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determine arrangements
101 Pravna redakcija
This Regulation determines the trade arrangements applicable to certain goods defined in the third indent of paragraph 2:
Ta uredba določa tržno ureditev za nekatero blago, opredeljene v tretji alinei odstavka 2:
102 Pravna redakcija
Each Member State shall determine the airport transit arrangements applicable to statutory stateless persons and refugees.
Vsaka država članica določi ureditev letališkega tranzita, ki velja za zakonsko priznane osebe brez državljanstva in begunce.
103 Pravna redakcija
information on the procedures by which arrangements for employee involvement are determined pursuant to Directive 2001/86/EC.
informacije o postopkih sklepanja sporazumov o udeležbi delavcev določa Direktiva 2001/86/ES.
104 Pravna redakcija
The arrangements for identifying the animals or for tracing the holding of origin shall be determined by the competent authority;
Režime evidentiranja živali ali izsleditve gospodarstva, s katerega izvirajo, določi pristojni organ;
105 Pravna redakcija
The statutes of the SE must not conflict at any time with the arrangements for employee involvement which have been so determined.
Statut SE ne sme biti nikdar v nasprotju z dogovori glede udeležbe delavcev, ki so bili tako določeni.
106 Pravna redakcija
The rules governing such arrangements shall be determined by the Management Board acting by a majority of two-thirds of its members.
Pravila, ki urejajo takšne dogovore, sprejme Upravni odbor z dvotretjinsko večino svojih članov.
107 Pravna redakcija
The Joint Committee shall be chaired by each of the Parties in turn according to arrangements to be determined in its rules of procedure.
Skupnemu odboru predsedujeta pogodbenici izmenično v skladu z ureditvijo, ki se določi v poslovniku.
108 Pravna redakcija
The Executive Committee shall specify the implementing arrangements and, in particular, the criteria for determining the main destination.
Izvršni odbor določi način izvajanja in zlasti merila za določitev glavne namembne države.
109 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0638
The practical arrangements for the transmission of data shall be determined in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 14(2).
Praktična ureditev prenosa podatkov se določi v skladu s postopkom iz člena 14(2).
110 Pravna redakcija
Applications for licences shall be submitted in accordance with the arrangements determined following the procedure laid down in Article 23.
Zahtevki za dovoljenja se vlagajo v skladu z režimom določenim po postopku iz člena 23.
111 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0638
The arrangements for the communication of the information shall be determined in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 14(2).
Ureditev sporočanja informacij se opredeli v skladu s postopkom iz člena 14(2).
112 Pravna redakcija
This shall apply without prejudice to Article 47(4) or to any employee participation arrangements determined pursuant to Directive 2001/86/EC.
To velja brez poseganja v člen 47(4) ali kakršne koli ureditve o udeležbi delavcev, sklenjene v skladu z Direktivo 2001/86/ES.
113 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1788
The Commission shall determine the arrangements for implementation of this Article in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 23(2).
Komisija določi režime za izvajanje tega člena skladno s postopkom iz člena 23(2).
114 Pravna redakcija
Where new such arrangements determined pursuant to the Directive conflict with the existing statutes, the statutes shall to the extent necessary be amended.
Kadar so novi dogovori, sprejeti v skladu z direktivo, v nasprotju z veljavnim statutom, se določbe statuta spremenijo v potrebnem obsegu.
115 Pravna redakcija
Whereas the Council is to determine the arrangements for the negotiation and conclusion of agreements concerning monetary or foreign exchange regime matters;
ker Svet določi modalitete pogajanj in sklepanja sporazumov o monetarnih zadevah ali zadevah deviznega režima;
116 Pravna redakcija
The aim of this Decision is to determine the detailed arrangements for the integration of the Schengen Secretariat into the General Secretariat of the Council.
Cilj te odločbe je določiti podroben program vključitve schengenskega sekretariata v generalni sekretariat Sveta.
117 Pravna redakcija
The Council shall make the necessary arrangements, determining the modalities for the information to be furnished under Article III of this Arrangement, so that
Svet vzpostavi primerno ureditev, s katero določi načine posredovanja podatkov na podlagi člena III tega dogovora, tako da
118 Pravna redakcija
The customs authorities shall determine the arrangements whereby the copy document shall be presented for purposes of control and retained for at least two years.
Carinski organi določijo pogoje, pod katerimi se kopija dokumenta predloži zaradi kontrole in hrani najmanj dve leti.
119 Pravna redakcija
The other implementing rules necessary in order to establish preferential arrangements shall be determined in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 16.
Druge izvedbene določbe, potrebne za sklepanje preferencialnih sporazumov, se določijo po postopku iz člena 16.
120 Pravna redakcija
When determining the form, detailed arrangements and possible level of such fair compensation, account should be taken of the particular circumstances of each case.
Pri določanju oblike, podrobne ureditve in možne ravni takšnega pravičnega nadomestila naj se upoštevajo posebne okoliščine vsakega primera.
121 Pravna redakcija
It is necessary to determine which forms of processing into goods exported under inward processing arrangements may be considered equivalent to real industrial uses.
Treba je določiti, katere oblike predelave v blago, ki se izvaža po postopku aktivnega oplemenitenja, se lahko štejejo za enakovredne pravim vrstam industrijske uporabe.
122 Pravna redakcija
If necessary, the basic products, products and goods which do not benefit from the arrangements provided for in this Regulation shall be set out in a list to be determined.
Če je treba, bodo osnovni proizvodi, proizvodi in blago, ki niso deležni ugodnosti ureditve iz te uredbe, navedeni v seznamu, ki ga je treba izdelati.
123 Pravna redakcija
whereas, for the purpose of determining the quantities of cereals distilled and the coefficient, the quantities subject to inward processing arrangements should be excluded;
ker naj bi se pri določanju količin destiliranih žit in koeficienta izvzele količine, za katere velja postopek o aktivnem oplemenitenju;
124 Pravna redakcija
For the purpose of determining the quantities of cereals distilled and the coefficient, quantities which have been subject to inward processing arrangements shall be excluded.
Za namene določanja količin destiliranih žit in koeficienta, se izključijo količine, ki so bile v postopku aktivnega oplemenitenja.
125 Pravna redakcija
Where ex CN codes are referred to the applicability of the preferential arrangements is determined on the basis of the CN code and the corresponding description taken jointly.
Kjer so prikazane prejšnje oznake KN, se uporaba preferencialnega sistema določi na podlagi oznake KN in ustreznega poimenovanja skupaj.
126 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003L0035
The detailed arrangements for public participation under this Article shall be determined by the Member States so as to enable the public to prepare and participate effectively.
Države članice določijo podrobne določbe za sodelovanje javnosti po tem členu tako, da omogočijo javnosti pripravo in učinkovito sodelovanje.
127 Pravna redakcija
The bureau shall determine the implementing arrangements regarding members' travel and subsistence expenses, in compliance with the provisions laid down under the budget procedure.
Predsedstvo določi izvedbene ukrepe glede potnih stroškov in stroškov bivanja članov v skladu z določbami predpisanimi z proračunskim postopkom.
128 Pravna redakcija
Whereas Article 25 of Directive 90/425/EEC stipulates that the arrangements which are to apply when the transitional provisions provided for in Article 24 expire must be determined;
ker člen 25 Direktive 90/425/EGS določa, da je treba določiti režim, ki se uporablja po izteku veljavnosti prehodnih določb iz člena 24;
129 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003L0072
The special negotiating body and the competent organs of the participating legal entities shall determine, by written agreement, arrangements for the involvement of employees within the SCE.
Posebno pogajalsko telo in pristojni organi udeleženih pravnih oseb s pismenim dogovorom določijo ureditve udeležbe delavcev v okviru SCE.
130 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0638
Where necessary, the arrangements for the collection of this information, particularly the codes to be employed, shall be determined in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 14(2).
Kadar je potrebno, se zbiranje teh informacij, zlasti oznak, ki jih je treba uporabiti, opredeli v skladu s postopkom iz člena 14(2).
131 Pravna redakcija
The statistical data relating to the production and consumption of each product shall be forwarded under arrangements to be determined subsequently pursuant to the procedure laid down in Article 17.
Statistični podatki o proizvodnji in potrošnji posameznih izdelkov se posredujejo v skladu z dogovori, ki se določijo naknadno na podlagi postopka iz člena 17.
132 Pravna redakcija
The Commission shall itself determine the most appropriate places for its checks to be carried out and shall, in collaboration with the Member States concerned, establish the practical arrangements.
Komisija sama določi najustreznejša mesta za izvajanje svojih pregledov in v sodelovanju z zadevnimi državami članicami poskrbi za praktično izvedbo.
133 Pravna redakcija
No duties shall apply to direct imports into the FOD of products covered by the specific supply arrangements from third countries, within the limit of the quantities determined in the supply balance.
Za proizvode, ki so v FPD neposredno uvoženi iz tretjih držav in zajeti v poseben dobavni režim, v okviru količin, določenih v bilanci dobav, se ne uporabljajo nobene uvozne carine.
134 Pravna redakcija
If goats are kept together with cows they must undergo a tuberculosis check in accordance with arrangements to be determined in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 31 of this Directive.
Če so koze skupaj s kravami, morajo biti pregledane na tuberkulozo v skladu z ukrepi, ki se določijo v skladu s postopkom, predpisanim v členu 31 te direktive.
135 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R0215
However, the arrangement in question is clearly incompatible with the criterion of the free determination of export prices and quantities that needs to be satisfied if IT is to be awarded or maintained.
Zadevni dogovor je nedvomno v neskladju z merilom, po katerem se morajo izvozne cene in količine prosto določati, da se lahko pridobi ali ohrani IO.
136 Pravna redakcija
Where imports of a product are subject to presentation of an import licence and where that licence also serves to determine eligibility under preferential arrangements, the quantities imported within the tolerance in excess of the quantity shown on the import licence shall not qualify under the preferential arrangements.
Če je ob uvozu proizvoda treba pokazati uvozno dovoljenje in če to dovoljenje služi tudi za določanje upravičenosti za preferencialne režime, količine, uvožene v okviru tolerance, ki presegajo količino, navedeno na uvoznem dovoljenju, ne izpolnjujejo pogojev za preferencialnene režime.
137 Pravna redakcija
The Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions shall have common services; the organizational and administrative arrangements for these services shall be determined by joint agreement.
Ekonomsko in socialni odbor ter Odbor regij imata skupne službe; organizacijski in administrativni predpisi za te službe se določijo s skupnim sporazumom.
138 Pravna redakcija
whereas specific rules of application for this arrangement should be determined for the sector, covering in particular submission of applications and the information to be given on applications and licences;
ker morajo biti v tem sektorju določena posebna pravila za uporabo te ureditve, ki bi obsegala zlasti vlaganje zahtevkov in podatke, obvezno navedene v zahtevkih in dovoljenjih;
139 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R2304
For the purposes of determining the most-favoured-nation (MFN) treatment, account shall not be taken of arrangements applied by the OCT concerned to other OCT or ACP States, or to other developing countries.
Za določitev načela največjih ugodnosti (NNU) ni treba upoštevati postopkov, ki jih uporablja zadevna ČDO bodisi za druge ČDO ali države AKP bodisi za druge države v razvoju.
140 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32001D0822
For the purpose of determining the most-favoured-nation treatment, account shall not be taken of arrangements applied by the relevant authorities of the country or territory concerned to other developing countries.
Za določitev načela največjih ugodnosti ni treba upoštevati postopkov, ki jih ustrezni upravni organi zadevne države ali ozemlja uporabljajo za druge države v razvoju.
141 Pravna redakcija
DETERMINED to ensure that the international development and use of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes are carried out under arrangements which will further the objective of the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons;
ODLOČENI zagotoviti, da bosta potekala mednarodni razvoj in uporaba jedrske energije v miroljubne namene v skladu z dogovori, ki bodo podpirali cilj neširjenja jedrskega orožja;
142 Pravna redakcija
The statistical data relating to the production and the consumption of each product shall be forwarded under arrangements to be determined subsequently pursuant to the appropriate procedure provided for in Article 25.
Statistični podatki o proizvodnji in porabi posameznih izdelkov se posredujejo na podlagi dogovorov, ki se določijo naknadno v skladu z ustreznim postopkom iz člena 25.
143 Pravna redakcija
shall determine by a majority of two-thirds of its members the rules governing arrangements regarding the association of experts of a third State or a third body with the activities of an analysis group (Article 10(9));"
z dvotretjinsko večino svojih članov določi pravila o ureditvi dogovorov glede pridružitve strokovnjakov tretje države ali tretjega organa dejavnostim analitske skupine (člen 10(9));"
144 Pravna redakcija
Any change in the rules determining regulatory arrangements, for example the level of administered interest rates or interest rate ceilings, shall be shown in MFI interest rate statistics as a change in the interest rate.
Kakršno koli spremembo pravil, ki določajo regulativne predpise, na primer višino nadzorovanih obrestnih mer ali najvišjih obrestnih mer, je treba prikazati v statistiki obrestnih mer MFI kot spremembo obrestnih mer.
145 Pravna redakcija
The Council, acting by a qualified majority on a proposal from the Commission, shall determine, before 1 October 1992, the arrangements which are to apply when the transitional provisions provided for in Article 24 expire.
Pred 1. oktobrom 1992 Svet, ki na predlog Komisije odloča s kvalificirano večino, določi predpise, ki veljajo ob poteku prehodnih določb iz člena 24.
146 Pravna redakcija
No duties shall apply to direct imports into the Canary Islands of products covered by the specific supply arrangements if they originate in non-member countries, within the limit of the quantities determined in the supply balance.
Za neposreden uvoz proizvodov, ki so zajeti v posebnih dobavnih režimih, na Kanarske otoke, če izvirajo iz držav nečlanic, znotraj količinskih omejitev, določenih v bilanci dobave, se ne uporabljajo nobene dajatve.
147 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R2286
(14) Where a customs debt is incurred under the arrangements for inward processing, in certain cases, for the purposes of determining that customs debt, the compensating products are subject to the import duties appropriate to them.
(14) Če carinski dolg nastane kot posledica dogovorov za aktivno oplemenitenje, v nekaterih primerih za določanje tega carinskega dolga za nadomestne izdelke veljajo ustrezne uvozne dajatve.
148 Pravna redakcija
Whereas the criteria used to determine whether a database should be protected by copyright should be defined to the fact that the selection or the arrangement of the contents of the database is the author's own intellectual creation;
ker je treba kriterije, ki se uporabljajo za odločitev, ali naj se baza podatkov zavaruje z avtorsko pravico, opredeliti glede na to, ali je izbor ali razporeditev vsebine baze podatkov avtorjeva lastna intelektualna stvaritev;
149 Pravna redakcija
Whereas, in order to manage the arrangements properly, when apply concerns products which have been processed or subject to a specific operation, there should be a call for tenders to determine the most favourable terms for the supply;
ker je za dobro upravljanje ureditve, kadar se dobava nanaša na predelane proizvode ali proizvode, ki so predmet posebnih postopkov, treba z uporabo razpisa, določiti najbolj ugodne pogoje dobave;
150 Pravna redakcija
The scope of the arrangements provided for in Council Regulation (EEC) No 2658/87 is, for the purposes of this Annex, determined by the scope of the codes as they exist at the time of the adoptio of the latest amendment of the Regulation
Obseg režimov, predviden v Uredbi sveta (EGS) št. 2658/87, je za namene te priloge določen z obsegom oznak, kakršne so bile ob času sprejetja zadnje spremembe Uredbe.
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determine arrangements