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inspection of persons
151 Pravna redakcija
the name and address of the person responsible for the production or preparation of the product, or, where another seller is mentioned, a statement which enables the receiving unit and the inspection body to identify unequivocally the person responsible for the production of the product;
ime in naslov osebe, odgovorne za pridelavo ali pripravo proizvoda ali, če je naveden drugi prodajalec, izjava, ki prejemni enoti in kontrolnemu organu omogoča nedvoumno identifikacijo osebe, ki je odgovorna za pridelavo proizvoda;
152 Pravna redakcija
Inspections shall be carried out exclusively by duly authorised persons and must be effected within 24 working hours of arrival of the vessel in port if arrival has been announced at least 48 hours in advance.
Pregled izvajajo izključno ustrezno pooblaščene osebe, treba pa ga je izvesti v 24 delovnih urah po prihodu plovila v pristanišče, če je bil prihod napovedan vsaj 48 ur vnaprej.
153 Pravna redakcija
the name and address of the person responsible for the production or preparation of the product, or, where another seller is mentioned, a statement which enables the receiving unit and the inspection body to identify unequivocally the person responsible for the preparation of the product;
ime in naslov osebe, odgovorne za pridelavo ali pripravo proizvoda ali, če je naveden drugi prodajalec, izjava, ki prejemni enoti in kontrolnemu organu omogoča nedvoumno identifikacijo osebe, ki je odgovorna za pripravo proizvoda;
154 Pravna redakcija
whereas, in order to avoid numerous checks which merely impede the free movement of personal protective equipment, provision should be made for the mutual recognition of inspections conducted by the Member States;
ker bi bilo treba, da bi se izognili številnim pregledom, ki zgolj ovirajo prosti pretok osebne zaščitne opreme, zagotoviti medsebojno priznanje pregledov, ki jih opravljajo države članice;
155 Pravna redakcija
This inspection shall be carried out exclusively by duly authorised persons and must be effected within 48 working hours of arrival of the vessel in port if arrival has been announced at least 72 hours in advance.
Ta pregled izvršijo izključno samo ustrezno pooblaščene osebe in mora biti opravljen v roku 48 ur od prihoda plovila v pristanišče, če je bil prihod naznanjen najmanj 72 ur vnaprej.
156 Pravna redakcija
services purchased for the maintenance and repair of personal transport equipment such as fitting of parts and accessories, wheel balancing, technical inspection, breakdown services, oil changes, greasing and washing.
nabavljene storitve za vzdrževanje in popravilo osebnih prevoznih sredstev, kakor so namestitev delov in dodatkov, centriranje pnevmatik, strokovni pregled, odpravljanje okvar, menjave olja, podmazovanje in pranje.
157 Pravna redakcija
In the case of packages for delegations, delegations may take delivery of the packages, which will either be inspected by the delegation security officer, screened by special equipment or opened by security personnel for inspection.
Pakete, ki so namenjeni delegacijam, te lahko sprejmejo potem, ko jih je bodisi pregledal uradnik delegacije, zadolžen za varnost, ko so bili varnostno pregledani s specialno opremo ali ko jih je odprlo varnostno osebje, zadolženo za pregled.
158 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0136
This is the person defined in Article 2(2)(e) of Directive 97/78/EC, who is in charge of the consignment when presented to the border inspection post and makes the necessary declarations to the competent authorities on behalf of the importer:
To je oseba, opredeljena v členu 2(2)(e) Direktive 97/78/ES, ki je odgovorna za pošiljko, ko se ta predloži mejni kontrolni točki, in daje potrebne izjave pristojnim organom v imenu uvoznika:
159 Pravna redakcija
During inspections, the management structures and operational procedures of the test facility are examined, key technical personnel are interviewed, and the quality and integrity of data generated by the facility are assessed and reported,
V času inšpekcijskih pregledov se preverijo upravljavske strukture in operativni postopki preskuševalnega laboratorija, opravijo se pogovori s ključnim tehničnim osebjem, oceni se kakovost in celovitost podatkov, ki jih laboratorij pridobiva, ter se o njih poroča,
160 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31992D0097
The tenderer and any of his personnel or agents will, so far as is practicable, be granted permission by the contracting authority to enter the place where the contract is to be executed for the purpose of such inspection, provided that the tenderer, his personnel or agents will release and indemnify the contracting authority and its personnel and agents from and against all liability in respect thereof.
Za namen tega pregleda naročnik, če je to izvedljivo, izda dovoljenje ponudniku ali njegovemu osebju ali pooblaščencu za dostop do kraja, kjer je treba izvesti naročilo, pod pogojem, da ponudnik, njegovo osebje ali pooblaščenec odvežejo oziroma zavarujejo naročnika, njegovo osebje ali pooblaščenca pred vsakršno odgovornostjo v zvezi s tem..
161 Pravna redakcija
regionalni razvoj
Save for passport control on entry into and departure from the territory of the Host Party, EUPOL Proxima personnel, with proof of membership of the Mission, shall be exempt from passport, visa and immigration regulations and any form of immigration inspection.
Z izjemo pregleda potnih listin ob vstopu na in odhodu z ozemlja države gostiteljice za osebje EUPOL Proxime, če dokaže svoje članstvo v misiji, ne veljajo predpisi o potnih listinah, vizumih in priseljevanju niti kakšna druga oblika nadzora v zvezi s priseljevanjem.
162 Pravna redakcija
Such persons must maintain detailed records of all dealings in substances which may be used in the manufacture of veterinary medicinal products and keep these records available for inspection by the competent authorities for a period of at least three years.
Take osebe morajo hraniti podrobne evidence o vsem poslovanju s snovmi, ki se lahko uporabljajo za izdelavo zdravil za uporabo v veterinarski medicini ter morajo te podatke hraniti za dobo najmanj treh let za potrebe pregledov pooblaščenih organov.
163 Pravna redakcija
to inform the management and staff of the facility of the reason for the test facility inspection or study audit that is about to take place, and to identify the facility areas, study(ies) selected for audit, documents and personnel likely to be involved.
obvestiti upravo in osebje laboratorija o razlogih za inšpekcijski pregled preskuševalnega laboratorija ali presojo študije, ki jo bodo ocenjevalci opravili, in določiti prostore, študijo (-e), izbrano (-e) za presojo, dokumente in osebje, ki bodo verjetno vključeni.
164 Pravna redakcija
At the verification of a consignment of products referred to in Article 1 of Regulation (EEC) No 2092/91, the original certificate of inspection shall be endorsed by the relevant Member State's authorities in box 17 and returned to the person who submitted the certificate.
Pri preverjanju pošiljke proizvodov iz člena 1 Uredbe (EGS) št. 2092 ustrezni organi države članice overijo izvirno potrdilo o kontrolnem pregledu v okencu 17 in ga vrnejo osebi, ki je potrdilo predložila.
165 Pravna redakcija
The competent authorities shall ensure appropriate training of inspection staff authorized to perform official checks to allow them to assess the own-checks system set up by the persons responsible for the establishment on the basis of the documents submitted.
Pristojni organi zagotovijo primerno usposabljanje osebja, ki opravlja uradne preglede, s čimer mu omogoči oceniti sistema lastnega pregledovanja, ki so ga vzpostavile odgovorne osebe v obratu, na podlagi predloženih dokumentov.
166 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0139
If so requested by the Commission or by the competent authority of the Member State within whose territory the inspection is to be conducted, officials and other accompanying persons authorised by the Commission may assist the officials of the authority concerned.
Na zahtevo Komisije ali pristojnega organa države članice, v kateri naj pregled poteka, lahko uradniki in drugi spremljevalci, ki jih pooblasti Komisija, pomagajo uradnikom zadevnega organa.
167 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0136
The official veterinarian or the person responsible for the load shall notify the customs authorities for the border inspection post of the veterinary clearance of the consignment as provided for in paragraph 1 by submitting the original of the CVED, or by electronic means.
Uradni veterinar ali oseba, odgovorna za tovor, obvesti carinske organe mejne kontrolne točke o veterinarskem dovoljenju za pošiljko, kakor je predvideno v odstavku 1, tako da predloži izvirnik SVVD ali z elektronskimi sredstvi.
168 Pravna redakcija
The body and its staff shall carry out the verification tests with the highest degree of professional integrity and technical competence and shall be free from all pressures and inducements, particularly financial, which might influence their judgment or the result of the inspection, especially from persons or groups of persons with an interest in the result of verifications.
Organ in njegovo osebje opravljajo preskusno preverjanje z najvišjo stopnjo strokovne celovitosti in tehnične usposobljenosti ter brez pritiskov in spodbud, zlasti finančnih, ki bi lahko vplivali na njihovo presojo ali rezultate pregleda, zlasti od oseb ali skupine oseb, za katere so rezultati preverjanja pomembni.
169 Pravna redakcija
The body and its staff shall carry out the verification tests with the highest degree of professional integrity and technical competence and shall be free from all pressures and inducements, particularly financial, which might influence their judgement or the results of the inspection, especially from persons or groups of persons with an interest in the result of verifications.
Organ in njegovo osebje morata opravljati preveritvene preskuse z najvišjo stopnjo strokovne integritete in tehnične usposobljenosti ter na sme biti pod pritiskom in finančno odvisnostjo, ki bi lahko vplivali na njuno presojo ali rezultate pregleda, zlasti od ljudi ali skupin ljudi, ki jim je v interesu rezultat preverjanj.
170 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0139
Where the officials and other accompanying persons authorised by the Commission find that an undertaking opposes an inspection, including the sealing of business premises, books or records, ordered pursuant to this Article, the Member State concerned shall afford them the necessary assistance, requesting where appropriate the assistance of the police or of an equivalent enforcement authority, so as to enable them to conduct their inspection.
Kadar uradniki in drugi spremljevalci, ki jih je pooblastila Komisija, ugotovijo, da se podjetje upira preiskavi, vključno z zapečatenjem poslovnih prostorov, knjig ali dokumentacije, odrejenim skladno s tem členom, jim zadevna država članica pošlje potrebno pomoč, pri čemer za izvajanje preiskave po potrebi zahteva pomoč policije ali drugega ustreznega izvršilnega organa.
171 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0282
The official veterinarian, the importer or the person responsible for the load shall then notify the customs authorities for the border inspection post of the veterinary decision taken on the consignment, by presenting the original of the CVED, or by sending it electronically.
Uradni veterinar, uvoznik ali oseba, odgovorna za tovor, uradno obvesti carinske organe, pristojne za mejno kontrolno točko, o veterinarski odločbi, sprejeti v zvezi s pošiljko, s predložitvijo izvirnika CVED, ali s pošiljanjem tega z elektronsko pošto.
172 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0139
Officials of, and those authorised or appointed by, the competent authority of the Member State in whose territory the inspection is to be conducted shall, at the request of that authority or of the Commission, actively assist the officials and other accompanying persons authorised by the Commission.
Uradniki pristojnega organa v državi članici, kjer bo preiskava potekala, in osebe, ki jih ta organ pooblasti ali imenuje, na zahtevo tega organa ali Komisije dejavno pomagajo uradnikom in drugim spremljevalcem, ki jih pooblasti Komisija.
173 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31999L0035
'qualified inspector' shall mean a public-sector employee or other person, duly authorised by the competent authority of a Member State to carry out surveys and inspections related to the certificates and fulfilling the criteria of qualification and independence specified in Annex V;
"strokovni inšpektor" pomeni zaposlenega v javnem sektorju ali drugo osebo, ki jo je pristojni organ države članice pooblastil za opravljanje pregledov in izvajanje nadzora v zvezi z izdajo spričeval, ki izpolnjuje merila o usposobljenosti in neodvisnosti iz Priloge V;
174 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0139
Officials and other accompanying persons authorised by the Commission to conduct an inspection shall exercise their powers upon production of a written authorisation specifying the subject matter and purpose of the inspection and the penalties provided for in Article 14, in the production of the required books or other records related to the business which is incomplete or where answers to questions asked under paragraph 2 of this Article are incorrect or misleading.
Uradniki in drugi spremljevalci, ki jih Komisija pooblasti za izvedbo pregleda, izvajajo svoja pooblastila po predložitvi pisnega pooblastila o predmetu in namenu pregleda ter kaznih, določenih s členom 14, za predložitev zahtevanih knjig in druge dokumentacije, povezane s poslovanjem, ki je nepopolna, ali za netočne ali zavajajoče odgovore na vprašanja skladno z odstavkom 2 tega člena.
175 Pravna redakcija
The body and the staff responsible for the checks must carry out the checks with the greatest possible professional integrity and the greatest possible technical competence and must be free of any pressure and incentive, in particular of a financial type, which could affect their judgement or the results of their inspection, in particular from persons or groups of persons affected by the results of the checks.
Organ in osebje, pooblaščeno za preglede, morata izvesti preglede z največjo možno strokovno vestnostjo in največjo možno tehnično primernostjo ter ne smeta biti pod pritiskom in prejemati spodbud, zlasti finančne narave, ki bi lahko vplivali na njuno presojo ali rezultate njunih pregledov, zlasti ne od oseb ali skupin oseb, na katere rezultati preverjanja vplivajo.
176 Pravna redakcija
Any person who can prove that the applicant for a Community trade mark has stated that after the trade mark has been registered he will invoke the rights under it against him may obtain inspection of the files prior to the publication of that application and without the consent of the applicant.
Vsaka oseba, ki lahko dokaže, da je prijavitelj za znamko Skupnosti izjavil, da bo po registraciji znamke uveljavljal pravice proti njemu, lahko pregleda spise pred objavo te prijave in brez soglasja prijavitelja.
177 Pravna redakcija
The notified body and its staff must carry out the tasks for which the notified body has been designated with the highest degree of professional integrity and technical competence and must be free from all pressures and inducements, particularly financial, which might influence their judgement or the results of any inspection, especially from persons or groups of persons with an interest in such results.
Priglašeni organ in njegovo osebje morajo naloge, za katere je priglašeni organ določen, izvajati s čim večjo stopnjo profesionalne neoporečnosti in tehnične strokovnosti ter morajo biti prosti vseh pritiskov ali spodbud, zlasti finančnih, ki bi lahko vplivale na njihovo sodbo ali rezultate katerega koli pregleda, zlasti od oseb ali skupin oseb, ki so za take rezultate zainteresirane.
178 Pravna redakcija
Member States shall provide for the possibility of informal consultation at local and, if appropriate, national level between representatives of the various departments involved an inspections and formalities and of carriers, customs agents, persons engaged in services ancillary to transport and transport users.
Države članice poskrbijo za možnost neformalnih posvetovanj na lokalni in, če je to primerno, nacionalni ravni med predstavniki različnih služb, ki sodelujejo pri kontrolah in formalnostih, prevoznikov, carinskih uslužbencev, oseb, ki se ukvarjajo s pomožnimi storitvami prevoza ter naročnikov prevoza."
179 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0136
Before the physical arrival of the consignment on Community territory the person responsible for the load shall notify the arrival of the products to the veterinary staff of the border inspection post to which the products are to be submitted, using the Common Veterinary Entry Document (CVED), as set out in Annex III.
Pred fizičnim prihodom pošiljke na ozemlje Skupnosti oseba, odgovorna za tovor, o prihodu proizvodov uradno obvestiti veterinarsko osebje mejne kontrolne točke, kjer bodo proizvodi predloženi, s skupnim veterinarskim vstopnim dokumentom (SVVD), kakor je določen v Prilogi III.
180 Pravna redakcija
The notified body and its staff must carry out the assessment and verification operations with the highest degree of professional integrity and the requisite competence in the field of medical devices and must be free from all pressures and inducements, particularly financial, which might influence their judgment or the results of the inspection, especially from persons or groups of persons with an interest in the results of the verifications.
Priglašeni organ in njegovo osebje morata opravljati postopke ocenjevanja in overjanja s kar največjo profesionalno integriteto in potrebnim strokovnim znanjem na področju medicinskih pripomočkov ter ne smeta biti podvržena pritiskom in spodbudam, zlasti finančnim, ki bi lahko vplivale na njihovo razsodbo ali na rezultate inšpekcije, zlasti s strani oseb ali skupin oseb, ki imajo interes v rezultatih overjanja.
181 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0601
Where, as a result of inspection activities carried out in accordance with the CCAMLR inspection system, there is evidence of breach of the measures adopted under the Convention, the flag Member State shall ensure that appropriate measures are taken against the natural or legal persons responsible for the breach of the measures adopted under the Convention in accordance with Article 25 of Council Regulation (EC) No 2371/2002 of 20 December 2002 on the conservation and sustainable exploitation of fisheries resources under the Common Fisheries Policy.
Če se kot rezultat inšpekcijskih aktivnosti, izvedenih v skladu z inšpekcijskim sistemom CCAMLR izkaže, da so bili kršeni ukrepi, sprejeti v skladu s Konvencijo, država članica zastave zagotovi sprejetje ustreznih ukrepov proti fizičnim ali pravnim osebam, odgovornim za kršitev ukrepov, v skladu s členom 25 Uredbe Sveta (ES) št. 2371/2002 z dne 20. decembra 2002 o ohranjevanju in trajnostnem izkoriščanju ribolovnih virov v okviru skupne ribiške politike( fn ).
182 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R0998
In particular, in the case referred to in point (b) of the first subparagraph of Article 4(1), where the transponder does not comply with ISO Standard 11784 or Annex A to ISO Standard 11785, the owner or natural person responsible for the pet animal must provide the means necessary for reading the transponder at the time of any inspection.
Zlasti v primeru iz točke (b) prvega pododstavka člena 4(1), če transponder ne ustreza standardu ISO 11787 ali Prilogi A k standardu ISO 11785, mora lastnik ali fizična oseba, ki je odgovorna za hišno žival med premikom priskrbeti potrebno sredstvo za branje transponderja ob vsakem pregledu.
183 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R0998
In the case referred to in point (b) of the preceding subparagraph, where the transponder does not comply with ISO Standard 11784 or Annex A to ISO Standard 11785, the owner or the natural person responsible for the pet animal on behalf of the owner must provide the means necessary for reading the transponder at the time of any inspection.
V primerih iz točke (b) prejšnjega pododstavka, če transponder ne ustreza standardu ISO 11787 ali Prilogi A k standardu ISO 11785, mora lastnik ali fizična oseba, ki je v imenu lastnika odgovorna za te živali med premikom, priskrbeti potrebno sredstvo za branje transponderja ob vsakem pregledu.
184 Pravna redakcija
It shall be sufficient for manufacturers, their authorised representatives or the person responsible for placing products on the market to hold the technical documents required by the national authorities for inspection purposes at their disposal in the territory of one of the Parties for a period of at least ten years after the last date of manufacture of the product.
Proizvajalci, njihovi pooblaščeni predstavniki ali oseba, odgovorna za dajanje izdelkov na trg hranijo tehnično dokumentacijo, ki jo zahtevajo nacionalni organi za preglede na ozemlju ene od pogodbenic najmanj deset let po datumu zadnje proizvodnje izdelka.
185 Pravna redakcija
The manufacturer or his authorised representative established within the Community or the person responsible for placing the apparatus on the market must keep the file for a period ending at least 10 years after the last apparatus has been manufactured at the disposal of the relevant national authorities of any Member States for inspection.
Proizvajalec ali njegov pooblaščeni zastopnik s sedežem v Skupnosti ali oseba, ki je odgovorna za dajanje aparata na trg, mora hraniti mapo za dobo, ki se konča najmanj 10 let po izdelavi zadnjega izdelka, tako da je pristojnim državnim oblastem katere koli države članice na voljo za pregled.
186 Pravna redakcija
The officials shall, for the purpose of carrying out the duties assigned to them in accordance with Article 20 (4) of Regulation (EEC) No 2075/92, be given appropriate powers by the Member State concerned to obtain any information or evidence and carry out any checks which may be necessary as part of the inspection of producers, producers' organizations, processors and any other persons covered by the rules for the sector, and in particular the right to take samples of tobacco held by natural or legal persons being inspected.
Uradnikom bodo za izpolnjevanje nalog, ki jim bodo naložene skladno s členom 20(4) Uredbe (EGS) št. 2075/92, države članice dale ustrezna pooblastila za pridobivanje informacij in dokazil in za opravljanje kakršnih koli pregledov, ki utegnejo biti potrebni kot del inšpekcije pri proizvajalcih, organizacijah proizvajalcev, predelovalcih in katerih koli drugih gospodarskih subjektih, za katere veljajo pravila tega sektorja in zlasti pooblastila za jemanje vzorcev tobaka, ki ga imajo preiskovane fizične ali pravne osebe.
187 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0139
(39) In the course of an inspection, officials authorised by the Commission should have the right to ask for any information relevant to the subject matter and purpose of the inspection; they should also have the right to affix seals during inspections, particularly in circumstances where there are reasonable grounds to suspect that a concentration has been implemented without being notified; that incorrect, incomplete or misleading information has been supplied to the Commission; or that the undertakings or persons concerned have failed to comply with a condition or obligation imposed by decision of the Commission.
(39) Med vsakim pregledom naj imajo uradniki, ki jih pooblasti Komisija, pravico, da zahtevajo informacije, povezane s predmetom in namenom pregleda; prav tako naj imajo pravico zapečatiti prostore med pregledi, zlasti kadar obstajajo utemeljeni razlogi za sum, da je bila koncentracija izvedena brez priglasitve, da so bili Komisiji priskrbljeni nepravilni, nepopolni ali zavajajoči podatki ali da udeležena podjetja ali osebe niso izpolnjevale pogojev oziroma obveznosti, ki jim jih je z odločbo naložila Komisija.
188 Pravna redakcija
The results of the ante-mortem and post-mortem health inspections shall be recorded by the official veterinarian and, if the presence of the diseases referred to in point 3 or the presence of residues are found, these shall be communicated to the authorities of the official service responsible for supervision of the stock from which the animals originated, as well as to the person responsible for the stock in question.
Uradni veterinar zapiše rezultate pregleda pred zakolom in pregleda po zakolu in v primeru odkritja bolezni iz točke 3 ali prisotnosti ostankov obvesti organe uradne službe, pristojne za nadzor črede, iz katere izvirajo živali, pa tudi osebo, ki odgovarja za to čredo.
189 Pravna redakcija
Whereas plants collected in natural areas which have not undergone treatment with products which are not authorized in organic farming should be regarded as having been obtained according to the organic production method, wherever such collection has been made in areas and by persons inspected under the provisions of the inspection system provided for in Article 9 of Regulation (EEC) No 2092/91;
ker bi bilo treba rastline, nabrane na naravnih območjih, ki niso bila obdelana s proizvodi, nedovoljenimi v ekološkem kmetijstvu, obravnavati kot pridelane na ekološki način, če so pri takšnem nabiranju nabiralci in območja kontrolirani v skladu z določbami kontrolnega sistema, predvidenega v členu 9 Uredbe (EGS) št. 2092/91;
190 Pravna redakcija
The results of the post-mortem health inspections shall be recorded by the official veterinarian and, where diseases communicable to man as referred to in the third indent of Article 3 (1) (d) or Article 9 are diagnosed, communicated to the competent veterinary authorities responsible for supervision of the hunting area from which the wild game originated, as well as to the person responsible for the said area.
Uradni veterinar zabeleži izide pregledov po odstrelu in kadar so bile diagnosticirane bolezni, prenosljive na ljudi, kot je navedeno v tretji alinei člena 3(1)(d) ali člena 9, o njih obvesti veterinarske organe, pristojne za nadzor lovišča, iz katerega izvira divjad ter tudi osebo, pristojno za zadevno lovišče.
191 Pravna redakcija
Where, in accordance with the second paragraph of Article 30 of Directive 75/319/EEC, the Commission is informed of serious differences of opinions between Member States as to whether the person responsible for placing the medicinal product on the market or a manufacturer or importer established within the Community is satisfying the requirements referred to in paragraph 1, the Commission may, after consultation with the Member States concerned, request an inspector from the supervisory authority to undertake a new inspection of the aforementioned person, the manufacturer or the importer;
Kadar je v skladu z drugim odstavkom člena 30 direktive 75/319/EGS Komisija obveščena o pomembnih razlikah v mnenjih držav članic glede vprašanja, ali oseba, ki je odgovorna za dajanje zdravila v promet, izdelovalec ali uvoznik s sedežem v Skupnosti izpolnjuje zahteve iz odstavka 1, lahko Komisija po posvetovanju z zadevnimi državami članicami zahteva, da inšpektor iz nadzornega organa opravi nov pregled prej omenjene osebe, izdelovalca ali uvoznika;
192 Pravna redakcija
Where, in accordance with the second paragraph of Article 39 of Directive 81/851/EEC, the Commission is informed of serious differences of opinion between Member States as to whether the person responsible for placing the veterinary medicinal product on the market or a manufacturer or importer established within the Community is satisfying the requirements referred to in paragraph 1, the Commission may, after consultation with the Member States concerned, request an inspector from the supervisory authority to undertake a new inspection of the aforementioned person, the manufacturer or the importer;
Kadar je v skladu z drugim odstavkom člena 39 direktive 81/851/EGS Komisija obveščena o pomembnih razlikah v mnenjih držav članic glede vprašanja, ali oseba, ki je odgovorna za dajanje zdravila za uporabo v veterini v promet, izdelovalec ali uvoznik s sedežem v Skupnosti izpolnjuje zahteve iz odstavka 1, lahko Komisija po posvetovanju z zadevnimi državami članicami zahteva, da inšpektor iz nadzornega organa opravi nov pregled prej omenjene osebe, izdelovalca ali uvoznika;
193 Pravna redakcija
Audit activities shall include discussions with personnel, inspection of operating conditions and equipment and reviewing of records, written procedures and other relevant documentation, with the objective of evaluating the environmental performance of the activity being audited to determine whether it meets the applicable standards, regulations or objectives and targets set and whether the system in place to manage environmental responsibilities is effective and appropriate.
Aktivnosti v okviru vključujejo pogovore z osebjem, pregled obratovalnih pogojev in opreme ter pregled zapisov, napisnih postopkov in druge ustrezne dokumentacije, z namenom, da se ovrednotijo okoljska uspešnost presojane dejavnosti in ugotovi, ali ta dejavnost izpolnjuje ustrezne standarde, predpise ali zastavljene splošne in posamične cilje in ali je vzpostavljeni sistem vodenja okoljskih nalog učinkovit in primeren.
194 Pravna redakcija
Without prejudice to checks carried out by the Member States in accordance with national laws, regulations or administrative provisions, and without prejudice to Article 206a of the Treaty or to any inspection arranged on the basis of Article 209 (c) of the -Treaty, on-the-spot checks or enquiries in respect of projects receiving financial support shall be carried out by the competent authorities of the Member State concerned and by representatives of the Commission, or other persons authorized for the purpose by the latter.
Brez poseganja v preglede, ki jih opravljajo države članice na podlagi svojih zakonov ali drugih predpisov, in brez poseganja v člen 206a Pogodbe ali v preglede na podlagi člena 209(c) Pogodbe opravljajo pristojne oblasti zadevne države članice in predstavniki Komisije ali druge osebe, ki jih za ta namen pooblasti Komisija, preglede na kraju samem ali o projektih, ki prejemajo finančno podporo.
195 Pravna redakcija
Without prejudice to checks carried out by the Member States in accordance with national laws, regulations or administrative provisions, and without prejudice to the provisions of Article 206a of the Treaty or any inspection arranged on the basis of Article 209 (c) of the Treaty, on-the-spot checks or enquiries in respect of projects receiving financial support shall be carried out by the competent authorities.of the Member State concerned and by representatives of the Commission, or other persons authorized for this purpose by the latter.
Brez poseganja v preglede, ki jih opravljajo države članice na podlagi svojih zakonov ali drugih predpisov, in brez poseganja v člen 206aPogodbe ali v preglede na podlagi člena 209(c) Pogodbe opravljajo pristojne oblasti zadevne države članice in predstavniki Komisije ali druge osebe, ki jih za ta namen pooblasti Komisija, preglede na kraju samem ali poizvedovanja o projektih, ki prejemajo finančno podporo.
196 Pravna redakcija
Without prejudice to checks carried out by the Member States in accordance with national laws, regulations or administrative provisions, and without prejudice to Article 206 bis of the Treaty or to any inspection arranged on the basis of Article 209 (c) of the Treaty, on-the-spot checks or enquiries in respect of projects receiving financial support shall be carried out by the competent authorities of the Member State concerned and by representatives of the Commission, or other persons authorized for this purpose by the latter.
Brez poseganja v preglede, ki jih opravljajo države članice na podlagi svojih zakonov in drugih predpisov, in brez poseganja v člen 206 bis Pogodbe ali v preglede na podlagi člena 209(c) Pogodbe opravljajo pristojne oblasti zadevne države članice in predstavniki Komisije ali druge osebe, ki jih za ta namen pooblasti Komisija preglede na kraju samem ali poizvedovanja o projektih, ki prejemajo finančno podporo.
197 Pravna redakcija
It should, moreover, be noted that the secrecy of proceedings is also protected by the code of conduct on public access to Commission and Council documents as set out in Commission Decision 94/90/ECSC, EC, Euratom (13), as amended by Decision 96/567/ECSC, EC, Euratom (14) as are internal documents relating to inspections and investigations and those whose disclosure could jeopardize the protection of individual privacy, business and industrial secrets or the confidentiality requested by a legal or natural person.
P tega je treba upoštevati, da je tajnost postopka zaščitena tudi s pravili o ravnanju glede dostopa javnosti do dokumentov Komisije in Sveta, kakor je določeno v Sklepu Komisije 94/90/ESPJ, ES, Euratom fn, spremenjenim s Sklepom 96/567/ESPJ, ES, Euratom fn, kakor so zaščiteni interni dokumenti, ki se nanašajo na inšpekcijske preglede in preiskave ter tiste, katerih razkritje bi lahko ogrozilo zaščito zasebnosti posameznikov, poslovnih ali industrijskih skrivnosti ali zaupnosti, ki jih zahtevajo pravne ali fizične osebe.
198 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31997L0023
The impartiality of inspection personnel must be guaranteed.
Zagotovljena mora biti nepristranskost osebja, ki izvaja preglede.
199 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31997L0023
The impartiality of the inspection personnel must be guaranteed.
Zagotovljena mora biti nepristranskost osebja, ki izvaja preglede.
200 Prevajalska redakcija
Concerning the post-mortem inspection of pig hearts, the incision will be made by plant personnel prior to the heart inspection by FSIS personnel.
V zvezi s postopkom veterinarsko-sanitarnega pregleda "post mortem" src prašičev, rez naredi osebje obrata preden srce pregleda osebje FSIS.
Prevodi: en > sl
inspection of persons