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151 Končna redakcija
All self-care techniques in fact mean the regulation of the subject's attitude towards itself, reinforcement of identity through incessant self-observation, with the help of a thorough knowledge about one's own body and continual efforts to improve the image. Women do not assess themselves from within, but view themselves from the external, male perspective which is reflected in cosmetic and fashion advertisements.
Vse te tehnike »skrbi zase« pomenijo regulacijo odnosa subjekta do samega sebe, krepitev lastne identitete z nenehnim samoopazovanjem, s podrobnim spoznavanjem svojega telesa in z neprestanim prizadevanjem za izboljšanje lastne podobe, ki jo ženske ocenjuje »od zunaj«, skozi moški pogled, ki odseva v kozmetičnih in modnih oglasih.
152 Končna redakcija
at first glance it appears solely escapist, simultaneously undermining and reinforcing traditional values, manners of behaviour and attitudes.
na prvi pogled je videti zgolj eskapistična, hkrati pa spodbija in potrjuje tradicionalne vrednote, načine vedenja in drže.
153 Končna redakcija
It stresses the importance of information and communication for the formation of a citizen's personal attitudes and for the development of society (ibid).
Pomembne so uvodne določbe, ki govorijo o tem, da imata obveščanje in komunikacija velik pomen tako za razvoj osebnosti državljanov kot za razvoj družbe. (ibid: 79)
154 Končna redakcija
'Information and communication play a very important role in the formation of citizens' personal attitudes and the development of society and democratic life'.
Obveščanje in komunikacija imata velik pomen za razvoj osebnosti državljanov in za razvoj družbe in demokratičnega življenja.
155 Končna redakcija
These beliefs are organized as attitudes towards something, and represent a cognitive basis for the processing of information about the members of external groups.
Ta prepričanja so organizirana kot odnosi do nečesa in so kognitivna osnova za procesiranje informacij o članih zunanjih skupin.
156 Končna redakcija
The initiative, enterprise, creativity and social solidarity of youth should be harnessed to counteract these anti-democratic attitudes on the Internet wherever they appear.
Pobudo, podjetnost, ustvarjalnost in socialno solidarnost mladih je treba izkoristiti za ukrepanje proti tem protidemokratičnim stališčem na internetu, kjerkoli se pojavijo.
157 Končna redakcija
The main reasons were: the unfinished reform of the public schools that has instigated vehement polemics ever since its outset; the conceptual questions pertaining to the introduction of the nine-year elementary schools and the question of how to evaluate this experiment; the traditionally negative attitude of the Church towards the public education system/schools; the criticism of certain recent moves by Bajuk's government relating to schools that was expressed by the Education and Science Union (SVIZ) and the Association of School Masters, and addressed to the Ministry of Education.
Glavni razlogi: nedokončana reforma javnega šolstva, ki jo že od vsega začetka spremljajo burne polemike; konceptualno vprašanje uvajanja devetletke in vprašanje evalvacije tega eksperimenta; tradicionalno odklonilno stališče Cerkve do javnega šolstva; kritike nekaterih novejših potez Bajukove vlade na šolskem področju, ki so jih na ministrstvo naslavljali tako strokovna javnost kot sindikat vzgoje, izobraževanja in znanosti (Sviz) in društvo ravnateljev.
158 Končna redakcija
So when reading this magazine pay special attention to the pages carrying features on emotional lives of young women and their attitudes to their husbands, lovers, friends, family and bosses...'
V reviji bodite posebno pozorne na strani, ki so namenjene čustvenemu življenju mlade ženske, njenemu odnosu do moža, ljubimca, prijateljev, družine, šefov ...«
159 Končna redakcija
Surprisingly, the said Bishop's statement received public acclaim by all political parties save for the SNS which retained its negative attitude on principle. The most commendable response was the one by the LDS, which gave three reasons: the Bishop's letter was 'incomparably more neutral than any previous one', it contains an 'appeal for as massive a turnout at the polls as possible' - in the opinion of the LDS, other civil institution 'should do the same' - and 'the Bishop's letter represents a great step forward for civil society' (Delo, 27 September 2000, Večer, 28 September 2000, Mag, 40/2000).
To škofovsko izjavo so - presenetljivo - javno pohvalile vse politične stranke, z izjemo SNS, ki ostaja odklonilna zaradi povsem načelnih razlogov, medtem ko se je med vsemi drugimi pozitivnimi odmevi izrazito pohvalno izrekla prav LDS, in to zaradi treh razlogov: ker je pismo 'neprimerno bolj nevtralno kot vsa dosedanja', ker vsebuje 'apel k čim višji udeležbi na volitvah', kar bi po mnenju LDS 'morale storiti enako' tudi druge civilne institucije, in ker pomeni škofovsko pismo 'velik civilnodružbeni napredek' (Delo, 27. 9., Večer, 28. 9., Mag, 40/2000).
160 Končna redakcija
On several occasions they 'were strongly roused' when, for example, 'the representative of Amnesty stated, admittedly in a creative way ...while everybody got enraged by the lady from Helsinki ... who explained how ugly and detestable is the attitude of the Slovenians towards the Balkan folk, how we suppress them and do not let them live, how indeed there are quite a lot of them here, but they only suffer, as to those several tens of thousands who still wait either on the border or queue for citizenship, we do not even notice them, but we should - we should notice them and enable them to have better lives among us.
Nekajkrat so se 'krepko razburili', recimo, ko 'je predstavnica Amnestyja sicer tvorno povedala..., vse pa je razbesnela dama iz Helsinkov..., razložila, kako grdi in odurni smo Slovenci do Balkancev, kako jih zatiramo in jim ne damo živeti, kako jih je sicer precej pri nas, ampak samo trpijo, za tistih nekaj deset tisoč, ki še čakajo bodisi na meji bodisi na državljanstva, pa se sploh ne zmenimo, pa bi se morali - zmeniti se zanje in omogočiti jim lepše življenje med nami.
161 Končna redakcija
All-pervasive stries about sex are presented as investigative journalistic articles. They are brimming with analysis and thus shape female readers. attitudes to men and women, their relations, and orgasm.
Vsepričujoče zgodbe o spolnosti predstavljene v obliki raziskovalnega članka, so polne analiz in citatov ter oblikujejo odnos bralk do moških in žensk, orgazmov in zvez.
162 Končna redakcija
Even though the subject of our analysis, the media construction of homosexuality, was partly limited because it included only the print media, our conclusions point to the direction in which attitudes towards this phenomenon are moving.
Čeprav je bil predmet naše analize medijske konstrukcije homoseksualnosti deloma zamejen, ker smo analizirali zgolj tiskane medije, naše ugotovitve nakazujejo smer odnosa do obravnavanega fenomena.
163 Končna redakcija
Although the journalists writing about homosexuality appear to be open minded and have positive attitudes towards this topic, one should not overlook the power of sensationalism underlying this subject and eliciting a specific type of media representation.
Čeprav se zdi, da o homoseksualnosti pišejo tisti novinarke in novinarji, ki so do problematike odprti in se o njej izražajo pozitivno, ne smemo spregledati senzacionalistične moči, ki se dotika te teme in vodi k tovrstnim medijskim reprezentacijam.
164 Končna redakcija
By learning how to read them we can learn much about a specific culture and about the status of woman in it, then about attitudes towards children, the female body and pain, and the status and value of certain knowledge about the body and its roles and purposes.
Če jih znamo brati, veliko povedo o kulturi, položaju žensk, odnosu do otroka, ženskega telesa, bolečine, o statusu vednosti in znanja o telesu in njegovih nalogah in namenih.
165 Končna redakcija
whereas in such a case coordination of the attitudes of the Member States with regard to this third country must be assured without delay, without prejudice to possible amendments to the list of countries and establishments authorised to export to the Community;
ker je v takem primeru treba nemudoma zagotoviti usklajevanje mnenj držav članic v zvezi z zadevno tretjo državo brez poseganja v morebitne spremembe seznama držav in obratov, ki imajo dovoljenje za izvoz v Skupnost;
166 Končna redakcija
The percentage of those having negative attitudes or, to be more precise, prejudicies, towards homosexuals averages, with greater or smaller deviations, around 60%, with the positive trend indicating an increase in tolerance being obvious towards the end of the 1990s.
Delež, ki izraža negativen odnos ali natančneje predsodke do obravnavanega fenomena, je v devetdesetih z večjimi ali manjšimi odstopanji na točki šestdesetih odstotkov, s tem da se proti koncu devetdesetih kaže pozitiven trend v smislu večje strpnosti.
167 Končna redakcija
Taking into account the special influence of mass media - particularly television - on the attitudes of children and young people, it is necessary to avoid broadcasts, messages or images that praise violence, exploit sex or consumerism or deliberately use unsuitable language (ibid).
Upoštevaje posebni vpliv občil - še posebno televizije - na otroke in mlade se je treba izogibati objavljanju oddaj, sporočil ali slik, ki poveličujejo nasilje, izkoriščajo spolnost in spolno združitev ali namerno uporabljajo neprimerno govorico. (ibid: 83)
168 Končna redakcija
Of course, this transformation and the development of a new legal framework that was to sanction changed relationships also (or perhaps above all) induced changes in attitudes towards the informing of the public, which was to become 'an integral part of self-management and its basic condition'.
Seveda se je s to preobrazbo in razvojem novega prava, ki naj bi sankcioniral nastajajoče odnose, spremenil tudi (ali morda predvsem) odnos do javnega obveščanja. To naj bi postalo 'integralni del samoupravljanja in njegov osnovni pogoj'.
169 Končna redakcija
Due to the social unacceptability of intolerant discourse, the media often employ denial or mitigation (the understatement of harmfulness/the overstatement of nonharmfulness, rationalization of evidently intolerant attitudes, the transfer of guilt, the interchanging of the victim and the protagonist).
Zaradi družbene nezaželenosti nestrpnega govora se tudi mediji zatekajo k zanikanju in blažitvam (podcenjevanje škodljivosti/ precenjevanje neškodljivosti, racionaliziranje očitnih nestrpnih izjav in dejanj, prenos krivde, zamenjava žrtve s storilcem).
170 Končna redakcija
The media constructions had an impact not only on the personal attitudes of readers faced with this stigmatized identity, but also on the general social and political climate, since the media (along with other social institutions) co-shape the environment and the mental framework we employ when considering a specific concept.
Medijska konstrukcija homoseksualnosti je namreč pomembna tako na osebnem nivoju posameznega bralca ali bralke, ki se srečuje s stigmatizirano identiteto, kot tudi na splošnem družbenem in političnem nivoju, saj mediji (z drugimi družbenimi institucijami vred) sooblikujejo klimo in miselne okvire, znotraj katerih mislimo določene koncepte.
171 Končna redakcija
Propaganda uses posters, as it does other types of media, to disseminate specific ideas as efficiently as possible to the widest possible circle of addressees, and in so doing it employs symbols, words and pictures to influence the attitudes of the audience, naturally, within the limits imposed by the cultural context into which it ventures.
Propaganda je tudi preko plakatov usmerjena k čim bolj učinkovitemu širjenju posameznih idej med čim širši krog naslovnikov in pri tem uporablja simbole, besedila in slike, s katerimi naj bi vplivali na njihovo vedenje, seveda v okviru posebnosti kulturnega konteksta, v katerega stopa.
172 Končna redakcija
In addition to various health-related concerns expressed by some participants (refugees as carriers of various infectious diseases), and conspicuous xenophobic attitudes (.crowds of refugees throng Slovenia.), one participant expressly stressed that it was the media itself which contributed most to the creation of a refugee-hostile atmosphere in Slovenia.
Poleg medicinskega besednjaka, ki so ga uporabljali nekateri udeleženci (begunci kot prenašalci raznih kužnih bolezni) in poudarjene ksenofobične naravnanosti (»begunci se v trumah valijo preko Slovenije«), je eden izmed sodelujočih izrecno poudaril, da so prav mediji najbolj prispevali k ustvarjanju prebežnikom sovražne klime v Sloveniji
173 Končna redakcija
Personally (despite the fact that I contributed to its historical development) I do not have any sentimental attitudes towards this right and have already suggested to the proposers of the law that it should be removed from the legislation if anybody dares remove it from the Constitution as well (on the grounds of it being unrealistic and impossible to realise).
Sam (kljub njeni 'zgodovini', pri kateri sem nekoč sodeloval) do nje nimam sentimentalnega odnosa in sem predlagatelju zakona že predlagal njeno črtanje iz zakona, če bi si upal hkrati predlagati njeno črtanje iz ustave (kot nerealne, neuresničljive).
174 Končna redakcija
Foucault was rather heavily criticized by feminists for neglecting the gendered aspect of disciplining techniques, since he treated the body as gender neutral and failed to underline the differences in men's and women's attitudes towards the disciplining institutions (for Foucault these institutions were primarily the military, the school, the factory, the hospital, and the prison).
Foucault je bil deležen precejšnje feministične kritike, ker je zanemarjal spolno (gendered) dimenzijo tehnik discipliniranja, ker je pojmoval telo kot spolno nevtralno in ker ni poudaril razlik med moškimi in ženskami v njihovih odnosih do institucij discipliniranja (pri Foucaultu so to zlasti vojska, šola, tovarna, bolnišnica in zapor).
175 Končna redakcija
They are categorized as the 'grammar of life-forms' or in other words, they are issues connected with conflicts relating to the 'means of identitarian existence': cultural preferences, attitudes ranging from those towards 'immigrants from the south' and refugees to those towards all other 'non-authentic' national minorities, women, homosexuals and other marginalized groups removed from the normative center.
Gre za teme, ki jih uvrščamo med tako imenovane 'slovnice oblik življenja' ali, z drugimi besedami, teme, ki zadevajo konflikt o 'sredstvih identitetnega obstoja': kulturne preference, odnos do tujcev 'južnjakov ' in prebežnikov, do vseh drugih 'neavtentičnih' manjšin, do žensk, homoseksualcev in drugih marginaliziranih, od normativnega središča odmaknjenih skupin.
176 Končna redakcija
However - this is the point that calls for caution - this 'settlement of accounts with nationalism' (i.e. with outdated attitudes that are here classified as being rightwing without any further designations) was not done from the position of 'escaping' nationalism as such, or nationalism in all its forms of appearance or of any content, nor from the position of searching for 'other' (say, political) cues for future development.
Toda - in tukaj je treba biti pozoren - čeprav je to nedvomno bil 'obračun z nacionalizmom' (se pravi s predpotopnimi pozicijami, ki se tukaj uvrščajo v 'desne', brez nadaljnjih določil), to ni bilo storjeno ne s pozicij 'uhajanja' nacionalizmu kot takemu, nacionalizmu v vseh njegovih pojavnih oblikah in vsebinah, in tudi ne s pozicij iskanja 'drugih' (denimo političnih) iztočnic razvoja.
177 Končna redakcija
The following conclusions were outstanding: the media are under the influence of President Milan Kučan (an ex-Communist) and Slovenia has the worst form of censorship (Družina, 17 September 2000); auto-censorship is prevailing among journalists, the media incessantly attack the Church, and the state's attitude towards the Church is insipid (this being the standpoint of the newly founded governmental party NSi, whose leader, Dr. Bajuk, was the Prime Minister at that time and active in the election campaign; Radio Slovenia 1, 18 September 2000); due to the media obstruction, the achievements of Bajuk's government were not sufficiently presented to the public; not one opinion poll is competent because the public opinion is a 'monopoly opinion'; the worst form of censorship in Slovenia occurred precisely during the pre-election period; 'the Catholic Church lacks the required political weight despite its majority position'; journalists on the national TV channel attempted to break down the 'Spring Parties' (Radio Ognjišče, 28-29 September 2000); the Apostolic Nuncio stated that Slovenian national TV neglected religious topics and that one of the Slovenian weekly magazines persistently hunted for scandalous events within the Church (Dnevnik, 13 October 2000); the latter is a reference to a sexually provocative drawing of Archbishop Franc Rode published by Mladina weekly magazine (the drawing was one in a series of other similar ones showing many other reputed politicians equally stripped, both from the right and the left wing, and other media personalities; the same magazine, which is, in the opinion of the Church, expressly left-oriented, criticizes in each issue at least one representative of the left parties, the LDS or president Kučan, and moreover, it is possible to find in it certain standpoints in favor of the right wing; all this applies to the pre-election period as well, see Mladina 18 September 2000); the Prime Minister and the leader of the NSi asserted on the national radio station that 'in Slovenia, right before the elections, there is a total blockade of the media' (Radio 1, 29 October 2000) and stressed in the same breath that he did not trust the public opinion polls that forecast election results, explaining his statement as follows: he does not trust the polls that predict negative election results, nor those that forecast positive results, he trusts 'one thing only, that is, when I walk around our countryside and see people....' (TV 3, 9 October 2000); the Government Public Relations and Media Office criticized the one-sidedness of the media, stating that Slovenian media are similar to those in Serbia, that they foment 'firebrand propaganda' and 'throw mud at Janez Janša, Andrej Bajuk, Franc Rode and Marjan Podobnik' (ibid. 6 October 2000, POP TV, 6 October 2000); the most nervous of all is the national TV station (Večer, 12 October 2000) etc.
Izstopajo naslednje ocene: da so mediji pod vplivom predsednika države Kučana (nekdanjega komunista) in da gre pri nas za najhujše oblike cenzure (Družina, 17. 9. 2000); da med novinarji prevladuje avtocenzura, da gre za nenehne napade medijev na Cerkev in za mlačen odnos države do Cerkve (to je stališče nove vladne stranke NSi, katere predsednik je hkrati predsednik vlade in dejaven v predvolilnem boju; Radio Slovenija 1, 18. 9. 2000); da se zaradi medijske blokade premalo govori o uspehih Bajukove vlade; da ni ustrezna nobena javnomnenjska raziskava, saj gre za 'monopolno javno mnenje'; da se ravno v tem predvolilnem času dogajajo na Slovenskem najhujše oblike cenzure; da 'katoliška Cerkev kljub večinskemu položaju nima potrebne politične teže'; da poskušajo novinarji na nacionalni televiziji s svojimi vprašanji razbiti pomladne stranke (Radio Ognjišče, 28.-29. 9. 2000); apostolski nuncij izjavi, da slovenska nacionalna TV zanemarja verske teme in da eden od slovenskih tednikov vztrajno išče škandalozne dogodke v Cerkvi (Dnevnik, 13. 10. 2000), kar se nanaša na tednik Mladina, ki je med drugim objavil tudi seksualno-provokativno risbo nadškofa Rodeta (kot eno v redni seriji tovrstnih risb, v kateri so se pojavljali enako razgaljeni mnogi najuglednejši politiki, tako z leve kot z desne, in druge medijsko izpostavljene osebnosti); ista revija, ki je v očeh cerkvenih predstavnikov izrazito levičarsko usmerjena, kritizira v prav vsaki številki tudi vsaj enega predstavnika levih strank, LDS ali pa Kučana, hkrati pa je mogoče najti stališča v korist desnice; vse to velja tudi v predvolilnem času (gl. Mladina, 18. 9. 2000); predsednik vlade in stranke NSi zatrjuje na nacionalnem radiu, da 'v Sloveniji tik pred volitvami vlada popolna medijska blokada' (Radio 1, 29. 10. 2000) in hkrati poudarja, da javnomnenjskim anketam ne verjame, ko merijo uspešnost njegove stranke - nakar to stališče pojasni takole: anketam ne verjame takrat, ko prikazujejo negativen volilni rezultat, in ne verjame jim tudi, ko prikazujejo pozitiven rezultat, saj namesto tega verjame 'v eno samo stvar, ko hodim po našem podeželju in vidim ljudi...' (TV 3, 9.10. 2000); vladni urad za informiranje kritizira medijsko enostranost, da so naši mediji podobni srbskim, da izvajajo 'hujskaško propagando' in blatijo 'Janšo, Bajuka, Rodeta in Podobnika' (ibid. 6. 10. 2000, POP TV, 6. 10. 2000); da je od vseh 'najbolj nervozna prav nacionalna televizija' (Večer, 12. 10. 2000) itd.
178 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004D0090
The vehicle is positioned in the normal ride attitude.
Vozilo je v normalnem voznem položaju.
179 Pravna redakcija
A more environmentally conscious attitude towards land use is also to be developed.
Več okoljske osveščenosti bi bilo potrebne tudi v odnosu do rabe tal.
180 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004D0090
The vehicle subsystem shall be securely mounted in the normal vehicle ride attitude.
Podsistem vozila se trdno namesti v normalnem voznem položaju vozila.
181 Pravna redakcija
The payment depends on the future unknown savings attitude of the household or non-financial corporation.
Plačilo je odvisno od prihodnjega, neznanega varčevalnega razpoloženja gospodinjstva ali nefinančne družbe.
182 Pravna redakcija
However, what has still not occurred is a genuine change in attitude on the part of all the interested parties:
Še vedno pa ni prišlo do resnične spremembe odnosa pri vseh zainteresiranih strankah:
183 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004D0090
These marks shall be selected such as to be able to easily check the vehicle front and rear ride heights and vehicle attitude.
Te referenčne točke se izberejo tako, da je mogoče zlahka preveriti višino sprednjega in zadnjega dela vozila med vožnjo in položaj vozila.
184 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32001D0822
experience of the applicant structure in assisting and advising businesses, a business-oriented attitude to small and medium-sized enterprises,
izkušenost predlagane strukture pri izvajanju svetovanja in pomoči; prilagojenost podjetniško naravnanim malim in srednje velikim podjetjem,
185 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004D0090
When performing measurements on a vehicle as described in this Part, the vehicle should be positioned in its normal ride attitude as described in point 2.3.
Pri izvajanju meritev na vozilu v skladu s tem delom mora biti vozilo nameščeno v svoj normalni vozni položaj, kakor je opisano v točki 2.3.
186 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004D0090
The vehicle shall be in its normal ride attitude and shall be either securely mounted on raised supports or at rest on a flat surface with the hand brake on.
Vozilo se nahaja v svojem normalnem voznem položaju in je bodisi trdno nameščeno na dvignjenih nosilcih ali stoji na ravni površini z zategnjeno ročno zavoro.
187 Pravna redakcija
"Source code" for the "use" of any inertial navigation equipment including inertial equipment not controlled by 7A003 "or 7A004, or Attitude and Heading Reference Systems (AHRS).
"Izvorna koda" za "uporabo" katere koli inertne navigacijske opreme, skupaj z inertno opremo, ki je ne urejata točki 7A003 ali 7A004, ali referenčnih sistemov za lego in smer (AHRS).
188 Pravna redakcija
The Commission's inspectors shall, in the course of checks, adopt an attitude compatible with the rules and professional practices which officials of the Member State must follow.
Inšpektorji Komisije izvajajo preglede v skladu s pravili in poklicno prakso, ki jo morajo uradniki države članice upoštevati.
189 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004D0090
'Upper bumper height' is the vertical distance between the ground and the upper bumper reference line, defined in point 2.5.1 with the vehicle positioned in its normal ride attitude.
"Zgornja višina odbijača" je navpična razdalja med tlemi in zgornjo referenčno črto odbijača, opredeljeno v točki 2.5.1, pri čemer je vozilo v normalnem voznem položaju.
190 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004D0090
'Lower bumper height' is the vertical distance between the ground and the lower bumper reference line, defined in point 2.5.2 with the vehicle positioned in its normal ride attitude.
"Spodnja višina odbijača" je navpična razdalja med tlemi in spodnjo referenčno črto odbijača, opredeljeno v točki 2.5.2, pri čemer je vozilo v normalnem voznem položaju.
191 Pravna redakcija
in the course of the checks, demonstrate an attitude in line with the rules and behaviour incumbent on the officials of the Party on whose territory the control procedure is being performed.
imajo med kontrolami takšno držo, ki je v skladu s pravili in navadami uslužbencev pogodbenice, na ozemlju katere se kontrolni postopek izvaja.
192 Pravna redakcija
The Commission's specific officials shall, in the course of checks, adopt an attitude compatible with the rules and professional practices which officials of the relevant Member State must follow.
Pri nadzoru morajo posebni uradniki Komisije upoštevati uradna pravila in običaje zadevne države članice.
193 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004D0090
'Bonnet leading edge height' for any section of a car is the vertical distance between the ground and the bonnet leading edge reference line defined in point 2.9.2, with the vehicle positioned in its normal ride attitude.
"Višina prednjega roba prednjega pokrova " je za vsak vzdolžni profil vozila navpična razdalja med tlemi in referenčno črto prednjega roba prednjega pokrova, opredeljeno v točki 2.9.2, pri čemer je vozilo v normalnem voznem položaju.
194 Pravna redakcija
AHRS generally differ from inertia! navigation systems (INS) in that an AHRS provides attitude and heading information and normally does not provide the acceleration, velocity and position information associated with an INS.
AHRS se navadno razlikuje od inertnih navigacijskih sistemov (INS), saj AHRS daje podatke o višini in smeri in navadno ne daje podatkov o pospešku, hitrosti in položaju, ki so povezani s sistemi INS.
195 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004D0090
'Ground reference level' is the horizontal plane parallel to the ground level, representing the ground level for a vehicle placed at rest on a flat surface with the hand brake on, with the vehicle positioned in its normal ride attitude.
"Referenčna raven tal" je vodoravna ravnina, vzporedna z ravnijo tal, ki predstavlja raven del tal, na katerm stoji vozilo v stanju mirovanja na ravni površini z zategnjeno ročno zavoro in v normalnem voznem položaju.
196 Pravna redakcija
Inertial navigation systems (gimballed or strapdown) and inertial equipment designed for "aircraft", land vehicle or "spacecraft" for attitude, guidance or control having any of the following characteristics, and specially designed components therefor:
Inertni navigacijski sistemi (s kardanskim obešenjem ali mostom) in inertna oprema za "letala", kopenska vozila ali "vesoljska plovila", za položaj, vodenje ali nadzor, ki imajo katero koli od naslednjih značilnosti, in posebej zanje izdelane komponente:
197 Pravna redakcija
During on-the-spot inspections and checks, the Office's employees shall adopt an attitude in keeping with the rules and practices governing officials of the Member State concerned, with the Staff Regulations and with the decisions referred to in the second subparagraph of Article 4(1).
Med inšpekcijami in pregledi na kraju samem uslužbenci urada ravnajo v skladu s pravili in prakso, ki velja za uradnike države članice, s Kadrovskimi predpisi in s sklepi iz drugega pododstavka člena 4(1).
198 Pravna redakcija
The distance between any edge of the active conductor and any peripheral device used for measurement shall be at least 200 mm. The wiring harness section of the ESA under test shall be placed in a horizontal attitude between the active conductor and the ground plane (see Figures 1 and 2 of Appendix 1 to this Annex).
Kateri koli rob aktivnega vodnika mora biti najmanj 200 mm oddaljen od katere koli zunanje merilne naprave. Kabelski snop preskušanega EPS je treba postaviti v vodoravni legi med aktivni vodnik in ozemljitveno ploščo (glej sliki 1 in 2 Dodatka 1 k tej prilogi).
199 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004D0090
'Normal ride attitude' is the vehicle attitude in running order positioned on the ground, with the tyres inflated to the recommended pressures, the front wheels in the straight- ahead position, with maximum capacity of all fluids necessary for operation of the vehicle, with all standard equipment as provided by the vehicle manufacturer, with a 75 kg mass placed on the driver's seat and with a 75 kg mass placed on the front passenger's seat, and with the suspension set for a driving speed of 40 km/h or 35 km/h in normal running conditions specified by the manufacturer (especially for vehicles with an active suspension or a device for automatic levelling).
"Normalni vozni položaj" je položaj vozila v voznem stanju na tleh, pri èemer so pnevmatike napolnjene do priporoèenega tlaka, sprednja kolesa usmerjena naravnost naprej, vse tekoèine, potrebne za delovanje vozila, nalite do konca, je v vozilu vsa standardna oprema, ki jo je predvidel proizvajalec vozila, sta voznikov in sovoznikov sedež obremenjena z maso 75 kg in pri èemer je vzmetenje vozila nastavljeno na vozno hitrost 40 km/h ali 35 km/h pri normalnih voznih pogojih, kakor jih navaja proizvajalec (zlasti pri vozilih z aktivnim vzmetenjem ali samodejnim uravnavanjem višine).
200 Pravna redakcija
Whereas racist and xenophobic attitudes can constitute an obstacle to the effective exercise of the rights of free movement;
ker lahko rasizem in ksenofobija predstavljata oviro za učinkovito uresničevanje pravic do prostega pretoka;
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