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151 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0080
The Court of Justice held in the Cowan(4) Case that, when Community law guarantees to a natural person the freedom to go to another Member State, the protection of that person from harm in the Member State in question, on the same basis as that of nationals and persons residing there, is a corollary of that freedom of movement.
Sodišče Evropskih skupnosti je v primeru Cowan [4] odločilo, da je, kadar zakonodaja Skupnosti fizični osebi zagotavlja prost prehod v drugo državo članico, zaščita te osebe pred škodo v zadevni državi članici na enaki osnovi, kot velja za državljane in prebivalce te države, posledica takšnega prostega gibanja.
152 Končna redakcija
Once the struggle for press freedom was over, that is, once the ruling powers decided to allow the public to hold in check their tendency to yield to the temptations of power, a whole century had to go by before the press actually realized that journalism too benefits from not abusing the power arising from newly gained freedom.
Ko je bil boj za svobodo tiska končan, ko je torej oblast prostovoljno privolila v to, da javni nadzor brzda skušnjave, ki jih ponuja moč vladanja, je moralo miniti celo stoletje preden je tudi tisk spoznal, da je v prid poklicu, da ne zlorablja moči, ki jo je pridobil z novim položajem.
153 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0139
In accordance with the principles of subsidiarity and of proportionality as set out in Article 5 of the Treaty, this Regulation does not go beyond what is necessary in order to achieve the objective of ensuring that competition in the common market is not distorted, in accordance with the principle of an open market economy with free competition.
Skladno z načeloma subsidiarnosti in sorazmernosti iz člena 5 Pogodbe je v tej uredbi določeno le tisto, kar je nujno potrebno za izpolnitev cilja zagotavljanja neizkrivljene konkurence na skupnem trgu skladno z načelom odprtega tržnega gospodarstva s svobodno konkurenco.
154 Končna redakcija
As a point of departure I will take the still traumatic concept of German origin called Sonderweg, which denotes a special, that is to say, our/middle/correct way. In the second half of the 19th and the first half of the 20th century (not to go further back into the past) Sonderweg served to provide answers to the question of possible courses of German modernization.
Za izhodišče bom vzel še vedno travmatični koncept nemškega izvora, Sonderweg ali posebne, naše/srednje/prave poti, ki se je - če ne grem dlje v preteklost - v drugi polovici XIX. in prvi polovici XX. stoletja nanašal na možne poti nemške modernizacije.
155 Končna redakcija
Where producers deliberately go back on their undertakings in their "area" aid applications before the period referred to in paragraph 1 expires, they must reimburse 5 % of the area payment in respect of the previous marketing year on areas withdrawn from their undertaking, multiplied by the number of years in which they have failed to fulfil their original commitment.
Če proizvajalci v svojem zahtevku za pomoč "na površino", izrecno prekličejo svojo prejšnjo obveznost pred potekom obdobja iz odstavka 1, morajo vrniti 5 % plačila na površino, ki so jih prejeli v predhodnem letu za površine, ki sedaj ne spadajo več v obveznost, pomnoženih s številom let, v katerih ne izpolnjuje svoje prvotne obveze.
156 Končna redakcija
It is not just that the refugees do not want to go home, but on top of that the bar flies 'have been observing with interest how some organizers lump together and bundle up kids in schools and local kindergartens with refugee children and their kindergartens', as if recreating the practice from old Yugoslavia when the Slovenians taking part in work brigades had to 'make little Yugoslavs'.
Ne samo, da nočejo domov, vrhu vsega pivci 'z zanimanjem opazujejo, kako neki organizatorji pečajo in tiščijo vkup male šolarje in domače hišne vrtce z otroci beguncev in z njihovimi vrtci', kot da bi ponavljali izkušnjo stare Jugoslavije, ko so Slovenci morali v delovnih brigadah 'delati majhne Jugoslovane'.
157 Končna redakcija
Special thanks among them go to Academician Prof. Dr. Ivan Gušicy and Prof. Dr. Vladimir Jelaska. They did not contribute only their knowledge and experience, but they also succeeded, through their annual visits in the field, to build up the conviction that the Dinaric carbonate platform must be studied geologically in common as a unique geologic region that cannot be separated by state boundaries.
Med njimi velja posebna zahvala akademiku prof. dr. Ivanu Gušicyu in prof. dr. Vladimiru Jelaski, ki sta ne le s posredovanjem svojega znanja in izkušenj, temveč tudi z vsakoletno prisotnostjo na terenu uspela ustvariti zavest, da moramo geologijo Dinarske karbonatne platforme reševati skupaj kot enotni geološki prostor, ki ne more biti razdeljen z državnimi mejami.
158 Končna redakcija
"They come out of their houses and tell with distress how their struggle for survival on these steep slopes and modest land has been crude since long ago, how their elders had to go to Germany and America searching for bread, how the people drained out of the village after the war because there was no waterworks or asphalt, how they contributed much to society but got little in return." (Dnevnik, 29.9.1997).
Prihajajo iz svojih hiš in prizadeto pripovedujejo, o tem, kako so se morali na teh strminah, na skromni zemlji, že od nekdaj surovo boriti za preživetje, kako so njihovi stari hodili za kruhom v Nemčijo in daljno Ameriko, kako se je vas po vojni praznila, ker ni bilo in še vedno ni vodovoda, asfalta, kako so družbi veliko dajali, a malo dobili. (Dnevnik, 29. 9. 1997.)
159 Končna redakcija
Instead, the central purport of the statement that was published in and commented on by both the left and the right oriented media (Dnevnik, 25 September 2000, Radio Ognjišče, 24 September 2000) was a lesson on how the right to vote is not just a right but a duty as well. Accordingly, 'believers in particular should fulfill their duty and cast a ballot' as 'nothing can justify their failure to go to the polls'.
Osrednji apel izjave, objavljene in komentirane tako v levih kot desnih medijih (Dnevnik, 25. 9., Radio Ognjišče, 24. 9. 2000), pa je pouk o tem, da volitve niso samo pravica, ampak hkrati tudi dolžnost, in zato naj zlasti verniki 'izpolnijo svojo dolžnost in se udeležijo volitev', saj nič 'ne more opravičiti izostanka od volitev.'
160 Končna redakcija
it is established that the law to which the data importer is subject imposes upon him requirements to derogate from the applicable data protection law which go beyond the restrictions necessary in a democratic society as provided for in Article 13 of Directive 95/46/EC where those requirements are likely to have a substantial adverse effect on the guarantees provided by the applicable data protection law and the standard contractual clauses; or
je ugotovljeno, da zakonodaja, ki velja za uvoznika podatkov, temu nalaga zahteve po odstopanju od veljavnega prava o varstvu podatkov, ki presegajo omejitve, potrebne v demokratični družbi, kakor jih predvideva člen 13 Direktive 95/46/ES, če zaradi teh zahtev obstaja verjetnost precejšnjih škodljivih posledic za jamstva, zagotovljena z veljavnim pravom o varstvu podatkov in standardnimi pogodbenimi klavzulami; ali
161 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0018
In the competitive dialogue and negotiated procedures with publication of a contract notice, in view of the flexibility which may be required and the high level of costs associated with such methods of procurement, contracting authorities should be entitled to make provision for the procedure to be conducted in successive stages in order gradually to reduce, on the basis of previously indicated contract award criteria, the number of tenders which they will go on to discuss or negotiate.
V konkurenčnem dialogu in postopkih s pogajanji po predhodni objavi se lahko zaradi prilagodljivosti — ki se mogoče zahteva, in visokih stroškov, povezanih s temi načini javnega naročanja — naročniki upravičeni določiti postopek, ki ga je treba izvesti v zaporednih fazah, da bi se na podlagi prej navedenih meril za oddajo naročila postopno zmanjšalo število ponudnikov, s katerimi bodo nadaljevali razgovore ali pogajanja.
162 Končna redakcija
A little further on a potter displays his skills and invites the onlookers to have a go at his wheel and try and turn a bowl. Next to him a carver makes kneading-troughs and wooden spoons, another carves a crucifix out of an olive root, a weaver, surrounded by wonderful clothes, chatters with a gaggle of old ladies, the honey seller offers little clay cups of mead, the confectioner's stall entices children with its stacks of coloured sweets, the bowyer swears by all the saints that his bows are made from the finest wood according to an ancient method.
Malce naprej prikazuje svoje veščine lončar in vabi ljudi, naj sami poskusijo pognati vreteno in si zvrteti skodelo, poleg njega izdeluje rezbar nečke in lesene žlice, drugi v oljčno korenino rezlja razpelo, tkalka, obdana s čudovitimi oblačili, klepeta s celim šopkom starih ženic, medičar ponuja glinena šilca medice v pokušino, lectar mami otroške poglede s skladovnicami živopisanih sladkarij, izdelovalec lokov pa na žive in mrtve prisega, da so njegovi loki izdelani iz najboljšega lesa po starodavni metodi.
163 Končna redakcija
Take, for example, the article on prostitution titled 'Would your partner go for a prostitute?' The reasons that lead to prostitution, as this article presents them, lie in men's incapability of accepting women as equal partners either in bed or in a conference room. In presenting this subject, the article creates a phantasm about the prostitute as a beauty ready to fulfill all male desires, who in this particular case is a woman with 'long golden hair and even longer legs' (February 2001), even though the wives are no less 'attractive', 'lively', or 'successful'.
Oglejmo si, na primer, članek o prostituciji z naslovom »Ali bi vaš moški obiskal prostitutko?«, ki vidi razloge za prostitucijo v tem, da moški ne znajo sprejemati žensk za sebi enake v spalnici in konferenčni sobi, in v obliki analize razvija fantazmatiko o prostitutki kot o lepotici, ki uresniči vse, kar si moški zaželijo, kot je denimo dekle, ki nastopa v članku in ki ima »dolge zlate lase in še daljše noge« (februar 2001), čeprav so tudi žene »privlačne«, »živahne«, »uspešne« ...
164 Končna redakcija
By way of derogation from the provisions of Article 60, reactors installed in the territories of a Member State which may go critical before the expiry of a period of seven years from the date of entry into force of this Treaty shall, during a period of not more than ten years from that date, in order to take account of work and studies already initiated, be granted priority which may be exercised in respect both of supplies of ores or source materials coming from the territories of that State and also of supplies of source materials or special fissile materials which are the subject of a bilateral agreement concluded before the entry into force of this Treaty and communicated to the Commission in accordance with Article 105.
Z odstopanjem od člena 60 in zaradi upoštevanja že začetih raziskav in del se reaktorjem, postavljenim na ozemljih države članice, ki bi lahko postali kritični pred iztekom sedemletnega obdobja od datuma začetka veljavnosti te pogodbe, v obdobju največ desetih let od tega datuma priznava prednost tako glede dobav rud ali snovi vira, ki izvirajo z ozemelj te države, kot tudi glede dobav snovi vira ali posebnih cepljivih snovi, urejenih z dvostranskim sporazumom, ki je bil sklenjen pred začetkom veljavnosti te pogodbe in o katerem je bila Komisija obveščena v skladu s členom 105.
165 Končna redakcija
One week before the elections, the Church radio station invited all Slovenians to unite - instead of being split between parties - to take to the streets and demolish the Parliament building following the Serbian example: 'The mistake of Slovenians in comparison with the Serbs is their insipidity. The Serbs are ready to demolish their parliament buildings and spend weeks out on the streets for the sake of a better future. In Slovenia, however, it is not possible to observe a similar perseverance in our goals/..../We adhere to the tradition which is, regrettably, still of the red color, we do not want to try and bring in a new wind/.../But, dear Slovenians, how do you know that it is not worth a try? Why don't we unite into one nation, why don't we take Belgrade as our model at least once and decide on the new future all together/.../I hope that some of these sentences will resound in your minds the next Sunday when you go to decide for or against.' (Radio Ognjišče, 8 October 2000).
Cerkveni radio en teden pred volitvami pozove vse Slovence, naj - namesto da so strankarsko razdeljeni - postanejo enotni in naj gredo na ulice ter zrušijo parlament po srbskem zgledu: 'Napaka Slovencev je v primerjavi s Srbi v njihovi mlačnosti. Srbi so pripravljeni za svojo boljšo prihodnost podirati parlamentarne stavbe, preživeti na ulicah tedne in tedne. V Sloveniji pa take vztrajnosti pri svojih ciljih ni zaznati/ .../ Ostajamo pri tradiciji, ki je na žalost še vedno rdeče barve, nočemo poskusiti z novim vetrom /.../ A, dragi Slovenci in Slovenke, kako veste, da ni vredno poskusiti? Zakaj se ne bi združili v en narod, zakaj si ne bi vsaj enkrat za vzgled vzeli Beograda in se vsi skupaj odločili za novo prihodnost /.../ Upam, da vam bo kateri od teh stavkov odzvanjal tudi prihodnjo nedeljo, ko se boste odločali za ali proti.' (Radio Ognjišče, 8. 10. 2000).
166 Pravna redakcija
If no, go straight to question 5.
Če ne, pojdite k vprašanju 5.
167 Pravna redakcija
this Directive does not go beyond what is necessary for that purpose,
ta direktiva ne prekorači, kar je potrebno za dosego tega cilja
168 Pravna redakcija
This ICD does not prevent agreements on a bilateral basis to go further.
Ta kontrolni dokument vmesnika ne preprečuje sklepanja nadaljnjih dvostranskih sporazumov
169 Pravna redakcija
This Decision does not go beyond what is necessary to achieve those objectives.
Za doseganje teh ciljev ta odločba ne presega okvirov potrebnega.
170 Pravna redakcija
This Directive does not go beyond what is necessary to achieve those objectives.
Ta direktiva ne presega okvirov, ki so potrebni za doseganje navedenih ciljev.
171 Pravna redakcija
This Regulation does not go beyond what is necessary to achieve those objectives.
Ta uredba ne presega ciljev, ki so potrebni za dosego navedenih ciljev.
172 Pravna redakcija
This Directive does not go beyond what is necessary in order to achieve those objectives,
Ta direktiva ne presega tistega, kar je nujno za dosego teh ciljev -
173 Pravna redakcija
This Directive does not go beyond what is necessary in order to achieve the said objective.
Direktiva ne prekorači okvirov, ki so potrebni za doseganje navedenih ciljev.
174 Pravna redakcija
whereas the proposed action does not go beyond what is necessary to achieve the said objective;
ker predlagani ukrep ne presega potrebnega za doseganje navedenega cilja;
175 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31997L0535
Place it in the oven and keep it at a temperature of 130 °C for an hour (do not go above 145 °C).
Postavimo v sušilnik in pustimo pri temperaturi 130 0 C eno uro (temperatura naj ne preseže 145 0 C).
176 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1480
`Should Hynix go to Court receivership or be liquidated, the effect on the national economy will be immense.
"Če bi prišel Hynix pod prisilno upravo ali v stečajni postopek, bi bil vpliv tega na nacionalno gospodarstvo ogromen.
177 Pravna redakcija
The retroactive effect of such authorization may not go back beyond the time when the application was lodged.
Veljavnost takega dovoljenja ne sme segati nazaj več kakor do dneva vložitve zahtevka.
178 Pravna redakcija
The measures contained in this Directive do not go beyond what is necessary to achieve the objectives of the Treaty,
Ukrepi, vsebovani v tej direktivi ne presegajo tistega, kar je potrebno za doseganje ciljev Pogodbe -
179 Pravna redakcija
the need for a limited number of zones that remain constant over time and do not go beyond the boundaries of a regional area.
potrebo po omejenem številu območij, ki ostanejo nespremenjena dalj časa in ne segajo prek meja regionalnega območja.
180 Pravna redakcija
Should the EU label decide to go ahead, the EUEB should take into account the existing national criteria in developing the EU criteria.
Če se sprejme odločitev, da se bo ravnalo v tej smeri, mora EUEB upoštevati obstoječa nacionalna merila pri razvijanju meril EU.
181 Pravna redakcija
whereas this Directive is limited to the minimum required to achieve those objectives and does not go beyond what is necessary to that end;
ker je ta direktiva omejena na minimum, ki je potreben za doseganje teh ciljev, in ne presega tega, kar je nujno za doseganje tega cilja,
182 Pravna redakcija
the maximum weight that may not be exceeded by a vehicle, stationary and ready to go, including the load, the driver and any persons carried;
največja masa, ki je mirujoče in za na pot pripravljeno vozilo ne sme preseči, vključno s tovorom, voznikom in morebitnimi potniki;
183 Pravna redakcija
The Commission considers that in some cases an order requiring the suspension of aid which has been unlawfully granted will not go far enough:
Komisija meni, da v nekaterih primerih odredba, ki zahteva opustitev nezakonito dodeljene pomoči, ne bo zadoščala:
184 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R0985
If an ad valorem duty were applied to a price which is at or above the MIP level, the protection would go beyond the level necessary to remove injury.
Če bi se za ceno, ki je enaka ali višja od najnižje uvozne cene, uporabljala dajatev ad valorem, bi zaščita presegala potrebno raven za odpravo škode.
185 Pravna redakcija
In accordance with the principle of proportionality, this Framework Decision does not go beyond what is necessary in order to achieve those objectives.
V skladu z načelom sorazmernosti ta okvirni sklep ne presega okvirov tega, kar je potrebno za uresničitev teh ciljev.
186 Pravna redakcija
They must go beyond the veto rights normally accorded to minority shareholders in order to protect their financial interests as investors in the joint venture.
Presegati morajo pravice veta, ki so običajno dodeljene manjšinskim delničarjem za zaščito njihovih finančnih interesov, ki jih imajo kot vlagatelji v skupno podjetje.
187 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0638
In accordance with the principle of proportionality, as set out in that Article, this Regulation does not go beyond what is required to achieve this objective.
Ta uredba v skladu z načelom sorazmernosti, določenim v istem členu, ne prekoračuje zahtev, potrebnih za uresničitev tega cilja.
188 Pravna redakcija
In compliance with the principle of proportionality as set out in that Article, this Regulation does not go beyond what is necessary to achieve these objectives.
V skladu z načelom sorazmernosti, določenim v navedenem členu, ta uredba ne prekoračuje okvirov, potrebnih za doseganje navedenih ciljev.
189 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003L0072
In accordance with the principle of proportionality, as set out in that Article, this Directive does not go beyond what is necessary to achieve these objectives.
V skladu z načelom sorazmernosti, navedenim v istem členu, ta Direktiva ne presega okvirov potrebnih za doseganje teh ciljev.
190 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003L0114
This Directive does not go beyond what is necessary in order to achieve the objectives pursued in accordance with the third paragraph of Article 5 of the Treaty.
Ta direktiva ne presega tega, kar je potrebno za doseganje postavljenih ciljev, v skladu s tretjim odstavkom člena 5 Pogodbe.
191 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1040
This Regulation does not go beyond what is necessary in order to achieve the objectives pursued in accordance with the third paragraph of Article 5 of the Treaty.
Ta uredba ne presega tistega, kar je nujno, da se dosežejo cilji v skladu s tretjim odstavkom člena 5 Pogodbe.
192 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1185
This Regulation does not go beyond what is necessary in order to achieve the objectives pursued in accordance with the third paragraph of Article 5 of the Treaty,
Ta uredba ne presega okvirov, ki so potrebni za doseganje ciljev v skladu s tretjim odstavkom člena 5 Pogodbe -
193 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1295
This Regulation does not go beyond what is necessary in order to achieve the objectives pursued, in accordance with the third paragraph of Article 5 of the Treaty.
Uredba ne presega okvirov tega, kar je potrebno, da se dosežejo želeni cilji, v skladu s tretjim odstavkom 5.člena Pogodbe.
194 Pravna redakcija
In accordance with the principle of proportionality as set out in the said Article, this Regulation does not go beyond what is necessary to attain these objectives,
V skladu z načelom sorazmernosti iz navedenega člena ta uredba ne presega tistega, kar je nujno za uveljavitev teh ciljev -
195 Pravna redakcija
If no apparent infringement is found go to item 27. If an apparent infringement has been found the inspector will write the infringement here and sign at this point.
Če se ne najde očitna kršitev, glej postavko 27. Če se najde očitna kršitev, bo inšpektor tu napisal kršitev in se tu podpisal.
196 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003L0086
The duration of the residence permits granted to the family member(s) shall in principle not go beyond the date of expiry of the residence permit held by the sponsor.
Veljavnost dovoljenj za prebivanje za družinskega člana (družinske člane) načeloma ne presega dne poteka veljavnosti dovoljenja za prebivanje, ki ga ima sponzor.
197 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003L0059
In accordance with the principle of proportionality as set out in that Article, this Directive does not go beyond what is necessary in order to achieve that objective,
V skladu z načelom sorazmernosti, kakor je določen v navedenem členu, ta direktiva ne presega okvira, ki je potreben za dosego tega cilja -
198 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004D0191
In accordance with the principle of proportionality, as set out in that Article, this Decision does not go beyond what is necessary in order to achieve that objective.
V skladu z načelom sorazmernosti, ki je prav tako opredeljeno v tem členu, se s to odločbo ne presega okvira, potrebnega za doseganje teh ciljev.
199 Pravna redakcija
In accordance with the principle of proportionality, as set out in that Article, this Directive does not go beyond what is necessary in order to achieve that objective.
V skladu z načelom sorazmernosti, določenim v tem členu, ta direktiva ne presega okvirov potrebnih za doseganje navedenega cilja.
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