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101 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000L0060
The network shall contain a sufficient number of sites of high status to provide a sufficient level of confidence about the values for the reference conditions, given the variability in the values of the quality elements corresponding to high ecological status for that surface water body type and the modelling techniques which are to be applied under paragraph (v).
Mrežo sestavlja zadostno število mest z zelo dobrim stanjem, da se zagotovi zadostna raven zaupanja za vrednosti za referenčne razmere glede na spremenljivost vrednosti elementov kakovosti, ki ustrezajo zelo dobremu ekološkemu stanju za ta tip vodnega telesa površinske vode, in glede na metode modeliranja, ki se uporabijo po odstavku (v).
102 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31994L0046
The offering by satellite operators of space segment capacity of national, private or international satellite systems to licensed satellite earth station network operators, is still, in some Member States, subject to regulatory restrictions other than those compatible with frequency and site coordination arrangements required under the international commitments of Member States.
Kadar satelitski operaterji ponujajo kapaciteto vesoljskega segmenta nacionalnih, zasebnih ali mednarodnih satelitskih sistemov operaterjem omrežij satelitskih zemeljskih postaj, ki imajo licenco, v nekaterih državah članicah še vedno veljajo drugačne regulativne omejitve od tistih, združljivih z ureditvijo frekvenčne in prostorske koordinacije, ki se zahteva v okviru mednarodnih obveznosti držav članic.
103 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31994L0046
In assessing the measures of this Directive, the Commission, in the context of the achievement of the fundamental objectives of the Treaty referred to in Article 2 thereof, including that of strengthening the Community's economic and social cohesion as referred to in Article 130 (a), will also take into account the situation of those Member States in which the terrestrial network is not yet sufficiently developed and which could justify the deferment for these Member States, as regards satellite services and to the extent necessary, of the date of full application of the provisions of this Directive until 1 January 1996,
Pri ocenjevanju ukrepov te direktive bo Komisija v smislu doseganja temeljnih ciljev Pogodbe iz člena 2 Pogodbe, vključno s ciljem krepitve ekonomske in socialne kohezije Skupnosti iz člena 130(a), upoštevala tudi položaj tistih držav članic, v katerih prizemno omrežje še ni dovolj razvito, na podlagi katerega bi lahko za te države članice glede satelitskih storitev in v potrebnem obsegu upravičila odlog datuma popolne uporabe določb te direktive do 1. januarja 1996,
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