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ob ugotovitvi, da
101 Končna redakcija
Ob sprejetju ugotovitve po odstavku 2 lahko Svet s kvalificirano večino sklene, da nekatere pravice, ki izhajajo iz uporabe te pogodbe za zadevno državo članico, mirujejo, vključno z glasovalnimi pravicami predstavnika vlade te države članice v Svetu.
Where a determination under paragraph 2 has been made, the Council, acting by a qualified majority, may decide to suspend certain of the rights deriving from the application of this Treaty to the Member State in question, including the voting rights of the representative of the government of that Member State in the Council.
102 Končna redakcija
V tej odločbi je ustavno sodišče tudi pojasnilo, da je pri ustavni 'pravici do odgovora na objavljeno informacijo ' ob upoštevanju načina in okoliščin nastanka te ustavne določbe možno z interpretacijo priti do ugotovitve, da ta ustavna pravica nujno že sama vsebuje - poleg običajne vsebine, ki jo je možno pripisati pojmu 'odgovor na objavljeno informacijo' - tudi pojmovno razmejitev nasproti pravici do popravka.
The same ruling of the Constitutional Court includes the explanation that 'in connection with the constitutional right to reply to published information, and taking into account the circumstances and manner in which this constitutional right was established, it is possible to interpret this provision in such a way as to arrive at the conclusion that this constitutional right by itself incorporates - in addition to the usual content that could be ascribed to the concept of 'reply to published information' - a meaningful distinction that sets it apart from the right of correction.
103 Končna redakcija
(1) Gospodarska zbornica Slovenije in Obrtna zbornica Slovenije (v nadaljnjem besedilu: zbornica) na podlagi javnega poziva pripravita seznam zainteresiranih izvajalcev gradenj, pri čemer morata upoštevati določila tega zakona o izpolnjevanju pogojev, določenih v 1., 2., 3. in 5. točki drugega odstavka 41. člena tega zakona in določila predpisov, ki veljajo za graditev objektov v Republiki Sloveniji. Na seznam se lahko vpišejo, ob izpolnjevanju enakih pogojev, tudi izvajalci iz drugih držav, če ima o tem Republika Slovenija sklenjen poseben sporazum. Če zbornica na kakršen koli način ugotovi, da na seznam vpisani izvajalec ne izpolnjuje več zahtevanih pogojev, ga mora najkasneje v osmih dneh od te ugotovitve pisno pozvati, da ponovno dokaže izpolnjevanje pogojev.
(1) The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia and the Chamber of Small Business of Slovenia (hereinafter: the Chamber) shall draw up on the basis of a public call, a list of the interested suppliers of works. In so doing they shall take account of the provisions laid down in this Act relating to the fulfilment of conditions under Article 41 (2), points 1., 2., 3. and 5, and the provisions of rules applying to the construction of premises in the Republic of Slovenia. Upon fulfilment of the same conditions, suppliers from other countries may also be included in the list, provided that the Republic of Slovenia has concluded a specific agreement to this effect. If the Chamber establishes in any way that the listed supplier no more fulfils the required conditions, the Chamber shall invite such supplier in writing, not later than 8 days after having established this fact, to prove again that the required conditions are fulfilled.
104 Pravna redakcija
poleg tega ob ugotovitvi, da so nekatere države članice EU že pričele s programi nacionalnih memorandumov o soglasju s poslovnimi organizacijami glede nedovoljenega prometa s prepovedanimi drogami in drugih carinskih prekrškov;
Further noting that some Member States of the European Union have already embarked on national Memoranda of Understanding programmes with business organizations in relation to both drug trafficking and other customs offences;
105 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0235
V skladu s Sodbo se ta metoda, ki je določena v drugem stavku člena 2(11) osnovne uredbe, lahko uporablja le, če je ob ugotovitvi, da se izvozni vzorec po posameznih kupcih, regijah ali časovnih obdobjih močno razlikuje, dana razlaga, zakaj prvi dve metodi, navedeni v prvem stavku člena 2(11) (ki se imenujeta tudi "simetrični metodi"), ne dovoljujeta, da bi se te razlike v vzorcu izvoznih cen ustrezno upoštevale in tako izrazile popoln obseg izvajanega dampinga.
According to the Judgment, this method, which is set out in the second sentence of Article 2(11) of the basic Regulation, can only be used if, in addition to a finding of an export pattern which differs significantly among different purchasers, regions or time periods, it is explained why the two first methods specified in the first sentence of Article 2(11) (which are also called "symmetrical methods") do not allow for these differences in the pattern of export prices to be taken appropriately into account and thus to reflect the full degree of dumping being practised.
106 Pravna redakcija
Ob nadaljnji ugotovitvi, da je Lihtenštajn sklenil dogovore z različnimi izobraževalnimi institucijami v tretjih državah, vključno z obvezo, da bo tem institucijam plačeval denarne prispevke;
Noting further that Liechtenstein has concluded agreements with a variety of educational institutions in third countries including the obligation to contribute financially to these institutions;
107 Pravna redakcija
Sporazum si prizadeva za znatno zmanjšanje emisij, ob upoštevanju, med drugim, ugotovitve tretjega poročila o oceni IPPC, in ob upoštevanju nujnosti, da se približa h globalno uravnoteženi porazdelitvi emisij toplogrednih plinov.
This agreement should aim at cutting emissions significantly, taking full account, inter alia, of the findings of the IPCC 3rd Assessment Report, and take into account the necessity to move towards a global equitable distribution of greenhouse gas emissions.
108 Pravna redakcija
ob nadaljnji ugotovitvi, da lahko občasno prihaja do razlik med pogodbenicama pri uporabi njunih zakonodaj o konkurenci pri vedenju ali transakcijah, ki so v precejšnjem interesu obeh pogodbenic;
Noting further that from time to time differences may arise between the Parties concerning the application of their competition laws to conduct or transactions that implicate significant interests of both Parties;
109 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R2605
Zgornje ugotovitve kažejo, da je v obdobju preiskave,ob upoštevanju razvoja dogodkov v obravnavanem obdobju, industrija Skupnosti utrpela padec svojih povprečnih cen (v vseh treh segmentih) in izgubo tržnega deleža.
The above findings show that in the investigation period, taking into account the developments over the period considered, the Community industry suffered a reduction in average prices (in all three ranges) and a loss in market share.
110 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31997R2320
(82) Glede na to, da so ugotovitve v zvezi z Madžarsko in Poljsko potrdile, da je damping kljub veljavnim ukrepom povzročil škodo, in ob upoštevanju tega, da je ohranitev protidampinških ukrepov za ti dve državi v interesu Skupnosti, se je določila nova dajatev.
(82) As a result of the findings concerning Hungary and Poland, confirming that, despite the existing measures, dumping has caused injury, and considering that it is in the Community's interest that anti-dumping measures with regard to these two countries be maintained, a determination of a revised duty has been made.
111 Pravna redakcija
Ob ugotovitvi potrebe po rednem obveščanju vseh držav članic Sveta Evrope o razvoju zakonodaje na področju 'storitev informacijske družbe' na vseevropski ravni in da bi se po potrebi omogočila obravnavanje in izmenjava informacij in zamisli o tem razvoju;
Noting the need for all Council of Europe Member States to be kept regularly informed of legislative developments on 'Information Society Services' at a pan-European level and, where necessary, to have the possibility to discuss and exchange information and ideas regarding these developments;
112 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003D1230
Komisija ob koncu drugega leta izvajanja programa in v vsakem primeru pred predložitvijo predlogov za kateri koli naslednji program zagotovi zunanjo oceno celotnega izvajanja akcij Skupnosti, ki so se izvedle po tem programu, ter nanjo da svoje sklepne ugotovitve.
At the end of the second year of the period of application of the programme, and in any case before putting forward proposals on any subsequent programme, the Commission shall provide, and give its conclusions on, an external evaluation of the overall implementation of the Community actions carried out under this programme.
113 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004D0004
(8) Nadalje je bila Komisija mnenja, da je bolj primerno, da ob uradnem obvestilu ugotovitve suma na Pseudomonas solanacearum (Smith) Smith, ponovno opredeli neokužena območja, povezana z navedenim uradnim obvestilom, kot da prepove izvoz krompirja s poreklom iz celotnega, neokuženega območja, povezanega z navedenim uradnim obvestilom.
(8) Furthermore, the Commission considered it appropriate, upon the notification of a suspect finding of Pseudomonas solanacearum (Smith) Smith, to redefine the pest-free area related to the said suspect notification, rather than banning the export of potatoes originating in the entire pest-free area related to the said suspect notification.
114 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R2042
Te cenovne razlike je treba razumeti ob upoštevanju ugotovitve, da je trg za sisteme televizijskih kamer cenovno občutljiv in transparenten, da ima majhno število subjektov in da je industrija Skupnosti utrpela izgube okoli 10 %, medtem ko se v tovrstni visokotehnološki proizvodnji šteje za primeren dobiček v višini 15 %, zato da bi industrija zmogla dohajati hitrost tehnološkega razvoja.
These price differences should be seen bearing in mind that the market for TCS was found to be price-sensitive and transparent, with a small number of players, and that the Community industry suffered losses of around 10 %, whereas in this kind of high-technology industry a profit of 15 % must be deemed appropriate so that an industry can keep up with the pace of technological developments.
115 Pravna redakcija
V primeru nepravilnosti, razen tistih iz odstavka 3, lahko države članice odločijo, da ne bodo odvzele odobritve ter uporabijo drugačno sankcijo, če oljarna ob prvi ugotovitvi kršitve pogojev za odobritev izvede ukrepe, potrebne za popravo te kršitve v roku, ki ga predpiše država članica in ki nikakor ni daljši od 90 dni.
In the case of irregularities other than those referred to in paragraph 3, Member States may decide not to withdraw approval and to apply a different penalty if the mill, when an infringement of the conditions for approval is first found, implements the measures needed to rectify that infringement within a time period to be laid down by the Member State and in any case not more than 90 days.
116 Pravna redakcija
Ob ponavljajočih se kršitvah oddelka 41712, ki jih zagreši katerikoli ameriški letalski prevoznik, bi se pojavilo vprašanje o pripravljenosti letalskega prevoznika, da ravna v skladu z načeli, kar se lahko v izjemno hudih primerih konča z ugotovitvijo, da letalski prevoznik ni več sposoben opravljati dejavnost, in torej z izgubo pooblastila za opravljanje gospodarske dejavnosti.
Repeated violations of section 41712 by any U. S. airline would also raise questions regarding the airline's compliance disposition which could, in egregious situations, result in an airline being found to be no longer fit to operate and, therefore, losing its economic operating authority.
117 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R1531
Če podatki, ki jih je predložila zainteresirana stranka v smislu tega člena, niso povsem idealni, se te podatke kljub vsemu upošteva, če kakršne koli pomanjkljivosti niso takšne, da bi povzročile težave pri sprejemanju upravičeno točne ugotovitve, če so ti podatki primerno predloženi ob pravem času in preverljive ter če je stranka delovala po svojih najboljših zmožnostih.
Where the information submitted by an interested party in the context of this Article is not ideal in all respects it should nevertheless not be disregarded, provided that any deficiencies are not such as to cause undue difficulty in arriving at a reasonably accurate finding and that the information is appropriately submitted in good time and is verifiable, and that the party has acted to the best of its ability.
118 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31997R2026
ker je treba določiti postopke za sprejem zavez za odpravo ali kompenzacijo subvencij, proti katerim se lahko uvedejo izravnalni ukrepi, in škode namesto uvedbe začasnih ali dokončnih dajatev; ker je primerno tudi določiti posledice kršitve ali odstopa od zavez in uvedbo začasnih dajatev ob sumu kršitve ali kadar je potrebna nadaljnja preiskava, da se dopolnijo ugotovitve; ker je pri sprejetju zavez treba paziti, da predlagane zaveze in njihovo uresničevanje ne vodijo v protikonkurenčno obnašanje;
Whereas it is necessary to specify procedures for the acceptance of undertakings eliminating or offsetting the countervailable subsidies and injury in lieu of the imposition of provisional or definitive duties; whereas it is also appropriate to lay down the consequences of breach or withdrawal of undertakings and that provisional duties may be imposed in cases of suspected violation or where further investigation is necessary to supplement the findings; whereas, in accepting undertakings, care should be taken that the proposed undertakings, and their enforcement, do not lead to anti-competitive behaviour;
119 Pravna redakcija
ker je treba te preiskave izvajati v skladu s Pogodbo in zlasti s Protokolom o posebnih pravicah in imunitetah Evropskih skupnosti, ob upoštevanju Kadrovskih predpisov za uradnike in druge uslužbence Evropskih skupnosti (v nadaljevanju “Kadrovski predpisi”), ter v celoti spoštovati človekove pravice in temeljne svoboščine, zlasti načelo poštenosti, pravice vpletenih oseb, da izrazijo svoje mnenje o dejstvih, ki jih zadevajo, in načela, da lahko ugotovitve preiskave temeljijo izključno na dejstvih z dokazno vrednostjo;
Whereas these investigations must be conducted in accordance with the Treaty and in particular with the Protocol on the privileges and immunities of the European Communities, while respecting the Staff Regulations of officials and the conditions of employment of other servants of the European Communities (hereinafter referred to as 'the Staff Regulations'), and with full respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms, in particular the principle of fairness, for the right of persons involved to express their views on the facts concerning them and for the principle that the conclusions of an investigation may be based solely on elements which have evidential value;
120 Prevajalska redakcija
"ob ugotovitvi, da so države ob Baltskem morju razširile svojo pristojnost nad živimi viri na vode, ki so zunaj njihovega teritorialnega morja ali na njega mejijo,";
121 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31999R2799
Razen pri višji sili se ob ugotovitvi, da obrat ne izpolnjuje več pogojev, določenih v odstavku 2, ali da ne izpolnjuje več kake druge obveznosti po tej uredbi, odobritev začasno razveljavi glede na resnost nepravilnosti za obdobje od enega do dvanajstih mesecev.
Except in cases of force majeure, where it is found that an undertaking no longer meets the conditions laid down in paragraph 2 or has failed to comply with another obligation under this Regulation, approval shall be suspended for a period of one to twelve months, depending on the seriousness of the irregularity.
122 Prevajalska redakcija
Pri ustanavljanju ugotovitvenega sveta DSB lahko pooblasti svojega predsedujočega, da določi mandat ugotovitvenega sveta ob posvetovanju s strankami v sporu pod pogoji določb odstavka 1.
In establishing a panel, the DSB may authorize its Chairman to draw up the terms of reference of the panel in consultation with the parties to the dispute, subject to the provisions of paragraph 1.
123 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31999D0394
V nobenem primeru se ne sme v ugotovitvah ob koncu preiskave poimensko imenovati nobena od teh oseb, ne da bi zainteresirana stran imela možnost izraziti svoja stališča o vseh dejstvih, ki se nanašajo nanjo.
In any event, conclusions referring by name to one of those persons may not be drawn once the investigation has been completed without the interested party having been enabled to express his views on all the facts which concern him.
124 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31997R2320
Glede na to, da so ugotovitve v zvezi z Madžarsko in Poljsko potrdile, da je damping kljub veljavnim ukrepom povzročil škodo, in ob upoštevanju tega, da je ohranitev protidampinških ukrepov za ti dve državi v interesu Skupnosti, se je določila nova dajatev.
As a result of the findings concerning Hungary and Poland, confirming that, despite the existing measures, dumping has caused injury, and considering that it is in the Community's interest that anti-dumping measures with regard to these two countries be maintained, a determination of a revised duty has been made.
125 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31999D0396
V nobenem primeru se ne sme v ugotovitvah ob koncu preiskave poimensko imenovati člana, uradnika ali uslužbenca Komisije, ne da bi zainteresirana stran imela možnost izraziti svoja stališča o vseh dejstvih, ki se nanašajo nanjo.
In any event, conclusions referring by name to a Member, official or servant of the Commission may not be drawn once the investigation has been completed without the interested party's having been enabled to express his views on all the facts which concern him.
126 Prevajalska redakcija
stranki ugotovita, da bo Kanada letno zahtevala od Znanstvenega sveta NAFO, da sestavi oceno o staležu, ob upoštevanju vseh ustreznih znanstvenih dokazov, vključno z ugotovitvami in dodatnimi podatki "Canadian Atlantic Fisheries Scientific Advisory Committee";
note that Canada will request annually that the NAFO Scientific Council carry out an assessment of the stock taking into account all relevant scientific evidence including the findings and supporting data of the Canadian Atlantic Fisheries Scientific Advisory Committee;
127 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0435
Ob upoštevanju, da so bile izvozne cene, ki so jih poročali sodelujoči proizvajalci - izvozniki, skupno usklajene z Eurostatovimi uvoznimi cenami in da po izreku začasnih ukrepov ni bilo nobenih pripomb, se potrdijo ugotovitve iz uvodne izjave 47 začasne uredbe.
Given that the export prices as reported by the cooperating exporting producers were overall in line with Eurostat import prices and no comment was received following the imposition of provisional measures, the findings as set out in recital 47 of the provisional Regulation are hereby confirmed.
128 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004D0004
Nadalje je bila Komisija mnenja, da je bolj primerno, da ob uradnem obvestilu ugotovitve suma na Pseudomonas solanacearum (Smith) Smith, ponovno opredeli neokužena območja, povezana z navedenim uradnim obvestilom, kot da prepove izvoz krompirja s poreklom iz celotnega, neokuženega območja, povezanega z navedenim uradnim obvestilom.
Furthermore, the Commission considered it appropriate, upon the notification of a suspect finding of Pseudomonas solanacearum (Smith) Smith, to redefine the pest-free area related to the said suspect notification, rather than banning the export of potatoes originating in the entire pest-free area related to the said suspect notification.
129 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31992L0043
Glede na ugotovitve presoje posledic za območje in ob upoštevanju določb odstavka 4 pristojni nacionalni organi soglašajo z načrtom ali projektom šele potem, ko se prepričajo, da ne bo škodoval celovitosti zadevnega območja, in, če je primerno, ko pridobijo mnenje javnosti.
In the light of the conclusions of the assessment of the implications for the site and subject to the provisions of paragraph 4, the competent national authorities shall agree to the plan or project only after having ascertained that it will not adversely affect the integrity of the site concerned and, if appropriate, after having obtained the opinion of the general public.
130 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31998D2119
ker je Svet v teh istih sklepnih ugotovitvah prosil Komisijo, da v svojih predlogih glede okvirja za delovanje na področju javnega zdravja posveti posebno pozornost vzpostavitvi epidemiološke mreže v Skupnosti, ob upoštevanju obstoječih postopkov in mehanizmov v Skupnosti in na ravni držav članic, in ob zagotovitvi primerljivosti in združljivosti podatkov;
Whereas in those same conclusions the Council requested the Commission to devote special attention, in its proposals relating to the framework for action in the field of public health, to setting up an epidemiological network in the Community, taking account of the current proceedings and mechanisms existing at Community and at Member State level, and ensuring the comparability and compatibility of data;
131 Prevajalska redakcija
"Da ob upoštevanju ustreznih določb tega sporazuma in (naziv kakršnega koli drugega zajetega sporazuma, ki ga navedeta stranki, udeleženi v sporu) v dokumentu proučijo zadevo, posredovano DSB (naziv stranke)… in da sprejmejo ugotovitve, ki bodo DSB pomagale pri dajanju priporočil ali sprejemanju odločitev, določenih s tem sporazumom."
'To examine, in the light of the relevant provisions of this Agreement and of (name of any other covered Agreement cited by the parties to the dispute), the matter referred to the DSB by (name of party) in document... and to make such findings as will assist the DSB in making the recommendations or in giving the rulings provided for in this Agreement.'
132 Prevajalska redakcija
Če se dokončno ugotovi, da obstaja škoda (vendar ne tudi, da grozi škoda ali materialno zaviranje razvoja določene industrije), ali ob dokončni ugotovitvi, da grozi škoda, če bi bili učinki subvencioniranega uvoza brez uporabe začasnih ukrepov taki, da bi pripeljali do ugotovitve škode, je možno uporabiti izravnalne carine za nazaj za tisti čas, v katerem so se, če so se, uporabljali začasni ukrepi.
Where a final determination of injury (but not of a threat thereof or of a material retardation of the establishment of an industry) is made or, in the case of a final determination of a threat of injury, where the effect of the subsidized imports would, in the absence of the provisional measures, have led to a determination of injury, countervailing duties may be levied retroactively for the period for which provisional measures, if any, have been applied.
133 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000D0520
Ob ponavljajočih se kršitvah oddelka 41712, ki jih zagreši kateri koli ameriški letalski prevoznik, bi se pojavilo vprašanje o pripravljenosti letalskega prevoznika, da ravna v skladu z načeli, kar se lahko v izjemno hudih primerih konča z ugotovitvijo, da letalski prevoznik ni več sposoben opravljati dejavnost, in torej z izgubo pooblastila za opravljanje gospodarske dejavnosti.
Repeated violations of section 41712 by any U.S. airline would also raise questions regarding the airline's compliance disposition which could, in egregious situations, result in an airline being found to be no longer fit to operate and, therefore, losing its economic operating authority.
134 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31996R0384
Komisija se po posvetovanju s Svetovalnim odborom odloči, ali in v kolikšni meri naj prošnji ugodi, lahko pa se ob vsakem času tudi odloči, da začne vmesni pregled, nakar se informacije in ugotovitve takega pregleda, ki se izvaja v skladu z določbami, ki veljajo za take preglede, uporabijo za odločitev, ali in v kolikšni meri je vračilo denarja upravičeno.
The Commission shall, after consultation of the Advisory Committee, decide whether and to what extent the application should be granted, or it may decide at any time to initiate an interim review, whereupon the information and findings from such review carried out in accordance with the provisions applicable for such reviews, shall be used to determine whether and to what extent a refund is justified.
135 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993D0465
Brez vpliva na določbe direktive, ki se nanašajo na uporabo varnostne klavzule, je ob ugotovitvi neupravičenega označevanja z znakom CE proizvajalec, njegov pooblaščeni zastopnik ali izjemoma, kjer to določajo posamične direktive, oseba, ki je odgovorna za dajanje proizvoda, na katerega se direktiva nanaša, na trg Skupnosti, dolžna poskrbeti, da bo proizvod ustrezal in da bo kršitev prenehala pod pogoji, ki jih predpisuje država članica.
Without prejudice to the provisions in the directive concerned relating to the application of the safeguard clause, where a Member State establishes that the CE marking has been affixed unduly, the manufacturer, his agent or, exceptionally, where the specific directives so provide, the person responsible for placing the product in question on the Community market is obliged to make the product comply and to end the infringement under conditions imposed by the Member State.
136 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31999R1073
ker je treba te preiskave izvajati v skladu s Pogodbo in zlasti s Protokolom o posebnih pravicah in imunitetah Evropskih skupnosti, ob upoštevanju Kadrovskih predpisov za uradnike in druge uslužbence Evropskih skupnosti (v nadaljevanju "Kadrovski predpisi"), ter v celoti spoštovati človekove pravice in temeljne svoboščine, zlasti načelo poštenosti, pravice vpletenih oseb, da izrazijo svoje mnenje o dejstvih, ki jih zadevajo, in načela, da lahko ugotovitve preiskave temeljijo izključno na dejstvih z dokazno vrednostjo;
Whereas these investigations must be conducted in accordance with the Treaty and in particular with the Protocol on the privileges and immunities of the European Communities, while respecting the Staff Regulations of officials and the conditions of employment of other servants of the European Communities (hereinafter referred to as "the Staff Regulations"), and with full respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms, in particular the principle of fairness, for the right of persons involved to express their views on the facts concerning them and for the principle that the conclusions of an investigation may be based solely on elements which have evidential value;
137 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31999R1074
ker je treba preiskave izvajati v skladu Pogodbo in zlasti s Protokolom o posebnih pravicah in imunitetah Evropskih skupnosti, ob upoštevanju Kadrovskih predpisov za uradnike in druge uslužbence Evropskih skupnosti (v nadaljevanju "Kadrovski predpisi"), ter v celoti spoštovati človekove pravice in temeljne svoboščine, predvsem načelo poštenosti, pravico udeleženih oseb, do izražanja svojega mnenja o dejstvih, ki jih zadevajo, in načela, da lahko ugotovitve preiskave temeljijo izključno na elementih, ki so podprti z dokazi;
Whereas these investigations must be conducted in accordance with the Treaty and in particular with the Protocol on the Privileges and Immunities of the European Communities, while respecting the Staff Regulations of Officials and the Conditions of Employment of Other Servants of the Communities (hereinafter referred to as "the Staff Regulations"), and with full respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms, in particular the principle of fairness, for the right of persons involved to express their views on the facts concerning them and for the principle that the conclusions of an investigation may be based solely on elements which have evidential value;
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