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151 Končna redakcija
" I decided to build a house on the water, since that's the only way of allowing my imagination free reign so that I could build the house I pictured.
" Odločil sem se, da bom zgradil hišo na vodi. Edini način, da pustim svoji domišljiji prosto pot, je, da zgradim hišo po svoji predstavi.
152 Končna redakcija
In most photos the mother is shown caring for the child, holing it in her arms, and one can frequently see pictures of .happy families. doing various things;
Na večini fotografij mati neguje otroka, ga drži v naročju, doji ali hrani; pogoste so slike »srečne družine« pri raznih dejavnostih;
153 Končna redakcija
One of the pictures shows three men kissing, plus two men in the background leaning one against the other with their backs, all of them naked from the waist up.
Reportaža je med drugim opremljena s sliko treh moških, golih do pasu, ki se poljubljajo, v ozadju pa sta še dva moška, ravno tako gola do pasu, s hrbtom obrnjena drug proti drugemu.
154 Končna redakcija
The pictures accompanying articles about birth, or illustrating gymnastics for expectant mothers, support the established doctrine which presupposes the lying position.
Slikovni material, ki spremlja članke o poteku porodov ali ilustrira telovadbo za nosečnice, podpira uveljavljeno doktrino ležanja med porodom v slovenskih porodnišnicah.
155 Končna redakcija
in the 1980s and early 1990s sexualization was present only in texts, while graphic images portrayed homosexuality as a secret (for example, a picture of a silhouette in a tunnel). But when the explicit sexualization disappeared from texts, it re-emerged through images (pictures of naked men, pictures from erotic homosexual shows and the like).Speaking in percentages, in the 1980s and 1990s sexualization through graphic images appears in little less than one fi fth of the total number of texts illustrated with pictures.
besedila v sedemdesetih in zgodnjih osemdesetih, v katerih je seksualizacija prisotna v tekstu, so bila opremljena s slikovnim materialom, ki homoseksualnost prikazuje kot skrivnost (na primer skozi tunel slikana oseba, ki je vidna samo kot silhueta), ko pa je eksplicitna seksualizacija izginila iz tekstov, se je prenesla na grafično opremo besedil (slike golih moških, slike iz erotičnih homoseksualnih šovov in podobno).Seksualizacija v slikovnem gradivu se je tako v osemdesetih kot devetdesetih kazala v nekaj manj kot petini vseh besedil, ki so opremljena s slikami.
156 Končna redakcija
This form is manifest in one of M. S.'s collective pictures (the event took place in Tuzla) in which 'whores, natives and blacks' appear as a characteristic cultural and artistic group.
Ta se pojavi tam, kjer pri M. S. na skupni sliki (dogodek je iz Tuzle) hkrati nastopijo v značilno kulturno-umetniški skupnosti 'kurbe, domorodci in zamorci'!
157 Končna redakcija
Since crime reports attract audiences, it often happens that the actual extent of crime is far less than one would conclude on the basis of the quantity of text and pictures dedicated to it.
Pisanje o kriminalu privlači bralce. Zato se pogosto dogaja, da kriminalitete še zdaleč ni toliko, kolikor besed in slikovnega gradiva ji je posvečenih.
158 Končna redakcija
'I'm 60, I have a secondary school education, and I'm an old age pensioner. I gave birth twice. My children and grandchildren are more or less provided for. I live with my husband, who is two years older, in a two-room apartment in an apartment block. I lived through my 'time of life' without special problems. But now I'm the picture of misery, for no special reason. As a matter of fact, I'm very pessimistic and I fear in advance what if something happens to them. .. In short, I see fears where there shouldn't be any, and so harass those around me and myself.' This is a passage from Ana's letter to the 'Advice/Answer' columnist.
»Stara sem 60 let, imam srednješolsko izobrazbo in sem upokojena s polno delovno dobo,« piše bralka Anka v rubriki »Svetujemo/Odgovarjamo « in nadaljuje: »Rodila sem dvakrat. Otroka in vnuki so v glavnem materialno preskrbljeni. Z možem, ki je dve leti starejši, živiva sama v dvosobnem stanovanju v bloku. Svoja »ženska prehodna leta« sem v redu prešla, brez posebnih težav. Zdaj pa sem kot kup nesreče, brez pravega vzroka. Sem namreč zelo črnogleda in se že vnaprej bojim, če se bo komu kaj zgodilo ... Skratka, delam si strahove, kjer jih ni in tako »težim« okolici in sebi.«
159 Končna redakcija
The power to influence the fate not only of the government but of citizens as well, through written or spoken words and through pictures, gives rise to the same temptations as those experienced by the rulers.
Moč, da s pisano ali govorjeno besedo ali sliko vpliva. na usodo ne le oblasti, ampak tudi vsakega posameznika, zbuja enake skušnjave, kot jih ima vladajoči sloj, ki je z mandatom dobil tudi moč, da drži v rokah usode ljudi.
160 Končna redakcija
Some of these pictures can be seen at the Klaane Sachsenhaser, a nickname for Johann Balthasar Wagner, who bagged two rabbits with a single shot over a hundred years ago and then opened an inn out of sheer joy.
Del teh slik je na ogled pri 'Ta malem Sachsenhausencu' (Klaane Sachsenhaser), kakor so pravili Johannu Balthasarju Wagnerju, ki je pred dobrimi sto desetimi leti z enim strelom počil kar dva zajca, nato pa od samega veselja odprl gostilno.
161 Končna redakcija
Old pictures and faded photographs show that since way back these inns have mostly been frequented by older people, those whose lives have calmed down at least a little and who appreciate sitting and chatting more than revelry.
Stare slike in obledele fotografije kažejo, da so se v teh lokalih od nekdaj zbirali predvsem ljudje v zrelih letih, taki, ki se jim je življenje vsaj malo umirilo in so bolj od veseljačenja cenili posedanje in pomenkovanje.
162 Končna redakcija
Excluding texts about a specific person or event, articles about homosexuality were mainly illustrated with pictures of homosexual couples, with the number of those showing a male couple being twice as large as that showing a female couple.
Besedila o homoseksualnosti so, če izvzamemo tista, kjer so objavljene slike človeka ali dogodka, o katerem novinarji in novinarke poročajo, najpogosteje opremljena s sliko homoseksualnega para.
163 Končna redakcija
In my opinion, the 'corruption' of posters also deserves a special analytical study. By 'corruption' I mean the addition of texts or pictures, ironic, sarcastic or arbitrary comments and other postfixes, including the tearing down of posters.
Mislim, da bi si posebno analitično obravnavno zaslužilo tudi 'skrunjenje' teh plakatov, torej dopisovanje/dorisovanje, ironični, sarkastični ali popolnoma poljubni komentarji in dodatki na njih, pa tudi njihovo trganje.
164 Končna redakcija
photographs often show expectant mothers, and rarely men, who when depicted usually play with the children (ski with them etc.); quite frequent are the pictures of doctors next to the child's bed, and one photograph even shows a man massaging the legs of a pregnant woman.
pogoste so nosečnice, redkejši so moški, ki se igrajo z otroki (z njimi smučajo, jih mečejo v zrak, večkrat so objavljene fotografije zdravnic pri posteljicah otrok ipd, na neki fotografiji pa celo moški nosečnici masira noge.
165 Končna redakcija
Digging into private lives, paparazzi-style chasing of famous people, millions paid for the nude pictures of royal family members, the first exclusive images of newborn princes and princesses - there have been attempts to present these things as excesses restricted to the tabloids.
Vrtanje po osebnih zgodbah, paparazzovsko zasledovanje znanih osebnosti, milijonske vsote za fotografije golih članov kraljevskih družin, premierne podobe novorojenih princes in princev . vse to poskušajo prikazati, kot da je predvsem stvar ekscesnega rumenega tiska.
166 Končna redakcija
In the hinterland of the relatively small but very picturesque Slovenian coast with its ancient towns, its salt pans (which today house a bird sanctuary), its comprehensive tourist facilities including a marina, a sports airfield, thermal spas and a casino, extends perhaps the most famous area of Slovenia: the Karst.
V zavetju relativno majhne, a zelo slikovite slovenske obale s starodavnimi mesteci, solinami z rezervatom ptic, urejenimi turistični objekti z marino, športnim letališčem, termami in igralnico se razteza morda najznamenitejše področje Slovenije - Kras.
167 Končna redakcija
Propaganda uses posters, as it does other types of media, to disseminate specific ideas as efficiently as possible to the widest possible circle of addressees, and in so doing it employs symbols, words and pictures to influence the attitudes of the audience, naturally, within the limits imposed by the cultural context into which it ventures.
Propaganda je tudi preko plakatov usmerjena k čim bolj učinkovitemu širjenju posameznih idej med čim širši krog naslovnikov in pri tem uporablja simbole, besedila in slike, s katerimi naj bi vplivali na njihovo vedenje, seveda v okviru posebnosti kulturnega konteksta, v katerega stopa.
168 Končna redakcija
The interaction of narratives; chat between either the newspresenters themselves, or between the newspresenters and imaginary audience; pictures from the 'scene of event'; graphic visualisation of the event; and graphic lettering - all these make the news function as if it were a non-mediated, immediate, transparent and objectified view of reality.
Z interakcijo besedila, studijskim kramljanjem med voditelji in voditeljev z zamišljenimi gledalci, posnetki s 'kraja dogodka', grafično vizualizacijo dogodka in grafičnim ubesedovanjem novice učinkujejo kot da so neposredovan, takojšen, transparenten in objektiviran pogled na realnost.
169 Končna redakcija
An example of such a blow 'below the belt' from Slovenia's most recent political history was the poster of the Social Democratic Alliance for the spring elections in 1990. It showed photographs of the world's most notorious figures of Communism along with some figures from the Slovenian past and present, while the message read COMMUNISTS want another 45 years? A complementary poster featured the text SOCIAL DEMOCRATS, the pictures of renown socialdemocrats like Brandt, Palme, Mitterand and others together with some figures from Slovenia - Pučnik, Boh, Šinkovec, Magajna, and the message Vote for the Social Democratic Alliance and Demos!. See Spahič, 2000, 42, 43.
Primer takšnega propagandno 'nizkega udarca' iz najnovejše slovenske politične zgodovine je bil plakat Socialdemokratske zveze iz časov iz volitev spomladi 1990, na katerem so bile med fotografije najbolj zloglasnih osebnosti iz svetovne zgodovine komunizma uvrščene tudi tiste iz slovenske preteklosti in tedanjosti, zraven pa napis KOMUNISTI Želite še 45 let? (temu komplementaren pa je bil plakat z napisom SOCIALDEMOKRATI, fotografijam uglednih socialdemokratov Brandta, Palmeja, Mitterranda idr. pa so bile dodane tiste slovenskih - Pučnika, Bohove, Šinkovca in Magajne - in še en napis Volite Socialdemokratsko zvezo in Demos!). Glej Spahič, 2000, 42, 43.
170 Pravna redakcija
delo in sociala
CELEX: 32003R2151
171 Pravna redakcija
172 Pravna redakcija
delo in sociala
CELEX: 32003R2151
Motion picture and video services
Storitve na področju filma in video filma
173 Pravna redakcija
delo in sociala
CELEX: 32003R2151
Motion picture projection services
Storitve predvajanja filmov
174 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R2313
Chungwha Picture Tubes (M) SDN.BHD:
Chungwha Picture Tubes (M) SDN.BHD:
175 Pravna redakcija
3 (Pictures)
3 (slike)
176 Pravna redakcija
Photograph, picture or similar frames;
Okviri za fotografije, slike in podobno;
177 Pravna redakcija
delo in sociala
CELEX: 32003R2151
Cathode - ray television picture tubes
Katodne cevi za televizijske sprejemnike
178 Pravna redakcija
delo in sociala
CELEX: 32003R2151
Motion - picture distribution services
Storitve distribucije filmov
179 Pravna redakcija
Cathode-ray television picture tubes 35
Katodne cevi za televizijske sprejemnike 35
180 Pravna redakcija
delo in sociala
CELEX: 32003R2151
Motion picture and video production services
Storitve produkcije filmov in video filmov
181 Pravna redakcija
Children's picture, drawing or colouring books
Otroške slikanice, vključno s tistimi za risanje ali barvanje
182 Pravna redakcija
posters, plain or picture postcards, calendars,
plakati, dopisnice ali razglednice, koledarji,
183 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32001R2432
Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers
Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers - Društvo filmskih in televizijskih tehnikov
184 Pravna redakcija
photograph, picture or similar frames, of base metal;
okviri za fotografije, slike ipd. iz navadnih kovin;
185 Pravna redakcija
delo in sociala
CELEX: 32003R2151
Motion - picture or video - tape distribution services
Storitve distribucije filmov in video filmov
186 Pravna redakcija
An up-to-date picture of the holder of the identity card
novejšo sliko imetnika službene izkaznice
187 Pravna redakcija
delo in sociala
CELEX: 32003R2151
Statuettes, ornaments; photograph or picture frames, and mirrors
Kipci, okraski; okvirji za fotografije in slike in ogledala
188 Pravna redakcija
delo in sociala
CELEX: 32003R2151
Motion - picture and video - tape production and related services
Produkcija filmov in video filmov ter s tem povezane storitve
189 Pravna redakcija
indicative clinical picture without being a confirmed or probable case.
z značilno klinično sliko, ki ni potrjen ali verjeten primer.
190 Pravna redakcija
clear clinical picture, or linked epidemiologically to a confirmed case,
z jasno klinično sliko ali z epidemiološko povezavo s potrjenim primerom,
191 Pravna redakcija
delo in sociala
CELEX: 32003R2151
Services in connection with motion - picture and video - tape production
Storitve v povezavi s produkcijo filmov in video filmov
192 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0534
Clinical picture compatible with one of the different forms of tularaemia:
Klinična slika ustreza eni od različnih oblik tularemije:
193 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R2285
Colour negative film, for the manufacture of instant-picture film-packs (a)
Barvni negativ film, za proizvodnjo vložkov za trenutne fotografije ( a )
194 Pravna redakcija
Photograph, picture and similar frames, of base metal; mirrors of base metal
Okvirji za fotografije, slike in podobni okvirji, iz navadnih kovin; ogledala iz navadnih kovin
195 Pravna redakcija
Cathode-ray television picture tubes, including video monitor cathode-ray tubes:
Katodne cevi za televizijske sprejemnike, vključno s katodnimi cevmi za video monitorje:
196 Pravna redakcija
Clinical picture compatible with cholera, e.g. watery diarrhoea and/or vomiting.
Klinična slika, ki ustreza koleri, npr. vodena driska in/ali bruhanje.
197 Pravna redakcija
information providing an accurate picture of proceedings in the course of the event;
informacije, ki dajo natančno sliko postopkov med prireditvijo;
198 Pravna redakcija
Clinical picture compatible with gonorrhoea, e.g. urethritis, cervicitis, or salpingitis.
Klinična slika, ki ustreza gonoreji, npr. uretritis, cervicitis ali salpingitis.
199 Pravna redakcija
Children's picture books and painting books, printed wholly or partly in the Greek language
Otroške slikanice in pobarvanke, v celoti ali delno tiskane v grščini
200 Pravna redakcija
Video processing circuit of C-MOS technology, having subpicture display (picture-in-picture) functions, in the form of a monolithic integrated circuit contained in a housing bearing:
Video procesno vezje tehnologije C-MOS, ki ima funkcijo zaslona podslike (slika-v-sliki), v obliki monolitnega integriranega vezja, vsebovanega v ohišju, ki ima:
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