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certified statement
101 Končna redakcija
If the person concerned does not submit this certified statement, the said institution shall obtain it either from the institution competent in respect of unemployment of the latter Member State with which he was last insured, or from another institution designated by the competent authority of that Member State.
Če zadevna oseba ne predloži potrdila, ga navedeni nosilec pridobi od pristojnega nosilca za brezposelnost v tej državi članici, pri kateri je bila zavarovana nazadnje, ali od drugega nosilca, ki ga določi pristojni organ te države članice.
102 Končna redakcija
In order to draw family allowances under Article 73 (2) of the Regulation, a worker shall submit a claim to the competent institution which shall issue him with a certified statement testifying that he satisfies the conditions of employment which govern the acquisition of the right to family allowances under French legislation.
Za prejemanje družinskih dodatkov v skladu s členom 73(2) delavec predloži zahtevek pristojnemu nosilcu, ki mu izda potrdilo, s katerim potrjuje, da izpolnjuje pogoje zaposlitve, ki določajo pridobitev pravice do družinskih dodatkov v skladu s francosko zakonodajo.
103 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0631
In order to receive benefits in cash under Article 25(1)(b) of the Regulation for himself and for members of his family, an unemployed person shall submit to the insurance institution of the place where he has gone a certified statement for which, prior to his departure, he shall have applied to the competent insurance institution.
Za prejemanje denarnih dajatev po določbah člena 25(1)(b) Uredbe brezposelna oseba zase in za svoje družinske člane predloži nosilcu zavarovanja v kraju, kamor je odšla, potrdilo, za katero zaprosi pred svojim odhodom pri pristojnem nosilcu zavarovanja.
104 Končna redakcija
When making an application for benefits in kind, the members of the family shall submit to the institution of their place of residence the certified statement referred to in paragraph 1, if the legislation which that institution administers provides that such an application must be accompanied by evidence of entitlement to a pension.
Pri oddaji zahtevka za storitve družinski člani nosilcu v svojem kraju stalnega prebivališča predložijo overjeno izjavo iz odstavka 1, če zakonodaja, ki jo ta nosilec izvaja, predvideva, da je vlogi treba priložiti dokaz o upravičenosti do pokojnine.
105 Končna redakcija
In order to draw benefits under Article 39 (4) or Article 47 (3) of the Regulation, the claimant shall submit a certified statement relating to the members of his family, his children excepted, who are residing in the territory of a Member State other than that in which the institution responsible for the award of benefits is situated.
Za prejemanje dajatev po določbah člena 39(4) ali 47(3) uredbe prosilec predloži potrdilo o članih njegove družine, razen njegovih otrok, s stalnim prebivališčem na ozemlju države članice, ki ni država, v kateri ima sedež nosilec, pristojen za dodelitev dajatev.
106 Končna redakcija
Such certified statement, which shall be issued by the competent institution, if possible before the worker leaves the territory of the Member State in which he resides, shall specify in particular, where necessary, the maximum period during which benefits in kind may be granted, in accordance with the legislation of the competent State.
Takšnopotrdilo, ki ga izda pristojni nosilec, po možnosti preden delavec zapusti ozemlje države članice, v kateri ima stalno prebivališče, določi, kjer je to potrebno, najdaljšo dobo, med katero se lahko zagotavljajo storitve v skladu z zakonodajo pristojne države.
107 Končna redakcija
In order to draw family allowances in the territory of the Member State where they reside, the members of the family covered by Article 74 (2) of the Regulation shall submit to the institution of their place of residence a certified statement testifying that the unemployed person is drawing unemployment benefits under French legislation.
Družinski člani, zajeti v členu 74(2) uredbe, za prejemanje družinskih dodatkov na ozemlju države članice, v kateri imajo stalno prebivališče, predložijo nosilcu v kraju svojega stalnega prebivališča potrdilo, ki potrjuje, da brezposelna oseba prejema dajatve za brezposelnost v skladu s francosko zakonodajo.
108 Končna redakcija
In place of the certified statement provided for in the first subparagraph, the institution responsible for the award of cash benefits may require the claimant to produce recent civil-status documents relating to members of his family who are resident in the territory of a Member State other than the one wherein the said institution is situated.
Namesto potrdila, predvidenega v prvem pododstavku, lahko nosilec, odgovoren za dodelitev denarnih dajatev, od vlagatelja zahtevka zahteva, da predloži dokumente o osebnem stanju družinskih članov, ki prebivajo na območju druge države članice, kakor je tista, v kateri je navedeni nosilec.
109 Končna redakcija
In order to retain the right to benefits, an unemployed person covered by Article 69 (1) of the Regulation shall submit to the institution of the place to which he has gone a certified statement in which the competent institution shall certify that he is still entitled to benefits under the conditions laid down in paragraph 1 (b) of the said Article.
Za ohranitev pravice do dajatev brezposelna oseba, zajeta v členu 69(1) uredbe, predloži nosilcu v kraju, kamor je odšla, potrdilo, v katerem pristojni nosilec potrdi, da je še zmeraj upravičena do dajatev pod pogoji, določenimi v odstavku 1(b) navedenega člena.
110 Končna redakcija
This certified statement shall be issued, at the request of the pensioner, by the institution or one of the institutions responsible for payment of the pension or, where appropriate, by the institution empowered to determine entitlement to benefits in kind, as soon as the pensioner satisfies the conditions for acquisition of the right to such benefits.
To potrdilo na zahtevo upokojenca izda nosilec ali eden od nosilcev, pristojnih za izplačilo pokojnine, ali kjer je to ustrezno, nosilec, pooblaščena za odločanje o upravičenosti do storitev, takoj ko upokojenec izpolni pogoje za pridobitev pravice do navedenih storitev.
111 Končna redakcija
Such certified statement, which shall be issued by the competent institution at the worker's request, if possible before he leaves the territory of the Member State in which he resides, shall specify in particular, where necessary, the maximum period during which benefits in kind may be granted, in accordance with the legislation of the competent State.
V tem potrdilu, ki ga izda pristojni nosilec na zahtevo delavca, po možnosti preden ta zapusti ozemlje države članice, v kateri ima stalno prebivališče, je, kjer je to potrebno, zlasti točno določeno najdaljše obdobje, v katerem se storitve lahko zagotavljajo, določeno v zakonodaji pristojne države.
112 Končna redakcija
This certified statement, which shall be issued by the institution of the pensioner's place of residence, if possible before he leaves the territory of the Member State where he resides, shall indicate in particular, where appropriate, the maximum period during which benefits in kind may be granted, in accordance with the legislation of that Member State.
V tem potrdilu, ki mu ga izda nosilec v upokojenčevem kraju stalnega prebivališča, po možnosti preden zapusti ozemlje države članice, v kateri ima stalno prebivališče, se zlasti, kjer je to ustrezno, v skladu z zakonodajo navedene države članice navede najdaljšo dobo, za katerega se storitve lahko odobrijo.
113 Končna redakcija
refund of benefits in kind provided but not due to workers on presentation of the certified statement provided for in Article 20 (2) of the Implementing Regulation: Bundesverband der Ortskrankenkassen (National Federation of Local Sickness Funds), Bonn-Bad Godesberg, by means of the compensation fund provided for in Annex 5 Section B (5) of the Regulation
povračilo storitev nepravilno zagotovljenih delavcem, ob predložitvi overjene izjave, določene v členu 20(2) izvedbene uredbe: Bundesverband der Ortskrankenkassen (Državna zveza lokalnih skladov za boleznine), Bonn-Bad Godesberg, ob pomoči nadomestnega sklada, določenega v oddelku B(5) Priloge 5 k Uredbi
114 Končna redakcija
In order to receive benefits in cash and in kind under Article 25 (1) of the Regulation for himself and for the members of his family, an unemployed person shall submit to the sickness insurance institution of the place where he has gone a certified statement which he should have applied for, prior to his departure, from the competent sickness insurance institution.
Za prejemanje denarnih dajatev in storitev po členu 25(1) uredbe brezposelna oseba zase in za svoje družinske člane predloži nosilcu zdravstvenega zavarovanja v kraju, kamor je prišla, potrdilo, za katero zaprosi npred svojim odhodom pri pristojnem nosilcu zdravstvenega zavarovanja.
115 Končna redakcija
In place of the certified statement provided for in the first paragraph, the institution responsible for the award of benefits may require the claimant to supply recent civil status documents relating to the members of his family, his children excepted, who are residing in the territory of a Member State other than the State in which the said institution is situated.
Namesto potrdila iz prvega pododstavka, lahko nosilec, pristojen za dodelitev dajatev, od vlagatelja zahteva, naj mu dostavi najnovejše listine o osebnem stanju njegovih družinskih članov razen otrok, s stalnim prebivališčem na ozemlju države članice, ki ni država, v kateri je navedeni nosilec.
116 Končna redakcija
In order to invoke the provisions of Article 67 (1), (2) or (4) of the Regulation, the claimant shall submit to the competent institution a certified statement specifying the periods of insurance or employment completed previously under the legislation to which he was last subject, together with any further information required by the legislation administered by that institution.
Za uporabo določb člena 67(1), (2) ali (4) uredbe zadevna oseba predloži pristojnemu nosilcu potrdilo, v katerem so navedene dobe zavarovanja ali zaposlitve, ki jih je dopolnil v skladu z zakonodajo, ki je zanj veljala nazadnje, skupaj z vsemi drugimi podatki, zahtevanimi po zakonodaji, ki jo ta nosilec izvajal.
117 Končna redakcija
If a worker has submitted a claim for invalidity benefits, and the institution establishes that the provisions of Article 37 (1) of the Regulation apply, that institution shall, where necessary, obtain from the institution with which the worker was last insured a certified statement of the insurance periods completed by him under the legislation administered by that last institution.
Če je delavec vložil zahtevek za dajatve za invalidnost in nosilec ugotovi, da se uporabljajo določbe člena 37(1) Uredbe, ta nosilec, kjer je to potrebno, od nosilca, pri kateri je bil delavec zavarovan nazadnje, pridobi overjeno izjavo o zavarovalnih dobah, katere je delavec dopolnil v skladu z zakonodajo, ki jo izvaja ta zadnji nosilec.
118 Končna redakcija
Certified statements relating to the members of the family to be taken into account when establishing the amount of the benefit
Potrdila družinskih članov, ki se upoštevajo za ugotavljanje višine dajatev
119 Končna redakcija
In order to receive benefits in kind in the territory of the Member State in which he resides, under Article 26 (1) of the Regulation, a claimant and the members of his family shall register with the institution of the place of residence by submitting a certified statement testifying that he is entitled under the legislation of another Member State to the said benefits for himself and for the members of his family.
Prosilec se skupaj s svojimi družinskimi člani za prejemanje storitev po členu 26(1) uredbe na ozemlju države članice, v kateri ima stalno prebivališče, prijavi pri nosilcu v kraju stalnega prebivališča s predložitvijo potrdila kot dokaza, da je v skladu z zakonodajo druge države članice upravičen do navedenih storitev zase in za svoje družinske člane.
120 Končna redakcija
In order to receive benefits in kind in the territory of the Member State in which he resides, under Article 28 (1) of the Regulation, a pensioner and the members of his family shall register with the institution of the place of residence by submitting a certified statement testifying that he is entitled to the said benefits for himself and for the members of his family, under the legislation or one of the legislations under which a pension is payable.
Upokojenec se skupaj s svojimi družinskimi člani za prejemanje storitev po členu 28 uredbe na ozemlju države članice, v kateri ima stalno prebivališče, prijavi pri nosilcu v kraju stalnega prebivališča s predložitvijo potrdila kot dokaza, da je upravičen do navedenih storitev zase in za svoje družinske člane v skladu z zakonodajo ali v skladu z eno od zakonodaj, po katerih se pokojnina izplačuje.
121 Končna redakcija
In order to receive benefits in kind, a worker employed in international transport as mentioned in Article 14 (1) (b) of the Regulation who, in the course of his employment, goes to the territory of a Member State other than the competent State shall, as soon as possible, submit to the institution of the place of stay a special certified statement issued during the current calendar month or during the two preceding calendar months by the employer or his agent.
Za prejemanje storitev delavec, zaposlen v mednarodnem prometu, kakor je navedeno v členu 14(1)(b) uredbe, ki v času svoje zaposlitve odide na ozemlje druge države članice, kakor je pristojna država, čimprej predloži nosilcu v kraju začasnega bivališča posebno potrdilo, ki ga izda delodajalec ali njegov namestnik med tekočim koledarskim mesecem ali v dveh koledarskih mesecih pred njeno predložitvijo.
122 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0631
That certified statement must testify the existence of the right to the benefits in question under the conditions set out in Article 69(1) (a) of the Regulation, indicate the duration of such right taking into account the provisions of Article 69(1)(c) of the Regulation and, in the case of incapacity for work or hospitalisation, specify the amount of cash benefits to be provided, where appropriate, by way of sickness insurance during the abovementioned period."
Ta potrdilo mora dokazovati obstoj pravice do omenjenih dajatev pod pogoji, določenimi v členu 69(1)(a) Uredbe, navajati mora trajanje take pravice ob upoštevanju določb člena 69(1)(c) Uredbe in znesek denarnih dajatev, ki se če je to primerno zagotavljajo iz zdravstvenega zavarovanja med zgoraj omenjenim obdobjem v primeru nezmožnosti za delo ali bolnišničnega zdravljenja.";
123 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R1605
and for other forms of support, an officially certified annual statement for the area of expenditure concerned to be made available to the Community;
za druge oblike podpore, uradno potrjeno letno poročilo o izdatkih, ki se da na voljo Skupnosti;
124 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0641
certified values must be traceable to stated references and be accompanied by an expanded uncertainty statement valid for the entire shelf-life of the GM CRM.
certificirane vrednosti morajo biti sledljive do navedenih sklicevanj in jih mora spremljati širša izjava o nezanesljivosti, veljavna celotno dobo uporabnosti referenčne genske snovi.
125 Končna redakcija
Where the responsibility for the calculation of benefits rests upon an institution covered by Article 68 (1) of the Regulation, and where a person has followed his last occupation for less than four weeks in the territory of the Member State in which that institution is situated, he shall submit to the said institution a certified statement indicating the nature of the last occupation followed for at least four weeks in the territory of another Member State, and the branch of the economy in which that occupation was followed.
Če je za izračun dajatev odgovoren nosilec, določen v členu 68(1) uredbe, in če je oseba opravljala svojo zadnjo zaposlitev manj kakor štiri tedne na ozemlju države članice, v kateri je ta nosilec, oseba navedenemu nosilcu predloži potrdilo, navajajočo vrsto njene zadnje zaposlitve, ki jo je opravljala najmanj štiri tedne na ozemlju druge države članice, in gospodarsko panogo, v kateri je opravljala zaposlitev.
126 Končna redakcija
(1) The certified auditor's opinion shall comprise the assessed rate of true and fair presentation of financial statements and may be unqualified, qualified or adverse.
(1) Mnenje pooblaščenega revizorja mora obsegati oceno o stopnji resničnosti in poštenosti računovodskih izkazov, in je lahko pritrdilno, s pridržkom ali odklonilno.
127 Končna redakcija
In order to receive benefits in kind for himself or for members of his family who accompany him, a worker employed in international transport, covered by Article 14 (1) (b) of the Regulation, who in the course of his employment goes to the territory of a Member State other than the competent State shall, as soon as possible, submit to the institution of the place of stay a special certified statement issued by the employer or by his agent during the current calendar month or during the two calendar months preceding its submission.
2.Delavec, ki je zaposlen v mednarodnem prometu in zajet v členu 14(1)(b) Uredbe ter med svojo zaposlitvijo odide na ozemlje države članice, ki ni pristojna država, za pridobitev storitev zase in za svoje družinske člane, ki ga spremljajo, nosilcu v kraju začasnega prebivališča čimprej predloži posebno potrdilo, ki jo izda delodajalec ali njegov zastopnik v tekočem koledarskem mesecu ali v roku dveh koledarskih mesecev pred njeno predložitvijo.
128 Končna redakcija
In order to receive benefits in kind in the territory of the Member State in which they reside, under Article 29 (1) of the Regulation, the members of the family shall register with the institution of their place of residence by submitting the documentary evidence required by the legislation which that institution administers for the granting of such benefits to members of a pensioner's family, together with a certified statement testifying that the pensioner is entitled to benefits in kind for himself and for the members of his family.
Družinski člani se za pridobitev storitev po členu 29(1) Uredbe na ozemlju države članice, v kateri imajo stalno prebivališče, prijavijo pri nosilcu v svojem kraju stalnega prebivališča s predložitvijo dokumentiranih dokazov, katere zahteva zakonodaja, ki jo navedeni nosilec izvaja, za odobritev takšnih storitev družinskim članom upokojenca, skupaj s potrdilom kot dokazom, da je upokojenec upravičen do storitev zase in za svoje družinske člane.
129 Končna redakcija
The unemployment insurance institution of the place where the unemployed person has gone shall testify on a copy of the certified statement referred to in Article 83 of the Implementing Regulation, which shall be sent to the sickness insurance institution of that same place, that the conditions laid down in Article 69 (1) (b) of the Regulation have been fulfilled and shall specify the date from which they were fulfilled, and the date from which the unemployed person qualifies for unemployment insurance benefits at the expense of the competent institution.
Nosilec zavarovanja za primer brezposelnosti v kraju, kamor je prišla brezposelna oseba mora na izvodu potrdila iz člena 83 izvedbene uredbe, ki ga pošlje nosilcu zdravstvenega zavarovanja v istem kraju, navesti, da so pogoji, določeni v členu 69(1)(b) uredbe, izpolnjeni in navesti datum njihove izpolnitve in datum, od katerega dalje brezposlena oseba prejema dajatve za brezposelnost na stroške pristojnega nosilca.
130 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0156
The technical director of the laboratory shall keep a certified copy of the supporting documents, such as invoices, salary statements and attendance sheets, shipment of samples, missions.
Tehnični direktor laboratorija hrani overjene kopije dokazilnih listin, kot so računi, plačilni listi in seznami prisotnosti ter dokumenti, ki se nanašajo na pošiljanje vzorcev, službena potovanja.
131 Končna redakcija
The said report must, in particular, include the reasons for issuing a favourable opinion, an opinion with a reservation or an unfavourable opinion of a certified actuary on the annual statements.
Poročilo mora obsegati zlasti razloge za pritrdilno mnenje, mnenje s pridržkom oziroma odklonilno mnenje pooblaščenega aktuarja k letnim izkazom.
132 Končna redakcija
3. the opinion of the certified auditor whether the financial statements present fairly the financial position and the operating result, as well as the changes in financial position of the legal person.
3. mnenje pooblaščenega revizorja o tem, ali računovodski izkazi prikazujejo resnično finančno stanje in poslovni izid ter spremembe v finančnem položaju pravne osebe.
133 Končna redakcija
Models of certificates, certified statements, declarations, applications and other documents necessary for the application of the Regulation and of the Implementing Regulation shall be drawn up by the Administrative Commission.
Vzorčne obrazce spriševal, potrdil, izjav, zahtevkov in drugih dokumentov, ki so potrebni za izvajanje uredbe in izvedbene uredbe, določi Upravna Komisija.
134 Končna redakcija
those benefits shall then be considered as coming under sickness insurance and shall continue to be provided thereunder upon presentation of the certificates or certified statements referred to in Articles 20 and 21 of the Implementing Regulation.
te storitve se nato štejejo, kakor da sodijo v okvir zdravstvenega zavarovanja, in se na podlagi tega še naprej zagotavljajo ob predložitvi spričeval ali potrdil iz členov 20 in 21 izvedbene uredbe.
135 Končna redakcija
(3) Whenever the testing and assessment of individual items in the financial statements require professional knowledge not available to a certified auditor, the legal person shall, at the request of the auditing company, obtain the expert opinion or the appraisal made by an expert of the appropriate profession.
(3) Kadar je za preizkus in oceno posameznih postavk v računovodskih izkazih potrebno strokovno znanje, s katerim ne razpolaga pooblaščeni revizor, mora pravna oseba na zahtevo revizijske družbe pridobiti strokovno mnenje oziroma cenitev strokovnjaka ustrezne stroke.
136 Končna redakcija
(5) The certified auditor shall disclaim the opinion if the legal person fails to enable the authorized persons of an auditing company to carry out the audit according to Article 21 paragraphs 1 to 3 hereof, or if the legal person keeps the books of account, files, and computer records contrary to the accounting standards, thus failing to provide sufficient basis to enable the certified auditor to make a reliable assessment as to whether the financial statements are true and fair.
(5) Pooblaščeni revizor mora zavrniti izdelavo mnenja, če pravna oseba pooblaščenim osebam revizijske družbe ne omogoči izvajanje revizije v skladu s prvim do tretjim odstavkom 21. člena tega zakona oziroma če pravna oseba vodi poslovne knjige, spise in računalniške zapise v nasprotju z računovodskimi standardi, in zaradi tega ni dovolj podlag, da bi pooblaščeni revizor lahko zanesljivo ocenil resničnost in poštenost računovodskih izkazov.
137 Končna redakcija
The written procedure shall consist of the communication to the parties and to the institutions of the Communities whose decisions are in dispute, of applications, statements of case, defences and observations, and of replies, if any, as well as of all papers and documents in support or of certified copies of them.
Pisni postopek zajema posredovanje tožb, navedb o zadevi, odgovorov na tožbo in izjav, pa tudi morebitnih replik kot tudi vseh dokazil in dokumentov, ki to podpirajo, ali njihovih overjenih kopij, strankam in tistim institucijam Skupnosti, katerih odločitve so predmet spora.
138 Končna redakcija
One or more Member States or their competent authorities may, after receiving the Opinion of the Administrative Commission, adapt for data-processing the models of certificates, certified statements, declarations, claims and other documents together with the operations and methods of transmission of the data provided for the implementation of the Regulation and of the Implementing Regulation.
Ena ali več držav članic ali njihovi pristojni organi lahko po prejemu mnenja Upravne komisije za obdelavo podatkov prilagodijo vzorce spričeval, potrdil, uradnih izjav, zahtevkov in drugih listin, skupaj s postopki in načini prenosa podatkov, predvidenih za izvajanje Uredbe in izvedbene uredbe.
139 Pravna redakcija
the payment authority has submitted to the Commission a certified statement of expenditure actually incurred;
je plačilni organ Komisiji predložil overjeno izjavo o dejansko nastalih izdatkih;
140 Pravna redakcija
The Departmental Directorate of Labour and Manpower of the place of employment for which the certified statement is requested
(Krajevna izpostava Državnega urada za zaposlovanje), oddelčna uprava za delo in delovno silo v kraju, v katerem se je opravljala zaposlitev, za katero se zahteva overjena izjava
141 Pravna redakcija
This certified statement shall be valid for the period of time during which the benefits may be granted under Article 69 (1) of the Regulation.
Ta overjena izjava velja za čas, v katerem se dajatve lahko zagotavljajo po členu 69(1) Uredbe.
142 Pravna redakcija
If the pensioner does not submit the certified statement, the institution of the place of residence shall obtain it directly. from the institution or institutions responsible for payment of the pension or, where appropriate, from the institution empowered to issue such certified statement.
Če upokojenec ne predloži overjene izjave, jo nosilec v kraju stalnega prebivališča pridobi od nosilca ali nosilcev, pristojnih za izplačilo pokojnine, ali kjer je to ustrezno, od nosilca, pooblaščenega za izdajanje takšnih overjenih izjav.
143 Pravna redakcija
If the members of the family do not submit the said certified statement the institution of the place of residence shall obtain it from the competent institution.
Če družinski člani ne predložijo navedene overjene izjave, jo nosilec v kraju stalnega prebivališča pridobi od pristojnega nosilca.
144 Pravna redakcija
refund of benefits in kind provided but not due to workers on presentation of the certified statement provided for in Article 62 (2) of the Implementing Regulation:
povračilo storitev, nepravilno zagotovljenih delavcem ob predložitvi overjene izjave, določene v členu 62(2) izvedbene uredbe:
145 Pravna redakcija
An unemployed person who intends to go to another Member State in order to seek employment there shall, before his departure, apply for the certified statement referred to in paragraph 1. If the unemployed person does not submit the said certified statement, the institution of the place to which he has gone shall obtain it from the competent institution.
Brezposelna oseba, ki namerava oditi v drugo državo članico, da bi si poiskala zaposlitev, pred odhodom zaprosi za overjeno izjavo iz odstavka 1. Če brezposelna oseba ne predloži navedene overjene izjave, jo nosilec v kraju, v katerega je odšla, pridobi od pristojnega nosilca.
146 Pravna redakcija
However, when the said certified statement is issued by a French institution, it shall be valid for a period of three months only following the date of issue, and it must be renewed every three months.
Kadar pa navedeno overjeno izjavo izda francoski nosilec, velja samo tri mesece po datumu izdaje in jo je treba vsake tri mesece podaljšati.
147 Pravna redakcija
the paying authority submits to the Commission within six months of the deadline for payment laid down in the decision granting a contribution from the Funds, a certified statement of expenditure actually paid;
plačilni organ predloži Komisiji potrjeno izjavo o dejansko plačanih izdatkih v šestih mesecih od končnega roka za plačilo, določenega v odločbi o odobritvi prispevka Skladov;
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certified statement