Iskalni niz je ali predolg ali pa vsebuje preveč besed.
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skupne smernice
101 Končna redakcija
Kadar nacionalni regulativni organi ocenjujejo, da imata dve ali veè podjetij skupaj prevladujoèi položaj na trgu, morajo ravnati zlasti v skladu z zakonodajo Skupnosti in dosledno upoštevati smernice za tržno analizo in ocenjevanje pomembne tržne moèi, ki jih je objavila Komisija po èlenu 15.
In particular, national regulatory authorities shall, when assessing whether two or more undertakings are in a joint dominant position in a market, act in accordance with Community law and take into the utmost account the guidelines on market analysis and the assessment of significant market power published by the Commission pursuant to Article 15.
102 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0001
Pomoč, odobrena za kritje stroškov oglaševanja, kakor je opredeljena s Smernicami Skupnosti o državni pomoči za oglaševanje proizvodov iz Priloge I k Pogodbi ES in nekaterih proizvodov, ki niso zajeti v Prilogi I [6], je izključena iz obsega te uredbe in se zanjo še naprej uporabljajo samo te smernice;
Aid granted towards costs linked to advertising as defined by the Community guidelines for State aid for advertising of products listed in Annex I to the EC Treaty and of certain non-Annex I products(6) should be excluded from the scope of this Regulation and continue to be covered only by those guidelines.
103 Končna redakcija
Pomoč se lahko podeli za sprejem integriranih ozemeljskih strategij razvoja podeželja pilotske narave, ki jih pripravijo lokalne akcijske skupine v skladu z načeli iz točk od 12 do 14 Sporočila Komisije državam članicam z dne 14. aprila 2000 o smernicah za pobudo Skupnosti za razvoj podeželja (Leader +) *.
Support may be granted for the adoption of integrated territorial rural development strategies, of a pilot nature, prepared by local action groups in accordance with the principles laid down in items 12 and 14 of the Commission Notice to the Member States of 14 April 2000 laying down guidelines for the Community initiative for rural development (Leader +) *.
104 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31983D0516
Pred 1. majem vsako leto in za tri naslednja proračunska leta Komisija sprejeme v skladu s tem Sklepom in ob upoštevanju potrebe po spodbujanju skladnega razvoja Skupnosti smernice za upravljanje Sklada, ki določajo tiste aktivnosti, ki odražajo prednostne naloge Skupnosti, kot jih je določil Svet, in zlasti akcijske programe na področju zaposlovanja in poklicnega usposabljanja.
The Commission shall adopt, before 1 May of each year and for the three following financial years, in accordance with this Decision, and taking into account the need to promote the harmonious development of the Community, the Fund-management guidelines for determining those operations which reflect Community priorities as defined by the Council and in particular the action programmes in the area of employment and vocational training.
105 Končna redakcija
Sklicevanje je zlasti na proge vseevropskega železniškega omrežja, opisane v Odločbi št. 1692/96/ES Evropskega parlamenta in Sveta z dne 23. julija 1996 o smernicah Skupnosti za razvoj vseevropskega prometnega omrežja ali v kateri koli spremembi navedene odločbe kot posledica revizije, ki jo predvideva člen 21 te odločbe.
Reference shall be made in particular to the lines of the trans-European rail network described in Decision No 1692/96/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 July 1996 on Community guidelines for the development of the trans-European transport network or in any update to the same Decision as a result of the revision provided for in Article 21 of that Decision.
106 Končna redakcija
Za zagotavljanje tesnejše uskladitve ekonomskih politik in trajnostne konvergence ekonomskih učinkov držav članic Svet na podlagi poročil, ki mu jih predloži Komisija, spremlja gospodarski razvoj v vsaki od držav članic in v Skupnosti ter skladnost ekonomskih politik s širšimi smernicami iz odstavka 2, redno pa pripravlja tudi celovito oceno.
In order to ensure closer coordination of economic policies and sustained convergence of the economic performances of the Member States, the Council shall, on the basis of reports submitted by the Commission, monitor economic developments in each of the Member States and in the Community as well as the consistency of economic policies with the broad guidelines referred to in paragraph 2, and regularly carry out an overall assessment.
107 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0050
Infrastruktura vseevropskega železniškega sistema za visoke hitrosti je infrastruktura prog vseevropskega železniškega omrežja, opredeljenega v Odločbi Evropskega parlamenta in Sveta št. 1692/96/ES z dne 23. julija 1996 o smernicah Skupnosti za razvoj vseevropskega prometnega omrežja [1] ali navedenega na seznamu v kateri koli posodobitvi te odločbe zaradi revizije iz njenega člena 21.
The infrastructure of the trans-European high-speed rail system shall be that of the lines of the trans-European transport network identified in Decision No 1692/96/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 July 1996 on Community guidelines for the development of the trans-European transport network(1) or listed in any update of that Decision as a result of the revision provided for in Article 21 of that Decision.
108 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0050
Infrastruktura vseevropskega železniškega sistema za konvencionalne hitrosti je infrastruktura prog vseevropskega železniškega omrežja [1], opredeljenega v Odločbi Evropskega parlamenta in Sveta št. 1692/96/ES z dne 23. julija 1996 o smernicah Skupnosti za razvoj vseevropskega prometnega omrežja ali navedenega na seznamu v kateri koli posodobitvi te odločbe zaradi revizije iz njenega člena 21.
The infrastructure of the trans-European conventional rail system will be that on the lines of the trans-European transport network identified in Decision No 1692/96/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 July 1996 on Community guidelines for the development of the trans-European transport network(1) or listed in any update to the same Decision as a result of the revision provided for in Article 21 of that Decision.
109 Končna redakcija
Novi državi članici sta v zvezi z izjavami ali resolucijami ali drugimi stališči Sveta ter v zvezi s tistimi, ki zadevajo Evropske skupnosti in ki so jih soglasno sprejele države članice, v enakem položaju kakor sedanje države članice; ustrezno s tem bosta spoštovali načela in smernice, izhajajoče iz teh izjav, resolucij ali drugih stališč, ter sprejeli ukrepe, ki so potrebni za njihovo izvajanje.
The new Member States are in the same situation as the present Member States in respect of declarations or resolutions of, or other positions taken up by, the Council and in respect of those concerning the European Communities adopted by common agreement of the Member States; they will accordingly observe the principles and guidelines deriving from those declarations, resolutions or other positions and will take such measures as may be necessary to ensure their implementation.
110 Končna redakcija
Helenska republika je v zvezi z izjavami ali resolucijami ali drugimi stališči Sveta v enakem položaju kakor sedanje države članice; v zvezi s tistimi, ki zadevajo Evropske skupnosti in ki so jih države članice sprejele v medsebojnem soglasju, bo ustrezno spoštovala načela in smernice, izhajajoče iz omenjenih izjav, resolucij ali drugih stališč, ter sprejela ukrepe, ki so potrebni za njihovo izvajanje.
The Hellenic Republic is in the same situation as the present Member States in respect of declarations or resolutions of, or other positions taken up by, the Council and in respect of those concerning the European Communities adopted by common agreement of the Member States; it will accordingly observe the principles and guidelines deriving from those declarations, resolutions or other positions and will take such measures as may be necessary to ensure their implementation.
111 Končna redakcija
Nove države članice so v zvezi z izjavami ali resolucijami ali drugimi stališči Sveta v enakem položaju kakor prvotne države članice; v zvezi s tistimi, ki zadevajo Evropske Skupnosti in ki so jih države članice sprejele v medsebojnem soglasju, bodo ustrezno spoštovale načela in smernice, izhajajoče iz omenjenih izjav, resolucij ali drugih stališč, ter sprejele ukrepe, ki so potrebni za njihovo izvajanje.
The new Member States are in the same situation as the original Member States in respect of declarations or resolutions of, or other positions taken up by, the Council and in respect of those concerning the European Communities adopted by common agreement of the Member States; they will accordingly observe the principles and guidelines deriving from those declarations, resolutions or other positions and will take such measures as may be necessary to ensure their implementation.
112 Končna redakcija
Faza tehnološkega razvoja se je financirala z denarjem, namenjenim čezevropskim prometnim omrežjem, na podlagi člena 4(g) Odločbe št. 1692/96/ES Evropskega parlamenta in Sveta z dne 23. julija 1996 o smernicah Skupnosti za razvoj čezevropskega prometnega omrežja, ki predvideva možnost financiranja raziskovanja in razvoja, in člena 17Uuredbe Sveta (ES) št. 2236/95 z dne 18. septembra 1995 o določitvi splošnih pravil za dodelitev finančne pomoči Skupnosti na področju čezevropskih omrežij.
The technological development phase was funded from the appropriations assigned to the trans-European transport networks on the basis of Article 4(g) of Decision No 1692/96/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 July 1996 on Community guidelines for the development of the trans-European transport network(7), which provides for the possibility of funding for research and development, and Article 17 of Council Regulation (EC) No 2236/95 of 18 September 1995 laying down general rules for the granting of Community financial aid in the field of trans-European networks(8).
113 Končna redakcija
Namen teh smernic je obvestiti operaterje javnih telekomunikacij, druge dobavitelje in uporabnike telekomunikacijskih storitev in opreme, pravno stroko in zainteresirano javnost o splošnih pravnih in gospodarskih načelih, ki jih je in jih še upošteva Komisija pri uporabi pravil konkurence za podjetja v telekomunikacijskem sektorju na podlagi izkušenj, pridobljenih v posameznih primerih, v skladu z odločitvami Sodišča Evropskih skupnosti.
These guidelines are intended to advise public telecommunications operators, other telecommunications service and equipment suppliers and users, the legal profession and the interested members of the public about the general legal and economic principles which have been and are being followed by the Commission in the application of competition rules to undertakings in the telecommunications sector, based on experience gained in individual cases in compliance with the rulings of the Court of Justice of the European Communities.
114 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0025
Ker države članice ciljev predvidenih ukrepov, namreč uvedbe minimalnih smernic za izvajanje ponudb za prevzem in zagotovitev ustrezne stopnje zaščite imetnikov vrednostnih papirjev po vsej Skupnosti, same ne morejo zadostno doseči zaradi potrebe po preglednosti in pravne varnosti v primeru čezmejnih prevzemov in pridobitev kontrole, in jih je zato zaradi obsega in učinkov ukrepov laže doseči na ravni Skupnosti, lahko Skupnost sprejme ukrepe skladno z načelom subsidiarnosti, kakor je določeno v členu 5 Pogodbe.
Since the objectives of the action envisaged, namely to establish minimum guidelines for the conduct of takeover bids and ensure an adequate level of protection for holders of securities throughout the Community, cannot be sufficiently achieved by the Member States because of the need for transparency and legal certainty in the case of cross-border takeovers and acquisitions of control, and can therefore, by reason of the scale and effects of the action, be better achieved at Community level, the Community may adopt measures, in accordance with the principle of subsidiarity as set out in Article 5 of the Treaty.
115 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0364
Ta uredba ne vpliva na obveznost države članice, da priglasi individualne pomoči, dodeljene na podlagi drugih instrumentov pomoči države, in zlasti na obveznost države članice, da Komisiji priglasi ali jo obvesti o pomoči podjetjem, ki prejemajo pomoč za prestrukturiranje v smislu Smernic Skupnosti za državno pomoč za reševanje in prestrukturiranje podjetij v težavah [*] UL C 288, 9.10.1999, str. 2. ter obveznost, da priglasi regionalno pomoč za velike naložbene projekte po veljavnem večsektorskem Okviru.";
This Regulation is without prejudice to any obligation on a Member State to notify individual grants of aid under other State aid instruments, and in particular the obligation to notify, or to inform the Commission of, aid to an enterprise receiving restructuring aid within the meaning of the Community guidelines on State aid for rescuing and restructuring firms in difficulty(10) and the obligation to notify regional aid for large investment projects under the applicable multisectoral Framework.";
116 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0021
Komisija bi morala, zlasti v zvezi s postopki, ki jih vodi Skupno raziskovalno središče, pripraviti podrobne tehnične smernice, opredelitve in postopke za tehnične značilnosti identifikacijskih oznak in čitalcev, preskusne postopke, merila sprejemljivosti in vzorce certificiranja za pooblaščene testne laboratorije, za nabavo primernih identifikacijskih oznak in čitalcev, za nameščanje identifikacijskih oznak, njihovo odčitavanje in odvzem, kodifikacijo identifikacijskih oznak, enotno terminologijo, podatkovni slovar in komunikacijske standarde.
The Commission, in particular in the light of the proceedings conducted by its Joint Research Centre, should also provide detailed technical guidelines, definitions and procedures for the technical characteristics of identifiers and readers, test procedures, acceptance criteria and the certification model for approved test laboratories, the procurement of appropriate identifiers and readers, the application of identifiers, their reading and recovery, the codification of identifiers, a common glossary, a data dictionary and communication standards.
117 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0139
Ob upoštevanju smernic, ki jih lahko dobimo iz preteklih sodb evropskih sodišč in odločb Komisije skladno z Uredbo (EGS) št. 4064/89, in hkratnem upoštevanju standardov škode konkurence, ki so jih določili Komisija in sodišča Skupnosti glede združljivosti koncentracije s skupnim trgom, naj se s to uredbo uveljavi načelo, da se koncentracija z razsežnostjo Skupnosti, ki lahko bistveno ovira učinkovito konkurenco na skupnem trgu ali njegovem znatnem delu, zlasti kot posledica ustvarjanja ali krepitve prevladujočega položaja, razglasi za nezdružljivo s skupnim trgom.
With a view to preserving the guidance that may be drawn from past judgments of the European courts and Commission decisions pursuant to Regulation (EEC) No 4064/89, while at the same time maintaining consistency with the standards of competitive harm which have been applied by the Commission and the Community courts regarding the compatibility of a concentration with the common market, this Regulation should accordingly establish the principle that a concentration with a Community dimension which would significantly impede effective competition, in the common market or in a substantial part thereof, in particular as a result of the creation or strengthening of a dominant position, is to be declared incompatible with the common market.
118 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 41998A0363
Poleg tega, zlasti na prednostnih področjih, v zvezi s katerimi je Svet sprejel posebne resolucije o usklajevanju politik, države članice in Komisija opravijo sistematično izmenjavo informacij in stališč glede svojih politik in strategij za vsako državo prejemnico ali se, kadarkoli je to zaželeno ali mogoče, dogovorijo o skupnih sektorskih smernicah za vsako posamezno državo v rednih srečanjih Komisije in predstavništev držav članic na kraju samem, dvostranskih stikih ali srečanjih strokovnjakov držav članic in Komisije ter v okviru postopkov Odbora ERS iz člena 21, ki morajo igrati osrednjo vlogo v tem procesu.
Moreover, particularly in the priority areas on which the Council has adopted specific resolutions on policy coordination, the Member States and the Commission shall carry out systematic exchanges of information and views on their policies and strategies for each recipient country and shall, wherever desirable and possible, agree on common sectoral guidelines on a country-by-country basis, by means of regular meetings between the Commission and Member State representations on the spot, bilateral contacts or meetings of Member State and Commission experts and in the context of the proceedings of the EDF Committee referred to in Article 21, which must play a central role in this process.
119 Pravna redakcija
Pogodbenice v sodelovanju s pristojnimi mednarodnimi organizacijami postopno oblikujejo in sprejmejo skupne smernice in, kot je ustrezno, standarde ali merila, ki obravnavajo predvsem:
The Parties shall progressively formulate and adopt, in cooperation with the competent international organizations, common guidelines and, as appropriate, standards or criteria dealing in particular with:
120 Pravna redakcija
Skupna izjava o smernicah za investitorje
Joint declaration concerning guidelines to investors
121 Pravna redakcija
Smernice Skupnosti o državni pomoči za varstvo okolja
Community guidelines on State aid for environmental protection
122 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R1260
Ta smernica se objavi v Uradnem listu Evropskih skupnosti.
This guidance shall be published in the Official Journal of the European Communities.
123 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000D0823
Ta smernica se objavi v Uradnem listu Evropskih skupnosti.
This Guideline shall be published in the Official Journal of the European Communities.
124 Pravna redakcija
Te smernice se objavijo v Uradnem listu Evropskih skupnosti.
Those guidelines shall be published in the Official Journal of the European Communities.
125 Pravna redakcija
(g) Smernice Skupnosti o državni pomoči za varstvo okolja fn; in
(g) Community guidelines on State aid for environmental protection fn; and
126 Pravna redakcija
Smernice Skupnosti o državni pomoči za varstvo okolja (2001/C 37/03)
Information from the Commission - Community guidelines on State aid for environmental protection
127 Pravna redakcija
Brez poseganja v določbe člena 5 tega protokola te skupne smernice, standardi ali merila upoštevajo lokalne ekološke, geografske in fizikalne značilnosti, gospodarske zmogljivosti pogodbenic in njihovo potrebo po razvoju, raven obstoječega onesnaževanja ter dejanske absorpcijske zmogljivosti morskega okolja.
Without prejudice to the provisions of Article 5 of this Protocol, such common guidelines, standards or criteria shall take into account local ecological, geographical and physical characteristics, the economic capacity of the Parties and their need for development, the level of existing pollution and the real absorbtive capacity of the marine environment.
128 Pravna redakcija
smernice, ki se nanašajo na pobudo Skupnosti iz člena 20(1)(c) ("Leader").
the guidelines relating to the Community initiative referred to in Article 20(1)(c) ("Leader").
129 Pravna redakcija
delo in sociala
'Smernice za razvoj poštnih storitev Skupnosti' (COM(93) 247 z dne 2. junija 1993).
'Guidelines for the development of Community postal services` (COM(93) 247 of 2 June 1993).
130 Pravna redakcija
V skladu s členoma 12.1 in 14.3 Statuta so smernice ECB sestavni del prava Skupnosti -
In accordance with Articles 12.1 and 14.3 of the Statute, ECB Guidelines form an integral part of Community law,
131 Pravna redakcija
te smernice, če je bila pomoč dodeljena po objavi v Uradnem listu Evropskih skupnosti;
these guidelines if the aid was granted after their publication in the Official Journal of the European Communities;
132 Pravna redakcija
Ker so v skladu s členi 12.1 in 14.3 Statuta smernice ECB sestavni del prava Skupnosti -
Whereas, in accordance with Articles 12.1 and 14.3 of the Statute, ECB Guidelines form an integral part of Community law,
133 Pravna redakcija
(8) V skladu s členi 12.1 in 14.3 Statuta so smernice ECB sestavni del prava Skupnosti -
(8) In accordance with Articles 12.1 and 14.3 of the Statute, ECB guidelines form an integral part of Community law,
134 Pravna redakcija
Te smernice so se potrdile za pet let od dneva objave v Uradnem listu Evropskih skupnosti.
These guidelines have been approved for a period of five years from the date of publication in the Official Journal of the European Communities.
135 Pravna redakcija
delo in sociala
(5) V skladu s členoma 12.1 in 14.3 Statuta so smernice ECB sestavni del prava Skupnosti -
(5) In accordance with Articles 12.1 and 14.3 of the Statute, ECB Guidelines form an integral part of Community law,
136 Pravna redakcija
delo in sociala
(5) V skladu s členoma 12.1 in 14.3 Statuta so smernice ECB sestavni del prava Skupnosti -
(5) In accordance with Article 12.1 and Article 14.3 of the Statute, ECB guidelines form an integral part of Community law,
137 Pravna redakcija
Te smernice se začnejo uporabljati, ko bodo objavljene v Uradnem listu Evropskih skupnosti.
These guidelines will become applicable when they are published in the Official Journal of the European Communities.
138 Pravna redakcija
Smernice za pripravo kakovostnih pravnih aktov Skupnosti morajo biti zato sprejete sporazumno.
guidelines on the quality of drafting of Community legislation should therefore be adopted by common accord.
139 Pravna redakcija
Ugotavljam, da sta se Kanada in Skupnost sporazumeli, da so cilji zgornjih smernic izpolnjeni.
I note that Canada and the Community have agreed that the objectives of the above guidelines have been met.
140 Pravna redakcija
V skladu s členom 12(1) in členom 14(3) Statuta so smernice ECB sestavni del prava Skupnosti -
In accordance with Article 12(1) and Article 14(3) of the Statute, ECB guidelines form an integral part of Community law,
141 Pravna redakcija
RESOLUCIJA SVETA z dne 16. julija 1985 o smernicah za migracijsko politiko Skupnosti (85/C 186/04)
Council Resolution of 16 July 1985 on guidelines for a Community policy on migration
142 Pravna redakcija
V ta namen bo Komisija Evropskih skupnosti zagotovila smernice za zgoraj omenjene pristojne organe.
For this purpose, guidelines will be provided to the above competent authority by the Commission of the European Communities.
143 Pravna redakcija
smernice, ki se nanašajo na pobude Skupnosti iz člena 20(1)(a) ("Interreg") in 20(1)(b) ("Urban");
the guidelines relating to the Community initiatives referred to in Article 20(1)(a) ("Interreg") and 20(1)(b) ("Urban");
144 Pravna redakcija
(f) Smernice Skupnosti o državni pomoči za reševanje in prestrukturiranje podjetij v težavah fn;
(f) Community guidelines on State aid for rescuing and restructuring firms in difficulties fn;
145 Pravna redakcija
Glej smernice Skupnosti o državni pomoči za majhna in srednja podjetja, UL št. C 213, 23. 7. 1996.
See Community guidelines on State aid for small and medium-sized enterprises, OJ No C 213, 23. 7. 1996.
146 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0008
Smernice vključujejo pogoje finančne pomoči, ki jih lahko Skupnost zagotovi v skladu z odstavkom 4.
The guidelines shall include the conditions for any financial assistance which the Community may provide in accordance with paragraph 4.
147 Pravna redakcija
Smernice Skupnosti o državni pomoči, ki jih je Komisija sprejela leta 1994, tvorijo sestavni del te politike Skupnosti.
The Community guidelines on State aid adopted by the Commission in 1994 form an integral part of this Community policy.
148 Pravna redakcija
postopki izbire in splošnimi smernicami za finančno pomoč Skupnosti (zneski, trajanje in uporabniki);
the selection procedures and general guidelines for the Community's financial assistance (amounts, duration and beneficiaries);
149 Pravna redakcija
Praktične smernice za usposabljanje delavcev, ki odstranjujejo azbest, se pripravijo na ravni Skupnosti.
Practical guidelines for the training of asbestos removal workers shall be developed at Community level.
150 Pravna redakcija
vse druge informacije, potrebne za preverjanje združljivosti s politikami Skupnosti in smernicami iz člena 10(3).
any other information necessary to verify compatibility with Community policies and with the guidelines referred to in Article 10(3).
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