Iskalni niz je ali predolg ali pa vsebuje preveč besed.
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common wheat
101 Pravna redakcija
where the percentage of miscellaneous impurities (Schwarz-besatz) exceeds 0, 5 % for durum wheat and 1 % for common wheat, rye and barley, maize and sorghum, a reduction of EUR 0, 1 shall be applied for each additional 0, 1 precentage points;
če odstotek raznih nečistoč (črne primesi) presega 0,5 % pri trdi pšenici oz. 1 % pri navadni pšenici, rži in ječmenu, koruzi in sirku, velja znižanje cene v višini 0,1 EUR za vsakih dodatnih 0,1%;
102 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0014
Common wheat, barley, oats, maize, meal of durum wheat, maize meal, malt and glucose ( 2 ), lucerne (alfalfa) meal and pellets, oil-cake and other solid residues resulting from the extraction of soya, soya-bean oil, and other forms of lucerne
Navadna pšenica, ječmen, oves, koruza, zdrob pšenice durum, koruzni zdrob, slad in glukoza ( 2 ), zdrob lucerne in peleti, lanena pogača in drugi trdni ostanki, dobljeni pri ekstrakciji olja iz soje in druge oblike lucerne
103 Pravna redakcija
For other spelt, medium and low quality common wheat (as specified in Annex I to Commission Regulation (EC) No 1249/96 (28 June 1996), OJ L 161, p. 125) and meslin under item 1001 90 95 (other spelt, common wheat, and meslin), the EC shall establish a tariff quota of 2 981 600 tonnes.
Za drugo piro in za navadno pšenico srednje in nizke kakovosti (kot je opredeljena v Prilogi I Uredbe Komisije (ES) št. 1249/96 (28. junij 1996), UL L 161, str. 125) ter soržico iz postavke 1001 90 95 (druga pira, navadna pšenica in soržica) ES določi tarifno kvoto 2.981.600 ton.
104 Pravna redakcija
(a) For other spelt, medium and low quality common wheat (as specified in Annex I to Commission Regulation (EC) No 1249/96 (28 June 1996), OJ L 161, p. 125) and meslin under item 1001 90 95 (other spelt, common wheat, and meslin), the EC shall establish a tariff quota of 2 981 600 tonnes.
(a) Za drugo piro in za navadno pšenico srednje in nizke kakovosti (kot je opredeljena v Prilogi I Uredbe Komisije (ES) št. 1249/96 (28. junij 1996), UL L 161, str. 125) ter soržico iz postavke 1001 90 95 (druga pira, navadna pšenica in soržica) ES določi tarifno kvoto 2.981.600 ton.
105 Pravna redakcija
the standard method for determining the non-stickiness and machinability of the dough obtained from common wheat shall be that set out in Annex V;
standardna metoda za določanje nelepljivosti ter primernosti za strojno obdelavo testa, pridobljenega iz navadne pšenice, je določena v Prilogi V;
106 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R1447
In accordance with Article 2(2) of Regulation (EC) No 1408/2002, the quantities of durum wheat and common wheat imported on or after 1 July 2002 under Regulation (EC) No 2511/2000 shall be included when accounting for the quantities imported under quota No 09.4779.
V skladu s členom 2(2) Uredbe (ES) št. 1408/2002 se količine trde pšenice in navadne pšenice, uvožene 1. julija 2002 ali kasneje po Uredbi (ES) št. 2511/2000, obračunajo skupaj s količinami, uvoženimi v okviru kvote št. 09.4779.
107 Pravna redakcija
Pasta, containing no eggs and no common wheat flour or meal, with an ash content in the dry matter of more than 0, 95 % but not exceeding 1, 10 % by weight
Testenine, ki ne vsebujejo jajc, navadne pšenične moke ali zdroba, z vsebnostjo pepela v suhi snovi več kakor 0,95 %, vendar ki ne presega 1,10 % po teži
108 Pravna redakcija
Pasta, containing no eggs and no common wheat flour or meal, with an ash content in the dry matter of more than 1, 10 % but not exceeding 1, 30 % by weight
Testenine, ki ne vsebujejo jajc, navadne pšenične moke ali zdroba, z vsebnostjo pepela v suhi snovi več kakor 1,10 %, vendar ki ne presega 1,30 % po teži
109 Pravna redakcija
Pasta, containing eggs but no common wheat flour or meal, with an ash content in the dry matter of more than 0, 95 % but not exceeding 1, 10 % by weight (5)
Testenine, ki vsebujejo jajca, vendar ne navadne pšenične moke ali zdroba, z vsebnostjo pepela v suhi snovi več kakor 0, 95 %, vendar ki ne presega 1,10 % po teži
110 Pravna redakcija
Pasta, containing eggs but no common wheat flour or meal, with an ash content in the dry matter of more than 1, 10 % but not exceeding 1, 30 % by weight (5)
Testenine, ki vsebujejo jajca, vendar ne navadne pšenične moke ali zdroba, z vsebnostjo pepela v suhi snovi več kakor 1, 10 %, vendar ki ne presega 1,30 % po teži
111 Pravna redakcija
Whereas Article 3 (1) of Council Regulation (EEC) No 2727/75 of 29 October 1975 on the common organization of the market in cereals (2), as last amended by Regulation (EEC) No 1125/78 (3), provides for the fixing of a single intervention price for certain cereals, including common wheat, and of a reference price for common wheat of bread-making quality;
ker člen 3(1) Uredbe Sveta (EGS) št. 2727/75 z dne 29. oktobra 1975 o skupni ureditvi trga za žita fn, kakor je bila nazadnje spremenjena z Uredbo (EGS) št. 1125/78 fn, predvideva določitev enotne intervencijske cene za določene vrste žit, vključno z navadno pšenico, in referenčne cene za navadno pšenico, primerno za peko kruha;
112 Pravna redakcija
In addition, in cases where analyses indicate that the Zeleny index of a batch of common wheat is between 22 and 30, for this wheat to be deemed sound, fair and of marketable quality within the meaning of paragraph 1, the dough obtained from it must be judged to be non-sticky and machinable.
Poleg tega, v primerih, ko analize kažejo, da je sedementacija serije navadne pšenice med 22 in 30, mora biti iz nje pridobljeno testo ocenjeno kot nelepljivo in primerno za strojno obdelavo, se ta vrsta pšenice smatra za zdravo, čisto in primerne kakovosti za prodajo v skladu z odstavkom 1.
113 Pravna redakcija
In special cases, the term of validity of export licences for common wheat, durum wheat, rye, barley, maize, rice, wheat flour, rye flour, groats and meal of durum wheat and products covered by CN codes 2309 10 11, 2309 10 13, 2309 10 31, 2309 10 33, 2309 1051, 2309 10 53, 2309 9031, 2309 90 33, 23099041, 23099043, 23099051 and 23099053 containing less than 50 % by weight of milk products may be longer than is provided for in Article 7 (1) where the party concerned is in the process of concluding a contract warranting a longer period.
V posebnih primerih je lahko rok veljavnosti izvoznih dovoljenj za navadno pšenico, trdo pšenico, rž, ječmen, koruzo, riž, pšenično moko, rženo moko, drobljenec in zdrob iz trde pšenice ter za proizvode, ki se uvrščajo v oznake KN 2309 10 11, 2309 10 13, 2309 10 31, 2309 10 33, 2309 10 51, 2309 10 53, 2309 90 31, 2309 90 33, 2309 90 41, 2309 90 43, 2309 90 51 in 2309 90 53 in ki vsebujejo manj kot 50 utežnih % mlečnih proizvodov, daljši, kot določa člen 7(1), kadar je zadevna stranka v postopku sklepanja pogodbe zagotovila daljše obdobje.
114 Pravna redakcija
If there are three bands (two bands at the height where the main bands for common wheat are to be found, with a further band between them) eggs have been added to pasta.
Če se pojavijo trije trakovi (dva na višini, kjer naj bi bila glavna trakova navadne pšenice, s tretjim trakom med njima), so bila testeninam dodana jajca.
115 Pravna redakcija
With regard to the EC notification G/SECRET/15 of 26 July 2002, for durum wheat and rye as well as for high quality common wheat (as specified in Annex I to Commission Regulation (EC) No 1249/96 (28 June 1996), OJ L 161, p. 125), the concessions contained in the EC Schedule CXL shall continue to apply.
V zvezi z uradnim obvestilom ES G/SECRET/15 z dne 26. julija 2002 se za pšenico durum in rž ter za visoko kakovostno navadno pšenico (kot je opredeljena v Prilogi I Uredbe Komisije (ES) št. 1249/96 (28. junij 1996), UL L 161, str. 125) še naprej uporabljajo koncesije, vsebovane v listi CXL ES.
116 Pravna redakcija
The intervention agencies designated by the Member States shall buy in common wheat, durum wheat, rye, barley, maize and sorghum which are offered to them and have been harvested in the Community, provided that the offers comply with conditions laid down, in particular in respect of quality and quantity.
Intervencijske agencije, ki jih imenujejo države članice, odkupujejo ponujeno navadno pšenico, trdo pšenico, rž, ječmen, koruzo in sorgo, pridelano v Skupnosti, pod pogojem, da so ponudbe skladne z določenimi pogoji, zlasti glede kakovosti in količine.
117 Pravna redakcija
During the periods referred to in Article 4(2) of Regulation (EEC) No 1766/92, any holder of a homogeneous batch of not less than 80 tonnes of common wheat, rye, barley, maize or sorghum or 10 tonnes of durum wheat, harvested within the Community, shall be entitled to offer the batch to the intervention agency.
V obdobju iz člena 4(2) Uredbe (EGS) št. 1766/92, ima vsak imetnik homogene partije najmanj 80 ton navadne pšenice, rži, ječmena, koruze ali sirka ali 10 ton trde pšenice, ki jo je pridelal na območju Skupnosti, pravico, da lahko i to partijo ponudi intervencijski agenciji.
118 Pravna redakcija
In case Romania, in a given year, benefits from Community food aid in the form of common wheat, the quota for this product will be reduced by the quantities of the food-aid operations.
Če Romunija v danem letu prejema pomoč Skupnosti v hrani v obliki navadne pšenice, se kvota za ta izdelek zmanjša za količine takšnih ukrepov pomoči v hrani.
119 Pravna redakcija
With regard to import licences issued, each day the Member States shall forward the quantities covered by licences by product code and, in the case of common wheat, by quality grade and by origin.
Glede izdanih uvoznih dovoljenj morajo države članice vsak dan posredovati količine, ki jih pokrivajo dovoljenja, po tarifni oznaki proizvoda, v primeru navadne pšenice pa tudi po stopnji kakovosti in po poreklu.
120 Pravna redakcija
Where export is effected pursuant to an invitation to tender opened in an importing third country, export licences for common wheat, durum wheat, rye, barley, maize, rice, wheat flour, rye flour, groats and meal of durum wheat and products covered by CN codes 2309 1011, 2309 1013, 2309 1031, 2309 10 33, 23091051, 23091053, 23099031, 23099033, 23099041, 23099043, 23099051 and 23099053 containing less than 50 % by weight of milk products shall be valid from their date of issue within the meaning of Article 21 (1) of Regulation (EEC) No 3719/88 until the date on which the obligations arising from the award are to be fulfilled.
Kadar se izvoz opravi na podlagi javnega razpisa, izvedenega v tretji državi uvoznici, veljajo izvozna dovoljenja za navadno pšenico, trdo pšenico, rž, ječmen, koruzo, riž, pšenično moko, rženo moko, drobljenec in zdrob iz trde pšenice ter za proizvode, ki se uvrščajo v oznake KN 2309 10 11, 2309 10 13, 2309 10 31, 2309 10 33, 2309 10 51, 2309 10 53, 2309 90 31, 2309 90 33, 2309 90 41, 2309 90 43, 2309 90 51 in 2309 90 53 in ki vsebujejo manj kot 50 utežnih % mlečnih proizvodov, od datuma njihove izdaje v smislu člena 21(1) Uredbe (EGS) št. 3719/88 do datuma, ko morajo biti izpolnjene obveznosti, ki izhajajo iz pridobljene pogodbe.
121 Pravna redakcija
the standard method for determining the protein content of ground common wheat shall be that recognised by the International Association for Cereal Chemistry (ICC), the standards of which are laid down under heading No 105/ 2:
standardna metoda za določanje vsebnosti beljakovin v navadni pšenici mora ustrezati metodi, ki jo priznava Mednarodno združenje za kemijo žit (ICC); standardi te metode se nahajajo pod naslovom št. 105/2:
122 Pravna redakcija
whereas of the possible objective quality grading criteria for common wheat, protein content, specific weight and miscellaneous impurity (Schwarzbesatz) content are those most commonly used in the trade and also the easiest to use;
ker so od možnih objektivnih kriterijev za razvrščanje navadne pšenice po kakovosti vsebnost proteinov, specifična teža in vsebnost raznih nečistoč (Schwarzbesatz) najpogosteje uporabljeni v trgovini in tudi najlažji za uporabo;
123 Pravna redakcija
where the specific weight of common wheat or barley offered for intervention differs from the specific weight of 76 kg/hi or 64 kg/hi respectively, the price reductions to be applied shall be those listed in Table III of Annex VII;
če se hektolitrska masa navadne pšenice ali ječmena, ponujenega v intervencijo, razlikuje od hektolitrske mase, ki znaša 76 kg/hl oz. 64 kg/hl, veljajo znižanja cen iz tabele III Priloge VII;
124 Pravna redakcija
For the purposes of classifying goods falling within subheadings 1902 19 10 and 1902 19 90 of the combined nomenclature, the method set out in Annex III to this Regulation shall be used to test for the presence of common wheat flours and semolinas in pasta;
za razvrščanje blaga pod tarifni podštevilki 1902 19 10 in 1902 19 90 kombinirane nomenklature se za preverjanje prisotnosti moke in zdroba iz navadne pšenice v testeninah uporablja metoda iz Priloge III k tej uredbi;
125 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R2377
(1) Following trade negotiations, the Community has changed the conditions for the import of common wheat of low and medium quality and of barley by creating import quotas from 1 January 2003. For barley, the Community has decided to replace the "margin of preference" system by two tariff quotas:
(1) Skupnost je po trgovinskih pogajanjih spremenila pogoje za uvoz navadne pšenice nizke in srednje kakovosti ter ječmena z uvedbo kvot od 1. januarja 2003. V zvezi z ječmenom je sklenila, da nadomesti sistem "preferencialnega razpona" z dvema tarifnima kvotama:
126 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1431
(4) Commission Regulation (EC) No 934/2003 fn opens an invitation to tender for the refund on common wheat exports to all third countries, except for the 10 countries acceding to the Community on 1 May 2004, and Bulgaria and Romania, so requiring the refund rate to be differentiated, depending on the destination.
(4) Uredba Komisije (ES) št. 934/2003 fn odpira javni razpis za nadomestilo za izvoz navadne pšenice v vse tretje države, razen v tistih 10 držav, ki bodo k Skupnosti pristopile 1. maja 2004 in v Bolgarijo ter Romunijo, pri čemer je treba stopnjo nadomestila razlikovati glede na namembno državo.
127 Pravna redakcija
The in-quota tariff rate for the tariff quota specified in 2(a) shall be EUR 12/tonne, and the out-of-quota tariff rate shall be no higher than the lower of the bound rate of duty for item 1001 90 95 (other spelt, common wheat, and meslin) in EC Schedule CXL as of 1 July 2002 or the most- favoured-nation rate of duty.
Tarifna stopnja v okviru tarifne kvote, navedene v 2(a), znaša 12 EUR/tono, tarifna stopnja izven kvote pa ne presega nižje od pogodbenih stopenj dajatev za postavko 1001 90 95 (druga pira, navadna pšenica in soržica) v listi CXL ES z dne 1. julija 2002 ali stopnje dajatve za državo z največjimi ugodnostmi.
128 Pravna redakcija
The in-quota tariff rate for the tariff quota specified in 2(a) shall be EUR 12/metric tonne, and the out-of-quota tariff rate shall be no higher than the lower of the bound rate of duty for item 1001 90 95 (other spelt, common wheat, and meslin) in EC Schedule CXL as of 1 July 2002 or the most-favoured-nation rate of duty.
Tarifna stopnja v okviru tarifne kvote, opredeljene v 2(a), znaša 12 EUR/metrično tono, tarifna stopnja izven kvote pa ne presega nižje od pogodbenih stopenj dajatev za postavko 1001 90 95 (druga pira, navadna pšenica in soržica) v listi CXL ES z dne 1. julija 2002 ali stopnje dajatve za državo z največjimi ugodnostmi.
129 Pravna redakcija
Once the EC has established the tariff quota as specified in 2, the EC need not apply the concessions for other spelt, medium and low quality common wheat (as specified in Annex I to Commission Regulation (EC) No 1249/96 (28 June 1996), OJ L 161, p. 125) and meslin under item 1001 90 95, contained in headnote 6 of EC Schedule CXL.
Ko ES določi tarifno kvoto iz točke 2, ji ni potrebno več uporabljati koncesij za drugo piro in za navadno pšenico srednje in nizke kakovosti (kot je opredeljena v Prilogi I Uredbe Komisije (ES) št. 1249/96 (28. junij 1996), UL L 161, str. 125) ter soržico iz postavke 1001 90 95, predvidenih v uvodni opombi 6 liste CXL ES.
130 Pravna redakcija
Whereas in the case of imports of very high quality common wheat, malting barley or flint maize the exchange quotation used for calculation of the representative cif import price may not, either because of the particular quality of the goods or because their price includes a quality premium over the normal price, take account of the existence of such a premium over normal market terms;
ker v primeru uvoza navadne pšenice zelo visoke kakovosti, pivskega ječmena ali trdinke borzna kvotacija za izračun reprezentativne uvozne cene CIF morda ne upošteva, da obstaja tak dodatek v primerjavi z običajnimi tržnimi pogoji bodisi zaradi posebne kakovosti blaga ali ker je v njihovo ceno vključen dodatek na kakovost na običajno ceno;
131 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1104
Notwithstanding paragraph 1, the import duty on products covered by CN codes 1001 10 00, 1001 90 91, ex 1001 90 99 (high quality common wheat), 1002, ex 1005 other than hybrid seed, and ex 1007 other than hybrid for sowing, shall be equal to the intervention price valid for such products on importation and increased by 55 %, minus the cif import price applicable to the consignment in question.
Ne glede na odstavek 1 je uvozna dajatev za proizvode iz oznak KN 1001 10 00, 1001 90 91, ex 1001 90 99 (navadna pšenica visoke kakovosti), 1002, ex 1005 razen semen hibridov, in ex 1007, razen hibridov za setev, enaka intervencijski ceni, ki velja za te proizvode ob uvozu, zvišani za 55 %, od česar se odšteje cif uvozna cena, ki se uporablja za zadevno pošiljko.
132 Pravna redakcija
Whereas in cases where, according to the Commission's information, certain quotations or prices are not representative of the real trend of the import market in the Community for medium or low quality common wheat owing to the granting by third countries of subsidies on exportation of these products to Mediterranean basin or European countries, it must be possible for the amount of the export subsidy granted to be deducted form the representative cif import price calculated for the product;
ker v primerih, ko glede na podatke Komisije določene kvotacije ali cene ne odražajo resničnih teženj uvoznega trga Skupnosti za navadno pšenico srednje in nižje kakovosti, ker tretje države dajejo subvencije za izvoz teh proizvodov v Sredozemsko kotlino ali evropske države, mora obstajati možnost, da se dodeljene izvozne subvencije odštejejo od reprezentativne uvozne cene CIF, izračunane za ta proizvod;
133 Pravna redakcija
Whereas the use of quotations for the various wheat types and for other cereals on the commodity exchanges of the United States of America will provide a basis both transparent and objective for establishing representative cif import prices;
ker bo uporaba kvotacij za različne vrste pšenice in druga žita na blagovni borzi Združenih držav Amerike nudila pregledno in objektivno osnovo za postavljanje reprezentativnih uvoznih cen CIF;
134 Pravna redakcija
If however the Commission officially recognizes a quality certificate for common or durum wheat issued by the State of origin of the goods samples shall not be taken and analysis shall be carried out only in verification of the certified quality of a sufficiently representative number of imported lots.
Če pa Komisija uradno priznava potrdilo o kakovosti za navadno ali trdo pšenico, ki ga izda država porekla blaga, se vzorci ne vzamejo, analiza pa se opravi samo zato, da se preveri potrjena kakovost na dovolj reprezentativnem številu uvoženih pošiljk.
135 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R2286
Within the limits of an annual quantity of 8 000 tonnes, the customs duty fixed pursuant to Article 10(1) of Council Regulation (EEC) No 1766/92 of 30 June 1992 on the common organisation of the market in cereals (7), shall not be applied to imports into the overseas department of Reunion of wheat bran falling within CN code 2302 30, originating in the ACP States.
Carine, določene v skladu s členom 10(1) Uredbe Sveta (EGS) št. 1766/92 z dne 30. junija 1992 o skupni ureditvi trga za žita fn, se v mejah letne kvote 8.000 ton ne uporabljajo za uvoz pšeničnih otrobov oznake KN 2302 30 s poreklom iz držav AKP v čezmorski departma Reunion.
136 Pravna redakcija
The rates of duty applicable to imports into the Community of durum wheat falling within CN code 1001 10 00, originating in Turkey and transported direct from that country to the Community, shall be that set up pursuant to Article 10 of Council Regulation (EEC) No 1766/92 of 30 June 1992 on the common organization of the market in cereals (1), less ECU 0,73 per tonne.
Carinske stopnje, ki veljajo za uvoz trde pšenice, ki spada pod oznako KN 1001 10 00, v Skupnost, po poreklu Turčije ter pripeljana neposredno iz te države v Skupnost, so tiste, ki so določene v skladu z členom 10 Uredbe Sveta (EGS) št. 1766/92 z dne 30. junija 1992 o skupni ureditvi trga za žita ( fn ), minus 0,73 ekuja na tono.
137 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1110
"Common wheat":
"Navadna pšenica" :
138 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000R2235
EUR 14 per tonne for common wheat,
14 evrov na tono za navadno pšenico,
139 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31974R1579
220 kg of common wheat for starch processing, in respect of wheat starch;
220 kg navadne pšenice za proizvodnjo škroba, za pšenični škrob;
140 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31974R1579
400 kg of common wheat for starch processing, in respect of wheat gluten;
400 kg navadne pšenice za proizvodnjo škroba, za pšenični gluten;
141 Prevajalska redakcija
Cereals (common wheat, durum wheat, rye, barley and maize) ECU 7,817/100 kg
Žita (navadna pšenica, trda pšenica, rž, ječmen in koruza) 7,817 ECU/100 kg
142 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31997R0641
ECU 14 per tonne on standard high quality common wheat,
14 ECU na tono za navadno pšenico visoke standardne kakovosti,
143 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1104
the minimum requirements for high quality common wheat,
minimalne zahteve za navadno pšenico visoke kakovosti,
144 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31996R1249
Import licence applications for common wheat and durum wheat shall be valid only if the applicant:
Zahtevki za uvozno dovoljenje za navadno in trdo pšenico, so veljavne le, če vložnik:
145 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1110
premium of EUR 14 per tonne for high quality common wheat,
premija 14 evrov na tono za kakovostno navadno pšenico,
146 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31995R2627
under 'Land Nordrhein-Westfalen`, Siegen is deleted for common wheat;
pod "Land Nordrhein-Westfalen" se črta Siegen za navadno pšenico;
147 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1110
certificates issued by the Canadian Grain Commission (CGC) of Canada for high quality common wheat and high quality durum wheat.
potrdila, ki jih je izdala Kanadska komisija za žita (CGC) za kakovostno navadno pšenico in kakovostno trdo pšenico.
148 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31995R2627
Geinberg is deleted for barley but becomes an intervention centre for common wheat;
Geinberg se črta za ječmen, vendar postane intervencijski center za navadno pšenico;
149 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31998R2519
However if the quality of durum wheat of code CN 1001 10 is lower than that specified in Annex I for durum wheat of medium quality, the import duty shall be that applicable on common wheat of low quality.`
Vendar, če je kakovost trde pšenice, ki se uvršča v oznako KN 1001 10, nižja od kakovosti, določene v Prilogi I za trdo pšenico srednje kakovosti, se uporabijo uvozne dajatve, ki veljajo za navadno pšenico nizke kakovosti."
150 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31997R0641
in the case of common wheat the product indicated at (a) has been produced at either:
v primeru navadne pšenice proizvod iz točke (a) bil proizveden bodisi:
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common wheat