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151 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0050
The entry into force of Directives 2001/12/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 February 2001 amending Council Directive 91/440/EEC on the development of the Community's railways(10), 2001/13/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 February 2001 amending Council Directive 95/18/EC on the licensing of railway undertakings(11) and 2001/14/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 February 2001 on the allocation of railway infrastructure capacity and the levying of charges for the use of railway infrastructure and safety certification(12) has an impact on the implementation of interoperability.
Na uresničevanje interoperabilnosti vpliva začetek veljavnosti Direktive 2001/12/ES Evropskega parlamenta in Sveta z dne 26. februarja 2001 o spremembi Direktive Sveta 91/440/ES o razvoju železnic v Skupnosti [10], Direktive 2001/13/ES Evropskega parlamenta in Sveta z dne 26. februarja 2001 o spremembi Direktive Sveta 95/18/ES o izdaji licenc prevoznikom v železniškem prometu [11] ter Direktive 2001/14/ES Evropskega parlamenta in Sveta z dne 26. februarja 2001 o dodeljevanju železniških infrastrukturnih zmogljivosti, naložitvi uporabnin za uporabo železniške infrastrukture in podeljevanju varnostnega spričevala [12].
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the levying, upon import, of a variable component or fixed amount, or the application of internal price compensation measures;
obračunavanja variabilne komponente ali stalnega zneska ob uvozu, ali uporabe kompenzacijskih ukrepov pri notranji ceni;
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At the same time, the customs duties on imports to be applied to import quantities when the quotas have been exhausted or when the levying of customs duties has been reintroduced with respect to products covered by a tariff ceiling, shall be progressively dismantled from the entry into force of the Agreement by annual reductions of 15 % of the basic duty.
Hkrati se z začetkom veljavnosti tega sporazuma in z letnim znižanjem za 15 % osnovne dajatve postopno odpravijo carine pri uvozu, ki se uporabljajo, kadar se kvote izčrpajo ali kadar se ponovno uvede obračunavanje carin v zvezi z izdelki, ki ji pokriva tarifni plafon.
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In any cases other than those referred to in paragraph 1, Norway or the Community may adopt transitional provisions for the purpose of not levying the duties provided for in Article 3 (2) of the Agreement on the value corresponding to the value of the products originating in Norway or in the Community which have been worked or processed to obtain other products fulfilling the conditions laid down in this Protocol and which are subsequently imported into Norway or into the Community.
V vseh primerih, razen tistih iz odstavka 1, lahko Norveška ali Skupnost sprejmeta prehodne določbe z namenom neodmerjanja dajatev, predvidenih v členu 3(2) Sporazuma, na vrednost, ki ustreza vrednosti izdelkov s poreklom iz Norveške ali Skupnosti, ki so bili obdelani ali predelani za pridobitev drugih izdelkov, ki izpolnjujejo pogoje iz tega protokola in ki se pozneje uvozijo na Norveško ali v Skupnost.
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