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time series
101 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0793
Air carriers that repeatedly and intentionally operate air services at a time significantly different from the allocated slot as part of a series of slots or uses slots in a significantly different way from that indicated at the time of allocation and thereby cause prejudice to airport or air traffic operations shall lose their status as referred to in Article 8(2).
Letalski prevozniki, ki večkrat in namerno opravljajo zračne prevoze ob času, ki je znatno drugačen od dodeljenih slotov kot del zaporedja slotov, ali uporabljajo slote na znatno drugačen način, kot je navedeno ob času dodelitve, ter s tem škodijo letališču ali operacijam zračnega prometa, izgubijo svoj status iz člena 8(2).
102 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31997L0068
Each Member State may, at the request of the manufacturer, exempt end-of-series engines which are still in stock, or stocks of non-road mobile machinery in respect of their engines, from the time limit(s) for placing on the market set out in Article 9(4) in accordance with the following conditions:
Vsaka država članica lahko na zahtevo proizvajalca izvzame motorje iz zaključka serije, ki so še na zalogi, ali iz zaloge premičnih strojev glede na njihove motorje od roka za dajanje na trg, določenega v členu 9(4) v skladu z naslednjimi pogoji:
103 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0793
Re-timing of series of slots before the allocation of the remaining slots from the pool referred to in Article 10 to the other applicant air carriers shall be accepted only for operational reasons or if slot timings of applicant air carriers would be improved in relation to the timings initially requested.
Časovna prerazporeditev zaporedij slotov pred dodelitvijo preostalih slotov iz poola iz člena 10 drugim letalskim prevoznikom prosilcem se sprejme samo zaradi operativnih razlogov ali v primeru, da bi se časovni razpored slotov letalskih prevoznikov prosilcev izboljšal glede na prvotno zahtevan časovni razpored.
104 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31996L0062
Member States which do not have representative measurements of the levels of pollutants for all zones and agglomerations shall undertake series of representative measurements, surveys or assessments in order to have the data available in time for implementation of the legislation referred to in Article 4 (1).
Države članice, ki nimajo reprezentativnih meritev ravni onesnaževal za vsa območja in strnjena naselja, morajo izvesti vrsto reprezentativnih meritev, raziskav ali ocen, zato da bodo imele podatke na voljo do roka, ki je za izvajanje zakonodaje naveden v členu 4(1).
105 Prevajalska redakcija
These tests consist of various econometric and statistical approaches estimates of elasticities and cross-price elasticities (5) for the demand of a product, tests based on similarity of price movements over time, the analysis of causality between price series and similarity of price levels and/or their convergence.
Ti testi so sestavljeni iz raznih ekonometričnih in statističnih pristopov, ocen elastičnosti in navzkrižne cenovne elastičnosti [5] povpraševanja po proizvodu, testov, temelječih na podobnosti v gibanju cen v času, analize vzročnosti med serijami cen in podobnosti ravni cen in/ali njihovega zbliževanja.
106 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001L0083
For the control of the finished product, a batch of a medicinal product comprises all the units of a pharmaceutical form which are made from the same initial quantity of material and have undergone the same series of manufacturing and/or sterilization operations or, in the case of a continuous production process, all the units manufactured in a given period of time.
Pri nadzoru končnega izdelka obsega serija zdravila vse enote farmacevtske oblike, ki so proizvedene iz iste začetne količine snovi in so bile podvržene istim vrstam postopkov proizvodnje in/ali postopkov sterilizacije, ali v primeru neprekinjenega postopka proizvodnje, vse enote, proizvedene v določenem časovnem obdobju.
107 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31999L0031
before or at the time of delivery, or of the first in a series of deliveries, provided the type of waste remains unchanged, the holder or the operator can show, by means of the appropraite documentation, that the waste in question can be accepted at that site according to the conditions set in the permit, and that it fulfils the acceptance criteria set out in Annex II;
imetnik ali upravljavec lahko z ustrezno dokumentacijo dokaže, da se obravnavani odpadki lahko prevzamejo na tem odlagališču v skladu s pogoji, določenimi v dovoljenju, in da izpolnjujejo merila za prevzem v skladu s Prilogo II, pred dostavo ali ob dostavi ali prvi od serije dostav, če ostane vrsta odpadkov nespremenjena;
108 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001D0334
A number of key issues were addressed, and the Fijian authorities, represented by Mr. Kaliopate Tavola, Minister of Foreign Affairs, External Trade and Sugar, of the Interim Government of Fiji, presented their point of view and made a series of commitments concerning a timetable for constitutional revision, the holding of free, democratic elections within 18 months and the bringing to justice of those responsible for the coup.
Obravnavala so se številna ključna vprašanja in oblasti Fidžija, ki jih je zastopal g. Kaliopate Tavola, minister za zunanje zadeve, zunanjo trgovino in sladkor začasne vlade na Fidžiju, so predstavile svoje stališče in sprejele niz obveznosti glede časovnega razporeda za ustavno revizijo, svobodnih, demokratičnih volitev v 18 mesecih in sojenja odgovornim za državni udar.
109 Prevod
CELEX: 32002D0158
This Decision shall be published in the Official Journal of the European Communities (L series) at the same time as the general budget of the European Union for the financial year 2002( fn ).
Ta sklep se objavi v Uradnem listu Evropskih skupnosti (serija L) hkrati s splošnim proračunom Evropske unije za finančno leto 2002( fn ).
110 Prevod
the EFTA notices shall be published, by the OPOCE, in the S-series of the EC Official Journal along with EC notices and within the time limits provided for in the acts referred to in Annex XVI;
obvestila EFTA objavi OPOCE v seriji S Uradnega lista ES skupaj z obvestili ES in v rokih, predvidenih v aktih iz Priloge XVI;
111 Prevod
Except as provided in paragraphs 3 and 4, the shipowner at the time of an incident shall be liable for pollution damage caused by any bunker oil on board or originating from the ship, provided that, if an incident consists of a series of occurrences having the same origin, the liability shall attach to the ship-owner at the time of the first of such occurrences.
Lastnik ladje v trenutku nezgode je odgovoren za škodo zaradi onesnaževanja, ki ga je povzročilo gorivo iz rezervoarjev na krovu ladje ali izhaja iz te ladje, če se odgovornost v trenutku prvega takega dogodka, če nezgoda sestoji iz niza dogodkov istega izvora, pripiše lastniku ladje, razen kakor je predvideno z odstavkoma 3 in 4.
112 Prevod
Except as provided in paragraphs 2 and 3, the owner at the time of an incident shall be liable for damage caused by any hazardous and noxious substances in connection with their carriage by sea on board the ship, provided that if an incident consists of a series of occurrences having the same origin the liability shall attach to the owner at the time of the first of such occurrences.
Razen kot je predpisano v odstavkih 2 in 3, je tisti, ki je lastnik v času izrednega dogodka, odgovoren za škodo, ki jo povzročijo nevarne in zdravju škodljive snovi pri prevozu po morju na krovu ladje, če se, kadar je izredni dogodek sestavljen iz niza izrednih dogodkov istega izvora, odgovornost pripiše lastniku ob prvem izmed teh izrednih dogodkov.
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time series