Iskalni niz je ali predolg ali pa vsebuje preveč besed.
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vrstni red
101 Pravna redakcija
"na vrstni red pregledov pa ne vpliva dokumentacija, ki jo predložijo prijavitelji iz člena 4(1)(a)".
"the order of examination is, however, not affected by dossiers presented by notifiers referred to in Article 4 (1) (a)".
102 Pravna redakcija
ker po členu 6(5)(a) Direktive 79/112/EGS velja enako načelo za vrstni red sestavin na seznamu sestavin,
Whereas Article 6(5)(a) of Directive 79/112/EEC applies the same principle to the order of ingredients in the list of ingredients;
103 Pravna redakcija
Navedena dodatna preglednica naj upošteva strukturo zgornje preglednice in vrstni red v spodnjem seznamu:
That additional table shall follow the structure of the table above and the order of the list below.
104 Pravna redakcija
DRUGO Seznam podpolj, vsebovanih v izpisnem polju, tvori urejeno množico (vrstni red podpolj je pomemben).
The list of subfields contained in a given list field shall form an ordered set (the order of subfields is significant).
105 Pravna redakcija
Kronološki vrstni red iz Priloge I se lahko spremeni z medsebojnim sporazumom med zadevnimi državami članicami.
The chronological order set out in Annex I may be altered by mutual agreement between the Member States concerned.
106 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31991R2568
ne glede na to, da bodo vsi kandidati dobili iste, prej omenjene kozarce, bo vrstni red pri vsakem kandidatu drugačen.
even thouch all the candidates shall be presented with the same glasses indicated earlier on, the order in which they are handed over to each candidate shall vary.
107 Pravna redakcija
Razlike v pogledih na vsebino, besedilo ali vrstni red vprašanj ali tolmačenje volilnega glasu razreši sklep Sodišča prve stopnje.
Differences of view on the substance, wording or order of questions, or on the interpretation of a vote shall be settled by decision of the Court of First Instance.
108 Pravna redakcija
Če imajo prijave enak datum vložitve, se prednostni vrstni red določi v skladu z vrstnim redom sprejetja, če je to mogoče ugotoviti.
Where applications have the same date of application, the priorities thereof shall be determined according to the order in which they were received, if this can be established.
109 Pravna redakcija
Razhajanja v pogledih na vsebino, besedilo ali vrstni red vprašanj ali na razlago glasovanja serazrešijo z odločbo Sodišča ali senata.
Differences of view on the substance, wording or order of questions, or on the interpretation of the voting shall be settled by decision of the Court or Chamber.
110 Pravna redakcija
Razen če ni v členu 5a določeno drugače, pri glasovanju o predlogih sklepov in o predlogu resolucije velja vrstni red, določen v členu 3.
Unless otherwise stipulated in Article 5a, the vote on the proposals for decisions and the motion for a resolution shall follow the order of Article 3.
111 Pravna redakcija
Brez poseganja v izbiro vidikov in elementov interoperabilnosti ali vrstni red, po katerem bodo podsistemi vključeni v TSI, ti podsistemi zajemajo zlasti:
Without prejudging the choice of aspects and constituents relating to interoperability or the order in which they will be made subject to TSIs, the subsystems include, in particular:
112 Pravna redakcija
Če so pripravljalne poizvedbe pri več zadevah zaključene istočasno, se vrstni red njihove obravnave določi z dnem vpisa zahtev za obravnavo v register.
Where the preparatory inquiries in several cases are completed simultaneously, the order in which they are to be dealt with shall be determined by the dates of entry in the register of the applications initiating them respectively.
113 Pravna redakcija
Kadar podpredsedniki niso izvoljeni s tajnim glasovanjem, prednostni vrstni red določa zaporedje, po katerem je predsednik prebral njihova imena Parlamentu.
Where they are not elected by secret ballot, the order in which their names are read out to the House by the President shall determine the order of precedence.
114 Pravna redakcija
V členih 24 (1), 36, 38 (1) in (4), 45 (2), 82a (1), 93 (1), 110 in 125 se vrstni red navajanja Statutov spremeni v "Statut ES, Statut ESPJ, Statut Euratom".
In Articles 24 (1), 36, 38 (1) and (4), 45 (2), 82a (1), 93 (1), 110 and 125, the order in which the Statutes are cited becomes 'EC Statute, ECSC Statute, Euratom Statute'.
115 Pravna redakcija
Ob upoštevanju določb člena 18(1) prednostni vrstni red podpredsednikov določa zaporedje, po katerem so bili izvoljeni, ali starost, če je izid neodločen.
Subject to the provisions of Rule 18(1), the Vice-Presidents shall take precedence in the order in which they were elected and, in the event of a tie, by age.
116 Pravna redakcija
Glede na to, da so navzoči v tipu polja formata 22, vrstni red drugih tipov polj ICAO ni pomemben, le da se ne smejo pokazati pred zgoraj naštetimi tipi polj.
As they are in Field type 22 format, the order of other ICAO Field types is not important, other than that they do not precede the Field types listed above.
117 Pravna redakcija
Vrstni red, v katerem so v tej prilogi naštete pogodbenice, je posebej prilagojen sistemu delitve stroškov, o katerem se je dogovorilo izvršilno telo Konvencije.
The order in which the Contracting Parties are listed in this Annex is specifically made in relation to the cost-sharing system agreed upon by the Executive Body for the Convention.
118 Pravna redakcija
predvidljiv, dosleden in jasen krožni sistem se najbolje doseže z enim sklepom, s katerim se določi vrstni red, po katerem bodo države članice prirejale dogodek.
whereas a predictable, consistent and transparent rotational system is best achieved through a single decision whereby the order in which Member States will hold the event is decided;
119 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002D0682
razporedi čas, namenjen razpravi o posamezni točki, zlasti tako, da omeji čas, v katerem lahko udeleženci govorijo, in določi vrstni red, po katerem imajo besedo;
organise the time allotted for discussion of a particular item, in particular through limiting the time during which participants may speak and determining the order in which they may take the floor;
120 Pravna redakcija
DRUGO Vrstni red pojavljanja podpolj v strukturiranem polju ni pomemben, kar daje možnost za preproste prihodnje razširitve (z dodajanjem novih vsebovanih podpolj).
The order of appearance of subfields in a structured field shall not be significant, which allows for easy future extensions (by adding new contained subfields).
121 Pravna redakcija
Priporočilo Kadar pride do nejasnosti glede prednosti zgoraj navedenih operatorjev, se priporoča uporaba oklepajev, ker se s tem razjasni zaželeni vrednostni vrstni red.
Recommendation When there is a risk of confusion due to precedence between the above mentioned operators, it is recommended to use the parenthesis, in order to clarify the desired evaluation order.
122 Pravna redakcija
Druga pomembna lastnost je, da vrstni red polj v sporočilu ni pomemben za določanje njegove dopustnosti, razen prvega polja (obvezno naslovno polje), ki določa dovoljena polja.
As another consequence, the order of fields in a message shall not be relevant to determine its legality, except for the first field (mandatory title field) which determines the allowed fields.
123 Pravna redakcija
EUEB in Komisija trenutno izvajata podrobno ocenjevanje ravni prednosti teh možnih novih skupin proizvodov in ugotavljata najboljši vrstni red in časovni razpored za njihovo razvijanje).
Work is currently being carried out by the EUEB and the Commission to assess in detail the level of priority of these possible new product groups and determine the best order and timing for their development.)
124 Pravna redakcija
V členih 7 (1), 9 (1), 16 (7), 38 (6), 48 (4), 77, drugi odstavek, 80 (1), 83 (1) in 89, prvi odstavek, se vrstni red navajanja Pogodb spremeni v "Pogodba ES, Pogodba ESPJ, Pogodba Euratom".
In Articles 7 (1), 9 (1), 16 (7), 38 (6), 48 (4), 77, second paragraph, 80 (1), 83 (1) and 89, first paragraph, the order in which the Treaties are cited becomes 'EC Treaty, ECSC Treaty, Euratom Treaty'.
125 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31991R2568
Opomba 1. Vrstni red elucije se lahko določi z izračunom ekvivalentnih ogljikovih števil, pogosto definiranih z odnosom ECN = CN-2n, kjer je CN ogljikovo število in je n število dvojnih vezi;
Note 1. The elution order can be determined by calculating the equivalent carbon numbers, often defined by the relation ECN = CN 2n, where CN is the carbon number and n is the number of double bonds;
126 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31991R2568
Poudariti je treba, da je izredno pomembno, da preskuševalec ustrezno količino olja počasi razporedi od zadnjega dela jezika proti grlu, in se medtem koncentrira na vrstni red zaznave (grenkega in ostrine).
It should be stressed that it is essential for a sufficient amount of the oil to be spread very slowly over the back of the tongue towards the throat while the taster concentrates on the order in which the bitter and pungent stimuli appear;
127 Pravna redakcija
Če je pri javnih naročilih gradenj gradnja ali javno naročilo razdeljeno na posamezne sklope, vrstni red različnih sklopov po velikosti in možnost prijave na razpis za en sklop, več sklopov ali za vse skupaj;
If, for works contracts, the work or the contract is subdivided into several lots, the order of magnitude of the different lots and possibility of tendering for one, for several or for all of the lots;
128 Pravna redakcija
Če je pri javnih naročilih gradenj gradnja ali javno naročilo podrazdeljeno na posamezne sklope, vrstni red različnih sklopov po velikosti in možnost prijave na razpis za en sklop, več sklopov ali za vse skupaj;
If, for works contracts, the work or the contract is subdivided into several lots, the order of magnitude of the different lots and the possibility of tendering for one, for several or for all of the lots;
129 Pravna redakcija
Če je pri javnih naročilih gradenj gradnja ali javno naročilo podrazdeljeno na posamezne sklope, vrstni red različnih sklopov po velikosti in možnost prijave na razpis za en sklop, več sklopov ali za vse skupaj.
If, for works contracts, the work or the contract is subdivided into several lots, the order of size of the different lots and the possibility of tendering for one, for several or for all of the lots.
130 Pravna redakcija
Če je, pri javnih naročilih gradenj, gradnja ali javno naročilo nadalje razčlenjeno na posamezne sklope, vrstni red različnih sklopov po velikosti in možnost prijave na razpis za en sklop, več sklopov ali za vse skupaj;
If, for works contracts, the work or the contract is subdivided into several lots, the order of size of the different lots and possibility of tendering for one, for several or for all the lots;
131 Pravna redakcija
delo in sociala
CELEX: 31993L0038
Če je, pri javnih naročilih gradenj, gradnja ali javno naročilo nadalje razčlenjeno na posamezne sklope, vrstni red različnih sklopov po velikosti in možnost prijave na razpis za en sklop, več sklopov ali za vse skupaj;
If, for works contracts, the work or the contract is subdivided into several lots, the order of size of the different lots and the possibility of tendering for one, for several or for all the lots;
132 Pravna redakcija
Prednostni sektorji ali podsektorji vsake pogodbenice, za katere se lahko začne ta postopek, se po prednostnem vrstnem redu navedejo v Dodatku V.A. Odbor iz člena 16 lahko s sklepom spremeni ta seznam in prednostni vrstni red.
The sectors or sub-sectors of priority of each Party for which this process may be initiated, are to be set out, where appropriate, in order of priority in Appendix V.A. The Committee referred to in Article 16 may amend, by means of decision, this list, including its order of priority.
133 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32001R0132
Obseg uvoza in tržna deleža obeh držav imata enak vrstni red po velikosti, ki je znatna in povečana v primerjavi z letom 1995; glede na pogoje konkurence med uvozom iz Poljske in Ukrajine je treba navesti, da je trend padanja cen podoben.
Both countries' import volumes and market shares are of the same order of magnitude, substantial and increased compared to 1995, and having regard to the conditions of competition between the imports from Poland and Ukraine, it is to be noted that the downward trend in prices is similar.
134 Pravna redakcija
Vsako leto člani Multidisciplinarne delovne skupine za organizirani kriminal (MDW) na predlog predsedstva določijo posebno področje ocenjevanja ter vrstni red ocenjevanja držav članic, pri čemer je treba oceniti najmanj pet držav članic na leto.
Each year, the specific subject of the evaluation as well as the order in which Member States are to be evaluated, at a rate of at least five per year, shall be defined, on a proposal from the Presidency, by the members of the Multidisciplinary Working Party on Organized Crime (MDW).
135 Pravna redakcija
Pravice in obveznosti po Uredbi (ES) št. 1348/2000 izvirajo iz Uredbe in iz določitve sprejemnih organov držav članic, ne pa iz objave teh podatkov.Vrstni red jezikovnih različic na tej strani se uporablja na vseh večjezikovnih straneh priročnika.
The rights and obligations under Regulation (EC) No 1 348/2000 come from the Regulation itself and from the designation by the Member States of the receiving agencies, but not from the publication of this information.The order of the language versions on this page is used on all the multilingual pages of the manual.
136 Pravna redakcija
Na zahtevo Komisije, države članice ali skupnega predstavniškega telesa lahko odbor po postopku iz člena 21(2) odloči, da se brez poseganja v zgoraj navedeni prednostni vrstni red izdela TSI za dodatni vidik, če zadeva podsistem, naveden v Prilogi II.
at the request of the Commission, a Member State or the joint representative body, the Committee may decide, according to the procedure laid down in Article 21(2), to draw up a TSI for an additional subject without prejudicing the order of priorities set out above in so far as it concerns a subsystem mentioned in Annex II.
137 Pravna redakcija
Kadar Evropski parlament spremeni osnutek dnevnega reda po zasedanju, na katerem konferenca predsednikov določi končni osnutek dnevnega reda delnega zasedanja, ali kadar spremeni vrstni red točk dnevnega reda delnega zasedanja, se Komisija kar najbolj potrudi, da zagotovi navzočnost pristojnega komisarja.
Where the European Parliament amends its draft agenda subsequently to the meeting of the Conference of Presidents that decides the final draft agenda of a part-session, or where it moves items within the agenda within a part-session, the Commission shall use its best endeavours to ensure the presence of the Commissioner responsible.
138 Pravna redakcija
pri zgoščeni ali posušeni hrani, ki je namenjena ponovni obnovitvi z dodatkom vode, se lahko sestavine navedejo glede na vrstni red deležev v ponovno obnovljenem izdelku, pod pogojem, da seznam sestavin spremlja navedba `sestavine v ponovno obnovljenem izdelku` ali `sestavine izdelka, pripravljenega za uporabo,`
in the case of concentrated or dehydrated foods which are intended to be reconstituted by the addition of water, the ingredients may be listed in order of proportion in the reconstituted product provided that the list of ingredients is accompanied by an expression such as 'ingredients of the reconstituted product', or 'ingredients of the ready-to-use product',
139 Pravna redakcija
Če je predsednik senata petih sodnikov zadžan, naloge predsednika senata opravlja predsednik senata treh sodnikov, po potrebi v skladu z vrstnim redom, določenim v členu 6 tega poslovnika, ali če senat ne vključuje predsednika senata treh sodnikov, eden od drugih sodnikov glede na vrstni red, določen v členu 6.
When the President of a Chamber of five Judges is prevented from attending, the functions of President of the Chamber shall be exercised by a President of a Chamber of three Judges, where necessary according to the order laid down in Article 6 of these Rules or, if that Chamber does not include a President of a Chamber of three Judges, by one of the other Judges according to the order laid down in Article 6.
140 Pravna redakcija
Konferenca predsednikov odloči, če in po kakšnem vrstnem redu bodo vprašanja uvrščena na dnevni red.
The Conference of Presidents shall decide whether and in what order questions should be placed on the agenda.
141 Pravna redakcija
Osnutki mnenj in resolucij se na dnevni red načeloma uvrstijo po vrstnem redu, kakor so jih komisije pripravile ali kakor so bili predloženi v skladu s poslovnikom.
The draft opinions and resolutions shall in principle be put on the agenda in the order in which they were adopted by the commissions or submitted in accordance with the Rules of Procedure.
142 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0104
Pogoji in vrstni red glasovanja
Voting conditions and order
143 Prevajalska redakcija
spoštovala številčni vrstni red harmoniziranega sistema;
it shall follow the numerical sequence of the Harmonized System;
144 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31994L0002
V tem primeru sta poimenovanje in vrstni red predalov dosledna.
In this case the naming and order of listing of the compartments shall be consistent.
145 Prevod
DRUGO: SOP-001-22-67/98
110. člen (Vrstni red)
Article 110 (Order of precedence)
146 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31991L0155
Čeprav vrstni red poglavij ni obvezen, se priporoča zaporedje iz člena 3.
Although the order of headings is not obligatory, the sequence given in Article 3 is recommended.
147 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001L0106
Pri izbiranju drugih ladij za pregled pristojni organi določijo naslednji prednostni vrstni red:
In selecting other ships for inspection, the competent authorities shall determine the order of priority as follows:
148 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002R2340
Za posamezno območje so staleži rib navedeni glede na abecedni vrstni red latinskih imen vrste.
Fishing opportunities applicable for Community vessels in areas where catch limitations exist by species and by area
149 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31996R2232
prednostni vrstni red, ki velja za ocenjevanje aromatičnih snovi, ob upoštevanju njihove uporabe,
the order of priorities according to which the flavouring substances are to be examined, taking into account their uses,
150 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001D0507
podati podroben izvedbeni načrt, ki natančno opisuje vsako nalogo in vrstni red izvajanja teh nalog.
a detailed implementation plan which describes in particular each task and the order in which the tasks are to be performed.
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