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claim for compensation
101 Prevod
Subject to paragraph 6, no claim for compensation for damage under this Convention or otherwise may be made against:
Skladno z odstavkom 6 se ne sme vložiti noben odškodninski zahtevek, po tej konvenciji ali sicer, zoper:
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Any claim for compensation for damage may be brought directly against the insurer or other person providing financial securit for the owner's liability for damage.
Kateri koli odškodninski zahtevek se lahko vloži neposredno zoper zavarovalnico ali drugo osebo, ki zagotovi finančno jamstvo za lastnikovo odgovornost za škodo.
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DRUGO: SOP-001-22-67/98
If rightful claimants for compensation for personal easements and real encumbrances cannot reach agreement with the creditors of a lower order of precedence as to the amount of compensation, this amount of compensation shall be determined by the court;
Če se o nadomestilu za osebne služnosti ali realna bremena, ki s prodajo ugasnejo, upravičenci in upniki, ki so po vrstnem redu za poplačilo za njimi, ne morejo sporazumeti, ga določi sodišče;
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DRUGO: SOP-001-22-67/98
If the court complies with an employee's claim for salary compensation only in part, it shall instruct him on his right to bring an action in the competent court in respect of the remaining part of the claim.
Če sodišče delno ugodi zahtevku za izplačilo nadomestila plače, napoti delavca, da uveljavlja ostanek v postopku pred pristojnim sodiščem.
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DRUGO: SOP-001-22-67/98
The amounts of such claims shall be calculated, mutatis mutandis, in the manner applying to compensation for personal easements and real encumbrances.
Te terjatve se obračunavajo smiselno na način, kot se obračunava nadomestilo za osebno služnost ali realno breme.
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CELEX: 31992R3541
Whereas it is necessary to protect operators permanently against such claims and to prevent Iraq from obtaining compensation for the negative effects of the embargo;
ker je treba subjekte trajno zaščititi pred takimi zahtevki in preprečiti Iraku, da bi dobil odškodnino za negativne posledice embarga;
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DRUGO: SOP-001-22-67/98
After the repayment of the claims under Article 197 of the present Law, the following shall be repaid: claims secured by mortgage; claims of creditors upon whose applications the court has permitted execution; and compensations for personal easements and real encumbrances which terminate due to the sale of the encumbered property.
Po poplačilu terjatev iz 197. člena tega zakona se poplačajo terjatve, ki so zavarovane z zastavno pravico, terjatve upnikov, na katerih predlog je sodišče dovolilo izvršbo, ter nadomestila za osebne služnosti in realna bremena, ki s prodajo ugasnejo.
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Where the amount of established claims against the HNS Fund exceeds the aggregate amount of compensation payable under paragraph 5, the amount available shall be distributed in such a manner that the proportion between any established claim and the amount of compensation actually recovered by the claimant under this Convention shall be the same for all claimants.
Kadar znesek ugotovljenih zahtevkov do Sklada NZŠS presega skupni znesek nadomestil za plačilo po odstavku 5, se razpoložljivi znesek razdeli tako, da je sorazmerje med katerim koli ugotovljenim zahtevkom in zneskom nadomestila, ki ga dejansko prejme vlagatelj zahtevka po tej konvenciji, enako za vse vlagatelje zahtevkov.
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because the owner liable for the damage under Chapter II is financially incapable of meeting the obligations under this Convention in full and any financial security that may be provided under Chapter II does not cover or is insufficient to satisfy the claims for compensation for damage; an owner being treated as financially incapable of meeting these obligations and a financial security being treated as insufficient if the person suffering the damage has been unable to obtain full satisfaction of the amount of compensation due under Chapter II after having taken all reasonable steps to pursue the available legal remedies;
ker je lastnik, ki je po poglavju II odgovoren za škodo, finančno nesposoben izpolniti obveznosti po tej konvenciji v celoti, in morebitno finančno jamstvo, ki se predloži po poglavju II, ne pokriva ali ne zadostuje za kritje odškodninskih zahtevkov; lastnik se obravnava kot finančno nesposoben za izpolnitev teh obveznosti in finančno jamstvo se obravnava kot nezadostno, če oseba, ki je utrpela škodo, ni mogla uveljaviti polne vsote pripadajočega ji nadomestila po poglavju II, potem ko je naredila vse potrebne korake v smislu izkoriščanja razpoložljivih zakonitih sredstev;
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to establish a Committee on Claims for Compensation with at least seven and not more than 15 members and any temporary or permanent subsidiary body it may consider to be necessary, to define its terms of reference and to give it the authority needed to perform the functions entrusted to it; when appointing the members of such body, the Assembly shall endeavour to secure an equitable geographical distribution of members and to ensure that the States Parties are appropriately represented; the Rules of Procedure of the Assembly may be applied, mutatis mutandis, for the work of such subsidiary body;
ustanovi Odbor za zahtevke za nadomestila z najmanj sedmimi in največ 15 člani ter vse potrebne začasne ali stalne podrejene organe, opredeli njegove naloge in odgovornosti ter mu izda potrebna pooblastila za izvajanje funkcij, ki so mu zaupane; ob imenovanju članov takega organa skuša skupščina zagotoviti enakovredno geografsko porazdelitev članov in zagotoviti ustrezno zastopanost držav pogodbenic; za delo takega podrejenega organa se, s potrebnimi spremembami, lahko uporabi poslovnik skupščine;
Prevodi: en > sl
claim for compensation