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periodic inspection
101 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0725
7 ensuring that deficiencies and non-conformities identified during internal audits, periodic reviews, security inspections and verifications of compliance are promptly addressed and dealt with;.
.7 zagotavljanje, da se pomanjkljivosti in neskladja, odkrita med notranjimi revizijami, rednimi pregledi, varnostnimi pregledi in preverjanjem skladnosti, ustrezno obravnavajo in razrešijo;
102 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31995L0016
an instruction manual containing the plans and diagrams necessary for normal use and relating to maintenance, inspection, repair, periodic checks and the rescue operations referred to in Section 4.4,
navodila za uporabo z načrti in diagrami, ki so potrebni za normalno uporabo in so povezani z vzdrževanjem, pregledovanjem, popravilom, rednimi pregledi in reševalnimi akcijami, navedenim v oddelku 4.4,
103 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31997R2467
Member States shall check whether the undertaking referred to in Article 3 (2) has been fulfilled, by periodic on-the-spot inspections in such a way that each holding is inspected at least every five years.
Države članice preverijo, ali je izpolnjena obveza iz člena 3(2), z rednimi pregledi na kraju samem, tako da se vsako posestvo pregleda najmanj vsakih pet let.
104 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31985R3143
The inspections shall be accompanied periodically, depending on the quantities processed, by a thorough inspection of the records and verification of compliance with the conditions laid down for the approval of the establishment.
Glede na proizvedene količine se inšpekcijski pregledi periodično dopolnijo s temeljitimi pregledi evidenc in s potrditvijo upoštevanja pogojev, določenih za odobritev obrata.
105 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0725
5 reporting to the company security officer any deficiencies and non-conformities identified during internal audits, periodic reviews, security inspections and verifications of compliance and implementing any corrective actions;.
.5 sporočanje varnostnemu uradniku družbe kakršnih koli pomanjkljivosti in neskladij, odkritih med notranjimi revizijami, rednimi pregledi, varnostnimi pregledi in preverjanjem skladnosti, ter uresničevanje kakršnih koli korektivnih ukrepov;
106 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31990L0385
The notified body shall periodically carry out appropriate inspections and evaluations in order to ascertain that the manufacturer is applying the approved quality system, and shall supply the manufacturer with an evaluation report.
Priglašeni organ občasno opravi ustrezne nadzore in ocenitve, da bi zagotovil, da proizvajalec uporablja odobren sistem kakovosti, in proizvajalcu pošlje poročilo o oceni.
107 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31985R3821
Whereas, in order to ensure that recording equipment functions reliably and correctly, it is advisable to lay down uniform requirements for the periodic checks and inspections to which the equipment is to be subject after installation,
ker naj se za zanesljivo in pravilno delovanje tahografa določijo enotne zahteve za občasne kontrolne in inšpekcijske preglede po vgradnji naprave,
108 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0025
2 Installation drawings and maintenance instructions, including provisions governing periodical inspections, shall be approved by the Administration of the flag State, which shall inspect and approve the plant before it is taken into use..
.2 Načrte instalacij in navodila za vzdrževanje, vključno s predpisi, ki urejajo redne preglede, odobri uprava države zastave, ki pregleda in odobri napravo pred začetkom uporabe.
109 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0009
publish documents providing details of the (national) GLP compliance programme, including information on the legal or administrative framework within which the programme operates and references to published acts, normative documents (e.g., regulations, codes of practice), inspection manuals, guidance notes, periodicity of inspections and/or criteria for inspection schedules, etc.,
objaviti dokumente s podrobnostmi o (nacionalnih) programih skladnosti z DLP, vključno z informacijami o pravnih ali upravnih okvirih, znotraj katerih deluje program, in sklicevanja na objavljene predpise, normativne dokumente (na primer uredbe, pravila o ravnanju), priročnike za preglede, pisne napotke, periodičnost inšpekcijskih pregledov in/ali merila za program pregledov itd.,
110 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001D0264
Periodic inspections of the security arrangements for the protection of EU classified information in the GSC and in the Permanent Representations of the Member States to the European Union, as well as to the Member States premises in the Council buildings shall be carried out by the GSC Security Office and by the NSA concerned, jointly and in mutual agreement(2).
Periodične inšpekcije sistemov za zaščito tajnih podatkov EU v GSS in v stalnih predstavništvih držav članic v Evropski uniji ter v prostorih zgradb Sveta, ki jih zasedajo države članice, izvajajo Varnostni urad GSS in zadevni ONV, skupaj in v medsebojnem soglasju [2].
111 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002R1360
Periodic inspections of the equipment fitted to the vehicles shall take place after any repair of the equipment, or after any alteration of the characteristic coefficient of the vehicle or of the effective circumference of the tyres, or after equipment UTC time is wrong by more than 20 minutes, or when the VRN has changed, and at least once within two years (24 months) of the last inspection.
Redne kontrole v vozilu nameščene opreme se opravljajo po vsakem popravilu opreme ali po vsaki spremembi značilnega koeficienta vozila ali efektivnega obsega avtoplaščev ali po tem, ko napaka UTC časa opreme preseže 20 minut, ali po spremembi registrske številke vozila, ali najpozneje dve leti (24 mesecev) po zadnji kontroli.
112 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003L0085
all holdings with animals of susceptible species shall periodically undergo a veterinary inspection, carried out in such a way as to avoid the spread of foot-and-mouth disease virus possibly present on the holdings, which shall include in particular the relevant documentation, notably the records referred to in subparagraph (a) and the measures applied to prevent the introduction or escape of foot-and-mouth disease virus and which may include clinical inspection as described in point 1 of Annex III or taking of samples from animals of susceptible species in accordance with point of Annex III;
na vseh gospodarstvih z živalmi dovzetnih vrst se morajo redno izvajati veterinarski inšpekcijski pregledi, ki morajo potekati tako, da se prepreči širjenje virusa slinavke in parkljevke, ki je lahko prisotna na gospodarstvih, in morajo zlasti preverjati ustrezno dokumentacijo, še zlasti evidence iz pododstavka (a) in ukrepe, uvedene za preprečitev vnosa ali nenadzorovane širitve virusa slinavke in parkljevke, in lahko zajemajo klinične preglede, kakor so opisani v točki 1 Priloge III, ali vzorčenje živali dovzetnih vrst v skladu s točko Priloge III;
113 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31989R2159
During the implementation of each plan the competent authority shall make periodic checks, by means of their reports which are to be sent to it each year by the producers' organizations concerned and by means of on-the-spot inspections, on the progress being made with the implementation of the approved plan, on whether the work done complies with the technical and financial requirements, and on the accuracy of the supporting documents submitted.
Med izvajanjem posameznega načrta pristojni organ na podlagi poročil, ki mu jih morajo vsako leto posredovati zadevne organizacije proizvajalcev, in na podlagi pregledov na kraju samem izvaja redne preglede napredka pri izvajanju odobrenega načrta, usklajenosti opravljenega dela s tehničnimi in finančnimi zahtevami ter točnosti predložene dodatne dokumentacije.
114 Prevod
The Committee shall meet periodically at a lower level to discuss, in particular and to the extent necessary, for individual facilities, the operation of the coordination arrangements provided for in this Protocol, including, in the light of technical and operational developments, up-dating of agreed estimates of inspection efforts with respect to changes in throughput, inventory and facility operational programmes, and the application of inspection procedures in different types of routine inspection activities and, in general terms, statistical sampling requirements.
Odbor se redno sestaja na nižji ravni, da obravnava zlasti in kolikor je potrebno, za posamezne objekte in naprave, delovanje dogovorov o usklajevanju, opredeljenih v tem protokolu, vključno s, ob upoštevanju tehničnega in operativnega razvoja, posodabljanjem dogovorjenih inšpekcijskih pregledov glede na spremembe v pretoku, inventarju in operativnih programih objekta ali naprave, ter delovanje inšpekcijskih postopkov v različnih vrstah dejavnosti rednih inšpekcijskih pregledov in, na splošno, zahteve statističnega vzorčenja.
Prevodi: en > sl
periodic inspection