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extract licence
101 Pravna redakcija
Whereas, to speed up the return of the import licence or its extract, a derogation should be made from the provisions of Regulation (EEC) No 3719/88 as regards the percentage partial forfeiture of the security and the maximum time limit for providing proof of import;
ker je treba za pospešitev vračanja uvoznih dovoljenj ali izpiskov odstopiti od določb Uredbe (EGS) št. 3719/88 glede odstotka delnega odvzema varščine in glede najdaljšega roka za pripravo dokazila o uvozu;
102 Pravna redakcija
So that several operations can be carried out at the same time under one licence or certificate, provision should be made for extracts of licences and certificates to be issued which have the same effect as the licences and certificates from which they are extracted.
Da bi bilo mogoče hkrati opravljati več dejavnosti z enim samim dovoljenjem ali potrdilom, je treba urediti izdajo izpiskov iz dovoljenj in potrdil, z enakim pravnim učinkom kot izvorna dovoljenja in potrdila,.
103 Pravna redakcija
Licences and extracts issued, and entries and endorsements made, by the authorities of one Member State shall have the same legal effect in each of the other Member States as documents issued, and entries and endorsements made, by the authorities of such Member States.
Dovoljenja in delna dovoljenja, ki jih izdajo, izpolnijo in potrdijo organi ene izmed držav članic, imajo enako pravno veljavo v vsaki drugi državi članici, kot dokumenti, ki jih izdajo, izpolnijo in potrdijo organi teh držav članic.
104 Pravna redakcija
By 10 October each year, the Member States shall notify the Commission of the list of operators who have submitted requests for registration and for renewal of registration, and in the case of renewals the serial numbers of licences or any licence extracts, used and issued.
Vsako leto do 10. oktobra države članice uradno obvestijo Komisijo o seznamu dobaviteljev, ki so vložili zahtevke za registracijo in obnovitev registracije, v primeru obnovitev pa serijske številke dovoljenj ali kakršnih koli izpiskov iz dovoljenja, uporabljenih in izdanih.
105 Pravna redakcija
These authorities shall so place their stamp that one half is on the licence, certificate or extract therefrom and the other on the extension page, and for each further extension page issued a further stamp shall be placed in like manner across such page and the preceding page.
Ti organi žigosajo dodatne strani tako, da je ena polovica žiga na dovoljenju, potrdilu ali izpisku in druga na dodatni strani, za vsako nadaljnjo dodatno stran pa se žigosa na podoben način nova dodatna stran in prejšnja stran.
106 Pravna redakcija
Licences or certificates and extracts issued and entries and endorsements made by the authorities of a Member State shall have the same legal effects in each of the other Member States as documents issued and entries and endorsements made by the authorities of these Member States.
Dovoljenja ali potrdila in izdani izpiski ter vnosi in zaznamki, ki so jih vpisali organi ene države članice, imajo v vseh drugih državah članicah enake pravne posledice kakor izdani dokumenti ter vnosi in zaznamki, ki so jih vpisali organi teh držav članic.
107 Pravna redakcija
A replacement licence, certificate or extract shall contain the information and entries appearing on the document which it replaces, it shall be issued for a quantity of goods which, with the addition of the tolerance margin, is equal to the available quantity as shown on the lost document.
Nadomestno dovoljenje, potrdilo ali izpisek vsebuje podatke in vnose, ki so bili vpisani v dokument, katerega nadomešča. Izda se za količino blaga, ki je, skupaj s toleranco, enaka razpoložljivi količini, ki je bila navedena na izgubljenem dokumentu.
108 Pravna redakcija
Without prejudice to the second subparagraph of Article 13(1) and Article 19(1), applications for licences or certificates, licences and certificates and extracts therefrom shall be drawn up on forms conforming to the specimens set out in Annex I. Such forms must be completed following the instructions given therein and in accordance with the specific Community provisions applicable to the relevant product sector.
Brez poseganja v drugi pododstavek člena 13(1) in člen 19(1) se zahtevki za dovoljenja ali potrdila, dovoljenja in potrdila ter izpiski iz njih sestavijo na obrazcih, ki ustrezajo vzorcem, določenim v prilogi I. Takšni obrazci morajo biti izpolnjeni v skladu s priloženimi navodili in v skladu s podrobnimi predpisi v Skupnosti, ki se uporabljajo v ustreznem sektorju.
109 Pravna redakcija
In the event of a request for transfer by the titular holder or transfer back to the titular holder by the transferee, the issuing body or the agency or agencies designated by each Member State shall enter the following on the licence or certificate or where appropriate the extract therefrom:
Če imetnik od prevzemnika zahteva prenos pravic nazaj, organ, ki je dovoljenje ali potrdilo izdal, ali služba, ki jo določi vsaka država članica, na dovoljenje ali potrdilo ali na izpisek vpiše naslednje:
110 Pravna redakcija
Without prejudice to the specific provisions to be adopted in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 23, import or export licences and their extracts may not be loaned or transferred, whether for a consideration or free of charge, by the person in whose name the document was issued.
Uvoznih ali izvoznih dovoljenj in njihovih izpiskov ne sme oseba, na katere ime je bil dokument izdan, niti proti plačilu niti brezplačno posojati ali prenašati drugim osebam; to pa ne posega v posebne določbe, ki se bodo sprejele po postopku iz člena 23.
111 Pravna redakcija
Where a licence or certificate or extract therefrom is lost, and the lost document has been used wholly or in part, issuing bodies may, exceptionally, supply the party concerned with a duplicate thereof, drawn up and endorsed in the same way as the original document and clearly marked 'duplicate' on each copy.
Če so dovoljenje ali potrdilo ali izpisek izgubljeni, in je bil izgubljeni dokument uporabljen v celoti ali deloma, lahko organ, ki je dokument izdal, izjemoma izda zadevni stranki dvojnik, sestavljen in izpolnjen enako kot prvotni dokument in jasno označen z 'dvojnik' na vsakem izvodu.
112 Pravna redakcija
However, in cases of doubt relating to an error attributable to the issuing body or to obvious inaccuracies and concerning the items appearing on the licence, certificate or extract, a procedure should be introduced whereby inaccurate licences, certificates or extracts may be withdrawn and corrected documents issued.
V primeru dvoma zaradi napake, ki jo je mogoče pripisati organu, ki je dokumente izdal, ali očitne netočnosti v zvezi s podatki na dovoljenju, potrdilu ali izpisku, se uvede postopek, pri katerem je netočna dovoljenja, potrdila ali izpiske mogoče preklicati in izdati popravljene dokumente.
113 Pravna redakcija
Within a month of the end of each quarter, the competent authorities shall notify the Commission of all quantities re-exported, specifying in each case the category of operators (traditional or non-traditional) to whom the import licences were issued and quoting the serial numbers of the relevant import licences or licence extracts.
V enem mesecu po koncu vsakega četrtletja pristojni organi obvestijo Komisijo o vseh ponovno izvoženih količinah in pri vsakem primeru navedejo kategorijo dobaviteljev (tradicionalni ali netradicionalni), katerim so bila izdana uvozna dovoljenja, ter serijske številke ustreznih uvoznih dovoljenj ali izpiskov iz dovoljenja.
114 Pravna redakcija
With the exception of the cases referred to in paragraph 2, the competent authority shall refuse to issue a replacement licence or certificate or replacement extract where the issue of licences or certificates for the product in question is suspended or where the issue of licences or certificates is effected within the framework of a quantitative quota.
Razen v primerih, določenih v odstavku 2, pristojni organ zavrne izdajo nadomestnega dovoljenja ali potrdila ali izpiska, če je izdaja dovoljenj ali potrdil za zadevni proizvod začasno ustavljena ali če je izdaja dovoljenj ali potrdil opravljena v okviru količinske kvote.
115 Pravna redakcija
Whereas in order to ensure the smooth operation of trade transactions covered by licences, certain practical rules should be laid down, concerning for example the date to be taken into consideration for converting the value of the goods into ecus to be shown on the licence, and the procedures to be followed for obtaining extracts or replacement licences;
ker je treba, da bi zagotovili nemoteno delovanje trgovinskega poslovanja, ki ga zajemajo dovoljenja, določiti nekatera praktična pravila glede, na primer, datuma, ki ga je treba upoštevati pri pretvarjanju vrednosti blaga v ekuje, ki jo je treba prikazati na dovoljenjih, in postopkov za pridobivanje delnih ali nadomestnih dovoljenj;
116 Pravna redakcija
Where there is doubt as to the authenticity of the licence, the extract, or any information in or signatures on the documents presented, or as to the status of the operators completing the formalities for relase into free circulation or for the account of whom those formalities are completed, and where irregularities are suspected, the customs offices at which those documents were presented shall immediately inform the competent authorities of their Member State, as referred to in paragraph 1, thereof by telecommunication.
Kadar obstaja dvom o verodostojnosti dovoljenja, izpiska iz dovoljenja, kakršnih koli informacij ali podpisov v predloženih dokumentih ali statusa dobaviteljev, ki izpolnjujejo formalnosti za sprostitev v prosti promet ali za čigar račun se te formalnosti izpolnjujejo, ter v primeru suma o nepravilnostih, carinski uradi, katerim so bili dokumenti predloženi, o tem prek telekomunikacij nemudoma obvestijo pristojne organe v svoji državi članici, kakor je navedeno v odstavku 1.
117 Pravna redakcija
whereas identification of the country of origin in the case of tariff quotas or in the case of non-preferential imports should be made a primary requirement within the meaning of Commission Regulation (EEC) No 2220/85 of 22 July 1985 laying down common detailed rules for the application of the system of securities for agricultural products (1), as last amended by Regulation (EC) No 3403/93 (2), and entry of the country of origin for the quotas in question and for non-preferential imports in column 31 of the import licence or extract thereof should therefore be required;
ker mora biti identifikacija države izvora pri tarifnih kvotah in nepreferencialnih uvozih glavna zahteva v smislu Uredbe Komisije (EGS) št. 2220/85 z dne 22. julija 1985 o določitvi skupnih podrobnih pravil za uvedbo sistema varščin za kmetijske proizvode fn, kakor je bila nazadnje spremenjena z Uredbo (ES) št. 3403/93 fn, in se za opredeljene kvote in nepreferencialne uvoze zahteva vpis države izvora v stolpec 31 uvoznega dovoljenja ali njegovega izpiska;
118 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31995R2125
The replacement licence and, where appropriate, the extract or extracts shall:
Nadomestno potrdilo in, kjer je potrebno, tudi izpisek ali izpiski:
119 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31994R0738
If the issuing of one or more extracts exhausts the licence, the competent authorities shall retain copy No 1 of the licence. 2.
Kadar je z izdajo enega ali več delnih dovoljenj, dovoljenje izkoriščeno, pristojni organ obdrži izvod dovoljenja št. 1. 2.
120 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000R1291
Where an extract of a licence or certificate, a replacement licence or certificate, or a replacement extract is used, the number of the original licence or certificate shall be inserted in section 106 of the control copy T 5.
Če se uporablja izpisek iz dovoljenja ali potrdila, nadomestno dovoljenje ali potrdilo, ali nadomestni izpisek, se številka prvotnega dovoljenja ali potrdila vpiše v oddelek 106 na kontrolnem izvodu T 5.
121 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31994R0738
No further extract may be made from an extract of a licence, without prejudice to the provisions set out in Article 10. Use of licences or extracts
Na podlagi delnega dovoljenja se ne sme izdati še enega delnega dovoljenja, brez poseganja v določbe člena 10. Uporaba dovoljenj ali delnih dovoljenj
122 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31995R2125
The body that issued the original licence shall keep it and any extract and shall issue a replacement licence and, where appropriate, one or more extracts from the replacement licence.
Organ, ki je izdal izvirno potrdilo, ga obdrži skupaj s kakršnim koli izpiskom in izda nadomestno potrdilo in po potrebi enega ali več izpiskov iz nadomestnega potrdila.
123 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000R1291
The word "extract" shall be entered beside the quantity entered on copy No 1 of the licence or certificate.
Beseda izpisek se vpiše poleg količine, vpisane na izvod št. 1 dovoljenja ali potrdila.
124 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001R0896
keep a copy of each import licence and extract therefrom endorsed on acceptance of a declaration of release into free circulation;
hranijo kopije vseh uvoznih dovoljenj in izpiskov iz dovoljenja, ki se uporabijo za sprejetje deklaracije o sprostitvi v prosti promet;
125 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31995R2125
the application is submitted to the body that issued the original licence and is accompanied by the original and any extract issued.
zahtevek predložen organu, ki je izdal izvirno potrdilo, skupaj z izvirnikom in kakršnim koli izdanim izpiskom.
126 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000R1291
A replacement licence, certificate or extract shall contain the information and entries appearing on the document which it replaces.
Nadomestno dovoljenje, potrdilo ali izpisek vsebuje podatke in vnose, ki so bili vpisani v dokument, katerega nadomešča.
127 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31998R0260
The body issuing the import licence shall indicate the serial number for the quota in the Integrated Tariff of the European Communities (TARIC) in box 20 of the licence or extracts thereof.`
Organ, ki izdaja uvozna dovoljenja, označi serijsko številko kvote v integrirani tarifi Evropskih skupnosti (TARIC) v okencu 20 dovoljenja ali izpiska le-tega.
128 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31994R3168
If the space set aside for debits on a licence or extract thereof is insufficient, the competent authorities may attach one or more extension pages bearing boxes matching those on the reverse of copy No 1 and copy No 2 of the licence or extract with such authorizations as specified in paragraph 7.
Če na dovoljenju ali delnem dovoljenju zmanjka prostora za odpis, lahko pristojni organi v skladu z odstavkom 7 dodajo eno ali več strani, ki vsebujejo enaka polja kot zadnja stran izvoda št. 1 in izvoda št. 2 dovoljenja ali delnega dovoljenja.
129 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31994R3168
At the time of their issue the import licences or extracts shall be given an issue number allocated by the competent authorities of the Member State concerned as follows:
Pri izdaji pristojni organi zadevne države članice opremijo uvozna dovoljenja in delna uvozna dovoljenja s številko izdaje, kakor sledi:
130 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31998R0260
whereas the Member States should be required to put these numbers on the import licences or extract(s) therefrom and to use them in their notifications to the Commission;
ker se od držav članic zahteva, da te številke napišejo na uvozna dovoljenja ali izpiske iz njih in jih uporabijo v obvestilih Komisiji;
131 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31994R0738
Licences and extracts thereof shall be drawn up by the competent authorities on forms conforming to the specimens set out in Annex II A (for imports) and Annex II B (for exports).
Dovoljenja in delna dovoljenja izdajo pristojni organi na obrazcih, ki ustrezajo vzorcem, določenim v Prilogi IIA (za uvoz) in Prilogi IIB (za izvoz). 2.
132 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000R1291
On such further documents, which shall include the entry "licence (or certificate) corrected on..." or "extract corrected on...", any former entries shall be reproduced on each copy.
Na takšnih dokumentih, ki vsebujejo vnos dovoljenje (ali potrdilo) popravljeno dne...' ali `izpisek popravljen dne...', se vsi prejšnji vnosi ponovijo na vseh izvodih.
133 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0017
Entities granted an authorisation, permit, licence or concession to explore for or extract oil and gas or to store natural gas underground pursuant to the following legislative provisions:
Subjekti, ki se jim izda pooblastilo, dovoljenje, licenco ali podeli koncesijo za iskanje ali pridobivanje nafte in plina ali za podzemno skladiščenje naravnega plina na podlagi naslednjih pravnih predpisov:
134 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000R1291
in the cases referred to in Article 32(1)(b) and (2), and subject to paragraph 2, by production of copy No 1 of the licence or certificate and, where applicable, of copy No 1 of the extract or extracts of the licence or certificate, endorsed as provided for in Article 24 or Article 25.
v primerih, navedenih v. členu 32(1)(b)in v odstavku 2 in ob upoštevanju odstavka 2, s predložitvijo izvoda št. 1 dovoljenja ali potrdila in, če je to primerno, izvoda št. 1 izpiska ali izpiskov iz dovoljenja ali potrdila, z vpisanimi zaznamki, kot je določeno v členu 24 ali členu 25;
135 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31998R0260
In the case of non-preferential imports or tariff quotas that are open for several third countries, in column 31 of the import licence or extract thereof in addition to the information already stipulated by Regulation (EEC) No 3719/88, the country of origin in the case of preferential imports and in the case of non-preferential imports must be shown when the licence or extract is charged against the quota.
Pri nepreferencialnih uvozih in tarifnih kvotah, odprtih za več tretjih držav, mora biti v rubriki 31 uvoznega dovoljenja ali njegovega izpiska, s podatki, ki jih že določa Uredba (EGS) št. 3719/88, prikazana država izvora pri preferencialnih uvozih in pri nepreferencialnih uvozih, ko je dejansko uvožena količina vpisana v dovoljenje ali izpisek.
136 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31994R3168
Import licence forms and extracts thereof shall be drawn up in duplicate, one copy, marked "Holder's copy" and bearing the number 1 to be issued to the applicant, and the other, marked "Copy for the issuing authority" and bearing the number 2, to be kept by the authority issuing the licence.
Obrazci uvoznih dovoljenj in delnih uvoznih dovoljenj se sestavijo v dveh izvodih, pri čemer se prvi izvod, ki je označen kot "Izvod imetnika", in ima številko 1, izda vlagatelju, in drugega, označenega kot "izvod za organ izdaje", s številko 2, pa zadrži organ, ki je dovoljenje izdal.
137 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31994R3168
The competent authorities of the Member States concerned may, where indispensable, require the contents of licences or extracts to be translated into the official language or one of the official languages of that Member State.
Pristojni organi zadevnih držav članic lahko, v kolikor je to potrebno, zahtevajo prevod vsebine dovoljenj ali delnih dovoljenj v uradni jezik ali v enega od uradnih jezikov zadevne države članice.
138 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002D0602
The competent authorities of the Member States concerned may, where indispensable, require the contents of licences or extracts to be translated into the official language or one or the official languages of that Member State.
Če je neobhodno potrebno, lahko pristojni organi zadevnih držav članic zahtevajo, da se vsebina dovoljenj ali delnih dovoljenj prevede v uradni jezik ali enega od uradnih jezikov te države članice.
139 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000R1291
Where the issuing body does not consider it necessary to correct the licence, certificate or extract, it shall enter thereon the endorsement "verified on... in accordance with Article 26 of Regulation (EC) No 1291/2000" and apply its stamp.
Če organ, ki je izdal dovoljenje, potrdilo ali izpisek, meni, da popravek ni potreben, vpiše zaznamek preverjeno dne... skladno s členom 26 Uredbe (ES) št. 1291/2000 in žigosa dokument.
140 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31994R3168
Import licences and extracts issued, and entries and endorsements made, by the authorities of one Member State shall have the same legal effect in each of the other Member States as documents issued, and entries and endorsements made, by the authorities of such Member States.
Izdana uvozna dovoljenja ali delna uvozna dovoljenja, kot tudi vpisi in zaznamki organov države članice imajo v vseh drugih državah članicah enak pravni učinek kot dovoljenja in delna dovoljenja, ki jih izdajo organi teh držav članic, ter podatki in zaznamki, ki jih vnesejo organi teh držav članic.
141 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31986R0568
At the end of each fishing period for which a fishing licence has been issued and not later than the end of each period spent in the waters of the third country concerned, the master of the vessel in question must communicate to the authorities of his country an extract from the log book.
Ob koncu vsakega ribolovnega obdobja, za katero je bilo izdano ribolovno dovoljenje, in najkasneje ob koncu vsakega obdobja v vodah zadevne tretje države mora kapitan zadevnega plovila organom v svoji državi poslati izpisek iz ladijskega dnevnika.
142 Prevajalska redakcija
The Contracting Parties undertake to facilitate access to energy resources, inter alia, by allocating in a non-discriminatory manner on the basis of published criteria authorizations, licences, concessions and contracts to prospect and explore for or to exploit or extract energy resources.
Pogodbenice se zavezujejo, da bodo olajšale dostop do energetskih virov med drugim z dajanjem pooblastil, dovoljenj, koncesij in pogodb za iskanje in raziskovanje oziroma za izkoriščanje ali črpanje energetskih virov na nepristranski način na podlagi objavljenih meril.
143 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000R1291
Where a licence or certificate or extract therefrom is lost, and the lost document has been used wholly or in part, issuing bodies may, exceptionally, supply the party concerned with a duplicate thereof, drawn up and endorsed in the same way as the original document and clearly marked "duplicate" on each copy.
Če so dovoljenje ali potrdilo ali izpisek izgubljeni, in je bil izgubljeni dokument uporabljen v celoti ali deloma, lahko organ, ki je dokument izdal, izjemoma izda zadevni stranki dvojnik, sestavljen in izpolnjen enako kot prvotni dokument in jasno označen z dvojnik na vsakem izvodu.
144 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001R1563
Rights deriving from licences or certificates may be transferred by their titular holder during the period of their validity, provided that such transfer is made in favour of a single transferee only for each certificate or extract therefrom and the name and address of the transferee who accepts it are entered in box 20 of the application form for a refund certificate no later than at the time of lodging the application.
Pravice, ki izhajajo iz dovoljenj ali potrdil, lahko prenese njihov imetnik v obdobju njihove veljavnosti, če se tak prenos za vsako potrdilo ali njegov izpisek opravi le v korist enega prevzemnika, ime in naslov prevzemnika, ki ga prejme, pa se najpozneje do vložitve zahtevka navedeta v okencu 20 obrazca za potrdilo o nadomestilu.
145 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31994R3168
Notwithstanding the provisions of Article 1, for a transitional period ending not later than 31 December 1995 and provided that the applicant, at the time of his application has not requested the issue of a Community import licence conforms to the specimen set out in Appendix 1, the competent authorities of the Member States shall be authorized to use their own national forms to issue the import authorizations and any extracts thereof.
Pristojni organi držav članic lahko ne glede na določbe člena 1 v prehodnem obdobju, ki se izteče najkasneje 31. decembra 1995, uporabljajo svoje nacionalne obrazce za izdajanje uvoznih dovoljenj in delnih uvoznih dovoljenj, v kolikor vlagatelj ob vložitvi zahtevka ne zahteva izdaje uvoznega dovoljenja Skupnosti v skladu z vzorcem iz dodatka 1.
146 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31998R0339
Notwithstanding the provisions of Article 31, for a transitional period ending not later than 31 December 1995 and provided that the applicant, at the time of this application has not requested the issue of a Community import licence conforming to the specimen set out in Appendix 1, the competent authorities of the Member States shall be authorized to use their own national forms to issue the import authorizations or surveillance documents and any extracts thereof, instead of the forms referred to in Article 31.
Pristojni organi držav članic lahko ne glede na določbe člena 31 v prehodnem obdobju, ki se izteče najpozneje 31. decembra 1995, namesto obrazcev, predvidenih v členu 31, uporabljajo svoje nacionalne obrazce za izdajanje uvoznih dovoljenj ali listin o nadzoru in delnih dovoljenj oziroma listin, če vlagatelj ob vložitvi svojega zahtevka ni zahteval izdaje uvoznega dovoljenja Skupnosti, ki ustreza vzorcu v Dodatku 1.
147 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31998R0260
whereas identification of the country of origin in the case of tariff quotas or in the case of non-preferential imports should be made a primary requirement within the meaning of Commission Regulation (EEC) No 2220/85 of 22 July 1985 laying down common detailed rules for the application of the system of securities for agricultural products (11), as last amended by Regulation (EC) No 3403/93 (12), and entry of the country of origin for the quotas in question and for non-preferential imports in column 31 of the import licence or extract thereof should therefore be required;
ker mora biti identifikacija države izvora pri tarifnih kvotah in nepreferencialnih uvozih glavna zahteva v smislu Uredbe Komisije (EGS) št. 2220/85 z dne 22. julija 1985 o določitvi skupnih podrobnih pravil za uvedbo sistema varščin za kmetijske proizvode4, kakor je bila nazadnje spremenjena z Uredbo (ES) št. 3403/935, in se za opredeljene kvote in nepreferencialne uvoze zahteva vpis države izvora v stolpec 31 uvoznega dovoljenja ali njegovega izpiska;
148 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001R0024
In order to have statistical information on the use of the various tariff quotas, non-preferential imports and the origin of the various products imported, Articles 6b and 6c of Commission Regulation (EC) No 1445/95 of 26 June 1995 on rules of application for import and export licences in the beef and veal sector(2), as last amended by Regulation (EC) No 1659/2000(3), provide that a security is to be lodged for all import licences where the amount of the security is greater than EUR 5 and that the security is to be forfeit if the country of origin is not indicated on the import licence or extracts thereof.
Da bi imeli statistične informacije o uporabi raznih tarifnih kvot, nepreferencialnem uvozu in poreklu raznih uvoženih proizvodov, člena 6b in 6c Uredbe Komisije (ES) št. 1445/95 z dne 26. junija 1995 o pravilih za uporabo uvoznih in izvoznih dovoljenj za goveje in telečje meso 2, kakor je bila nazadnje spremenjena z Uredbo (ES) št. 1659/2000 3, določata, da je treba za vsa uvozna dovoljenja položiti varščino, kadar je znesek varščine večji od 5 EUR, in da je treba varščino zaseči, če na uvoznem dovoljenju ali njegovem povzetku ni navedena država porekla.
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extract licence