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101 Prevajalska redakcija
The cat should be revaccinated for all components one year after the first vaccination course, then every year.
Mačko je treba ponovno cepiti za vse sestavine cepiva eno leto po prvem cepljenju in nato vsako leto.
102 Prevajalska redakcija
The content of the pipette is squeezed onto the skin after parting the fur between the shoulder blades of the cat.
Mački razmaknemo dlako med lopaticama, da se prikaže koža, in na to mesto stisnemo vsebino merilne kapalke.
103 Prevajalska redakcija
Profender solution is packed as spot-on pipettes, which are already filled with the correct amount of Profender needed to treat one cat (3 size of pipettes for different cat weights) and as a multidose bottle for use only in a veterinary surgery, where the vet will measure the exact volume of Profender needed for each cat before application.
Zdravilo Profender je pakirano v kapalkah za kožni nanos, ki so že napolnjene z ustrezno količino zdravila, potrebnega za zdravljenje ene mačke (tri različne velikosti kapalk za različno težke mačke) in kot večodmerna steklenička za uporabo pri veterinarskih kirurških posegih, kjer veterinar pred posegom odmeri natančno količino zdravila Profender, ki je potrebna za posamezno mačko.
104 Prevajalska redakcija
It is given to cats with a pre-filled spot-on pipette, a small plastic container which is already filled with the correct amount of ProMeris needed to treat one cat (ProMeris is available in 2 different sizes for various cat weights).
Daje se mačkam na kožo s predhodno napolnjeno merilno kapalko, majhno plastično cevko, ki je že napolnjena z ustrezno količino zdravila ProMeris, potrebno za zdravljenje ene mačke (zdravilo ProMeris je na voljo v 2 različnih velikostih za različno težke mačke).
105 Prevajalska redakcija
When injected, this small exposure helps the cat’ s immune system to recognise and attack the viruses and bacterium.
Z injiciranjem zdravila izpostavimo mačko tem majhnim količinam, kar imunskemu sistemu mačke pomaga prepoznavati in napadati viruse in bakterijo.
106 Prevajalska redakcija
The effectiveness was measured looking at the number of fleas on the cat at various times up to 2 months after application.
Učinkovitost so merili z ugotavljanjem števila živih bolh na mački ob različnih časovnih obdobjih, in sicer do 2 mesecev po uporabi zdravila.
107 Prevajalska redakcija
No information on the induction of long-term side effects is available in dog and cat, especially for autoimmune disorders.
O pojavljanju dolgotrajnih stranskih učinkov, zlasti avtoimunskih bolezni pri psih in mačkah, ni podatkov.
108 Prevajalska redakcija
These are small plastic containers which are already filled with the correct amount of Advocate needed to treat one cat or dog.
Gre za majhne plastične vsebnike, ki so predhodno napolnjeni z ustrezno količino zdravila Advocate za zdravljenje ene mačke ali psa.
109 Prevajalska redakcija
If the cat has high levels of antibodies inherited from the mother, the first vaccination should be delayed until 12 weeks of age.
Če ima mačka visoke ravni protiteles, ki jih je podedovala od matere, je treba s prvim cepljenjem počakati do starosti 12 tednov.
110 Prevajalska redakcija
When exposed to any of these viruses later in life, the cat will either not become infected or have a much less serious infection.
Pri izpostavitvi kateremu koli od teh virusov pozneje v življenju se mačka ne bo okužila ali pa bo okužba blažja.
111 Prevajalska redakcija
STRONGHOLD has been studied in the treatment of a wide range of breeds of dog and cat for the parasitic infestations listed above.
Zdravilo STRONGHOLD so preučevali pri zdravljenju številnih pasem psov in mačk zaradi zgoraj navedenih infestacij zajedavcev.
112 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31986L0609
Particulars of the identity and origin of each dog, cat or non-human primate shall be entered in the records of each establishment.
V registre vsake enote se vnese podrobnosti o istovetnosti in izvoru vsakega psa, mačke ali primata razen človeka.
113 Prevajalska redakcija
When a cat is given the vaccine, the immune system recognises the FeLV proteins as ‘ foreign’ and makes antibodies against them.
Kadar mačka prejme cepivo, imunski sistem prepozna beljakovine virusa FeLV kot „ tuje “ in začne proti njim tvoriti protitelesa.
114 Prevajalska redakcija
For cats, the corresponding “ Advocate for cat” product, which contains 100 mg/ ml imidacloprid and 10 mg/ ml moxidectin, must be used.
Pri mačkah uporabljamo odgovarjajočo obliko zdravila Advocate za mačke, ki vsebuje 100 mg/ ml imidakloprida in 10 mg/ ml moksidektina.
115 Prevajalska redakcija
The head of the cat should be held with its nose pointing upward and its mouth closed, so that it is forced to breathe through its nostrils.
Mački držite glavo tako, da bo nos obrnjen navzgor in usta zaprta in bo prisiljena dihati skozi nos.
116 Prevajalska redakcija
Where an unmarked dog or cat is taken into an establishment for the first time after is has been weaned, it shall be marked as soon as possible.
Kadar je neoznačen pes ali mačka pripeljan v ustanovo prvič po odstavitvi, mora biti čim prej označen.
117 Prevajalska redakcija
When a cat is given the vaccine, the immune system recognises the bacteria as ‘ foreign’ and makes a special type of antibodies against them.
Ko mačka prejme cepivo, imunski sistem prepozna bakterije kot tujke in proti njim razvije posebno vrsto protiteles.
118 Prevajalska redakcija
When a cat is given the vaccine, the immune system recognises the weakened or killed viruses as ‘ foreign’ and makes antibodies against them.
Ko mačko cepimo, imunski sistem prepozna oslabljene ali uničene viruse kot „ tuje “ in proti njim izdela protitelesa.
119 Prevajalska redakcija
Frequent users of the product (for example, veterinarians, professional cat breeders) should wear disposable gloves when administering the product.
Osebe, ki zdravilo pogosto nanašajo (npr. veterinarji, vzreditelji mačk), naj pri nanašanju uporabljajo zaščitne rokavice za enkratno uporabo.
120 Prevajalska redakcija
When exposed to any of these viruses and bacterium later in life, the cat will either not become infected or will have a much less serious infection.
Če je mačka pozneje v življenju izpostavljena kateremu koli od teh virusov in bakteriji, se mačka ne bo okužila ali pa bo njena okužba blažja.
121 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31994D0274
The owner or trader shall be responsible for demonstrating to the satisfaction of the official veterinarian that the dog or cat is correctly identified.
Lastnik ali trgovec mora uradnemu veterinarju ustrezno dokazati, da sta pes ali mačka pravilno identificirana.
122 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31998R2307
This Regulation lays down the detailed arrangements for exports to Switzerland of dog and cat food of Community origin falling within CN code 2309 10 90 and liable to qualify for import into Switzerland duty free as part of an annual quota of 6 000 tonnes of dog and cat food falling within CN code 2309 10.
Ta uredba vsebuje posebne predpise za izvoz pasje in mačje hrane pod tarifno oznako KN 2309 10 90 s poreklom iz Skupnosti v Švico, ki se kot del letne kvote 6 000 ton pasje in mačje hrane pod tarifno oznako KN 2309 10 lahko carin prosto uvozi v Švico.
123 Prevajalska redakcija
Cefovecin differs from other similar cephalosporin antibiotics as it stays in the dog’ s or cat’ s body for a very long time after it has been injected.
Cefovecin se od drugih podobnih cefalosporinskih antibiotikov razlikuje po tem, da ostane v telesu psa ali mačke še zelo dolgo po injiciranju.
124 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31992L0114
of a type of a vehicle with regard to Directive 92/104/EEC relating to the external projections forward of the cat's rear panel of motor vehicles of category N
tipa vozila v skladu z Direktivo 92/104/EGS o zunanjih štrlečih delih pred zadnjo steno kabine motornih vozil kategorije N
125 Prevajalska redakcija
Salivation and vomiting may occur in very rare cases. This is thought to occur as a result of the cat licking the application site immediately after treatment.
Če mačka takoj po nanosu poliže mesto nanosa, se zelo redko lahko pojavi slinjenje in bruhanje.
126 Prevajalska redakcija
In very rare cases there might also be some temporary itchiness, inflammation or hair loss at the place where the product has been applied to the cat ’ s skin.
Zelo redko se lahko na mestu nanosa zdravila pojavi prehodno srbenje, vnetje ali izpadanje dlak.
127 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31986L0609
Where an unmarked dog, cat or non-human primate is taken into an establishment for the first time after it has been weaned it shall be marked as soon as possible.
Kadar je v enoto sprejet neoznačen pes, mačka ali primat razen človeka prvič po odstavitvi, ga je treba označiti, kakor hitro je mogoče.
128 Prevajalska redakcija
Cats: as vaccination is contra-indicated in the symptomatic phase of FeLV/ FIV infections, the effect of VIRBAGEN OMEGA on cat vaccination has not been evaluated.
Mačke: ker je cepljenje v simptomatski fazi okužbe s FeLV/ FIV kontraindicirano, vpliv VIRBAGEN OMEGA na cepljenje mačk ni ocenjen.
129 Prevajalska redakcija
The cat should be revaccinated for all components one year after the first vaccination course, then every year for rhinotracheitis, calicivirosis and chlamydiosis.
Mačko je treba ponovno cepiti za vse sestavine cepiva eno leto po prvem cepljenju in nato vsako leto za rinotraheitis, kalicivirozo in klamidiozo.
130 Prevajalska redakcija
After topical administration at a single site on the cat’ s neck at the base of the skull, metaflumizone is rapidly distributed throughout the surface of the skin.
Po topikalnem nanosu na eno mesto vratu na zatilje glave mačke se metaflumizon hitro razporedi po površini kože.
131 Prevajalska redakcija
When a cat is given the vaccine, the immune system recognises the weakened or killed viruses and the FeLV proteins as ‘ foreign’ and makes antibodies against them.
Ko mačko cepimo, imunski sistem prepozna oslabljene ali uničene viruse in beljakovine virusa FeLV kot „ tuje “ ter proti njim razvije protitelesa.
132 Prevajalska redakcija
Withdraw 0.2 ml of reconstituted vaccine into a 1 ml or 2 ml syringe, remove the needle and administer the whole contents of the syringe into one of the cat’ s nostrils.
Odvzemite 0, 2 ml rekonstituiranega cepiva z 1 - ali 2- mililitrsko brizgo, snemite iglo in mački vse cepivo v brizgi vbrizgajte v eno nosnico.
133 Prevajalska redakcija
When a cat is given the vaccine, the immune system recognises the weakened or killed viruses and the weakened bacteria as ‘ foreign’ and makes antibodies against them.
Ko mačko cepimo, imunski sistem prepozna oslabljene ali uničene viruse in oslabljene bakterije kot „ tuje “ ter proti njim razvije protitelesa.
134 Prevajalska redakcija
Frequent users of the product (for example, professional cat breeders) and women who are or could be pregnant, are advised to wear disposable gloves when using the product.
Ljudje, ki pogosto rokujejo s tem zdravilom (na primer, rejci mačk) ali ženske, ki so ali bi lahko bile noseče, naj pri rokovanju z zdravilom uporabljajo rokavice za enkratno uporabo.
135 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31998R2307
Whereas, to guarantee the Community origin of the products, export licences for dog and cat food benefiting from special import treatment in Switzerland must be made compulsory;
ker je treba za zagotavljanje Skupnostnega porekla proizvodov za pasjo in mačjo hrano, ki je v okviru posebnega režima uvožena v Švico, predpisati izvozna dovoljenja;
136 Prevajalska redakcija
No information is available on the influence of ibafloxacin on developing articular cartilage in the cat during the period of rapid growth as articular cartilage may be affected.
O učinku ibafloksacina na razvoj sklepnega hrustanca pri mačkah v obdobju hitre rasti ni podatkov.
137 Prevajalska redakcija
As a precautionary measure, direct contact with the treated cat should be avoided and children should not be allowed to play with a treated animal until the application site is dry.
Kot preventivni ukrep se je treba izogibati direktnemu stiku z zdravljeno mačko in preprečiti otrokom igranje z zdravljeno živaljo, dokler področje nanosa ni suho.
138 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001R0213
Silylating reagent, for example TRI-SIL (available from Pierce Chemical Co, Cat No 49001) or equivalent (Important: TRI-SIL is inflammable, toxic, corrosive and possibly carcinogenic.
Sililacijski reagent, na primer TRI-SIL (na voljo pri Pierce Chemical Co, kat. št. 49001) ali enakovreden (Pomembno: TRI-SIL je nevnetljiv, strupen, koroziven in lahko karcinogen;
139 Prevajalska redakcija
Use this veterinary medicinal product under strict veterinary monitoring in cats with a risk of gastrointestinal ulcers, or if the cat previously displayed intolerance to other NSAIDs.
Pri mačkah s tveganjem za nastanek razjed v prebavilih oziroma z znano preobčutljivostjo na druge NSAID uporabite to zdravilo pod strogim veterinarskim nadzorom.
140 Prevajalska redakcija
Commission Directive 95/10/EC of 7 April 1995 fixing the method of calculating the energy value of dog and cat food intended for particular nutritional purposes (OJ L 91, 22.4.1995, p. 39).
Direktiva Komisije 95/10/EGS z dne 7. aprila 1995 o določitvi metode računanja energijske vrednosti hrane za pse in mačke za posebne prehranske namene (UL L 91, 22.4.1995, str. 39).
141 Prevajalska redakcija
The cat should be revaccinated for all components one year after the first vaccination course, then every year for rhinotracheitis and calicivirosis, and every three years for panleucopenia.
Mačko je treba ponovno cepiti za vse sestavine cepiva eno leto po prvem cepljenju in nato vsako leto proti herpesvirusu rinotraheitisa in kalicivirusu ter vsake tri leta proti virusu panlevkopenije.
142 Prevajalska redakcija
When a cat is given the vaccine, the immune system recognises the weakened or killed viruses, the FeLV proteins, and the weakened bacteria as ‘ foreign’ and makes antibodies against them.
Ko mačko cepimo, imunski sistem prepozna oslabljene ali uničene viruse, beljakovine virusa FeLV in oslabljene bakterije kot „ tuje “ ter proti njim razvije protitelesa.
143 Prevajalska redakcija
Commission Directive 95/10/EC of 7 April 1995 fixing the method of calculating the energy value of dog and cat food intended for particular nutritional purposes (OJ No L 91, 22.4.1995, p. 39).`
Direktiva Komisije 95/10/ES z dne 7. aprila 1995 o določitvi metode izračuna energijske vrednosti pasje in mačje hrane za posebne prehranske namene (UL L 91, 22.4.1995, str. 39)."
144 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31998R2307
COMMISSION REGULATION (EC) No 2307/98 of 26 October 1998 on the issue of export licences for dog and cat food falling within CN code 2309 10 90 qualifying for special import treatment in Switzerland
UREDBA KOMISIJE (ES) št. 2307/98 z dne 26. oktobra 1998 o izdaji izvoznih dovoljenj za pasjo in mačjo hrano iz tarifne oznake KN 2309 10 90, za katero velja poseben uvozni režim v Švici
145 Prevajalska redakcija
As Advocate comes in different strengths depending on whether it is for use on cats or on dogs, it is very important that the cat products should only be used for cats, and the dog products for dogs.
Ker je zdravilo Advocate na voljo v različnih jakostih, odvisno od tega, ali gre za uporabo pri mačkah ali psih, je zelo pomembno, da se zdravilo za mačke uporablja le za mačke, zdravilo za pse pa le za pse.
146 Prevajalska redakcija
If a cat or dog licks the application area, it might salivate a lot for a short period and then might show signs such as a lack of muscular co-ordination, shaking, abnormal breathing and/ or vomiting.
Če mačka ali pes poliže mesto nanosa, se utegne kratek čas močno sliniti in kazati znake kot so pomanjkljiva mišična koordinacija, tresenje, nenormalno dihanje in/ ali bruhanje.
147 Prevajalska redakcija
After topical administration at a single site on the cat’ s neck at the base of the skull, metaflumizone levels in plasma were too low to allow the calculation of standard pharmacokinetic parameters.
Po topikalnem dajanju na eno mesto vratu na zatilje glave mačke, so bile koncentracije metaflumizona v plazmi prenizke za izračun standardnih farmakokinetičnih parametrov.
148 Prevajalska redakcija
The cat should be revaccinated for all components one year after the first vaccination course, then every year for rhinotracheitis, calicivirosis and chlamydiosis, and every three years for panleucopenia.
Mačko je treba ponovno cepiti za vse sestavine cepiva eno leto po prvem cepljenju, nato pa vsako leto proti rinotraheitisu, kalicivirozi in klamidiozi, proti panleukopeniji pa vsaka tri leta.
149 Prevajalska redakcija
The cat should be revaccinated for all components one year after the first vaccination course, then every year for rhinotracheitis, calicivirosis and feline leukaemia, and every three years for panleucopenia.
Mačko je treba ponovno cepiti za vse sestavine cepiva eno leto po prvem cepljenju, nato pa vsako leto proti rinotraheitisu, kalicivirozi in mačji levkemiji, proti panleukopeniji pa vsaka tri leta.
150 Prevajalska redakcija
Whereas Commission Directive 95/10/EC of 7 April 1995 fixing the method of calculating the energy value of dog and cat food intended for particular nutritional purposes (2) is to be incorporated into the Agreement,
ker je Direktivo Komisije 95/10/ES z dne 7. aprila 1995 o določitvi metode izračuna energijske vrednosti pasje in mačje hrane za posebne prehranske namene [2] treba vključiti v Sporazum -
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