turn by a representative of the Presidency of the Council of the European Union and by a representative of the Government of the Kingdom of Morocco.
Pridružitvenemu odboru izmenično predsedujeta predstavnik Predsedstva Sveta Evropske unije in predstavnik Vlade Kraljevine Maroko.
142 Pravna redakcija
The Association Parliamentary Committee shall be informed of the decisions of the Association Council.
Pridružitveni parlamentarni odbor se obvesti o sklepih Pridružitvenega sveta.
143 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0396
The Association Committee discusses overall developments, progress and problems in meeting the Accession Partnership` s priorities as well as more specific issues referred to it from the subcommittees.
Pridružitveni odbor obravnava splošne razvojne usmeritve, napredek in težave pri izpolnjevanju prednostnih nalog Partnerstva za pristop, kakor tudi bolj določena področja, ki jih izpostavijo pododbori.
144 Pravna redakcija
The amounts expressed in ECU and their equivalents in the national currencies of the EC Member States and Jordan shall be reviewed by the Association Committee at the request of the Community or Jordan.
Pridružitveni odbor na zahtevo Skupnosti ali Jordanije pregleda v ekujih izražene zneske in njihovo protivrednost v domačih valutah držav članic ES in Jordanije.
145 Pravna redakcija
If the Association Committee has not taken a decision within 30 days of its application to review the timetable, Jordan may suspend the timetable provisionally for a period which may not exceed one year.
Če Pridružitveni odbor ne sprejme odločitve v tridesetih dneh od zaprosila za ponovno preučitev časovnega razporeda, Jordanija lahko začasno opusti časovni okvir za obdobje, ki ne sme biti daljše od enega leta.
146 Pravna redakcija
If no agreement is reached within 30 days of the matter being referred to the Association Committee, the exporting Party may apply measures under this Article on the exportation of the product concerned.
Če v 30 dneh od datuma, ko je bila zadeva posredovana Pridružitvenemu odboru, ni dosežen dogovor, lahko pogodbenica izvoznica uporabi ukrepe iz tega člena za izvoz zadevnega izdelka.
147 Pravna redakcija
If the Association Committee has not taken a decision within 30 days of its application to review the timetable, Morocco may suspend the timetable provisionally for a period which may not exceed one year.
Če Pridružitveni odbor ne sprejme sklepa v tridesetih dneh od datuma, ko je Maroko zahteval pregled razporeda, lahko Maroko začasno opusti razpored za največ eno leto.
148 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31999D0852
The Association Committee discusses overall developments, progress and problems in meeting its priorities and intermediate objectives as well as more specific issues referred to it from the subcommittees.
Pridružitveni odbor je zadolžen za obravnavanje splošnih razvojnih usmeritev ter za napredek in težave pri izpolnjevanju prednostnih nalog in vmesnih ciljev, kakor tudi za bolj specifična vprašanja, ki jih izpostavijo pododbori.
149 Pravna redakcija
at the same time provide the Cooperation Council, and thereafter the Stabilisation and Association Committee with all the information necessary for these consultations as provided for in Article 24(3) and Article 25(3) of the InterimAgreement, and thereafter Article 37(3) and Article 38(3) of the Stabilisation and Association Agreement.
hkrati Svetu za sodelovanje, in nadalje Stabilizacijsko-pridružitvenemu odboru, predloži vse potrebne informacije za ta posvetovanja, kakor je predvideno v členu 24(3) in členu 25(3) Začasnega sporazuma in nadalje v členu 37(3) in členu 38(3) Stabilizacijsko-pridružitvenega sporazuma.
150 Pravna redakcija
The consultations within the Cooperation Council, and thereafter the Stabilisation and Association Committee shall be deemed to be completed 30 days after the notification referred to in paragraphs 5 and 8.
Šteje se, da so posvetovanja v okviru Sveta za sodelovanje, in nadalje v okviru Stabilizacijsko-pridružitvenega odbora, zaključena v 30 dneh po uradnem obvestilu iz odstavkov 5 in 8.
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Association Committee