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odvzem dovoljenja
101 Končna redakcija
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(1) Izrek odločbe o odvzemu dovoljenja mora obsegati:
(1) The decision regarding the revocation of the authorisation must contain:
102 Končna redakcija
(1) Izrek odločbe o odvzemu dovoljenja mora obsegati:
(1) The operative part of the decision on withdrawal of the licence shall comprise:
103 Končna redakcija
(2) Inštitut prekliče pogojni odvzem dovoljenja in dovoljenje odvzame, če pooblaščeni ocenjevalec v preizkusni dobi stori novo kršitev, zaradi katere je mogoče odvzeti dovoljenje oziroma izreči opomin.
(2) The Institute shall revoke the conditional withdrawal of the licence and withdraw the licence if the certified valuator commits a new violation during the trial period giving rise to the withdrawal of the licence or to a reprimand.
104 Končna redakcija
4. odloča o izdaji in odvzemu dovoljenj za opravljanje:
4. to decide on the issue and withdrawal of licences for:
105 Končna redakcija
1. odloča o izdaji in odvzemu dovoljenj za opravljanje:
1. decide on the issue and withdrawal of licences for:
106 Končna redakcija
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(2) Odločba o odvzemu dovoljenja mora biti obrazložena.
(2) The decision regarding the revocation of the authorisation must be explained.
107 Končna redakcija
(2) Odločba o odvzemu dovoljenja mora biti obrazložena.
(2) The decision on withdrawal of the licence shall be substantiated.
108 Končna redakcija
(2) Inštitut prekliče pogojni odvzem dovoljenja in dovoljenje odvzame, če pooblaščeni revizor oziroma revizor v preizkusni dobi stori novo kršitev, zaradi katere je mogoče odvzeti dovoljenje oziroma izreči opomin.
(2) The Institute shall revoke the conditional withdrawal of the licence and shall withdraw the licence if the certified auditor or the auditor commits a new violation during the trial period giving rise to the withdrawal of licence or to a reprimand.
109 Končna redakcija
3. če je bil nad pooblaščenim revizorjem oziroma revizorjem, ki pri revizijski družbi opravlja naloge revidiranja, začet postopek za odvzem dovoljenja za opravljanje nalog pooblaščenega revizorja oziroma revizorja.
3. if a procedure has been instituted against a certified auditor or an auditor carrying out the audits in the auditing company for the withdrawal of his/her licence to carry out the tasks of a certified auditor or auditor.
110 Končna redakcija
(2) Če subjekt nadzora izjavi o razlogih za odvzem dovoljenja ne priloži listinskih dokazov, se ne uporabljajo določbe ZUP o nepopolnih vlogah, temveč Inštitut pri odločanju upošteva zgolj tiste dokaze, ki so izjavi priloženi.
(2) If the subject under supervision fails to attach documentary evidence to the statement concerning the grounds for the licence withdrawal, the provisions of the Incomplete Applications Act shall not apply, but the Institute shall, in the course if its decision-making, only consider the evidence attached to the statement.
111 Končna redakcija
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1. odločitev o odvzemu dovoljenja, z označbo številke in datuma izdaje dovoljenja,
1. the tenor of the decision regarding the revocation of the authorisation, including the number and date of the issue of the authorisation,
112 Končna redakcija
1. odločitev o odvzemu dovoljenja, z označbo številke in datuma izdaje dovoljenja,
1. a decision on withdrawal of the licence, stating the number and the date of issue of the licence;
113 Končna redakcija
3. ponavljajoče krši določbe tega zakona oziroma drugih zakonov in predpisov, ki urejajo ocenjevanje vrednosti premoženja oziroma standarde ocenjevanja in mu je bil zaradi teh kršitev že izrečen opomin oziroma pogojni odvzem dovoljenja.
3. repeatedly violates other provisions of this Act and/or of other laws and regulations governing the property valuation and/or valuation standards, and if on the grounds of such violations a reprimand or a conditional withdrawal of the licence has already been imposed on him/her.
114 Končna redakcija
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2. če na podlagi dokazov iz drugega odstavka 214. člena tega zakona zaključi, da ni dokazano, da je subjekt nadzora storil dejanje, oziroma da so podane okoliščine, zaradi katerih je izdala odločbo o začetku postopka za odvzem dovoljenja.
2. if it concludes on the basis of the evidence under the second paragraph of Article 214 of the present law that it has not been proved that the subject of supervision committed the act or that there existed the circumstances because of which it had issued the decision regarding the initiation of the procedure for the revocation of the authorisation.
115 Končna redakcija
2. če na podlagi dokazov iz drugega odstavka 109. člena tega zakona zaključi, da ni dokazano, da je subjekt nadzora storil dejanje, oziroma da niso podane okoliščine, zaradi katerih je izdal odločbo o začetku postopka za odvzem dovoljenja.
2. if it concludes on the basis of evidence referred to in Article 109 paragraph 2 hereof that the commitment of the act has not been proven to the subject under supervision or that no circumstances exist underlying the issue of the decision on the institution of the licence withdrawal procedure.
116 Končna redakcija
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Za postopek preklica pogojnega odvzema dovoljenja se smiselno uporabljajo določbe tega podrazdelka o postopku odvzema dovoljenja.
For the repeal of the conditional revocation of the authorisation, the provisions of this subsection on the procedure for the revocation of the authorisation shall apply, as appropriate.
117 Končna redakcija
Za postopek preklica pogojnega odvzema dovoljenja se smiselno uporabljajo določbe tega podrazdelka o postopku odvzema dovoljenja.
The provisions of this subsection on the licence withdrawal procedure shall apply mutatis mutandis to the procedure concerning the revocation of the conditional withdrawal of the licence.
118 Končna redakcija
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(2) Če subjekt nadzora izjavi o razlogih za odvzem dovoljenja ne priloži listinskih dokazov, se ne uporabljajo določbe tega zakona o nepopolnih vlogah, temveč Banka Slovenije pri odločanju upošteva zgolj tiste dokaze, ki so izjavi priloženi.
(2) If the subject of supervision does not attach documentary evidence to the statement regarding the grounds for the revocation of the authorisation, the provisions regarding incomplete requests shall not apply, but the Bank of Slovenia shall use in the decision-adopting only that evidence which has been attached to the statement.
119 Končna redakcija
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(1) Z odločbo o odvzemu dovoljenja lahko Banka Slovenije hkrati izreče, da se odvzem dovoljenja ne bo izvršil, če banka v času, ki ga določi Banka Slovenije, ki pa ne sme biti krajši od šestih mesecev in ne daljši od enega leta (preizkusna doba), ne bo storila nove kršitve, zaradi katere je mogoče odvzeti dovoljenje.
(1) Simultaneously with the decision to revoke an authorisation, the Bank of Slovenia may decide that the revocation of the authorisation shall not be implemented if the bank, within the deadline set by the Bank of Slovenia, which, however, may not be shorter than six months nor longer than one year (the trial period), does not commit another violation because of which it is possible to revoke the authorisation.
120 Končna redakcija
(1) Z odločbo o odvzemu dovoljenja lahko Inštitut hkrati izreče, da se odvzem dovoljenja ne bo izvršil, če revizijska družba v času, ki ga določi Inštitut, ki pa ne sme biti krajši od šestih mesecev in ne daljši od enega leta (preizkusna doba), ne bo storila nove kršitve, zaradi katere je mogoče odvzeti dovoljenje.
(1) In a decision on withdrawal of the licence, the Institute may also provide that the withdrawal will not be implemented if, within the time limit set by the Institute of no less than six months and not exceeding one year (trial period), the auditing company refrains from committing another violation giving rise to the withdrawal of licence.
121 Končna redakcija
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Banka Slovenije prekliče pogojni odvzem dovoljenja in dovoljenje odvzame, če banka v preizkusni dobi stori novo kršitev, zaradi katere je mogoče odvzeti dovoljenje, oziroma če ne izpolni dodatnih pogojev iz drugega odstavka 135. člena tega zakona.
The Bank of Slovenia shall repeal the conditional revocation of the authorisation and shall revoke the authorisation if during the trial period the bank commits a new infringement owing to which it is possible to revoke the authorisation, or if it fails to fulfil the additional conditions specified in the second paragraph of article 135 of the present law.
122 Končna redakcija
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3. če je banki odvzeto dovoljenje za opravljanje bančnih storitev,
3. if the bank's authorisation to provide banking services has been revoked,
123 Končna redakcija
Inštitut prekliče pogojni odvzem dovoljenja in dovoljenje odvzame, če revizijska družba v preizkusni dobi stori novo kršitev, zaradi katere je mogoče odvzeti dovoljenje, oziroma če ne izpolni dodatnih pogojev iz drugega odstavka 61. člena tega zakona.
The Institute shall revoke the conditional withdrawal of the licence and withdraw the licence, if the auditing company commits a new violation during the trial period giving rise to the withdrawal of licence, or if it fails to satisfy the additional conditions referred to in Article 61 paragraph 2 hereof.
124 Končna redakcija
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(3) V odločbi o začetku postopka za odvzem dovoljenja Banka Slovenije določi tudi rok, ki ne sme biti krajši od 15 dni in ne daljši od 30 dni šteto od dneva vročitve odločbe subjektu nadzora, v katerem se subjekt nadzora lahko izjavi o razlogih za začetek postopka (v nadaljevanju:
(4) In the decision to initiate the procedure for the revocation of the authorisation, the Bank of Slovenia shall set the deadline, which may not be shorter than 15 days nor longer than 30 days counted from the day of the delivery of the decision to the subject of supervision, during which the subject of supervision may make statement regarding the grounds for the initiation of the procedure (hereinafter:
125 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R0484
začasni ali delni odvzem overjenih verodostojnih kopij dovoljenja Skupnosti.
temporary or partial withdrawal of the certified true copies of the Community authorisation.
126 Končna redakcija
ker je zato nujno, da se opredelijo pogoji za izdajo ali odvzem takšnega dovoljenja;
whereas it is therefore necessary to define the conditions for the granting or withdrawal of such authorization;
127 Končna redakcija
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1. če je nadzorni organ tuje banke tej banki odvzel dovoljenje za opravljanje bančnih storitev;
1. if the supervisory body of the foreign bank has revoked the bank's authorisation for the provision of banking services
128 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0081
Brez poseganja v določbe o odvzemu iz člena 14 dovoljenje za prebivanje velja vsaj šest mesecev.
Without prejudice to the provisions on withdrawal referred to in Article 14, the residence permit shall be valid for at least six months.
129 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0039
Brez poseganja v postopke za odvzem dovoljenja ali v pravico držav članic, da naložijo kazenske sankcije, države članice v skladu s svojim nacionalnim pravnim redom zagotovijo, da se lahko proti odgovornim osebam sprejmejo ustrezni administrativni ukrepi ali se jim naložijo administrativne sankcije, če se določbe, sprejete pri izvajanju te direktive, ne izpolnjujejo.
Without prejudice to the procedures for the withdrawal of authorisation or to the right of Member States to impose criminal sanctions, Member States shall ensure, in conformity with their national law, that the appropriate administrative measures can be taken or administrative sanctions be imposed against the persons responsible where the provisions adopted in the implementation of this Directive have not been complied with.
130 Končna redakcija
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3. v primeru iz 3. točke prvega odstavka tega člena od dneva izdaje odločbe o odvzemu dovoljenja,
3. in the case under point 3 of the first paragraph of this article, from the day of issue of the decision to revoke the authorisation,
131 Končna redakcija
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2. firmo in sedež oziroma ime in priimek in datum rojstva subjekta nadzora, ki mu je dovoljenje odvzeto,
2. the name of the company and head office, or the first and last name and date of birth of the subject of supervision whose authorisation has been revoked,
132 Končna redakcija
2. firmo in sedež oziroma ime in priimek in datum rojstva subjekta nadzora, ki mu je dovoljenje odvzeto,
2. the company name and the registered office, or the name, surname and date of birth of the subject under supervision from whom the licence has been withdrawn;
133 Končna redakcija
(2) Pravnomočnost odločbe o odvzemu dovoljenja za opravljanje revizijskih storitev se vpiše v sodni register.
(2) The final decision on the withdrawal of the licence to provide auditing services shall be entered into the court register.
134 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0028
V tej zvezi je treba uskladiti in prilagoditi merila za zavrnitev, začasni odvzem in ukinitev dovoljenj za promet.
In this connection, it is necessary to harmonise and adapt the criteria for refusal, suspension and revocation of marketing authorisations.
135 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0081
Zato je treba določiti merila za izdajo dovoljenja za prebivanje, pogoje bivanja in razloge za nepodaljšanje in odvzem.
To this end, it is necessary to lay down the criteria for issuing a residence permit, the conditions of stay and the grounds for non-renewal and withdrawal.
136 Končna redakcija
1. odloča o izdaji in odvzemu dovoljenj za opravljanje nalog ocenjevanja vrednosti podjetij, nepremičnin ter strojev in opreme;
1. decide on the issue and withdrawal of licences for business, real estate, and machines and equipment valuation;
137 Končna redakcija
V primeru odvzema dovoljenja nadzorni organ države, v kateri je sedež podjetja, o takšnem odvzemu obvesti nadzorne organe drugih držav članic, ki so podjetju izdale dovoljenja;
In the event of the withdrawal of the authorization, the supervisory authority of the head-office country shall notify such withdrawal to the supervisory authorities of other Member States which have issued an authorization to the undertaking;
138 Končna redakcija
Pred odvzemom dovoljenja se nadzorni organi države, v kateri se opravlja dejavnost, posvetujejo z nadzornim organom države, v kateri je sedež.
Before withdrawing the authorization the supervisory authorities of the country where business is carried on shall consult the supervisory authority of the country where the head office is situated.
139 Končna redakcija
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(4) Odločba iz 2. točke drugega odstavka tega člena se lahko izpodbija s tožbo v postopku sodnega varstva proti odločbi o odvzemu dovoljenja.
(4) A decision under point 2 of the second paragraph of this article may be contested through a suit within the procedure of judicial protection against the decision regarding the revocation of an authorisation.
140 Končna redakcija
Dovoljenje izdano zastopstvu ali podružnici podjetja, katerega sedež je v drugi državi članici, se sme odvzeti, če zastopstvo ali podružnica:
An authorization granted to an agency or branch of an undertaking whose head office is situated in another Member State may be withdrawn if the agency or branch:
141 Končna redakcija
(3) Po pravnomočnosti odločbe o odvzemu dovoljenja oziroma izreku opomina Inštitut javno objavi povzetek odločbe v strokovni reviji, ki jo izdaja.
(3) After the decision on withdrawal of the licence or imposition of the reprimand has become final, the Institute shall publish the summarized decision in the professional journal published by the Institute.
142 Končna redakcija
(2) Določbe podrazdelka o odvzemu dovoljenja se smiselno uporabljajo tudi za postopek izreka opomina in postopek izreka prepovedi izvrševanja pravic iz delnic.
(2) The provisions from the subsection on the withdrawal of licence shall also apply mutatis mutandis to the procedure concerning the imposition of a reprimand and to the procedure concerning the imposition of prohibition of the exercise of rights attaching to shares.
143 Končna redakcija
(1) Z odločbo Inštitut odloča o izdaji oziroma odvzemu dovoljenja in o drugih zadevah, za katere zakon ne določa, da o njih odloča s sklepom oziroma odredbo.
(1) By way of a decision, the Institute shall decide on the issue or withdrawal of the licence and on other matters for which the law does not provide that they be decided by way of a ruling or an order.
144 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0550
drugimi pravnimi pogoji, ki niso specifični za navigacijske službe zračnega prometa, kakor so pogoji, ki se nanašajo na začasni odvzem ali preklic dovoljenja.
any other legal conditions which are not specific to air navigation services, such as conditions relating to the suspension or revocation of the certificate.
145 Končna redakcija
(4) Odločba iz 2. točke drugega odstavka tega člena se lahko izpodbija s tožbo v postopku sodnega varstva proti odločbi o odvzemu dovoljenja oziroma izreku opomina oziroma prepovedi izvrševanja pravic iz delnic.
(4) The decision under paragraph 2 item 2 of this Article may be challenged by an action in the judicial appeal procedure against the decision on the withdrawal of the licence or imposition of the reprimand, or on the prohibition of the exercise of rights attaching to shares.
146 Končna redakcija
(5) O odvzemu dovoljenja za opravljanje nalog pooblaščenega aktuarja mora Agencija za zavarovalni nadzor obvestiti zavarovalnice, za katere oseba, ki ji je bilo dovoljenje odvzeto, opravlja naloge pooblaščenega aktuarja.
(5) The Insurance Supervision Agency shall be obliged to inform the insurance undertakings for which the person from whom the authorisation was withdrawn performs the tasks of certified actuary of the withdrawal of the authorisation.
147 Končna redakcija
(2) S pravnomočnostjo odločbe o odvzemu dovoljenja za pridobitev kvalificiranega deleža imetnik kvalificiranega deleža izgubi glasovalne pravice iz delnic, na podlagi katerih je njegov delež pri glasovanju večji kot 10%.
(2) Upon the entry into force of the decision to withdraw the authorisation to acquire a qualified holding, the holder of the qualifying holding shall lose voting rights arising from the shares on the basis of which its participation in the voting exceeds 10%.
148 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R0484
Države članice jamčijo, da se lahko imetnik dovoljenja Skupnosti pritoži na katero koli odločbo pristojnih organov države članice sedeža o zavrnitvi ali odvzemu potrdila za voznike ali o postavljanju dodatnih pogojev za izdajo potrdil za voznike.";
The Member States shall guarantee that the holder of a Community authorisation can appeal against any decision by the competent authorities of the Member State of establishment to refuse or withdraw a driver attestation or to make the issue of driver attestations subject to additional conditions.";
149 Končna redakcija
Veljavno dovoljenje za prebivanje se delavcu ne sme odvzeti le zato, ker ni veè zaposlen, ne glede na to, ali je zaèasno nesposoben za delo zaradi bolezni ali nesreèe, ali èe je brezposeln brez svoje krivde, kar mora toèno potrditi pristojni zavod za zaposlovanje.
A valid residence permit may not be withdrawn from a worker solely on the grounds that he is no longer in employment, either because he is temporarily incapable of work as a result of illness or accident, or because he is involuntarily unemployed, this being duly confirmed by the competent employment office.
150 Končna redakcija
(1) Z dnem pravnomočnosti odločbe o odvzemu dovoljenja za opravljanje revizijskih storitev oziroma nalog pooblaščenega revizorja, revizorja oziroma ocenjevalca vrednosti premoženja subjekt nadzora ne sme več opravljati storitev oziroma nalog, za katere mu je bilo dovoljenje odvzeto.
(1) On the date of the final decision on withdrawal of the licence to provide auditing services or the tasks of an authorized auditor, an auditor or a property valuator, the subject under supervision shall be prohibited from providing the services or carrying out the tasks for which the licence has been withdrawn.
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