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transfer of technology
101 Končna redakcija
Commission Regulation (EC) No 240/96 of 31 January 1996 on the application of Article 85(3) of the Treaty to certain categories of technology transfer agreements (OJ L 31, 9.2.1996, p. 2).
Uredba Komisije (ES) št. 240/96 z dne 31. januarja 1996 o uporabi člena 85(3) Pogodbe za določene skupine sporazumov o prenosu tehnologije (UL L 31, 9. 2. 1996, str. 2).
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The response to the evaluation report from Member States and third parties has been generally in favour of reform of Community competition policy on technology transfer agreements.
Odgovor držav članic in tretjih oseb na poročilo o ocenjevanju je bilo na splošno naklonjeno reformi konkurenčne politike Skupnosti za sporazume o prenosu tehnologije.
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This generated a public debate on the application of Regulation (EC) No 240/96 and on the application in general of Article 81(1) and (3) of the Treaty to technology transfer agreements.
To je povzročilo javno razpravo o uporabi Uredbe (ES) št. 240/96 in o splošni uporabi člena 81(1) in (3) Pogodbe za sporazume o prenosu tehnologije.
104 Pravna redakcija
carry out transfer of technology and know-how,
prenašati tehnologijo ter znanje in izkušnje,
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assignments of patents, know-how, software copyright or a combination thereof where part of the risk associated with the exploitation of the technology remains with the assignor, in particular where the sum payable in consideration of the assignment is dependent on the turnover obtained by the assignee in respect of products produced with the assigned technology, the quantity of such products produced or the number of operations carried out employing the technology, shall also be deemed to be technology transfer agreements;
podelitev patentov, strokovnega znanja in izkušenj, avtorskih pravic za programsko opremo ali kombinacijo le-teh, kadar je tveganju, povezanim z izkoriščanjem tehnologije, izpostavljen odstopnik pravice, zlasti če je znesek, ki ga je treba plačati za dodelitev, odvisen od prihodkov od prodaje, ki jih prejemnik odstopljene pravice pridobi za izdelke, proizvedene z odstopljeno tehnologijo, pri čemer se količina teh proizvedenih izdelkov ali število opravljenih postopkov z uporabo tehnologije prav tako šteje za sporazume prenosa tehnologije;
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There can also be no presumption that, above these market-share thresholds, technology transfer agreements falling within the scope of Article 81(1) will not satisfy the conditions for exemption.
Prav tako ni mogoče domnevati, da nad temi pragovi tržnih deležev sporazumi o prenosu tehnologije, ki sodijo v območje uporabe člena 81(1), ne bodo izpolnili pogojev za izjemo.
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In order to strengthen supervision of parallel networks of technology transfer agreements which have similar restrictive effects and which cover more than 50 % of a given market, the Commission should be able to declare this Regulation inapplicable to technology transfer agreements containing specific restraints relating to the market concerned, thereby restoring the full application of Article 81 to such agreements.
Zaradi krepitve nadzora nad vzporednimi mrežami sporazumov o prenosu tehnologije, ki imajo podobne omejevalne učinke in ki pokrivajo več kakor 50 % danega trga, bi Komisija morala imeti možnost razglasiti, da se ta uredba ne uporablja za sporazume o prenosu tehnologije, ki vsebujejo posebne omejitve, nanašajoče na zadevne trge, in tako ponovno vzpostavi polno uporabo člena 81 za take sporazume.
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Pursuant to Regulation No 19/65/EEC, the Commission has, in particular, adopted Regulation (EC) No 240/96 of 31 January 1996 on the application of Article 85(3) of the Treaty to certain categories of technology transfer agreements(3).
V skladu z Uredbo št. 19/65/EGS je Komisija sprejela zlasti Uredbo (ES) št. 240/96 z dne 31. januarja 1996 o uporabi člena 85(3) Pogodbe za nekatere skupine sporazumov o prenosu tehnologije [3].
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These agreements could be exempted if they bring specific benefits such as technology transfer, improvement of the quality of the service or enabling better marketing, especially for a new capacity, outweighing the restrictions.
Ti sporazumi se lahko izvzamejo, če prinašajo posebne koristi, kot so prenos tehnologije, izboljšanje kakovosti storitve ali možnosti boljšega trženja, zlasti za novo zmogljivost, ki prevladajo nad omejitvami.
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CELEX: 32004R0364
Aid for research and development for SMEs is of utmost importance, because one of the structural disadvantages of SMEs lies in the difficulty they may experience in gaining access to new technological developments and to technology transfer.
Pomoč za raziskave in razvoj za majhna in srednje velika podjetja je izjemnega pomena, ker so ena strukturno pogojenih slabosti majhnih in srednje velikih podjetij prav težave, s katerimi se soočajo pri dostopanju do novih dosežkov tehnološkega razvoja ter do prenosa tehnologije.
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CELEX: 32004R0282
The information technology systems used by the competent authority shall, as far as possible and subject to appropriate data security, be coordinated with those of the customs services, and with those of commercial operators, so as to speed up the transfer of information.
Sistemi informacijske tehnologije, ki jih uporablja pristojni organ, se, kolikor je to mogoče, in ob primernem varovanju podatkov, koordinirajo s sistemi carinskih služb, ter sistemi komercialnih operaterjev, tako da se pospeši prenos informacij.
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Regulation No 19/65/EEC empowers the Commission to apply Article 81(3) of the Treaty by Regulation to certain categories of technology transfer agreements and corresponding concerted practices to which only two undertakings are party which fall within Article 81(1).
Uredba št. 19/65/EGS pooblašča Komisijo, da z uredbo določi uporabo člena 81(3) Pogodbe za nekatere skupine sporazumov o prenosu tehnologije in ustreznih usklajenih ravnanj, zajetih v členu 81(1), v katerih sta udeleženi samo dve podjetji.
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Pursuant to Article 81(3) of the Treaty and subject to the provisions of this Regulation, it is hereby declared that Article 81(1) of the Treaty shall not apply to technology transfer agreements entered into between two undertakings permitting the production of contract products.
V skladu s členom 81(3) Pogodbe in na podlagi določb te uredbe izjavljamo, da se člen 81(1) Pogodbe ne uporablja za sporazume o prenosu tehnologije, sklenjene med dvema podjetjema, s katerimi se dovoljuje proizvodnja pogodbenih izdelkov.
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CELEX: 32004R0136
Subject to appropriate data security, the information technology systems used by the competent authority shall, in so far as is possible and where appropriate, be integrated with those of the customs services, and with those of commercial operators, in order to speed the transfer of information.
Ob upoštevanju ustreznega varstva podatkov se informacijski sistemi, ki jih uporablja pristojni organ, kolikor je mogoče in kadar je primerno, povežejo z informacijskimi sistemi carinskih služb in informacijskimi sistemi komercialnih izvajalcev, da se pospeši prenos informacij.
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In particular, technology transfer agreements containing certain severely anti-competitive restraints such as the fixing of prices charged to third parties should be excluded from the benefit of the block exemption established by this Regulation irrespective of the market shares of the undertakings concerned.
Zlasti je treba sporazume o prenosu tehnologije, ki vsebujejo nekatere strogo protikonkurenčne omejitve, kakor je določanje cen, ki se zaračunavajo tretjim osebam, izključiti iz ugodnosti skupinske izjeme, ki jo določa ta uredba, ne glede na tržne deleže zadevnih podjetij.
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The Commission may withdraw the benefit of this Regulation, pursuant to Article 29(1) of Regulation (EC) No 1/2003, where it finds in any particular case that a technology transfer agreement to which the exemption provided for in Article 2 applies nevertheless has effects which are incompatible with Article 81(3) of the Treaty, and in particular where:
Komisija lahko odvzame ugodnosti iz te uredbe v skladu s členom 29(1) Uredbe (ES) št. 1/2003, kadar v kakršnem koli določenem primeru ugotovi, da ima sporazum o prenosu tehnologije, za katerega velja izjema iz člena 2, vseeno učinke, ki so nezdružljivi s členom 81(3) Pogodbe, zlasti kadar:
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any direct or indirect obligation on the licensee not to challenge the validity of intellectual property rights which the licensor holds in the common market, without prejudice to the possibility of providing for termination of the technology transfer agreement in the event that the licensee challenges the validity of one or more of the licensed intellectual property rights.
kakršno koli neposredno ali posredno obveznost pridobitelja licence, da ne izpodbija veljavnosti pravic intelektualne lastnine, s katerimi dajalec licence razpolaga na skupnem trgu, ne da bi to posegalo v možnost zagotavljanja prenehanja veljavnosti sporazuma o prenosu tehnologije, če pridobitelj licence izpodbija veljavnost ene ali več licenčnih pravic intelektualne lastnine.
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For technology transfer agreements between competitors it can be presumed that, where the combined share of the relevant markets accounted for by the parties does not exceed 20 % and the agreements do not contain certain severely anti-competitive restraints, they generally lead to an improvement in production or distribution and allow consumers a fair share of the resulting benefits.
Za sporazume o prenosu tehnologije med konkurenti je mogoče domnevati, da imajo, kadar skupni delež na upoštevnih trgih, ki jih predstavljajo podpisnice, ne presega 20 %, sporazumi pa ne vsebujejo nekaterih strogo protikonkurenčnih omejitev, na splošno za posledico izboljšanje proizvodnje ali distribucije in omogočajo potrošnikom pravičen delež doseženih koristi.
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For technology transfer agreements between non-competitors it can be presumed that, where the individual share of the relevant markets accounted for by each of the parties does not exceed 30 % and the agreements do not contain certain severely anti-competitive restraints, they generally lead to an improvement in production or distribution and allow consumers a fair share of the resulting benefits.
Za sporazume o prenosu tehnologije med nekonkurenti je mogoče domnevati, da imajo, kadar posamični delež na upoštevnih trgih, ki jih predstavljajo podpisnice, ne presega 30 %, sporazumi pa ne vsebujejo nekaterih strogo protikonkurenčnih omejitev, na splošno za posledico izboljšanje proizvodnje ali distribucije in omogočajo potrošnikom pravičen delež doseženih koristi.
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The market-share thresholds, the non-exemption of technology transfer agreements containing severely anti-competitive restraints and the excluded restrictions provided for in this Regulation will normally ensure that the agreements to which the block exemption applies do not enable the participating undertakings to eliminate competition in respect of a substantial part of the products in question.
Pragovi tržnih deležev, neizvzetje sporazumov o prenosu tehnologije, ki vsebujejo strogo protikonkurenčne omejitve, in izključene omejitve, ki jih določa ta uredba, običajno zagotavljajo, da sporazumi, za katere velja skupinska izjema, udeleženim podjetjem ne omogočajo izključitve konkurence glede znatnega dela zadevnih proizvodov.
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"reciprocal agreement" means a technology transfer agreement where two undertakings grant each other, in the same or separate contracts, a patent licence, a know-how licence, a software copyright licence or a mixed patent, know-how or software copyright licence and where these licences concern competing technologies or can be used for the production of competing products;
"dvostranski sporazum" pomeni sporazum o prenosu tehnologije, kadar dve podjetji drugo drugemu z isto pogodbo ali s posebnimi pogodbami podeljujeta licenco patenta, licenco strokovnega znanja in izkušenj, licenco za avtorske pravice za programsko opremo ali mešano licenco patenta, strokovnega znanja in izkušenj ali avtorskih pravic za programsko opremo in kadar te licence zadevajo konkurenčne tehnologije ali se lahko uporabijo za proizvodnjo konkurenčnih izdelkov;
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The likelihood that such efficiency-enhancing and pro-competitive effects will outweigh any anti-competitive effects due to restrictions contained in technology transfer agreements depends on the degree of market power of the undertakings concerned and, therefore, on the extent to which those undertakings face competition from undertakings owning substitute technologies or undertakings producing substitute products.
Verjetnost, da bodo taki učinki, ki povečujejo učinkovitost in prokonkurenčnost, prevladali nad kakršnimi koli protikonkurenčnimi učinki zaradi omejitev, vsebovanih v sporazumih o prenosu tehnologije, je odvisna od stopnje tržne moči zadevnih podjetij in zato od obsega, v katerem se ta podjetja soočajo s konkurenco podjetij, ki imajo v lasti nadomestne tehnologije ali podjetij, ki proizvajajo nadomestne izdelke.
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"non-reciprocal agreement" means a technology transfer agreement where one undertaking grants another undertaking a patent licence, a know-how licence, a software copyright licence or a mixed patent, know-how or software copyright licence, or where two undertakings grant each other such a licence but where these licences do not concern competing technologies and cannot be used for the production of competing products;
"enostranski sporazum" pomeni sporazum o prenosu tehnologije, kadar eno podjetje drugemu podeljuje licenco patenta, licenco strokovnega znanja in izkušenj, licenco za avtorske pravice za programsko opremo ali mešano licenco patenta, strokovnega znanja in izkušenj ali avtorskih pravic za programsko opremo, ali kadar dve podjetji drugo drugemu podeljujta tako licenco, vendar te licence ne zadevajo konkurenčnih tehnologij in jih ni mogoče uporabiti za proizvodnjo konkurenčnih izdelkov;
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CELEX: 42002D0234
Moreover, the growing international dimension of the coal market and the global scale of the problems confronting it means that the European Union has to take a leading role in meeting challenges relating to modern techniques, mine safety and environmental protection at worldwide level by ensuring the transfer of know-how required for further technological progress, improved working conditions (health and safety) and enhanced environmental protection.
Poleg tega mora Evropska unija zaradi vse večje internacionalizacije trga s premogom in globalnih razsežnosti problemov, s katerimi se ta sooča, prevzeti vodilno vlogo pri iskanju načinov reševanja vprašanj v zvezi z modernimi tehnikami, varnostjo v rudnikih in varstvom okolja na svetovni ravni s tem, da zagotovi prenos znanja, potrebnega za nadaljnji tehnološki razvoj, izboljšanje delovnih pogojev (zdravja in varnosti) in za varstvo okolja.
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Council Regulation (EC) No 1/2003 of 16 December 2002 on the implementation of the rules on competition laid down in Articles 81 and 82 of the Treaty(5) empowers the competent authorities of Member States to withdraw the benefit of the block exemption in respect of technology transfer agreements having effects incompatible with Article 81(3), where such effects are felt in their respective territory, or in a part thereof, and where such territory has the characteristics of a distinct geographic market.
Uredba Sveta (ES) št. 1/2003 z dne 16. decembra 2002 o izvajanju pravil o konkurenci, ki jih določata člena 81 in 82 Pogodbe [5], pristojne organe držav članic pooblašča za preklic ugodnosti skupinske izjeme glede sporazumov o prenosu tehnologije, katerih učinek je nezdružljiv s členom 81(3), kadar so taki učinki zaznavni na njihovih ustreznih območjih ali na delu teh območij in kadar ima tako območje značilnosti posebnega geografskega trga.
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Where, in any particular case, a technology transfer agreement to which the exemption provided for in Article 2 applies has effects which are incompatible with Article 81(3) of the Treaty in the territory of a Member State, or in a part thereof, which has all the characteristics of a distinct geographic market, the competition authority of that Member State may withdraw the benefit of this Regulation, pursuant to Article 29(2) of Regulation (EC) No 1/2003, in respect of that territory, under the same circumstances as those set out in paragraph 1 of this Article.
Kadar ima, v katerem koli določenem primeru, sporazum o prenosu tehnologije, za katerega se uporablja izjema, določena v členu 2, učinke, ki so nezdružljivi s členom 81(3) Pogodbe na območju države članice ali na njenem delu, ki ima vse lastnosti posebnega geografskega trga, lahko organ te države članice, ki je pristojen za konkurenco, odvzame ugodnosti te uredbe v skladu s členom 29(2) Uredbe (ES) št. 1/2003 za to območje, v enakih okoliščinah, kakor so določene v odstavku 1 tega člena.
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CELEX: 32000E0401
The commitments of the Member States of the European Union regarding the non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and the export of conventional military goods to countries subject to arms embargoes require an effective export control system which should also cover, on the basis of common standards, technical assistance, including oral transfers of technology required to be controlled by the international export control regimes, bodies and treaties for weapons of mass destruction and missiles and for conventional military goods exported to countries subject to arms embargoes of the above types.
Obveznost držav članic Evropske unije glede neširjenja orožja za množično uničevanje in izvoza konvencionalnega vojaškega blaga v države, za katere velja embargo na orožje, narekuje učinkovit sistem nadzora izvoza, ki naj bi po skupnih standardih zajemal tudi tehnično pomoč - skupaj z ustnim prenosom tehnologije, ki ga morajo nadzorovati mednarodni režimi, skupine držav in sporazumi za nadzor izvoza - v zvezi z orožjem za množično uničevanje ali izstrelki in s konvencionalnim vojaškim blagom, ki se izvaža v države z embargom na orožje zgoraj navedene vrste.
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"technology transfer agreement" means a patent licensing agreement, a know-how licensing agreement, a software copyright licensing agreement or a mixed patent, know-how or software copyright licensing agreement, including any such agreement containing provisions which relate to the sale and purchase of products or which relate to the licensing of other intellectual property rights or the assignment of intellectual property rights, provided that those provisions do not constitute the primary object of the agreement and are directly related to the production of the contract products;
"sporazum o prenosu tehnologije" pomeni sporazum o licenci patenta, sporazum o licenci strokovnega znanja in izkušenj, sporazum o avtorskih pravicah za programsko opremo ali mešani sporazum o licenci patenta, strokovnega znanja in izkušenj ali avtorskih pravic za programsko opremo, vključno s kakršnim koli takim sporazumom, ki vsebuje določbe o prodaji ali nakupu izdelkov ali se nanaša na licenciranje drugih pravic intelektualne lastnine ali odstop pravic intelektualne lastnine pod pogojem, da te določbe ne predstavljajo osnovnega cilja sporazuma in da se neposredno nanašajo na proizvodnjo pogodbenih izdelkov;
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competing undertakings on the relevant product market, being undertakings which, in the absence of the technology transfer agreement, are both active on the relevant product and geographic market(s) on which the contract products are sold without infringing each others' intellectual property rights (actual competitors on the product market) or would, on realistic grounds, undertake the necessary additional investments or other necessary switching costs so that they could timely enter, without infringing each others' intellectual property rights, the(se) relevant product and geographic market(s) in response to a small and permanent increase in relative prices (potential competitors on the product market);
konkurenčna podjetja na upoštevnem proizvodnem trgu, to so tista podjetja, ki so v odsotnosti sporazuma o prenosu tehnologije dejavna tako na upoštevnem proizvodnem in geografskem(-ih) trgu(-ih), na katerem(-ih) prodajajo pogodbene izdelke, ne da bi pri tem kršila medsebojne pravice intelektualne lastnine (dejanski konkurenti na proizvodnem trgu), ali ki bi realno lahko prevzela potrebne dodatne naložbe ali druge potrebne stroške prehoda, da bi lahko pravočasno vstopila na te upoštevne proizvodne in geografske trge, ne da bi pri tem kršila medsebojne pravice intelektualne lastnine, kot odgovor na majhno in stalno povečanje relativnih cen (potencialni konkurenti na proizvodnem trgu);
130 Pravna redakcija
to encourage the flow of investment and transfer of technology;
spodbujanje naložbenih tokov in prenosa tehnologije;
131 Pravna redakcija
the transfer of technology and know-how within the European Statistical System,
prenos tehnologije in izvajalskih znanj znotraj evropskega statističnega sistema,
132 Pravna redakcija
transfers of technology;
(b) prenos tehnologije;
133 Pravna redakcija
- management and training for the energy sector and transfer of technology and know-how,
- vodenje in usposabljanje za sektor energetike in prenos tehnologije ter znanja in izkušenj,
134 Pravna redakcija
promote dialogue between the Republic of Yemen and the Community in the field of energy policy, transfer of technology and technology cooperation;
pospeševanje dialoga med Republiko Jemen in Skupnostjo na področju energetske politike, prenosa tehnologije in tehnološkega sodelovanja;
135 Pravna redakcija
(b) transfers of technology;
(b) prenose tehnologije;
136 Pravna redakcija
encourage the flow of investment and the transfer of technology and reinforce investment protection;
spodbujanje toka naložb in prenosa tehnologije ter krepitev zaščite naložb;
137 Pravna redakcija
increasing the flow of trade, investment, industrial cooperation projects and the transfer of technology;
povečanje pretoka trgovine, naložb, projektov industrijskega sodelovanja ter prenosa tehnologije;
138 Pravna redakcija
to encourage the flow of investment, the transfer of technology and strengthen the protection of investment;
spodbujanje naložbenih tokov, prenosa tehnologije in krepitev zaščite naložb;
139 Pravna redakcija
joint R&D activities aimed at encouraging scientific progress and the transfer of technology and know-how,
skupnim razvojnim in raziskovalnim dejavnostim, usmerjenim v spodbujanje znanstvenega napredka in prenosa tehnologije ter znanja in izkušenj,
140 Pravna redakcija
to foster the best possible conditions for the transfer of technology in the interests of efficient energy use.
spodbujanje najboljših možnih pogojev za prenos tehnologije v interesu učinkovite uporabe energije.
141 Pravna redakcija
promoting dialogue between Bangladesh and the Community in the fields of energy policy and transfer of technology.
pri pospeševanju dialoga med Bangladešem in Skupnostjo na področjih energetske politike in prenosa tehnologije.
142 Pravna redakcija
carry out transfer of technology and know-how, including on European technical standards and certification systems,
prenos tehnologije ter znanja in izkušenj, vključno z Evropskimi tehničnimi standardi in sistemom izdajanja certifikatov,
143 Pravna redakcija
carry out transfer of technology and know how, including on European technical standards and certification systems,
prenos tehnologije ter znanja in izkušenj, vključno z Evropskimi tehničnimi standardi in sistemom izdajanja certifikatov,
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transfer of technology