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151 Objavljeno
DRUGO: Ch 23
The EU calls on Croatia to grant USKOK, PNUSKOK and other anti-corruption bodies the necessary independence to enable these bodies to carry out their functions effectively and free from any undue influence.
Poziva jo tudi, naj USKOK, PNUSKOK in drugim protikorupcijskim organom zagotovi neodvisnost, ki jo ti organi potrebujejo za učinkovito izvajanje svojih nalog in za delovanje brez nedopustnih pritiskov.
152 Objavljeno
The level of education of a pregnant woman influences the decision how often a pregnant woman uses prenatal health care and her decision whether to visit School for parents or not (chi-square test, p0,001).
Stopnja izobrazbe nosečnice vpliva na Število opravljenih obiskov v posvetovalnici in na odločitev o obisku Šole za Starše, kar lahko trdimo s tveganjem p0,001.
153 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 100/05
In public administration and justice area, appointments to the offices are open to influence, therefore it is important to comply with legal framework imposing obligations on gender-balanced representation.
Na imenovanja na položaje v javni upravi in pravosodju je mogoče vplivati, zato je pomembno, da se spoštuje pravno ureditev, ki zavezuje k uravnoteženi zastopanosti spolov.
154 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 18-1062
(1) Nobody may carry out duties on board an aircraft if under the influence of alcohol, drugs or other psycho-active substances or if he is taking medicines that could affect his psycho-physical capacities.
(1) Nihče ne sme opravljati dolžnosti na krovu zrakoplova, če je pod vplivom alkohola, narkotikov ali drugih psihoaktivnih sredstev ali če je zaužil zdravilo, ki lahko vpliva na njegove psihofizične sposobnosti.
155 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
This Article shall apply to any body through which a Member State, in law or in fact, either directly or indirectly supervises, determines or appreciably influences imports or exports between Member States.
Ta člen se uporablja za vse organizacije, s katerimi država članica pravno ali dejansko, neposredno ali posredno nadzoruje, določa ali občutno vpliva na uvoz ali izvoz med državami članicami.
156 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 37-2009
Each member shall respect the exclusively international character of the responsibilities of the Executive Director and staff and shall not seek to influence them in the discharge of their responsibilities.
Vsaka članica mora spoštovati izključni mednarodni značaj odgovornosti izvršnega direktorja in osebja in ne sme skušati vplivati na njihovo opravljanje dolžnosti.
157 Objavljeno
The patients answered following items: what their first contact with the personal family physician, which characteristics of their doctor, of his office and of his office organisation influenced their decision.
Bolnike smo spraševali o tem, kako so prišli prvič v stik z njihovim sedanjim osebnim zdravnikom in o tem, katere lastnosti pri njem, v njegovi ambulanti in pri organizaciji dela najbolj cenijo.
158 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2007-17
Each Member State undertakes to respect the exclusively international character of the responsibilities of the Director General and the staff, and not to seek to influence them in the discharge of their duties.
Vsaka država članica se zavezuje, da bo spoštovala izključno mednarodno naravo nalog generalnega direktorja in članov osebja in si ne bo prizadevala vplivati nanje pri opravljanju njihovih nalog.
159 Objavljeno
A. There should be a clear separation between the state's ownership function and other state functions that may influence the conditions for stateowned enterprises, particularly with regard to market regulation.
A. Postavljena mora biti jasna ločnica med lastniško funkcijo države in drugimi državnimi funkcijami, ki lahko vplivajo na pogoje družb v državni lasti, predvsem pri regulaciji trga.
160 Objavljeno
A. There should be a clear separation between the state's ownership function and other state functions that may influence the conditions for state-owned enterprises, particularly with regard to market regulation.
A. Postavljena mora biti jasna ločnica med lastniško funkcijo države in drugimi državnimi funkcijami, ki lahko vplivajo na pogoje družb v državni lasti,to je predvsem regulacija trga.
161 Objavljeno
Serological studies for detection of antibodies against Legionella, Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Chlamydia pneumoniae and psittaci, influenza virus types A and B, RSV, adenovirus and parainfluenza virus were performed.
Naredili smo serološke preiskave za dokaz protiteles za Legionella, Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Chlamydia pneumoniae, psittaci, Coxiella burnetii, virusa influence A, B, respiratorni sincicijski virus, adenovirusa in virusa parainfluence.
162 Objavljeno
The state as an owner should typically conduct itself as any major shareholder when it is in a position to significantly influence the company and be an informed and active shareholder when holding a minority post.
Država kot lastnica se mora na splošno obnašati kot vsak drug velik delničar, ki ima moč, da lahko pomembno vpliva na družbo, ter mora biti obveščena in aktivna delničarka tudi v primerih manjšinskega lastništva.
163 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 127
In particular, it must not allow a candidate to alter those documents in the application that would influence the evaluation of the application of a specific candidate (change of subject, price and other criteria).
Posebej ne sme dovoliti, da bi spreminjal tiste dokumente iz vloge, ki vplivajo na vrednotenje vloge posameznega kandidata (sprememba predmeta, cena in druga merila).
164 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2006-33
MemberStatesand Sector Members shall respect the exclusively international character of the duties of the members of the Board and refrain from attempting to influence them in the performance of their Board duties.
Države članice in sektorske članice morajo spoštovati izključno mednarodno naravo nalog, ki jih imajo člani odbora, in ne smejo poskušati vplivati nanje pri opravljanju nalog odbora.
165 Objavljeno
The metabolism of critically ill infants and children is significantly influenced by their underlying diseases, and standard predictive equations result in inappropriate nutritional support in most of these patients.
Bolezen kritično bolnih dojenčkov in otrok pomembno vpliva na njihovo presnovo, kar zadeva tudi ustrezno prilagajanje prehrane, tega pa ne moremo izvjati na podlagi ocene njihovih energetskih potreb, izračunanih s standardnimi enačbami.
166 Objavljeno
Our attitude towards health is assumed by steps. It is based on incentives and examples encountered in early childhood and is later on influenced by physical activities one undertakes to preserve and promote his health.
Odnos do zdravja se gradi postopno - prek spodbud in zgledov v najožjem okolju že v zgodnjem otroštvu in kasneje prek dejavnosti, ki to zdravje ohranjajo, vzdržujejo in negujejo.
167 Objavljeno
Children aged 0 to 14 years with Haemophilus influenzae type b isolated from blood, CSF or other normally sterile body site in a period from January 1993 to December 1995 were included in a nationwide prospective study.
V prospektivno triletno študijo, ki je zajela vso Slovenijo, smo vključili otroke, stare o 0 do vključno 14 let, v obdobju od januarja 1993 do decembra 1995. Pri njih smo izolirali H. influenzae tip b iz krvi, možganske tekočine ali druge, sicer sterilne telesne tekočine.
168 Objavljeno
WTO: Ustanovitev WTO
The Members of the WTO shall respect the international character of the responsibilities of the Director-General and of the staff of the Secretariat and shall not seek to influence them in the discharge of their duties.
Članice WTO spoštujejo mednarodno naravo odgovornosti generalnega direktorja in osebja Sekretariata in ne smejo skušati vplivati nanje pri opravljanju njihovih nalog.
169 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 1999-57
The content and scheduling of sponsored programmes may in no circumstances be influenced by the sponsor in such a way as to affect the responsibility and editorial independence of the broadcaster in respect of programmes.
Sponzor v nobenem primeru ne sme vplivati na vsebino in razvrščanje sponzoriranih oddaj na tak način, da bi s tem vplival na odgovornost in uredniško neodvisnost izdajatelja televizijskega programa v zvezi z oddajami.
170 Objavljeno
The obtained results indicate (and at the time confirm data from the literature) that the nutrition of the dairy cows is a very important, though not the sole factor influencing the blood, rumen fluid and milk composition.
Dobljeni rezultati nakazujejo, da je prehrana molznic pomemben dejavnik, vendar ni edini, ki bi vplival na vsebnost parametrov krvi, vampovega soka in mleka.
171 Objavljeno
DRUGO: 025-19-57-2009-1
Each member shall respect the exclusively international character of the responsibilities of the Director-General and the other members of the staff and not seek to influence them in the discharge of their responsibilities.
Vsaka članica spoštuje izključno mednarodne značilnosti nalog generalnega direktorja in drugega osebja in ne poskuša vplivati nanje pri izpolnjevanju njihovih nalog.
172 Objavljeno
The results of the research show the values of statements toward decision-making, autonomy, independence, collaboration and relations which significantly influence the increase of efficiency and effectiveness of health care.
Rezultati raziskave so pokazali vrednosti tridtev do odločanja, avtonomije, samostojnosti, sodelovanja in do odnosov, ki imajo pomemben vpliv na povečanje uspešnosti in učinkovitosti zdravstvene nege.
173 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 110/2002
The project designer shall define the works' zone of influence by verifying the works's potential impact on soil, water, air, neighbouring works and people's health, and illustrating such impact in the project documentation.
(3) Projektant določi vplivno območje objekta tako, da preveri morebitne možne vplive objekta na tla, vodo, zrak, sosednje objekte in zdravje ljudi in takšne vplive prikaže v projektni dokumentaciji.
174 Objavljeno
We confirmed Streptococcus pneumoniae in 78 (41%), Haemophilus influenzae and parainfluenzae in 53 (28%), Moraxella catarrhalis in 31 (16%), Pseudomonas aeruginosa in 43 (23%) and Staphylococcus aresus in 32 (17%) of patients.
Ugotovili smo naslednje povzročitelje: Streptococcus pneumoniae pri 78 (41%), Haemophilus influenzae in parainfluenzae pri 53 (38%), Moraxellacatarrhalis pri (16%). Pseudomonas aeruginosa pri 43 (23%) in Staphylococcus aureus pri 32 (17%) bolnikih.
175 Objavljeno
My decision to undertake this research was spurred by thefact that violent behaviour among adolescents is increasingly present in Slovenia and because of the influence of the visual media on human perceptions of the real world.
Za raziskavo smo se odločila zaradi dejstva, da je nasilno vedenje pri mladostnikih tudi pri nas ve bolj razširjeno, ter zaradi vpliva medijev, ki prek svojih izraznih možnosti oblikujejo način človekovega dojemanja sveta.
176 Objavljeno
An analytical model describing the influence of the duration of sleep or rest on thesleep deprivation is followed, including a theoretical concept with a few solved problems in comparison with the contemporary empirical findings.
Sledi analitični model za analizo vpliva trajanja spanja ali počitka na pomanjkanje spanja, ki vsebuje teoretični koncept z nekaj rešenimi primeri in s primerjavo s sodobnimi empiričnimi ugotovitvami.
177 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2010-11
Each Member shall respect the exclusively international character of the responsibilities of the Director-General and the other members of the staff and shall not seek to influence them in the discharge of their responsibilities.
Vsaka članica spoštuje izključno mednarodne značilnosti nalog generalnega direktorja in drugega osebja in ne poskuša vplivati nanje pri izpolnjevanju njihovih nalog.
178 Objavljeno
Information regarding decisions which directly influence an individual group of Stakeholders must be communicated to this group by the company if such information does not have the nature of a business secret or inside information.
Informacije o odločitvah, ki neposredno vplivajo na posamezno skupino deležnikov, družba sporoči tej skupini, če takšne informacije nimajo narave poslovne skrivnosti ali notranjih informacij.
179 Objavljeno
We discuss the influence on vessel wall changes after precutaneous transluminal angioplasty (PTA) due to balloon dimensions, plaque shape and plaque constitution. The problem of restenosis and success of repeated PTA are discussed.
Razpravljamo o vplivu velikosti balona ter sestave in oblike ateromatozne lehe na spremembe žilne stene po PTA, o vzrokih ponovnih zožitev in uspešnosti ponovnih dilatacij.
180 Objavljeno
Finally, we present a review of epidemiological research on two popular infradian rhythms that are both deficient in scientific explanation, on the influence of lunar phases on man, and biorhythms that are based on the day of birth.
Na koncu smo dodali pregled epidemioloških raziskav o dveh popularnih infradianih ritmih, o vplivu luninih men na človeka in o bioritmih, ki temeljijo na datumu rojstva, čeprav nimata prave znanstvene razlage.
181 Objavljeno
The course of disease and patient's prognosis are further influenced by other tumor characteristics, such as pathohistological type and grande of malignancy, presence of hormone receptors, proliferative potential of cells and others.
Na potek bolezni in prognozo vplivajo še druge lastnosti tumorja, na primer patohistološka vrsta s stopnjo malignosti, navzočnost hormonskih receptorjev, poliferativna sposobnost celic in drugo.
182 Objavljeno
Soybean supplementation has statistically significantly influenced the higher urea concentration in milk. The mean protein concentration in milk has also increased as a result of the two supplements, yet statistically insignificantly.
Tudi vsebnost beljakovin v mleku se je zaradi dodatka koruze in soje povečala, vendar statistično nepomembno.
183 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2006-33
Member States and Sector Members shall respect the exclusively international character of the duties of these elected officials and of the staff of the Union, and refrain from trying to influence them in the performance of their work.
Države članice in sektorske članice morajo spoštovati izključno mednarodno naravo delovanja teh voljenih uradnikov in osebja Zveze in se morajo vzdržati poskusov vplivanja na njihovo delo.
184 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 18-1062
intentionally or by serious negligence cause or allow the aircraft to threaten persons or property, come on board or be on board an aircraft under the influence of alcohol, smoke during times of no smoking as determined by the carrier.
namenoma ali iz hude malomarnosti povzročiti ali dovoliti, da zrakoplov ogrozi osebe ali premoženje, 3. priti na krov ali biti na krovu zrakoplova pod vplivom alkohola, 4. kaditi v času prepovedi kajenja, kot ga določi prevoznik.
185 Objavljeno
The most frequent pathogens of eyelids, lacrymal system, conjuctiva and cornea are Staphylococcus and streptococcus species, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Enterobacteriaceae, and in children Streptococcus pneumoniae and Haemophilus influenzae.
Najpogostejši povzročitelji bakterijskih infekcij vek, solzil, veznice in roženice so Staphylococcus in Streptococcus sp., Pseudomonas aeruginosa in Enterobacteriacease ter pri otrocih Streptococcus pneumoniae in Haemophilus influenzae.
186 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-101
(c) Corruptly influencing a witness, obstructing or interfering with the attendance or testimony of a witness, retaliating against a witness for giving testimony or destroying, tampering with or interfering with the collection of evidence;
(c) vplivanje na pričo s podkupovanjem, oviranje navzočnosti ali motenje priče ali njenega pričanja, maščevanje priči, ker je pričala, ali uničenje, nedovoljeno spreminjanje dokazov ali motenje zbiranja dokazov,
187 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 7
Article 109 (1) A judge may order the detention of a perpetrator who has been caught committing a misdemeanour under the influence of alcohol or other psychoactive substances, if there is a danger that he will continue to commit misdemeanours.
(1) Sodnik sme odrediti, da se pridrži storilec, ki ga pod vplivom alkohola ali drugih psihoaktivnih snovi zalotijo pri prekršku, če je nevarnost, da bo še naprej delal prekrške.
188 Objavljeno
WTO: Izvajanje sedmega člena
Where it can be shown that the buyer and seller, although related under the provisions of Article 15, buy from and sell to each other as if they were not related, this would demonstrate that the price had not been influenced by the relationship.
Če je možno prikazati, četudi sta kupec in prodajalec v razmerju na podlagi določb 15. člena, da kupujeta in prodajata drug drugemu, kot da ne bi bila v razmerju, tak primer kaže, da cena ni bila pod vplivom razmerja.
189 Objavljeno
Although several clinical observations have reported reduced inflammatory response to bacterial plaque in patients on the prolonged steroid therapy, the influence of these drugs on progression of the periodontal tissue breakdown is still unclear.
Pri pacientih, ki so dolgotrajno prejemali glukokortikoidna zdravila, so v obzobnih tkivih ugotovili zmanjšan vnetni odgovor, kljub prisotnosti bakterijskega plaka. Še vedno pa ni jasen vpliv dolgotrajnega jemanja teh zdravil na hitrost uničevanja obzobnih tkiv pri obolelih s parodontalno boleznijo.
190 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2008-22
Such body or bodies or persons shall be granted the necessary independence, in accordance with the fundamental principles of the legal system of the State Party, to be able to carry out their functions effectively and without any undue influence.
Takemu organu ali organom oziroma osebam se zagotovi potrebna neodvisnost v skladu s temeljnimi načeli pravne ureditve države pogodbenice, da lahko opravljajo svoje naloge učinkovito in brez nedovoljenih vplivov.
191 Objavljeno
a review of the company's strategy and adaptation to the requirements for sustainable development and how the strategies and adaptations have influenced the achievements in the operation of the company and its position currently and in the future,
pregled strategije družbe in prilagoditev zahtevam za trajnostni razvoj ter kako so strategije in prilagoditve vplivale na dosežke pri poslovanju družbe ter na njen položaj zdaj in v prihodnosti,
192 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2010-63
(3) Each Member State undertakes to respect the exclusively international character of the responsibilities of the Director General, the Directors and the SELEC Staff and shall not seek to influence them in the discharge of their responsibilities.
(3) Vsaka država članica se zavezuje, da bo spoštovala izključno mednarodne značilnosti nalog generalnega direktorja, direktorjev in osebja SELEC-a in pri izpolnjevanju njihovih nalog ne bo vplivala nanje.
193 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 1999-98
Each Member State undertakes to respect the exclusively international character of the responsibilities of the Director General, the Deputy Director General and the staff and not to seek to influence them in the discharge of their responsibilities.
Vsaka država članica se zavezuje, da bo spoštovala izključno mednarodno naravo obveznosti generalnega direktorja, namestnika generalnega direktorja in osebja ter da ne bo skušala vplivati nanje pri izpolnjevanju njihovih obveznosti.
194 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2000-58
In the event of the discovery of a fact which might, by its nature, have a decisive influence and which at the time of the decision refusing waiver of immunity was unknown to the author of the request, the latter may make a new request to the Court.
Ob odkritju dejstva, ki lahko ima odločilen vpliv, in za katerega vlagatelj zahteve ni vedel v času odločitve o zavrnitvi odvzema imunitete, lahko ta predloži novo prošnjo sodišču.
195 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-65
Each State Party on its part undertakes to respect the exclusively international character of the responsibilities of the Director and the staff and experts appointed by the Director, and not to seek to influence them in the discharge of their duties.
Vsaka država pogodbenica se zase zaveže, da bo spoštovala izključno mednarodni značaj odgovornosti direktorja in osebja ter strokovnjakov, ki jih imenuje direktor, in da ne bo skušala vplivati nanje pri izvajanju njihovih dolžnosti.
196 Objavljeno
Considering the increasing significance that the media have on the life of modern man and on the psycho-social development of children and adolescents, lendeavoured to evaluate the influence of violence in the media on violent behaviour of adolescents.
Glede na dejstva,da imajo mediji v življenju sodobnega človeka in s tem tudi pri psihosocialnem razvoju otrok in mladostnikov vse večji pomen, sem v raziskavi poskušala oceniti vpliv nasilja v medijih na nasilno vedenje mladostnikov.
197 Objavljeno
WTO: Izvajanje sedmega člena
Paragraph 2(a) provides that where the buyer and the seller are related, the circumstances surrounding the sale shall be examined and the transaction value shall be accepted as the customs value provided that the relationship did not influence the price.
Drugi (a) odstavek določa, če sta kupec in prodajalec v razmerju, se morajo preveriti okoliščine v zvezi s prodajo, transakcijska vrednost pa se sprejme kot carinska vrednost pod pogojem, da razmerje ni vplivalo na ceno.
198 Objavljeno
In a 3-year period, 56 invasive Hib infections were observed, representing 96.6% of all Haemophilus influenzae isolates. Meningitis was the most frequent clinical syndrome (68%), followed by pneumonia (12%), bacteremia/sepsis (7%) and other focal infections.
V triletnem obdobju smo dokazali 56 invazivnih okužb, ki jih je povzročil H. influenzae tip b, kar predstravlja 96,6% vseh izolatov H. influenzae. od kliničnih sindromov smo najpogosteje ugotovili meningitis (68%), sledijo pljučnica (12%), bakteriemija/sepsa (7%) in v posameznih primerih še druge žariščne okužbe.
199 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
CELEX: 32002L0087
"subsidiary undertaking" shall mean a subsidiary undertaking within the meaning of Article 1 of Directive 83/349/EEC and any undertaking over which, in the opinion of the competent authorities, a parent undertaking effectively exercises a dominant influence;
"hčerinsko podjetje" pomeni hčerinsko podjetje v smislu člena 1 Direktive 83/34. 9/EGS in vsako podjetje, nad katerim matično podjetje po mnenju pristojnih organov izvršuje prevladujoč vpliv;
200 Objavljeno
It is in the state's interest to ensure that, in all enterprises where it has a stake, minority shareholders are treated equitably, since its reputation in this respect will influence its capacity of attracting outside funding and the valuation of the company.
V interesu države je zagotoviti, da so v vseh družbah, ker je država soudeležena kot lastnica, manjšinski delničarji obravnavani nepristransko, ker bo zaradi svojega ugleda, ki ga bo deležna zaradi tega, uspešneje pritegovala zunanje vlagatelje in bo to prispevalo tudi k višji vrednosti družbe.
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