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payments of compensation
101 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0103
For the products listed in Annex II to Regulation (EC) No 2200/96, the Community withdrawal compensation referred to in Articles 23, 24 and 26 of that Regulation shall be paid, provided the producer organisations referred to in Article 11 of Regulation (EC) No 2200/96 or their associations submit a payment application file to the competent authority of the Member State.
Za proizvode, navedene v Prilogi II k Uredbi (ES) št. 2200/96, se plaèa nadomestilo Skupnosti za umik s trga iz èlenov 23, 24 in 26 navedene uredbe pod pogojem, da organizacije proizvajalcev iz èlena 11 Uredbe (ES) št. 2200/96 ali njihova združenja pristojnemu organu države èlanice predložijo zahtevek za plaèilo.
102 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0103
checks that the accounts are correct, in particular the veracity of net receipts by the producer organisations as declared in their payment applications, the proportionality of any withdrawal costs, the entries in the accounts regarding the receipt by the producer organisations of the Community withdrawal compensation and any amounts thereof paid on to members, ensuring that these tally;
preglede, da so raèunovodski izkazi pravilni, zlasti verodostojnost neto prejemkov organizacij proizvajalcev, kakor so navedeni v njihovih zahtevkih za plaèilo, sorazmernost vseh stroškov umika s trga, knjiženje v raèunovodske izkaze s strani organizacij proizvajalcev o prejemu nadomestila Skupnosti za umik s trga in vseh zneskov iz naslova nadomestil, izplaèanih èlanom, s èimer se zagotovi, da se ti ujemajo;
103 Končna redakcija
Member States shall promptly forward to the Commission details, classified by category of obligation, of compensation payments made in respect of financial burdens devolving upon transport undertakings by reason of the maintenance of the public service obligations set out in Article 2 or by reason of the application to passenger transport of transport rates and conditions imposed in the interests of one or more particular categories of person.
Države èlanice Komisiji takoj sporoèijo podrobnosti, razvršĂ¨ene po vrsti obveznosti, o plaèilih nadomestil za finanène obremenitve, naložene prevoznim podjetjem zaradi ohranitve obveznosti javnih služb iz èlena 2, ali zaradi uporabe prevoznih tarif in pogojev pri prevozu potnikov, uvedenih v interesu ene ali veè posameznih skupin oseb.
104 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R1605
The authorising officer shall be liable to payment of compensation as laid down in the Staff Regulations, which specify that an official may be required to make good, in whole or in part, any damage suffered by the Communities as a result of serious misconduct on his/her part in the course of or in connection with the performance of his/her duties, in particular if he/she determines entitlements to be recovered or issues recovery orders, commits expenditure or signs a payment order without complying with this Financial Regulation and its implementing rules.
Odredbodajalec je odškodninsko odgovoren v skladu s kadrovskimi predpisi, ki določajo, da se od uradnika lahko zahteva, da v celoti ali delno poravna kakršno koli škodo, ki so jo imele Skupnosti zaradi resnega kršenja delovnih obveznosti med opravljanjem ali v zvezi z opravljanjem njegovih nalog, zlasti če določa, katere upravičene zneske je treba izterjati, ali izdaja naloge za izterjavo, prevzema obveznosti, odobrava izdatke ali podpisuje odredbe za plačilo, ne da bi pri tem upošteval finančno uredbo in pravila za njeno izvajanje.
105 Končna redakcija
Expenditure relating to the payment of the Community withdrawal compensation and to Community financing of the operational fund, the specific measures referred to in Article 17 and Articles 53, 54 and 55 and checks by experts of the Member States made available to the Commission in application of Article 40(1) shall be deemed to be intervention to stabilise agricultural markets within the meaning of Article 1(2)(b) of Regulation (EC) No 1257/1999(27).
Izdatki, ki so povezani s plačilom kompenzacije Skupnosti za umik s trga in s financiranjem operativnega sklada s strani Skupnosti, s posebnimi ukrepi iz člena 17 in členov 53, 54 in 55 ter s pregledi strokovnjakov držav članic, ki so na voljo Komisiji pri izvajanju člena 40(1), se štejejo za intervencijo za stabilizacijo kmetijskih trgov v smislu člena 1(2)(b) Uredbe (ES) št. 1258/1999(*).
106 Končna redakcija
With regard to payments covered by A (1), compensation shall be equal to the difference between the financial burden which the undertaking bears and that which it would bear if, with the same number of persons actively employed and receiving the same remuneration, they were subject either to the scheme under the general law (general social security scheme or compulsory supplementary schemes) or to the scheme applicable to other modes of transport.
Glede plačil, ki jih zajema A(1), je nadomestilo enako razliki med finančnimi obveznostmi podjetja, in tistimi, ki bi jih imelo, če bi z enakim številom aktivno zaposlenih oseb z enakim plačilom prispevali v program prispevkov po splošnem zakonu (program splošnega socialnega zavarovanja ali obveznega dodatnega zavarovanja) ali v program, ki se uporablja za druge vrste prometa.
107 Končna redakcija
In cases not involving fraud, in order to provide the appointing authority with the necessary expertise, each institution will set up a specialised financial irregularities panel which will determine whether or not an irregularity has occurred which could make the official or other servant liable to disciplinary action or payment of compensation and, if it has detected problems with systems, to report to the authorising officer and the internal auditor.
Da bi za primere, ki ne pomenijo goljufije, zagotovili ustrezno strokovno znanje organu za imenovanja, vsaka institucija ustanovi posebno komisijo za finančne nepravilnosti, ki ugotavlja, ali je bila storjena nepravilnost, za katero bi moral uradnik ali drug uslužbenec disciplinsko odgovarjati ali plačati kazen, in če odkrije težave v sistemu, poročati odredbodajalcu in notranjemu revizorju.
108 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0103
Payment of Community withdrawal compensation
Plačilo nadomestila Skupnosti za umik s trga
109 Pravna redakcija
in case of payments of compensation for financial losses, other than loss of earnings, due to prohibitions and/or restrictions, as defined in point (c) of Article 23(2) of Directive 2000/29/EC, an official statement for payments made or to be made and the method of calculation;
v primeru plačila odškodnin za finančne izgube, razen izgubljenega zaslužka, zaradi prepovedi in/ali omejitev, kot so opredeljene v točki (c) člena 23(2) Direktive 2000/29/ES, uradno poročilo o plačilih, ki so bila ali se bodo izvršila, ter metodo izračuna;
110 Pravna redakcija
Proper payment of Community withdrawal compensation (Article 29)
Ustrezno izplačevanje nadomestil Skupnosti za umik s trga (člen 29)
111 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31992D0097
on payment of compensation for the resulting imbalance by one party to the other; or
da ena stran plača drugi nadomestilo za neravnovesje, ki iz sprememb izhaja; ali
112 Pravna redakcija
Interest shall be added to the amount of the compensation at the rate of 6 % per year from 9 December 1997 to the date of payment of the compensation.
Obresti se dodajo znesku odškodnine po stopnji 6 % na leto od 9. decembra 1997 do datuma izplačila odškodnine.
113 Pravna redakcija
products used for payments in kind (including compensation of employees in kind and mixed income in kind);
proizvode, porabljene za plačilo v naravi (vključno s sredstvi za zaposlene v naravi in z raznovrstnim dohodkom v naravi);
114 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1228
3. Compensation payments shall be made on a regular basis with regard to a given period of time in the past.
3. Nadomestila se izplačujejo redno za določeno preteklo obdobje.
115 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1480
The GOK effectively underwrote the risk of failure of payment by Hynix without asking for any compensation for it.
Korejska vlada je dejansko prevzela tveganje za Hynixovo neplačilo, ne da bi zahtevala kakršno koli nadomestilo.
116 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0103
(b) the amounts of payments by the Member States (in euro or in national currency), broken down into Community withdrawal compensation, supplements to Community withdrawal compensation and compensation for withdrawal of products not listed in Annex II.
(b) zneske plačil (v evrih ali domači valuti) držav članic, razčlenjene na nadomestila za umik, dodatke k nadomestilom za umik in nadomestila za umik proizvodov, ki niso navedena v Prilogi II.
117 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31997R2320
In fact, payment was usually effected by 'compensation`, consisting either of barter trade or the exchange of trade bills.
Dejansko se je plačilo navadno izvršilo s "kompenzacijo", bodisi z neposredno menjavo blaga ali pa izmenjavo komercialnih zapisov.
118 Pravna redakcija
The sanctions, which may comprise the payment of compensation to the victim, must be effective, proportionate and dissuasive.
Sankcije, ki lahko zajemajo tudi plačilo nadomestila žrtvi, morajo biti učinkovite, sorazmerne in odvračilne.
119 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1228
- payments and receipts resulting from the inter-transmission system operator compensation mechanism; - actual payments made and received as well as payments expected for future periods of time, estimated on the basis of past periods.
- plačila in prejemke, ki izhajajo iz mehanizma nadomestil med upravljavci prenosnih omrežij;- dejanska opravljena in prejeta plačila ter pričakovana plačila za prihodnja obdobja, ocenjena na podlagi preteklih obdobij.
120 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1228
The first period of time for which compensation payments shall be made shall be determined in the guidelines referred to in Article 8.
Prvo obdobje, za katero se izplačajo nadomestila, se opredeli v smernicah iz člena 8.
121 Pravna redakcija
Member States may limit or exclude the payment of compensation by that body in the event of damage to property by an unidentified vehicle.
Države članice lahko omejijo ali izključijo plačilo odškodnine s strani tega organa v primeru materialne škode zaradi neznanega vozila.
122 Pravna redakcija
Any payments of contributions due to the Supplementary Fund shall be set off against compensation due to the debtor, or the debtor's agents.
Morebitna plačila prispevkov, dolgovana Dodatnemu skladu, se kompenzirajo z odškodnino, ki jo mora sklad plačati dolžniku ali dolžnikovemu agentu.
123 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31984R2794
amending Regulation (EEC) No 2498/75 laying down detailed rules for the payment of financial compensation for certain Community citrus fruit
o spremembah Uredbe (EGS) št. 2498/75 o podrobnih pravilih za plačilo finančne kompenzacije za nekatere agrume Skupnosti
124 Pravna redakcija
whereas, to facilitate financial management, the payment of more than one annual instalment of compensation in the same budget year should be avoided;
ker se je za lažje finančno upravljanje treba izogibati plačilu več kakor enega letnega obroka nadomestila v istem proračunskem letu;
125 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1228
4. Acting in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 13(2), the Commission shall decide on the amounts of compensation payments payable.
4. Komisija določi višino nadomestil za izplačilo v skladu s postopkom, navedenem v členu 13(2).
126 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31997R2320
In fact, where compensation was the means of payment, no money changed hands and there was therefore no impact on the financial situation of the companies.
Dejansko pri plačilu s kompenzacijo denar ni bil uporabljen ter ni vplival na finančni položaj družbe.
127 Pravna redakcija
As a consequence, in the latter industries, the payments for these persons are recorded as intermediate consumption and not as compensation of employees.
Posledično se zato v dejavnostih, v katerih osebe delajo, izplačila zanje prikažejo kot vmesna potrošnja in ne kot sredstva za zaposlene.
128 Pravna redakcija
If forward rate agreements in a foreign currency are held, there shall be an effect on the average cost of this currency position in the compensation payment.
Pri nestandardiziranih pogodbah na obrestno mero v tuji valuti pride do vpliva na povprečno nabavno vrednost pozicije te valute v kompenzacijskem plačilu.
129 Pravna redakcija
Administrators of imprest accounts shall render themselves liable to disciplinary action and, where appropriate, to payment of compensation in the following cases:
Upravitelji računov akontacij so disciplinskemu odgovorni in, kjer je primerno, zavezani plačilu nadomestila v naslednjih primerih:
130 Pravna redakcija
Any compensation payments (e. g. insurance payments for hail damage) during the accounting year are to be added to the total for sales of the products concerned wherever they can be allocated to the production of such products;
Kakršna koli nadomestila (na primer odškodnino zavarovalnice za škodo po toči) med obračunskim letom tudi dodamo k celotnemu znesku prodaje teh proizvodov, kadar jih lahko povežemo z njihovo proizvodnjo; sicer pa jih vpišemo pod rubriko 181
131 Pravna redakcija
On the basis of the panel's opinion, the Commission shall decide whether to initiate proceedings entailing liability to disciplinary action or to payment of compensation.
Na podlagi mnenja foruma Komisija odloči, ali naj začne postopek za ugotavljanje odgovornosti za disciplinske ukrepe ali plačilo nadomestila.
132 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
These payments are often made to groups of market producers, and should be treated as subsidies to agriculture, since they are direct compensation for loss of production,
Ta plačila pogosto prejmejo skupine tržnih proizvajalcev in jih je treba obravnavati kot subvencije kmetijstvu, saj so neposredna nadomestila za izgubo proizvodnje,
133 Pravna redakcija
An Authorising Officer shall render himself liable to disciplinary action and, where appropriate, to payment of compensation if he enters into a commitment of expenditure or signs a payment order without complying with this Regulation.
Odredbodajalec je disciplinsko odgovoren in, kjer je primerno, zavezan plačilu nadomestila, če prevzame obveznost za odhodke oziroma podpiše izplačilni nalog, ki ni skladen s to uredbo.
134 Pravna redakcija
This is on the understanding that payment of a first instalment equal to one third of the financial compensation specified in the Agreement is effected by 31 October 1987.
To velja ob razumevanju, da bo plačilo prvega obroka, enako eni tretjini finančnega nadomestila, navedenega v sporazumu, opravljeno do 31. oktobra 1987.
135 Pravna redakcija
It is understood that, in this case, the payment of the financial compensation stipulated in Article 11 of the Protocol shall be effected by the beginning of the fishing year.
Razume se, da bo v tem primeru plačilo finančne kompenzacije, predvidene v členu 11 Protokola, izvedeno do začetka ribolovnega leta.
136 Pravna redakcija
This is on the understanding that payment of a first instalment equal to one third of the financial compensation sppecified in the Agreement is effected by 31 October 1987.
To velja ob razumevanju, da bo plačilo prvega obroka, enako eni tretjini finančnega nadomestila, navedenega v sporazumu, opravljeno do 31. oktobra 1987.
137 Pravna redakcija
This is on the understanding that payment of the first instalment equal to one-third of the financial compensation specified in the Agreement is to be effected by 31 March 1987.
To velja ob razumevanju, da bo plačilo prvega obroka, enako eni tretjini finančnega nadomestila, navedenega v sporazumu, opravljeno do 31. marca 1987.
138 Pravna redakcija
The financial contribution deriving from the direct payment of licences by the vessels owners will be deducted from the Community global compensation as set out in Article 11(1).
Finančni prispevek, ki izhaja iz neposrednega plačila dovoljenj s strani lastnikov ladij, se odšteje od globalnega nadomestila Skupnosti, ki je določeno v členu 11(1).
139 Pravna redakcija
These provisions shall also apply, mutatis mutandis, in case of liability of the Financial Controller and Assistant Financial Controllers to payment of compensation and disciplinary action.
Te določbe se prav tako smiselno uporabljajo v primeru odgovornosti finančnega nadzornika ter pomožnih finančnih nadzornikov do plačila nadomestil in disciplinskih ukrepov.
140 Pravna redakcija
whereas, however, Member States should be given the possibility of applying certain limited exclusions as regards the payment of compensation by that body and of providing that compensation for damage to property caused by an unidentified vehicle may be limited or excluded in view of the danger of fraud;
ker je treba dati državam članicam možnost, da uporabijo določene omejene izjeme v zvezi s plačilom odškodnin s strani tega organa in zagotovijo, da se lahko odškodnina za materialno škodo, ki jo povzroči neznano vozilo, omeji ali izključi zaradi nevarnosti goljufije;
141 Pravna redakcija
The Accounting Officer and Assistant Accounting Officers shall render themselves liable to disciplinary action and, where appropriate, to payment of compensation in the following cases:
Računovodja in pomožni računovodje so disciplinsko odgovorni in, kjer je primerno, zavezani plačilu nadomestila v naslednjih primerih:
142 Pravna redakcija
'However, Member States may not allow the body to make the payment of compensation conditional on the victim's establishing in any way that the person liable is unable or refuses to pay.'
"Vendar pa države članice ne smejo dovoliti organu, da plačilo odškodnine pogojuje s tem, da oškodovanec kakor koli dokaže, da odgovorna oseba ni zmožna ali noče plačati."
143 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
Likewise, payments made by the employer direct to a transport enterprise for the collective transport of workers (for travel between home and the place of work) count as compensation of employees.
Podobno se plačila, ki jih opravi delodajalec neposredno prevoznemu podjetju za skupni prevoz delavcev (za pot med domom in službo), obravnavajo kot sredstva za zaposlene.
144 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0103
Regulation (EC) No 1433/2003 shall apply to the payment of withdrawal compensation for products not listed in Annex II to Regulation (EC) No 2200/96 and the grant of a supplement to the Community withdrawal compensation provided for in (a) and (b) of the first subparagraph of Article 15(3) of Regulation (EC) No 2200/96.
Uredba (ES) št. 1433/2003 se uporablja za plačilo nadomestila za umik proizvodov, ki niso navedeni v Prilogi II k Uredbi (ES) št. 2200/96, in za dodelitev dodatka k nadomestilu Skupnosti za umik s trga, predvidenemu v (a) in (b) prvega pododstavka člena 15(3) Uredbe (ES) št. 2200/96.
145 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1228
(b) details of the payment procedure to be followed, including the determination of the first period of time for which compensation is to be paid, in accordance with the second subparagraph of Article 3(3);
(b) podrobnosti glede postopka plačil, vključno z določitvijo prvega časovnega obdobja, za katero se nadomestilo izplača, v skladu z drugim pododstavkom člena 3(3);
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payments of compensation