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higher court
101 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003D2317
The selection board shall ensure that Erasmus Mundus masters courses and partnerships correspond to the highest academic quality;
Izbirna komisija zagotovi, da podiplomski študijski programi Erasmus Mundus in partnerstva izpolnjujejo najvišjo akademsko kakovost;
102 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31985L0374
Whereas products age in the course of time, higher safety standards are developed and the state of science and technology progresses;
ker se proizvodi s časom obrabljajo, ker se razvijajo višji varnostni standardi ter ker raven znanosti in tehnologije napreduje;
103 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003D2317
The Community may support structured relations between Erasmus Mundus masters courses and third-country higher education institutions.
Skupnost lahko podpre strukturirane odnose med podiplomskimi študijskimi programi Erasmus Mundus in visokošolskimi ustanovami iz tretjih držav.
104 Prevajalska redakcija
For patients at risk or with ulcers that are difficult to heal, a longer course of treatment and/ or a higher dose should be considered.
Pri bolnikih z razjedami, ki se težko zacelijo, ali tveganjem zanje bo morda potrebno daljše zdravljenje in/ ali večji odmerki.
105 Prevajalska redakcija
For patients at risk or with ulcers that are difficult to heal, a longer course of treatment and/or a higher dose should probably be used.
Pri bolnikih z razjedami, ki se težko zacelijo, ali tveganjem zanje bodo verjetno potrebni daljše zdravljenje ali večji odmerki ali oboje.
106 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1757
This class includes courgettes which do not qualify for inclusion in the higher classes, but satisfy the minimum requirements specified above.
Ta razred vključuje bučke, ki ne izpolnjujejo zahtev za višje razrede, izpolnjujejo pa zgoraj navedene minimalne zahteve.
107 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003D2317
development of cooperation schemes with third-country higher education institutions with a view to offering a course in the country in question.
razvoj programov sodelovanja z visokošolskimi ustanovami iz tretjih držav zaradi ponudbe študijskega programa v zadevni državi.
108 Prevajalska redakcija
To this end, the access of women to education, including technical courses, higher education and vocational training, will receive special attention.
V ta namen se pozornost posveti zlasti dostopu žensk do izobraževanja, vključno s tehničnimi smermi, visokošolskim izobraževanjem in poklicnim usposabljanjem.
109 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31997L0038
Whereas the United Kingdom has altered its education and training course for medical laboratory scientific officer, with the result that this course now requires three years of higher education and thus comes under Council Directive 89/48/EEC (3);
ker je Združeno kraljestvo spremenilo program izobraževanja in usposabljanja za laboratorijskega znanstvenega delavca v zdravstvu in ker program zdaj zahteva tri leta visokega izobraževanja in zaradi tega sodi pod Direktivo Sveta 89/48/EGS3;
110 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003D2317
"graduate or postgraduate studies" means courses of higher education study that follow a first degree lasting a minimum of three years and lead to a second or further degree.
"diplomski ali podiplomski študij" pomenita visokošolske študijske programe po prvi diplomi, ki traja najmanj tri leta, s katerima se pridobi druga ali nadaljnja diploma.
111 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002R2251
Support for vocational training shall not include courses of instruction or training which form part of normal programmes or systems of education at secondary or higher levels."
Podpora za poklicno usposabljanje ne vključuje izobraževanja ali usposabljanja, ki je del običajnega programa ali sistema kmetijskega in gozdarskega izobraževanja na ravni srednjih ali višjih šol."
112 Prevajalska redakcija
Patients appear to be at highest risk of these reactions early in the course of therapy, the onset of the reaction occurring in the majority of cases within the first month of treatment.
Kaže, da je tveganje za takšne reakcije največje v zgodnjem obdobju zdravljenja in da se pri večini bolnikov reakcije pojavijo prvi mesec zdravljenja.
113 Prevajalska redakcija
Patients appear to be at highest risk for these reactions early in the course of therapy; the onset of the reaction occurring in the majority of cases within the first month of treatment.
Kaže, da je tveganje za te reakcije največje kmalu po začetku zdravljenja; v večini primerov so reakcije nastopile v prvem mesecu zdrvaljenja.
114 Prevajalska redakcija
Patients appear to be at highest risk for these reactions early in the course of therapy: the onset of the reaction occurring in the majority of cases within the first month of treatment.
Kaže, da je tveganje za te reakcije najvecje kmalu po zacetku zdravljenja: v vecini primerov so reakcije nastopile v prvem mesecu zdravljenja.
115 Prevajalska redakcija
Patients appear to be at highest risk for these reactions early in the course of therapy with the onset of the reaction occurring in the majority of cases within the first month of treatment.
Kaže, da je tveganje za pojav teh reakcij največje kmalu po začetku zdravljenja. V večini primerov so se pojavile v prvem mesecu zdravljenja.
116 Prevajalska redakcija
Patients appear to be at highest risk for these reactions early in the course of therapy, with the onset of the reaction occurring in the majority of cases within the first month of treatment.
Kaže, da je tveganje za te reakcije največje kmalu po začetku zdravljenja: v večini primerov so reakcije nastopile v prvem mesecu zdravljenja.
117 Prevajalska redakcija
"students" means all those persons following learning or training courses or programmes which are run by higher education or vocational education and training institutions as defined in this Article.
"študenti" pomenijo osebe, ki obiskujejo tečaje bodisi za pridobivanje znanj bodisi zaradi usposabljanja, ali programe, ki jih izvajajo visokošolske institucije ali institucije poklicnega izobraževanja in usposabljanja, kakor je opredeljeno v tem členu.
118 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31994L0005
organizer of a sale by public auction shall mean any taxable person who, in the course of his economic activity, offers goods for sale by public auction with a view to handing them over to the highest bidder;
organizator prodaje na javni dražbi pomeni kateregakoli davčnega zavezanca, ki v okviru svoje gospodarske dejavnosti ponuja blago za prodajo na javni dražbi z namenom, da ga izroči najboljšemu ponudniku;
119 Prevajalska redakcija
The decisions of the Chamber shall be enforceable in the territories of the States Parties in the same manner as judgments or orders of the highest court of the State Party in whose territory the enforcement is sought.
Odločbe senata so izvršljive na območjih držav strank enako kot sodbe ali odredbe najvišjega sodišča države stranke, na katere območju se zahteva izvršitev.
120 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31995L0043
Courses at higher vocational schools ("Berufsbildende Hoehere Schulen") and higher education establishments for agriculture and forestry ("Hoehere Land- und Forstwirtschaftliche Lehranstalten"), including special types ("einschliesslich der Sonderformen"), the structure level of which are determined by law, regulations and administrative provisions.
Programi na višjih poklicnih šolah ("Berufsbildende Höhere Schulen") in višjih izobraževalnih ustanovah za kmetijstvo in gozdarstvo ("Höhere Land- und Forstwirtschaftliche Lehranstalten") vključno s posebnimi vrstami ("einschließlich der Sonderformen"), katerih strukturo in raven določajo zakoni in drugi predpisi.
121 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31995L0043
Courses at higher vocational schools ("Berufsbildende Hoehere Schulen") and higher education establishments for agriculture and forestry ("Hoehere Land- und Forstwirtschaftliche Lehranstalten"), including special types ("einschliesslich der Sonderformen"), the structure and level of which are determined by law, regulations and administrative provisions.
Programi na višjih poklicnih šolah ("Berufsbildende Höhere Schulen") in višjih izobraževalnih ustanovah za kmetijstvo in gozdarstvo ("Höhere Land- und Forstwirtschaftliche Lehranstalten"), vključno s posebnimi vrstami ("einschließlich der Sonderformen"), katerih strukturo in raven določajo zakoni in predpisi in upravne določbe.
122 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001L0019
comprises a post-secondary course of at least three years' duration, or an equivalent duration part-time, at a university or higher education establishment or in another establishment of equivalent level and, where appropriate, the professional training, professional traineeship or professional practice required in addition to the post-secondary course;
vključuje vsaj triletni visokošolski izobraževalni program ali enakovredno dobo izrednega izobraževanja na univerzi, visokošolski ustanovi ali drugi ustanovi enakovredne ravni in, kadar je to primerno, strokovno usposabljanje, strokovno pripravništvo ali strokovno prakso, ki se zahteva poleg visokošolskega izobraževalnega programa;
123 Prevajalska redakcija
"students" means all those persons following learning or training courses or programmes which are run by higher education or training institutions as defined in this Article, and which are recognised or financially supported by the competent authorities.
"študenti" pomenijo osebe, ki obiskujejo tečaje bodisi za pridobivanje znanj bodisi praktične vključene v programe izobraževanja ali usposabljanja, ki jih izvajajo visokošolske ustanove ali ustanove za usposabljanje, kakor je opredeljeno v tem členu, in ki jih priznavajo ali podpirajo pristojni organi.
124 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31992L0051
which shows that the holder has successfully completed a post-secondary course other than that referred to in the second indent of Article 1 (a) of Directive 89/48/EEC, of at least one year's duration or of equivalent duration on a part-time basis, one of the conditions of entry of which is, as a general rule, the completion of the secondary course required to obtain entry to university or higher education, as well as any professional training which is an integral part of that post-secondary course, or - which shows that the holder, after having followed a secondary course, has completed:
iz katerih je razvidno, da je kandidat uspešno zaključil posrednješolski študijski program, ki ga ne predvideva druga alinea člena 1(a) Direktive 89/48/EGS, v trajanju najmanj enega leta ali v enakem trajanju ob delu, za katerega je eden od vpisnih pogojev načeloma končan srednješolski program, zahtevan za vpis v univerzitetni ali visokošolski program, kot tudi strokovno izobraževanje, ki je eventualno dodaten pogoj za vpis v posrednješolski študij, ali - iz katerih je razvidno, da je kandidat po srednješolskem učnem programu zaključil:
125 Prevajalska redakcija
The fluoxetine-treated group continued to have a higher incidence of improvement over the course of the treatment period and by the end of the 8 weeks, approximately 72 % of the fluoxetine- treated dogs had shown improved behaviour (a global severity score of 50 %).
V skupini psov, ki so prejemali fluoksetin, je bila pojavnost izboljšanja tekom zdravljenja vseskozi višja, po 8 tednih se je izboljšanje vedenja pokazalo pri približno 72 % psov, ki so prejemali fluoksetin (globalno točkovanje resnosti 50 %).
126 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31989L0048
which shows that the holder has successfully completed a post-secondary course of at least three years' duration, or of an equivalent duration part-time, at a university or establishment of higher education or another establishment of similar level and, where appropriate, that he has successfully completed the professional training required in addition to the post-secondary course, and
iz katere je razvidno, da je imetnik uspešno zaključil visokošolski študij v trajanju najmanj treh let ali v enakem trajanju ob delu, na univerzi ali visokošolski ustanovi ali v drugi ustanovi, ki nudi enako stopnjo izobrazbe, in da je, v danem primeru, uspešno zaključil poklicno usposabljanje, zahtevano poleg srednješolske izobrazbe, in
127 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31978L1027
In order to be accepted for this training, the candidate must have a diploma or a certificate which entitles him to be admitted to the universities or higher education institutions recognized as having equivalent status of a Member State for the course of study concerned.
Za sprejem na tovrstno usposabljanje mora kandidat imeti diplomo ali spričevalo, na podlagi katerega je v državi članici lahko sprejet na študij na univerzah ali visokošolskih ustanovah s priznanim enakovrednim statusom.
128 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31992L0051
which shows that the holder has successfully completed a post-secondary course other than that referred to in the second indent of Article 1 (a) of Directive 89/48/EEC, of at least one year's duration or of equivalent duration on a part-time basis, one of the conditions of entry of which is, as a general rule, the completion of the secondary course required to obtain entry to university or higher education, as well as any professional training which is an integral part of that post-secondary course, or
iz katerih je razvidno, da je kandidat uspešno zaključil posrednješolski študijski program, ki ga ne predvideva druga alinea člena 1 (a) Direktive 89/48/EGS, v trajanju najmanj enega leta ali v enakem trajanju ob delu, za katerega je eden od vpisnih pogojev načeloma končan srednješolski program, zahtevan za vpis v univerzitetni ali visokošolski program, kot tudi strokovno izobraževanje, ki je eventualno dodaten pogoj za vpis v posrednješolski študij, ali
129 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31985L0432
In order to be accepted for such training, the candidate must have a diploma or a certificate which entitles him to be admitted for the course of study concerned to the universities of a Member State or to higher education institutions recognized as having equivalent status.
Da je kandidat lahko sprejet na takšno usposabljanje, mora imeti diplomo ali spričevalo, ki mu daje pravico, da je sprejet v zadevni študijski program na univerzah države članice ali na visokošolskih ustanovah s priznanim enakovrednim statusom.
130 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001L0019
"- which shows that the holder has successfully completed a post-secondary course of at least three years' duration, or of an equivalent duration part-time, at a university or establishment of higher education or another establishment of equivalent level and, where appropriate, that he has successfully completed the professional training required in addition to the post-secondary course, and"
"- ki dokazuje, da je imetnik uspešno končal vsaj triletni posrednješolski izobraževalni program ali enakovredno dobo izrednega izobraževanja na univerzi, visokošolski ustanovi ali drugi ustanovi enakovredne ravni ter da je, kadar je to primerno, opravil strokovno usposabljanje, ki se zahteva poleg visokošolske izobrazbe, in"
131 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31992L0051
either shows that the holder has successfully completed a post-secondary course, other than that referred to in the second indent of Article 1 (a) of Directive 89/48/EEC, of at least one year's duration, or of equivalent duration on a part-time basis, one of the conditions of entry of which is, as a general rule, the successful completion of the secondary course required to obtain entry to university or higher education, as well as any professional training which is an integral part of that post-secondary course,
iz katerih je razvidno, da je kandidat uspešno zaključil posrednješolski študijski program, ki ga ne predvideva drugi odstavek člena 1(a) Direktive 89/48/EGS, v trajanju najmanj enega leta ali v enakem trajanju ob delu, za katerega je eden od vpisnih pogojev načelno končan srednješolski program, zahtevan za vpis v univerzitetni ali visokošolski program, pa tudi strokovno izobraževanje in usposabljanje, ki je možni dodatni pogoj za vpis v posrednješolski študij,
132 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31989L0048
which show that the holder has successfully completed a post-secondary course of at least three years' duration, or of an equivalent duration part-time, at a university or establishment of higher education or another establishment of similar level of a Member State and, where appropriate, that he has successfully completed the professional training required in addition to the post-secondary course and
iz katerih je razvidno, da je imetnik uspešno zaključil visokošolski program v trajanju najmanj treh let ali v enakem trajanju ob delu, na univerzi ali visokošolski ustanovi ali v drugi ustanovi, ki nudi enako stopnjo izobrazbe, in da je, v danem primeru, uspešno zaključil poklicno usposabljanje, zahtevano poleg visokošolske izobrazbe, in
133 Prevajalska redakcija
In the course of this phasing-out of customs duties and where the level of customs duty in force for Spanish imports into the Community as constituted on 31 December 1985 differs from that for Portugal, products originating in Tunisia shall be subject to the higher of the two rates.
Med to postopno odpravo carin in če se stopnja carin, ki velja za španski uvoz v Skupnost, v sestavi z dne 31. decembra 1985, razlikuje od stopnje za Portugalsko, se za izdelke s poreklom iz Tunizije uporabi višja izmed obeh stopenj.
134 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31998L0005
Whereas to ensure the smooth operation of the justice system Member States should be allowed, by means of specific rules, to reserve access to their highest courts to specialist lawyers, without hindering the integration of Member States' lawyers fulfilling the necessary requirements;
ker bi bilo treba za zagotovitev nemotenega delovanja pravosodnega sistema državam članicam s posebnimi predpisi dopustiti, da dostop do svojih najvišjih sodišč rezervirajo specializiranim odvetnikom brez onemogočanja vključevanja odvetnikov držav članic, ki izpolnjujejo potrebne zahteve;
135 Prevajalska redakcija
This slightly higher incidence is thought to be related to characteristics of the patients undergoing fertility treatment (e. g. age of the female, sperm characteristics) and to the higher incidence of multiple gestations after assisted reproduction techniques. The incidence of congenital malformations after assisted reproduction techniques using Orgalutran is not different from that after using other GnRH analogues in the course of assisted reproduction techniques.
Pogostost pojavljanja prirojenih nepravilnosti v razvoju raznih delov telesa po postopku oploditve z biomedicinsko pomočjo, pri kateri se je uporabilo zdravilo Orgalutran, ni drugačna od tistih, ki uporabljajo druge GnRH analoge v postopku oploditve z biomedicinsko pomočjo.
136 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003D2317
promotion of language skills, preferably providing students with the possibility of learning at least two of the languages spoken in the countries in which the higher education institutions involved in the Erasmus Mundus masters course are situated, and promotion of the understanding of different cultures;
s spodbujanjem jezikovnih spretnosti in znanja, po možnosti tako, da se študentom zagotovi možnost učenja vsaj dveh jezikov, ki se govorita v državah, v katerih so visokošolske ustanove, vključene v podiplomski študijski program Erasmus Mundus, in spodbujanjem razumevanja različnih kultur;
137 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31995L0043
for the VTS-official ("VTS-functionaris") of a total duration of at least 15 years, comprising at least three years of Higher Vocational Education ("HBO") or Intermediate Vocational Training ("MBO"), which are followed by national and regional specialization courses, comprising at least 12 weeks of theoretical training each and culminating each in an examination,
program, ki traja skupaj 15 let in vključuje najmanj tri leta višjega poklicnega izobraževanja ("HBO") ali srednjega poklicnega izobraževanja ("MBO"), ki mu sledijo nacionalni in regionalni programi specializacije, od katerih vsak zajema vsaj 12 mesecev teoretičnega usposabljanja in se zaključi z izpitom,
138 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31995L0043
for the VTS official ("VTS-functionaris"), of a total duration of at least 15 years, comprising at least three years of Higher Vocational Education ('HBO`) or Intermediate Vocational Training ("MBO"), which are followed by national and regional specialization courses, comprising at least twelve weeks of theoretical training each and culminating each in an examination.`
za uslužbenca VTS ("VTS-functionaris"), v skupnem trajanju najmanj 15 let, ki vključuje najmanj tri leta višjega poklicnega izobraževanja ("HBO") ali srednjega poklicnega izobraževanja ("MBO") ter nacionalne ali regionalne programe izobraževanja, od katerih vsak vključuje najmanj dvanajst tednov teoretičnega usposabljanja in se zaključi z izpitom."
139 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003D2317
without prejudice to the language of instruction, provide for the use of at least two European languages spoken in the Member States where the higher education institutions involved in the Erasmus Mundus masters course are situated and, as appropriate, for language preparation and assistance for students, in particular by means of courses organised by the institutions in question.
brez poseganja v jezik pouka zagotavljajo uporabo vsaj dveh evropskih jezikov, ki se govorita v državah članicah, v katerih so visokošolske ustanove, vključene v podiplomski študijski program Erasmus Mundus, in po potrebi jezikovno pripravo in pomoč za študente, zlasti s tečaji, ki jih organizirajo zadevne ustanove.
140 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002R1444
Any training course continuing for the equivalent of at least two years full-time training after the end of compulsory education (see L/1 to L/6 School leaving age) and completed at an agricultural college, university or other institute of higher education in agriculture, horticulture, viticulture, sylviculture, pisciculture, veterinary science, agricultural technology or an associated subject.
Vsako nadaljnje usposabljanje, ki ustreza najmanj dveletnemu polnemu usposabljanju po koncu obveznega izobraževanja (glej L/1 do L/6 starost, ko preneha šolska obveznost) in je zaključeno na kmetijski šoli, univerzi ali drugem visokošolskem zavodu na področju kmetijstva, vrtnarstva, vinogradništva, gozdarstva, ribogojstva, veterine, kmetijske tehnologije ali sorodnem področju.
141 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003D2317
There is wide recognition of the great potential represented by the combined individual strengths of European higher education institutions, by their educational diversity and their wide experience in networking and in cooperation with third countries, which enable them to offer courses of great quality unique to Europe and allow the benefits of international mobility to be shared more widely within the Community and its partner countries.
Priznava se velik potencial, ki ga predstavljajo združene individualne moči evropskih ustanov visokošolskega izobraževanja, njihova raznolikost izobraževanja in njihove bogate izkušnje pri povezovanju v omrežja in sodelovanju s tretjimi državami, kar jim omogoča, da ponujajo zelo kakovostne študijske programe, ki so edinstveni v Evropi, in da delijo koristi mednarodne mobilnosti v širšem smislu v Skupnosti in s partnerskimi državami.
142 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31995L0043
Regulated training courses of a total duration of not less than 15 years, a prerequisite of which is successful completion of eight years of primary education plus four years of either intermediate general secondary education ("MAVO") or Preparatory Vocational Education ("VBO") or general secondary education of a higher level, and which require the completion of a three-year or four-year course at a college for intermediate vocational training ("MBO"), culminating in an examination,
predpisani programi usposabljanja v skupnem trajanju najmanj 15 let, ki so pogojeni z uspešno opravljenim osemletnim osnovnim izobraževanjem in štirimi leti bodisi splošnega srednješolskega izobraževanja ("MAVO") ali pripravljalnega poklicnega izobraževanja ("VBO") ali splošnega srednješolskega izobraževanja višje stopnje in ki zahtevajo zaključek triletnega ali štiriletnega programa na šoli za srednješolsko poklicno usposabljanje ("MBO") z zaključnim izpitom,
143 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002R2286
Where, in the course of a year, imports into the Community of products falling within CN codes 0201, 0202, 0206 10 95, 0206 29 91, 1602 50 10 or 1602 90 61, originating in an ACP State exceed, during a year, a quantity equivalent to the quantity of imports into the Community during whichever year between 1969 and 1974 Community imports of products of that origin were highest, plus an annual growth rate of 7 %, exemption from customs duties on the products of that origin shall be partially or totally suspended.
Kadar med letom uvoz v Skupnost proizvodov z oznakami KN 0201, 0202, 02061095, 02062991, 16025010 ali 16029061 s poreklom iz države AKP v enem letu preseže količino, enakovredno količini uvoza v Skupnost v katerem koli letu med letoma 1969 in 1974, ko je bil uvoz Skupnosti proizvodov z navedenim poreklom največji, h kateremu se doda še letna stopnja rasti 7 %, se oprostitev plačila carin za proizvode z navedenim poreklom delno ali v celoti opusti.
144 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31995L0043
Regulated training courses of a total duration not less than 16 years, a prerequisite of which is successful completion of eight years of primary education plus four years of at least preparatory vocational education ("VBO") or a higher level of general secondary education, and which require the completion of at least four years of vocational training in the apprenticeship system, comprising at least one day of theoretical instruction at a college each week and on the other days practical training centre or in a firm, and culminating in a secondary or tertiary level examination.
predpisani programi usposabljanja v skupnem trajanju najmanj 16 let, ki so pogojeni z uspešno končano osemletno osnovno šolo in štirimi leti vsaj pripravljalnega poklicnega izobraževanja ("VBO") ali splošnega srednješolskega izobraževanja višje stopnje, in ki zahtevajo končanje vsaj štiriletnega programa poklicnega usposabljanja v vajenskem sistemu, ki vključuje vsaj en dan teoretičnega pouka na teden na višji šoli ter praktično usposabljanje ostale dni v tednu v centru za praktično usposabljanje ali podjetju, z zaključnim izpitom na srednji ali visoki ravni.
145 Prevajalska redakcija
Should the Parties be unable in the course of consultations to reach a satisfactory solution within the period specified in Article 14 (1), the Community shall have the right to introduce a definitive quantitative limit at an annual level not lower than the level resulting from the application of the formula set out in paragraph 2, or 106 % of the level of imports reached during the calendar year preceding that in which imports exceeded the level resulting from the application of the formula set out in paragraph 2 and gave rise to the request for consultations, whichever is the higher.
Če pogodbenici na posvetovanjih ne uspeta najti zadovoljive rešitve v roku iz člena 14(1), lahko Skupnost uvede dokončno letno količinsko omejitev, ki ni nižja od nivoja, izračunanega po formuli iz odstavka 2, ali nižja od 106 % nivoja uvoza, doseženega v koledarskem letu pred letom, v katerem je uvoz presegel stopnjo, izračunano po formuli iz odstavka 2 in povzročil vložitev zahteve po posvetovanju, kar je višje.
146 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31995L0043
regulated training courses of a total duration of not less than 16 years, a prerequisite of which is successful completion of eight years of primary education plus four years of at least preparatory vocational education ("VBO") or a higher level of general secondary education, and which require the completion of at least four years of vocational training in the apprenticeship system, comprising at least one day of theoretical instruction at a college each week and on the other days practical training in a practical training centre or in a firm, and culminating in a secondary or tertiary level examination.
predpisani programi usposabljanja v skupnem trajanju najmanj 16 let, ki so pogojeni z uspešno končano osemletno osnovno šolo in štirimi leti vsaj pripravljalnega poklicnega izobraževanja ("VBO") ali splošnega srednješolskega izobraževanja višje stopnje, in ki zahtevajo dokončan vsaj štiriletni program poklicnega usposabljanja v vajenskem sistemu, ki vsebuje vsaj en dan teoretičnega pouka na teden na višji šoli ter praktično usposabljanje ostale dni v tednu v centru za praktično usposabljanje ali podjetju, z zaključnim izpitom na srednji ali visoki ravni.
147 Prevajalska redakcija
If nuclear damage gives rise to liability of more than one operator in accordance with this Convention, the liability of these operators shall be joint and several, provided that where such liability arises as a result of nuclear damage caused by a nuclear incident involving nuclear substances in the course of carriage in one and the same means of transport, or, in the case of storage incidental to the carriage, in one and the same nuclear installation, the maximum total amount for which such operators shall be liable shall be the highest amount established with respect to any of them pursuant to Article 7.
Če v skladu s to konvencijo za jedrsko škodo odgovarja več uporabnikov, je odgovornost teh uporabnikov skupna in solidarna, če je ta odgovornost posledica jedrske škode, povzročene z jedrsko nesrečo, v katero so vključene jedrske snovi, ki so med prevozom na enem in istem prevoznem sredstvu ali v primeru skladiščenja med prevozom v eni in isti jedrski napravi, potem je najvišji skupni znesek, za katerega so ti uporabniki odgovorni, najvišji znesek, ki je v skladu s členom 7 določen za vsakega izmed njih.
148 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31989L0048
Whereas, in order to provide a rapid response to the expectations of nationals of Community countries who hold higher-education diplomas awarded on completion of professional education and training issued in a Member State other than that in which they wish to pursue their profession, another method of recognition of such diplomas should also be put in place such as to enable those concerned to pursue all those professional activities which in a host Member State are dependent on the completion of post-secondary education and training, provided they hold such a diploma preparing them for those activities awarded on completion of a course of studies lasting at least three years and issued in another Member State;
ker je za to, da se hitro odgovori na pričakovanja državljanov držav članic skupnosti, ki imajo visokošolske diplome, ki podeljujejo poklicno izobrazbo in so bile izdane v eni od držav članic, ki ni država članica, v kateri želijo opravljati svoj poklic, potrebno obenem vzpostaviti še drug način priznavanja diplom, ki bo omogočal državljanom opravljanje vseh poklicnih aktivnosti, ki so v neki državi članici gostiteljici podvržene zahtevi po izobrazbi, ki presega srednjo stopnjo, če imajo diplomo, ki jih pripravlja na opravljanje take aktivnosti in zajemajo najmanj tri leta trajajočega postopka študija ter so bile izdane v drugi državi članici;
149 Prevod
When, for a given product obtained, a percentage rule limits in List A and in List B the value of the materials and parts which can be used, the total value of these materials and parts, whether or not they have changed tariff heading in the course of the working, processing or assembly within the limits and under the conditions laid down in each of those two lists, may not exceed, in relation to the value of the product obtained, the value corresponding either to the common rate, if the rates are identical in both lists, or to the higher of the two if they are different.
Če za dani pridobljeni izdelek odstotno pravilo v Seznamu A in Seznamu B omejuje vrednost materialov in delov, ki se lahko uporabijo, skupna vrednost teh materialov in delov, ne glede na to ali spremenijo tarifno številko med obdelavo, predelavo ali sestavljanjem, v mejah in pod pogoji, določenimi v vsakem od teh dveh seznamov, ne sme presegati, glede na vrednost pridobljenega izdelka, vrednosti, ki ustreza bodisi skupni stopnji, če sta stopnji v obeh seznamih enaki, ali pa višji od obeh, če sta različni.
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higher court