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scale out
101 Pravna redakcija
delo in sociala
CELEX: 32003L0006
(41) Since the objective of the proposed action, namely to prevent market abuse in the form of insider dealing and market manipulation, cannot be sufficiently achieved by the Member States and can therefore, by reason of the scale and effects of the measures, be better achieved at Community level, the Community may adopt measures, in accordance with the principle of subsidiarity as set out in Article 5 of the Treaty.
(41) Ker države članice ne morejo v zadostni meri dosegati cilja predlagane aktivnosti, namreč, preprečiti tržne zlorabe v obliki trgovanja na podlagi notranjih informacij in tržne manipulacije, in ker se zato zaradi obsega in učinkov ukrepov bolje dosega na ravni Skupnosti, lahko Skupnost sprejme ukrepe v skladu z načelom subsidiarnosti, opredeljenem v členu 5 Pogodbe.
102 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
(5) Since the objective of the proposed action, namely the creation of common statistical standards which will allow the production of harmonised data, cannot be sufficiently achieved by the Member States and can therefore, by reason of the scale of the action, be better achieved at Community level, the Community may adopt measures, in accordance with the principle of subsidiarity as set out in Article 5 of the Treaty.
(5) Ker države članice ne morejo v zadostnem obsegu uresničiti cilja predlagane dejavnosti, to je ustvarjanja skupnih statističnih standardov, ki bodo omogočali pridobivanje usklajenih podatkov, in ker bi bilo zaradi obsežnosti dejavnosti ta cilj lažje uresničiti na ravni Skupnosti, lahko Skupnost sprejme ukrepe v skladu z načelom subsidiarnosti, kakor je določeno v členu 5 Pogodbe.
103 Pravna redakcija
whereas, in order to achieve the highest degree of comparability, the prices for slaughtered pigs to be taken into account should be those for all important grades on the Community scale for grading pig carcases as set out in Council Regulation (EEC) No 2760/75 (3) at the marketing stage as defined in Commission Regulation (EEC) No 1229/72 (4) and on the markets listed in the Annex to Council Regulation (EEC) No 2762/75 (5);
ker je za doseganje najvišje stopnje primerljivosti treba upoštevati cene za zaklane prašiče za vse pomembne razrede iz lestvice Skupnosti za razvrščanje prašičjih trupov, kakor določa Uredba Sveta (EGS) št. 2760/75( fn ), v fazi trženja, opredeljeni v Uredbi Komisije (EGS) št. 1229/72( fn ), in na trgih, naštetih v Prilogi k Uredbi Sveta (EGS) št. 2762/75( fn );
104 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003L0035
(12) Since the objective of the proposed action, namely to contribute to the implementation of the obligations arising under the Arhus Convention, cannot be sufficiently achieved by the Member States and can therefore, by reason of the scale and effects of the action, be better achieved at Community level, the Community may adopt measures in accordance with the principle of subsidiarity as set out in Article 5 of the Treaty.
(15) Ker ciljev predlaganega ukrepa, ki bi prispeval k izvedbi obveznosti, ki izhajajo iz A rhuške konvencije, države članice ne morejo zadovoljivo doseči in so zaradi obsega in vplivov ukrepa cilji lažje dosegljivi na ravni Skupnosti, lahko Skupnost sprejme ukrepe v skladu z načelom subsidiarnosti, kakor je določeno v členu 5 Pogodbe.
105 Pravna redakcija
Since the objective of the proposed action, namely improvement in the protection of workers from the risks related to exposure to asbestos at work, cannot be sufficiently achieved by the Member States and can therefore, by reason of the scale and effects of the action, be better achieved at Community level, the Community may adopt measures, in accordance with the principle of subsidiarity as set out in Article 5 of the Treaty.
Države članice ne morejo zadovoljivo doseči cilja predlaganih ukrepov, to je izboljšanje varovanja delavcev pred tveganji zaradi izpostavljenosti azbestu pri delu, in ga je zaradi obsega in učinkov ukrepov torej laže doseči na ravni Skupnosti, Skupnost lahko sprejme ukrepe v skladu z načelom subsidiarnosti iz člena 5 Pogodbe.
106 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003L0041
(40) Since the objective of the proposed action, namely to create a Community legal framework covering institutions for occupational retirement provision, cannot be sufficiently achieved by the Member States and can therefore, by reason of the scale and effects of the action, be better achieved by the Community, the Community may adopt measures, in accordance with the principle of subsidiarity as set out in Article 5 of the Treaty.
(40) Ker cilja predlaganih ukrepov, namreč oblikovanja pravnega okvira Skupnosti za institucije za poklicno pokojninsko zavarovanje, ni mogoče zadovoljivo uresničiti na ravni držav članic in ga je zaradi obsega in učinka ukrepov mogoče bolje poskusiti doseči na ravni Skupnosti, lahko Skupnost sprejme ukrepe v skladu z načelom subsidiarnosti, določenim v 5. členu Pogodbe.
107 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003L0059
(23) Since the objective of the proposed action, namely the establishment of a Community-wide standard for initial qualification and periodic training, cannot be sufficiently achieved by the Member States and can therefore, by reason of the scale and the effects of the proposed action, be better achieved at Community level, the Community may adopt measures in accordance with the principle of subsidiarity set out in Article 5 of the Treaty.
(23) Ker države članice ne morejo v celoti doseči cilja predlaganega ukrepa, namreč vzpostavitve enotnega standarda za temeljne kvalifikacije in redno usposabljanje, in se zato ta cilj zaradi obsega in učinkov predlaganega ukrepa lažje doseže na ravni Skupnosti, lahko Skupnost sprejme ukrepe v skladu z načelom subsidiarnosti, določenim v členu 5 Pogodbe.
108 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003L0072
(4) Since the objectives of the proposed action, as outlined above, cannot be sufficiently achieved by the Member States, in that the object is to establish a set of rules on employee-involvement applicable to the SCE, and can therefore, by reason of the scale and impact of the proposed action, be better achieved at Community level, the Community may adopt measures, in accordance with the principle of subsidiarity as set out in Article 5 of the Treaty.
(4) Države članice ne morejo v zadovoljivi meri doseči zgoraj navedenih ciljev predlaganih ukrepov, katerih namen je vzpostavitev cele vrste, za SCE veljavnih pravil o udeležbi delavcev, in ker jih je zaradi obsega in posledic predlaganih ukrepov lažje doseči na ravni Skupnosti, lahko slednja sprejme ukrepe v skladu z načelom subsidiarnosti po členu 5 Pogodbe.
109 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003L0086
(16) Since the objectives of the proposed action, namely the establishment of a right to family reunification for third country nationals to be exercised in accordance with common rules, cannot be sufficiently achieved by the Member States and can therefore, by reason of the scale and effects of the action, be better achieved by the Community, the Community may adopt measures, in accordance with the principle of subsidiarity as set out in Article 5 of the Treaty.
(16) Ker ciljev predlaganega ukrepa, in sicer priznanje pravice do združitve družine za državljane tretjih držav, ki se bo izvajal v skladu s skupnimi pravili, države članice ne morejo zadovoljivo uresničiti in jih zaradi obsega in učinka ukrepa laže uresniči Skupnost, lahko Skupnost v skladu z načelom subsidiarnosti iz člena 5 Pogodbe sprejme ukrepe.
110 Pravna redakcija
In addition to the rates set out in Column I of the foregoing scale, the hotel bill covering room, service and taxes, but excluding breakfast, shall be reimbursed up to a maximum of Bfrs 2 535 for Greece, Bfrs 3 305 for Luxembourg, Bfrs 3 670 for Belgium, Bfrs 3 210 for France, Bfrs 4 420 for the Netherlands, Bfrs 3 225 for Germany, Bfrs 5 055 for Denmark, Bfrs 4 945 for Italy, Bfrs 4 305 for the United Kingdom, Bfrs 4 415 for Ireland, Bfrs 4 685 for Spain and Bfrs 3 625 for Portugal.'
Poleg zneskov iz stolpca 1 zgornje tabele se povrne tudi zneske hotelskega računa za sobo, storitev in davke, vendar brez zajtrka, do največ 2535 belgijskih frankov za Grčijo, 3305 belgijskih frankov za Luksemburg, 3670 belgijskih frankov za Belgijo, 3210 belgijskih frankov za Francijo, 4420 belgijskih frankov za Nizozemsko, 3225 belgijskih frankov za Nemčijo, 5055 belgijskih frankov za Dansko, 4945 belgijskih frankov za Italijo, 4305 belgijskih frankov za Združeno kraljestvo, 4415 belgijskih frankov za Irsko in 4685 belgijskih frankov za Španijo in 3625 belgijskih frankov za Portugalsko.
111 Pravna redakcija
In addition to the rates set out in column I of the foregoing scale, the hotel bill covering room, service and taxes, but excluding breakfast, shall be reimbursed up to a maximum of Bfrs 2 480 for Belgium, Bfrs 3 970 for Denmark, Bfrs 2 365 for Germany, Bfrs 1 680 for Greece, Bfrs 2 940 for Spain, Bfrs 2 745 for France, Bfrs 3 265 for Ireland, Bfrs 3 320 for Italy, Bfrs 2 285 for Luxembourg, Bfrs 2 910 for the Netherlands, Bfrs 3 130 for Portugal and Bfrs 3 300 for the United Kingdom.'
Poleg zneskov iz stolpca 1 zgornje tabele se povrne tudi zneske hotelskega računa za sobo, storitev in davke, vendar brez zajtrka, do največ 2480 belgijskih frankov za Belgijo, 3970 belgijskih frankov za Dansko, 2365 belgijskih frankov za Nemčijo, 1680 belgijskih frankov za Grčijo, 2940 belgijskih frankov za Španijo, 2745 belgijskih frankov za Francijo, 3265 belgijskih frankov za Irsko, 3320 belgijskih frankov za Italijo, 2285 belgijskih frankov za Luksemburg, 2910 belgijskih frankov za Nizozemsko, 3130 belgijskih frankov za Portugalsko in 3300 belgijskih frankov za Združeno kraljestvo.
112 Pravna redakcija
Since the objectives of the proposed action, as outlined above, cannot be adequately achieved by the Member States, in that the object is to establish a framework for employee information and consultation appropriate for the new European context described above, and can therefore, in view of the scale and impact of the proposed action, be better achieved at Community level, the Community may adopt measures in accordance with the principle of subsidiarity as set out in Article 5 of the Treaty.
Ker opisanih ciljev predlaganega programa države članice ne morejo primerno doseči in ker je cilj oblikovati okvir za obveščanje in posvetovanje z delavci, ki bi ustrezal zgoraj opisanemu novemu evropskemu kontekstu, ter se zato lahko glede na obseg in pomen predlaganega programa bolje doseže na ravni Skupnosti, lahko Skupnost sprejme ukrepe v skladu z načelom subsidiarnosti, kakor je določen v členu 5 Pogodbe.
113 Pravna redakcija
Since the objectives of the proposed action, namely, the protection of one design right for one area encompassing all the Member States, cannot be sufficiently achieved by the Member States by reason of the scale and the effects of the creation of a Community design and a Community design authority and can therefore, and can therefore be better achieved at Community level, the Community may adopt measures, in accordance with the principle of subsidiarity as set out in Article 5 of the Treaty.
Ker ciljev predlaganega ukrepanja, namreč varstva enega modela za eno območje, ki zajema vse države članice, države članice same ne morejo ustrezno doseči zaradi obsega in posledic uvedbe modela Skupnosti in organa za model Skupnosti in jih je tako mogoče bolje uresničiti na ravni Skupnosti, lahko Skupnost sprejme ukrepe v skladu z načelom subsidiarnosti, kot je opredeljeno v členu 5 Pogodbe.
114 Pravna redakcija
In accordance with the principles of subsidiarity and proportionality as set out in Article 5 of the Treaty, the objectives of the proposed action, namely to demonstrate solidarity between Member States by achieving a balance in the efforts made by those Member States in receiving refugees and displaced persons and bearing the consequences of so doing, cannot be sufficiently achieved by the Member States and can therefore, by reason of the scale or impact of the action, be better achieved by the Community.
V skladu z načeli subsidiarnosti in sorazmernosti, kakor so določena v členu 5 Pogodbe, države članice ne morejo zadovoljivo dosegati ciljev predlagane dejavnosti, namreč da bi izkazale solidarnost med državami članicami z doseganjem uravnoteženih prizadevanj teh držav članic pri sprejemu beguncev in razseljenih oseb ter prevzemanju posledic tega, in jih torej zaradi obsega ali učinkov dejavnosti laže doseže Skupnost.
115 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0491
(14) Since the objectives of the proposed action, namely to promote, within the framework of a comprehensive approach to migration, a more efficient management of migration flows in close cooperation with the third countries concerned, cannot be sufficiently achieved by the Member States and can therefore, by reason of the scale or impact of the action, be better achieved at Community level, the Community may adopt measures, in accordance with the principle of subsidiarity as set out in Article 5 of the Treaty.
(14) Ker ciljev predlaganega ukrepanja, namreč pospeševati učinkovitejše upravljanje migracijskih tokov v okviru celovitega pristopa k migraciji v tesnem sodelovanju s tretjimi državami, države članice ne morejo doseči zadovoljivo in se zato zaradi obsega ali učinkov ukrepov lahko bolje dosežejo na ravni Skupnosti, lahko ta sprejme ukrepe v skladu z načelom subsidiarnosti, kakor je določeno v členu 5 Pogodbe.
116 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003L0109
(24) Since the objectives of the proposed action, namely the determination of terms for granting and withdrawing long-term resident status and the rights pertaining thereto and terms for the exercise of rights of residence by long-term residents in other Member States, cannot be sufficiently achieved by the Member States and can therefore, by reason of the scale and effects of the action, be better achieved by the Community, the Community may adopt measures, in accordance with the principle of subsidiarity as set out in Article 5 of the Treaty.
(24) Ker ciljev predlagane akcije, in sicer določitve pogojev za dodeljevanje in odvzem status prebivalcev za daljši čas in s tem povezanih pravic ter pogojev za uveljavljanje pravice do prebivanja rezidentov za daljši čas v drugih državah članicah, države članice ne morejo doseči v dovolj visoki meri in jih lahko zaradi obsega in učinkov akcije bolje dosega Skupnost, lahko Skupnost sprejme ukrepe skladno z načelom subsidiarnosti, kot je določeno v členu 5 Pogodbe.
117 Pravna redakcija
Since the objectives of the proposed action, namely to establish minimum standards for giving temporary protection in the event of a mass influx of displaced persons and measures promoting a balance of efforts between the Member States in receiving and bearing the consequences of receiving such persons, cannot be sufficiently attained by the Member States and can therefore, by reason of the scale or effects of the proposed action, be better achieved at Community level, the Community may adopt measures in accordance with the principle of subsidiarity as set out in Article 5 of the Treaty.
Ker ciljev predlagane dejavnosti, in sicer določitev najnižjih standardov za dodelitev začasne zaščite v primeru množičnega prihoda razseljenih oseb in ukrepov za uravnoteženje prizadevanj med državami članicami pri sprejemanju razseljenih oseb in posledic takšnega sprejema, države članice ne morejo doseči v zadostni meri in se zato lahko zaradi obsega in učinkov predlagane dejavnosti lažje dosežejo na ravni Skupnosti, Skupnost lahko sprejme ukrepe v skladu z načelom subsidiarnosti, kakor določa člen 5 Pogodbe.
118 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003D1230
(26) Since the objectives of the proposed programme, which concern the implementation of the Community strategy in the fields of energy contributing to sustainable development, cannot be sufficiently achieved by the Member States acting individually since a promotion campaign and exchanges are required, based on close cooperation on a European scale between the various players at national, regional and local level, and can therefore be better achieved at Community level, the Community may adopt measures in accordance with the principle of subsidiarity as set out in Article 5 of the Treaty.
(26) Ker ciljev predlaganega programa v zvezi z izvajanjem strategije Skupnosti na področjih energije, ki prispevajo k trajnostnem razvoju, države članice s posamičnim delovanjem ne morejo zadovoljivo doseči, ker so za to izvajanje potrebne promocijske kampanje in izmenjave, ki temeljijo na tesnem sodelovanju na evropski ravni med različnimi akterji na nacionalni, regionalni in lokalni ravni, in se zato ti cilji lažje dosežejo na ravni Skupnosti, lahko Skupnost sprejme ukrepe v skladu z načelom subsidiarnosti, kakor je določeno v členu 5 Pogodbe.
119 Pravna redakcija
Since the objectives of the proposed action, namely setting a common level of universal service for telecommunications for all European users and of harmonising conditions for access to and use of public telephone networks at a fixed location and related publicly available telephone services and also achieving a harmonised framework for the regulation of electronic communications services, electronic communications networks and associated facilities, cannot be sufficiently achieved by the Member States and can therefore by reason of the scale or effects of the action be better achieved at Community level, the Community may adopt measures in accordance with the principles of subsidiarity as set out in Article 5 of the Treaty.
Ker države članice ne morejo v celoti doseči ciljev predlaganih ukrepov in sicer ne morejo določiti skupne ravni univerzalne storitve v telekomunikacijah za vse evropske uporabnike in uskladiti pogojev za dostop do javnih telefonskih omrežij na fiksni lokaciji in njihove uporabe ter pripadajočih javno dostopnih telefonskih storitev, niti doseči usklajenega regulativnega okvira za elektronske komunikacijske storitve, elektronska komunikacijska omrežja in pripadajoče naprave, in ker se lahko ti cilji zaradi obsega učinkov bolje dosežejo na ravni Skupnosti, lahko Skupnost sprejme ukrepe v skladu z načeli subsidiarnosti, kot je določeno v členu 5 Pogodbe.
120 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R2369
Permanent withdrawal premiums (Article 7), premium for the creation of joint enterprises (Article 8), small-scale coastal fishing (Article 11), socio-economic measures (Article 12), protection and development of aquatic resources (Article 13(1)(a)), fishing port facilities with no financial participation by private beneficiaries (Article 13(1)(c)), measures to find and promote new market outlets with no financial participation by private beneficiaries (Article 14), operations by members of the trade with no financial participation by private beneficiaries (Article 15), temporary cessation premiums and other financial compensation (Article 16), innovative measures and technical assistance including pilot projects carried out by public bodies (Article 17).
Premije za trajen umik (člen 7), premije za ustanovitev skupnih podjetij (člen 8), mali priobalni ribolov (člen 11), socialno-ekonomski ukrepi (člen 12), varstvo in razvoj vodnih virov (člen 13(1)(a)), zmogljivosti ribiških pristanišč brez finančne udeležbe zasebnih upravičencev (člen 13(1)(c)), ukrepi za iskanje in pospeševanje novih prodajnih možnosti brez finančne udeležbe zasebnih upravičencev (člen 14), dejavnosti udeležencev v trgovini brez finančne udeležbe zasebnih udeležencev (člen 15), začasna ustavitev premij in drugih finančnih nadomestil (člen 16), inovativni ukrepi in tehnična pomoč, vključno s pilotnimi projekti, ki jih izvajajo javne organizacije (člen 17).
121 Strokovna redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0098
(32) Since the objectives of this Directive, namely to contribute to general confidence both in the quality of donated blood and blood components and in the health protection of donors, to attain self-sufficiency at a Community level and to enhance confidence in the safety of the transfusion chain among the Member States, cannot be sufficiently achieved by the Member States and can therefore by reason of its scale and effects be better achieved at Community level, the Community may adopt measures, in accordance with the principle of subsidiarity as set out in Article 5 of the Treaty.
(32) Ker ciljev v tej direktivi, in sicer prispevati k splošnemu zaupanju, tako kar zadeva kakovost dane krvi in komponent krvi ter varovanje zdravja dajalcev, doseči samozadostnost na ravni Skupnosti ter povečati zaupanje v varnost transfuzijske verige v državah članicah, ni mogoče zadovoljivo doseči v državah članicah in jih je zato zaradi njihovega obsega in učinkov mogoče bolje doseči na ravni Skupnosti, lahko Skupnost sprejme ukrepe v skladu z načelom subsidiarnosti, kot je predpisano v členu 5 Pogodbe.
122 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31992L0104
Scaling must be carried out where necessary.
Po potrebi je treba opraviti obtrkavanje kritine.
123 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31998R2848
The balance has an optical read-out scale, and gives a direct reading for the moisture content.
Tehtnica ima optično lestvico za odčitavanje in neposredno pokaže odčitek deleža vlage.
124 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0088
If the full scale value is 155 ppm (or ppm C) or less or if read-out systems (computers, data loggers) that provide sufficient accuracy and resolution below 15 % of full scale are used concentrations below 15 % of full scale are also acceptable.
Če je vrednost obsega skale 155 ppm (ali ppm C) ali manj ali če se uporabijo sistemi za odčitavanje (računalniki, zapisovalniki podatkov), ki omogočajo zadostno točnost in ločljivost pod 15 % obsega skale, so sprejemljive tudi koncentracije pod 15 % obsega skale.
125 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R2287
the Monthly fine-scale Catch and Effort Reporting System set out in Article 12 of Regulation (EC) No 66/98;
mesečni podrobni sistem poročanja o ulovu in naporu, določen v členu 12 Uredbe (ES) št. 66/98;
126 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31992L0057
One or more first-aid rooms must be provided where the scale of the works or the types of activity being carried out so require.
Kadar obseg del ali vrst aktivnosti, ki se izvajajo, to zahteva, je treba zagotoviti en ali več za dajanje prve pomoči.
127 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002D0834
specific targeted research projects generally of a limited scale, carried out by means of partnerships of a size adapted to the needs to be covered;
posebnih ciljnih raziskovalnih projektov na splošno omejenega obsega, izvedenih s pomočjo takega števila partnerjev, ki je prilagojeno potrebam, ki se morajo zadovoljiti;
128 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0253
The Commission, in partnership with Member States, may establish project groups to carry out specific tasks to be completed within a specified time scale.
Komisija lahko v partnerstvu z državami članicami oblikuje projektne skupine za izvedbo posebnih nalog, ki jih je treba zaključiti v določenem roku.
129 Prevajalska redakcija
If the push-button cannot rise freely, some of your insulin will be pushed out of the needle • The scale on the cap shows 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16 and 18 units.
Če se gumb ne more prosto dvigati, bo nekaj insulina ušlo skozi iglo. • Merilo na pokrovčku kaže 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16 in 18 enot.
130 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31978L0629
Moreover, the provisions set out in points 7.1 and 7.2.2 do not apply: - when one of the non-consecutive scale-marks as referred to in point 7.1 (b) is formed by a surface, and
Razen tega pa določila, postavljena v točkah 7.1 in 7.2.2 ne veljajo: - če eno od nezaporednih oznak skale, na katero se sklicuje v točki 7.1(b), tvori ravnina, in
131 Prevajalska redakcija
Some PC suppliers are already marketing PC equipment with integrated G.Lite-ADSL modems so that standard universal solutions can be rolled out in a large scale in the residential market.
Nekateri dobavitelji osebnih računalnikov že tržijo opremo osebnih računalnikov z vgrajenimi modemi G.Lite- ADSL, tako da se standardne univerzalne rešitve lahko v velikem obsegu ponudijo na stanovanjskem trgu.
132 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31977L0388
In any case, these bodies shall be considered taxable persons in relation to the activities listed in Annex D, provided they are not carried out on such a small scale as to be negligible.
V vsakem primeru se ti organi štejejo za davčne zavezance v zvezi z dejavnostmi iz Priloge D, če obseg teh dejavnosti ni tako majhen, da bi bil zanemarljiv.
133 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001R0468
the abovementioned Euro effect which gave a temporary boost to sales and, to a lesser extent, the effects of large scale restructuring carried out by the industry as explained at recital 30.
in sicer že zgoraj omenjenemu učinku evra, ki je povzročil začasen dvig prodaje, ter v manjši meri učinkom obsežnega prestrukturiranja industrije, kot je razloženo v uvodni izjavi 30.
134 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002D0307
Guidelines on the principles, criteria and indicative scales to be applied by Commission departments in determining the flat-rate corrections are set out in Annex III to this Decision. Article 15 1.
Usmeritve o načelih, merilih in okvirnih lestvicah, ki naj jih uporabljajo službe Komisije pri določanju pavšalnih popravkov, so določene v Prilogi III k tej odločbi. Člen 15 1.
135 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31971L0348
Where pre-setting can be carried out by means of several independent controls, the value of the scale interval for one control must equal the pre-setting range of the control for the next smallest decade.
Če se predizbira lahko opravi z več neodvisnimi krmilnimi elementi, mora biti vrednost razdelka za en krmilni element enaka predizbiralnemu območju krmilnega elementa za naslednjo najmanjšo dekado.
136 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001L0086
That Regulation aims at creating a uniform legal framework within which companies from different Member States should be able to plan and carry out the reorganisation of their business on a Community scale.
Namen navedene uredbe je vzpostaviti enoten pravni okvir, v katerem bi lahko družbe iz raznih držav članic načrtovale in izvajale reorganizacijo svojega poslovanja na ravni Skupnosti.
137 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R2328
Should adjustment be carried out between different Member States, it shall be without prejudice to the scale for allocating amounts available and shall be carried out within the limits of the overall annual funding for the scheme as laid down by the budget authority.
Če prilagoditev poteka med različnimi državami članicami, ne sme posegati v sistem za dodelitev razpoložljivih količin in mora potekati v mejah skupnih letnih sredstev za financiranje sistema, ki jih določi organ za izvajanje proračuna.
138 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31977L0649
The method of achieving this is set out in figure 6 of the Appendix to this Annex, the reference plane being a hard, flat, level surface upon which the vehicle stands, and which has two measuring scales firmly fixed to its surface; these shall be graduated in millimetres, the X-X scale being not less than eight metres long, and the Y-Y scale not less than four metres long.
Postopek je prikazan na sliki 6 v dodatku k tej prilogi. Referenčna ravnina je trdna, gladka, ravna površina, na kateri stoji vozilo in na katere površini sta trdno pritrjeni dve milimetrski merilni skali, pri čemer skala x-x ne sme biti krajša od 8 m, skala y-y pa ne sme biti krajša od 4 m.
139 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002D0834
These activities will be carried out by means of research, technological development and demonstration projects of a limited scale, actions to coordinate national efforts and, where necessary, specific support measures.
Te dejavnosti se bodo izvajale s pomočjo raziskovalnih projektov, projektov tehnološkega razvoja in predstavitvenih projektov v omejenem obsegu, aktivnosti za koordinacijo nacionalnih prizadevanj in, kjer je potrebno, posebnih podpornih aktivnosti.
140 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1435
For that purpose it is essential that companies of all types the business of which is not limited to satisfying purely local needs should be able to plan and carry out the reorganisation of their business on a Community scale.
Zato je nujno, da imajo družbe vseh vrst, katerih poslovanje ni omejeno zgolj na zadovoljevanje lokalnih potreb, možnost načrtovati in izvesti reorganizacijo svojega poslovanja na ravni Skupnosti.
141 Prevajalska redakcija
In addition, the cooperation may lead to further concentration among suppliers because smaller ones, which may already work near or below minimum optimal scale, may be driven out of business if they cannot reduce prices further.
Poleg tega lahko sodelovanje povzroči še večjo koncentracijo med dobavitelji, ker so lahko manjši, ki že zdaj poslujejo blizu ali pod minimalno optimalno lestvico, izrinjeni iz poslovanja, če ne morejo še bolj znižati cen.
142 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003L0077
For the test calibration, which must be carried out before each series of tests, it is necessary, for all three types of analyser, to use mixtures containing the gases to be measured to a concentration equal to 80 % of the full scale.
Za kontrolno kalibracijo, ki jo je treba opraviti pred vsakim nizom preskusov, je treba za vse tri vrste analizatorjev uporabiti mešanico z vsebnostjo plinov, ki jih je treba meriti, v koncentraciji 80 % obsega skale.
143 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31991L0497
but in such cases scalding, depilation, scraping and singeing must be carried out in special places which are clearly separated from the slaughter line either by an open space of at least five metres or by a partition at least three metres high;
vendar pa mora v takšnih primerih parjenje, odstranjevanje ščetin, strganje in ožiganje potekati v posebnih oddelkih, ki so jasno ločeni od klavne linije bodisi z najmanj pet metrov širokim vmesnim praznim prostorom, ali z najmanj tri metre visoko pregradno steno;
144 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31983L0090
vendar pa mora v takšnih primerih parjenje, odstranjevanje ščetin, strganje in ožiganje potekati v posebnih oddelkih, ki so jasno ločena od klavne linije bodisi z najmanj pet metrov širokim vmesnim praznim prostorom ali z najmanj tri metre visoko pregradno steno;
145 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001R0469
The improved figures for 1997 and the investigation period were due to the abovementioned euro effect which gave a temporary boost to sales and, to a lesser extent, the effects of large scale restructuring carried out by the industry as mentioned at recital 35.
Izboljšan rezultat v letu 1997 in v obdobju preiskave je mogoče pripisati že zgoraj navedenemu učinku evra, ki je povzročil začasen dvig prodaje, ter v manjši meri učinkom obsežnega prestrukturiranja industrije, kot je razloženo v uvodni izjavi 35.
146 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31980L1119
Whereas, in order to carry out the tasks entrusted to it under the Treaty, the Commission must have at its disposal consistent, synchronized and regular statistical data on the scale and development of the carriage of goods by inland waterway in the Member States;
ker mora imeti Komisija za izvajanje nalog, ki so ji bile zaupane po Pogodbi, na voljo dosledne, usklajene in točne statistične podatke o obsegu in razvoju prevoza blaga po celinskih plovnih poteh v državah članicah;
147 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003L0072
That Regulation aims at creating a uniform legal framework within which cooperatives and other entities and natural persons from different Member States should be able to plan and carry out the reorganisation of their business in cooperative form on a Community scale.
Namen Uredbe je oblikovati enoten pravni okvir, na podlagi katerega bi morale biti zadruge ter druge pravne in fizične osebe iz različnih držav članic sposobne načrtovati in izvesti reorganizacijo svojega poslovanja v obliki zadružništva na ravni Skupnosti.
148 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002D1513
carrying out feasibility studies and preparatory work for the creation of new European scale infrastructures taking into account the needs of all potential users and systematically exploring the possibilities of contributions from e.g. the EIB or the Structural Funds for the funding of these infrastructures;
opravljanje študij izvedljivosti in pripravljalnih del za oblikovanje novih infrastruktur v evropskem merilu ob upoštevanju potreb vseh možnih uporabnikov ter sistematično proučevanje možnosti za finančne prispevke npr. iz EIB ali strukturnih skladov za te infrastrukture;
149 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31998R1172
Whereas, in order to carry out the tasks entrusted to it in the context of the common transport policy, the Commission must have at its disposal comparable, reliable, synchronised, regular and comprehensive statistical data on the scale and development of the carriage of goods by road by means of vehicles registered in the Community, and on the degree of utilisation of vehicles carrying out this transport;
ker mora imeti Komisija za izvajanje zaupanih ji nalog v okviru skupne prometne politike na razpolago primerljive, zanesljive, časovno usklajene, redne in izčrpne statistične podatke o obsegu in razvoju prevoza blaga po cesti s prevoznimi sredstvi, registriranimi v Skupnosti, in o stopnji izkoriščenosti vozil, ki opravljajo prevoz;
150 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0805
Since the objectives of the proposed action cannot be sufficiently achieved by the Member States and can therefore, by reason of the scale or effects of the action, be better achieved at Community level, the Community may adopt measures, in accordance with the principle of subsidiarity as set out in Article 5 of the Treaty.
Ker ciljev predlaganih ukrepov države članice ne morejo zadovoljivo doseči, in se zato lahko zaradi obsega ali učinkov ukrepov bolje dosežejo na ravni Skupnosti, lahko Skupnost sprejme ukrepe v skladu z načelom subsidiarno- sti, kot je to določeno v členu 5 Pogodbe.
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scale out