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101 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0551
Države članice pošljejo Komisiji letno poročilo o uporabi koncepta prilagodljive uporabe zračnega prostora v svoji pristojnosti v okviru skupne prometne politike.
Member States shall report annually to the Commission on the application, in the context of the common transport policy, of the concept of the flexible use of airspace in respect of the airspace under their responsibility.
102 Končna redakcija
v okvirih zakonov vsake od držav bo, ko gre za poklic, spoštoval le pristojnost svojih kolegov, zavrnil pa vsako vmešavanje vlade ali katere koli druge instance.
Within the general law of each country, the journalist recognises, in professional matters, the jurisdiction of his colleagues only; he excludes every kind of interference by governments or others.
103 Pravna redakcija
Vodja skupine deluje v okviru svojih pristojnosti po nacionalnih predpisih.
The leader of the team shall act within the limits of his or her competence under national law.
104 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0551
Države članice ob upoštevanju organiziranosti vojaških vidikov v svoji pristojnosti, zagotavljajo enotno uporabo koncepta prilagodljive uporabe zračnega prostora, kakor ga opredeljuje ICAO in razvija Eurocontrol z namenom, da bi olajšale upravljanje zračnega prostora in upravljanje zračnega prometa v okviru skupne prometne politike.
Taking into account the organisation of military aspects under their responsibility, Member States shall ensure the uniform application within the single European ky of the concept of the flexible use of airspace as described by the ICAO and as developed by Eurocontrol, in order to facilitate airspace management and air traffic management in the context of the common transport policy.
105 Končna redakcija
Brez poseganja v člene 73, 86 in 87 ter ob upoštevanju položaja, ki ga imajo službe splošnega gospodarskega pomena v okviru skupnih vrednot Unije, pa tudi njihove vloge pri pospeševanju socialne in teritorialne kohezije, skrbijo Skupnost in države članice v mejah svojih pristojnosti na področju uporabe te pogodbe za to, da takšne službe delujejo na podlagi načel in pogojev, ki jim omogočajo izpolnjevanje njihovih nalog.
Without prejudice to Articles 73, 86 and 87, and given the place occupied by services of general economic interest in the shared values of the Union as well as their role in promoting social and territorial cohesion, the Community and the Member States, each within their respective powers and within the scope of application of this Treaty, shall take care that such services operate on the basis of principles and conditions which enable them to fulfil their missions.
106 Končna redakcija
Brez poseganja v člene 77, 90 in 92 ter ob upoštevanju položaja, ki ga imajo službe splošnega gospodarskega pomena v okviru skupnih vrednot Unije, pa tudi njihove vloge pri pospeševanju socialne in teritorialne kohezije, skrbijo Skupnost in države članice v mejah svojih pristojnosti na področju uporabe te pogodbe za to, da takšne službe delujejo na podlagi načel in pogojev, ki jim omogočajo izpolnjevanje njihovih nalog."
Without prejudice to Articles 77, 90 and 92, and given the place occupied by services of general economic interest in the shared values of the Union as well as their role in promoting social and territorial cohesion, the Community and the Member States, each within their respective powers and within the scope of application of this Treaty, shall take care that such services operate on the basis of principles and conditions which enable them to fulfil their missions.`
107 Končna redakcija
"Brez poseganja v člene 73, 86 in 87 ter ob upoštevanju položaja, ki ga imajo storitve splošnega gospodarskega interesa v okviru skupnih vrednot Unije, pa tudi njihove vloge pri pospeševanju socialne in teritorialne kohezije, Skupnost in države članice, v mejah svojih pristojnosti na področju uporabe te pogodbe, skrbijo za to, da se te storitve izvajajo na podlagi načel in pogojev, ki jim omogočajo izpolnjevanje njihovih poslanstev."
"Without prejudice to Articles 73, 86 and 87, and given the place occupied by services of general economic interest in the shared values of the Union as well as their role in promoting social and territorial cohesion, the Community and the Member States, each within their respective powers and within the scope of application of this Treaty, shall take care that such services operate on the basis of principles and conditions, which enable them to fulfil their missions."
108 Pravna redakcija
Pogodbenici se strinjata, da bosta v okviru svojih pristojnosti, pravil, predpisov in politik:
The Contracting Parties agree, so far as their competence, rules and regulations and policies permit:
109 Pravna redakcija
Pogodbenici zato v okviru svojih pristojnosti spodbujata projekte in dejavnosti, ki vzpodbujajo:
To that end, within the limits of their responsabilities, the Parties shall encourage projects and operations promoting:
110 Pravna redakcija
Pogodbenici zato v okviru svojih pristojnosti spodbujata projekte in dejavnosti, ki pospešujejo:
To that end, within the limits of their responsibilities, the Parties shall encourage projects and operations promoting:
111 Pravna redakcija
da bosta v okviru svojih pristojnosti, predpisov in politik spodbujali povišanje obojestransko koristnih naložb;
to promote an increase in mutually beneficial investment, within the limits of their responsibilities, rules and policies;
112 Pravna redakcija
V zvezi z uresničevanjem svojih ciljev lahko Eurojust, v okviru svojih pristojnosti in za opravljanje svojih nalog, obdeluje osebne podatke avtomatsko ali v strukturiranih ročno vodenih datotekah.
Insofar as it is necessary to achieve its objectives, Eurojust may, within the framework of its competence and in order to carry out its tasks, process personal data, by automated means or in structured manual files.
113 Pravna redakcija
ker lahko Skupnost v okviru svojih pristojnosti prispeva k vzpostavitvi globalnega satelitskega navigacijskega sistema;
Whereas the Community can, within the scope of its powers, make a contribution to the implementation of a global navigation satellite system;
114 Pravna redakcija
Vlade bodo medtem v okviru svojih pristojnosti po členih 3 in 4 Konvencije določile emisijske standarde za živo srebro.
In the meantime, governments will fix emission standards for mercury autonomously in accordance with Articles 3 and 4 of the Convention.
115 Pravna redakcija
Države članice zagotovijo, da je Europol v okviru svojih pristojnosti seznanjen z domnevnimi primeri otroške pornografije.
Member States shall ensure that Europol, within the limits of its mandate, is informed of suspected cases of child pornography.
116 Pravna redakcija
Pogodbenici v okviru svojih pristojnosti proučita možnosti za začetek pogajanj o sklenitvi sporazumov o vzajemnem priznavanju.
Within the bounds of their spheres of competence, the Parties shall examine the prospects for beginning negotiations for the conclusion of mutual recognition agreements.
117 Pravna redakcija
Pogodbenici zato v okviru svojih pristojnosti spodbujata projekte in dejavnosti, ki spodbujajo sodelovanje med podjetniki, kot so:
To that end, the Parties shall encourage, within the limits of their responsibilities, projects and operations promoting cooperation between entrepreneurs such as:
118 Pravna redakcija
Medtem bodo vlade v okviru svojih pristojnosti določile emisijske standarde za odvajanje kadmija v skladu s členoma 3 in 4 Konvencije.
In the meantime, the Governments will fix emission standards for cadmium discharges autonomously in accordance with Articles 3 and 4 of the Convention.
119 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31997D0825
ker Skupnost in države članice v okviru svojih pristojnosti sodelujejo z zadevnimi tretjimi državami in mednarodnimi organizacijami;
Whereas as part of their respective competences the Community and the Member States cooperate with the respective third countries and international organizations;
120 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31994D0157
ker Skupnost in države članice v okviru svojih pristojnosti sodelujejo s tretjimi državami in pristojnimi mednarodnimi organizacijami;
Whereas, within the framework of their respective responsibilities, the Community and the Member States cooperate with third countries and with competent international organizations;
121 Pravna redakcija
Obe pogodbenici vzpostavita potrebno ureditev v okviru svojih pristojnosti, s katero zagotovita učinkovito izvajanje teh določb, in zlasti:
Both Parties shall make the necessary arrangements within their power in order to ensure the effective implementation of these provisions and, in particular:
122 Pravna redakcija
ker mora vsaka država članica v okviru svojih pristojnosti zagotoviti, da se tehnični pregledi izvajajo po postopkih in visokih standardih;
Whereas each Member State must ensure, within its own area of jurisdiction, that roadworthiness tests are conducted methodically and to a high standard;
123 Pravna redakcija
"Preden se projekti izvedejo, Komisija ES ali nadzorni organ EFTA v okviru svojih pristojnosti preverita njihovo združljivost s Sporazumom EGP.";
'Before they are implemented, the EC Commission or the EFTA Surveillance Authority shall, in their respective competence, verify the compatibility of these projects with the EEA Agreement.`;
124 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0523
Upravljalni odbor deluje na podlagi prenosa pristojnosti Komisije, kateri je odgovoren v okviru svojih pristojnosti in nalog, in pod vodstvom člana Komisije, ki je odgovoren za kadrovske in administrativne zadeve.
The Management Committee shall act under delegation from the Commission, to which it shall be accountable within its terms of reference and under the authority of the member in charge of personnel and administration.
125 Pravna redakcija
Organizacije za regionalno gospodarsko povezovanje, ki so pogodbenice te konvencije, uveljavijo za zadeve v okviru svojih pristojnosti pravico do ugovora.
Regional economic integration organizations which are Contracting Parties to this Convention, for the matters within their competence, shall exercise their right to express an objection.
126 Pravna redakcija
Pogodbenici bosta skladno s svojima politikama, obojestranskimi interesi in v okviru svojih pristojnosti pospeševali znanstveno in tehnološko sodelovanje.
The Parties, according to their respective policies, their mutual interest and within their respective areas of jurisdiction, may promote scientific and technological cooperation.
127 Pravna redakcija
Pristojni nacionalni organi in v okviru svojih pristojnosti tudi Komisija imajo dostop do tehničnih in statističnih podatkov, ki jih ima Evropska centralna banka.
The competent national authorities and, within its areas of responsibility, the Commission, shall have access to the technical and statistical data held by the European Central Bank.
128 Pravna redakcija
Pogodbenici v okviru svojih pristojnosti znatno podpirata predšolsko, osnovno, srednje in višje izobraževanje, poklicno usposabljanje in vseživljenjsko učenje.
The Parties shall significantly support, within their respective competencies, pre-schooling, basic, intermediate and higher education, vocational training and life-long learning.
129 Pravna redakcija
Kadar je zaželeno, da Komisija v okviru svojih pristojnosti ukrepa, zato da dopolni ali podpre ukrepe teh organov ali teles, si Komisija prizadeva sodelovati z njimi.
Where action within the competence of the Commission is desirable to complement or support action by those authorities or bodies, the Commission shall endeavour to cooperate with them.
130 Pravna redakcija
Skupnost bo v okviru svojih pristojnosti izvajala trgovino v skladu s Sporazumom o ustanovitvi WTO in tudi Republika Jemen si bo prizadevala izvajati svojo trgovino v skladu s tem.
Within the limits of its respective competence, the Community will conduct trade in accordance with the Agreement establishing the WTO and the Republic of Yemen will for its part seek to conduct trade accordingly.
131 Pravna redakcija
Pogodbenici priznavata pomen energetskega sektorja za gospodarski in socialni razvoj in sta v okviru svojih pristojnosti pripravljeni okrepiti sodelovanje na tem področju.
The Parties recognise the importance of the energy sector to economic and social development and are willing, within the scope of their respective competences, to enhance cooperation in this field.
132 Pravna redakcija
Države članice in Komisija v okviru svojih pristojnosti spodbujajo uveljavljanje pogojev za povečano uporabo elektronskega zbiranja podatkov in avtomatske obdelave podatkov.
Member States and the Commission within their respective fields of competence shall promote the conditions for increased use of electronic data collection and automatic data processing.
133 Pravna redakcija
V skladu s Splošnim sporazumom o trgovini s storitvami WTO ("GATS") in v okviru svojih pristojnosti pogodbenici podpirata in krepita medsebojno sodelovanje in tako odražata čedalje večji pomen storitev v razvoju in rasti svojih gospodarstev.
In compliance with the WTO General Agreement on Trade in Services (the 'GATS') and within the bounds of their own fields of competence, the Parties shall support and intensify cooperation with each other, reflecting the growing importance of services in the development and growth of their economies.
134 Pravna redakcija
Pogodbenici lahko, da bi povečali obseg sodelovanja, sporazumno in v okviru svojih pristojnosti razširiti ta sporazum z dodatnimi sporazumi o posebnih sektorjih ali dejavnostih.
The Parties may, by mutual consent and within their respective areas of jurisdiction, extend this Agreement to expand cooperation and add to it by means of agreements on specific sectors or activities.
135 Pravna redakcija
V obojestransko korist in v okviru svojih pristojnosti skupaj določita področja in prednostne naloge za programe in dejavnosti gospodarskega sodelovanja v smislu jasne strategije sodelovanja.
They will determine together, to their mutual advantage and within the limits of their respective competences, the areas and priorities for economic cooperation programmes and activities in the context of a clear cooperation strategy.
136 Pravna redakcija
- nacionalni organi, pristojni za regionalno politiko, morajo prevzeti odgovornost za prizadevanja glede usklajenosti in koncentracije in v okviru svojih pristojnosti pri tem sodelovati.
- the national authorities in charge of regional policy need to face up to their responsibilities regarding the consistency and concentration effort and take part where their field of competence is involved.
137 Pravna redakcija
izboljšano izmenjavo informacij o najboljši praksi izvajanja, vključno z Evropskim omrežjem za izvajanje in uveljavljanje okoljskega prava (omrežje Impel) v okviru svojih pristojnosti;
improved exchange of information on best practice on implementation including by the European Network for the Implementation and Enforcement of Environmental Law (IMPEL network) within the framework of its competencies;
138 Pravna redakcija
Tako sta Svet, njegovo pripravljalno delo opravi Coreper, in Komisija edina pooblaščena, vsak v okviru svojih pristojnosti in v skladu s postopki iz pogodb, da sprejemata pravno obvezujoče odločitve.
Thus the Council, whose preparatory work is carried out by Coreper, and the Commission alone have powers, each within their own areas of competence and in accordance with procedures laid down by the Treaties, to take legally-binding decisions.
139 Pravna redakcija
Pogodbenici si v okviru svojih pristojnosti v skladu s postopki in pogoji iz tega protokola medsebojno pomagata pri preprečevanju, preiskavi in odkrivanju dejanj, s katerimi se krši carinska zakonodaja.
The Contracting Parties shall assist each other, within their areas of responsibility, according to the procedures and under the conditions laid down in this Protocol, with a view to the prevention, investigation and detection of operations that contravene customs legislation.
140 Pravna redakcija
Brez poseganja v njune mednarodne obveznosti bosta pogodbenici v okviru svojih pristojnosti in v skladu s svojo zakonodajo spodbujali uporabo mednarodno priznanih standardov in sistemov ugotavljanja skladnosti.
Without prejudice to their international obligations, within the scope of their responsibilities and in accordance with their laws, the Parties will promote the use of internationally recognised standards and conformity assessment systems.
141 Pravna redakcija
Pogodbenici si v okviru svojih pristojnosti med seboj pomagata na način in pod pogoji, določenimi v tem Protokolu, pri preprečevanju, odkrivanju in preiskovanju poslovanja, ki krši carinsko zakonodajo.
The Parties shall assist each other, in the areas within their jurisdiction, in the manner and under the conditions laid down in this Protocol, in preventing, detecting and investigating operations in breach of customs legislation.
142 Pravna redakcija
Ne glede na določbe odstavka 1 tega člena je Evropska komisija v okviru svojih pristojnosti upravičena do števila glasov, ki je enako številu njenih držav članic, ki so pogodbenice te konvencije.
Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 1 of this Article, the European Community, within the areas of its competence, is entitled to a number of votes equal to the number of its Member States which are Contracting Parties to this Convention.
143 Pravna redakcija
Pogodbenici se zavežeta, da bosta v okviru svojih pristojnosti koordinirali in okrepili svoja prizadevanja za preprečevanje in zmanjšanje proizvodnje, nedovoljenega prometa in uživanja prepovedanih drog.
Within the scope of their powers, the Contracting Parties undertake to coordinate and step up their efforts to prevent and reduce the production, distribution and comsumption of illegal drugs.
144 Pravna redakcija
po tem, ko Komisija v okviru svojih pristojnosti sprejme pravni akt ali obvestilo, poročilo ali delovni dokument, pripravljalni dokumenti za ta akt, ki so jih med postopkom sprejemanja predložili kolegiju.
after the adoption by the Commission of an act under its own powers, or of a communication, report or working document, preparatory documents for that document submitted to the College during the adoption process.
145 Pravna redakcija
Za vsako državo kandidatko za uveljavitev Konvencije, stalni odbor v okviru svojih pristojnosti z namenom ocene pripravi poročilo v katerem določi seznam kriterijev, ki jih morajo izpolnjevati države kandidatke.
Each time a State is a candidate to bring the Convention into force, the Standing Committee, acting in the context of its evaluation remit, shall draw up a report laying down a list of the criteria to be satisfied by the candidate States.
146 Pravna redakcija
Pogodbenici si medsebojno v okviru svojih pristojnosti zagotavljata pomoč brez predhodnega zaprosila, če sta mnenja, da je to potrebno za pravilno uporabo carinske zakonodaje, še posebej, kadar dobita informacije o:
The Parties shall within their competences provide each other with assistance without prior request where they consider that to be necessary for the correct application of customs legislation, particularly when they obtain information pertaining to:
147 Pravna redakcija
V luči svojih skupnih interesov in v skladu s svojimi dolgoročnimi gospodarskimi cilji se pogodbenici zavezujeta, da bosta v okviru svojih pristojnosti in ob upoštevanju svoje različne razvitosti uvedli najširše možno gospodarsko sodelovanje, iz katerega ne bo nobeno področje vnaprej izvzeto.
In the light of their mutual interests and in accordance with their long-term economic objectives, the Contracting Parties undertake to establish, within the limits of their competence, the broadest possible economic cooperation from which no fields shall be excluded in advance, taking into account their different levels of development.
148 Pravna redakcija
V luči svojih skupnih interesov in v skladu s svojimi dolgoročnimi gospodarskimi cilji se pogodbenici zavezujeta, da bosta v okviru svojih pristojnosti in ob upoštevanju svoje različne razvitosti pospeševali najširše možno gospodarsko sodelovanje, iz katerega ni nobeno področje vnaprej izvzeto.
In the light of their mutual interests and in accordance with their long-term economic objectives, the Contracting Parties undertake to foster, within the limits of their competence, the broadest possible economic cooperation from which no field shall be excluded in advance, taking into account their different levels of development.
149 Pravna redakcija
Pogodbenici v okviru svojih pristojnosti in glede na svoje politike in skupne interese sodelujeta na informacijskem, komunikacijskem in kulturnem področju, da bi izboljšali medsebojno razumevanje in okrepili trenutne vezi.
The Parties, within their respective areas of jurisdiction, and in the light of their policies and mutual interests, will cooperate in the fields of information, communication and culture to improve mutual understanding and strengthen existing ties between them.
150 Pravna redakcija
Medtem bodo vlade v okviru svojih pristojnosti določale emisijske standarde za odvajanje kadmija v skladu s členoma 3 in 4 Konvencije, pri čemer bodo upoštevale katere koli možnosti odstranjevanja odpadkov, ki vsebujejo kadmij.
In the meantime, Governments will set emission standards for cadmium autonomously in accordance with Articles 3 and 4 of the Convention, taking account of any possibilities of eliminating the waste containing the cadmium.
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