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101 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 41999D0011
Organ prosilec lahko pošlje vsa uradna sporočila glede posledic in odločb, ki se nanašajo na prometni prekršek, neposredno osebam, osumljenim storitve prometnega prekrška.
The requesting authority may send all communications concerning the consequences and decisions relating to the road traffic offence directly to the persons suspected of having committed a road traffic offence.
102 Končna redakcija
V tem času se lahko zgodi vse mogoče, lahko izide oprostilna sodba, lahko bi morda našli pravega storilca, pa se razmere za najprimernejšega prvega osumljenca ne bi kaj dosti izboljšale
Even if things had radically changed during this period and the case ended in acquittal, or someone else was identified as the offender, the circumstances for the initial, ready-at-hand suspect would not change for the better.
103 Končna redakcija
Po ugotovitvi tekstilnih komponent se nevlakenska snov odstrani z ustrezno predobdelavo, potem pa se vlakna ročno ločijo, osušijo in stehtajo za izračun deleža vsakega vlakna v mešanici.
After identification of the textile components, the non-fibrous matter is removed by a suitable pre-treatment and then the fibres are separated by hand, dried and weighed in order to calculate the proportion of each fibre in the mixture.
104 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 41999D0011
pomeni pristojni organ države pogodbenice, na ozemlju katere oseba, osumljena storitve prometnega prekrška ali kateri je bila izrečena denarna kazen, stalno prebiva ali ima običajno prebivališče.
shall mean the competent authority of the Contracting Party in whose territory the person suspected of having committed a road traffic offence or upon whom a financial penalty has been imposed in respect thereof either resides or has his habitual residence.
105 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002D0106
Primerni vzorci so levkociti, serum, nekoagulirana kri ter suspenzije, pripravljene iz tkiv organov iz pododstavka 1, pridobljenih od prašičev, osumljenih okužbe z virusom klasične prašičje kuge[13].
Suitable samples are leukocytes, serum, non-coagulated blood as well as suspensions of the organs referred to in subparagraph 1 taken from pigs suspected of being infected with classical swine fever virus(11).
106 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31980L1335
Z vodno črpalko jo filtrirajte skozi stekleni filtrirni lonček s filtrom G-4, ki je bil prej osušen (150 °C) in stehtan po hlajenju (M0 gramov), ter izperite oborino s 150 ml destilirane vode pri 95 °C.
Filter with the aid of a water-jet pu mp through a G-4 filter crucible which has been dried beforehand (150 şC) and weighed after cooling (M0 grams), and wash the precipitate with 150 ml of distilled water at 95 şC.
107 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0128
Plovec in merilni valj je treba med posameznimi meritvami očistiti z destilirano vodo, osušiti z mehkim laboratorijskim papirjem, ki ne pušča vlaken in izplakniti z raztopino, katere gostoto je treba določiti.
The float and measuring cylinder must be cleaned between each measurement with distilled water, dried with soft laboratory paper which does not shed fibres and rinsed with the solution whose density is to be determined.
108 Končna redakcija
Postavili so ga v položaj za preiskovanje in naslonili na policijski avtomobil, nato ga je eden od policistov hladnokrvno ustrelil in potem kazal pištolo, ki očitno ni bila osumljenčeva, pa jo je potreboval zaradi sklicevanja na samoobrambo
After they placed him in the position for searching and the man was leaning on the police car, a policemen shot him in cold blood and then waved a gun, obviously not one belonging to the suspect, but intended for later use to prove that the man was killed in self-defense.
109 Končna redakcija
Ker ni bilo mogoče izvesti klasičnega kazenskega postopka zaradi osumljenčeve starosti, ni še namreč dopolnil 14 let, je takratni šolski minister določil štiri izvedence, dva pravnika, psihologa in pediatra, vse ugledne znanstvenike in praktike
Since the suspect was younger than 14 and could not be prosecuted in court, the Minister of Education appointed two lawyers, one psychologist and one pediatrician, all renowned scientists and practising professionals, to give their opinion.
110 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
Večje izboljšave neproizvedenih opredmetenih sredstev ustrezajo v glavnem izboljšavi zemljišč (boljša kakovost zemljišč in večji donos zaradi namakanja, osuševanja in ukrepov za preprečevanje poplav itd.) in jih je treba obravnavati kakor katero koli drugo bruto investicijo v osnovna sredstva.
Major improvements in non-produced tangible assets correspond mainly to land improvement (better quality of land and higher yield through irrigation, drainage and flood prevention measures, etc.) and should be treated like any other GFCF.
111 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002D0106
prašiče, nastanjene v podenotah, ki so jih pred nedavnim obiskali zunanji obiskovalci, ki so bili pred kratkim v tesnem stiku s prašiči, osumljenimi okužbe ali okuženimi z virusom klasične prašičje kuge, ali za katere se ugotovijo drugi, posebej tvegani stiki s potencialnim virom virusa klasične prašičje kuge;
pigs kept in sub-units recently visited by external visitors which had a recent close contact with classical swine fever suspected or infected pigs or for which other particularly risky contacts with a potential source of classical swine fever virus have been identified;
112 Končna redakcija
Ko sem ga pozneje srečal, prvikrat pred davnimi leti, sem na svojo osuplost ugotovil, da je bil kot mlad fant sicer čisto znosen človek za med ljudi, da pa se je potem iz golega posmehovanja zgodilo, da je tako zelo spremenil svoj zunanji videz,da je postal nekakšno potujoče zavračanje Oxforda in vseh njegovih izročil.
When I met him afterwards, for the first time for many years, I found to my astonishment that he, who had been a quite tolerably presentable young man, had actually managed by sheer scom to alter his personal appearance until he had become a sort of walking repudiation of Oxford and all its traditions.
113 Končna redakcija
ideološkega učinka televizijskih tabloidov ne gre iskati predvsem v drugačni vsebini novic in drugačni selekciji dogodkov, temveč v retoriki in ikonografiji televizijskega prostora: premišljeni barvi voditeljevega suknjiča, ki mora konotirati nevtralno profesionalnost, osupli dramatizaciji njegovega glasu, kramljanju in izmenjavi pogledov voditeljskega para med sabo in z zamišljenimi gledalci, ikonografiji uvodne sekvence.... in v pomenih, ki jih ta sredstva konotirajo.
the ideological effect of the television tabloids is not to be sought primarily in the modified content of the news and the modified selection of events, but rather in the rhetoric and iconography of the television space: the colour of the newspresenter's jacket, which must connote neutral professionalism, the dramatisation of his voice, the banter and exchange of looks between the newspresenters and with the audience, the iconography of the title sequence - and in the meanings that these devices connote.
114 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1789
115 Pravna redakcija
očistiti in osušiti pred uporabo.
clean and dry before use.
116 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31991R2568
- majhni koščki predhodno osušenega plovca.
- small particles of previously dried pumice stone.
117 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31991R2568
epruveto se z rahlim segrevanjem osuši v toku dušika.
the test tube is dried by light heating under a gentle nitrogen current.
118 Pravna redakcija
odkrite ali osumljene v nekaterih proizvodnih sektorjih;
detected or suspected in certain product sectors;
119 Pravna redakcija
Popolnoma osušena plošča se naprši z raztopino 3.3(a).
Spray the completely dried plate with the solution 3.3 (a).
120 Pravna redakcija
zagotoviti uradni nadzor nad osumljenim(i) gospodarstvom(i);
have the suspect holding(s) placed under official surveillance;
121 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003L0126
Celotno usedlino osušimo in nato stehtamo (točnost do 0,001 g).
The total sediment shall be dried and subsequently weighed (accurate to 0,001 g).
122 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31991R2568
Homogeniziran vzorec osušimo nad natrijevim sulfatom in filtriramo.
The homogenized sample is dried over sodium sulphate and filtered.
123 Pravna redakcija
25 ml osušenega etrnega ekstrakta se v toku dušika izpareva do suhega.
Take 25 ml of the dried ethereal extract and evaporate to dryness in a nitrogen stream.
124 Pravna redakcija
C.4.5.4 Osušimo z mehkim laboratorijskim papirjem, ki ne pušča vlaken.
Dry with soft laboratory paper which does not shed fibres.
125 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31983L0514
Pred uporabo se popršijo z 10 ml reagenta (4.21) in osušijo pri 80 °C.
Before use, spray with 10 ml of reagent (4.21) and dry at 80 °C.
126 Pravna redakcija
Pred uporabo se popršijo z 10 ml reagenta (4.21) in osušijo pri 80 °C.
Before use, spray with 10 ml of reagent (4.21) and dry at 80 °C.
127 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003L0126
Krma s količino vlage večje kot 14 % se pred obdelavo osuši (kondenzira).
Feed with an amount of moisture higher than 14 % shall be dried (condensed) prior to handling.
128 Pravna redakcija
osuševanje zemljišč iz morja z izgradnjo nasipov, morskih zidov ali jezov;
reclamation of land from sea by the construction of dikes, sea walls or dams for this purpose;
129 Pravna redakcija
spletene v kito (najmanj 16 čebul s popolnoma osušenimi čebulnimi vratovi).
in 'strings' (of not less than 16 bulbs, with fully dried stems).
130 Pravna redakcija
Če je treba, se etrne faze osušijo in zberejo v 50-mililitrsko merilno bučko.
If necessary dry the ethereal phases and collect them in a 50 ml graduated flask.
131 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31991R2568
Sproščeni plin je zlahka osušen s prepihovanjem skozi konc.žveplovoo kislino.
The liberated gas is easily dried by bubbling through conc. sulphuric acid.
132 Pravna redakcija
Pusti se, da voda odteče, in vzorec se osuši, tako da na njem ne ostanejo madeži.
Drain and dry so as to avoid any stain.
133 Pravna redakcija
Dovoljeno je rahlo obarvanje, ki ne vpliva na zadnjo osušeno lupino, ki ščiti meso.
Staining which does not affect the last dried skin protecting the flesh is allowed.
134 Pravna redakcija
Osuši se in poprši z raztopino 2,6-dikloro-4-(kloroimino)cikloheksa-2,5-dienona (4.18).
Dry and spray with 2,6-dichloro-4-(chloroimino)cyclohexa-2,5-dienone solution (4.18).
135 Pravna redakcija
osuševanje močvirij ali namakanje puščav z izgradnjo jezov, jarkov in namakalnih kanalov;
draining of marshes or the irrigation of deserts by the construction of dikes, ditches and irrigation channels;
136 Pravna redakcija
Previdno se osuši v rahlem toku dušika in eluira plošča s topili ( ali
Dry carefully in a gentle current of nitrogen and elute the plate with solvents ( or
137 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31983L0514
Ko fronta mobilne faze doseže 150 mm, se plošča odstrani in se osuši pri 110 °C (za 15 minut).
When the solvent front has advanced 150 mm, the plate is dried at 110 °C (for 15 minutes).
138 Pravna redakcija
Ko fronta mobilne faze doseže 150 mm, se plošča odstrani in se osuši pri 110 °C (za 15 minut).
When the solvent front has advanced 150 mm, the plate is dried at 110 °C (for 15 minutes).
139 Pravna redakcija
Ob rahlo znižanem pritisku se filtrira prek filtrirnega lončka, ki je bil poprej osušen in stehtan;
Filter on a glass filtration crucible, previously dried and weigh, using a slight reduction of pressure;
140 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31991R2568
Filtrat in raztopino za izpiranje lovimo v drugo predhodno osušeno bučko, stehtano s točnostjo 1 mg.
Collect the filtrate and the washing solvent in a second round-bottomed flask which has been dried and tared to the nearest 1 mg.
141 Pravna redakcija
vsi osumljeni primeri tuberkuloze v živih, mrtvih ali zaklanih živalih se prijavijo pristojnim organom;
any suspected cases of tuberculosis in live, dead or slaughtered animals shall be reported to the competent authorities;
142 Pravna redakcija
Pipetiranje se mora zaključiti, preden se filter osuši, to pomeni, ko v lijaku ostane 2 do 5 ml tekočine.
Suction should cease before the filter becomes dry, i.e. when 2 to 5 ml of fluid are left in the funnel.
143 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31991R2568
Eter se odpari z rahlim stresanjem na nekaj ml in se ga potem osuši v rahlem vakuumu ali pod tokom dušika;
The ether is evaporated with gentle geating to a few ml and then dried under a slight vacuum or under a current of nitrogen;
144 Pravna redakcija
delo in sociala
CELEX: 32003L0049
"osakeyhtiö/aktiebolag, osuuskunta/andelslag, säästöpankki/sparbank" in "vakuutusyhtiö/försäkringsbolag";
"osakeyhtiö/aktiebolag, osuuskunta/andelslag, säästöpankki/sparbank" and "vakuutusyhtiö/försäkringsbolag";
145 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31991R2568
Osušite ploščo na zraku pri temperaturi komore in jo napršite z raztopino 2` ,7` -diklorofluoresceina (5.17).
Dry the plate in the air at the temperature of the tank, and spray it with the 2m,7m-dichlorofluorescein solution (5.17).
146 Pravna redakcija
Filtrira se skozi steklen filtrirni talilnik, ki je bil prej osušen in stehtan, tako da se rahlo pritisne navzdol;
Filter through a glass filtering crucible, which has been previously dried and weighed, pressing it down slightly;
147 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R2003
Filtrirni lonček (glej 5 "Aparature") osušimo do stalne mase (približno 15 minut) v sušilniku, pri 120 o C (5.4).
Dry the filter crucible (see 5 Apparatus') to constant mass (about 15 minutes) in the oven at 120 °C (5.4).
148 Pravna redakcija
B.4.2.1 Če je treba, pred merjenjem celico očistimo in osušimo z acetonom ali absolutnim alkoholom in suhim zrakom.
If required prior to measurement clean and dry the cell with acetone or absolute alcohol and dry air.
149 Pravna redakcija
Resnost pričakovanega preganjanja je treba pretehtati glede na vrsto kaznivega dejanja, katerega je osumljena zadevna oseba.
The severity of the expected persecution is to be weighed against the nature of the criminal offence of which the person concerned is suspected.
150 Pravna redakcija
dovoljene so majhne razpoke v zunanji lupini. Dovoljeno je rahlo obarvanje, ki ne vpliva na zadnjo osušeno lupino, ki ščiti meso.
Light staining which does not affect the last dried skin protecting the flesh is allowed.
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