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151 Pravna redakcija
The double-checking arrangements and other related issues regarding exports of textile products originating in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia to the Community and originating in the Community to the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia are stipulated in the Agreement between the European Community and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia on trade in textile products as renewed and applied since 1 January 2000.
Režim dvojne kontrole in druge sorodne zadeve v zvezi z izvozom tekstilnih izdelkov s poreklom iz Nekdanje jugoslovanske republike Makedonije v Skupnost in s poreklom iz Skupnosti v Nekdanjo jugoslovansko republiko Makedonijo so določene v Sporazumu med Evropsko skupnostjo in Nekdanjo jugoslovansko republiko Makedonijo o trgovini s tekstilnimi izdelki, kakor je bil podaljšan in se uporablja od 1. januarja 2000.
152 Pravna redakcija
Uzbekistan shall supply the Commission with precise statistical information on all export licences issued for categories of textile products subject to the quantitative limits set out in Annex II or to a double-checking system, expressed in quantities and in terms of value and broken down by Member States of the Community, as well as on all certificates issued by the competent Uzbek authorities for products referred to in Article 9 and subject to the provisions of Protocol B.
Uzbekistan Skupnosti zagotovi natančne statistične podatke o vseh izvoznih dovoljenjih, izdanih za kategorije tekstilnih izdelkov, za katere veljajo količinske omejitve, določene v Prilogi II, ali sistem dvojne kontrole, izražene v količinah in v vrednosti ter razčlenjene po državah članicah Skupnosti, kot tudi o vseh potrdilih, ki so jih pristojni uzbeški organi izdali za izdelke, omenjene v členu 9, za katere veljajo določbe Protokola B.
153 Pravna redakcija
Croatia shall supply the Commission with precise statistical information on all export licences issued for categories of textile products subject to the quantitative limits established under this Agreement or to a double-checking system, expressed in quantities and in terms of value and broken down by Member States of the Community, as well as on all certificates issued by the competent Croatian authorities for products referred to in Article 5 and subject to the provisions of Appendix B.
Hrvaška Skupnosti zagotovi natančne statistične podatke o vseh izvoznih dovoljenjih, izdanih za kategorije tekstilnih izdelkov, za katere veljajo količinske omejitve, določene v tem sporazumu, ali sistem dvojnega preverjanja, izražene v količinah in v smislu vrednosti ter razdeljene po državah članicah Skupnosti, kot tudi o vseh potrdilih, ki so jih pristojni hrvaški organi izdali za izdelke, omenjene v členu 5, za katere veljajo določbe Dodatka B.
154 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32001D0033
The Commission, in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 17 of Council Regulation (EEC) No 3030/93 of 12 October 1993 on common rules for imports of certain textile products from third countries ( fn ), may suspend the application of the double-checking regime to certain products, after consultations with Ukraine under Article 2(1), last subparagraph of the Agreement on trade in textile products, as amended by point 3.4 of this Agreement in the form of an Exchange of Letters.
Komisija lahko v skladu s postopkom iz člena 17 Uredbe Sveta (EGS) št. 3030/93 z dne 12. oktobra 1993 o skupnih pravilih za uvoz nekaterih tekstilnih izdelkov po poreklu iz tretjih držav fn, po posvetovanjih z Ukrajino v skladu s členom 2(1), zadnji pododstavek, Sporazuma o trgovini s tekstilnimi izdelki, kakor je bil spremenjen s točko 3.4 tega sporazuma v obliki izmenjave pisem, opusti uporabo režima dvojne kontrole za nekatere izdelke.
155 Pravna redakcija
In the context of the Agreement between the European Economic Community and Ukraine on trade in textile products initialled on 5 May 1993, the Parties agreed that, in conformity with Article 20 (2) of the Agreement, products listed in Annex I to the Agreement originating in Ukraine but not subject to the quantitative limits referred to in Article 2 (1) of the Agreement may be subject either to the double-checking system specified in Protocol A to the Agreement or to a prior system of surveillance.
V smislu besedila Sporazuma med Evropsko gospodarsko skupnostjo in Ukrajino o trgovini s tekstilnimi izdelki, parafiranega 5. maja 1993, sta se pogodbenici sporazumeli, da se, v skladu s členom 20 (2) Sporazuma, za izdelke, naštete v Prilogi I k Sporazumu s poreklom iz Ukrajine, za katere ne veljajo količinske omejitve, omenjene v členu 2 (1) Sporazuma, lahko uvede bodisi sistem dvojne kontrole, določen v Protokolu A k Sporazumu, bodisi predhodni sistem nadzora.
156 Pravna redakcija
The competent authorities of Laos shall issue an export licence in respect of all consignments from Laos of textile products subject to any definitive or provisional quantitative limits established under Article 4 of the Agreement, up to the relevant quantitative limits as may be modified by Articles 3, 5 and 7 of the Agreement, as well as of all consignments of textile products subject to a double-checking system without quantitative limits as provided for in Article 1(4) and (5) of the Agreement.
Pristojni organi Laosa izdajo izvozno dovoljenje za vse pošiljke tekstilnih izdelkov iz Laosa, za katere veljajo dokončne ali začasne količinske omejitve po členu 4 tega sporazuma, do ustreznih količinskih omejitev, kakor se lahko spremenijo v skladu s členi 3, 5 in 7 tega sporazuma, in za tekstilne izdelke, za katere velja sistem dvojne kontrole brez količinskih omejitev, kakor je predvideno v členu 1(4) in (5) tega sporazuma.
157 Pravna redakcija
Where, in accordance with the relevant provisions of an agreement, protocol or other arrangement between the Community and a third country, a system of surveillance a priori or a posteriori is introduced on a category of products referred to in Annex I which is not subject to the quantitative limits listed in Annex V, the procedures and formalities concerning single and double checking, economic outward processing, classification and certification of origin shall be those laid down in Annex III and IV.
Če se v skladu z usteznimi določbami sporazuma, protokola ali drugega dogovora med Skupnostjo in določeno tretjo državo izvaja sistem predhodnega ali naknadnega nadzora za določeno kategorijo izdelkov iz Priloge I, za katero ne veljajo količinske omejitve iz Priloge V, se uporabljajo postopki in formalnosti v zvezi z enojnim in dvojnim preverjanjem, ekonomskim pasivnim oplemenitenjem, uvrščanjem in potrjevanjem porekla, določeni v Prilogah III in IV.
158 Pravna redakcija
The competent authorities of Nepal shall issue an export licence in respect of all consignments from Nepal of textile products subject to any definitive or provisional quantitative limits established under Article 4 of this Agreement, up to the relevant quantitative limits as may be modified by Articles 3, 5 and 7 of this Agreement, as well as of all consignments of textile products subject to a double-checking system without quantitative limits as provided for in Article 1 (4) and (5) of this Agreement.
Pristojni organi Nepala izdajo izvozno dovoljenje za vse pošiljke tekstilnih izdelkov iz Nepala, za katere veljajo dokončne ali začasne količinske omejitve po členu 4 tega sporazuma, do ustreznih količinskih omejitev, kot se lahko spremenijo v skladu s členi 3, 5 in 7 tega sporazuma, in za vse pošiljke tekstilnih izdelkov, za katere velja sistem dvojne kontrole brez količinskih omejitev, kot je predvideno v členu 1(4) in (5) tega sporazuma.
159 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1500
The situation relating to imports of certain steel products from the Russian Federation to the Community has been the subject of thorough examination and, on the basis of relevant information supplied to them, the Parties have concluded an Agreement in the form of an Exchange of Letters which establishes a double-checking system without quantitative limits for the period between the date of entry into force of this Regulation and 31 December 2004, unless both Parties agree to terminate the system earlier.
Po temeljiti preučitvi položaja glede uvoza nekaterih jeklenih izdelkov iz Ruske federacije v Skupnost sta pogodbenici na podlagi zadevnih informacij, ki so jima bile predložene, sklenili Sporazum v obliki izmenjave pisem ( fn ) o vzpostavitvi sistema dvojne kontrole brez količinskih omejitev za obdobje od datuma začetka veljavnosti te uredbe do 31. decembra 2004, razen če se stranki dogovorita, da sistem prej prenehata uporabljati.
160 Pravna redakcija
The competent authorities of Croatia shall issue an export licence in respect of all consignments from Croatia of textile products subject to any definitive or provisional quantitative limits established under Article 8 of this Agreement, up to the relevant quantitative limits as may be modified by Articles 7, 10 and 12 of this Agreement, as well as of all consignments of textile products subject to a double-checking system without quantitative limits as provided for in Article 3(3) and (4) of this Agreement.
Pristojni organi Hrvaške izdajo izvozno dovoljenje v zvezi z vsemi pošiljkami tekstilnih izdelkov iz Hrvaške, za katere veljajo dokončne ali začasne količinske omejitve po členu 8 tega sporazuma, do ustreznih količinskih omejitev, kot se lahko spremenijo v skladu s členi 7, 10 in 12 tega sporazuma, in v zvezi z vsemi pošiljkami tekstilnih izdelkov, za katere velja sistem dvojnega preverjanja brez količinskih omejitev, kot je predvideno v členu 3(3) in (4) tega sporazuma.
161 Pravna redakcija
The competent authorities of Cambodia shall issue an export licence in respect of all consignments from Cambodia of textile products subject to any definitive or provisional quantitative limits established under Article 4 of this Agreement, up to the relevant quantitative limits as may be modified by Articles 3, 5 and 7 of this Agreement, as well as of all consignments of textile products subject to a double-checking system without quantitative limits as provided for in Article 1(4) and (5) of this Agreement.
Pristojni organi Kambodže izdajo izvozno dovoljenje za vse pošiljke tekstilnih izdelkov iz Kambodže, za katere veljajo dokončne ali začasne količinske omejitve po členu 4 tega sporazuma, do ustreznih količinskih omejitev, kakor se lahko spremenijo v skladu s členi 3, 5 in 7 tega sporazuma, in za vse pošiljke tekstilnih izdelkov, za katere velja sistem dvojne kontrole brez količinskih omejitev, kakor je predvideno v členu 1(4) in (5) tega sporazuma.
162 Pravna redakcija
The competent authorities of Uzbekistan shall issue an export licence in respect of all consignments from Uzbekistan of textile products subject to any definitive or provisional quantitative limits established under Article 5 of the Agreement, up to the relevant quantitative limits as may be modified by Articles 4, 6 and 8 of the Agreement, as well as of all consignments of textile products subject to a double-checking system without quantitative limits as provided for in Article 2 (3) and (4) of the Agreement.
Pristojni organi Uzbekistana izdajo izvozno dovoljenje za vsem pošiljke tekstilnih izdelkov iz Uzbekistana, za katere veljajo dokončne ali začasne količinske omejitve, določene po členu 5 Sporazuma, do ustreznih količinskih omejitev, kot se lahko spremenijo v skladu s členi 4, 6 in 8 Sporazuma, in za tekstilne izdelke, za katere velja sistem dvojne kontrole brez količinskih omejitev, kot je predvideno v členu 2 (3) in (4) Sporazuma.
163 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31995R1562
Subject to the measures in force in the Community relating to double checking systems and to prior and retrospective Community surveillance of textile products on importation into the Community, binding tariff information in the matter of classification of goods in the combined nomenclature issued by the customs authorities of the Member States which no longer conform to this Regulation may continue to be invoked in accordance with the provisions of Article 12 (6) of Regulation (EEC) No 2913/92 for a period of 60 days.
Ob upoštevanju ukrepov, veljavnih v Skupnosti v zvezi s sistemom dvojne kontrole in predhodnega in naknadnega nadzora Skupnosti za tekstilne izdelke ob uvozu v Skupnost, se v obdobju 60 dni lahko še naprej navajajo zavezujoče tarifne informacije glede uvrstitve blaga v kombinirano nomenklaturo, ki jih izdajo carinski organi držav članic in ki niso skladne s to uredbo, skladno z določbami člena 12(6) Uredbe Sveta (EGS) št. 2913/92.
164 Pravna redakcija
In the context of the Agreement between the European Economic Community and the Republic of Belarus on trade in textile products initialled on 1 April 1993, the Parties agreed that, in conformity with Article 19 (2) of the Agreement, products listed in Annex I to the Agreement originating in Belarus but not subject to the quantitative limits referred to in Article 2 (1) of the Agreement may be made subject either to the double-checking system specified in Protocol A to the Agreement or to a prior system of surveillance.
V smislu besedila Sporazuma med Evropsko gospodarsko skupnostjo in Republiko Belorusijo o trgovini s tekstilnimi izdelki, parafiranega 1. aprila 1993, sta se pogodbenici sporazumeli, da se, v skladu s členom 19 (2) Sporazuma, za izdelke, naštete v Prilogi I k Sporazumu s poreklom iz Belorusije, za katere ne veljajo količinske omejitve, navedene v členu 2(1) Sporazuma, lahko uvede bodisi sistem dvojne kontrole, določen v Protokolu A k Sporazumu, bodisi predhodni sistem nadzora.
165 Pravna redakcija
Bosnia and Herzegovina shall supply the Commission with precise statistical information on all export licences issued for categories of textile products subject to the quantitative limits established under this Agreement or to a double-checking system, expressed in quantities and in terms of value and broken down by Member States of the Community, as well as on all certificates issued by the competent authorities of Bosnia and Herzegovina for products referred to in Article 5 and subject to the provisions of Appendix B.
Bosna in Hercegovina zagotovi Skupnosti natančne statistične podatke o vseh izvoznih dovoljenjih, izdanih za kategorije tekstilnih izdelkov, za katere veljajo količinske omejitve, določene v tem sporazumu, ali sistem dvojnega preverjanja, izražene v količinah in v smislu vrednosti ter razdeljene po državah članicah Skupnosti, kot tudi o vseh potrdilih, ki so jih pristojni organi Bosne in Hercegovine izdali za izdelke, omenjene v členu 5, za katere veljajo določbe Dodatka B.
166 Pravna redakcija
In accordance with paragraph 4 of the Memorandum of Understanding, the European Community will subject to a double-checking system the categories previously under quotas, i.e. Categories 1, 2, 2A, 3, 4, 6, 6C, 9, 20, 22 and 39. In accordance with such a system, as provided for in Articles 18 to 24 of Annex III to Regulation (EEC) No 3030/93, the licensing offices of the European Community shall issue import licences automatically without restriction, within five days from the presentation of an export licence, and free of charge.
V skladu z odstavkom 4 Memoranduma o soglasju Evropska skupnost uvede sistem dvojnega preverjanja za kategorije, za katere so prej veljale kvote, t.j. kategorije 1, 2, 2A, 3, 4, 6, 6C, 9, 20, 22 in 39. V skladu s takšnim sistemom, kakor je predvideno v členih od 18 do 24 Priloge III k Uredbi (EGS) št. 3030/93, uradi za izdajo dovoljenj avtomatsko brez omejitev izdajo uvozna dovoljenja v petih dneh od predložitve izvoznega dovoljenja, in sicer brezplačno.
167 Pravna redakcija
The competent authorities of Bosnia and Herzegovina shall issue an export licence in respect of all consignments from Bosnia and Herzegovina of textile products subject to any definitive or provisional quantitative limits established under Article 8 of this Agreement, up to the relevant quantitative limits as may be modified by Articles 7, 10 and 12 of this Agreement, as well as of all consignments of textile products subject to a double-checking system without quantitative limits as provided for in Article 3(3) and (4) of this Agreement.
Pristojni organi Bosne in Hercegovine izdajo izvozno dovoljenje v zvezi z vsemi pošiljkami tekstilnih izdelkov iz Bosne in Hercegovine, za katere veljajo dokončne ali začasne količinske omejitve po členu 8 tega sporazuma, do ustreznih količinskih omejitev, kot se lahko spremenijo v skladu s členi 7, 10 in 12 tega sporazuma, in v zvezi z vsemi pošiljkami tekstilnih izdelkov, za katere velja sistem dvojnega preverjanja brez količinskih omejitev, kot je predvideno v členu 3(3) in (4) tega sporazuma.
168 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0728
(4) It is appropriate to provide that, subject to the measures in force in the Community relating to double checking systems and to prior and retrospective Community surveillance of textile products on importation into the Community, binding tariff information issued by the customs authorities of Member States in respect of the classification of goods in the Combined Nomenclature and which is not in accordance with this Regulation, can continue to be invoked for a period of 60 days by the holder, under Article 12(6) of Council Regulation (EEC) No 2913/92 of 12 October 1992 establishing the Community Customs Code fn.
Primerno je zagotoviti, da se, na podlagi ukrepov, ki veljajo v Skupnosti glede sistemov dvojne kontrole ter predhodnega in naknadnega nadzora, ki ga Skupnost izvaja nad tekstilnimi izdelki ob uvozu v Skupnost, imetnik, v skladu s členom 12 (6) Uredbe Sveta (EES) št. 2913/92 z dne 12. oktobra 1992 o carinskem zakoniku Skupnosti fn, v obdobju 60 dni še naprej lahko sklicuje na zavezujoče tarifne informacije, ki jih izdajajo carinski organi držav članic v zvezi z razvrščanjem blaga v kombinirani nomenklaturi in ki niso v skladu s to uredbo.
169 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31995R1562
Whereas it is appropriate that, subject to the measures in force in the Community relating to double checking systems and to prior and retrospective Community surveillance of textile products on importation into the Community, binding tariff information in the matter of classification of goods in the combined nomenclature issued by the customs authorities of the Member States which do not conform to this Regulation may continue to be invoked in accordance with the provisions of Article 12 (6) of Council Regulation (EEC) No 2913/92 of 12 October 1992, establishing the Community Customs Code fn, for a period of 60 days by the holder;
ker je primerno, da ob upoštevanju ukrepov, veljavnih v Skupnosti v zvezi s sistemom dvojne kontrole in predhodnega in naknadnega nadzora Skupnosti za tekstilne izdelke ob uvozu v Skupnost, upravičenec lahko še naprej navaja zavezujoče tarifne informacije glede uvrstitve blaga v kombinirano nomenklaturo, ki jih izdajo carinski organi držav članic in ki niso skladne s to uredbo, skladno z določbami člena 12(6) Uredbe Sveta (EGS) št. 2913/92 z dne 12. oktobra 1992 o carinskem zakoniku Skupnosti fn v obdobju 60 dni;
170 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R2345
(4) It is appropriate to provide that, subject to the measures in force in the Community relating to double checking systems and to prior and retrospective Community surveillance of textile products on importation into the Community, binding tariff information issued by the customs authorities of Member States in respect of the classification of goods in the Combined Nomenclature and which is not in accordance with this Regulation, can continue to be invoked for a period of 60 days by the holder, under Article 12(6) of Council Regulation (EEC) No 2913/92 of 12 October 1992 establishing the Community Customs Code( fn ), as last amended by Regulation (EC) No 2700/2000 of the European Parliament and of the Council( fn ).
(4) Primerno je določiti da se, ob upoštevanju ukrepov, ki v Skupnosti veljajo v zvezi s sistemom dvojne kontrole ter predhodnim in naknadnim nadzorom tekstilnih izdelkov pri uvozu v Skupnost, lahko imetnik še 60 dni sklicuje na zavezujoče tarifne informacije, ki jih izdaja carinski organi držav članic v zvezi z uvrstitvijo blaga v kombinirano nomenklaturo in ki niso v skladu s to uredbo, in sicer na podlagi člena 12(6) Uredbe Sveta (EGS) št. 2913/92 z dne 12. oktobra 1992 o carinskem zakoniku Skupnosti( fn ), kakor je bila nazadnje spremenjena z Uredbo (ES) št. 2700/2000 Evropskega parlamenta in Sveta ( fn ).
171 Prevajalska redakcija
Always double -check your dosage.
Vedno dvakrat preverite svoj odmerek.
172 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31998R0339
Double-checking system
Sistem dvojne kontrole
173 Prevajalska redakcija
Double check the vial label to make sure you are using the correct medicine.
Ponovno preverite nalepko na viali in se prepričajte, ali uporabljate pravo zdravilo.
174 Prevajalska redakcija
Double check the syringe to make sure that you have withdrawn the correct amount.
Ponovno preverite, ali ste v brizgo potegnili ustrezno količino zdravila.
175 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002R0152
List of products subject to double-checking
Seznam izdelkov, ki so predmet dvojne kontrole
176 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002R1499
List of products subject to double-checking (2002)
Seznam izdelkov, za katere velja sistem dvojne kontrole (2002)
177 Prevajalska redakcija
Therefore blind users will be able to double check the information written on the cardboard wallets (Braille text) with the information obtained from a physician (during the visit).
Zato bodo slepi uporabniki lahko dodatno primerjali podatke, ki so zapisani na zloženkah iz lepenke (Braillova pisava) s podatki, ki so jih dobili od zdravnika (med obiskom).
178 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993R3030
Double-checking system (for products subject to surveillance)
Sistem dvojnega preverjanja (za izdelke, ki so predmet nadzora)
179 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993R3030
Double-checking system (for administering quantitative limits)
Sistem dvojnega preverjanja (za upravljanje količinskih omejitev)
180 Prevajalska redakcija
The details of the double-checking system are annexed to this letter.
Podrobnosti o sistemu dvojne kontrole so priložene k temu pismu.
181 Prevajalska redakcija
Technical provisions on the implementation of the double-checking system
Tehnične določbe za izvajanje sistema dvojne kontrole
182 Prevajalska redakcija
Such exports shall be subject to the double checking system specified in Protocol A.
Za ta izvoz se uporablja sistem dvojne kontrole, ki je določen v protokolu A.
183 Prevajalska redakcija
Always double-check your dosage. − Keep your syringes and syringe disposal unit out of the reach of children; lock the supplies if possible. − Never re-use syringes or needles. − Always use a sterile (aseptic) technique as described in here. − Always place the used syringes in the proper disposal unit.
zdravilo Betaferon v navodilu za uporabo. Vedno dvakrat preverite svoj odmerek. - Brizge in posode za odstranjevanje brizg hranite zunaj dosega otrok; če je mogoče, hranite pribor
184 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31991R1274
Where the batch checked is of less than 180 eggs, the abovementioned percentage shall be doubled.
Kadar je v pregledani seriji manj kot 180 jajc, se zgoraj omenjeni odstotek podvoji.
185 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31992R2221
Where the batch checked is of less than 180 eggs, the abovementioned percentages shall be doubled.';
Kadar je v pregledani seriji manj kot 180 jajc, se zgoraj navedeni odstotek podvoji.";
186 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993R2891
In the checking of a batch of class B poultrymeat, the tolerable number of defective units shall be doubled.`;
Pri preverjanju serije perutninskega mesa B kategorije se dovoljeno število enot z napako podvoji.";
187 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31991R1274
Where the batch checked is of less than 180 eggs, the percentages referred to in paragraphs I and 2 shall be doubled.
Kadar je v pregledani seriji manj kot 180 jajc, se odstotki iz odstavkov 1 in 2 podvojijo.
188 Prevajalska redakcija
Products without quantitative limits subject to the double-checking system referred to in Article 3(3) of the Agreement
Izdelki brez količinskih omejitev, za katere velja sistem dvojnega preverjanja iz člena 3(3) Sporazuma
189 Prevajalska redakcija
190 Prevajalska redakcija
(Products without quantitative limits subject to the double-checking system referred to in Article 2(3) of the Agreement)
(Izdelki brez količinskih omejitev, za katere velja sistem dvojne kontrole, iz člena 2(3) Sporazuma)
191 Prevajalska redakcija
Should anti-dumping or safeguard investigations be initiated or measures introduced in the European Community concerning a product under the double-checking system, Kazakhstan will decide whether to exclude the product in question from the double-checking system.
Če bi bile pod sistemom dvojne kontrole v Evropski skupnosti uvedene protidampinške ali zaščitne preiskave ali ukrepi, se bo Kazahstan odločil, ali bo tak izdelek izključil iz sistema dvojne kontrole.
192 Prevajalska redakcija
At the latest six weeks before the end of every Agreement year the Commission and Ukraine shall hold consultations on the necessity of maintaining the categories listed in Annex III under double-checking, with a view to possible suspension of categories from double-checking.
Najkasneje šest tednov pred koncem vsakega leta veljavnosti Sporazuma se Komisija in Ukrajina posvetujeta o nujnosti ohranjanja kategorij iz Priloge III za katere velja dvojna kontrola, z namenom morebitne opustitve dvojne kontrole za te kategorije.
193 Prevajalska redakcija
Should anti-dumping or safeguard investigations be initiated or measures introduced in the European Community concerning a product under the double-checking system, the Russian Federation will decide whether to exclude the product in question from the double-checking system.
Če se v Evropski skupnosti uvedejo protidampinške ali zaščitne preiskave ali ukrepi, za katere velja sistem dvojne kontrole, se Ruska federacija odloči, ali bo zadevni izdelek izključila iz tega sistema.
194 Prevajalska redakcija
The double-checking system shall be introduced by the European Community as soon as the latter has suspended the quotas in accordance with paragraph 2.
Evropska skupnost uvede sistem dvojne kontrole, takoj ko opusti uporabo kvot v skladu z odstavkom 2.
195 Prevajalska redakcija
Textile categories 3, 4, 5 and 7 shall be exempted from the double-checking system referred to in Article 2(3) of the Agreement and specified in Protocol A.
Kategorije tekstila 3, 4, 5 in 7 so izvzete iz sistema dvojne kontrole iz člena 2(3) Sporazuma, opredeljenega v Protokolu A.
196 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0260
The Commission has by Regulation (EC) No 337/2003(4), suspended the application of the double-checking regime to one textile product originating in Ukraine.
Komisija je z Uredbo (ES) št. 337/2003 [4] opustila uporabo režima dvojne kontrole za nekatere tekstilne izdelke s poreklom iz Ukrajine.
197 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002R2344
The Commission has decided by Regulation (EC) No 475/2002(4) to suspend the application of the double-checking regime to certain textile products for Ukraine.
Komisija se je z Uredbo (ES) št. 475/2002 [4] odločila začasno opustiti uporabo sistema dvojne kontrole za nekatere tekstilne izdelke iz Ukrajine.
198 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31992R3944
COMMISSION REGULATION (EEC) N° 3944/92 of 30 December 1992 Introducing a double checking system for monitoring certain textile products originating in Bangladesh
Uredba Komisije (EGS) št. 3944/92 z dne 30. decembra 1992 o uvedbi sistema dvojne kontrole za nadzor nad nekaterimi tekstilnimi izdelki s poreklom iz Bangladeša
199 Prevajalska redakcija
Exports to the Community of textile products listed in Annex II and originating in Bulgaria shall be subject to a double-checking system as specified in Appendix A.
Za izvoz tekstilnih izdelkov, naštetih v Prilogi II, s poreklom iz Bolgarije v Skupnost, velja sistem dvojne kontrole, kakor je določeno v Dodatku A.
200 Prevajalska redakcija
The double-checking system will be introduced following confirmation by Sri Lanka to the Community that the notification provided for in Point 2.1 has been effected.
Sistem dvojne kontrole bo uveden po tem, ko bo Šrilanka Skupnosti potrdila, da je bilo posredovano obvestilo, predvideno v točki 2.1.
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