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ugotoviti pravico
101 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31999R1074
ker je treba preiskave izvajati v skladu Pogodbo in zlasti s Protokolom o posebnih pravicah in imunitetah Evropskih skupnosti, ob upoštevanju Kadrovskih predpisov za uradnike in druge uslužbence Evropskih skupnosti (v nadaljevanju "Kadrovski predpisi"), ter v celoti spoštovati človekove pravice in temeljne svoboščine, predvsem načelo poštenosti, pravico udeleženih oseb, do izražanja svojega mnenja o dejstvih, ki jih zadevajo, in načela, da lahko ugotovitve preiskave temeljijo izključno na elementih, ki so podprti z dokazi;
Whereas these investigations must be conducted in accordance with the Treaty and in particular with the Protocol on the Privileges and Immunities of the European Communities, while respecting the Staff Regulations of Officials and the Conditions of Employment of Other Servants of the Communities (hereinafter referred to as "the Staff Regulations"), and with full respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms, in particular the principle of fairness, for the right of persons involved to express their views on the facts concerning them and for the principle that the conclusions of an investigation may be based solely on elements which have evidential value;
102 Prevod
DRUGO: SOP-001-22-67/98
Dolžnik, ki izpodbija pravico tretji osebi, je lahko zajet s tožbo iz prvega odstavka tega člena za ugotovitev te pravice.
In the event of a debtor contesting a right alleged by a third party, he may be subject to a joinder of parties to the action under the second paragraph of the present Article for the establishment of the existence of this right.
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ugotoviti pravico