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101 Pravna redakcija
pri vseh občutljivih rastlinah v polmeru 10 m od okuženih rastlin ter vseh preostalih rastlinah iz prizadete serije, so se rastline ohranile na mestu pridelave, opravljeni pa so bili dodatni pregledi vsaj dvakrat v treh mesecih po odkritju, ko so rastline v aktivni rasti, in za katere se je s temi pregledi ugotovilo, da niso okužene s škodljivim organizmom,
for all susceptible plants within 10 m radius of the infected plants, and any remaining plants from the affected lot, the plants have been retained at the place of production and additional inspections have been carried out at least twice in the three months following the finding when the plants are in active growth and they have been found free from the harmful organism in these inspections,
102 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R0769
Zagovarja se stališče, da bi se v primeru razveljavitve protidampinških ukrepov, uvedenih v okviru prejšnje preiskave, škodljivi damping verjetno ponovil, in da bi se položaj industrije Skupnosti, ki se je v obdobju pod pregledom izboljšal, poslabšal.
It is considered that, should the anti-dumping measures imposed in the previous investigation be repealed, injurious dumping is likely to recur and that the situation of the Community industry, which improved during the period under review, would deteriorate.
103 Pravna redakcija
Pri izvajanju pregledov za namen zdravja rastlin pogodbenica uvoznica zagotovi, da se rastline, rastlinski proizvodi in drugo blago podrobno pregledajo na uradni osnovi, bodisi v celoti bodisi reprezentativen vzorec, in da se po potrebi na uradni osnovi podrobno pregledajo vozila, ki jih prevažajo, z namenom da bi zagotovili, da niso okužene s škodljivimi organizmi.
In carrying out the checks for plant health purposes, the importing Party shall ensure that the plants, plant products and other goods and their packaging shall be meticulously inspected on an official basis, either in their entirety or by representative sample, and that if necessary the vehicles transporting them shall be inspected meticulously on an official basis in order to make sure, as far as can be determined, that they are not contaminated by pests.
104 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31997R2026
Dokončni izravnalni ukrep se izteče pet let po uvedbi ali pet let po datumu zadnjega pregleda, v katerega sta bila zajeta subvencioniranje in škoda, razen če se med pregledom ne ugotovi, da bi iztek verjetno povzročil nadaljevanje ali ponovitev subvencioniranja in škode.
A definitive countervailing measure shall expire five years from its imposition or five years from the date of the most recent review which has covered both subsidization and injury, unless it is determined in a review that the expiry would be likely to lead to a continuation or recurrence of subsidization and injury.
105 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R2239
(31) Tekoči vmesni pregled je treba zaključiti brez izreka ukrepov, ker je le majhen delež uvoza zadevnih izdelkov s poreklom iz Indije bil dampinški in ta neznaten obseg dampinškega uvoza, ki se v prihodnosti verjetno ne bo bistveno spreminjal, ne more povzročiti škode.
(31) The current interim review should be terminated without the imposition of measures because only a small part of imports of the product concerned originating in India was dumped and this negligible volume of dumped imports, which is not likely to change significantly in future, cannot cause injury.
106 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31997R2320
(85) Doseženi sklepi glede dampinga, škode, vzročne zveze in interesa Skupnosti zahtevajo dokončne ukrepe, tako za države, ki so predmet nove preiskave kakor za države, ki so predmet pregleda, razen Hrvaške, v zvezi s katero bi se protidampinški postopek moral zaključiti.
(85) The conclusions reached above as to dumping, injury, causation and Community interest call for definitive measures, both for the countries under the new investigation and for those under the review investigation, with the exception of Croatia, for which the anti-dumping proceeding should be terminated.
107 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R2239
(38) Na podlagi ugotovitev tega pregleda se torej ne da domnevati, da vzročna zveza med dampingom in škodo, ugotovljena v prvotnem primeru, še obstaja v tej preiskavi, čeprav sedanji delni vmesni pregled ni izrecno vključeval pregleda vzročnosti, ugotovljene v prvotnem primeru.
(38) Therefore, based on the findings of this review, the causal link established between dumping and injury in the original case can not be assumed to be present in this investigation, although the current partial interim review did not expressly include a review of the causality established in the original case.
108 Pravna redakcija
Po tem postopku ima poročevalec pristojnega odbora, ki so mu omenjeni primeri zaupani, pooblastilo, da takoj pregleda vsak pravilno sporočen odstop in zadevo v primeru, da bi bila zamuda v obravnavi obvestila škodljiva, preda predsedniku odbora s prošnjo, da na podlagi odstavka 3:
Under this procedure, the rapporteur of the committee responsible entrusted with these cases has the power to examine immediately any resignation duly notified and, where any delay in considering the notification would be prejudicial, to refer the matter to the committee chairman asking him, pursuant to paragraph 3:
109 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R0964
Proizvajalci Skupnosti, ki so vložili prošnjo, niso zahtevali pregleda, zaradi izteka ukrepov za uvoz s poreklom s Hrvaške, ker razpoložljiva statistika kaže zelo majhen izvoz v druge države, in na podlagi tega ni zanesljivih dokazov o morebitnem ponovnem pojavu škodljivega dampinga.
The applicant Community producers did not request the initiation of an expiry review concerning imports originating in Croatia on the grounds that available statistics show very low exports worldwide and, accordingly, no reliable evidence concerning the likely recurrence of injurious dumping.
110 Pravna redakcija
ker mora Komisija obdržati pregled nad izvajanjem in praktično uporabo te in drugih ustreznih direktiv in sprejeti ukrepe za zagotovitev koordinirane uporabe vseh ustreznih direktiv, da bi se izognili motnjam telekomunikacijske opreme, ki vplivajo na zdravje ljudi ali ki so škodljive za premoženje;
Whereas the Commission should keep under review the implementation and practical application of this and other relevant directives and take steps to ensure coordination of the application of all relevant directives in order to avoid disturbance to telecommunications equipment which affects the health of humans or is harmful to property;
111 Pravna redakcija
izdanim po uradni potrditvi, da na nobeni od občutljivih rastlin na mestu pridelave med uradnimi pregledi, vključno z laboratorijskim preskušanjem kakršnih koli sumljivih znamenj, opravljenimi od začetka zadnje celotne rastne dobe, ni bilo opaziti znakov neevropskih izolatov škodljivega organizma.
issued after official verification that no signs of non-European isolates of the harmful organism have been observed on any susceptible plants at the place of production during official inspections, including laboratory testing of any suspicious symptoms carried out since the beginning of the last complete cycle of vegetation.
112 Pravna redakcija
Če se (kot posledica postopka pregleda, razen če zaradi dejanske in pravne situacije postopek pregleda ni potreben) izkaže, da interesi Skupnosti zahtevajo ukrepanje, da bi zagotovili izvajanje pravic Skupnosti po mednarodnih pravilih trgovanja s ciljem odpraviti škodo ali škodljive učinke na trgovino, ki izhajajo iz trgovinskih ovir, ki jih sprejmejo ali ohranjajo tretje države, se po postopkih iz člena 13 določijo primerni ukrepi.
Where it is found (as a result of the examination procedure, unless the factual and legal situation is such that an examination procedure may not be required) that action is necessary in the interests of the Community in order to ensure the exercise of the Community's rights under international trade rules, with a view to removing the injury or the adverse trade effects resulting from obstacles to trade adopted or maintained by third countries, the appropriate measures shall be determined in accordance with the procedure set out in Article 13.
113 Pravna redakcija
se na mestu pridelave niso opazila znamenja evropskih izolatov škodljivega organizma na zgoraj navedenih rastlinah od začetka zadnje celotne rastne dobe ob uradnih pregledih, vključno z laboratorijskim preskušanjem kakršnih koli sumljivih znamenj, opravljenim vsaj enkrat ob primernem času med aktivno rastjo rastlin;
no signs of European isolates of the harmful organism have been observed on the above plants on the place of production since the beginning of the last complete cycle of vegetation on official inspections, including laboratory testing of any suspicious symptoms, carried out at least once at appropriate times when the plants are in active growth;
114 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32001R0468
Kot je navedeno zgoraj, je ta preiskava kombinacija pregleda zaradi izteka veljavnosti ukrepov na podlagi člena 11(2) osnovne uredbe in vmesnega pregleda na podlagi člena 11(3), pri čemer je bil slednji začet, zaradi preveritve informacije iz zahteve za pregled, v kateri se navaja, da se je škodljivi damping povečal.
As indicated above, this investigation is a combination of an expiry review based on Article 11(2) of the basic Regulation and an interim review based on Article 11(3), the latter having been initiated to examine information contained in the request for review indicating that the injurious dumping had increased.
115 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32001R0469
Komisija se je iz razlogov, pojasnjenih v uvodni izjavi 16, v tem primeru odločila, da ne nadaljuje pregleda po členu 11(3). Ugotovitve Komisije zato temeljijo na tistih dognanjih v skladu z členom 11(2), ki se nanašajo na verjetnost nadaljevanja in ponovitve škodljivega dampinga v primeru odprave obstoječih ukrepov.
In this case, the Commission decided not to pursue this Article 11(3) review for the reasons explained at recital 16. The Commission's findings are, therefore, based on those established under Article 11 (2) relating to the likelihood of continuation and recurrence of injurious dumping should the existing measures be removed.
116 Pravna redakcija
Pri rastlinah Chamaecyparis in Pinus, se rastline rodu Chamaecyparis Spach in rodu Pinus L., ki so se vzgojile v zgoraj omenjenih drevesnicah za naravno in siljeno pritlikave rastline in v njihovi neposredni bližini, uradno pregledajo vsaj šestkrat letno v ustreznih presledkih glede navzočnosti zadevnih škodljivih organizmov.
For Chamaecyparis and Pinus plants, the plants of the genus Chamaecyparis Spach and of the genus Pinus L. which have been grown in the abovementioned naturally or artificially dwarfed plants nurseries and their immediate vicinity shall have been officially inspected at least six times a year at appropriate intervals, for the presence of harmful organisms of concern.
117 Pravna redakcija
Rastline Chamaecyparis in Pinus, rastline vrst Chamaecyparis Spach in vrst Pinus L., ki so bile vzgojene v zgoraj navedenih vrtnarijah za naravno in umetno zavrte rastline in njihovi neposredni bližini, morajo biti vsaj šestkrat letno v primernih časovnih razmikih uradno pregledane za prisotnost zadevnih škodljivih organizmov.
For Chamaecyparis and Pinus plants, the plants of the genus Chamaecyparis Spach and of the genus Pinus L., which have been grown in the abovementioned naturally or artificially dwarfed plants nurseries and their immediate vicinity, shall have been officially inspected at least six times a year at appropriate intervals, for the presence of harmful organisms of concern.
118 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R2093
Zato je ugotavljanje škode omejeno na splošen gospodarski položaj sodelujočih proizvajalcev Skupnosti, ki v skladu z uvodno izjavo 42 predstavljata industrijo Skupnosti. Poleg tega je iz preglednice iz uvodne izjave 86 razvidno, da se je tržni delež drugih proizvajalcev Skupnosti v obravnavanem obdobju prav tako občutno zmanjšal.
Therefore, the determination of injury is limited to the overall economic situation of the cooperating Community producers constituting the Community industry as defined in recital 42. Besides this, the table in recital 86 shows that the market share of the other Community producers also decreased, to a significant extent, during the period under consideration.
119 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R2093
V začasni uredbi je bila ugotovljena napaka in potrdi se, da je, kakor je razvidno iz različnih preglednic spodaj, preučevanje gibanj, pomembnih za analizo škode, zajemalo obdobje od 1. januarja 1996 (in ne od 1. oktobra 1997, kakor je navedeno v začasni uredbi) do konca obdobja preiskave (v nadaljnjem besedilu ''obravnavano obdobje'').
A clerical error was found in the provisional Regulation, and it is confirmed that, as showed in the various tables below, the examination of trends relevant for the injury analysis covered the period from 1 January 1996 (and not 1 October 1997 as stated in the provisional Regulation) to the end of the IP (period under consideration).
120 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R1728
Sedanji pregled je trajal dlje kot eno leto, kar je običajno obdobje, v katerem bi moral biti zaključen v skladu s členom 11(5) osnovne uredbe, in sicer zaradi zahtevnosti preiskave in zlasti težav pri pridobivanju in ocenjevanju podatkov v zvezi z devalvacijo valute na Daljnem vzhodu in njenem učinku na verjetnost nadaljevanja ali ponovitve škodljivega dampinga.
The present review exceeded the period of one year within which it should normally have been concluded pursuant to Article 11(5) of the Basic Regulation, due to the complexity of the investigation, and in particular due to the difficulties in obtaining and assessing data concerning the currency devaluation in the Far East and its impact on the likelihood of continuation or recurrence of injurious dumping.
121 Pravna redakcija
ker so tak dostop in ti podatki potrebni zaradi zagotovitve, da je mogoče vozila pregledati, servisirati in popravljati brez ovir kjerkoli v Evropski uniji ter da pri tem konkurenca na trgu avtomobilskih delov in popravil ni motena v škodo proizvajalcev avtomobilskih delov, samostojnih grosistov z avtomobilskimi deli, samostojnih avtomehaničnih delavnic in uporabnikov;
whereas such access and such information are required to ensure that vehicles may be inspected, serviced and repaired without hindrance throughout the European Union, and that competition in the market for vehicle parts and repairs is not distorted to the disadvantage of part manufacturers, independent vehicle-part wholesalers, independent repair garages and consumers;
122 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R1995
Bila je pregledana stopnja škode za Belorusijo, da bi se upoštevalo dejstvo, da je bila carina za uvoz s poreklom iz Belorusije 6,8 % v letu 1998 in 6,5 % v letu 1999, medtem ko je Komisija pri izračunu vrednosti z vračunanimi cif stroški za zavarovanje in voznino na meji Skupnosti, franko obala, dajatve plačane, uporabila 6,5 % za ves uvoz, kakor je navedeno zgoraj.
The injury margin for Belarus was revised to take into account the fact that the customs duty applicable for imports originating in Belarus was 6,8% in 1998 and 6,5 % in 1999 while, as mentioned above, the Commission, in the calculation of the cif Community frontier value, ex-quay, duty paid, used 6,5 % for all imports.
123 Pravna redakcija
Rastlinam, ki se jih drži ali je z njimi povezan rastni substrat (v nadaljnjem besedilu "material") se priloži fitosanitarno spričevalo, izdano v Republiki Koreji v skladu s členom 7 Direktive 2000/29/ES, na osnovi pregleda iz člena 6 te Direktive v povezavi s pogoji le-te, predvsem neokuženosti z zadevnimi škodljivimi organizmi, kot tudi z zahtevami iz točk 1 do 7.
The plants and the adhering or associated growing medium (hereinafter referred to as "the material") shall be accompanied by a phytosanitary certificate issued in the Republic of Korea in accordance with Article 7 of Directive 2000/29/EC, on the basis of the examination laid down in Article 6 of that Directive relating to the conditions laid down therein, in particular freedom from harmful organisms of concern, as well as to the requirements specified in points 1 to 7.
124 Pravna redakcija
z vizualnim pregledom ob prihodu in v rednih časovnih razmikih po njem, ob upoštevanju tipa materiala in njegovega razvojnega stanja med karanteno, za škodljive organizme ali simptome, ki jih povzročajo škodljivi organizmi;(ii) z ustreznim testiranjem simptomov, opazovanih pri vizualnem pregledu, z namenom identifikacije škodljivih organizmov, ki so povzročili te simptome.
by visual examination upon arrival and at regular intervals thereafter, having regard to the type of material and its state of development during the quarantine period, for harmful organisms or symptoms caused by any harmful organism;(ii) by appropriate testing of any symptom observed in the visual examination in order to identify the harmful organisms having caused such symptoms.
125 Pravna redakcija
vsaj med istim obdobjem posadijo v lonce, ki so na policah vsaj 50 cm nad tlemi, ali v tla, ki ne prepuščajoogorčic, redno vzdrževana in brez ostankov rastlin;(b) s pregledi iz točke 4 zanje ugotovi, da ne vsebujejo zadevnih škodljivih organizmov iz točke 4 in nanje ne vplivajo ukrepi iz točke 5;(c) če so rodu Pinus L. in v primeru cepljenja na koreniko vrste Pinus, razen Pinus parviflora Sieb.
be potted, at least during the same period, in pots which are placed either on shelves at least 50 cm above ground or onto flooring, impenetrable for nematodes, which is well maintained and free from debris;(b) be found free, in the inspections referred to in point 4, from the harmful organisms of concern specified in point 4 and not be affected by the measures referred to in point 5;(c) if they belong to the genus Pinus L. and in the case of grafting on a rootstock of a Pinus species other than Pinus parviflora Sieb.
126 Pravna redakcija
Rastline, ki se jih drži ali je z njimi povezan rastni substrat (v nadaljnjem besedilu material), spremlja fitosanitarno spričevalo, izdano na Japonskem v skladu s členom 7 Direktive 2000/29/ES na podlagi pregleda, ki ga določa člen 6 navedene direktive v zvezi s tam določenimi pogoji, zlasti glede neokuženosti z zadevnimi škodljivimi organizmi, kakor tudi glede zahtev, določenih v točkah od 1 do 7.
The plants and the adhering or associated growing medium (hereinafter referred to as the material) shall be accompanied by a phytosanitary certificate issued in Japan in accordance with Article 7 of Directive 2000/29/EC, on the basis of the examination laid down in Article 6 of that Directive relating to the conditions laid down therein, in particular freedom from harmful organisms of concern, as well as to the requirements specified in points 1 to 7.
127 Pravna redakcija
Pri rastlinah Juniperus, se rastline rodov Chaenomeles Lindl., Crataegus L., Cydonia Mill., Juniperus L., Malus Mill., Photinia Ldl. in Pyrus L., ki so se zadnji dve leti pred odpremo vzgajale v zgoraj omenjenih drevesnicah za naravno in siljeno pritlikave rastline in v njihovi neposredni bližini, uradno pregledajo vsaj šestkrat letno v ustreznih presledkih glede navzočnosti zadevnih škodljivih organizmov.
For Juniperus plants, the plants of the genera Chaenomeles Lindl., Crataegus L, Cydonia Mill., Juniperus L, Malus Mill., Photinia Ldl. and Pyrus L, which have been grown in the two last years prior to dispatch in the abovementioned naturally or artificially dwarfed plants nurseries and their immediate vicinity shall have been officially inspected at least six times a year at appropriate intervals for the presence of harmful organisms of concern.
128 Pravna redakcija
Občutljive rastline in občutljiv les se smejo vnesti na ozemlje Skupnosti le, če so skladni z izrednimi fitosanitarnimi ukrepi, določenimi v točkah 1a in 2 priloge k tej odločbi, in če se ob vstopu v Skupnost pregledajo glede navzočnosti neevropskih izolatov škodljivega organizma v skladu s členom 13(1)(a) Direktive 2000/29/ES, ter se s tem pregledom ugotovi, da niso okuženi s škodljivim organizmom.
Susceptible plants and susceptible wood may only be introduced into the territory of the Community if they comply with the emergency phytosanitary measures laid down in points la and 2 of the Annex to this Decision and if they are inspected on entry into the Community for the presence of non-European isolates of the harmful organism, in accordance with Article 13(l)(a) of Directive 2000/29/EC, and found free from the harmful organism in this inspection.
129 Pravna redakcija
Rastline Juniperus, rastline vrst Chaenomeles Lindl., Crataegus L., Cydonia Mill., Juniperus L., Malus Mill., Photinia Ldl. in Pyrus L., ki so bile vzgojene v zgoraj navedenih vrtnarijah z naravno ali umetno pritlikavimi rastlinami in njihovi neposredni bližini v zadnjih dveh letih pred pošiljanjem, morajo biti vsaj šestkrat letno v primernih časovnih razmikih uradno pregledane za prisotnost zadevnih škodljivih organizmov.
For Juniperus plants, the plants of the genera Chaenomeles Lindl., Crataegus L., Cydonia Mill., Juniperus L., Malus Mill., Photinia Ldl. and Pyrus L., which have been grown in the two last years prior to dispatch in the abovementioned naturally or artificially dwarfed plants nurseries and their immediate vicinity, shall have been officially inspected at least six times a year at appropriate intervals for the presence of harmful organisms of concern.
130 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31997R2026
Vmesni pregled se začne, če zahteva vsebuje zadostne dokaze, da ohranitev ukrepov ni več potrebna za kompenziranje subvencije, proti kateri se lahko uvedejo izravnalni ukrepi, in/ali da ni verjetno, da bi se škoda nadaljevala ali ponovila, če bi se ukrepi odpravili ali spremenili, ali da veljavni ukrep ne zadostuje oziroma ne zadostuje več za odpravo subvencije, proti kateri se lahko uvedejo izravnalni ukrepi in ki povzroča škodo.
An interim review shall be initiated where the request contains sufficient evidence that the continued imposition of the measure is no longer necessary to offset the countervailable subsidy and/or that the injury would be unlikely to continue or recur if the measure were removed or varied, or that the existing measure is not, or is no longer, sufficient to counteract the countervailable subsidy which is causing injury.
131 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31997R2026
Pri izvajanju preiskav na podlagi tega člena se izvoznikom, uvoznikom, državi porekla in/ali izvoza ter proizvajalcem Skupnosti ponudi priložnost za razširitev, zavrnitev ali razlago zadev iz zahtevka za pregled, sklepi pa se sprejmejo ob ustreznem upoštevanju vseh pomembnih in pravilno dokumentiranih dokazov, ki se predložijo v zvezi z vprašanjem, ali je verjetno, da bi iztek ukrepov povzročil nadaljevanje ali ponovitev subvencioniranja in škode.
In carrying out investigations under this Article, the exporters, importers, the country of origin and/or export and the Community producers shall be provided with the opportunity to amplify, rebut or comment on the matters set out in the review request, and conclusions shall be reached with due account taken of all relevant and duly documented evidence presented in relation to the question as to whether the expiry of measures would be likely, or unlikely, to lead to the continuation or recurrence of subsidization and injury.
132 Pravna redakcija
Informacije, navedene v odstavku 1, se uporabljajo tudi za to, da se ugotovi v skladu s Pogodbo, ali država članica, iz katere je prišla pošiljka/pošiljke, ni ugotovila njihove neustreznosti, kar je povzročilo pojav škodljivega organizma na zadevnem območju, ker ta država članica ni izpolnjevala svojih obveznosti po Pogodbi in po določbah te direktive, ki se zlasti nanašajo na preverjanja, predpisana v členu 6 ali na inšpekcijske preglede, predpisane v členu 13(1).
The information referred to in paragraph 1 shall also be used to establish, in accordance with the Treaty, whether the Member State from which the consignment(s) came did not detect their non-compliance which resulted in the appearance of the harmful organism in the area concerned because that Member State failed to meet one of its obligations under the Treaty and under the provisions of this Directive relating in particular to the examinations laid down in Article 6 or the inspections laid down in Article 13(1).
133 Pravna redakcija
Države članice zagotovijo, da se med pregledi, predvidenimi v členu 14, opravijo preskusi za odkrivanje morebitnih ostankov snovi s farmakološkim ali hormonalnim delovanjem in antibiotikov, pesticidov, detergentov in drugih snovi, ki so škodljive ali bi lahko spremenile organoleptične značilnosti mleka ali izdelkov na osnovi mleka ali bi zaradi njih postalo njihovo zaužitje nevarno ali škodljivo za človekovo zdravje, v kolikor ti ostanki presegajo dovoljene dopustne meje.
Member States shall ensure that in the context of the checks provided for in Article 14 tests are carried out to detect any residues of substances having a pharmacological or hormonal action, and of antibiotics, pesticides, detergents and other substances which are harmful or which might alter the organoleptic characteristics of milk or milk-based products or make their consumption dangerous or harmful to human health, insofar as those residues exceed the permitted tolerance limits.
134 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 22003D0038
Če, sledeč spremembam v nomenklaturi, spremembe pravil o poreklu, vzpostavljene s Sklepom št. 38/2003, spreminjajo vsebino katerega koli pravila, ki je obstajalo pred Sklepom 38/2003, in če se izkaže, da je rezultat take spremembe škodljiv interesom določenih sektorjev, potem, če ena od pogodbenic tako zahteva v obdobju do vključno 31. decembra 2004, Skupni odbor EGP opravi kot nujno nalogo pregled potrebe po ponovni vzpostavitvi vsebine zadevnega pravila, kot je bila pred Sklepom 38/2003.
Where, following the amendments made to the nomenclature, the changes to the origin rules as introduced by Decision No 38/2003 alter the substance of any rule existing prior to Decision 38/2003, and it appears that such alteration results in a situation prejudicial to the interests of the sectors concerned, then, if one of the Contracting Parties so requests in theperiod up to and including 31 December 2004, an examination shall be made as a matter of urgency by the EEA Joint Committee of the need to restore the substance of the rule concerned as it was before Decision 38/2003.
135 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31997R2026
Ugotovitev, ali interes Skupnosti zahteva posredovanje, je treba utemeljiti z oceno vseh različnih interesov kot celote, vključno z interesi domače industrije ter uporabnikov in potrošnikov; ugotovitev v skladu s tem členom se sprejme samo, če je bila vsem strankam dana priložnost za predstavitev stališč v skladu z odstavkom 2. Pri takšnem pregledu je treba zlasti upoštevati potrebo po odpravi učinkov škodljivega subvencioniranja, ki izkrivljajo trgovino, in po ponovni vzpostavitvi učinkovite konkurence.
A determination as to whether the Community interest calls for intervention should be based on an appraisal of all the various interests taken as a whole, including the interests of the domestic industry and users and consumers; a determination pursuant to this Article shall be made only where all parties have been given the opportunity to make their views known pursuant to paragraph 2. In such an examination, the need to eliminate the trade-distorting effects of injurious subsidization and to restore effective competition shall be given special consideration.
136 Pravna redakcija
Država članica, iz katere je prišla pošiljka/pošiljke, ki nosi škodljivi organizem, ne glede na to, ali je država članica ista, kakor je navedena zgoraj, takoj obvesti Komisijo na njeno zahtevo o vseh podrobnostih, ki se nanašajo na izvor ali izvore pošiljke/pošiljk in o ustreznih upravnih postopkih, vključno s preverjanji, inšpekcijskimi pregledi in kontrolami, predvidenimi v tej direktivi, da bi ugotovili, zakaj ta država članica ni ugotovila, da pošiljka/pošiljke niso v skladu z določbami te direktive.
The Member State from which the consignment(s) carrying the harmful organism came, whether or not the same Member State as that referred to above, shall forthwith inform the Commission, at the latter's request, of all details relating to the origin or origins of the consignment(s) and the administrative handling involved, including the examinations, inspections and controls provided for in this Directive, in order to determine why that Member State failed to detect that the consignment(s) did not comply with the provisions of this Directive.
137 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31997R2320
(67) Kljub temu, da sta svetovna gospodarska recesija v letu 1993 in prestrukturiranje industrije Skupnosti morda negativno vplivala na rezultate industrije Skupnosti v obravnavanem obdobju, je na podlagi zgoraj navedenih premislekov treba sprejeti sklep, da je kumulativni učinek dampinškega uvoza iz Češke republike, Madžarske, Poljske, Romunije, Rusije in Slovaške republike, obravnavan ločeno, preko znatnega nelojalnega nižanja cen in velike količine dampinškega uvoza povzročil znatno škodo industriji Skupnosti ter da veljavni protidampinški ukrepi, ki se pregledujejo, niso v celoti dosegli svojega nameravanega učinka.
(67) Although the world economic recession of 1993, as well as the restructuring of the Community industry, may have had some negative impact on the performance of the Community industry during the period considered, it must be concluded, on the basis of the above considerations, that the cumulative effect of the dumped imports from the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Russia and the Slovak Republic, considered in isolation, has, through substantial price undercutting and significant quantities of dumped imports, caused material injury to the Community industry, and that the existing anti-dumping measures under review have not fully achieved their intended effect.
138 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31991L0368
po sprostitvi omenjene obremenitve pa se opremo znova pregleda, da se ugotovi, če ni nastala kakšna škoda;
and then re-inspected once the said load has been released to ensure no damage has occured;
139 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0435
Pregled trendov, ki so pomembni za analizo škode, je zajel obdobje od 1. januarja 1999 do konca OP ("obravnavano obdobje").
The examination of trends relevant for the injury analysis covered the period from 1 January 1999 to the end of the IP (the "period considered").
140 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31996L0023
Kadar pregledi, ki jih predvideva Direktiva 90/675/EGS pokažejo, da ostanki škodljivih snovi presegajo najvišje dovoljene meje, se uvedejo pregledi iz druge alinee odstavka 1.
Where the checks provided for by Directive 90/675/EEC reveal that the maximum residue limits have been exceeded, use shall be made of the checks referred to in the second indent of paragraph 1.
141 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000R0824
Med sejanjem s sitom z odprtinami v obliki rež velikosti 1,0 mm je žito potrebno podrobno pregledati glede živih škodljivcev.
During sifting, in the sieve with slotted perforations of 1,0 mm, a close check must be made for live pests.
142 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0397
Pregled trendov, pomembnih za oceno škode, se je nanašal na obdobje od leta 1999 do konca obdobja preiskave ("zadevno obdobje").
The examination of trends relevant for the assessment of injury covered the period from 1999 to the end of the IP ("period considered").
143 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31994R0519
Pregled uvoznih trendov, pogojev, pod katerimi ta uvoz poteka, in iz tega uvoza izhajajoče že povzročene resne škode ali grožnje resne škode za proizvajalce Skupnosti zajema zlasti naslednje dejavnike:
The examination of the trend of imports, of the conditions in which they take place and of the serious injury or threat of serious injury to Community producers resulting from such imports, shall cover in particular the following factors.
144 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004D0096
Med navedenimi zdravstvenimi pregledi opravi(-jo) država(-e) članica(-e) tudi uradne preglede glede drugih škodljivih organizmov.
Furthermore during the said plant health check that Member State(s) shall also inspect for all other harmful organisms.
145 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002D0499
s pregledi iz točke 4 zanje ugotovi, da ne vsebujejo zadevnih škodljivih organizmov iz točke 4 in nanje ne vplivajo ukrepi iz točke 5;
be found free, in the inspections referred to in point 4, from the harmful organisms of concern specified in point 4 and not be affected by the measures referred to in point 5;
146 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000R0174
Industrija Skupnosti je zahtevala pregled uredbe o dokončni dajatvi, kar je utemeljila z možnostjo ponovnega pojava škodljivega dampinga.
The Community industry requested that the definitive duty Regulation be reviewed arguing that there was a likelihood of recurrence of injurious dumping.
147 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001R0901
Obdobje preiskave v zvezi s pregledom nadaljevanja in ponovnega pojava dampinga in škode je trajalo od 1. januarja 1999 do 31. decembra 1999.
The investigation period for the examination of continuation or recurrence of dumping and injury covered the period from 1 January 1999 to 31 December 1999 (the "IP").
148 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0248
Kot rezultat tega vizualnega pregleda se vsak škodljiv organizem, ki je povzročil znake ali simptome, določi z ustreznim postopkom testiranja.
As a result of such visual inspection, any harmful organism having caused signs or symptoms shall be identified by an appropriate testing procedure.
149 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31989R2054
ker naj se zaradi preprečitve goljufije in njenih škodljivih posledic za obravnavani trg rozin, vzpostavijo izredno okrepljeni carinski pregledi;
Whereas in order to prevent fraud and its damaging consequences for the market in the dried grapes in question, substantially reinforced customs controls should be set up;
150 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000R0969
Pregled v zvezi z nadaljevanjem ali ponovitvijo škode je zajemal čas od 1. januarja 1994 in vse do konca PO (v nadaljevanju "referenčno obdobje").
The examination of continuation or recurrence of injury covered the period from 1 January 1994 up to the end of the IP (hereinafter referred to as the "period considered").
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