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101 Pravna redakcija
The measures specified in point l(c) and (d) of the Annex shall apply only to consignments leaving Egypt after the Commission has informed Egypt of these measures.'
Ukrepi iz točk 1(c) in (d) Priloge se uporabljajo samo za pošiljke, ki bodo zapustile Egipt, potem ko je Komisija obvestila Egipt o teh ukrepih.«
102 Pravna redakcija
- the importance of promoting regional cooperation between Egypt and other States.
- pomen pospeševanja regionalnega sodelovanja med Egiptom in drugimi državami.
103 Pravna redakcija
non-European countries, other than Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Libya, Morocco, Tunisia'
neevropskih držav razen Alžirije, Egipta, Izraela, Libije, Maroka, Tunizije"
104 Pravna redakcija
The European Economic Community notes the declaration by the Arab Republic of Egypt.
Evropska gospodarska skupnost je zabeležila izjavo Arabske republike Egipt.
105 Pravna redakcija
- of which at least 75 % of the crew are nationals of the Member States or of Egypt.
- katerih vsaj 75 % posadke sestavljajo državljani držav članic ali Egipta.
106 Pravna redakcija
delo in sociala
CELEX: 32003R2119
offices in Iraq, United Kingdom, Jordan, United Arab Emirates, Yemen, Sudan and Egypt.
uradi v Iraku, Združenem kraljestvu, Jordaniji, Združenih arabskih emiratih, Jemnu, Sudanu in Egiptu.
107 Pravna redakcija
Zakareya Tawfik ABDEL-FATTAH, Minister for Foreign Trade of the Arab Republic of Egypt.
Zakareya Tawfik ABDEL-FATTAH, Minister za zunanjo trgovino Arabske republike Egipt.
108 Pravna redakcija
The Community and Egypt shall each take the steps necessary to implement this Protocol.
Skupnost in Egipt sprejmeta potrebne ukrepe za izvajanje tega protokola.
109 Pravna redakcija
- of which the captain and officers are all nationals of the Member States or of Egypt,
- katerih kapitan in častniki so vsi državljani držav članic ali Egipta,
110 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004D0278
- non-European countries, other than Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Libya, Morocco or Tunisia.
- neevropskih držav, razen Alžirije, Egipta, Izraela, Libije, Maroka ali Tunizije.
111 Pravna redakcija
those duties actually applied in respect of Egypt on 1 January 1975 pursuant to the provisions of Annex I to the Agreement of 18 December 1972 between the Community and Egypt,
tiste dajatve, ki se dejansko uporabljajo za Egipt 1. januarja 1975 na podlagi določb Priloge I k Sporazumu z 18. decembra 1972 med Skupnostjo in Egiptom,
112 Pravna redakcija
RESOLVED to establish wide-ranging cooperation which will contribute to Egypt's economic and social development and help to strengthen relations between the Community and Egypt,
ODLOČENI, da vzpostavijo obsežno sodelovanje, ki bo prispevalo h gospodarskemu in družbenemu razvoju Egipta in pomagalo okrepiti odnose med Skupnostjo in Egiptom,
113 Pravna redakcija
- industrial cooperation aimed at boosting Egypt's industrial production through measures:
- industrijsko sodelovanje, katerega cilj je z ukrepi povečati industrijsko proizvodnjo Egipta:
114 Pravna redakcija
in boxes 7 and 8, the word 'Egypt' must be indicated and 'yes' must be marked with a cross;
v poljih 7 in 8 mora biti navedena beseda »Egipt«, »da« pa mora biti prekrižan;
115 Pravna redakcija
COOPERATION AGREEMENT between the European Economic Community and the Arab Republic of Egypt
SPORAZUM O SODELOVANJU med Evropsko gospodarsko skupnostjo in Arabsko republiko Egipt
116 Pravna redakcija
- technical cooperation as a preliminary or complement to capital projects drawn up by Egypt;
- tehničnega sodelovanja kot predpriprave oziroma dopolnila kapitalskih projektov, ki jih izdela Egipt;
117 Pravna redakcija
"Ecuador" shall be inserted in Part 1, where it shall appear between "East Timor" and "Egypt";
"Ekvador" se vstavi v del 1, kjer se navede med "Vzhodnim Timorjem" in "Egiptom";
118 Pravna redakcija
The purpose of cooperation between the Community and Egypt shall be to promote, in particular:
Namen sodelovanja med Skupnostjo in Egiptom je pospeševati predvsem:
119 Pravna redakcija
The Community and Egypt shall institute cooperation with the aim of contributing to Egypt's development by means of efforts complementary to those made by Egypt itself, and of strengthening existing economic links on as broad a basis as possible for the mutual benefit of the Parties.
Skupnost in Egipt vzpostavita sodelovanje z namenom prispevati k razvoju Egipta z ukrepi, ki dopolnjujejo prizadevanja Egipta, in okrepiti že obstoječe gospodarske vezi v čim širšem obsegu in v obojestransko korist pogodbenic.
120 Pravna redakcija
to the Cooperation Agreement between the European Economic Community and the Arab Republic of Egypt
k Sporazumu o sodelovanju med Evropsko gospodarsko skupnostjo in Arabsko republiko Egipt
121 Pravna redakcija
- scholarship holders and trainees sent by Egypt under the training schemes referred to in Article 3.
- imetniki štipendij in pripravniki, ki jih Egipt pošlje v okviru programov usposabljanja, na katere se nanaša člen 3.
122 Pravna redakcija
- at least 50 % of which are owned by nationals of the Member States and Egypt or by a company which has its head office in a Member State or in Egypt, of which the manager, managers,, chairman of the board, and the majority of the members of such board are nationals of the Member States or Egypt and of which, in addition, in the case of partnerships or limited companies, at least half the capital belongs to the Member States or Egypt or to public bodies or nationals of the Member States or of Egypt,
- ki so v vsaj 50-odstotni lasti državljanov držav članic in Egipta, ali pa družbe s sedežem v državi članici ali Egiptu, in v kateri so direktor ali direktorji, predsednik upravnega odbora ali nadzornega sveta ter večina članov takih odborov državljani držav članic ali Egipta, in še dodatno, če v osebnih ali kapitalskih družbah vsaj polovica kapitala pripada državam članicam ali Egiptu ali javnim organom ali državljanom držav članic ali Egipta,
123 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31995D0536
In the Annex to Decision 92/160/EEC the words 'Egypt (2) Metropolitan area of Cairo` are replaced by:
V Prilogi k Odločbi 92/160/EGS se besede "Egipt 2 Območje mesta Kairo" nadomestijo z:
124 Pravna redakcija
Agreement in the form of an exchange of letters between the European Community and the Arab Republic of Egypt modifying the arrangements for imports into the Community of rice originating in and coming from Egypt
SPORAZUM V OBLIKI IZMENJAVE PISEM med Evropsko skupnostjo in Arabsko republiko Egipt o spremembi režimov za uvoz riža, s poreklom iz Egipta in ki prihaja iz Egipta, v Skupnost
125 Pravna redakcija
Agreement in the form of an exchange of letters between the European Community and the Arab Republic of Egypt on the adjustment of the regime for imports into the Community of oranges originating in and coming from Egypt
SPORAZUM V OBLIKI IZMENJAVE PISEM med Evropsko skupnostjo in Arabsko republiko Egipt o prilagoditvi režima za uvoz pomaranč, s poreklom iz Egipta in ki prihajajo iz Egipta, v Skupnost
126 Pravna redakcija
Whereas France, on the basis of continued interceptions of Pseudomonas solanacearum in potatoes originating in Egypt adopted on 19 March 1996 measures to implement a ban on potatoes originating in Egypt, with a view to ensuring more efficient protection against the introduction of Pseudomonas solanacearum from Egypt into France;
ker je Francija zaradi stalnega ugotavljanja krompirjeve rjave gnilobe Pseudomonas solanacearum v krompirju egiptovskega izvora 19. marca 1996 uvedla ukrepe za prepoved uvoza krompirja egiptovskega izvora, da bi zagotovila učinkovitejšo zaščito pred vnosom krompirjeve rjave gnilobe Pseudomonas solanacearum iz Egipta v Francijo,
127 Pravna redakcija
France - Spain - Morocco - Algeria - Tunisia - Libya - Egypt - Near-Eastern Countries - Turkey - Greece - Italy
Francija - Španija - Maroko - Alžirija - Tunizija - Libija - Egipt - bližnjevzhodne države - Turčija - Grčija - Italija
128 Pravna redakcija
(b) the goods have been sold or otherwise disposed of by that exporter to someone in Egypt or in the Community;
(b) da je blago ta izvoznik prodal ali ga kako drugače dal na razpolago osebi v Egiptu ali v Skupnosti;
129 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R2276
(4) The Community concessions relate to imports of certain processed agricultural products originating in Egypt.
(4) Koncesije Skupnosti se nanašajo na uvoz nekaterih predelanih kmetijskih proizvodov s poreklom iz Egipta.
130 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004D0036
This Decision shall apply from 17 January 2004, as regards the import of fishery products from Guyana and Egypt.
Glede uvoza ribiških proizvodov iz Gvajane in Egipta se ta odločba uporablja od 17. januarja 2004.
131 Pravna redakcija
'the Mediterranean Area' means Cyprus, Egypt, Israel, Lebanon, Malta, Morocco, Tunisia, Turkey and ex-Yugoslavia,
Sredozemsko cono sestavljajo naslednje države: Ciper, Egipt, Izrael, Libanon, Malta, Maroko, Tunizija, Turčija in nekdanja Jugoslavija.
132 Pravna redakcija
- to encourage participation by the Community in the implementation of Egypt's industrial development programmes,
- spodbujanje udeležbe Skupnosti pri izvajanju industrijskih razvojnih programov Egipta,
133 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31995D0536
At Annex I the word 'Egypt (1) (2)` is replaced in alphabetical order into the list of third countries in Group E.
V Prilogi I se beseda "Egipt (1)(2) " po abecednem vrstnem redu vstavi na seznam tretjih držav v Skupini E.
134 Pravna redakcija
The Cooperation Council shall act by mutual agreement between the Community on the one hand and Egypt on the other.
Svet za sodelovanje ukrepa po vzajemnem soglasju med Skupnostjo na eni strani in Egiptom na drugi strani.
135 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004D0038
Fishery products imported into the Community from Egypt shall meet the requirements set out in Articles 3, 4 and 5.
Ribiški proizvodi, uvoženi v Skupnost iz Egipta, morajo izpolnjevati zahteve iz členov 3, 4 in 5.
136 Pravna redakcija
Upon the entry into force of the Agreement the Community and Egypt shall establish by mutual agreement the specific objectives of financial and technical coooperation, by reference to the priorities set by Egypt's development plan.
Ob začetku veljavnosti Sporazuma Skupnost in Egipt sporazumno določita posebne cilje finančnega in tehničnega sodelovanja, v skladu s prednostmi, ki jih določa razvojni načrt Egipta.
137 Pravna redakcija
I am able to confirm that the Government of the Arab Republic of Egypt is in agreement with the contents of your letter.
Lahko potrdim, da se Vlada Arabske republike Egipt strinja z vsebino vašega pisma.
138 Pravna redakcija
- groups of producers who are nationals of Egypt and exceptionally, where no such groups exist, the producers themselves,
- skupine proizvajalcev, ki so egiptovski državljani, in izjemoma proizvajalci sami, kadar takšne skupine ne obstajajo,
139 Pravna redakcija
Whereas during the 1997/98 import season, Finland, on the basis of continued interceptions of Pseudomonas solanacearum in potatoes originating in Egypt adopted on 2 April 1998 measures to implement a ban on potatoes originating in Egypt, with a view to ensuring more efficient protection against the introduction of Pseudomonas solanacearum from Egypt into Finland;
ker je med uvozno sezono 1997/98 Finska na osnovi stalnega ugotavljanja Pseudomonas solanacearum na krompirju egiptovskega izvora 2. aprila 1998 uvedla ukrepe za izvajanje zapore za uvoz krompirja egiptovskega porekla, da zagotovi učinkovitejšo zaščito pred vnosom krompirjeve rjave gnilobe Pseudomonas solanacearum iz Egipta v Finsko,
140 Pravna redakcija
Algeria, Bahrein, Egypt (1), Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Libya, Malta, Mauritius, Oman, Tunisia, Turkey (1), United Arab Emirates
Alžirijo, Bahrajn, Egipt (1), Izrael, Jordanijo, Kuvajt, Libijo, Malto, Mauritius, Oman, Tunizijo, Turčijo (1), Združene arabske emirate
141 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31978R2213
concerning the conclusion of the Cooperation Agreement between the European Economic Community and the Arab Republic of Egypt
o sklenitvi Sporazuma o sodelovanju med Evropsko gospodarsko skupnostjo in Arabsko republiko Egipt
142 Pravna redakcija
- Egyptian official development agencies,
- egiptovske uradne agencije za razvoj,
143 Pravna redakcija
Whereas in such a situation the import into the Community of potatoes originating in Egypt should be prohibited until the Commission establishes that such 'pest-free areas' have been approved in Egypt in accordance with the said FAO International Standard;
ker mora biti v takšnem položaju uvoz krompirja egiptovskega izvora v Skupnost prepovedan, dokler Skupnost ne ugotovi, da so bile takšna »neokužena območja« v Egiptu odobrena po navedenem mednarodnem standardu FAO,
144 Pravna redakcija
Detailed rules for the application of this Article shall be laid down in an exchange of letters between the Community and Egypt.
Podrobna pravila za uporabo tega člena se določijo z izmenjavo pisem med Skupnostjo in Egiptom.
145 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R2276
The duties applicable within the tariff quotas from 1 January 2004 on imports of goods originating in Egypt covered by Annex II, table 3, of Protocol 3 to the Agreement between the Community and Egypt are set out in Annexes I, II and III to this Regulation.
Dajatve, ki veljajo v okviru tarifnih kvot od 1. januarja 2004 za uvoz blaga s poreklom iz Egipta iz tabele 3 v Prilogi II Protokola 3 k Sporazumu med Skupnostjo in Egiptom, so navedene v Prilogah I, II in III k tej uredbi.
146 Pravna redakcija
CONSIDERING that certain rules should be foreseen to enable Egypt's traditional export trade with the Community to be maintained,
GLEDE NA TO, da je treba predvideti pravila, ki omogočajo ohranitev tradicionalnega izvoza Arabske republike Egipt v Skupnost,
147 Pravna redakcija
The object of this Agreement between the Community and Egypt is to promote overall cooperation between the Contracting Parties with a view to contributing to the economic and social development of Egypt and helping to strengthen relations between the Parties.
Cilj tega sporazuma med Skupnostjo in Egiptom je pospeševati vsesplošno sodelovanje med pogodbenicama, kar naj bi prispevalo h gospodarskemu in družbenemu razvoju Egipta in pomagalo okrepiti odnose med pogodbenicama.
148 Pravna redakcija
Customs duties on imports into the Community of the following products originating in Egypt shall be applied at the following rates:
Carine pri uvozu naslednjih proizvodov s poreklom iz Egipta v Skupnost se uporabljajo po naslednjih stopnjah:
149 Pravna redakcija
Such participation should be connected, in particular, with the industrialization of Egypt and the modernization of its agriculture;
Takšna udeležba bi morala biti povezana predvsem z industrializacijo Egipta in posodobitvijo njegovega kmetijstva;
150 Pravna redakcija
Where the customs duty on a product listed in Annex A is lower for Egypt than for Spain, Portugal or both, phasing out of the duty shall commence once the duty on the same product from both Spain and Portugal has fallen below that applying to imports originating in Egypt.
Kadar je stopnja carine za proizvod, naveden v Prilogi A, za Arabsko republiko Egipt nižja kakor za Kraljevino Španijo, Portugalsko republiko ali za obe, se postopna opustitev carine začne, ko se stopnja carine za uvoz takega proizvoda iz Kraljevine Španije in iz Portugalske republike spusti pod stopnjo carine, ki se uporablja za uvoz iz Arabske republike Egipt.
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