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izjava o potrdilu
101 Pravna redakcija
Očitne oblikovne napake, kot so npr. tipkarske, na potrdilu o gibanju blaga EUR.1 ali izjavi na računu ne morejo biti razlog za zavrnitev, če te napake ne ustvarjajo dvomov o pravilnosti navedb v tem dokumentu.
Obvious formal errors such as typing errors on a movement certificate EUR.l, or an invoice declaration, should not cause this document to be rejected if these errors are not such as to create doubts concerning the correctness of the statements made in this document.
102 Pravna redakcija
Med obravnavo zgoraj navedene izmenjave pisem se je Svet seznanil z "Izjavo o prenosu tehnologije", ki jo je sprejelo devet držav članic in Skupnost ter jo potrdilo, v kolikor zadeva Skupnost.
During the Council consideration of the abovementioned exchange of letters, the Council took note of the 'Declaration on transfer of technology' made by the nine Member States and the Community and approved it in so far as it concerns the Community.
103 Pravna redakcija
Polje 20 na zahtevkih za izdajo potrdil o nadomestilu in na potrdilih o nadomestilu, izdanih za transkacije v zvezi z mednarodno pomočjo v hrani znotraj pomena člena 10(4) Sporazuma, vsebuje eno od naslednjih izjav:
Box 20 of applications for refund certificates and of refund certificates issued for international food aid transactions within the meaning of Article 10(4) of the Agreement shall contain one of the following indications:
104 Pravna redakcija
uvozni dokumenti (zlasti prej izdaja potrdila o gibanju blaga), računi, izjave proizvajalca itd., ki se nanašajo na v izdelavi uporabljene izdelke ali na v enakem stanju ponovno izvoženo blago.
import documents (in particular movement certificates issued previously), invoices, manufacturer's declarations, etc., referring to the products used in manufacture or to goods re-exported in the same state,
105 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 22003D0038
Carinski organi pogodbenic si preko Komisije Evropskih skupnosti medsebojno izmenjajo vzorčne odtise žigov, ki jih uporabljajo njihovi carinski uradi pri izdajanju potrdil o gibanju blaga EUR.1, in naslove carinskih organov, odgovornih za preverjanje teh potrdil in izjav na računih.
The customs authorities of the Contracting Parties shall provide each other, through the Commission of the European Communities, with specimen impressions of stamps used in their customs offices for the issue of movement certificates EUR.1 and with the addresses of the customs authorities responsible for verifying those certificates and invoice declarations.
106 Pravna redakcija
Ta izjava povzema ugotovitve pregledov, izvedenih v predhodnih letih, in oceni veljavnost zahtevka za končno plačilo ter zakonitost in pravilnost transakcij, zajetih v končnem potrdilu o izdatkih.
This declaration shall summarise the conclusions of the checks carried out during previous years and shall assess the validity of the application for payment of the final balance and the legality and regularity of the transactions covered by the final certificate of expenditure.
107 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0056
(b) je uradnik, ki izda spričevalo, pisno izjavil, da je potrdil pošiljko na podlagi novozelandskih dokumentov o izpolnjevanju pogojev, ki jih je sam preveril in so bili izdani pred odhodom pošiljke.
(b) the certifying officer has declared in writing to have certified the consignment on the basis of the New Zealand eligibility document(s), which were ascertained by him or her and which were issued prior to the departure of the consignment.
108 Pravna redakcija
Carinski organi držav članic Skupnosti in Libanona si prek Evropske komisije medsebojno izmenjajo vzorčne odtise žigov, ki jih uporabljajo njihovi carinski uradi za izdajo potrdil o gibanju blaga EUR.1 in naslove carinskih organov, odgovornih za preverjanje teh potrdil in izjav na računu.
The customs authorities of the Community Member States and of Lebanon shall provide each other, through the European Commission, with specimen impressions of stamps used in their customs offices for the issue of movement certificates EUR.1 and with the addresses of the customs authorities responsible for verifying those certificates and invoice declarations.
109 Pravna redakcija
V drugih primerih predložitve z zamudo lahko carinski organi države uvoznice potrdila o gibanju blaga EUR.1 ali izjave na računu sprejmejo, če so jim bili izdelki predloženi pred tem končnim datumom.
In other cases of belated presentation, the customs authorities of the importing country may accept the movement certificates EUR.1 or invoice declarations where the products have been submitted to them before the said final date.
110 Pravna redakcija
Nadzorovanje lahko sestavljajo pregled v pisarni, spremljanje njegovega dela v organizaciji, vprašalniki, pregled okoljskih izjav, ki jih je okoljski preveritelj potrdil, in pregled poročila o preverjanju.
Supervision may consist of office audit, witnessing in organisations, questionnaires, review of environmental statements validated by the environmental verifiers and review of verification report.
111 Pravna redakcija
Carinski organi držav članic in Hrvaške si preko Komisije Evropskih skupnosti medsebojno izmenjajo vzorčne odtise žigov, ki jih uporabljajo njihovi carinski organi pri izdajanju potrdil o gibanju blaga EUR.1, in naslove carinskih organov, odgovornih za preverjanje teh potrdil in izjav na računih.
The customs authorities of the Member States and of Croatia shall provide each other, through the Commission of the European Communities, with specimen impressions of stamps used in their customs offices for the issue of movement certificates EUR.1 and with the addresses of the customs authorities responsible for verifying those certificates and invoice declarations.
112 Pravna redakcija
Potrdila o gibanju blaga EUR.1 in izjave na računu se naknadno preverjajo naključno ali kadar carinski organi države uvoznice utemeljeno dvomijo o pristnosti teh dokumentov, statusu porekla zadevnih izdelkov ali o izpolnitvi drugih zahtev tega protokola.
Subsequent verification of movement certificates EUR.1 and of invoice declarations shall be carried out at random or whenever the customs authorities of the importing State have reasonable doubt as to the authenticity of such documents, the originating status of the products concerned or the fulfilment of the other requirements of this Protocol.
113 Pravna redakcija
To potrdilo ni potrebno, če gre za uvoz, ki ga pokriva potrdilo o prometu blaga EUR 1, ali izjava na računu, izdana v skladu s Protokolom št. 3 k Sporazumu o prosti trgovini z dne 22. julija 1972 med Švico in EGS, pod pogojem, da ta dokument kot državo izvora navaja eno od pogodbenic ali državo članico tako EFTA kot EGP.
This certificate shall not be required in the case of imports covered by an EUR 1 movement certificate or by an invoice declaration issued in accordance with Protocol No 3 to the Free Trade Agreement of 22 July 1972 between Switzerland and the EEC, provided that that document indicates as the country of origin one of the Parties or a Member State of both EFTA and the EEA.
114 Pravna redakcija
Carinski organi držav članic ES in Jordanije si preko Komisije Evropskih skupnosti medsebojno izmenjajo vzorčne odtise žigov, ki jih uporabljajo njihovi carinski organi pri izdajanju potrdil o gibanju blaga EUR.1, in naslove carinskih organov, odgovornih za preverjanje teh potrdil in izjav na računih.
The customs authorities of the EC Member States and of Jordan shall provide each other, through the Commission of the European Communities, with specimen impressions of stamps used in their customs offices for the issue of movement certificates EUR.1 and with the addresses of the customs authorities responsible for verifying those certificates and invoice declarations.
115 Pravna redakcija
(d) potrdila o gibanju blaga EUR.l ali izjave na računu, ki dokazujejo poreklo uporabljenih materialov, izdani ali izstavljeni v Skupnosti ali Nekdanji jugoslovanski republiki Makedoniji v skladu s tem protokolom.
(d) EUR.l movement certificates or invoice declarations proving the originating status of materials used, issued or made out in the Community or the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia in accordance with this Protocol in accordance this Protocol.
116 Pravna redakcija
Naknadno preverjanje potrdil o gibanju blaga EUR.1 in izjav na računu se opravi naključno, ali kadar carinski organi države uvoznice upravičeno dvomijo o pristnosti teh dokumentov, statusu porekla teh izdelkov ali o izpolnjevanju drugih zahtev tega protokola.
Subsequent verification of EUR.1 movement certificates and invoice declarations shall be carried out randomly or whenever the customs authorities of the importing State have reason to doubt the authenticity of such documents, the originating status of the products concerned or the fulfilment of the other requirements of this Protocol.
117 Pravna redakcija
Carinski organi držav članic ES in Nekdanje jugoslovanske republike Makedonije si prek Komisije Evropskih skupnosti posredujejo vzorce žigov, ki jih uporabljajo v svojih carinskih uradih za izdajo potrdil o gibanju blaga EUR.1 in naslove carinskih organov, pristojnih za preverjanje potrdil in izjav na računu.
The customs authorities of the EC Member States and of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia shall provide each other, through the Commission of the European Communities, with specimen impressions of stamps used in their customs offices for the issue of EUR.l movement certificates and with the addresses of the customs authorities responsible for verifying those certificates and invoice declarations.
118 Pravna redakcija
Vsaka država članica lahko, da v skladu s členom 23(1) izjavi, da lahko sodnik ne glede na določbe odstavka 1 izreče sodbo, tudi če ni prejel potrdila o vročitvi ali dostavi, če so izpolnjeni naslednji pogoji:
Each Member State shall be free to make it known, in accordance with Article 23(1), that the judge, notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 1, may give judgment even if no certificate of service or delivery has been received, if all the following conditions are fulfilled:
119 Pravna redakcija
(d) potrdila o gibanju blaga EUR.1 ali izjave na računih, ki dokazujejo status porekla uporabljenih materialov, izdana ali sestavljena v Skupnosti ali v Nekdanji jugoslovanski republiki Makedoniji v skladu s tem protokolom.
(d) movement certificates EUR.1 or invoice declarations proving the originating status of materials used, issued or made out in the Community or the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia in accordance with this Protocol.
120 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1480
Hynix je tudi izjavil, da po prejemu posojila bančnega konzorcija januarja 2001 in novega kapitala preko izdaje GDR (potrdil o lastništvu) maja 2001 ni mogoče trditi, da ni mogel refinancirati svojih obveznic na trgu. (50)
Hynix also argued that since it obtained the syndicated loan in January 2001 and new capital via GDR (global depository receipt) issuance in May 2001, it cannot be claimed that it could not refinance its bonds via the market. (50)
121 Pravna redakcija
Carinski organi držav članic ES in Nekdanje jugoslovanske republike Makedonije si prek Evropske komisije medsebojno izmenjajo vzorčne odtise žigov, ki jih uporabljajo njihovi carinski uradi pri izdajanju potrdil o gibanju blaga EUR.1, in naslove carinskih organov, odgovornih za preverjanje teh potrdil in izjav na računih.
The customs authorities of the EC Member States and of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia shall provide each other, through the European Commission, with specimen impressions of stamps used in their customs offices for the issue of movement certificates EUR.1 and with the addresses of the customs authorities responsible for verifying those certificates and invoice declarations.
122 Pravna redakcija
Vsaka država članica lahko v času obvestila iz člena 24(2) izjavi, da lahko sodnik ne glede na določbe pododstavka (a) izreče sodbo, tudi če ni prejel potrdila o vročitvi ali dostavi, če so izpolnjeni vsi naslednji pogoji:
Each Member State shall be free, when giving the notification referred to in Article 24 (2), to declare that the judge, notwithstanding the provisions of subparagraph (a), may give judgement even if no certificate of service or delivery has been received, if all the following conditions are fulfilled:
123 Pravna redakcija
(d) potrdila o gibanju blaga EUR.1 ali izjave na računih, ki dokazujejo status porekla uporabljenih materialov, izdane ali sestavljene v pogodbenici v skladu s tem protokolom ali v eni od držav iz člena 3 v skladu z navedenim členom;
(d) movement certificates EUR.1 or invoice declarations proving the originating status of materials used, issued or made out in other Contracting Parties in accordance with this Protocol or in one of the countries referred to in Article 3 in accordance with that Article;
124 Pravna redakcija
Sporočilo Komisije o dokazih, izjavah in potrdilih o ugledu, o tem, da v preteklosti ni bilo stečaja, o vrsti in trajanju dejavnosti v državi izvora, določenih v direktivah Sveta, sprejetih pred 1. junijem 1973 na področju svobode ustanavljanja in svobode opravljanja storitev (UL št. C 81, 13. 7. 1974, str. 1).
Communication from the Commission concerning the proofs, declarations and certificates relating to good repute, absence of previous bankruptcy, nature and duration of activity in country of provenance provided for in Council Directives adopted before 1 June 1973 in the field of freedom of establishment and freedom to provide services (OJ No C 81, 13.7.1974, p. 1).
125 Pravna redakcija
če je bil izvoz opravljen na podlagi izvoznega dovoljenja ali potrdila o vnaprejšnji določitvi in takšnemu dovoljenju ali potrdilu ni potekel rok veljavnosti na datum, ko je zadevna stranka izjavila, da bo izkoristila zgoraj omenjena določila o vrnjenem blagu:
if export was effected under cover of an export licence or advance fixing certificate and such licence or certificate has not expired on the date on which the party concerned declares his intention to avail himself of the abovementio-ned returned-goods provisions:
126 Pravna redakcija
če je bil izvoz opravljen na podlagi izvoznega dovoljenja ali potrdila o vnaprejšnji določitvi in je takšnemu dovoljenju ali potrdilu potekel rok veljavnosti na datum, ko je zadevna stranka izjavila, da bo izkoristila zgoraj omenjena določila o vrnjenem blagu:
if export was effected under cover of an export licence or advance fixing certificate, and the licence or certificate has expired on the date on which the party concerned declares his intention to avail himself of the abovementioned returned-goods provisions, then:
127 Pravna redakcija
Da bi zagotovila pravilno izvajanje te priloge, si Skupnost in Čile prek svojih uprav medsebojno pomagata pri preverjanju pristnosti potrdil o gibanju blaga EUR.1 ali izjav na računu ter točnosti informacij, navedenih v teh dokumentih.
In order to ensure the proper application of this Annex, the Community and Chile shall assist each other, through their respective administrations, in checking the authenticity of the movement certificates EUR.l or the invoice declarations and the correctness of the information given in these documents.
128 Pravna redakcija
Za zagotavljanje pravilne uporabe tega protokola si Skupnost in Nepal nudita medsebojno pomoč pri preverjanju pristnosti in točnosti izdanih izvoznih dovoljenj in potrdil o poreklu ali vseh izjav, podanih v okviru pogojev tega protokola.
In order to ensure the correct application of this Protocol, the Community and Nepal offer mutual assistance for the verification of the authenticity and the accuracy of export licences and certificates of origin issued or of any declarations made within the terms of this Protocol.
129 Pravna redakcija
Pri zagotavljanju pravilne uporabe tega protokola si Skupnost in Kambodža medsebojno pomagata pri preverjanju pristnosti in točnosti izdanih izvoznih dovoljenj in potrdil o poreklu ali vseh izjav, podanih v okviru pogojev tega protokola.
In order to ensure the correct application of this Protocol, the Community and Cambodia offer mutual assistance for the verification of the authenticity and the accuracy of export licences and certificates of origin issued or of any declarations made within the terms of this Protocol.
130 Pravna redakcija
Potrdilo o kontrolnem pregledu iz odstavka 3(b), ob predložitvi v skladu z odstavkom 1, v okencu 16 vsebuje izjavo pristojnega organa v državi članici, ki je izdal dovoljenje v skladu s postopkom iz člena 11(6) Uredbe (EGS) št. 2092/91.
The certificate of inspection in paragraph 3(b) shall, at the time it is submitted in accordance with paragraph 1, include in box 16 the declaration of the competent authority in the Member State which granted the authorisation according to the procedure in Article 11(6) of Regulation (EEC) No 2092/91.
131 Pravna redakcija
Če so za izdelke, ki spadajo v isto kategorijo, določena različna merila za določanje porekla, morajo potrdila ali izjave o poreklu vsebovati dovolj podroben opis blaga, na podlagi katerega je bilo izdano potrdilo ali sestavljena izjava.
Where different criteria for determining origin are laid down for products falling within the same category, the certificates or declarations of origin must contain a sufficiently detailed description of the goods on the basis of which the certificate was issued or the declaration drawn up.
132 Pravna redakcija
Če so za izdelke, ki spadajo v isto kategorijo, določena različna merila za določanje porekla, morajo potrdila ali izjave o poreklu vsebovati dovolj podroben opis blaga, na podlagi katerega je bilo izdano potrdilo ali sestavljena izjava.
Where different criteria for determining origin are laid down for products falling within the same category, the certificates or declarations of origin must contain a sufficiently detailed description of the goods, on the basis of which the certificate was issued or the declaration drawn up.
133 Pravna redakcija
Za zagotavljanje pravilne uporabe tega dodatka si Skupnost in Romunija nudita medsebojno pomoč pri preverjanju pristnosti in verodostojnosti izdanih izvoznih dovoljenj in potrdil o poreklu ali vseh izjav, podanih v okviru pogojev tega dodatka.
In order to ensure the correct application of this Appendix, the Community and Romania offer mutual assistance for the checking of the authenticity and the veracity of export licences and certificates of origin issued or of any declarations made within the terms of this Appendix.
134 Pravna redakcija
Za zagotavljanje pravilne uporabe tega dodatka si Skupnost in Hrvaška ponudita medsebojno pomoč pri preverjanju pristnosti in verodostojnosti izdanih izvoznih dovoljenj in potrdil o poreklu ali vseh izjav, podanih v okviru pogojev tega dodatka.
In order to ensure the correct application of this Appendix, the Community and Croatia offer mutual assistance for the checking of the authenticity and the accuracy of export licences and certificates of origin issued or of any declarations made within the terms of this Appendix.
135 Pravna redakcija
( 2 ) For example, import documents, movement certificates, manufacturer's declarations, etc. referring to the products used. (( 2 ) Na primer: uvozni dokumenti, potrdila o gibanju, izjave proizvajalca itn., ki se nanašajo na uporabljene izdelke.)
( 2 ) For example, import documents, movement certificates, manufacturer's declarations, etc., referring to the products used.
136 Pravna redakcija
ker je ZEU v odstavku 6 navedene Izjave potrdila, da morajo vse države članice Evropske unije imeti pravico v celoti sodelovati pri izvajanju nalog iz člena 17(2) Pogodbe o Evropski uniji, kadar se Evropska unija za pripravo in izvedbo odločitev o teh nalogah obrne na ZEU;
Whereas, in paragraph 6 of the aforesaid Declaration, the WEU confirmed that all Member States of the European Union are to be entitled to participate fully in the tasks referred to in Article 17(2) of the Treaty on European Union when the European Union avails itself of the WEU to elaborate and implement its decisions on these tasks;
137 Pravna redakcija
Izjava o skladnosti je del postopka, s katero proizvajalec, ki izpolnjuje obveznosti, ki jih predpisuje oddelek 1, zagotavlja in izjavlja, da so zadevni izdelki v skladu s tipom, opisanim v potrdilu o ES tipskem preskusu, in izpolnjujejo določbe te direktive, ki veljajo zanje.
The declaration of conformity is the part of the procedure whereby the manufacturer who fulfils the obligations imposed by Section 1 ensures and declares that the products concerned conform to the type described in the EC type-examination certificate and meets the provisions of this Directive which apply to them.
138 Pravna redakcija
Države članice in Libanonska republika si medsebojno pomagata preko svojih carinskih organov pri preverjanju verodostojnosti in točnosti potrdil o gibanju A.RL.l in izjav izvoznikov na obrazcih A.RL.2, da se zagotovi pravilna uporaba tega naslova.
The Member States and the Lebanese Republic shall afford each other assistance through their respective customs authorities in verifying the authenticity and accuracy of movement certificates A.RL.l and of the exporter's declaration on forms A.RL.2 in order to ensure that this Title is properly applied.
139 Pravna redakcija
Izjava o skladnosti je del postopka, s katerim proizvajalec, ki izpolnjuje obveznosti, ki jih predpisuje oddelek 1, zagotavlja in izjavlja, da so zadevni izdelki v skladu s tipom, opisanim v potrdilu o ES tipskem preskusu, in izpolnjujejo določbe te direktive, ki veljajo zanje.
The declaration of conformity is the part of the procedure whereby the manufacturer who fulfils the obligations imposed by Section 1 ensures and declares that the products concerned conform to the type described in the EC type-examination certificate and meet the provisions of this Directive which apply to them.
140 Pravna redakcija
Za zagotovitev pravilne uporabe tega naslova si Egipt in Skupnost medsebojno pomagata preko svojih pristojnih carinskih uprav pri preverjanju pristnosti potrdil o gibanju blaga EUR.1 in točnosti podatkov o pravem poreklu zadevnih izdelkov ter izjav izvoznikov na obrazcih EUR.2.
In order to ensure the proper application of this Title, Egypt and the Community shall assist each other, through their respective customs administrations, in checking the authenticity of movement certificates EUR.l and the accuracy of the information concerning the actual origin of the products concerned and the declarations by exporters on forms EUR.l.
141 Pravna redakcija
Za zagotavljanje pravilne uporabe tega protokola si Skupnost in Ukrajina nudita medsebojno pomoč pri preverjanju pristnosti in točnosti izdanih izvoznih dovoljenj in potrdil o poreklu ali kakršnihkoli izjav, podanih v okviru pogojev tega protokola.
In order to ensure the correct application of this Protocol, the Community and Ukraine offer mutual assistance for the checking of the authenticity and the accuracy of export licences and certificates of origin issued or of any declarations made within the terms of this Protocol.
142 Pravna redakcija
Naknadna preverjanja potrdil EUR.1 in izjav izvoznikov, danih na računih se opravi naključno ali kadar koli carinski organi države uvoznice utemeljeno dvomijo o pristnosti dokumenta ali točnosti informacij v zvezi s pravim poreklom zadevnega blaga.
Subsequent verification of EUR 1 certificates and of exporters' declarations made on invoices shall be carried out at random or whenever the customs authorities of the importing State have reasonable doubt as to the authenticity of the document or the accuracy of the information regarding the true origin of the goods in question.
143 Pravna redakcija
Za zagotavljanje pravilne uporabe tega protokola si Skupnost in Uzbekistan nudita medsebojno pomoč pri preverjanju pristnosti in točnosti izdanih izvoznih dovoljenj in potrdil o poreklu ali kakršnihkoli izjav, podanih v okviru pogojev tega protokola.
In order to ensure the correct application of this Protocol, the Community and Uzbekistan offer mutual assistance for the checking of the authenticity and the accuracy of export licences and certificates of origin issued or of any declarations made within the terms of this Protocol.
144 Pravna redakcija
Za zagotavljanje pravilne uporabe tega protokola si Skupnost in Belorusija nudita medsebojno pomoč pri preverjanju pristnosti in točnosti izdanih izvoznih dovoljenj in potrdil o poreklu ali kakršnih koli izjav, podanih v okviru pogojev tega protokola.
In order to ensure the correct application of this Protocol, the Community and Belarus offer mutual assistance for the checking of the authenticity and the accuracy of export licences and certificates of origin issued or of any declarations made within the terms of this Protocol.
145 Pravna redakcija
Da bi zagotovili pravilno uporabo tega protokola, si Skupnost in Libanon medsebojno pomagata prek pristojnih carinskih uprav pri preverjanju pristnosti potrdil o gibanju blaga EUR.1 ali izjav na računu ter točnosti podatkov, navedenih v teh dokumentih.
In order to ensure the proper application of this Protocol, the Community and Lebanon shall assist each other, through the competent customs administrations, in checking the authenticity of the movement certificates EUR.1 or the invoice declarations and the correctness of the information given in these documents.
146 Pravna redakcija
Za zagotovitev pravilne uporabe tega naslova si Sirija in Skupnost medsebojno pomagata s svojimi ustreznimi carinskimi upravami pri preverjanju pristnosti potrdil o gibanju blaga EUR.1 in točnosti informacij o pravem poreklu zadevnih izdelkov ter izjav izvoznikov na obrazcih EUR.2.
In order to ensure the proper application of this Title, Syria and the Community shall assist each other, through their respective customs administrations, in checking the authenticity of movement certificates EUR.l and the accuracy of the information concerning the actual origin of the products concerned and the declarations by exporters on forms EUR.2.
147 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32001D0822
Da bi zagotovili pravilno uporabo te priloge, si ČDO in Skupnost prek svojih pristojnih carinskih uprav pomagajo pri preverjanju verodostojnosti potrdil o prometu blaga EUR.1 ali izjav na računih in točnosti informacij, ki so v teh dokumentih navedene.
In order to ensure the proper application of this Annex, the OCT, the Community and the ACP States shall assist each other, through the competent customs administrations, in checking the authenticity of the movement certificates EUR.1 or the invoice declarations and the correctness of the information given in these documents.
148 Pravna redakcija
Da bi zagotovili pravilno uporabo tega Protokola, si Skupnost in Hrvaška preko pristojnih carinskih uprav medsebojno pomagata pri preverjanju verodostojnosti potrdil o gibanju blaga EUR.1 ali izjav na računih ter točnosti informacij, ki so tam navedene.
In order to ensure the proper application of this Protocol, the Community and Croatia shall assist each other, through the competent customs administrations, in checking the authenticity of the movement certificates EUR.1 or the invoice declarations and the correctness of the information given in these documents.
149 Pravna redakcija
Da bi zagotovili pravilno uporabo tega protokola, si Skupnost in Jordanija preko pristojnih carinskih uprav medsebojno pomagata pri preverjanju verodostojnosti potrdil o gibanju blaga EUR.1 ali izjav na računih ter točnosti informacij, ki so tam navedene.
In order to ensure the proper application of this Protocol, the Community and Jordan shall assist each other, through the competent customs administrations, in checking the authenticity of the movement certificates EUR.1 or the invoice declarations and the correctness of the information given in these documents.
150 Pravna redakcija
Za zagotavljanje pravilne uporabe tega dodatka si Skupnost ter Bosna in Hercegovina ponudita medsebojno pomoč pri preverjanju pristnosti in verodostojnosti izdanih izvoznih dovoljenj in potrdil o poreklu ali vseh izjav, podanih v okviru pogojev tega dodatka.
In order to ensure the correct application of this Appendix, the Community and Bosnia and Herzegovina offer mutual assistance for the checking of the authenticity and the accuracy of export licences and certificates of origin issued or of any declarations made within the terms of this Appendix.
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