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101 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32001R0469
In accordance with the allegation in the review request that dumping margins would increase if measures were removed, the investigation included a review of dumping for the investigation period. In this context, only one exporting producer cooperated in the investigation and during the investigation this party claimed that it was no longer dumping on its sales to the Community and that the measures which apply to its exports should be removed.
Skladno s trditvijo iz zahteve za pregled, da naj bi se v primeru odprave ukrepov stopnje dampinga povečale, je preiskava zajemala pregled dampinga v obdobju preiskave V zvezi s tem je v preiskavi sodeloval samo en proizvajalec-izvoznik in med preiskavo je ta stranka trdila, da njena prodaja v Skupnost ni več dampinška in da bi bilo treba odpraviti ukrepe, ki se uporabljajo za njen izvoz.
102 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R1697
The allegations made by the companies have been verified and it was found that the differences in prices were, in fact, not significant.
Trditve teh podjetij so se preverile in ugotovljeno je bilo, da razlike v cenah dejansko niso bile velike.
103 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R0969
In reply to these allegations the investigation showed that potash represents around 15 % to 30 % of the total cost of the compound fertiliser.
V odgovor tem domnevam je preiskava pokazala, da kalijev klorid pomeni približno od 15 % do 30 % skupnih stroškov sestavljenega umetnega gnojila.
104 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R1601
As regards the GOK's non-specificity allegations, the scheme is not neutral since it differentiates between normal and technology-intensive firms.
Glede trditve korejske vlade o nespecifičnosti sheme je bilo ugotovljeno, da shema ni nevtralna, saj razlikuje med navadnimi in tehnološko intenzivnimi podjetji.
105 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0461
If the investigation proves the allegations to be correct, countervailing duties may be increased to achieve the price increase required to remove injury;
Če preiskava pokaže, da so bile trditve pravilne, se lahko izravnalne dajatve zvišajo, da se doseže povišanje cene, ki je potrebno za odpravo škode;
106 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R0312
From the outset it should be noted that the allegations made by the company concerned could not be verified, as this company did not cooperate in the investigation.
Treba je že na začetku upoštevati, da se domneve zadevnega podjetja ni moglo preveriti, ker podjetje ni sodelovalo v preiskavi.
107 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R0151
In addition, it was also possible to import GOES from other sources such as Poland and the Czech Republic (see recital 58). These allegations are therefore unfounded.
Poleg tega je bilo tudi možno uvažati GOES iz drugih virov, kot so Poljska in Češka republika (glej uvodno izjavo 58). Te trditve so torej neutemeljene.
108 Pravna redakcija
(b) 'threat of serious injury' shall be understood to mean serious injury that is clearly inminent based on facts and not merely on allegations, conjecture or remote possibility.
(b) "grožnja resne škode" pomeni resno škodo, ki jasno neposredno grozi na podlagi dejstev in ne zgolj domnev, ugibanj ali oddaljene možnosti.
109 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R0215
Some interested parties made allegations as regards the possible impact of anti-dumping measures on the steel industry without, however, providing the relevant supporting evidence.
Nekatere zainteresirane stranke so navajale možen vpliv protidampinških ukrepov na jeklarsko industrijo, vendar niso predložile ustreznih dokazov.
110 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R2603
As regards the allegation of injury, it was stated in the notice of initiation that The complainant has provided evidence that imports of the product concerned from India, Indonesia, the Republic of Korea, Malaysia, Taiwan and Thailand have increased overall in absolute terms and in terms of market share' and furthermore that 'It is alleged that the volumes and the prices of the imported product concerned have, among other consequences, had a negative impact on the market share and the level of prices charged by the Community producers, resulting in substantial adverse effect on the overall performance and the financial situation of the Community industry'.
Glede domnevne škode je bilo v obvestilu o začetku postopka navedeno, da "je pritožnik predložil dokaze, da se je uvoz zadevnega izdelka iz Indije, Indonezije, Republike Koreje, Malezije, Tajvana in Tajske na splošno povečal tako v absolutnem pogledu kot glede na tržni delež" in da "se domneva, da uvožene količine in cene zadevnega izdelka med drugim negativno vplivajo na tržni delež in višino cen proizvajalcev Skupnosti, kar zelo škodljivo učinkuje na splošno uspešnost in finančni položaj industrije Skupnosti".
111 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R2597
The above allegation of the Indian producing companies has been disregarded, not only because the simplification of the product grouping was inevitable to guarantee a manageable undercutting exercise with representative comparisons of the product groupings declared by both parties concerned (actually around 400 Community industry product grouping codes were compared with about 160 PCN codes of the Indian exporting producers), but also as the undercutting determination already in a simplified form reflects sufficiently the differences in terms of physical characteristics between the types produced by the Indian exporting producers and by the Community industry.
Zgornja trditev indijskih proizvodnih podjetij ni bila upoštevana, ker je bila poenostavitev razvrščanja izdelka neizogibna za zagotovitev upravljivega izvajanja nelojalnega nižanja cen z reprezentativnimi primerjavami razvrščanja izdelka, ki sta jih prijavili obe zadevni stranki (dejansko je bilo okoli 400 oznak za skupine izdelkov industrije Skupnosti primerjanih z okoli 160 oznakami za kontrolo izdelkov indijskih proizvajalcev izvoznikov), poleg tega pa ugotavljanje nelojalnega nižanja cen že v poenostavljeni obliki dovolj odraža razlike v fizičnih značilnostih med vrstami, ki so jih proizvedli indijski proizvajalci izvozniki in industrija Skupnosti.
112 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0074
However, due note was taken of comments made by the GOI with regard to the allegations contained in the complaint regarding subsidised imports and material injury being suffered by the Community industry.
Vendar so bile ustrezno sprejete v vednost pripombe, ki jih je izrekla indijska vlada glede trditev iz pritožbe o subvencioniranem uvozu in znatni škodi, povzročeni industriji Skupnosti.
113 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0074
Consultations with the GOI were subsequently held with the Commission at its offices in Brussels, where no conclusive evidence was provided by the GOI which could refute the allegations made in the complaint.
V nadaljevanju se je Komisija posvetovala z indijsko vlado v svojih prostorih v Bruslju, vendar na teh posvetovanjih indijska vlada ni predložila prepričljivih dokazov, ki bi zavrnili trditve iz pritožbe.
114 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R1531
This information, together with the allegations on dumping and injury, led the Commission to conclude that an interim review of both dumping and injury should also be carried out pursuant to Article 11(3) of the basic Regulation.
Na podlagi teh podatkov ter navedb o dampingu in škodi je Komisija ugotovila, da je treba opraviti vmesni pregled glede dampinga in škode v skladu s členom 11(3) osnovne uredbe.
115 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R1601
The GOK has claimed that, as the complainant in this proceeding did not make any allegations concerning the tax provisions of certain Articles of TERCL, they should not be included in any determination to be made in this proceeding.
Korejska vlada je trdila, da tisti členi TERCL o davčnih določbah, katerim pritožnik v tem postopku ni ugovarjal, ne bi smeli biti vključeni v ugotovitve v okviru tega postopka.
116 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31997R2026
If the investigation proves the allegations to be correct, countervailing duties may be increased to achieve the price increase required to remove injury; however, the increased duty level shall not exceed the amount of the countervailable subsidies.
Če preiskava dokaže, da so trditve pravilne, se izravnalne dajatve lahko zvišajo, da se doseže dvig cen, potreben za odpravo škode, vendar pa zvišana stopnja dajatve ne sme presegati zneska subvencij, proti katerim se lahko uvedejo izravnalni ukrepi.
117 Pravna redakcija
In trade between the Contracting Parties, should allegations arise of dumping or subsidy leading to investigation by the competent authorities, each Contracting Party undertakes to examine requests made by the other Party in connection with the case in question.
Če se v trgovini med pogodbenicama pojavijo namigovanja o dampingu ali subvencijah, ki sprožijo preiskavo pristojnih organov, se pogodbenici zavežeta, da bosta preučili zaprosila druge pogodbenice v zvezi z zadevnim primerom.
118 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31999D0234
Under these circumstances the Commission considers that the complainant's allegations are well founded and that the Brazilian practices constitute an obstacle to trade within the meaning of Article 2(1) of the Regulation, as they are contrary to the following provisions:
V teh okoliščinah Komisija meni, da so pritožnikove izjave dobro utemeljene in da brazilske prakse predstavljajo trgovinsko oviro v smislu člena 2(1) Uredbe, saj nasprotujejo naslednjim določbam:
119 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0723
If, following an OLAF investigation, no case can be made against an official about whom allegations have been made, the investigation in question shall be closed, with no further action taken, by decision of the Director of OLAF, who shall inform the official and his institution in writing.
Če po preiskavi OLAF uradniku, domnevnem kršilcu, ni mogoče dokazati krivde, se zadevna preiskava brez nadaljnjih ukrepov ustavi z odločitvijo direktorja OLAF, ki uradnika in institucijo o tem pisno obvesti.
120 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R0977
Due note was taken of the comments made by these Governments in regard to the allegations contained in the complaint regarding subsidised imports and material injury being suffered by the Community industry, and a certain number of the alleged schemes were subsequently not included in the investigation.
Pripombe teh vlad v zvezi s trditvami iz pritožbe o subvencioniranemu uvozu in znatni škodi, ki jo je utrpela industrija Skupnosti, so se ustrezno upoštevale, zato v preiskavo niso bile vključene nekatere od domnevnih shem.
121 Pravna redakcija
Any Party which has reason to believe that another Party is acting or has acted in breach of its obligations under this Convention may inform the Secretariat thereof, and in such an event, shall simultaneously and immediately inform, directly or through the Secretariat, the Party against whom the allegations are made.
Vsaka pogodbenica, ki ima razloge za domnevo, da druga pogodbenica krši ali je kršila svoje obveznosti po tej konvenciji, lahko o tem obvesti sekretariat, in v takšnem primeru hkrati in nemudoma, neposredno ali prek sekretariata, obvesti pogodbenico, proti kateri so izjave uperjene.
122 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0723
The Appointing Authority shall inform the person concerned when the investigation ends, and shall communicate to him the conclusions of the investigation report and, on request and subject to the protection of the legitimate interests of third parties, all documents directly related to the allegations made against him.
Ko se preiskava zaključi, organ za imenovanja obvesti zadevno osebo in ji predloži sklepne ugotovitve poročila o preiskavi ter, na zahtevo in ob upoštevanju varovanja legitimnih interesov tretjih strank, vse dokumente, ki so neposredno povezani z domnevnimi obtožbami proti njej.
123 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R1601
In view of the nature of these subsidies, and in particular the fact that they are granted under the general umbrella of the TERCL (against which the complainant has made a number of subsidy allegations) it is concluded that the Commission is entitled to investigate them and recommend countervailing action if appropriate.
Zaradi narave teh subvencij in zlasti zaradi dejstva, da so odobrene v splošnem okviru TERCL (ki je predmet številnih pritožnikovih domnev o subvencijah), se sprejme sklep, da ima Komisija pravico te sheme preiskati in po potrebi priporočiti uvedbo izravnalnih ukrepov.
124 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R1522
Indeed, contrary to allegations suggesting very limited activity of the Community industry in PSFNS production, the investigation showed that during the investigation period, 'IP' (1 April 1998 to 31 March 1999), the sales of PSFS types represented around 25 % of sales of the Community industry, whereas PSFNS types represented around 75 %.
V nasprotju s trditvijo, da industrija Skupnosti proizvaja RVPNP v zelo omejenih količinah, je preiskava pokazala, da je bil delež tipov RVPP v obdobju preiskave (od 1. aprila 1998 do 31. marca 1999) samo okrog 25 % prodaje industrije Skupnosti, delež tipov RVPNP pa okrog 75 % prodaje.
125 Pravna redakcija
If, following an internal investigation, no case can be made out against a Member, official or servant of the European Parliament against whom allegations have been made, the internal investigation concerning him shall be closed, with no further action taken, by decision of the Director of the Office, who shall inform the interested party in writing.
Če po zaključku notranje preiskave ni mogoče sprožiti postopka zoper poslanca, uradnika ali uslužbenca Evropskega parlamenta, na katerega so se nanašale domneve, se notranja preiskava v zvezi z njim zaustavi s sklepom direktorja Urada, ki zainteresirano osebo obvesti v pisni obliki.
126 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31997R0552
Whereas the written and oral statements collected by the Commission during the course of the investigation conducted in consultation with the Generalized Preferences Committee corroborate the allegations contained in the complaint; whereas it has emerged that the authorities in Myanmar have routinely used forced labour, not only for military operations but also for civilian and military infrastructure building projects, backed by coercion and frequently violent reprisals;
ker pisne in ustne izjave, ki jih je Komisija zbrala med preiskavo, izvedeno ob posvetovanju z Odborom za splošne preferenciale, podpirajo domneve, navedene v pritožbi; ker se je izkazalo, da so oblasti Mjanmara redno uporabljale prisilno delo, ne samo pri vojaških operacijah, ampak tudi pri projektih gradnje civilne in vojaške infrastrukture, podprtih s prisilo in pogostimi nasilnimi represalijami;
127 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31997R0119
For this reason such an allegation could not be taken into account.
Zato take domneve ni bilo mogoče upoštevati.
128 Prevajalska redakcija
a summary of the factors on which the allegation of injury is based;
povzetku dejavnikov, na katerih temelji trditev o škodi;
129 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31999R0192
This allegation was examined in the light of the provisions of Article 13(1) of the Basic Regulation.
Ta trditev je bila preverjena v luči določb člena 13(1) osnovne uredbe.
130 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001R0045
Obligation to react to allegations
Obveznost odgovora na navedbe
131 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0868
A determination of threat of injury shall be based on facts and not merely on allegation, conjecture or remote possibility.
Ugotavljanje nevarnosti škode mora temeljiti na dejstvih in ne zgolj na domnevah, ugibanjih ali malo verjetnih možnostih.
132 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0723
the official honestly and reasonably believes that the information disclosed, and any allegation contained in it, are substantially true;
uradnik je pošteno in razumno prepričan, da so razkrite informacije in vse navedbe resnične;
133 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R0151
These allegations are therefore unfounded.
Te trditve so torej neutemeljene.
134 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002R1050
Interested parties did not provide any evidence supporting the allegation that there were one or more reference worldwide sales prices for CD-Rs.
Zainteresirane stranke niso predložile nobenih dokazov, s katerimi bi podprle svojo trditev, da za CD-rome obstaja ena ali več referenčnih svetovnih prodajnih cen.
135 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0236
However, in order to establish a complete picture of all the elements possibly at stake, the abovementioned allegation was nevertheless examined.
Zaradi zagotovitve popolne slike vseh elementov, ki bi bili lahko pomembni za zadevo, so se gornje trditve kljub temu preučile.
136 Prevajalska redakcija
A determination of the existence of a threat of serious injury shall be based on facts and not merely on allegation, conjecture or remote possibility;
Ugotavljanje obstoja grožnje resne škode temelji na dejstvih in ne zgolj na trditvah, sklepih ali oddaljeni možnosti;
137 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31997R0119
As no new evidence substantiating this allegation has been submitted, the findings set out in recital (71) of the provisional duty Regulation are confirmed.
Ker ni bilo predloženih nobenih novih dokazov, ki bi utemeljili to domnevo, se potrdijo ugotovitve, določene v uvodni izjavi (71) Uredbe o začasnih dajatvah.
138 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31997R0119
In addressing this allegation it should be recalled that the binder market can be divided into two segments, namely the custom-made and standard made binders.
Pri obravnavi te domneve je treba opozoriti, da se trg z registratorji lahko razdeli na dva segmenta, namreč na registratorje, izdelane po naročilu, in na standardne registratorje.
139 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31999R0192
The allegation was therefore examined, with regard to the possibility of transhipment, in the light of the provisions of Article 13(1) of the Basic Regulation.
Ta trditev je bila zato preverjena glede na možnost pretovarjanja v luči določb člena 13(1) osnovne uredbe.
140 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0074
This allegation was only based on the fact that sales prices of the sampled companies slightly increased, for which an explanation was, however, provided in recital 157.
Ta trditev je temeljila samo na dejstvu, da so se prodajne cene vzorčenih družb nekoliko zvišale, za kar pa je dana razlaga v uvodni izjavi 157.
141 Prevajalska redakcija
FAO shall not circulate such information until such time as the flag State has had an opportunity to comment on the allegation and evidence submitted, or to object as the case may be.
FAO ne razširja takih informacij, dokler država zastave ne dobi priložnosti, da komentira navedbe in predložene dokaze oziroma da ugovarja.
142 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002R1050
In assessing this allegation, it should also be noted that the investigation showed that depending on the export market CD-Rs could be sold under one form of packaging rather than another.
Pri preučevanju te trditve je treba tudi poudariti, da je preiskava pokazala, da bi se CD-romi v nekateri embalaži lahko prodajajo bolje kot v drugi in sicer odvisno od izvoznega trga.
143 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001R0469
In accordance with the allegation in the review request that dumping margins would increase if measures were removed, the investigation included a review of dumping for the investigation period.
Skladno s trditvijo iz zahteve za pregled, da naj bi se v primeru odprave ukrepov stopnje dampinga povečale, je preiskava zajemala pregled dampinga v obdobju preiskave.
144 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31997R0119
The allegation that the injury suffered is resulting from past anti-competitive practices which had been put forward before the provisional duty Regulation, has been reiterated by a number of parties.
Domnevo, da povzročena škoda izvira iz preteklih protikonkurenčnih praks, ki so bile izvedene pred Uredbo o začasnih dajatvah, so ponovile številne stranke.
145 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1733
The product concerned by the allegation of circumvention are certain ring binder mechanisms originating in the People's Republic of China (the product concerned) normally declared under CN code ex 8305 10 00.
Izogibanje se domneva za nekatere obročkaste mehanizme za mape s poreklom iz Ljudske republike Kitajske (zadevni izdelek), ki imajo običajno oznako KN ex 8305 10 00.
146 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31999R1796
The level of the imports described in recitals 45 and 48 of the provisional Regulation is therefore confirmed, i.e. 3 % of consumption in the IP, and also the allegation that Mexican imports are de minimis is rejected.
Zato se potrdi raven uvoza, opisana v uvodnih izjavah 45 in 48 začasne uredbe, to je 3 % porabe v obdobju preiskave, poleg tega pa se zavrne domneva, da je mehiški uvoz neznaten.
147 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001D0076
a Participant which has received allegations that another Participant has offered official support that derogates from the Arrangement may address an enquiry to that Participant, stating the details of any such allegation;
Udeleženka, ki je prejela informacije, da naj bi druga udeleženka ponudila uradno podporo, ki odstopa od sporazuma, lahko na takšno udeleženko naslovi poizvedbo, v kateri navede podrobnosti vsake takšne domneve;
148 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0435
As far as the allegation that certain Chinese producers enjoyed comparative advantages which allow them to be more competitive than the Community industry, it is noted that no details of these alleged advantages were provided.
Glede trditev, da so nekateri kitajski proizvajalci imeli primerjalne prednosti, ki so jim omogočale, da so bili bolj konkurenčni od industrije Skupnosti, se ugotavlja, da ni bilo posredovanih nobenih podrobnosti o teh domnevnih prednostih.
149 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31999R0192
The allegation was, firstly, examined with respect to this producer, through consideration of the specific criteria laid down in Article 13(2) of the Basic Regulation which apply to assembly operations, inter alia, in a third country.
Navedbe iz zahteve so se, kar zadeva tega proizvajalca, najprej preverile tako, da so se preučila posebna merila iz člena 13(2) osnovne uredbe, ki veljajo med drugim za delovne operacije sestavljanja v tretji državi.
150 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31998R2532
The notification shall disclose the details of the allegations against the undertaking and the evidence on which such allegations are founded.
V obvestilu je treba navesti podrobnosti glede domnev, ki bremenijo podjetje, in dokaze, na katerih take domneve temeljijo.
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