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acknowledge receipt of the letter
101 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000R2235
In such cases, interested parties shall reply to the invitation to tender either by lodging a written tender in exchange for an acknowledgement of receipt with the competent body specified in the invitation to tender or by forwarding that tender to the latter by registered letter, telex, fax or telegram."
V takih primerih se zainteresirane stranke udeležijo razpisa bodisi z vložitvijo pisne ponudbe pri pristojnem organu, navedenem v objavi razpisa, ki izda potrdilo o prejemu ponudbe, bodisi tako, da ponudbo slednjemu pošljejo s priporočenim pismom, po teleksu, faksu ali telegramu."
102 Prevajalska redakcija
I have the honour to acknowledge receipt of your letter, herewith attached, concerning the suspension of Title II on trade and trade-related provisions, including all related Annexes, of the Cooperation Agreement between the Republic of Macedonia and the European Community, signed by way of Exchange of Letters on 29 April 1997.
v čast mi je, da potrdim prejem Vašega pisma, ki je tu priloženo, v zvezi z začasno opustitvijo naslova II o trgovini trgovinskih določbah, skupaj z vsemi zadevnimi prilogami, Sporazuma o sodelovanju med Republiko Makedonijo in Evropsko skupnostjo, podpisanega z izmenjavo pisem dne 29. aprila 1997.
103 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31995R1839
Where a tendering procedure is organized for the import duty reduction, interested parties shall reply to the invitation to tender either by lodging a written tender in exchange for an acknowledgement of receipt with the Spanish intervention agency or the General Directorate for Trade in Portugal or by forwarding the same to the latter by registered letter, telex, telefax or telegram.
Kadar se za znižanje uvozne dajatve pripravi razpisni postopek, zainteresirane strani odgovorijo na razpis z vložitvijo pisne ponudbe proti potrdilu o prejemu, pri intervencijski agenciji v Španiji ali pri splošni trgovinski upravi na Portugalskem, oziroma jim ponudbo pošljejo s priporočenim pismom, teleksom, faksom ali telegramom.
104 Prevod
I have the honour to acknowledge receipt of your letter of... 1994, which reads as follows:
v čast mi je potrditi prejem Vašega pisma z dne...1994, ki se glasi:
105 Prevod
I have the honour to acknowledge receipt of your letter of 31 December 1994 which reads as follows:
v čast mi je potrditi prejem Vašega pisma z dne 31. decembra 1994, ki se glasi:
106 Prevod
I have the honour to acknowledge receipt of your letter and to confirm my Government's agreement to the following:
V čast mi je potrditi prejem Vašega pisma in strinjanje moje Vlade z naslednjim:
107 Prevod
I have the honour to acknowledge receipt of your letter and to confirm the agreement of my Government to its content.
V čast mi je potrditi prejem Vašega pisma in strinjanje moje Vlade z njegovo vsebino.
108 Prevod
I have the honour to acknowledge receipt of your letter and to confirm the agreement of my Goverment with its contents.
V čast mi je potrditi prejem vašega pisma in strinjanje moje vlade z njegovo vsebino.
109 Prevod
I have the honour to acknowledge receipt of your letter of today's date concerning cooperation between the Council of Europe and the European Community.
Čast imam potrditi sprejem vašega pisma z današnjim datumom o sodelovanju med Svetom Evrope in Evropsko skupnostjo.
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acknowledge receipt of the letter